How uranium is transported for a power plant. Nuclear fuel. Nuclear power plants in Russia

Japan, like the United States, stores spent fuel rods in temporary storage pools directly at nuclear power plants, where they are protected with the same degree of safety as provided for the plant.
Data provided yesterday by Tokyo Electric Power (operates the plant): in total, 11,195 fuel rod assemblies (colloquially fuel rods) were stored at Fukushima-1 . Each is over 4 meters long and contains (on average) 135 kilograms of uranium. There are also fuel rods with plutonium (MOX).

More Each of the six reactors contains an average of 500 fuel rods (from 400 to 600 in each). This is about 70 tons of uranium (or uranium oxide with plutonium). Approximately three times less (if my memory serves me correctly) than in the exploded reactor at Chernobyl. Of the 200 tons, about ten were scattered in Chernobyl. This is what allows people to be fooled. They say the scale here is not the same. Only the main problem and the uranium is not in the reactors.

In the pool above reactor No. 4 itself there were 548 fuel rods, removed only in November-December (that is, the hottest ones).

The 6,291 assemblies are located in a common cooling pool immediately outside the outer shell of reactor No. 4. 32 of the 514 fuel assemblies in the pool at reactor No. 3 contain MOX (a mixture of uranium and plutonium).
Thus on the territory of the nuclear power plant there are only 14 thousand 195 fuel rods, each containing 135 kilograms of uranium (and plutonium) in everyone. Almost in total TWO THOUSAND TONS!!! TEN TIMES MORE than in our 4th block that exploded. And these thousands of tons were located before the accident in a dozen different places - in the reactors, the pools above them and next to block No. 4.
Now let's study the pictures of block No. 4. Above - immediately after the explosion-fire. Below are photos from yesterday (March 17). As we see on the first top one, it was not the roof that was blown away, as in the explosion of accumulated hydrogen - it only sank, even retaining some integrity. But the side wall at the level of the cooling pool was completely blown away. By the way, there is a hole at the same level in block No. 2.

From left to right, blocks No. 4, 3, 2, 1.
In the diagram, the spent fuel pools are colored blue above the reactor:

Now let’s ask ourselves a simple question after viewing the already completely destroyed blocks No. 3 and No. 4 in yesterday’s photo. What caused this destruction and what happened to the 143 tons of uranium and plutonium in 1062 fuel rods stored in the pools of the destroyed power units? And where are the pools themselves, if the skeletons are visible right through?

Read more about what Japanese atomic cuisine is below. At least now I understand why the Japanese love to eat puffer fish. A little mistake - and hello, spirits of ancestors. A version of Russian roulette on a national scale.

The vast majority of fuel assemblies at problem reactors are located in cooling pools rather than in the reactors themselves.
The water in the pools either boils away or leaks out of holes, or the pools are completely destroyed, and attempts to add water fail. Although spent fuel rods generate significantly less heat than in a reactor, they still melt, emitting extremely high levels of radiation.

Very high levels of radiation above the cooling pools indicate that the water in the 13-meter-deep pools had receded so much that the fuel assemblies, more than 4 meters high, became exposed and began to melt. Spent fuel rod assemblies emit less heat than new assemblies inside the core of an operating reactor, but they generate enough heat and radioactivity that they must be covered with a 9-meter layer of circulating water to prevent excessive heating. Now calculate the volume of water to fill the pool yourself. I'm not even talking about replacing it with a cold one. A 13-meter layer of water and more than half a thousand fuel rods in each. These are not tens or hundreds - more than a thousand tons of water. What kind of fire trucks are there? What 64 tons, sprayed from a helicopter?

On Wednesday, the chairman of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Gregory Jaczko, made a sensational announcement that there was virtually no water left in the cooling pool located on top of the No. 4 reactor and expressed serious concerns about the radioactivity that could be released as a result. Let me remind you that 548 assemblies of fuel rods are stored in this cooling pool, which were removed from the reactor only last year in November and December, during the preparation of the reactor for Maintenance, and may generate more heat than older assemblies in other cooling pools.

Michael Friedlander, a former senior nuclear power plant operator who worked for 13 years at three US reactors, says spent fuel pools typically have a 20mm thick stainless steel caisson supported by a reinforced concrete base. So even if the caisson is damaged, he says, “without destruction of the concrete, the water will have nowhere to go.” And we are seeing enough destruction.

