How to organize a boarding house for the elderly. New business ideas. What is required to open a private nursing home

Caring for the elderly is not an easy task; often people have to give up work to look after their grandparents, who can harm themselves in the absence of relatives. Moreover, living under the same roof with people suffering from insanity or other forms of acute illness can become dangerous. Therefore, many people seek to place their elderly relatives in nursing homes and boarding houses, where they will be under the supervision of doctors and staff. Against this background, the interest of entrepreneurs in social business, namely opening their own nursing home, is growing. How to open a nursing home? We'll talk about this and much more in our article today. We will also discuss the business plan for a nursing home.

As in any business, the troubles begin with registering your business. First of all, you need to open entity. Registration as individual entrepreneur in this case will not help, since the businessman will have to do business with medicines and carry out activities to care for people, which may become impossible when running a business from an individual entrepreneur. Therefore, you can choose the LLC form.

After legal form was chosen, it is necessary to obtain a medical license, for this it is necessary to have on staff people with special education, or to have it yourself. After this, it is necessary to settle matters with the Department of Social Security and the Pension Fund, in which transfers of pension funds to the account of the nursing home will be recorded. If children themselves pay for their elderly relatives, then social security and the Pension Fund need not be disturbed.


Buildings that were previously occupied by boarding houses, sanatoriums, and recreation centers are suitable for opening a nursing home. The area will depend on the scale of the planned business. But it is necessary to take into account that no more than two guests lived in one room. Also in the house there should be a leisure room, a dining room, a gym, and a first-aid post with a treatment room. Experienced entrepreneurs advise starting a similar business with a premises of 400-500 square meters, which can accommodate 30-40 guests.

Under a private house perfect for elderly country cottages, recreation centers and boarding houses with an area of ​​400-500 square meters

A boarding house can be located not only in the city, but also outside it. It will be even better if the house is closer to nature, where the air is cleaner and the atmosphere is calmer. The main thing is that all the conditions are in the house, and not in the yard. Because the house will have to undergo compliance checks from the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire service.


Since a nursing home is not a sanatorium or a hospital, the entrepreneur will not need to buy equipment for treatment. However, you will have to spend money on the arrangement and comfortable accommodation of guests. For example, it is necessary to purchase special beds, with the ability to adjust, this will help feed and serve bedridden people who may also be in your boarding house. The mattresses on the beds must be special, which do not allow bedsores to appear and cause discomfort.

Beds in a boarding house for the elderly should be adjustable, this will help feed bedridden residents

The bathroom should have an area that allows several people to enter there, for example, a guest with the help of orderlies, and it should also be equipped so that guests have the opportunity to wash themselves (low shower counters, easy adjustment of water temperature, non-slip floor, shelves for hygiene products) .

To choose flooring throughout the entire room must be approached very seriously, as a slippery floor can cause injury and even death to older people. Therefore, you need to exclude tiles and linoleum; it is better to choose a low-wool carpet that does not have a sliding surface, and is also secured with baseboards and does not move.

It is necessary to install handrails along the entire perimeter of the boarding house for ease of movement of guests. It is also necessary to purchase several wheelchairs and special walkers that will allow people with disabilities to move. If the boarding house has two or more floors, it is necessary to equip the house with an elevator, because the guests will not be able to go down on their own.

An alarm button must be placed near each elderly person’s bed, which will notify the staff that the person needs help. It is necessary to install refrigerators in the rooms for the convenience of guests, as well as, if possible, televisions so that they have something to while away the evening.

An alarm button must be installed next to each bed in case a person needs help.

In the case of meetings between relatives and clients, it is necessary to allow meetings in rooms; there is no need to allocate separate areas in the room where they will communicate, this is not a prison.

In the leisure room you need to install a large TV, install shelves with books, buy board games and equip it with sofas and armchairs. In this room, guests can chat, watch movies and discuss books they have read.

In the recreation room it is necessary to install a large TV, comfortable furniture, and also equip it with books and board games

In the gym you need to install several exercise machines for the strongest guests, as well as buy mats for health-improving gymnastics. The classes should be taught by an experienced instructor, who can be found for a piece rate.

The medical office must have first aid medications, as well as basic medications and blood pressure measuring devices.

The medical office must be equipped with tools and first aid supplies, and must also be replenished with basic medications.

In order to sometimes take your guests to the cinema or museums, you need to take care of transport; you can buy or rent a minibus for this. Such actions will have a positive impact on the image of the boarding house.

