How to write a business plan for air conditioners. We are creating our own business in the field of installation and maintenance of air conditioners. What is required to implement a business idea

Choosing a business idea is one of the most important choices an entrepreneur makes, and it is indeed quite difficult. Many people spend years looking for a suitable business idea, and, not finding it, never become the owner of their own business, despite their great desire. In fact, there are quite a lot of business options around, and choosing one can really be a difficult ordeal. One of the simplest solutions in this situation is to follow in the footsteps of already well-known companies. Opening a company specializing in the sale and installation of air conditioners is precisely one of these ideas.

Concluding agreements with suppliers

To start operating and making money in this area, you need to enter into an agreement with a large company selling air conditioners. The company may not be the only one, because different companies often sell lines of air conditioners from different manufacturers. Before concluding an agreement, you should know that the pricing policy of suppliers is almost no different, but the working conditions with dealers, who you will be, often differ. The best option will enter into an agreement with a company that guarantees the supply of air conditioners in the most short time– within 3-5 days from the moment you order the air conditioner. Naturally, contracts are concluded for a certain period, and in case of unsatisfactory performance of the supplier, you can easily terminate it.

Search for air conditioner installation specialists

If the quality of air conditioners and their delivery time depend on the supplier, then the quality of installation and connection will directly depend on you. This is why it is very important to find a qualified installer. Usually in such cases they lure an employee with a good reputation from another company, but it would be more fair to offer him to work for you during his free hours - this is due to the fact that:

Installation specialists are busy much less than 8 hours a day. And many are ready to work extra during “windows” in their work schedule.

Placement of an order acceptance point

To open a business selling and installing air conditioners, you will need a premises with good traffic - this could be an office center or a large shopping center. Naturally, the closer the building is located to the central streets of the city and the most crowded places, the more expensive it will be to rent an office, but the faster the business will pay off. Another great option is to rent an office in centers selling building materials and goods for repairs and decoration, because the decision to install an air conditioner in a house is usually made during renovations.

Naturally, the staff will not be limited to just one installer. At a minimum, you will need a sales specialist. Ideally, this would be a middle-aged man who not only understands technology, but is able to answer technical questions about air conditioners that interest clients. There is no gender discrimination in the fact that a sales manager should not be a woman - it’s just that the purchase of air conditioners in most cases is carried out by the male population, and it is much easier for men to find a common language among themselves. And even if a woman initiates the purchase of an air conditioner, in 90% of cases she will come to choose the air conditioner with a man.

We take into account the seasonality of business

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the business of selling and installing air conditioners is seasonal. After all, most people prefer to purchase air conditioners during hot periods or in advance, that is, in spring or summer. To prevent your business from being idle during the rest of the year, you can create a list of additional services that your company will provide in the fall and winter. An example would be service maintenance air conditioners, drawing up installation projects for offices in new buildings, developing an air conditioning system for office or commercial premises large area. Thus, in the autumn-winter period, the work of your company will specialize in providing services to legal entities. This is also advantageous because, unlike individuals who begin to think about installing an air conditioner as the hot season approaches, legal entities They begin to develop plans for air conditioning the premises for the next period just in the fall and winter.

Financial plan

An approximate financial justification for such a business idea is as follows:


  • Tool – $1650.
  • Samples of air conditioners for demonstration to customers - $3300.
  • Office equipment – ​​$1700 (including furniture, communications, design and purchase of office equipment).


  • Air conditioner sales: $650 per unit.
  • Maintenance of one air conditioner – $65 per year.


  • Rent an office of 10-15 sq.m. – $250 - $500.
  • Wage sales manager – $500.
  • Communication expenses – $100.
  • Advertising – $500 - $650.
  • Installer services – $100 per installation.
  • The cost of the air conditioner is $250 - $350.
  • Taxes – $330.


  • Fixed expenses – $2100.
  • Gross income from the sale and installation of 1 air conditioner is $230.
  • Sales (during the season) – 15 pieces/month.

Start-up investments in business

To start a business selling and installing air conditioners, a minimum starting investment of about $15,000.

Attachments: from 615,000 rubles

Payback: from 5 months

Choose an idea to open own business it can be difficult. You first need to decide in which area you can become successful. Some people know how to repair computers and open their own workshops. Some people specialize in shoe repair or clothing tailoring. It is important to find your specialization and invest money in it. In this article we will look at the business of selling and installing air conditioners. They are quite popular now, especially in warm regions. There is demand, which means you can make money.

Business concept

This business idea can be implemented not only by a person who knows how to install air conditioners. You can hire a master.