On each of the opposite sides of the pool there are steel gates, more than 5 meters high, with rubber seals, used to load fresh fuel assemblies into the reactor, as well as unload and store spent assemblies. Mr. Friedlander said the gates were designed to withstand earthquakes, but the leaks could have been caused by the strength of last Friday's earthquake, which is currently estimated to have been a magnitude 9.0 earthquake. Even if water has poured out of the gate, there should still be about 3 meters of water to the top of the fuel rod assemblies.

When the water in the pool disappears, the residual heat in the uranium fuel rods from their time in the nuclear reactor continues to heat the zirconium cladding of the rods. This causes the zirconium to oxidize, rust to form, possibly even catch fire, which destroys the integrity of the rod's shell, releasing radioactive gases under pressure, such as iodine vapor, that have accumulated in the rods over the time they spent in the reactor, Mr. Albrecht said.
Each rod within the assembly contains a vertical stack of cylindrical uranium oxide granules (pellets). These granules sometimes sinter together while they are in the reactor, in which case they may continue to stand even after the shell is burned. According to Mr. Albrecht, if the granules stand upright, then even if the water and zirconium disappear, the nuclear fission reaction will not begin.

However, TEPCO said this week that there is a chance of "subcriticality" in the cooling pools - that is, the uranium in the fuel rods could become critical, in the nuclear sense, and restart the fission process that previously took place inside the reactor, spewing out radioactive byproducts.
Mr Albrecht said this was very unlikely, but could happen if stacks of pellets fell and were mixed together on the floor of the cooling pond. TEPCO in last years changed the arrangement of shelving in the pool in order to fit more assemblies into the limited space of the spent fuel pool.

If “subcriticality” has occurred, then adding pure water can actually only speed up the fission process. Especially sea, with an abundance of salts. Authorities should add water from big amount boron, because boron absorbs neutrons and breaks the nuclear chain reaction. Only for now there is no word on this.

If “subcriticality” occurs, the uranium begins to heat up. If a large number of fissions occur, which can only happen as a last resort, the uranium will melt through everything underneath it. If water is encountered along its path, a steam explosion will occur and molten uranium will scatter. This is Chernobyl.

Each assembly has either 64 large fuel rods or 81 slightly smaller fuel rods, depending on the supplier that supplies it. Typical assemblies contain a total of approximately 135 kilograms of uranium.

One big problem for Japanese officials is that the No. 3 reactor, a prime target for helicopters and water cannons on Thursday, is using new and different kinds fuel. It uses a mixture of oxides, or MOX fuel, which contains a mixture uranium and plutonium, and may release a more dangerous radioactive plume if dissipated during a fire or explosion.

Japan hopes to solve the problem of spent fuel stockpiling with a large-scale plan to reprocess the rods into fuel that would be returned to the nuclear program. But even before Friday's earthquake, the plan had been plagued by numerous setbacks.

Central to Japan's plans is a $28 billion reprocessing facility in the village of Rokkase, north of the earthquake zone, that could extract uranium and plutonium from the rods used to create MOX fuel. After countless construction delays, test runs began in 2006, and the plant's operator, Japan Nuclear Fuel, said work would begin in 2010. However, at the end of 2010, its opening was postponed for another two years. A MOX fuel production facility is also still under construction.

To complete the nuclear fuel reprocessing process, Japan also built Monju, a fast breeder reactor, which became fully operational in 1994. However, after a year, After a fire caused by a sodium leak, the plant was closed.
Despite suspicions that the operator, Japan's parastatal Atomic Energy Agency, had covered up the severity of the accident, Monju began operating at partial capacity again, reaching criticality, or a sustained nuclear chain reaction in the reactor, in May.

Another The Tokaimura nuclear reprocessing facility was closed in 1999 after an experimental fast reactor accident exposed hundreds of people nearby and killed two workers.

Materials used:
from an article by KEITH BRADSHER and HIROKO TABUCHI/ Original publication spent.html
and from my earlier materials.


