How to create an electronic document in 1C 8.3. Connection "1C-EDO. Who needs the implementation of electronic document management

In May 2012, the formation of the regulatory framework necessary for the launch was completed electronic document management. Many enterprises and organizations are beginning to actively switch to paperless document flow with clients and suppliers. Among the advantages of this form of communication are a significant reduction in costs and time for preparing and sending documents, savings on materials, postal and courier costs, quick access to the electronic archive, convenient search for documents and much more. 1C company methodologists tell us how to launch electronic document turnover in 1C:Enterprise 8.

The possibility of exchanging electronic documents between legal entities has existed since 2002 - from the moment when The federal law No. 1-FZ “On Electronic Digital Signature” determined the equivalence of digital signature and handwritten signature in a paper document and established the basic “rules of the game” in the field of exchange of electronic documents. But to date, potentially very convenient electronic document management has not fully entered into practice. Russian business- until recently, there were several “holes” in the legal framework. One of them is the inability to ensure a legally significant exchange of electronic invoices.

The real start of electronic document management in Russia can be considered May 23, 2012 - on this day the order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 03/05/2012 No. ММВ-7-6/138, which approved electronic formats invoices, journals of received and issued invoices, sales and purchase books. On May 2, the order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated March 21, 2012 No. ММВ-7-6-172@ came into force, which approves the forms of primary documents TORG-12 and the acceptance certificate for works (services). Unlike an invoice, these forms are of a recommendatory nature; when exchanging documents, companies can use forms other than the recommended ones. But in this case, such electronic documents cannot be accepted by tax authorities for consideration as legally significant (for example, for documentary verification).

More details about legal basis exchange of electronic documents we recommend reading in articles on 1C:ITS and on the website

  • Legal force of documents signed with an electronic signature
  • Confirmation of expenses and deductions with electronic documents

General scheme for exchanging electronic documents

Right now, many enterprises and organizations are beginning to actively switch to paperless document flow with clients and suppliers. Among the advantages of this form of communication are a significant reduction in costs and time for preparing and sending documents, savings on materials, postal and courier costs, quick access to the electronic archive, convenient search for documents and much more.

In general, the exchange of electronic documents looks like this (see the first diagram).

First, the seller creates a document in his accounting system. Then he “signs” it with his electronic signature using a special cryptographic software. The next step is to upload the signed electronic document into the electronic document management operator program and send it to the counterparty, who will accept it into their installed program. Next, the buyer needs to enter the received document into his accounting system - to do this, he must either determine the correspondence between the received document and the document previously prepared in information system, or create a copy of this document from scratch. After which the created document can be accepted for real accounting in your work program. The last stages are the most labor-intensive and uncomfortable.

Exchange of electronic documents in 1C:Enterprise 8

To eliminate as much as possible the reloading of documents from one program to another and “ manual labor"When accepting a document into the recipient's accounting system, 1C and the electronic document management operator Taxcom developed a joint solution 1C-Takskom. In fact, this solution is part of the 1C:Enterprise 8 configurations - it is built into 1C:Accounting 8, 1C:Trade Management 8 (rev. 11), 1C:Management manufacturing enterprise 8" and other most popular 1C solutions. Internal integration of the accounting system and the operator’s program eliminated the main technological shortcomings general scheme- using electronic document management has become much easier and more convenient (see the second diagram in the figure above).

In this scheme, the most labor-intensive stage of the overall electronic document exchange circuit is excluded. The integrated solution not only performs all the necessary functions, including sending and receiving documents, but most importantly, based on the received electronic documents, it automatically generates documents in the 1C:Enterprise 8 information base. Thus, the user receives the document in its usual form and can immediately accept it for accounting.

Let us note a few more advantages of this organization of document flow:

  • all work with documents is carried out in the familiar 1C:Enterprise 8 interface;
  • there is no need to separately install and update the electronic document management operator’s program or work on its web resource;
  • The exchange of not only invoices is supported, but also other documents - invoices, acts, invoices, orders, etc.

Four steps to electronic document management

To technically connect the exchange of electronic documents using 1C-Taxcom, you need to follow several simple steps. Please note that for 1C:Enterprise 8 users who have a 1C:ITS contract, connection to the service is free, incoming documents are not charged or paid for.

