How to calculate real savings when making a purchase. Indicators for assessing the effectiveness of public procurement. Description of indicators used in assessing the effectiveness of contracts concluded as a result of placing orders for state and municipal needs

To check CAdES-X Long Type 1 signature

Agree with all pop-ups, if any.

You should see a page like this:

If you see such a window, then proceed to step 2, if not, then read on.

If you see such a window, it means that CryptoPro CSP is not installed or is not available, see the paragraph on how to check the installation or install CryptoPro CSP.

If you see such a window, it means CAdESBrowserPlug-in is not installed or is not available, see the paragraph on how to check if the plugin is installed, How to make sure that the browser is configured correctly.

Step 2

In the Certificate field, select the required certificate and click Sign.

Note: The Certificate field displays all certificates installed in the current user's Personal store and certificates written to key containers. If there are no certificates in the list or the one you need is missing, then you need to insert the key media with the private key and .

If after clicking the Sign button you see this result, it means you have successfully completed the signature and the CryptoPro EDS Browser plug-in is working normally.

If you receive an error, see the Error Information section.

How to check if CryptoPro is installedCSP

You can check whether CryptoPro CSP is installed by going to the Programs and Features control panel (Add or Remove Programs). There you can also see the version of the installed product:

If CryptoPro CSP has not been installed, then a trial version (for 3 months) can be downloaded from our website (a valid account on our portal is required to download the file): private/csp/40/9944/CSPSetup.exe

After downloading the .exe file, run it and select “Install (recommended).” The installation will occur automatically.

How to check if CryptoPro EDS Browser plug-in is installed

You can check whether the CryptoPro EDS Browser plug-in is installed by going to the Programs and Features control panel (Add or Remove Programs). There you can also see the version of the installed product.

If the CryptoPro EDS Browser plug-in is not installed, the distribution can be downloaded from our website:

Instructions for installing the plugin:

How to make sure that the browser extension is enabled

If you are usingGoogleChrome, then you must enable the extension. To do this, in the upper right corner of the browser, click on the Settings and management icon Google Chrome(three dots)- Additional tools-Extensions.

Make sure that the CryptoPro Extension for CAdES Browser Plug-in is present and enabled. If the extension is missing, reinstall the CryptoPro EDS Browser plug-in or download the extension through the Chrome Online Store:

If you are usingMozillaFirefox version 52 and higher, you need to additionally install a browser extension.

Allow its installation:

Click Add:

Go to Tools-Add-ons-Extensions and make sure the extension is enabled:

If you are usingInternet Explorer, then when you go to a page in which CAdESBrowserPlug-in is built in, you will see the following message at the bottom of the page:

Click Allow.

In the Access Confirmation window, click Yes:

If you are usingOpera then you need to install the extension from the Opera add-ons directory:

And in the pop-up window click - Install extension:

In the next window, click - Install:

Or go to Menu-Extensions-Extensions:

Click Add extensions and enter CryptoPro in the search bar, select our plugin and click Add to Opera. After this, restart your browser.

You can check whether the plugin is enabled in Menu-Extensions-Extensions:

If you are using Yandex browser, then you need to go to Options-Settings-Add-ons and make sure that CryptoPro EDS is there and enabled. If the extension is missing, then you can download it from the Catalog of extensions for Yandex Browser using the search for the word CryptoPro.

Error Information

1) The CryptoPro window appearsCSP Insert key media

The appearance of this window means that you do not have the media with the private key for the certificate you selected inserted.

The key media must be inserted. Make sure that the OS “sees” it and try again.

If the previous steps did not help, you need to reinstall the certificate in the Personal storage of the current user with a link to the private key. .

2) The signature could not be created due to the error: The certificate chain for the trusted root authority cannot be built. (0x800B010A)

This error occurs when the status of the certificate cannot be verified (no binding to the private key, no access to revocation lists or the OCSP service), or the root certificates are not installed.

Bind the certificate to the private key:

Check whether the chain of trust is being built: open the certificate file (you can open it via Start-All Programs-CryptoPro-Certificates-Current User-Personal-Certificates), go to the Certification Path tab. If there are red crosses on this tab, or there is nothing at all except the current certificate (unless the certificate is self-signed)

Screenshots with examples of certificates that do not have a chain of trust.

