How to open a stall with cookies and candies. Selling candy as a business. How to open a candy store from scratch? What do you need to open a candy store?

Having decided to open a business, and not knowing which field of activity to choose. It is worth considering the option of a confectionery pavilion. After all, the idea of ​​how to open your own candy store from scratch is a good option. Selling sweets is a profitable business. This product is constantly in demand.

How to open a candy store

What does it take to open a store selling sweets from scratch? It's worth looking into this in more detail.

Activity planning

Any business, including the sale of candy and cookies, should start with market research and planning. Before opening your own store, you should visit retail outlets engaged in the same activities to familiarize yourself with the methods of decorating the premises, pricing policy, assortment of sweets and other products from competitors. You can talk to sellers to find out which products are popular. Such information will help you cope with the selection of confectionery assortment from scratch.

The next stage is establishing a circle of potential consumers. Sell ​​exclusive luxury sweets (for wealthy clients) or sell sweets, cookies and other confectionery products at affordable prices. The second option is easier and less expensive. To open a business from scratch, you should find suppliers who produce high-quality, inexpensive products.

Before the store is opened, it is important to create an assortment of products from scratch. The easiest way is trade standard set sweets and other sweets. In order for the confectionery business to develop successfully, it is better to choose products that are favorably different in their novelty from those sold by competitors. In standard stores selling sweets and other confectionery products, the assortment includes at least 80 types of goods (waffles, candies, gingerbreads, cookies, marshmallows, nuts, etc.). In addition, you can sell drinks and ice cream.

It is important, having compiled an assortment once, not to stop there. For the effective development of the confectionery business, it is necessary to regularly review the types of products sold. And change one type of product to another, depending on demand.

You need to think about where and how to open a candy store without special costs. In the case where the sweet business is aimed at wealthy clients, preference should be given to prestigious areas of the city. For example, near offices. If you intend to serve ordinary citizens, then it is better to open a store close to markets, kindergartens, schools and pavilions with goods for children. You should not open a candy store next to other retail outlets selling similar products.

Before opening a store, it wouldn’t hurt to draw up a business plan and take into account the necessary investments to open a business from scratch. The cost of expenses is: the cost of renting premises, equipment for the store, goods; salaries for employees, advertising costs, funds necessary for registration. And only after making the calculations can you open a confectionery business.

Moving from planning to action

To open a store selling sweets, the best organizational form will be IP. In this case, special licenses and permits will not be required. In addition, you need to inquire about the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor, the Fire Service, SES and others. government organizations necessary to open such a store from scratch.

At this stage you need to start looking for premises. Considering that you will be selling a varied assortment of candies and other sweet products, it is important to choose a size that will best accommodate the goods. In other words, a candy store should not be tiny. Buyers should have the opportunity to view all products. The optimal size for a candy store is an area of ​​at least 30 square meters. m. In addition, it is important to have water supply, sewerage, electricity, ventilation and storage.

You don't need expensive renovations to open a store. As a finish, painting the walls in a neutral color is suitable. When choosing materials for the floor, it is better to give preference to those that are easier to wet clean. Don’t forget about high-quality lighting so that in the evening you can clearly see the goods sold in the store.

Before opening a candy store, you will need to purchase the necessary equipment:

  • showcases;
  • racks;
  • cash machine;
  • shelves;
  • air conditioner;
  • scales;
  • counter;
  • refrigerators for drinks;
  • freezers (when selling ice cream);
  • chairs.

Recruiting personnel for a store selling cookies and sweets is not big problem. The main thing is that workers have a medical record.

Sellers must meet the following requirements: friendliness, attentiveness, people skills.

In addition, you will need a cleaner and a loader. You don't have to hire an accountant. You can do this work yourself or enter into an agreement with a private specialist.

Product accounting and promotion

Difficulties in taking into account confectionery products arise due to their diversity, due to the difference in units of measurement (pcs., kg.). To make the task easier, programs are produced to automate the process. When the store is open, it is better to conduct reconciliations weekly, personally participating in them. This will help change the types of candies and other sweet products, depending on the demand for them.

In order for the confectionery business to quickly pay off and become profitable, it needs to be promoted. When selling candies and cookies, it is better to target advertising to those living nearby. Preference should be given to leaflets, attractive window displays and signs, bright billboards, booklets and business cards, and the Internet. Discounts and promotions can help attract customers.