Elderly people need attention, so it is necessary to organize their leisure time and conduct various events


For high-quality operation of a nursing home, it is necessary to collect professional staff. To do this, you need to conduct dozens of interviews and choose the best.

To work you will need:

– 2 doctors who will monitor the physical health of the guests;

– 4 nurses working in shifts with night shifts;

– 2 nurses who will keep the boarding house clean;

– 4 nurses who will care for the guests;

– instructor for physical exercises, possible on a piecework basis;

– accountant, for reporting, can be outsourced;

The total salary fund is about 300 thousand rubles monthly.

Beds in a boarding house for the elderly should be adjustable, this will help feed bedridden residents.

Nursing home in Ukraine

Oddly enough, in Ukraine the niche of such a business as private nursing homes is almost empty. This is largely due to the poverty of pensioners who cannot pay for their stay in such boarding houses, as well as the negative opinion of older people about such houses.

That is why today, for the development of such commercial projects with social goals in Ukraine, it is possible to rent premises at a discounted price and conclude a profitable agreement with product suppliers.

In order to start organizing a private nursing home in Ukraine, you also need to go through several authorities to obtain permission: the tax service, obtaining a license to conduct medical procedures, establishing contacts with authorities social protection and a pension fund.

Income and expenses

Let's calculate the costs of opening a private nursing home with an area of ​​500 square meters, and then correlate them with the planned income of the organization.

Table 1.1

One-time expenses.

NameAmount, rub.
1 LLC registration4 000
2 Room renovation100 000
3 Beds, 40 pieces200 000
4 Cabinets, 40 pieces40 000
5 Small refrigerators, 20 pieces140 000
6 Refrigerator for the kitchen30 000
7 TVs in rooms, 20 pieces160 000
8 Plasma in the rest room25 000
9 Dining room tables, 10 pieces50 000
10 Dining room chairs, 45 pieces45 000
11 Kitchenware30 000
12 Installation of panic buttons80 000
13 Fitness equipment50 000
14 Board games and books30 000
15 Bookcase15 000
16 Wardrobe, 40 pieces160 000
17 Stove for the kitchen20 000
18 Wheelchairs and walkers, 10 pieces100 000
Total: 1 279 000

Table 1.2

Monthly expenses.

NameAmount, rub
1 Renting premises at a reduced price200 000
2 Employee salaries300 000
3 Food purchasing200 000
4 Purchase of medicines50 000
5 Payment of utility services50 000
6 Internet, TV5 000
7 Entertainment50 000
Total: 855 000

The cost of a monthly stay for a guest in such a boarding house is 30 thousand rubles; if it is fully staffed with guests, the monthly income is = 40 X 30,000 = 1.2 million rubles. However, it is possible to completely fill the house only after 2-3 months of work.

The payback period for such a nursing home ranges from 9 months to 1.5 years.

Social business is always not only a concern for income, but also responsibility for the people whom the entrepreneur helps. Therefore, if you want not only to earn money, but also to provide all possible assistance to the state and people in need, then a private nursing home is a great idea to start with social business.

Enough a large number of people are interested in the topic of opening a private nursing home. An integral part of this interest are economic calculations, profitability, necessary investments, etc. This entire aspect of interest is covered by the business plan.

But independently drawing up a business plan is quite a labor-intensive task, primarily time-consuming and requiring certain knowledge in the field financial planning and calculations. Ordering a business plan from consulting organizations is quite an expensive undertaking.

Having been involved in the organization and opening of private nursing homes for quite a long time, I, based on my desire to have as many decent boarding houses for elderly people in our state as possible offering a high level of quality of life for elderly people, decided to make a gift for everyone who has the desire and opportunity to open . Below, via the red link, in PDF format, you can familiarize yourself with one of the business plans I ordered for a nursing home developed for Moscow. Business plan for a premium boarding house for elderly people. I chose this particular business plan because the standards must always be raised) And the premium segment is a good guideline for organizing the work of a private nursing home.

What's next?

And then important information will be knowledge of the hygienic requirements for the placement, design, equipment, maintenance of facilities of healthcare organizations and social services, intended for permanent residence elderly and disabled people, sanitary-hygienic and anti-epidemic regime of their work. Or simply put, Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Standards. More specifically, SanPiN Click on the red text below and you will have knowledge of the rules and regulations imposed by the state on the topic of interest to us.

