How to open a closed period in 1s 7.7. Closing of the month. Formation of financial results. Comments on "How to close the month?"

Question about 1C Accounting 7.7:

How to close the month?

Answer 1c:

Post the document Closing the month.

The “Month Closing” document refers to the so-called regulatory documents (the “Regulatory” submenu of the “Documents” menu of the main menu). It must be administered once a month. The document is automatically set to the last date of the month. It is recommended that you write this document down at the end of the day.

The document form displays a list of actions that can be performed when posting the document. Actions that must be performed when posting a document should be marked with the appropriate checkboxes.

After selecting the actions to perform, click the "OK" button. When posting, the document calculates the required amounts and generates postings.

More questions and answers on 1C Accounting 7.7:

Comments on “How to close the month?”:

09/03/2015 at 15:09 Ilmira Ismailovna wrote:

Conducted the document Closing the month. Should there be a document on paper, signatures of responsible persons? What if there's a check?

01/21/2015 at 10:31 Shynar wrote:

Question on 1C Accounting 7.7: Closing the period is done incompletely. in account 8112 there is an amount not allocated to account 8111. (code 4) - the assigned number of subaccounts of the debit account of the posting is not enough! (code 4) - the assigned number of subaccounts of the credit account of the posting is not enough! (code 5): - subaccount 3 debit account of the posting is not assigned! (code 5): - subaccount 3 credit account posting is not assigned!

Adding a comment:

Opening a period in 1C is an everyday operation; it is usually performed at the beginning of the month. This action is used in products where there is a “Trade” component, for example in 1C: Enterprise 7.7 Trade and.

What usually happens is the following. In the morning, when the accountant opens the program, a sign pops up warning about the need to open a period.

How should I proceed? After closing the program at the request of a warning message, you need to 1C again, but in exclusive mode. To do this, in the start window for selecting databases (“Launch 1C:Enterprise”), click the “exclusive” checkbox

Now, after entering the program, a warning message will appear, but of a slightly different nature. In it, if you click the “Yes” button, the program will open the period independently.

If we refuse to open the period this time, then the newly created documents will not be processed, and at subsequent starts of the program we will be greeted by the same message about the need to open.

There are cases when the operation to open a new period needs to be performed not at the beginning of the month, but, for example, when the current period has not ended. Those. in advance.

To do this, you need to re-enter the 1C: Enterprise 7.7 Trade and Warehouse program in exclusive mode. Then go to the “Operations” section in the main menu and select the “Manage operational results” button

In the window that opens, next to the section displaying the new period, there is an “Open” button. Let's press it. A warning will appear informing you that you need to change the summary relevance point.

“Point of relevance of the results” or TA, what is it? The point of relevance of the results is understood as the point in time at which all non-negotiable registers of the program contain current, current data. In fact, this is the time for which operational ones are stored.

Click the “Yes” button. A form for resetting the relevance of the results appears. In our case, of course, you need to select all the posted documents and click “Run”. After a short time, if there are no violations in the order of the documents, the program will move the relevance point to a new date.

Feel free to select “Exit”. This completes the opening of the period in the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 Trade and Warehouse program.

If you have any difficulties, we will definitely help.

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The size of the 1C database is constantly increasing, so the task periodically arises - to delete documents for the old period, while transferring the remainder. Deleted documents can be left in a copy of the database. 1C has standard “Period Closing” processing, but it is configured only for a standard configuration and is often buggy (for example, the document Entering Product Balances cannot accept negative balances).
Therefore, if you are a supporter of versatility and simplicity, or you have an atypical configuration, my recommendations will be useful to you.
I hope that after this no one will reinvent the wheel, but will use my work.

Theoretical background

First you need to decide on the closing date of the period - you can close it with the current date, deleting all documents before it, or you can leave documents for a period of 3 months - six months. When choosing, you need to be guided by how often changes are made retroactively, how often you need to look at movements in documents for past periods.
After the period is closed, it will no longer be possible to make changes to the transferred balances, so if retroactive work is carried out quite actively in the interval, for example, six months, the period closing date will be six months ago.