1. Check whether the program has been updated to the version and release that includes the possibility of exchange (information is available on the website To work with electronic documents, the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform version no lower than 8.2.15 is required. If the version/release number of your program is lower than required, update the program. You can do this yourself, or by contacting a 1C partner or system administrator.

2. The service is connected based on an application. The exchange functionality is already in the program in “sleep” mode. To activate it you need to fill out an application in personal account user on the website

3. After processing the application (usually the procedure takes no more than one working day), the user will be provided with Identifier of the participant in the exchange of electronic documents.

4. The last step towards paperless communication with your counterparties is setting up “1C:Enterprise 8”.

We will examine in detail how to perform such a setup using the example of the popular program “1C: Trade Management 8” (rev. 11).

Setting up "1C:Enterprise 8"

First in the section Administration We note that this program will use the exchange of electronic documents - we will check the appropriate “checkboxes”.

After this, a new group of commands will be available in all forms of documents participating in electronic document flow - , resend and other commands for quickly working with documents.

Let us remind you that to ensure legally significant electronic document flow it is necessary to use an electronic signature. In this case, any certificates issued by a certification center that is part of the network of trusted centers of the Federal Tax Service of Russia will be suitable. For example, if your company submits reports to the Federal Tax Service electronically, then such a certificate has certainly already been received, and it can be safely used to organize the exchange of electronic documents. If you don’t have a certificate, you can get one, for example, from regional representative Taxcom company (

Next, you need to perform general cryptography setup and setup of electronic signature certificates. To fill out the form Setting up cryptography(chapter Administration) you will need to indicate the name and general specifications software that is used to work with electronic signatures (cryptoprovider electronic signature) - see fig. 1. For some programs (for example, for CryptoPro) these technical characteristics can be filled in automatically.

Rice. 1

In order to be able to sign documents with the click of one button, without leaving 1C: Trade Management 8 and without switching to other modes, the electronic signature certificate (or rather, only that part of it that can be transferred and stored in an unprotected mode) must be transferred directly to the program. To do this, you must specify where the program should get this certificate from. In general, 1C developers recommend downloading a certificate from the user’s personal certificate store operating system(see Fig. 2).

Rice. 2

For each certificate (and, in fact, for a specific official who has the right to sign), you should indicate a list of documents that he has the right to sign - therefore, we will list all types of documents on the tab of the same name (see Fig. 3).

Rice. 3

The next stage is also performed in the program; it is technically simple, but will require more time to implement. It's about to agree with your counterparties on the exchange of invoices and other documents in electronic form. Let us remind you that the exchange of electronic invoices requires the mandatory participation of a third party in the process - the electronic document management operator (in this case, the Taxcom company).

The list of counterparties with whom your company plans to switch to paperless document flow is maintained in the form Agreement with counterparties on the use of electronic documents (through EDI operators). By adding a new counterparty to this list, you can immediately send an invitation to electronic interaction.

Details on how to fill out agreements can be found in the methodological support section “1C:Enterprise 8” on the website its.1c.ru and on 1C:ITS .

pay attention to Organization ID. This value is assigned to each organization by the electronic document management operator. If your counterparty accepts the invitation to electronic document management, a message will be sent from him indicating the identifier, and the form field will be filled in automatically. The status of the counterparty will also change - from We are waiting for agreement on Joined.

Don’t forget to respond to incoming invitations from your partners - you can confirm your readiness for electronic exchange using the command Update statuses from the service.

At this point, the technical preparation is completed, and you can proceed directly to the exchange of electronic documents. Let's look at how this is done in the program using the example of invoices.

Invoice: send and receive

Please note that two columns will now appear in the list of invoices, displaying the summary status of electronic document flow for information base documents. In the first column - the state of document flow on our part (for example, everything is done or action required), in the second - the state of other participants (the counterparty and the electronic document management operator). The user sees whether he needs to do something or just wait - see fig. 4.

Rice. 4

We will prepare a new invoice as usual. The program will tell you what action is required on our part- that is, we should sign and send the document to the partner. To do this, select the command Generate, sign and send from the newly created menu ED- see fig. 5.