The business plan for a nursing home is reflected on the website in pdf format and the estimated figures are reflected for a specific case. For your situation, I have an Excel file with specified formulas for calculating EBITDA, NPV, IRR, payback periods, sensitivity analysis and other financial calculations. Write to me at the email indicated in the Contacts section and I will send you this very necessary tool for financial calculation of the profitability of a private boarding house for the elderly.

The older generation needs care and special care. However, relatives are not always ready to surround an elderly person with attention. While young family members are at work, the pensioner is left to his own devices. The situation can worsen even more if, with age, a person develops a galaxy of diseases, including mental disorders.

A private boarding house or nursing home is the optimal solution for all parties: the elderly person receives the necessary care and medical supervision, relatives are no longer afraid to go to work, and the establishment receives a well-deserved profit.

Guaranteed social protection or private sector

Unfortunately, the percentage of citizens of retirement age in Russia is gradually growing, and existing state institutions for caring for the elderly can no longer cope with the influx of guests. It is also necessary to take into account the factor that social institutions Only single pensioners are accepted - the heirs must take care of the rest.

Family grandparents, more often their relatives, can only apply to a private institution, therefore this type business is considered the most competitive in the conditions modern economy. Stereotypes about poor living conditions and negative attitudes towards nursing home residents are gradually being erased. Confidence in nursing homes is returning due to objective reasons: modern private institutions are different high level comfort and professional team.

How to open a nursing home

The practice of spending the rest of one's years in a nursing home, under constant surveillance medical supervision, is widespread in Europe and the USA: neither children nor their parents see anything reprehensible in it. The supply completely covers the demand: this niche of social business in European countries is completely filled. However, in Russia, business is only gaining momentum - many businessmen are investing capital in the construction and improvement of nursing homes in order to receive a high and stable income in the future.

Any social entrepreneur can open a nursing home or a private boarding house for the elderly and disabled: registering a business is not particularly difficult (description below). But you will have to work very carefully on your business plan or enlist the help of a specialized specialist, otherwise the project may turn out to be unprofitable.

A business plan for opening a nursing home can be downloaded for free on the Internet, purchased as a personal project or franchise, or developed independently. Considered the most reliable individual projects– they are based on preliminary marketing and social research applicable to a specific region or city.

Before registering a business and looking for investors, you need to determine:

  • Assessing the prospects of a project in a specific city/district: demand for services, presence of competitors, etc.
  • Target Audience: Who are you planning to work with?
  • Specifics of the institution: nursing home, boarding house.
  • Number of guests.
  • Selecting a location and building.
  • Range of services provided.

And only then, based on the data received, you develop/order a business plan for a nursing home.

The target audience

First of all, you should decide on your clientele. Will you work only with older people or are you willing to accept people with disabilities? Are you ready to work with seriously ill (bedridden) patients and do you agree to care for people with mental disorders that develop in old age?

For each group of guests you will need to create personal conditions, purchase specific medical equipment and staffing. Caring for bedridden patients and other groups of disabled people costs a considerable budget, which may not be recouped later, so many private institutions prefer to work in the narrow sphere of serving the elderly.

To choose from target audience influence:

  • The presence of competitors in certain areas: social institutions for pensioners and disabled people, hospices, mental health centers;
  • Sociological surveys: are relatives ready to entrust the care of elderly parents/disabled/severely ill to a third party organization;
  • Marketing research: standard of living of the population, whether certain services will be in demand in this region and to what extent;


All institutions can be divided into two broad categories:

  • Residential nursing home;
  • Boarding house for elderly people.

It is possible to combine both functions: some of the residents are in the institution permanently, some - in case of urgent need. But you should remember that the notorious “need” most often arises among relatives before a holiday or vacation. In fact, an elderly relative is placed under the care of medical staff when children and grandchildren go to resorts. As a result, the main peak of work in a boarding house occurs during summer time and New Year's holidays.

The specifics of the establishment include the entertainment program that you are going to offer to guests. One TV is not enough: it is advisable to organize several hobby groups, develop an active recreation program (exercise machines, vegetable garden, swimming pool - for health reasons).

Business project

A nursing home is a mutually beneficial arrangement. The entrepreneur assumes responsibility for the guests, and his relatives relieve themselves of this responsibility for a certain financial payment.

In order for the establishment to be profitable, all costs must be foreseen in advance - when the project begins to be implemented, you will have no time to look for investors. It is likely that during the implementation process the business plan will have to be adjusted several times. However, the higher the quality of the project, the closer the final cost will be to the estimate.

You can consult with specialists working in this field about how to open a private home for the elderly and what is required for this. For a certain amount of money they will help you draw up a high-quality business plan, give you several practical advice and will warn about the pitfalls that are hidden in the murky bureaucratic current.