When closing a period, the following are transferred:
1. Account balances in the context of analytics by subaccount.
2. Balances by registers.
3. The values ​​of periodic details that are established when posting documents.

Changes to the configuration for closing the period

If you only plan to transfer account balances, you only need to extract the wrap.ert processing from the package
Otherwise, open the file from the package in the configurator and copy the documents into your configuration via the clipboard
MovementRegister - for transferring residues and FixationPeriodic for transferring periodic details. Although it is possible to close register balances using universal processing without interfering with the configuration.

Package contents The configuration in which the Registry Commitment and Periodic Commitment documents are located Documentation Typical processing from 1C for convolution of booklets Closing registers without interfering with the configuration Settings file for processing UniversalPeriodClosingByRegisters.ert Processing to automate register closing Processing to automate the transfer of periodic Processing to delete documents for a period Experimental study of removal rate






Generate Closing DocumentsBy Periodic.ert

DeleteAllDocumentsForPeriod .ert

Removal protocol .xls

Transfer of account balances.

To transfer account balances, it is best to use standard processing from 1C wrap.ert. It generates several transactions on a specified date that establish debit and credit balances for specified accounts in different charts of accounts with different accounting separators. To enter balances, you need to indicate from which account the balances are to be entered (usually account 00).
You can also transfer balances on off-balance sheet accounts.

I added a checkbox to the processing: “Do not delete transactions, only create balances.” It needs to be installed because... documents that form transactions can form movements in registers or establish periodic details, therefore they cannot be deleted after the formation of account balances.

Transferring balances across registers by fixing registers.

Register balances can only be transferred by posting a special document, because movements in the register are made only when posting a document and cannot be adjusted externally.
Document in use FixingRegister .

The document can be entered manually for the desired register, recording it at the end of the closing date. To enter balances into a document position, you need to click the “Load balances” button.

By processing Generate Closing DocumentsBy Registers FixingRegister . It is better to create several registers (3-5) at a time, because These documents are large in size and when generating 3-5 large documents at once, the program makes large demands on memory, because Document windows close only after processing is complete.

A few words about the document itself:

The document consists of 20 columns of an indeterminate type. The values ​​of measurements and resources for each register total are sequentially entered into the document. Those. if the register has 5 dimensions and 2 resources, and there are 1000 totals, then the document will contain (5+2)*1000 / 20 = 350 lines, and it will store 7000 values.

The document is quite large, but as a result of using 20 columns, the memory requirements used by 1C for displaying and manipulating the document are reduced. An option was tried when the document had only 1 column, but 1C clearly could not cope with displaying documents with 40-50 thousand lines.

Further division loses its universality, although it is possible - you need to make a document in the context of individual dimensions. To do this, you need to analyze the results in order to find out which measurements will give the documents that are optimal in size (after all, many small documents are also bad). But in general, even large registers are transferred at a sufficient speed to indicate that the development can be used in practice. Maybe!

Transfer of balances to registers using existing documents.

Transferring balances through register fixation is simple and convenient. But users will not be able to work with the case fixation document. In addition, if the structure of the register changes during the year, it is possible that the document fixing the register will no longer be re-issued. Therefore, it is advisable to introduce opening balances documents available in the configuration.

For example, in typical configurations there are documents “Input of Product Balances”, “Input of Credit Balances” and others. Such documents are understandable to the user and he can make changes to them. When registers change, the document module changes, but there is no need to change the document data. As a last resort, you can enter the initial balances using the documents “Receipt Invoice”, “Receipt Order”, etc.

We offer you universal processing for closing a period using the documents available in the configuration UniversalClosingPeriodByRegisters.ert . It does not require intervention in the configuration and does not require changes to its code. It is enough to describe the settings in the SettingsCloseBase.mxl settings table to correctly close all registers.

The structure of the mxl settings table is very simple. Each line is case specific. In a collumn Register the name of the document is indicated in the column Document indicates the name of the document type that will be created.