The company's clients will be owners of houses, apartments, shops, entertainment and administrative establishments, and various companies. Today, many people and organizations strive to create optimal indoor conditions for comfortable work. Therefore, preference is given to air conditioners.

If you sell, install or repair them, you can earn good money. The range of air conditioners is constantly expanding, and people can consider replacing an old model with a new, more economical and functional one.

What is required to implement a business idea?

First, you need to study the market in your region. This will allow you to find out the presence of competitors and the demand for climate control equipment. If there are several similar firms in the city, it will be difficult to resist them, especially if the population is not so large.

Important on initial stage think about finding companies for cooperation. Part of the income will depend on suppliers. It is necessary to give preference to those companies that provide high-quality air conditioners from well-known manufacturers at reasonable prices. It is recommended to enter into an agreement with a company from which orders will be placed if necessary. Delivery of the goods should take several days.

Think about who will do the installation work. You may have to find a professional for this. His employment may be part-time.

It is important to think about the point of receiving orders from customers. Rent a small office in the central part of the city. The premises are undergoing minor renovations and a minimal set of furniture has been purchased.

The company must have a manager to work directly in the office to receive orders and communicate with clients. Here it is important to select an employee who can answer technical questions and be able to communicate competently with people.

You don't need to buy a lot of air conditioners. It is better to order several popular models to demonstrate to clients. Next, create a catalog of climate control equipment models that are purchased from suppliers and show it to potential buyers.

Step-by-step launch instructions

  1. Drawing up a business plan.
  2. Search for premises and its further renovation.
  3. Purchasing tools for installation work.
  4. Personnel selection.
  5. Agreement with suppliers.
  6. Purchase of several air conditioners.
  7. Preparation of advertising.
  8. Registration of an LLC, registration of a company name.

Financial calculations

Starting investments (in rubles)

Monthly expenses (in rubles)

How much can you earn?

In 1 month you can sell about 10 air conditioners. You can earn 250,000 rubles from this. Maintenance of 1 air conditioner for a month – 400 rubles. Installation of one device costs 6,000 rubles, for a month it turns out to be 60,000 rubles. On average, the monthly income is approximately 310,000 rubles, the net profit is 190,000 rubles.


During the warm season you can make a good profit. This will allow you to recoup your investment in 5 months. To achieve such high results, you need to put in a lot of effort.


When opening a company, you need to take into account the seasonality of the business. Most customers buy air conditioners with the onset of spring. In order not to lose income in winter, you can think about providing additional services. This includes service, development of air conditioner installation projects, preparation of air conditioning systems in large premises.


Opening a company selling, installing and servicing air conditioners would be a smart decision. It doesn’t require much money to start, but the payback period is 5 months. But you need to understand that in most regions this business will be seasonal and there are already quite old and successful companies on the market.

Starting to earn money for yourself is always difficult, because there are not always enough funds and opportunities to open your own business. Most often, the problem is in the start-up capital, which is difficult to accumulate these days, to put it mildly.

Therefore, most novice entrepreneurs turn their attention to the type of activity that brings good profits with minimal initial investment. One such option is an air conditioning installation business.

Why is this beneficial?

The last decade will be remembered by the inhabitants of the Earth for its abnormal temperatures, going far beyond 30-degree heat in the summer and 20-degree frost in the cold season. All this, of course, scares the average person, but an enterprising person will always find an opportunity to make money using all factors, even such disappointing ones as global warming.

After all, judge for yourself, at any time of the year a person wants to feel comfortable: not to freeze in winter, and not to “perish” from the sultry heat in summer. That is why climate control equipment is always in demand. Moreover, it is installed not only in offices and production premises, but also in ordinary residential buildings and apartments.

Business plan for a climate control company: what to pay attention to?

It is clear that the initial investment in this business will depend on many factors. First, you need to decide in which region you will work. After all, the climatic conditions of different parts of our vast country are quite different from each other. Therefore, you need to take into account the possible number of potential consumers of your services, the purchasing power of the population in the region, the availability of industrial facilities and so on.

In addition, depending on the target consumers, you need to decide on your budget (this is why a detailed business plan is drawn up).

Installation of air conditioners in office, residential and industrial areas requires varying degrees of technical support and levels of personnel qualifications.

And in order to receive a permanent order for services from a specialized industrial plant or any other serious organization, you must have not only sufficient funds (from 50 to 100 thousand dollars), but also good diplomatic knowledge and skills. If you have them, the flag is in your hands!

Knowing your product is the key to success

Reach good results You can only do something in which you understand 200%. Therefore, before you do anything, study all the information about the product,
that you are going to offer to people, and take this data into account when drawing up your business plan.