Despite the fact that the confectionery business is a very troublesome business, requiring financial investments, it is worth opening such a store. The funds invested in it will pay off in 9–10 months. The demand for such products will always be high. The owner of a candy store will be provided with a stable income. Of course, with proper planning and following the recommendations mentioned earlier.

How to open a trade in a candy store from scratch?

Trading food products has always been profitable and popular. The sale of sweets and cookies is no exception to the rule and, with skillful business organization, can bring good profits. You need to take into account some of the peculiar features of this enterprise in order to understand how to open your own candy store from scratch, providing a good income.

Registration and registration

Like many species entrepreneurial activity, the sale of sweets requires special documents. To legalize this business, you can register as an individual entrepreneur or open a limited liability company. For inexperienced entrepreneurs it will be simpler and easier to register an individual entrepreneur.

To open a store from scratch, you need to obtain a taxpayer certificate. You can use unified system taxation, but you can choose a simplified one.

In addition, the fire inspectorate and Rospotrebnadzor will definitely subject the confectionery business to an inspection before it starts operating. For the audit to be successful, certain conditions must be met:

  • It is prohibited to bring water to the store; the building must have high-quality cold and hot water;
  • It is prohibited to serve food from the yard side;
  • the store must have a sewer and water supply system;
  • the marking of knives and cooking boards must correspond to the products intended for them;
  • It is important to comply with the standards for storing and warehousing confectionery products, as well as their expiration dates;
  • all food products must be certified and safe.

It is very important that all these requirements are met at all times.

Selecting a room

When thinking about how to set up a candy store, you need to immediately decide on the premises in which it will be located. Usually they choose crowded places with the highest traffic. For example, near a market, shopping center or school. The main thing is that there is not a large complex with similar goods nearby. No store can withstand such competition. You can establish a point in a residential area where there is a shortage of this category of products.

The pricing policy of a confectionery shop is very important. If the products are expensive and designed for wealthy customers, then it is better to establish a store from scratch in the central part of the city, near offices.

To open a store with a small cafe, 80 m2 is enough. It is necessary to provide display cases, counters, a cash register, and a warehouse. The renovation may be modest, but it is important that the inside of the confectionery is always clean and tidy.

Product range

Before opening a confectionery business, you need to decide on reliable suppliers by concluding an agreement with them. About 500 thousand rubles will need to be allocated for the purchase of sweets per month. Approximate range of confectionery products:

  • juices, coffee, tea;
  • ice cream;
  • several types of sweets and chocolate;
  • pies, pies, buns;
  • various cookies;
  • pastries, gingerbreads, cakes;
  • mint candies and other confectionery products.

To begin with, 70 items of goods will be enough. It is very important to regularly monitor the updated range of sweets, cookies and their quality. You can purchase a convenient program for accounting for products that are produced individually or by weight.

Additional terms


The number of workers servicing a candy store will directly depend on its size.

Steps to opening a candy store

The staff must include an accountant, a sales manager, a director, as well as operating personnel. All people must have health records and undergo periodic medical examinations.


Confectionery business from scratch involves the acquisition quality equipment. To start a business you will need a sample set:

  • computers;
  • overalls for personnel;
  • counters, showcases, racks;
  • refrigerators;
  • furniture for shops and cafes;
  • dishes and other products.

To save money, many items can be rented.


If you are thinking about how to open a candy store and not lose your investment, then be sure to include advertising costs in your business plan. You need to think through everything to the smallest detail: come up with a beautiful sign, advertise in the media, and also order printed products.

Profit valuation and profitability

The list of expenses includes the following items:

  • purchase or lease of a building in which the store will be located;
  • acquisition necessary equipment and other goods;
  • wages of working personnel;
  • purchase of confectionery products: sweets, cookies, chocolate;
  • advertising expenses;
  • paperwork and business registration.

To increase profits over time, you can open several retail outlets with confectionery products.

In order to start a confectionery store from scratch, on average you will need about twenty thousand dollars. The profit will be approximately five thousand. The income is not too high, but stable and constant. Confectionery products have always been very popular.

Unfortunately, opening such a business from scratch is impossible without difficulties. It requires large financial investments and causes a lot of trouble. Usually financial expenses pay for themselves in about ten months if all necessary conditions are met: convenient location, variety of sweets, affordable prices for confectionery products and impeccable quality of goods.