Rice. 5

When you select this command, the program will automatically prepare an electronic document, sign it with an electronic signature (if you have the right to sign) and place it in the queue for sending. If the manager does not have signature rights, the program will first redirect the invoice to the responsible person for signature. On our part, all actions have been completed, now we are waiting for confirmation of receipt from the operator and from the buyer.

Now let's look at the process from the other side - from the side of the buyer, who receives a new invoice from his partner. Having received this document, the program will automatically create a similar document in information base"1C: Trade Management 8" (rev. 11). Then you can work with it in the same way as with other invoices.

At first, when getting used to the new service, it may be convenient for users to view the received invoice in their usual form - like on paper. To do this, the program implements a viewing mode for an electronic document, which presents information in a familiar printed form and contains a list of installed electronic signatures on the document. The contents of the form can be printed, and an additional sheet listing electronic signatures will be attached to the printout; it can be saved to disk - in this case, not only the electronic document itself is saved, but also the installed signatures in the form of additional files (see Fig. 6).

Rice. 6

Working with arbitrary documents

“1C: Trade Management 8” (rev. 11) supports the secure exchange of free-form documents, for example, contracts or reconciliation reports. Designed for this purpose separate species data, which is called Any electronic document. In fact, it is analogous to a regular email and allows you to fill out a covering note, attach the necessary files, set an electronic signature, send a document to the counterparty, etc.

The programs of the 1C:Enterprise 8 system have a whole set of useful service functions that make the process of moving electronic documents convenient, understandable and transparent even for inexperienced users.

Ensuring the legal validity of the exchange

In order to begin the exchange of legally significant primary documents with counterparties, it is necessary to make changes to the accounting policy. It is worthwhile to provide the ability to prepare and receive primary documents in electronic form, as well as accept these documents for accounting and tax accounting.

Moreover, at the moment prerequisite is the conclusion by the parties of an Agreement on the exchange of electronic documents. It can be concluded either in the form of a separate document or in the form of an additional agreement to a specific contract.

In the first case, electronic documents can be exchanged within the framework of any agreement with a counterparty, in the second - only within the framework of the agreement to which additional agreement. The agreement can be concluded for any period.

An agreement on the exchange of electronic documents must be concluded in writing. At the same time, the legislation allows it to be concluded electronically using an electronic signature. However, in order to avoid misunderstandings with the counterparty and quibbles on the part of the inspection authorities, in this case it is better to use a paper form.

The Agreement on the exchange of electronic documents must specify:

  • type of electronic signature used;
  • procedure and sequence of signing electronic documents;
  • actions of the parties if the other party does not accept the document for technical reasons;
  • conditions for interaction of participants with the certification center (accredited certification center);
  • conditions for recognizing electronic documents signed with an electronic signature as equivalent to similar documents signed manually (until July 1, 2012, this condition is mandatory for all Agreements; in the future, it is mandatory when using a simple or unqualified electronic signature. When using a qualified electronic signature, the parties can establish additional conditions recognition of this signature as equivalent to a handwritten signature).

A sample Agreement on the organization of electronic interaction is posted on the 1C:ITS website -

We recommend that users do not forget to contact the 1C partner who services the company under the 1C:ITS agreement and conclude a license agreement with him for the right to use the 1C-Taxcom software.

Special offer for 1C:ITS users

Let us remind you that until October 31, 2012 there is a special offer for 1C:Enterprise 8 users who have a valid 1C:ITS agreement - the ability to send up to 1,000 sets of documents per month for free (a set can include up to three documents, for example, an invoice) invoice, act/invoice, invoice). Above - the cost of sending a set of documents will be 10 rubles.

Application of electronic document management (EDF) in an organization

In order to understand what electronic document management (EDF) is and why it is needed, you should know general principle document flow. Namely:

  • What primary documents are drawn up at the enterprise;
  • How these documents are exchanged within the enterprise and with third parties;
  • Who draws up and checks the execution of primary documents;
  • Who has the right to sign documents?

Each enterprise has developed individual schedule document flow, which helps employees understand and determine the movement of documents.

EDI first appeared in the banking sector, then EDI systems began to be used in many Western enterprises. Currently, EDI is widely used in Russia for the rapid exchange of information.