In field Measurements a list of dimensions and register resources is recorded, which is used to calculate the remainders. Balances are calculated at the end of the closing date and placed in the Totals table of values. List values ​​are enclosed in quotes and separated by commas, see example.

In field Filter contains an expression in the built-in 1C language for selecting balances from the Totals table. You can operate with the current row of the Totals table. If the expression is not specified, the filter is not applied. The expression must return non-zero in order to be true and be included in the result set. Is it recommended to use the operator? from the 1C language.

- Select only by management accounting: Totals.AccountingType=1 or EmptyValue(Totals.Company)=1
- Select only by finished product warehouse: Totals.Warehouse=NameVSpr("Finished Product Warehouse","Storage Locations")

Using a filter, you can make one register at a time, for example, make two different types closing document.

In field Conversion an expression is written that converts the attributes of the totals table by register into the values ​​of the attributes of the header or tabular part the required document, because they are usually called differently. The system applies a fairly competent scheme, determines which attributes are used in the document header, groups by these attributes, and if the values ​​of the header attributes are the same, then simply adds total lines to the tabular section.

To add/set attributes to the summary table, use the Set(Attribute, Expression) function, which returns 1. If the attribute is not in the table, it is added. If you need to set several attributes, you need to call the Set function several times, adding up its results, i.e.: Set(Attribute1, Expression1)+Set(Attribute2, Expression2).

- Set Coefficient: Set("Coefficient",1)
- Set the Quantity from the Remaining Products: Set("Quantity", Totals. Remaining Products)
- Set Currency to Dollars: Set("Currency", Dollars)
- Reset the Account field so as not to expand balances by account: Set("Account", GetEmptyValue())

The maximum number of lines field specifies the maximum number of lines contained in the document. This is necessary so as not to create very large and time-consuming documents. Large documents will be split according to the specified number of lines.

To start processing, you must first open the settings file, select the registers that will be closed and click “Generate”. Closing documents will be generated. They will not be posted and documents from the closed period will not be deleted. All this must be done separately.

This method of closing requires some adjustment, but the effort pays off handsomely. But you have a powerful, well-functioning tool in your hands and you don’t need to write processing, you just need to write its settings.

By the way, one helpful advice- in standard configurations, negative quantities of goods are not allowed in documents for entering balances. Therefore, either make invoices from such documents (this can be done with this processing using a filter and conversion) or allow the use of negative quantities.

Transferring values ​​of periodic details.

If you delete documents of a closed period, then the values ​​of the periodic details that they established will be lost (for example, prices in a revaluation act). It should be noted that the values ​​that were set manually will remain. Therefore, the transfer of values ​​concerns only those details that are established when posting documents. Because Some details can only be set when posting documents; it is not external processing that is used, but the document.

Document in use FixationPeriodic . The document can be entered manually for the desired directory, recording it at the end of the closing date.

To save the details, you need to click the “All” button (means loading all the details), and then the “Add values ​​for the document date” button.

When loading values, it is recommended to check the "Skip those marked for deletion" checkbox. In this case, the values ​​of the details belonging to the elements marked for deletion are skipped. If this is not observed, then such elements cannot be deleted, because they will be referenced in this document.

By processing Generate Closing Documents By Periodic you can automate this process. It allows you to select the registers that need to be transferred and automatically generate documents FixationPeriodic .
To clear links from elements marked for deletion, use the "Delete reference to deleted elements" button.
After the period is closed, such cleanings can be performed periodically.

Deleting documents from a closed period.

The generated documents, when posted, will form new balances in accounts and registers. However, these balances will be twice as large as the real ones, because they are added to the balances formed by documents of the closed period. Therefore, these documents need to be deleted.

I recommend using the processing included in the package DeleteAllDocumentsForPeriod . Practice shows that documents are deleted faster if you move the relevance point to the beginning of the period (to the very first document posted). In theory, the same can be done with buhitogs, but it is better not to touch them - their recount can be quite long. Processing first marks transactions for deletion, and then selects only posted documents and marks them for deletion.

In transaction mode, deletion is somewhat faster, but in this case it is better to run document deletion processing over short periods (2 months), because in case of any error (or if you abort processing), the changes will not be committed.