The “sweet” business also provides other options: you can open a small department in a large supermarket or small stalls with ice cream, sweets, or produce semi-finished products.

This business is not easy and it is undesirable to trust it to strangers. But in some cases, purchasing a ready-made business is more profitable than starting from scratch.

The business of selling candy is very promising, especially when the entrepreneur offers customers fresh and high-quality goods, and also a large assortment sweets. The confectionery business has its own subtleties and difficulties, as well as the prospects for this “sweet” business...

How to start your own business? Find a place in a shopping center or at a regular market, then buy or make shelves yourself where boxes of sweets and scales will be placed. Then negotiate with wholesalers to take the goods for sale - and that’s it, you can make money.

By the end of the month, the goods and rent will pay off trading place with good profit. The main thing is to find a crowded place where you can win regular customers.

For those who like to try new things, show and offer new items, and always ask conservatives: “Are you as usual?”

Usually difficulties are associated with pressure from the tax inspectorate and administrative institutions. But there will be enough sweets for all the family!

Selling candy is seasonal work, since in the summer the income is usually minimal and there is practically no trade, there are few clients. Mostly in the summer they buy fruits and water. But on New Year's, spring holidays, and Easter, candy sells out quickly.

Business idea No. 947: how to make money selling sweets? Business ideas here:

All people love sweets. And sometimes it happens that going for candy is the most enjoyable thing you'll do all day.

Opening a store selling sweets

By trading candies, you can give joy to all your customers, and also earn good money!

Profit in the candy business depends on various factors. Day of the week, the presence of a day off or holiday (Saturday and Sunday are days for those with a sweet tooth). Much depends on the seller, how he presents the product to customers. Weather conditions also affect the number of customers.

Don't forget the main rule - the customer is always right. When purchasing, always take everything fresh, check and open the boxes. It is better to go shopping twice a day. Try to change your product range at least occasionally. If you notice that the product has become slightly spoiled, do not put it on sale under any circumstances, throw it away immediately.

I wish you success in your “sweet” business, patience and more clients...

We all love sweets, therefore, the idea of ​​​​opening a company that would sell sweets and other chocolate products is very profitable, at least it will always be potential clients. But, as they say, every medal has a flip side, because such a business has its own competition, and not everyone can implement such an idea. Let's look at where to start if creating such a company is the only and most suitable option for you. By the way, it is quite possible that you will miss Money, which you have prepared for starting a business, fortunately, now there are many companies involved in loans. Take, for example, “Money Fanny” and IC “Swiss-Garant” signed an agreement that significantly increases reliability when using the services of the above-mentioned company, and this in turn allows you not to worry about guarantees, which ultimately greatly helps beginning entrepreneurs.

Where to get products from?

As in any trading business, you need to have good suppliers who are able to provide a supply of products for trade. Also, such suppliers must meet two mandatory requirements: relatively low cost, as well as high quality. In addition, you need to decide what type of sweets you will work with; the most popular can be identified, including:

  • Candies. In this case, we mean chocolate, jelly, caramels, and so on;
  • Chocolates.

    Selling candy as a business. How to open a candy store from scratch?

    This area includes not only chocolate bars, but also various bars;

  • Candy in boxes. Mostly this type of candy is purchased as a gift, so you need to make sure that your store has it in different price categories;
  • Products by weight. Perhaps the most popular type of sweets, because in this case the buyer can purchase waffles, cakes, cookies, etc. in any quantities;
  • Yogurts, ice cream. Ice cream is most popular in the warm season, for this reason it is advisable to sell it only at this time as a way to generate additional income;
  • Beverages. Sweet drinks are also quite often found in relevant stores, but most often they mean juices, sweet water, oxygen cocktails, fresh juices, etc.

Required equipment

Of course, the success of such a business depends not only on the quantity or quality of products, because all this must also be harmoniously located in the store, and if long-term storage is implied, then you cannot do without the appropriate equipment. In total, we can highlight the following devices that are almost mandatory in every sweets store:

  • counters that have special compartments for products;
  • stands where, in fact, sweets will be located;
  • you will also need juicers for making fresh juices;
  • this list also includes equipment for making milk and oxygen cocktails;
  • if you sell yoghurt or ice cream, you will also need special refrigeration chambers;
  • When trading by weight you cannot do without scales;
  • Finally, you need to purchase a cash register.


To summarize such an enterprise, then without any problems the income from a small store will exceed expenses. But in any case, you should adhere to certain rules of advertising and marketing; without a knowledgeable manager, the business will not be profitable.