EDI is a fast and high-quality exchange of various information both within the enterprise and with external contractors or regulatory authorities. Timely identification of errors and discrepancies in settlements between counterparties, as well as reconciliation of the buyer and supplier data with the Federal Tax Service data, allows you to quickly identify discrepancies in invoices.

For example, when exchanging documents with counterparties using EDI, and not using postal services, the enterprise will save not only the time of document execution: printing the document, collecting signatures, issuing envelopes, etc., but will also reduce the cost of postal services.

Documents processed using EDF, according to the law, have the same legal force, as on paper. All contracts, agreements and other similar documentation have legal force in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The Tax Code also provides for electronic documentation, which has the same force as paper documents.

How to organize the exchange of electronic documents (EDI) in 1C 8.3 - step-by-step instructions

In the program 1C 8.3 Accounting ed. 3.0 provides a function designed for the use of EDI. Let's look at the rules for setting up and working with EDI in 1C 8.3 as an example.

Step 1. Setting up electronic document management in 1C 8.3

To work with EDI in 1C 8.3, you must first configure the program, namely:

  • Perform updates to the current release;
  • Conclude an agreement with a telecom operator for the transfer of electronic data. You can work with the operator through which you send reports to the Federal Tax Service and extra-budgetary funds;
  • Receive a password and login for Internet support of the 1C company serving the enterprise;
  • Install crypto-pro on your computer or obtain an electronic digital signature on a flash drive.

Attention! In the “Counterparties” directory, the name of the counterparties must be filled in according to the Federal Tax Service, so that in 1C 8.3 the data is correctly filled in: name of the organization, INN/KPP, address and code of the Federal Tax Service.

To do this, go to the “Directories” menu, where we select the “Counterparties” directory:

In the list of counterparties that opens, check that the data on the everyone counterparties. To do this, hover the cursor over the desired counterparty and use the “More” button to select the editing function “Change”:

The counterparty card opens:

If the counterparty’s TIN is already included in the card, then click the “Fill in by TIN” button, after which information about the checkpoint, name and address is automatically filled in according to the Federal Tax Service.

The address must be filled out not in a free format, but according to the data of the address classifier. But to do this, you need to configure the connection of the 1C database to the Internet and the Federal Tax Service server.

Step 2. Setting up EDI and cryptography

Go to the “Administration” section and select the “Electronic Document Exchange” function:

The “Setting up electronic document exchange” window opens:

To work with EDF in 1C 8.3, you should check the “Electronic signatures” and “Exchange of electronic documents with counterparties” functions:

Then you should make sure that the electronic signature is configured. To do this, go to the “Electronic signature and encryption settings” menu on the “Programs” tab, where the installed key should be displayed. If the key is not installed, you should contact a specialist to install it:

Step 3. Connect electronic document management

The next step is to connect to the 1C EDF service. To do this, select the functions “Connect to the 1C EDF service” and “Connect to the 1C Taxcom service”:

When you connect to EDF and TAXCOM services, the connection assistant opens. Following the prompts of the 1C 8.3 program, we go through the filling stage:

Next, go to the EDF settings in 1C 8.3, where an automatically configured template for exchanging electronic documents with counterparties opens. In the “Organization” field you must select entity to whom you want to send an invitation to exchange documents electronically. After this, by clicking on the “Record and close” button, an invitation to connect to the EDF will automatically be sent to the selected counterparty:

To update EDF forms in 1C 8.3, you should check the box “Switch to new forms automatically”:

In 1C 8.3 you can set up a schedule for exchanging electronic documents:

Or watch our video tutorial:

Step 4. Working with EDF

When generating primary documents in the 1C Accounting 8.3 program, it should be noted that in the menu of the document for which the electronic document management form has been approved, there is an “EDF” button. All actions with such primary documents can be performed according to the selected command:

To view all information about the movement of documents through EDF, in 1C 8.3 there is the “EDF Archive” function in the “Administration” menu:

In the archive you can view all transactions performed with documents in EDI. Using bookmarks and the settings menu, in 1C 8.3 you can get various reports on the types of documents and the degree of their execution:

To work in the current mode with EDF in 1C 8.3, you should use the “Current EDF Affairs” function, which is located in the “Sales” section:

Or in the "Shopping" section:

Where you can also generate the necessary reports:

To exchange arbitrary electronic documents with suppliers or buyers in 1C 8.3, the “Arbitrary electronic documents” function is intended:

In this service, you can select a file of any format or a specified format from the drop-down list.