Premises requirements

The choice of building and its placement plays a huge role. Can be built new object in strict accordance with SNiP standards or purchase a ready-made building and carry out reconstruction - the buildings of old boarding houses and sanatoriums are best suited for this. Hotels and hostels can also be used.

It is best to choose objects (buy a plot for construction) outside the city - in an ecologically healthy area. The best option is a landscaped area of ​​one or two hectares. So the guests will have beautiful view from the window and the opportunity to walk in the fresh air.

In the planning of the facility it is necessary to take into account:

  • Single or double rooms for residents
  • Bathrooms: private in rooms or shared on each floor
  • Spacious dining room
  • Rooms for doctor's appointments, procedures, etc.
  • Premises for recreation and entertainment
  • Required: the presence of ramps, railings and an elevator

Personnel requirements

All line personnel (medics, psychologists, orderlies, etc.) must have appropriate education and work experience. Without a qualified health worker on staff, you will not be allowed to open a nursing home. Depending on the number of guests, you may have one doctor on duty or an entire medical unit. It is advisable to organize round-the-clock duty so that the specialist on duty can see the patient at any time.

You can select housekeeping personnel at your discretion. You will need: security guards, cleaners, administrator, wardrobe maid, caretaker, gardener.

Particular attention must be paid to the choice of nannies. Staff working directly with guests should be friendly, tactful, polite and stress-resistant. It is recommended to select applicants for these positions with a medical or psychological education.

Equipment purchase

is the most client-oriented business possible: clients literally live with you for years. Therefore, you create decent living conditions for them, provide medical care, and organize leisure time. This will require a lot of special equipment and devices:

  • Beds with adjustable backrest
  • Mattresses to prevent bedsores
  • Plumbing equipment taking into account the physical capabilities of users
  • Personnel emergency call system (panic button)
  • Required minimum of diagnostic and treatment equipment
  • Equipment for cooking, taking into account the menu of all guests
  • Disabled equipment
  • Equipment for entertainment, recreation and sports

Essential equipment is listed here. If you want to improve the status of your establishment or attract clients from target groups, you will have to significantly increase your budget. After all, many of your residents require additional procedures to maintain health - physiotherapeutic, massage, therapeutic and preventive, etc.

Legal registration

In order to legalize a nursing home, you will need to register and register a legal entity with the tax authorities, obtain a medical license, resolve issues with the Social Insurance Fund, Pension Fund Russia, Rosstat and the Department of Social Protection. Many entrepreneurs are wondering how to open a nursing home without a license: according to current legislation, this is impossible.

For registration of all necessary documents you can use the services law firm or a hired lawyer - professional help will help you save time and money.

The regulations for the reception of guests are also prescribed at the legislative level. You will need:

  • Statement from the person himself, his close relatives or guardian
  • Passport, SNILS, INN
  • Copies of your medical card and health insurance policy
  • Documents confirming the assignment of a disability group (if available)
  • Medical examination report (if necessary)

To protect the entrepreneur from unforeseen claims, the client must sign the material and household inspection report, as well as the rules for the reception, residence and discharge of the tenant.


It is necessary to allocate a separate budget column for attracting clients. Advertising can be distributed through the media or via the Internet - individually for all groups of the target audience. Your own website will significantly increase your chances of success - here you can post photos of the establishment from the best angles, customer reviews and a list of services.

Profitable business or social project?

To open a nursing home you will need initial capital minimum 1,000,000 rubles. The higher the status of the establishment, more quantity services and the wider the staff, the more costs you will incur.

The payback period for the project is at least 1 year for different regions. The level of further profit depends on your pricing policy and the number of guests, but most entrepreneurs speak of the fairly high profitability of the business project.

However, against the backdrop of commercial benefits, we must not forget about the main task of social business - helping the elderly and disabled people. The reputation of such establishments takes years to earn and can be destroyed in an instant. You make a profit exactly as long as you honestly fulfill your obligations.

The demand for boarding house services for the elderly is growing steadily, but the state cannot provide for everyone. But it’s not easy to make money in this market - seasonality and prejudices get in the way

The idea of ​​creating a private home for the elderly came to entrepreneur Natalya Peryazeva after one of her conversations with her grandfather, who once fought on the Japanese front. “I would like old age to be as fulfilling as life is today,” a 95-year-old grandfather once said, apparently believing that being 100 years old is not yet old. Natalya herself is only 38, but she “always dreamed of doing something for people over 80, so that they would not depend on their children.”