How can you make money on sweets?

They earn money at home in different ways: doing handicrafts, painting pictures, making soap, making sweets, baking and much more.

How to make money on sweets

Sweets are made not only in industrial scale, but also at home. As a rule, they do not add preservatives or other additives, because they are highly valued for their naturalness.

For many decades and even hundreds of years, people have been pampering themselves with sweets. Compared to the last century, the range of options for pampering yourself with a sweet product has increased a hundred times. This is because demand does not fall and people constantly want to try something new. Since the activity will certainly be relevant, it makes sense to consider the business idea of ​​creating your own sweet assortment store. To do this, you will need to draw up a business plan for a sweets store, an example of which we presented in this article.

Project Summary

Sweets are a common product in any city, however, the larger the city, the greater the demand. After all, in villages and small towns people are used to preparing cakes, pies, pastries, etc. at home, but in big cities, given the active life and minimum time at home, the demand for sweets will be tens of times greater, as will the competition.

We are considering opening a sweets store in a large city. The store will be small, in the form of a large department with goods, designed for passing customers with different income levels.

Store opening hours are from 07:30 to 20:00, without breaks. One day a month – technical, goods accounting.

Our priority is to sell only the highest quality, fresh sweets at the best price.

Main competitors:

  • Similar shops/departments are 2-3 km from our outlet.
  • Supermarkets with a confectionery department.
  • Grocery stores with a sweets section.

Each competitor requires its own strategy, but a small store that offers a small range of fresh and high-quality products has every chance of gaining a foothold in the niche and earning a decent income from regular customers.

Main risks:

Risk name Solution
The emergence of a strong competitor nearby It is necessary to attract as many buyers as possible and win your audience. Under no circumstances should the quality of the product deteriorate. A systematic analysis of direct competitors, monitoring of prices, strengths and weaknesses is required
Sharp rise in rental prices Conclude a long-term lease agreement for space
A large jump in the cost of products from this supplier There should be a choice between several manufacturers and suppliers so that one can replace the products of one with another at a more affordable price
Unsuccessful first purchase Analyze the range of competitors. If there is a competitor nearby, it is not worth purchasing identical products; it is better to choose products from another supplier
Poor quality products Choose suppliers carefully and include mandatory tasting in the contract. Specify in the contract the return of stale and low-quality sweets

Product cost is an important demand factor, because at least 60% of buyers will be regular. They must be confident in the quality and affordable price, otherwise they will have to look for another sweets store. To minimize additional costs and make the price of sweets as affordable as possible, it is important to purchase equipment and rent premises at the best price. To do this, a business plan for a sweets store is drawn up with calculations, where all start-up and monthly expenses are written down, the estimated profit is determined and the return on investment is calculated.

Business registration

To open a candy store, you will need to register with the tax authorities. For a small store, it will be enough to register as an individual entrepreneur and select UTII.

We select OKVED code 47.24.21 “Retail trade in confectionery and flour products.”

It is also necessary to obtain permission for the premises from the fire department and Rospotrebnadzor, because Food will be sold.

The cost of registration and obtaining permits is about 5 thousand rubles.

Search for premises

The profitability and popularity of a candy store depends on its location, because in 50% of cases these are impulse purchases. Therefore, we will open a store in a busy place near a major transport stop, market and with good transport links.

For a sweets store, a room of 20-25 square meters will be enough. m. The cost of such premises will be 40 thousand rubles. The store will need to be redecorated and comply with all requirements of Rospotrebnadzor and the fire department.

For the interior decoration of the store, you need to include 100 thousand rubles in the starting budget.


To operate the store, you will need at least one sales consultant who will work in tandem with the owner on a 7/7 schedule. No more employees will be needed. The salesperson's remuneration will depend on sales volumes: minimum rate +%. We will pledge 20 thousand rubles for wages to the seller.

Purchase of equipment

Equipment for the store can be purchased used to save money starting investments. We will need the following:

First purchase

If equipment or clothes can lie and wait for a buyer, sweets tend to spoil. After 2-3 days, cookies and cakes will not be as tasty as you would like. Therefore, it is important to choose suppliers who provide a guarantee of high-quality and fresh products, offer tastings of new products and meet halfway in case of isolated cases of defects and unsuccessful deliveries of goods.