Project goals and objectives

  • Increase the transparency of document approvals, transform this process into electronic view
  • Create a system for monitoring task completion
  • Centralization of electronic document storage
  • Ability to collaborate on documents

Project results

  • Reduced time for agreeing contracts
  • Eliminates the risk of losing documents
  • Implementation discipline has been increased by tracking task completion and regulating document flow processes

Customer information

The Cetera Group of Companies is a diversified holding company covering companies in various industries.

Among the largest companies included in the holding: LLC DEZ Kalininsky District - this is one of the largest management companies in Chelyabinsk; Family resort "Utes"; LLC "Multi-industry housing and communal association - 2".

Project goals and objectives

  • Structure enterprise documentation;
  • Automate work with contracts;
  • Increase the reliability and quality of accounting for incoming and outgoing documentation.

Project results

  • The efficiency of document flow management has increased significantly;
  • Loss of contracts and other documents is excluded;
  • The time frame for creating and processing contracts has been reduced;
  • The exchange of documents between departments has been optimized, which has led to an increase in employee productivity.

Customer information

The Yuzhuralavtoban company has been engaged in construction for more than two decades highways V Chelyabinsk region, including the regional center, and also provides services for the maintenance and repair of roads. In addition, the company builds and maintains bridges and other artificial structures. In 2015, the company completed more than 100 km of installation, repair and restoration work. highways In 2016, another 75 km were put into operation. expensive

Project goals and objectives

  • Acceleration of work with enterprise documentation;
  • Ensuring approval control;
  • Elimination of errors associated with the human factor.

Project results

  • All operations with documents have been significantly accelerated: creation, approval, search and archiving;
  • Errors associated with the human factor are excluded;
  • Reliable control over the approval process has been established, the time frame for its implementation has been reduced;
  • Tools for assessing performance discipline have been created.

Customer information

"Medservice" is a modern medical and health complex located in the city of Salavat. It is one of the largest medical centers in Bashkortostan. The 24-hour hospital with 310 beds accepts patients from therapeutic, surgical, traumatological, gynecological, neurological and urological areas. There is also a day hospital with 27 beds. In addition, the center has a pediatric department, a department of aesthetic medicine and cosmetology, a department of restorative treatment and rehabilitation, dentistry and others. The outpatient department is a primary link with a capacity of 1200 visits per day, where you can go for medical care and receive consultation and treatment from 15 therapists and 33 qualified specialists of a narrow focus (ENT, ophthalmologist, endocrinologist, etc.).

Project goals and objectives

The main goal of the project was to increase the efficiency of the company's document flow. For this it was necessary:

  • Create a unified repository of electronic documents;
  • Optimize departmental interaction processes and document approval routes;
  • Speed ​​up work with documentation and search for necessary documents.

Project results

  • Thanks to the centralized storage of documents, the time to search for the necessary data is reduced to several minutes;
  • Coordination of documents and further work with documents has become transparent for employees of the enterprise, work on documents has become more structured;
  • Control over performance discipline has been strengthened;
  • The efficiency of interaction between divisions of the enterprise has been increased.

Customer information

The Ravis agricultural holding has been operating in the Chelyabinsk region since 1981 and today is one of the leaders in the Ural poultry industry. federal district. The agricultural holding unites 10 agricultural enterprises engaged in feed production, production and processing of broiler meat, pork and beef.

The enterprise annually produces 100,000 tons of poultry meat, more than 20,000 tons of milk, over 1,500 tons of pork and 65,000,000 hatching eggs per year, more than 100,000 tons of grain and 160,000 tons of its own feed.

The company sells its products through a network of branded stores, which includes about 300 retail outlets. In assortment trademark"Ravis" more than 200 products.