10.7% of the world's electricity generation annually comes from nuclear power plants. Along with thermal power plants and hydroelectric power stations, they work to provide humanity with light and heat, allow them to use electrical appliances and make our lives more convenient and simpler. It just so happens that today the words “nuclear power plant” are associated with global disasters and explosions. Ordinary people do not have the slightest idea about the operation of a nuclear power plant and its structure, but even the most unenlightened have heard and are frightened by the incidents in Chernobyl and Fukushima.

What is a nuclear power plant? How do they work? How dangerous are nuclear power plants? Don't believe rumors and myths, let's find out!

What is a nuclear power plant?

On July 16, 1945, energy was extracted from a uranium nucleus for the first time at a military test site in the United States. The most powerful explosion of an atomic bomb, which brought great amount human victims, became the prototype of a modern and absolutely peaceful source of electricity.

Electricity was first produced using a nuclear reactor on December 20, 1951 in the state of Idaho in the USA. To check its functionality, the generator was connected to 4 incandescent lamps; unexpectedly for everyone, the lamps lit up. From that moment on, humanity began to use the energy of a nuclear reactor to produce electricity.

The world's first nuclear power plant was launched in Obninsk in the USSR in 1954. Its power was only 5 megawatts.

What is a nuclear power plant? A nuclear power plant is a nuclear installation that produces energy using a nuclear reactor. A nuclear reactor runs on nuclear fuel, most often uranium.

The operating principle of a nuclear installation is based on the fission reaction of uranium neutrons, which, colliding with each other, are divided into new neutrons, which, in turn, also collide and also fission. This reaction is called a chain reaction, and it underlies nuclear power. This entire process generates heat, which heats the water to a scorching hot state (320 degrees Celsius). Then the water turns into steam, the steam rotates the turbine, it drives an electric generator, which produces electricity.

The construction of nuclear power plants today is carried out at a rapid pace. The main reason for the increase in the number of nuclear power plants in the world is the limited reserves of organic fuel; simply put, the reserves of gas and oil are running out, they are necessary for industrial and municipal needs, and uranium and plutonium, which act as fuel for nuclear power plants, little is needed, its reserves are still sufficient.

What is a nuclear power plant? It's not just electricity and heat. Along with generating electricity, nuclear power plants are also used for desalination of water. For example, there is such a nuclear power plant in Kazakhstan.

What fuel is used at nuclear power plants?

In practice, nuclear power plants can use several substances capable of generating nuclear electricity; modern nuclear power plant fuels are uranium, thorium and plutonium.

Thorium fuel is not currently used in nuclear power plants, because it is more difficult to convert it into fuel elements, or fuel rods in short.

Fuel rods are metal tubes that are placed inside a nuclear reactor. There are radioactive substances inside fuel rods. These tubes can be called nuclear fuel storage facilities. The second reason for the rare use of thorium is its complex and expensive processing after use at nuclear power plants.

Plutonium fuel is also not used in nuclear power engineering, because this substance has a very complex chemical composition, which they still have not learned how to use correctly.

Uranium fuel

The main substance that produces energy at nuclear power plants is uranium. Uranium today is mined in three ways: open pits, closed mines, and underground leaching, by drilling mines. The last method is especially interesting. To extract uranium by leaching, a solution of sulfuric acid is poured into underground wells, it is saturated with uranium and pumped back out.

The largest uranium reserves in the world are located in Australia, Kazakhstan, Russia and Canada. The richest deposits are in Canada, Zaire, France and the Czech Republic. In these countries, up to 22 kilograms of uranium raw material are obtained from a ton of ore. For comparison, in Russia a little more than one and a half kilograms of uranium is obtained from one ton of ore.

Uranium mining sites are non-radioactive. In its pure form, this substance is of little danger to humans; a much greater danger is the radioactive colorless gas radon, which is formed during the natural decay of uranium.

Uranium cannot be used in the form of ore in nuclear power plants; it cannot produce any reactions. First, uranium raw materials are processed into powder - uranium oxide, and only after that it becomes uranium fuel. Uranium powder is turned into metal “tablets” - it is pressed into small neat flasks, which are fired for 24 hours at monstrously high temperatures of more than 1500 degrees Celsius. It is these uranium pellets that enter nuclear reactors, where they begin to interact with each other and, ultimately, provide people with electricity.
About 10 million uranium pellets are working simultaneously in one nuclear reactor.
Of course, uranium pellets are not simply thrown into the reactor. They are placed in metal tubes made of zirconium alloys - fuel rods, the tubes are connected to each other into bundles and form fuel assemblies - fuel assemblies. It is FA that can rightfully be called nuclear power plant fuel.