Before making your first purchase, you should study reviews of the brand and suppliers, conclude a cooperation agreement and conduct a tasting of selected items. Only this will give at least a minimal amount of quality guarantee.

The first purchase should consist of the most popular and popular categories of sweets. We will purchase:

  • Chocolate candies (5-7 types).
  • Marshmallow (white, pink, chocolate).
  • Jelly candies (2 types).
  • Turkish Delight.
  • Cupcakes (with and without fillings).
  • Custard cakes, “potatoes”, etc.
  • Honey puffs (2 types).
  • Assorted cookies.
  • Smetannik.
  • Cracker.
  • Sweets on a stick (3 types).
  • Chocolate covered peanuts (dark and milk chocolate).
  • Chocolate (10 types).

Marketing and advertising

First we analyze target audience, level of demand, as well as competitors, assortment and pricing policy. Next, we prepare for the opening and use standard advertising tools.

Every month you will need to spend about 10 thousand rubles on a small number of flyers, organizing profitable promotions and holding tastings.

Expenses and income

Now we will summarize the results of all expenses and put them into general tables to calculate the profitability of the project. Here we will form an approximate sales plan for the 2nd month of work.

Start-up costs

In addition, do not forget about the first purchase of goods. We will deduct it from the monthly revenue. We set a 150% markup on products.

Monthly expenses


The first month will be a technical discovery and formation of the assortment. By the 2-3rd month the plans are to reach a stable level of sales.

The average markup on goods is 150%. That is, from the purchase of goods worth 75 thousand rubles per month, we will receive an income of 180 thousand rubles. After deducting monthly costs and tax on imputed activities, about 80 thousand rubles will remain. Sales depend slightly on the season, but there is a slight drop in demand in the summer.

Profitability will be about 100% and has prospects for growth.

The payback period for the initial investment will be from 2 to 3 months, subject to successful operation.


The sweet shop is very profitable business. Especially if you choose the right location, an assortment that will be in constant demand, and use a minimum number of advertising tools to attract customers. The plans for the year are to open 2 more such small stores and 1 department in a shopping and entertainment center under a single trademark, a single brand.

With successful work and a proven model, investments for each subsequent point can be returned very quickly.

Sweets and candies are a popular product. Not only children, but also adults love them, especially for tea. This line of business is profitable if you approach its implementation wisely. As an entrepreneur, selling candy as a business requires knowing the needs of the buyer. The direction is scalable as a network.

The essence of the candy business is to sell sweets. Suppliers on the market offer big choice sweets and cakes. In the store you can sell what people love. Don’t forget, business has some seasonality; in the summer there are much fewer sales. Therefore, it is better to start activity at the end of the year, under New Year and holidays.

What to sell:

  • candies;
  • cakes;
  • cakes;
  • cookie.

Instructions on how to open and what you need for this

Before you open, analyze the city's market. If there are competitors there, you need to study them and the traffic of the stores. Find acceptable purchase prices among suppliers. Find a room, purchase equipment and start working. For this activity, it is mandatory to obtain permits from inspection authorities.

  1. Market analysis.
  2. Drawing up a business plan.
  3. Registration of documents.
  4. Renting premises.
  5. Purchase of equipment.
  6. Hiring staff (video author – My Asia channel).

Stage 1 – registration and preparation of documents

To begin with, register as individual entrepreneur. If you are not going to open several outlets at once, you can choose a simplified form of taxation. Receive all sanitary documents from the SES. The rented premises must meet all cleanliness standards. It will be necessary to conclude agreements for the supply of products from wholesale suppliers.


  • certificate from the SES;
  • permission from fire service;
  • lease contract;
  • Delivery contract.

Stage 2 – search for premises

You need to look for premises in a passable place, preferably on the main street of the city or near a shopping center. You can watch the traffic on the street or ask salespeople from other stores. You can also open in an existing shopping center. The room needs to be clean and cool. It is advisable to make a beautiful, thematic decoration of the room.

Photo gallery “Room options”

Stage 3 – purchase and installation of necessary equipment

Essentially, starting from scratch requires little equipment. The main thing is shelves, racks and a computer for tracking expenses and balances. If cakes or cakes are on sale, purchase refrigerators for storage. If you rent a room without air conditioning, you will have to spend money on it. Since maintaining the required temperature must be mandatory.