Naturally, the removal must be launched in exclusive mode on the server.

DBF database for the year with a volume of 100 processed documents per day (30 thousand processed documents per year)
Server - Win2K Workstation Celeron 1700, 256 RAM
showed that the deletion speed is 80 documents per minute, or approximately 2 months per hour, i.e. the year is removed in 6-8 hours.
However, you'd better do some research beforehand to find out how long it will take for documents to be deleted. In the databases of large supermarkets, removal can sometimes last up to two days, then it is better to close it on the weekend or work for some time without real leftovers.

In file Removal protocol .xls contains data on the actual deletion of documents in a database with a production configuration of engineering and technical personnel (medium size), when the point of relevance was moved to the beginning of the period. Based on this graph, it can be seen that the speed is linear, without a difference in speed at the beginning and end of the month, and is equal to approximately 5000 documents per hour or 2.5 months per hour. This speed can be considered approximate for average DBF databases. On the same basis, if the point of relevance has not changed, the speed also remains linear, but is already 2580 documents per hour or twice as slow. The conclusions are obvious - the speed gain is 2 times.

Knowledgeable people advised another way - to download data from the database, delete all documents from it before the specified date (everything is in text form) and download it back. Even faster, even more productive!


Let D be the closing date of the period, we close the period at the end of date D, perhaps there are documents for date D (often D is December 31).

Make an archive of the database, then generate and save control reports on balances, a balance sheet taking into account currencies and off-balance sheet accounts, a price list and other important reports.

Make a copy of the database - it will be the old database.

Generate transactions for transferring account balances using wrap.ert , indicate the date D. Check the box that prohibits deleting documents.

Generate a document MovementRegister for each register (manually or by processing), write it down at the end of date D, enter the balance, do not post it.

Generate a document FixationPeriodic For each directory containing periodic details established by documents, (manually or by processing), write it down at the end of date D, enter the values ​​of the details, do not post.
Using document processing, mark documents for deletion from the beginning of the period (you can specify 01/01/1980) up to date D-1 inclusive. Delete documents for date D manually.

Set the relevance point to date D+1 and post the documents MovementRegister And FixationPeriodic .

Generate control reports in the closed database and compare them with reports in the source database.
If the balances on the control reports coincide, the closing of the period is completed.

Provide users with the path to the closed database.

Journals -> Regulatory documents -> Closing the month -> Edit:

  • We will re-post the “Month Closing” document to receive financial results, if it is missing, then we will introduce a new document.

Task 7. Formation of tax accounting documents for the correct calculation of income tax.

In the program "1C: Accounting 7.7." calculation tax base for income tax occurs automatically based on tax accounting data, which is maintained in the program in parallel with accounting(when setting the appropriate constant). But at the end of the month there is a need to enter several more tax accounting documents. These documents should be located after the accounting documents.

  • The date of this document - the last day of the current month is set automatically by the program, this means that to set the desired date it is enough to select any day of the month for which labor costs are determined
  • Click on the [Fill] button:

  • Tax accounting -> Regulatory operations -> “Tax calculation”

This document is filled out in the same way, using the [Fill] key.

The next document that we will enter is the “Tax Accrual” document for calculating property taxes. This document is filled out manually.

  • To enter the “Tax accrual” document, we will use standard methods for entering new documents
  • Set the required document date to 01/31/05.
  • Double-click the mouse to activate the tabular part in the “Type of tax” column and select property tax
  • Next, fill out the tabular part of the document in accordance with the figure, finishing entering each detail by pressing a key

  • We save and post the document
  • Tax accounting -> Regulatory operations -> “Tax calculation”

The document "Direct costs of work in progress" is analogous to the accounting document "Work in Process", it is also filled out manually (if there is a work in progress):

The document does not generate postings, but its results affect the postings generated by the document "Routine operations for tax accounting".

  • Tax accounting Ш Regular operations Ш “Routine operations for tax accounting”
  • Fill out the dialog document form according to the picture:
  • Save and post the document, view the report and transactions generated by the document