Nuclear power plant fuel reprocessing

After about a year of use, the uranium in nuclear reactors needs to be replaced. Fuel elements are cooled for several years and sent for chopping and dissolution. As a result of chemical extraction, uranium and plutonium are released, which are reused and used to make fresh nuclear fuel.

The decay products of uranium and plutonium are used to manufacture sources of ionizing radiation. They are used in medicine and industry.

Everything that remains after these manipulations is sent to a hot furnace and glass is made from the remains, which is then stored in special storage facilities. Why glass? It will be very difficult to remove the remains of radioactive elements that can harm the environment.

NPP news - appeared not so long ago new way disposal of radioactive waste. So-called fast nuclear reactors or fast neutron reactors have been created, which operate on recycled nuclear fuel residues. According to scientists, the remains of nuclear fuel, which are currently stored in storage facilities, are capable of providing fuel for fast neutron reactors for 200 years.

In addition, new fast reactors can operate on uranium fuel, which is made from 238 uranium; this substance is not used in conventional nuclear power plants, because It is easier for today’s nuclear power plants to process 235 and 233 uranium, of which there is little left in nature. Thus, new reactors are an opportunity to use huge deposits of 238 uranium, which no one had used before.

How is a nuclear power plant built?

What is a nuclear power plant? What is this jumble of gray buildings that most of us have only seen on TV? How durable and safe are these structures? What is the structure of a nuclear power plant? At the heart of any nuclear power plant is the reactor building, next to it is the turbine room and the safety building.

The construction of the nuclear power plant is carried out in accordance with regulations, regulations and safety requirements for facilities working with radioactive substances. A nuclear station is a full-fledged strategic object of the state. Therefore, the thickness of the walls and reinforced concrete reinforcement structures in the reactor building is several times greater than that of standard structures. Thus, the premises of nuclear power plants can withstand magnitude 8 earthquakes, tornadoes, tsunamis, tornadoes and plane crashes.

The reactor building is crowned with a dome, which is protected by internal and external concrete walls. The inner concrete wall is covered with a steel sheet, which in the event of an accident should create a closed air space and not release radioactive substances into the air.

Each nuclear power plant has its own cooling pool. Uranium tablets that have already served their useful life are placed there. After the uranium fuel is removed from the reactor, it remains extremely radioactive, so that reactions inside the fuel rods stop occurring, it must take from 3 to 10 years (depending on the design of the reactor in which the fuel was located). In the cooling pools, the uranium pellets cool down and reactions stop occurring inside them.

The technological diagram of a nuclear power plant, or simply put, the design diagram of nuclear power plants is of several types, as well as the characteristics of a nuclear power plant and the thermal diagram of a nuclear power plant, it depends on the type of nuclear reactor that is used in the process of generating electricity.

Floating nuclear power plant

We already know what a nuclear power plant is, but Russian scientists came up with the idea to take a nuclear power plant and make it mobile. To date, the project is almost completed. This design was called a floating nuclear power plant. According to the plan, the floating nuclear power plant will be able to provide electricity to a city with a population of up to two hundred thousand people. Its main advantage is the ability to move by sea. The construction of a nuclear power plant capable of movement is currently underway only in Russia.

Nuclear power plant news is the imminent launch of the world's first floating nuclear power plant, which is designed to provide energy to the port city of Pevek, located in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug of Russia. The first floating nuclear power plant is called "Akademik Lomonosov", a mini-nuclear power plant is being built in St. Petersburg and is planned to be launched in 2016 - 2019. The presentation of the floating nuclear power plant took place in 2015, then the builders presented almost finished project PAES.

The floating nuclear power plant is designed to provide electricity to the most remote cities with access to the sea. The Akademik Lomonosov nuclear reactor is not as powerful as that of land-based nuclear power plants, but has a service life of 40 years, which means that the residents of small Pevek will not suffer from a lack of electricity for almost half a century.

A floating nuclear power plant can be used not only as a source of heat and electricity, but also for desalination of water. According to calculations, it can produce from 40 to 240 cubic meters of fresh water per day.
The cost of the first block of a floating nuclear power plant was 16 and a half billion rubles; as we see, the construction of nuclear power plants is not a cheap pleasure.