Stage 4 – selection of employees

On a small scale, you need several salespeople who will work in shifts. They will also serve as merchandisers. You can do your accounting yourself or outsource it, since if you have one store, it doesn’t make sense to hire an accountant on staff. Often, the supplier’s driver unloads the goods from the vehicle, so a loader is also not needed. The motivation of sellers should be based on the rate and percentage of sales.

Stage 5 – promotion and advertising

Since the product is quite popular all year round, except summer, you can use various sales channels. Supply of sweets to children's centers under contracts, educational establishments. You can organize matinees at a local recreation center and sell volumes of sweets. Leaflets distributed locally near the store will work. To attract people, you can decorate your store brightly and colorfully.

Financial plan

Main items of expenses that cost big money, is the purchase of wholesale quantities and rent. In the first case, the goods can be taken for sale, that is, on credit. In the second case, you will have to pay rent several months in advance. Otherwise, by business standards, the equipment is inexpensive. Don't forget to leave a budget for decoration and unexpected expenses.

Investments in rubles:

  • equipment (150,000);
  • staff (40,000 for two, monthly);
  • rent (100,000);
  • Consumables (50 000).

Total: 340,000 rubles.

Possible risks

Since these are food products, there is a risk of spoilage and expiration. If the store is in a bad location, then there will be no customers. In this sense, it is better not to save on rent. Carry out strict monitoring of the work of sellers for underweight.

Video "Sweet Business"

From this video you will learn the moments of working in business (the author of the video review is Alena Popova).

* The calculations use average data for Russia

A confectionery shop, delicious pastries and sweets - this business idea is the dream of many aspiring entrepreneurs. In this high-calorie collection you will find 16 business ideas for those with a sweet tooth and guides to launching these startups that are relevant in 2020.

1. Cake to order

Cake is a favorite sweet huge amount of people. Baking cakes is a hobby that can develop not only into an additional source of income, but also into your own small business. For such a startup in the “home-baked” format, even in the complete absence of cooking equipment, 30 thousand rubles will be enough. However, today few people will be surprised by a simple cake like Napoleon, so you need to think carefully about the ideas for decorating your cakes. An excellent option for advertising sweets would be to post photos of cakes on Instagram.

The current direction of catering in recent years became pies. This business idea is attractive due to its fairly low competition and simple technological process baking pies. To open a cafe selling pies that can accommodate 36 visitors, you will need 1.24 million rubles, which will pay off in approximately 7 months of operation.

3. Yogurt

A yogurt bar is a small island-style point in a shopping center that sells sweets, in particular frozen yogurts with various toppings. To open such an island on an area of ​​4-6 square meters. meters will require about 655 thousand rubles. The net profit of a yogurt bar per month can be about 100 thousand rubles. The menu can be supplemented with sandwiches and drinks.

To open your own smoothie bar in an island format of 5-6 sq. meters in a shopping center will require about 465 thousand rubles. and it will be able to bring in about 80-100 thousand rubles. per month. The advantages of smoothie bars include a relatively free niche, small investments, simplicity of technology for preparing drinks and the fashion for smoothies. The profitability of smoothie bars reaches 80%.

5. Bakery

Bakery is one of the most popular areas of small business. Baking is a product of daily demand. Investments in opening your own bakery are small, and if consumer tastes change, you can instantly adapt to new trends. You can open your own mini-bakery if you have 885 thousand rubles, which can be repaid within 7 months of operation.

6. Ice cream

10. Waffles

Waffles of unusual varieties and types are a trend in the catering business. These are Hong Kong pimply waffles with fillings, and well-known, but domestically “pumped up” Belgian waffles, topped with cream, fruit, ice cream, yogurt and all kinds of toppings, and much more. Mostly waffle startups are storming shopping centers with their islands. The threshold for entering the business is 350 thousand rubles.

11. Donuts

Selling donuts is a great option for a mini-cafeteria or a department in the food court of a shopping center. The markup on these products can reach 1000% without much damage to demand. The technology for baking donuts is quite simple, and there are many both manual units and automated systems that can improve productivity.

12. Caramelized fruits

Caramel fruits on sticks are sweets that are popular abroad and are regulars at holiday and city fairs. The most common delicacies include caramelized apples and chocolate-covered bananas, but in principle the scope for imagination in this business is unlimited. A caramelization machine costs from 15 to 30 thousand rubles, and 70 thousand rubles are enough to start in the format of a seasonal street outlet.