In order for a chain of trust to be built, you need to download and install root and intermediate certificates. You can download them from the website of the CA that issued the certificate.

If you are using a qualified certificate, then try installing these 2 certificates in the trusted root (these are the certificates of the Head CA of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications and from them, if there is an Internet connection, a chain of trust should be built for any qualified certificate), if this does not help, then contact the CA that issued the certificate to you .

To install the downloaded certificate into Trusted Root Certification Authorities, right-click on it - Select - Install Certificate - Current User - Place all certificates in the following stores - Browse - Trusted Root Certification Authorities - Ok - Next - Finish - when the security warning appears about installing the certificate - click Yes-Ok. If you are installing an intermediate certification authority certificate, then select the storage - intermediate certification authorities.

Important: If you create CAdES-T or CAdES-XLongType 1, an error may occur if there is no trust in the service TSP operator certificate, in this case you need to install the root certificate of the CA that issued it in the trusted root certification authorities.

3) If the signature is created, but the error is on when checking the certificate chain, this means that there is no access to certificate revocation lists.

Lists of revocation certificates can be downloaded from the website of the CA that issued the certificate. After receiving the list, it must be installed; the procedure is identical to the procedure for installing an intermediate CA certificate.

4) Error: 0x8007064A

The reason for the error is that the licenses for CryptoPro CSP and/or CryptoPro TSP Client 2.0 and/or CryptoPro OCSP Client 2.0 have expired.

To create a CAdES-BES signature you must have a valid license for CryptoPro CSP

To create XLT1, you must have valid licenses for the following software products: CryptoPro CSP, CryptoPro TSP Client 2.0, CryptoPro OCSP Client 2.0

You can view the status of licenses through: Start - All programs - CRYPTO-PRO - CryptoPro PKI license management.

Solution: Purchase a license for the required software and activate it:

Start - All programs - CRYPTO-PRO - CryptoPro PKI license management - select the desired software product - open the context menu (right-click) - select All tasks select Enter serial number... - enter the license serial number - click OK

5) Keyset does not exist (0x80090016)

Reason for error: The browser does not have enough rights to perform the operation - add our site to your trusted

6) Access denied (0x80090010)

Reason for error: The private key has expired. Check the expiration date Go to Start->All Programs (all applications)->CryptoPro->Crypto-Pro CSP. Go to the Service tab. Select Test, select the container with the private key and you will be able to see its validity period in the test results. It is recommended to obtain a new key.

7) Error: Invalid algorithm specified. (0x80090008)

This error occurs if you are using a certificate whose algorithm is not supported by your crypto provider.

Example: You have CryptoPro CSP 3.9 installed and the certificate was issued in accordance with GOST 2012.

Or if a hashing algorithm is used that does not match the certificate.

Also check that the CryptoPro CSP version is up to date.

In the article we will look at when the customer must make changes to the plan and procurement schedule and will pay special attention to such a basis as the resulting savings during procurement.

Changing the procurement plan

Changes to the procurement plan are made in accordance with Part 6 of Art. 17 Federal Law on the contract system, as well as by Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 5, 2015 No. 552, dated November 21, 2013 No. 1043.

Question: Is it necessary to reduce the amount in the purchasing plan in the position where the savings were made? The letter of the Ministry of Economic Development dated November 29, 2016 No. D28i-3256 states that if it is necessary for the customer to purchase goods, works, services by using, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the savings obtained during procurement, the customer enters such a purchase as a new line in the procurement plan and procurement schedule. At the same time, the initial (maximum) prices of contracts, as a result of which such savings were obtained, do not change.

Management of state and municipal procurement ( , , ak. hours) - additional professional program advanced training for contract managers, specialists contract services and purchasing commissions.

1) The absolute value of overconsumption or savings is defined as the difference between the actual consumption of material resources and the planned one, recalculated for actual production output.