Before realizing her dream, she tried herself in different fields - she worked at Logovaz-Belyaevo, the first Mercedes-Benz dealer in Russia, and the gas production company Itera. She earned initial capital and created the IT company LogicStars, a software developer for car services. Clients include about a hundred car service centers, distributors and dealers, including official Nissan, Renault, Kia. A successful IT business allows her to now launch projects “for the soul.”

From childhood to old age

When Natalya’s daughter was born in 2008, she decided to open a developmental children’s center not far from her home in the capital’s Marfino district: “Back then the area was just being built up, there were no competitors.” Peryazeva rented 230 sq. m, made repairs, developed lesson programs. “But over time, competitors began to open up, profitability fell, and the poorly forecasted profitability for the season became an unpleasant discovery - we earned money for six months, while others spent our earnings for six months. In general, it became boring,” recalls Natalya.

After the birth of their second child, the family moved to the Moscow region, and in August 2015 they sold the development center. With the funds received, Peryazeva decided to open a kindergarten - her children had just grown up, and the business model kindergarten seemed to her more stable than a development center. She was invited to see the operating “Seven Dwarfs” garden in the village of Larino in the Lianozovo region in the north of Moscow - the village is located in a forested area, wealthy people live there. “When I saw this village, I realized that this was the ideal place to realize another dream of mine - to open a nursing home,” says Peryazeva. As a result, everything went at the same time: Natalya was negotiating the purchase of “Seven Dwarfs” and was looking for suitable premises for a nursing home.

We managed to find it on the street next to the kindergarten. In July 2015, Peryazeva rented a three-story stone cottage with an area of ​​500 square meters. m. A couple of months later, the nursing home has already opened. "Fast? Opening a boarding house for the elderly - what’s so difficult about that?” - Natalya laughs. The first guest at the House by the Park, 80-year-old Valentina Ivanovna, moved in in September 2015.

Photo: Vladislav Shatilo / RBC

“Opening a boarding house is really not as difficult as many people think,” confirms the owner of the boarding house for the elderly “Close People” Tatyana Ilyina. “The state does not regulate this area of ​​activity, and there are no legislative requirements.” You just need to register a legal entity (“House by the Park” is a simplified individual entrepreneur), indicate in the documents the appropriate type of activity, for example, “care with accommodation”, prepare standard contract about the provision of services.

Such an institution does not require a special license to open. "Due to the lack general rules and requirements, everyone does what they are capable of,” says Ilyina. — The boarding house may have medical beds, a special diet or doctor’s services, or it may not have all this, the institution will still be opened. Therefore, when choosing a place for your family, it is very important to look at what kind of people are doing it. Only entrepreneurs who care about the elderly work successfully in such a business.”

Private nursing homes are controlled by Rospotrebnadzor and Fire Department. According to Natalya, representatives of these services came several times at the start of the business, but after making sure that everything was fine, they no longer bothered me.

Seniors Market

The population of Russia, like the entire world, is aging. According to the UN, the proportion of people over 60 years of age in Russia in 2000 was 18.5%, and in 2050 it will be 37.2%. Today in Russia there are just over 1.5 thousand boarding houses for the elderly. For comparison: in France there are more than 7 thousand, in the USA there are more than 20 thousand. About 90% of all Russian boarding houses are state-owned. Most private homes for the elderly are located in Moscow and the Moscow region (over 90 boarding houses), St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region; in the regions the market is not at all developed - in cities with a population of over a million there are two or three private institutions. According to the calculations of the NP “World of the Older Generation”, 630 thousand elderly people in Russia need places in specialized institutions, but only 270 thousand are provided for. At the same time, not everyone is satisfied with the quality public services, and many are willing to pay.

The cost of monthly accommodation in a private nursing home ranges from 24 thousand to 100 thousand rubles, on average - about 50 thousand rubles. The price primarily depends on the availability of medical services, quality of food and location. The main players are the UKSS network (700 places), Senior Group (230 places), “Close People” (120 places), etc. Natalya Peryazeva’s project “House by the Park” is very small - there are only 22 places, a month’s accommodation in a double room will cost at 60 thousand rubles.