Ready ideas for your business

13. Figured chocolate

Chocolate is an excellent earning option not only for large entrepreneurs, but also for beginning chocolatiers who are ready to offer the buyer an exclusive product self made. The technology for producing handmade chocolate can be learned from video recordings of master classes on YouTube. You can also open a figured chocolate store that deals only with sales of finished products. To open such a store you will need about 400 thousand rubles, and the net profit will be 80-200 thousand rubles.

14. Peanut butter

Peanut butter is one of the symbols of America and at the same time a completely free niche in the Russian market. The advantages of this business idea can be called the simplicity of the production technology, and the disadvantage is the weak “recognizability” of the product, which will require the entrepreneur to actively promote the product at city fairs and constantly go “to the people.”

15. Oriental sweets

Traditional oriental sweets such as baklava, halva, kyata, and shaker are produced by many confectionery shops and are often found in grocery stores, but the sweet riches of the east are far from being exhausted with these products. An attractive format for your business, in which you will definitely have no competitors, would be to open a specialized confectionery store for oriental sweets.

Read the guide to the production of oriental sweets

The most popular format for selling marmalade is a shopping island in a shopping center with an area of ​​up to 5 square meters. meters, selling marmalade by weight. The cost of opening such a point, taking into account display cases and equipment, will be no more than 400 thousand rubles. The markup on these delicacies is about 100%. Opening your own marmalade production with minimal production volumes will require 1 million rubles.

9810 people are studying this business today.

In 30 days, this business was viewed 557,808 times.

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Today, being in the confectionery business and not having your own Instagram is simply indecent. Examples of delicious pages from popular confectioners and ordinary mothers on maternity leave, which sometimes give them a head start.

In this material:

A business plan for a candy store is a clear, carefully thought out and well-written document that calculates costs and income, takes into account risks and provides for business development in the event of force majeure.

According to statistics, the most common gift is sweets. Previously, a chocolate bar opened the doors of waiting rooms and helped to thank the doctor, hairdresser, and teacher. Today you can find the most unusual desserts on sale - personalized chocolate, candies with different flavors (almost like Betty Botts dragees), chocolate and marmalade figures, cakes, cookies. A candy store is a delicious and profitable business that certainly has a right to exist.

The relevance of the business selling candies and sweets

There can’t be a tea party without sweets, no one goes to visit without them, sweets are not only sweetness, but also a cure for mental anguish. Despite the constant moaning about the lack of money, compatriots love and know how to relax, so the demand for sweet goods is guaranteed. The country is being eaten up by decades of shortages; it is guaranteed that there will be customers in the store not only on the eve of the holidays.

Selling candy has many undeniable advantages: the goods do not spoil for a long time (shelf life is up to 12 months), refrigerators or freezers are not needed, a large premises is not needed for the store, which means the rent will be minimal.

What candies are best to sell?

When planning a business, you can follow one of the beaten paths:

  1. Find an opportunity to purchase very cheap candies and sell them not very expensive. The trade-forming factor is the price, cheap goods, even not of the highest quality, there will always be buyers. The main disadvantage is suppliers.
  2. Conclude agreements with various suppliers and purchase sweets in small quantities, but in a wide range.
  3. If quality becomes the main factor, then the contract is concluded with a specific manufacturer whose reputation is beyond doubt. In this case, the easiest way is to work as a franchise. The price from the manufacturer will be significantly lower than for other individual entrepreneurs, you can save on advertising, and if the plant is located close (or there is a sales office in the city), then there is no need for a warehouse.

approximate list of confectionery products

Market analysis, competition and risk assessment

To assess the prospects of opening and operating a sweets store, you should find out:

  • how many “native” suppliers (manufacturers) are in close proximity and ready to cooperate;
  • how many shops and sweet shops operate in the locality;
  • what is the range of goods;
  • which candies are in greatest demand among customers;
  • How can you attract and surprise customers?

Business includes certain risks, but if you approach everything wisely, they can be minimized:

  • poor store location;
  • purchase of low-quality, unclaimed goods;
  • increased prices for purchased products;
  • damage to goods.

Preventing the occurrence of any type of risk will be discussed below.

How to open a candy store from scratch

Registration of type of activity, documents

To open a candy store, it is enough to register an individual entrepreneur. You will need:

  • application to the tax office for assignment of a TIN;
  • application to the local municipality for registration of individual entrepreneurs;
  • copy of the passport;
  • receipt of payment of state duty.