Installation of air conditioners High Quality– the service is not that cheap. The equipment itself will cost more than 1 thousand dollars, plus the cost of installation. But clients who order such a service know what they pay money for: high-quality modern products (most often made in Japan) combine excellent characteristics and have a protection and self-diagnosis system.

The most popular, due to their good characteristics and more or less affordable prices, are middle-class air conditioning systems. They are mainly produced in Japan and Europe. Their main disadvantages are relative noise and low guarantee period service. Such climate control equipment will cost 600-900 dollars.

Well, the most budget option is domestic or Chinese air conditioners, which are not particularly reliable, but also cost about $500.

A knowledgeable leader is a good leader

Perhaps, if you do not have sufficient material resources, you will have to install the equipment yourself. This way, you will save on labor costs and learn all the intricacies of the business that you will manage in the future. Agree, a “trained” person will be able to become a good leader and will be able to control the quality of the work of his subordinates as much as possible. Therefore, do not rush to implement your business plan - installing air conditioners requires experience in this matter.

The best solution in this case would be an internship under the supervision of a real specialist, preferably in some organization with a good reputation. You will have to study for about 6 months, although it all depends on the level of your initial training. During this time you will receive an excellent knowledge base of theory and practice.


In order for your business to move forward, you need to recruit a team of experienced specialists who can work with equipment, including equipment for industrial mountaineering. Such workers can be found at the same enterprise where you did your internship - there will always be a couple of people willing to change

Other search options include: advertisements in newspapers and online publications, services recruitment agencies or attracting friends. True, in this case it would be better to install probation for a week or two to verify the qualifications of a potential employee.

To begin with, you will not need many workers - 4-5 people will be enough, especially since you yourself will be able to directly participate in the implementation of received orders.

Equipment and materials

Any split system requires high-quality installation for its excellent operation, so its durability will depend not only on the integrity of the manufacturer and the qualifications of the installers, but also on the quality of the tools. So, each group of your workers will need to have with them:

  • power tools (a pair of hammer drills (one powerful, the other weaker) with a set of drills, a wall chaser with diamond blades);
  • refrigeration tools (vacuum pump with gauge manifold and charging cylinder, leak detector);
  • pipe tools (pipe bender, pipe cutter, rolling, scraping);
  • molding tools (burner, preferably propane-oxygen, and solder).

For safe work At heights, it is also necessary to purchase climbing equipment with a safety system. Take this point into account when drawing up your business plan. Installation of air conditioners does not allow savings on working materials - how can you demand high-quality work from a specialist without providing him with reliable equipment? Over time, all costs will be recouped, but it will be difficult to regain the lost reputation.

Store or warehouse

How to sell air conditioners without having any retail space? For this purpose, it would be optimal to open a specialized trading
points. In this case, the entire range of your goods will be on display, and the presence of such a store significantly increases the level of trust in the seller. True, you will need to spend a little more on the salaries of salespeople and consultants.

A business in the installation and maintenance of split systems and air conditioners is a profitable and relatively simple undertaking for new entrepreneurs. Climate control technology is used everywhere, so there is no shortage of potential client, in need of high-quality installation and service of such equipment, will not be available.

Where to start a business

Initially, you need to register your future activities with the tax authorities, that is, register as individual entrepreneur. Why do you need these documents:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and application for state registration;
  • a receipt (cheque) confirming payment of the state duty,
  • scanned copy of TIN certificate.

Registration of an individual entrepreneur is the least expensive in terms of finances and time. In this case, a simplified taxation system will be applied, in which 6 to 15% is levied in favor of the state (either on net profit or on gross income). When submitting your application, please indicate the following OKVED codes:

  • 29.23.9, is responsible for the provision of installation, repair work and maintenance of industrial refrigeration and ventilation equipment;
  • 45.33, regulates sanitary and technical work at facilities.

The following additional codes may also be useful, which will allow you to expand the scope of the enterprise’s activities in the legal field:

  • 51.43.1 - Wholesale trade in household electrical goods;
  • 52.45.1 - Retail sale of household electrical goods;
  • 74.20.15 - Design in the field of air conditioning, refrigeration equipment, etc.

Licensing of activities

If we're talking about only about the maintenance of air conditioners (without installation work), then no permits are required for this. When the activity also extends to the installation and repair of climate control equipment, which are equated to the construction industry, then to be admitted to such a business you need to be a member of a self-regulatory organization (SRO). To enter the SRO, you must pay an entry fee, as well as prove a sufficient level of competence and the ability to competently carry out engineering surveys and installation work.