If a private boarding house for the elderly can prove high quality services (for example, in Moscow one of the requirements is five years of experience in the organization), it can be included in the register of suppliers social services. Then guests will come in the direction local authorities social protection, which compensates up to 80% of maintenance costs. For example, Alexey Sidnev’s Senior Group is included in the register, with a subsidy providing one hundred places in his network of boarding houses. But, according to him, working with the state is not very profitable - social security authorities set the maximum cost of a place, for example, in the Senior Group - it is 66 thousand rubles, of which the guest himself pays only 11 thousand rubles, and the average bill in the network — 90 thousand rubles.

Where dreams lead

The investor of “Houses by the Park” is Peryazeva’s IT company “LogicStars”. According to SPARK, in 2015 the company’s turnover amounted to 16.5 million rubles, profit - 2.2 million. Both of Natalia’s projects are located in the same building: the last floor of a three-story cottage is occupied by an IT company, the first two are a home for the elderly.

The launch of “House by the Park” cost 2.3 million rubles, the rental price was 250 thousand rubles. per month (167 thousand rubles, if you subtract a third of the space occupied by programmers). Tatyana Ilyina says that the start-up investment figure looks underestimated: “It’s hardly possible to meet this amount.” To open her first boarding house with 50 beds, she needed almost three times the amount of investment. Peryazeva says that she saved money on renovations: “We took into account the previous experience of the “children’s” business, when we made expensive renovations “for centuries”, and after two years we sold the project. Therefore, this time we rented the building already renovated, and most importantly, there was no need to remodel it to suit the needs of elderly guests.”

We had to spend money on purchasing upholstered and cabinet furniture for the living room, kitchen area and living rooms (including several special medical beds) - in total it took about 500 thousand rubles. It was not easy for some clients to climb to the second floor, so they bought a step walker - a chair-shaped mechanism that allows you to climb stairs (another 300 thousand rubles).

A separate cost item is bathroom equipment. Most elderly people need help, so they need special equipment: a lifting mechanism for immersing a person in the bath (costs 25 thousand rubles), a special chair for the shower stall (about 10 thousand rubles), metal handrails on each side and anti-slip mats. In total, the purchase of special equipment and furniture cost 1 million rubles.

Natalya decided to save on medical care - in the House by the Park there is no permanent doctor, like in most private nursing homes. “For emergency collection of tests, procedures or doctor’s examinations, we have agreements with Invitro, Gemotest and commercial ambulance,” says Peryazeva. The house has a standard first aid kit and a nurse on staff, and residents bring their own prescription medications.

“The lack of medical services is not a barrier to entry into the market, but it narrows the circle potential clients, warns Ilyina. “After all, many older people do need regular medical care.” According to her calculations, the presence of a doctor increases the cost of services by about 3-5%.

Natalya Peryazeva also found a way to save money on catering. The food is prepared in the kindergarten on the next street, brought to the “House by the Park”, heated and served in the equipped dining room. “We don’t have the opportunity to organize special meals,” admits Peryazeva. In general, the cost of purchasing, delivering groceries, and preparing food takes up 20% of the general structure monthly costs.

According to Ilyina, as a rule, “a boarding house for the elderly is social object with the meals of the guests, therefore it is subject to generally accepted standards for organizing this process.” In particular, a separate room must be equipped for the kitchen, and various requirements of Rospotrebnadzor and fire departments must be observed. Cooking in another room reduces the likelihood of inspections and saves space.

Founder of the nursing home "House by the Park" Natalya Peryazeva (Photo: Vladislav Shatilo / RBC)

Business about people

To attract future guests, they decided to use advertising on transport - they entered into an agreement with a local fleet of minibus taxis and placed advertising layouts on the doors and bodies of the cars. The move worked. “The first clients came precisely because of this advertisement,” Peryazeva remembers.

Now she uses to promote her institution contextual advertising, shoots a video and posts it on social networks, spends money on search engine optimization. Choosing a nursing home is not a spontaneous decision; as a rule, relatives carefully study websites and reviews on the Internet. In the first four months of 2015, spending on marketing and promotion amounted to 500 thousand rubles. and exactly the same amount for the entire 2016.

Today, in the “mini-hotel for the elderly,” as Peryazeva prefers to call her institution, 15 out of 22 beds are occupied (70% occupancy). That's not a lot. The fact is that nursing homes - seasonal business, increased demand begins in mid-May, reaches its peak in the summer and declines by the end of October.

“The planned occupancy rate, which allows us to earn a profit, is 85%. Typically, it takes a year or two for a new facility to reach such numbers,” says Alexey Sidnev from Senior Group (the occupancy rate of his network is about 90%). “So everything is fine; for Natalya’s institution, occupancy is a matter of time.” “There is still no full load, and ours is no higher than 85%,” says Tatyana Ilyina. “A more important criterion is the number of residents per nurse, optimally one for three people.” At the Park House there is one caregiver for every five people. A total of ten people work there, including a nurse, social worker, caregivers, managers and administrators.