2) Savings, which characterize the reduction in the actual consumption of resources in relation to their planned level of consumption (or the level of the base period), taking into account the implementation of the plan for production volume (or its dynamics in the reporting period compared with the base period. It is determined by subtracting the amount of actual consumption of specific types of resources from their consumption according to the plan (or in the base period), adjusted to the index (level) of plan implementation in terms of production volume (or taking into account the dynamics compared to the base period). The presence of relative savings means that the actual consumption of a particular type of resource per unit of production was lower than planned standards (reported in the base period). To determine absolute savings or overspending of the fund wages it is necessary to compare the actual amount of wages accrued with the planned one. An excess of the actually accrued amount of wages compared to its planned amount means an absolute overexpenditure; if less is actually accrued than was provided for by the plan, the enterprise experiences savings in the wage fund.
Relative savings (overexpenditure) of the wage fund are established by comparing the actually accrued wage fund of only industrial production personnel with the planned fund, recalculated to the percentage of fulfillment of the production plan using an adjustment factor.(explanation using salary example)

Absolute savings (example)

If BS are used in the current (planning) period more (less) effectively compared to the previous (base, reporting) period, then, with a constant volume of product sales, absolute savings (overspend) are formed. working capital(E ab):

E abs = ObS base – ObS plan,

where the OS plan is calculated based on the planned plan,

K about - is calculated from the sales volume that is unchanged compared to the base.

For example, in the reporting (base) year, OBS = 5 million rubles. Products sold for 15 million rubles. IN next year Ko plans to increase by 10%. Let's calculate the absolute savings of ObS. To do this, let's calculate:

(1) To base = 15/5 = 3 times;

(2) ;

(3) The need for OBS with a constant sales volume (15 million rubles) and C o plan:

ObS plan = 15 / 3.3 = 4.5 million rubles;

(4) the absolute savings of the OBS will be:

E abs = 5 – 4.5 = 0.5 million rubles.

If actual and planned indicators are compared, then

E abs = ObS plan – ObS fact,

where the ObS fact is calculated based on the actual K o fact and the planned sales volume.

Relative savings (example)

If the volume products sold changes, then it is necessary to calculate the savings (overexpenditure) of the ObS taking into account changes in the volume of sales, i.e. you need to calculate the relative savings (overconsumption) of the OS:

where JQ – product sales index in %;

Or to compare fact with plan:

where or to compare fact with plan.

If in our example sales volume increases by 30%, then relative savings(overexpenditure) OBS will be:

E rel = 5 – 4.5 · 1.3 = -0.85.

In the planning year, the obs will be overspent by 85 million rubles. But this overexpenditure is relative, because At the same time, the volume of product sales increases.

The following can be selected as criteria for assessing the effectiveness of contracts concluded as a result of placing orders for state and municipal needs:

  • - compliance with customer needs
  • - completeness of the contract, which implies the presence in the text of the contract of a clear definition of the subject of purchase with its classification as goods, works or services, clear and understandable requirements for the subject of purchase, the duration of the contract, the rights and obligations of the parties, the final result of the implementation of the contract, the procedure for acceptance of supplied goods , the work and services performed, rules for resolving disagreements, sanctions for violating the terms of the contract, the possibility of attracting a subcontractor and the rules for interacting with them
  • - economic efficiency (taking into account maintenance costs, etc. and all adjustments made), understood as using the lowest possible level financial resources for the purchase of the required volume of goods, works and services

Description of indicators used in assessing the effectiveness of contracts concluded as a result of placing orders for state and municipal needs

Performance indicators must meet a number of criteria in order to be useful and effective for analyzing the existing system of government and municipal procurement. In order to identify the most appropriate performance indicators, we first consider these criteria.

First, the metrics must be relevant to each organization. One way to determine relevant indicators is to correlate the indicators with the goals and objectives of the organization or a specific area of ​​its activity.

Secondly, indicators must be clearly defined to ensure that the necessary information is collected and can be compared fairly. Unclear definitions can lead to problems in collecting information and misinterpretation of data.

Thirdly, the indicators must be justified. Indicators must be calculated on the basis of information that can be verified as authentic.

Fourthly, the indicators must be economically justified. There needs to be a balance between the costs incurred in collecting data and calculating indicators and the usefulness of these indicators. Therefore, whenever possible, indicators should be constructed based on existing information.

Fifthly, indicators must have the following characteristics: absence of double interpretation of indicators, sensitivity to changes, statistical validity, reasonable time frame for collecting information.