Nuclear power plant safety

After Chernobyl disaster in 1986 and the Fukushima accident in 2011, the words nuclear power plant cause fear and panic in people. In fact, modern nuclear power plants are equipped with the latest technology, special safety rules have been developed, and in general, nuclear power plant protection consists of 3 levels:

At the first level, normal operation of the nuclear power plant must be ensured. The safety of a nuclear power plant largely depends on the correct location for the nuclear plant, a well-created design, and the fulfillment of all conditions during the construction of the building. Everything must comply with regulations, safety instructions and plans.

At the second level, it is important to prevent normal operation of the nuclear power plant from transitioning into an emergency situation. For this purpose, there are special devices that monitor the temperature and pressure in the reactors and report the slightest changes in the readings.

If the first and second levels of protection do not work, the third is used - a direct response to an emergency situation. Sensors detect the accident and react to it themselves - the reactors are shut down, radiation sources are localized, the core is cooled, and the accident is reported.

Of course, a nuclear power plant requires special attention to the safety system, both at the construction stage and at the operation stage. Failure to comply with strict regulations can have very serious consequences, but today most of the responsibility for the safety of nuclear power plants falls on computer systems, and human factor almost completely excluded. Taking into account the high accuracy of modern machines, you can be confident in the safety of nuclear power plants.

Experts assure that it is impossible to receive a large dose of radioactive radiation in stably operating modern nuclear power plants or while being near them. Even nuclear power plant workers, who, by the way, measure the level of radiation received every day, are exposed to no more radiation than ordinary residents of large cities.

Nuclear reactors

What is a nuclear power plant? This is primarily a working nuclear reactor. The process of energy generation takes place inside it. FAs are placed in a nuclear reactor, where uranium neutrons react with each other, where they transfer heat to water, and so on.

Inside a specific reactor building there are the following structures: water supply source, pump, generator, steam turbine, condenser, deaerators, purifier, valve, heat exchanger, reactor itself and pressure regulator.

Reactors come in several types, depending on what substance acts as a moderator and coolant in the device. It is most likely that a modern nuclear power plant will have thermal neutron reactors:

  • water-water (with ordinary water as both a neutron moderator and coolant);
  • graphite-water (moderator - graphite, coolant - water);
  • graphite-gas (moderator – graphite, coolant – gas);
  • heavy water (moderator - heavy water, coolant - ordinary water).

NPP efficiency and NPP power

The overall efficiency of a nuclear power plant (efficiency factor) with a pressurized water reactor is about 33%, with a graphite water reactor - about 40%, and a heavy water reactor - about 29%. The economic viability of a nuclear power plant depends on the efficiency of the nuclear reactor, the energy intensity of the reactor core, the installed capacity utilization factor per year, etc.

NPP news – scientists promise to soon increase the efficiency of nuclear power plants by one and a half times, to 50%. This will happen if fuel assemblies, or fuel assemblies, which are directly placed into a nuclear reactor, are made not from zirconium alloys, but from a composite. The problems of nuclear power plants today are that zirconium is not heat-resistant enough, it cannot withstand very high temperatures and pressures, therefore the efficiency of nuclear power plants is low, while the composite can withstand temperatures above a thousand degrees Celsius.

Experiments on using the composite as a shell for uranium pellets are being conducted in the USA, France and Russia. Scientists are working to increase the strength of the material and its introduction into nuclear energy.

What is a nuclear power plant? Nuclear power plants are the world's electrical power. The total electrical capacity of nuclear power plants around the world is 392,082 MW. The characteristics of a nuclear power plant depend primarily on its power. The most powerful nuclear power plant in the world is located in France; the capacity of the Sivo NPP (each unit) is more than one and a half thousand MW (megawatt). The power of other nuclear power plants ranges from 12 MW in mini-nuclear power plants (Bilibino NPP, Russia) to 1382 MW (Flanmanville nuclear plant, France). At the construction stage are the Flamanville block with a capacity of 1650 MW, nuclear power plants South Korea Shin-Kori with a nuclear power plant capacity of 1400 MW.