The main difference between private nursing homes and public ones is that people rarely live there permanently. Usually, as Peryazeva says, grandparents spend from ten days to several months in the “House by the Park”. Owners of private nursing homes say that, as a rule, relatives decide to send elderly people to boarding houses after complex operations when they need a nurse; Another reason is that children go on vacation on their own and cannot look after their parents; Sometimes boarding houses are seen as holiday homes where older people can socialize with each other. Western model, when people live in boarding houses all year round, it is difficult to get accustomed to in Russia - older people do not want to be separated from their families, and it is expensive for children to pay for their accommodation for a long time.

Only a few people choose to live in the “House by the Park” permanently. “The main problem is the rather high cost of our services; we can provide decent conditions for less than 50 thousand rubles. per month is practically impossible,” complains Tatyana Ilyina. “If the boarding house is really good, some clients return to it from time to time.” The conversion is at least 30%, confirms Peryazeva.

"Grandfather's Garden"

In 2016, the revenue of “House by the Park” exceeded 6 million rubles. In the fall, the project reached payback, but there is no profit yet; winter is the low season. By the summer, Peryazeva expects to increase occupancy to 85%, and by the end of 2017 to receive the first profit. According to Alexey Sidnev’s calculations, the average profitability of this business is 19-22%. In 2015, boarding houses brought the Senior Group about 250 million rubles. revenue, but the company is actively building new facilities, so it is still unprofitable. But Tatyana Ilyina’s network of three boarding houses near Moscow “Close People” earned 5 million rubles in 2015. net profit with a turnover of about 20 million rubles.

An unexpected synergy was discovered between Natalia Peryazeva’s kindergarten and nursing home. Children and grandparents regularly visit each other. Children attend a concert or performance, adults participate in master classes or read fairy tales to children by the fireplace in the living area of ​​the kindergarten. “We are the only ones in Russia who figured out how to combine children and old people,” says Natalya. “Children should see that old age can be different, and in an educational sense, combining a garden and a home is good, but from a business point of view, these are absolutely two different segments,” Ilyina marvels. — If the owner of the “House by the Park” manages to turn such a model into competitive advantage- Great".

Moreover, Natalya decided that the kindergarten business model could also be used in the market for services for the elderly. In the near future, she plans to open a “grandfather’s garden” in the boarding house - an opportunity for an elderly person to stay during the day without spending the night. “In Germany and the USA, this model works successfully - relatives bring their loved ones in the morning and pick them up in the evening. They don’t sit within four walls, they communicate with each other and have fun,” says Natalya. The fact is that many elderly people are afraid of nursing homes and do not want to live there permanently, and the temporary stay model allows them to solve this problem and attract new clients.

Tatyana Ilyina says that in six years of work there have been no requests to “leave grandma for a couple of hours.” Staying on weekends is also not popular - no more than ten requests. Alexey Sidnev is more optimistic: “This is a great idea for a boarding house located in Moscow; it works in densely built areas, less often outside the city.”

The modern pace of life takes up more and more free time. Everyone has elderly relatives who need care, attention and medical attention. Therefore, organizing a nursing home as a business is very profitable and promising idea. This business is also attractive because it has virtually no competition in Russia, which makes it profitable even in conditions of the economic crisis.

Opening a nursing home as a business - where to start?

In Russia, the attitude towards such institutions for older people is somewhat biased. It is believed that sending old people to such institutions is not humane. This is a deep misconception. Modern private nursing homes have a high level of living comfort, interesting entertainment, as well as quality food and medical care. Qualified staff will always help disabled or elderly people receive proper attention and care.

Relevance of this business

Any elderly person in the Russian Federation can count on qualified medical care and attentive care. The relevance of this business is very high: firstly, there is low competition, and secondly, there is no specific connection to the area. You can open such an establishment in any city or region. Hence, a private nursing home as a business is a very promising project.

Nursing home business plan

To make a profitable investment and open such a service from scratch, you will need some market analysis and clear planning. This will help minimize financial costs, significantly reduce time costs and avoid problems with current legislation. To do this you will need to develop ready business plan nursing homes with the following points:

  1. The prospects of the project as a whole and demand in the services market.
  2. Target audience analysis.
  3. Specifics of the establishment.
  4. Total number of residents.
  5. Selection of rooms and places.
  6. Services.