Project goals and objectives

The main goal of the project was to increase the efficiency of document flow of the group of companies. For this it was necessary:

  • Increase control over the activities of the group’s enterprises;
  • Eliminate loss of documents, speed up searches and minimize negative impact human factor;
  • Reduce the time required for agreeing contracts;
  • Increase performance discipline by strengthening control over the implementation of tasks, including within the framework of project activities.

Project results

  • Usage common base document flow made it possible to form unified service centers for all enterprises of the group: contract work department, financial and economic service, security service, construction supervision, procurement and logistics service;
  • The loss of paper documents is completely eliminated, the search for the necessary files in a single storage is significantly accelerated;
  • The terms for concluding contracts have been reduced to 3-5 working days;
  • Automated control of the execution of resolutions on letters, control of the execution of minutes of meetings, instructions from managers;
  • Cases of approval of documents without proper approval are excluded;
  • Thanks to automatic verification of task deadlines and increased control, the level of performance discipline at enterprises has been increased. The number of completed orders in a timely manner and in full increased from 80-85% to 95%.

Customer information

The KONAR group of companies was founded in 1991. The industrial group includes 9 enterprises in three regions of the Russian Federation, engaged in the development, design and comprehensive support for the gas, oil and petrochemical industries. Since May 2005, the quality management system of the parent company KONAR JSC has been certified in accordance with the requirements of MS ISO 9001:2008.

Currently the industrial group includes:

  • JSC "KONAR" - production of pipeline parts, production of valves up to a pipe diameter of 1200 mm, production of supports for oil pipelines, engineering.
  • KONAR LLC – production of main gate valves.
  • BVK LLC is a joint foundry with Chividale Spa for the production of complex cabinet products weighing up to 25 tons/piece.
  • LLC "Stankomash" - a plant for the production of Christmas tree equipment for oil production, production of special-purpose products;
  • LLC "VEBB" is a construction and installation organization.
  • Energotekhservice LLC – infrastructure maintenance;
  • LLC Industrial Park Stankomash – Management Company, providing a range of services, territory and industrial infrastructure for the location and development of manufacturing enterprises.
  • LLC "SP Konar - Chimolai" is a joint venture with Chimolai Spa (Italy) for the production of complex metal structures.
  • JSC ESCON – production of metal structures.

1C: Document management. Automated document management

Do you need to automate office work in your organization? Do you want to learn how to work with documents correctly and effectively? Explore the possibilities of an end-to-end organization automated system electronic document management based "1C: Document flow 8". We present an updated version of the popular course, which examines the possibilities new edition programs – 2.1.

The course is intended for office management specialists - secretaries, archivists, as well as managers who want to acquire skills modern management flow of documents in the organization.

Today, for efficient and fast work, organizations simply need electronic document management. Enterprise document management requires a properly organized document flow system. With its help you can conduct Electronic archive, control the movement of documents, execution of orders and much more. Electronic document management in "1C: Document Flow 8" simplifies working together employees with documents and files, increases the efficiency of the team and the organization as a whole!

After completing the course, you will study the possibilities of a comprehensive organization of an automated electronic document management system based on the 1C: Document Management (version 2.1) program. You will navigate the settings, configure the program, and classify documents. You will be able to register incoming and outgoing documents, internal files, control their movement within the organization, archive and create reports. Not a single document will be lost, and you will become an indispensable employee in the company!

The course is included in the preparation program for the certification exam

This article describes how to use the service 1C-EDO, ensuring the exchange of legally significant electronic documents, including electronic invoices, directly from programs on the 1C:Enterprise platform.

1. Applications

Working with 1C-EDO is possible in the following service applications website:

  • 1C: Enterprise Accounting;
  • 1C: Managing our company;
  • 1C: Integrated automation;
  • 1C:ERP Enterprise Management;
  • 1C: Accounting of a state institution.

2. Benefits

Using 1C-EDO provides the following advantages:

  • acceleration of the exchange of documents with your counterparties: you can generate, sign and send an electronic document by pressing one button - easier and faster than a paper document;
  • significant reduction in document management costs;
  • “manual” data entry into 1C:Enterprise programs is eliminated: accounting system documents are automatically created from received electronic documents, errors in manual data entry disappear;
  • functions of preparing and signing documents can be divided between users;
  • automatic filling of journals and registers of incoming and outgoing electronic documents;
  • the archive of sent and received electronic documents is part of the 1C:Enterprise program;
  • it is possible to exchange electronic documents with counterparties who use other accounting programs (not 1C);
  • electronic documents can be sent to the Federal Tax Service in response to a request using the 1C-Reporting service.