Office organization

At first entrepreneurial activity You can do without an office by negotiating with clients on their or neutral territory, as well as by telephone. But in the future it is better to have your own representative office, and in an area where it will be convenient for you to serve greatest number customers. To organize an office, a room of 20-30 square meters is sufficient; it will be possible to place office equipment, furniture, communications equipment, accept orders, and draw up service contracts.

It is advisable for a novice businessman to locate office space in a large residential area, where there will be a large volume of work in multi-apartment high-rises. It’s good if residential areas with developed infrastructure are being built nearby. Then it will be possible to receive orders for maintenance or installation of climate control not only in apartments, but shopping centers, beauty salons, pharmacies and other organizations.

How much money do you need to start a business?

The amount of primary investment depends on the climatic conditions of the region, local pricing policy and demand for the service. At the initial stage, you can only deal with servicing air conditioners and split systems.

Your responsibilities: replacement, refilling of components and other services without dismantling/installing equipment. That's why start-up capital will go to:

  • rent office space— 20,000 rubles;
  • advertising campaigns - 25,000 rubles;
  • purchase of office equipment, household expenses, office equipment - 8,000-10,000 rubles;
  • Fuel and lubricants and other expenses - 40,000 rubles.

If you plan to install purchased air conditioners or split systems, then it makes sense to purchase (order) several options of equipment in bulk of different price groups and configurations. To then resell them with installation. This will require, in dollar terms, from 20 to 50 thousand in the regions of the Russian Federation, and up to 150 thousand in Moscow and the region.

How profitable is the business?

The peak demand for services for installation, testing or repair of climate control equipment occurs in spring and summer. Prices for services depend on the device model. For example, diagnostics of a regular window air conditioner costs 1,150 rubles, and a split system (cassette) costs 1,300 rubles. Checking the operation of a multi-split system (both units) will cost the client 6,500 rubles. and so on. Cleaning the indoor unit (including the evaporator and drainage) in various modifications and without dismantling can cost from 1,500 to 2,500 rubles. A service with dismantling costs up to 7 thousand rubles, and serious repairs have an upper price limit of about 20 thousand rubles.

Plus - refilling cooling systems with freon averages 1,200 rubles, and the price of freon is 1,000 rubles per kg. The average cost of delivery and installation of one air conditioner reaches 25-30 thousand rubles. By servicing two or three orders per week for installation and several for diagnostics, you can achieve an income of 300-700 thousand in the first month of activity.

In the future, having gained experience and clientele, it makes sense to expand the range of climate services, since business registration in accordance with OKVED codes allows this. Since it is not only air conditioning, but also ventilation and heating. In addition, reputable companies enter into contracts for year-round climate control service.

A one-time service during the operation of the equipment can cost the client between 3500-4000 rubles. Regular maintenance, for example, of 3 split systems under a contract, which includes refueling, can cost from 3 to 20 thousand per year. The price depends on how much service work the company undertakes to do and on the type of equipment.

Technology of installation and service of climate control equipment, installation equipment

The air conditioner maintenance service consists of: cleaning the filters in the indoor unit and in the drainage system, monitoring the temperature difference and cleaning the heat exchanger of the unit inside, checking the operating pressure in the system, charging with freon, as well as diagnosing various malfunctions. It is possible to dismantle equipment in order to detect malfunctions, repairs, and more.

The installation process of air conditioning equipment consists of: installing outdoor and indoor units, laying inter-unit communications. A fairly simple technology requires a certain professionalism from installers. Since dirt and dust getting into the refrigeration circuit will damage the unit. The aesthetic appearance of the entire system and its connecting elements is also important. Therefore, it is better to have your own trained staff rather than hire third-party workers who can create an unattractive image for your company.

To perform work on installing air conditioners, you will need the following list of tools:

  • hammer drills (at least 2 pcs.);
  • wall chaser, or, in extreme cases, an angle grinder;
  • vacuum pump - removes moisture/air from the cooling circuit;
  • industrial concrete pump;
  • charging cylinder and pressure manifold;
  • apparatus for testing the cooling circuit for leaks;
  • tools for cutting, bending, scraping and rolling pipes;
  • equipment for soldering pipes.
  • kits for working with freon.

The cost of a set of tools (installation, repair, diagnostic) can range from five hundred to five thousand in dollar equivalent.

Advertising and promotion of climate services

When starting a business, you will need a large advertising campaign so that you are recognized in the services market. To do this, you need to use banners, banners, print media and online advertising. Distribution of booklets in residential and office areas, personal acquaintance with managers construction companies and so on. Do not skimp on the website, where information about the service, prices, contacts and the ability to order any work online will be presented in an accessible form.