UTII is preferable as a taxation system.

OKVED codes:

  • 52.24.22 — retail sugary confectionery products, including chocolate;
  • 52.11 - retail trade in non-specialized stores mainly food products, including drinks and tobacco products.

Important! The presence of a terminal for card payments will significantly increase the influx of customers.

Search for premises and location requirements

A candy store does not need a large area; 20 m2 will be quite enough.

The premises must meet sanitary and hygienic standards, have communications - electricity, ventilation, be equipped with an alarm system and an emergency fire extinguishing system.

Regarding the location, it is important:

  • high traffic (market, shopping mall, station, public transport stops, recreation parks, residential areas);
  • a minimum of competitors in the immediate vicinity (practice shows that a suitable assortment and friendly attitude towards customers can compensate even for the presence of direct competitors).

Search for sweets suppliers

Working directly with the manufacturer reduces the cost of paying for third-party services and allows you to control quality and not doubt the timing. If the manufacturing plant is located nearby, then questions about the purchase of goods are automatically removed.

The situation is even simpler if you purchase a franchise: delivery is free, at the most low prices and within the stated time frame upon first request.

A large manufacturer will offer a wide range of sweets and other sweets, in this case you very rarely have to look for backup options.

It should be remembered that when purchasing a franchise, the owner regulates pricing by setting a minimum.

Formation of product range

The formation of an assortment must be approached with full responsibility. It is optimal to purchase sweets in different price segments, offering customers several types at approximately the same price.

In order not to waste time and make the task easier for clients, it is worth spending some time and a certain amount to make trading visual. For each type of candy you need to take 3 photos: with a wrapper, without a wrapper and in a cut; order or make small plates with a photo and description of the composition of the candies. This way, buyers will be able to navigate on their own and will not waste the seller’s time, create a queue and slow down the process.

The assortment should include candies from the most accessible, cheap, to elite ones, about 200-250 items.

Purchase of commercial equipment

To open a store, you will need a minimum of equipment - racks or shelves, glass display cases to place the goods on display for customers. It is important to put the entire range on the shelves. What configuration and size the racks will be depends on the desire/imagination of the owner, as well as the size of the room.

Advice: order equipment by individual project in a reliable company, clearly stipulate in the contract the terms of production and options for compensation for damages in case of violation of the contract. This option may be more expensive, but it will be exactly what you need.


At first, it is strongly recommended to run the business yourself. It is acceptable to involve close (very interested) relatives, but no more. The image of a store depends on the attitude of the seller towards customers (not a single employee will not be able to work like someone who invested their own money), costs and income can only be controlled with direct participation. The only hired worker possible at this stage is a cleaning lady who comes for a few hours, for example, and only if the store area is really large.

Opening a store will take all your time and energy, pushing all other matters and worries into the background, but the end justifies the means.

Advertising campaign

  1. Purchasing a franchise eliminates all questions from the beginning: the owners provide a brand book with clearly defined requirements, all that remains is to find worthy performers.
  2. Self-promotion on initial stage requires the production of a sign, a sign with operating hours and a stand for customers.

If you wish and have money, you can order leaflets from the printing house (place them in the mailboxes of nearby houses), arrange a tasting and treat passers-by, attracting them to the store.

It’s worth telling about your business in city groups social networks, you can run a video on the radio or TV, advertise on a light screen.

Financial component of business

Investment in opening a candy and sweets store

At the start, investments consist of:

  • rent for 3 months – 90 thousand rubles;
  • equipment purchases – 70 thousand rubles;
  • advertising expenses – 70 thousand rubles;
  • initial purchase of goods - 75 thousand rubles.

Current expenses

  • rent – ​​30 thousand rubles;
  • utility bills - 5 thousand rubles;
  • wages, taxes, deductions – 20 thousand rubles;
  • replenishment of the assortment - 80 thousand rubles.

Sales revenue and profit calculation

The markup on goods is about 140-150%. Thus, the net profit 3-4 months after the start will be about 70-80 thousand rubles monthly.

Business profitability

A trading margin of 100% guarantees payback in 3-4 months and further development of the business.

The candy business is a difficult, but interesting and profitable business. It is very important to calculate everything on paper. First, you need to be confident in supplies, negotiate and resolve all issues with franchising, look at the premises and “equip” it theoretically, calculate options for receiving money, and only after that deal with the legal side of the issue.

Order a business plan

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