NPP cost

Nuclear power plant, what is it? This is a lot of money. Today people need any means of generating electricity. Water, thermal and nuclear power plants are being built everywhere in more or less developed countries. Construction of a nuclear power plant is not an easy process; it requires large expenses and capital investments; most often, financial resources are drawn from state budgets.

The cost of a nuclear power plant includes capital costs - expenses for site preparation, construction, putting equipment into operation (the amounts of capital costs are prohibitive, for example, one steam generator at a nuclear power plant costs more than 9 million dollars). In addition, nuclear power plants also require operating costs, which include the purchase of fuel, costs for its disposal, etc.

For many reasons, the official cost of a nuclear power plant is only approximate; today, a nuclear power station will cost approximately 21-25 billion euros. To build one nuclear unit from scratch will cost approximately $8 million. On average, the payback period for one station is 28 years, the service life is 40 years. As you can see, nuclear power plants are quite an expensive pleasure, but, as we found out, incredibly necessary and useful for you and me.

Nuclear energy consists of large quantity enterprises for various purposes. The raw materials for this industry are mined from uranium mines. It is then delivered to fuel production plants.

The fuel is then transported to nuclear power plants, where it enters the reactor core. When nuclear fuel reaches the end of its useful life, it is subject to disposal. It is worth noting that hazardous waste appears not only after fuel reprocessing, but also at any stage - from uranium mining to work in the reactor.

Nuclear fuel

There are two types of fuel. The first is uranium mined in mines, which is of natural origin. It contains raw materials that are capable of forming plutonium. The second is fuel that is created artificially (secondary).

Nuclear fuel is also divided according to chemical composition: metal, oxide, carbide, nitride and mixed.

Uranium mining and fuel production

A large share of uranium production comes from just a few countries: Russia, France, Australia, the USA, Canada and South Africa.

Uranium is the main element for fuel in nuclear power plants. To get into the reactor, it goes through several stages of processing. Most often, uranium deposits are located next to gold and copper, so its extraction is carried out with the extraction of precious metals.

During mining, human health is at great risk because uranium is a toxic material, and the gases that appear during its mining cause various forms of cancer. Although the ore itself contains a very small amount of uranium - from 0.1 to 1 percent. The population living near uranium mines is also at great risk.

Enriched uranium is the main fuel for nuclear power plants, but after its use a huge amount of radioactive waste remains. Despite all its dangers, uranium enrichment is an integral process of creating nuclear fuel.

In its natural form, uranium practically cannot be used anywhere. In order to be used, it must be enriched. Gas centrifuges are used for enrichment.

Enriched uranium is used not only in nuclear energy, but also in weapons production.


At any stage of the fuel cycle there is transportation. It is carried out by everyone accessible ways: by land, sea, air. This is a big risk and a big danger not only for the environment, but also for humans.

During the transportation of nuclear fuel or its elements, many accidents occur, resulting in the release of radioactive elements. This is one of the many reasons why it is considered unsafe.

Decommissioning of reactors

None of the reactors have been dismantled. Even the infamous Chernobyl The whole point is that, according to experts, the cost of dismantling is equal to, or even exceeds, the cost of building a new reactor. But no one can say exactly how much money will be needed: the cost was calculated based on the experience of dismantling small stations for research. Experts offer two options:

  1. Place reactors and spent nuclear fuel in repositories.
  2. Build sarcophagi over decommissioned reactors.

In the next ten years, about 350 reactors around the world will reach their end of life and must be taken out of service. But since the most suitable method in terms of safety and price has not been invented, this issue is still being resolved.

There are currently 436 reactors operating around the world. Of course, this is a big contribution to the energy system, but it is very unsafe. Research shows that in 15-20 years, nuclear power plants will be able to be replaced by stations that run on wind energy and solar panels.

Nuclear waste

A huge amount of nuclear waste is generated as a result of the activities of nuclear power plants. Reprocessing nuclear fuel also leaves behind hazardous waste. However, none of the countries found a solution to the problem.

Today, nuclear waste is kept in temporary storage facilities, in pools of water, or buried shallowly underground.

The safest method is storage in special storage facilities, but radiation leakage is also possible here, as with other methods.

In fact, nuclear waste has some value, but requires strict compliance with the rules for its storage. And this is the most pressing problem.

An important factor is the time during which the waste is hazardous. Each has its own decay period during which it is toxic.