Also, a financial clause should be included in the business plan: starting investments, all kinds of risks and force majeure situations. A clear calculation will reduce cash expenses and significantly help in opening a nursing home. Next, you should start preparing the necessary documents.

Opening instructions

This institution will be under strict surveillance government agencies and be taxed. Therefore, it is necessary to obtain the appropriate permission. An entrepreneur must register as a legal entity. You will also need to obtain a medical license. The next stage will be hiring personnel: required condition- this is the presence of medical education. Employees of the elderly care center must have the following qualities:

  • goodwill,
  • attentiveness,
  • sensitivity and patience,
  • honesty and friendliness.

The best option There will be people with medical education, as well as psychologists. It's a good idea to ask for references from your previous job. The staff’s task is to make the elderly person’s stay in the institution comfortable.

Design issues

Next, you will need to resolve issues with the premises. His choice should be taken extremely seriously, because the number of potential residents will depend on the living conditions. The best option would be a former recreation center or sanatorium. It’s good if there is a beautiful view of the forest, river or field from the window of the building. It would be nice if there was a canteen with three or four meals a day. The presence of a medical office will only increase the rating of the establishment, because old people often get sick and they simply need care.

Now the room needs to be equipped with equipment. To ensure a comfortable pastime for the elderly, it is better to make everything as cozy as possible and create a homely atmosphere. You will need to purchase:

  1. Beds with mattresses. A good choice would be beds with a position change function. When it comes to mattresses, it’s best to consider one with bedsore protection.
  2. Bathrooms. The first rule is that they must be safe. This is an anti-slip floor, preferably insulated. No sharp corners and easy movement.
  3. Handrails. The maximum number of handrails throughout the boarding house will ensure safety and ease of movement for elderly guests.
  4. Personnel call systems. It is advisable to equip each room with similar devices. This will allow you to immediately call staff if the guest needs help.
  5. Elevator. If the building is multi-story, it is required. After all, many old people are not particularly mobile, as are the disabled, who find it extremely difficult to move.

Interesting! A worthy analogue would be a multi-room apartment with all the amenities that can accommodate several guests. It also wouldn't hurt to have a 24-hour pharmacy nearby.

Positive aspects of business

Opening such an establishment has its advantages. These include:

  • enough quick payback project (from 1 year);
  • minimal risks;
  • low percentage of competition;
  • high demand for these services.

It should be borne in mind that a commercial project of this kind requires significant start-up investments. This includes renting premises, purchasing and installing equipment, costs public utilities And wages personnel. However, this does not prevent you from receiving net profit in the first years of operation.

Possible pitfalls

The main thing in this business- this is the reputation of the establishment. No one would send their elderly parents or grandparents to an institution with a bad reputation. Therefore, it is worth making every effort to make the guests’ stay comfortable and safe. This will ensure positive reviews and, as a result, a greater influx of potential tenants. The qualifications of the staff are of great importance - a rude and indifferent employee will give bad publicity to such an establishment.


Nursing home business is a profitable business. Payback period with proper planning is from 1 year. The risks are minimal. It all depends on the cost of services, the qualifications of the staff, as well as the comfort of living of the elderly, their care and nutrition. An honest attitude towards guests and loyal prices will help make the business profitable and make a profit quite quickly.

Many people are afraid of old age. In old age, people are afraid of being a burden. Old age requires peace, respect, and careful care. If previously the prospect of going to a nursing home frightened and even offended pensioners, now things are different. It's all about new and improved establishments.

A private nursing home is very different from government agency. In it, people are provided with attention and do not have to worry about excellent food and convenience. In such a place, it becomes clear that this is a much better option than a cramped apartment. The advantages of a private institution are that here older people receive full care for health reasons, there is everything necessary for the disabled, a balanced menu is provided, and entertainment is organized.

It is not surprising that a private nursing home is profitable business. Such institutions are highly valued, and at the same time there is a shortage of specialized organizations. Despite the need to have a rather impressive start-up capital, expenses quickly pay off, and there are practically no competitors in this area. That is why it is worth trying to open such a house, but for this you need a business plan and competent advice from experts.

Basic questions before starting a business

Any project requires the creation of detailed and quality business plan. To compile it, it would be useful to turn to specialists, but you can do it on your own. To open a private nursing home, you first need to conduct competitor research. For example, if in small town or the village already has such an institution, then opening another one is unprofitable. If we're talking about about a big city, then checking within one area is enough.