3. Cost

Connection to 1C-EDO is free. Fee for using 1C-EDO:

More details about the cost of using “1C-EDO” are written in the Information letter of the company “1C” No. 19598 dated February 27, 2015.

4. How to connect

To connect to 1C-EDO, the user must perform the following steps:

  1. Install cryptography tools on your computer (crypto provider Crypto PRO or VipNET).
  2. Purchase a qualified electronic signature.
  3. Configure 1C-EDO in the service application.

4.1. Installing a crypto provider

To use 1C-EDO you must install it on the user's computer crypto provider- a program that implements cryptographic algorithms for performing electronic signatures.

Currently the following crypto providers are supported for 1C-EDO:

  • VipNet CSP(developer OJSC "InfoTeKS");
  • CryptoPro CSP(developed by CRYPTO-PRO LLC).

When deciding which of these programs to choose, you need to consider the following:

  • if you are already using one of the programs VipNet CSP or CryptoPro CSP on your computer to work with others electronic services, it is recommended to use the same program to work with 1C-EDO;
  • Only one cryptoprovider program can be installed on a computer, otherwise conflicts between these programs are possible;
  • ViPNet CSP program is distributed free of charge, and CryptoPro CSP is available for a fee.

Guides for installing and using crypto providers VipNet CSP And CryptoPro CSP are listed on the websites of their developers:

4.2. Purchasing an electronic signature

If the user already has a local qualified electronic signature, for example, used for 1C-Reporting, it is recommended to use the same electronic signature for 1C-EDO.

If you do not have a local qualified electronic signature, you can:

  • get it using the configuration “1C: EDF Client 8th ed. 2.0":

    1. download free electronic delivery configuration "1C: EDF Client 8th ed. 2.0" (it can be ordered on the ITS Portal or downloaded from the website "1C: Software Update", link);
    2. submit an application from it to receive a qualified electronic signature certificate through the 1C:Signature service (see link).
  • use an electronic signature obtained using the portal (the OFD tariff of this portal is suitable for 1C-EDO);
  • use a qualified electronic signature obtained using any other certification center accredited by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications. The list of certification authorities is provided at the link.

4.3. Setting up in the service application

After purchasing a qualified electronic signature and installing a crypto provider, you should configure 1C-EDO in the service application.

Instructions for setting up 1C-EDO in 1C: Enterprise Accounting are given:

1C-EDO in other applications is configured in a similar way.


After setting up 1C-EDO, you can use the exchange of electronic documents with counterparties.

5.1. Checking the connection of the counterparty

In 1C programs in the directory Counterparties you can check whether your counterparty is connected to 1C-EDO - if connected, it is shown in the column EDI directory Counterparties.

Some counterparties can be connected to the services of EDF operators who are not participants in the 1C-EDO system. In this case, it is necessary to organize the exchange through “roaming”, as described in the article Setting up roaming for 1C-EDO users.

5.2. Invitation to exchange documents

If the counterparty is connected to 1C-EDO, then in order to exchange electronic documents with him, you need to send him an invitation to exchange and wait for the invitation to be accepted, as shown in the video 1C-EDO: Invitation of counterparty BP 3.0.

5.3. Exchange of documents

Exchange of electronic primary documents:

  • Issuing a corrected electronic primary document
  • Receiving a corrected electronic primary document
  • Cancellation of an electronic primary document at the initiative of the seller
  • Cancellation of an electronic primary document at the initiative of the buyer

Exchange of invoices:

  • Issuing a corrective electronic invoice
  • Receiving a corrective electronic invoice

Exchange of electronic universal transfer document (UDD):

  • Issuance of an electronic invoice and document on the shipment of goods (UDD)
  • Issuance of a corrected electronic invoice and document on the shipment of goods (corrected UPD)
  • Issuance of an electronic document on the transfer of the right to use a computer program (UPD)