Taking into account the criteria described above and the peculiarities of the current legislation, it seems advisable to select the following indicators of the effectiveness of contracts concluded as a result of placing orders for state and municipal needs:

  • 1. type of contract
  • 2. indicators of the effectiveness of the conditions provided for in the contract
  • - clarity of formulation of requirements for the subject of procurement
  • - lack of an explicit description of product characteristics corresponding to a specific trade name
  • - presence in the text of the contract technical characteristics, properties and quality of the item of purchase
  • - the terms of the contract take into account the risks inherent in this group of products
  • - presence in the text of the contract of information regarding warranty period service, the scope of warranty work and the time during which they must be carried out
  • - breakdown of the contract execution process into several stages
  • - precise designation of the terms of the contract execution stages
  • - the text of the contract describes the process of conducting financial transactions between the supplier and the customer
  • - the text of the contract indicates the full cost of the subject of purchase
  • - the text of the contract indicates the amount of security for the execution of the contract
  • - the text of the contract indicates the amount of the advance if the contract provides for the payment of an advance
  • - presence in the text of the contract of a description of copyright
  • - the presence in the text of the contract of a description of the final result of the implementation of the contract
  • - the contract describes in detail the procedure for accepting goods, works and services
  • - presence in the text of a clear description of the rights and obligations of the parties
  • - the presence in the text of the contract of conditions that determine the possibility of attracting a subcontractor

Presence in the text of the contract of the parties' liability for violation of the terms of the contract

  • - the presence in the text of the contract of a description of the procedure for resolving arising disagreements
  • - the presence in the text of the contract of conditions for termination of the contract
  • - the text of the contract indicates the duration of the contract
  • - the presence in the text of the contract of requirements for information transmission channels during the implementation of the contract
  • - the text of the contract describes the procedure for monitoring the execution of the contract
  • 3. contract price efficiency indicator
  • - comparison of the average market price for similar goods, works, services with the contract price
  • (contract price / average market price) * 100%

A contract will be considered effective if the contract price is lower than the average market price level for similar goods, works, services or approximately equal. If the contract price exceeds the market average, but not by more than 5%, then the contract is considered moderately effective. If the price exceeds the price by more than 5%, the contract is considered ineffective.

  • 4. indicator of compliance of purchased goods, works, services with quality requirements
  • 5. indicator of compliance with delivery times
  • 6. degree of satisfaction of the end consumer.

All of the above indicators can be ranked on a five-point scale, where:

  • 1 - not in the contract / unsatisfactory
  • 2 - mentioned in the contract / extremely satisfactory
  • 3 - present in the contract, but not described in detail/satisfactorily
  • 4 - all conditions are clearly stated / good
  • 5 - all conditions are spelled out in extreme detail and clearly, the end result exceeded the planned / very good.

Based on the selected criteria and indicators, it is possible to assess the degree of achievement of procurement goals; analyze the text of the contract, the completeness of which is an essential condition maximum achievement planned goals; assessing the degree of compliance with the terms of the contract; assessment economic efficiency procurement. The effectiveness of the listed parameters together determines the effectiveness of contract execution.

Thus, using these indicators, it is possible to rank concluded contracts for various product groups and examine the data obtained for differentiation in the degree of efficiency of execution of a contract with a fixed price in cases where the procurement objects are different. Such a study in this work is limited to analyzing the text of the contract and comparing the contract price with the average market price for similar goods, works, services due to the lack of sufficient data on the progress of execution and acceptance of the contract results.

Since the assessment of the effectiveness of contracts includes an indicator of taking into account the risks inherent in each specific group of purchased goods, works, services, the main risks inherent in the selected product groups will first be analyzed, and then the effectiveness of contracts for certain product groups will be assessed in accordance with the proposed criteria .

Having considered the issue, we came to the following conclusion:
In this case, the customer should make changes to the procurement plan and schedule in terms of information related to the volume financial security, intended for the implementation of relevant purchases, planned payments, if necessary, supplementing these documents with information about new planned purchases.

Rationale for the conclusion:
The procurement plan for goods, works and services to meet state and municipal needs (hereinafter also referred to as the procurement plan) includes information, including the name of the object and (or) the names of the procurement objects, the amount of financial support for the procurement (, Federal Law dated 05.04 .2013 N 44-FZ "On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs", hereinafter referred to as Law N 44-FZ).
With regard to the procurement of goods, works and services (hereinafter - procurement) carried out for federal needs, the Government of the Russian Federation dated 06/05/2015 N 552 approved the Rules for the formation, approval and maintenance of a plan for the procurement of goods, work, services to meet federal needs (hereinafter - the Rules) and Requirements for the form of a procurement plan for goods, works, and services to meet federal needs (hereinafter referred to as the Requirements for the procurement plan).
The procurement plan indicates, in particular, the name of the procurement object (or objects) with an indication of the amount of financial support (planned payments) for the procurement for the corresponding financial year (clause “e”, paragraph 1 of the Requirements for the procurement plan).
According to clause 2 of the Requirements for the procurement plan, the procurement plan indicates information on purchases that are planned to be made from a single supplier (contractor, performer, hereinafter also referred to as counterparty) in accordance with , and Law N 44-FZ, in one line in the amount of the annual financial volume security for each of the procurement items listed in this paragraph.
The procurement schedule (hereinafter also referred to as the schedule) for each procurement includes the name and description of the procurement object; initial (maximum) price of the contract, the price of the contract concluded with sole supplier(contractor, performer); the method of determining the counterparty and the rationale for choosing this method (Law No. 44-FZ).
Based on Law No. 44-FZ of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 5, 2015 No. 553 (hereinafter referred to as Resolution No. 553), the Requirements for the form of a schedule for the procurement of goods, works, and services to meet federal needs were approved (hereinafter referred to as the Requirements for the schedule). According to paragraphs. "g" clause 1 of these Requirements, the schedule for each procurement item includes information about the stages of payment (amounts of planned payments) for the current financial year, if the execution of the contract and its payment are provided for in stages.
Subparagraph “a” of clause 2 of the Requirements for the schedule stipulates that in the procurement schedule to meet federal needs, information on purchases that are planned to be carried out from a single counterparty in accordance with, and Law No. 44-FZ in relation to each from the procurement items listed in this norm.
In accordance with Law No. 44-FZ, procurement plans are subject to change in the case of using, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, savings obtained during the procurement. A similar rule is provided for in paragraphs. "e" clause 11 of the Rules.
Law N 44-FZ determines that the schedule is subject to change by the customer in the event of a change in the procurement plan, as well as in other cases provided for in this norm, in particular, in accordance with the procedure for the formation, approval and maintenance of procurement plans for to meet federal needs and to meet the needs of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, municipal needs (clause 5 of this part).
Yes, pp. "d" clause 8 of the approved N 553 Rules for the formation, approval and maintenance of a schedule for the procurement of goods, works, services to meet federal needs provides that changes to the schedule are carried out in the case of using, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the savings obtained from carrying out the purchase.
If changes are made to the schedule on the specified basis, customers clarify the information in the column “planned payments” in accordance with the terms of the contract concluded based on the results of determining the supplier (contractor, performer) (clause 3 of the Requirements for the schedule).
As noted in the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated November 16, 2015 N D28i-3349, purchases made with saved budget funds must be taken into account in the procurement schedule. In a letter dated November 29, 2016 N D28i-3256, representatives of the same ministry indicated that if it is necessary for the customer to purchase goods, works, services by using, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the savings obtained during procurement, the customer enters such a purchase as a new line in procurement plan and procurement schedule. At the same time, the initial (maximum) prices of contracts, as a result of which such savings were obtained, do not change.
So using Money, intended for procurement and savings based on the results of electronic auction, for procurement from a single counterparty, affects the indicators of the volume of financial support in terms of purchases and planned payments in the schedule. In addition, if in connection with such a purchase there appears new object procurement, it must also be reflected in the procurement plan and schedule.
Therefore, in our opinion, in the situation under consideration, the customer should make changes to the procurement plan and schedule in terms of indicators of the volume of financial support intended for the implementation of the relevant purchases, planned payments and, if necessary, supplement these documents with information about new procurement objects.

Prepared answer:
Expert of the Legal Consulting Service GARANT
Erin Pavel

Response quality control:
Reviewer of the Legal Consulting Service GARANT
Alexandrov Alexey

The material was prepared on the basis of individual written consultation provided as part of the Legal Consulting service.