Types of nuclear waste

During the operation of any nuclear power plant, its waste enters the environment. This is water for cooling turbines and gaseous waste.

Nuclear waste is divided into three categories:

  1. Low level - clothing of nuclear power plant employees, laboratory equipment. Such waste can also come from medical institutions, scientific laboratories. They do not pose a great danger, but require compliance with safety measures.
  2. Intermediate level - metal containers in which fuel is transported. Their radiation level is quite high, and those who are close to them must be protected.
  3. The high level is spent nuclear fuel and its reprocessing products. The level of radioactivity is rapidly decreasing. Waste high level very little, about 3 percent, but they contain 95 percent of all radioactivity.

In 2011, the Novosibirsk Chemical Concentrates Plant produced and sold 70% of the world's consumption of the lithium-7 isotope (1300 kg), setting a new record in the history of the plant. However, the main product produced by NCCP is nuclear fuel.

This phrase has an impressive and frightening effect on the consciousness of Novosibirsk residents, forcing them to imagine anything about the enterprise: from three-legged workers and a separate underground city to radioactive wind.

So what is actually hidden behind the fences of the most mysterious plant in Novosibirsk, which produces nuclear fuel within the city?

OJSC "Novosibirsk Chemical Concentrates Plant" is one of the world's leading producers of nuclear fuel for nuclear power plants and research reactors in Russia and foreign countries. The only Russian manufacturer of metal lithium and its salts. It is part of the TVEL Fuel Company of the Rosatom State Corporation.

We came to the workshop where fuel assemblies are made - fuel assemblies, which are loaded into nuclear power reactors. This is nuclear fuel for nuclear power plants. To enter the production you need to put on a robe, a cap, fabric shoe covers, and a “Petal” on your face.

All work related to uranium-containing materials is concentrated in the workshop. This technological complex is one of the main ones for NCCP (fuel assemblies for nuclear power plants occupy approximately 50% of the structure products sold OJSC "NZHK").

The control room, from where the process of producing uranium dioxide powder is controlled, from which fuel pellets are then made.

Workers carry out routine maintenance: at certain intervals, even the newest equipment is stopped and checked. There is always a lot of air in the workshop itself - exhaust ventilation is constantly running.

Uranium dioxide powder is stored in such bicones. They mix the powder and plasticizer, which allows the tablet to be better compressed.

An installation that compresses fuel pellets. Just as children make Easter cakes out of sand by pressing on a mold, so here: a uranium tablet is pressed under pressure.

A molybdenum boat with tablets waiting to be sent to the furnace for annealing. Before annealing, the tablets have a greenish tint and a different size.

Contact of powder, tablets and environment reduced to a minimum: all work is carried out in boxes. In order to correct something inside, special gloves are built into the boxes.

The torches on top are burning hydrogen. The tablets are annealed in ovens at a temperature of at least 1750 degrees in a hydrogen reducing environment for more than 20 hours.

Black cabinets are hydrogen high temperature furnaces in which the molybdenum boat goes through different temperature zones. The damper opens, and a molybdenum boat enters the furnace, from where flames burst out.

The finished tablets are polished because they must be of a strictly defined size. And at the exit, inspectors check each tablet to ensure there are no chips, cracks, or defects.

One tablet weighing 4.5 g is equivalent in energy release to 640 kg of firewood, 400 kg of coal, 360 cubic meters. m of gas, 350 kg of oil.

Uranium dioxide tablets after annealing in a hydrogen furnace.

Here, zirconium tubes are filled with uranium dioxide pellets. At the output we have ready-made fuel rods (about 4 m in length) - fuel elements. Fuel rods are already used to assemble fuel assemblies, in other words, nuclear fuel.

You won’t find such soda fountains on city streets anymore, perhaps only at NZHK. Although in Soviet times they were very common.

In this machine, the glass can be washed and then filled with sparkling, still or chilled water.

According to the assessment of the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection in 2010, the NCCP does not have a significant impact on environmental pollution.

A pair of such purebred hens constantly lives and lays eggs in a high-quality wooden enclosure, which is located on the territory of the workshop.

Workers weld the frame for the fuel assembly. The frames are different, depending on the modification of the fuel assembly.

The plant employs 2,277 people, average age personnel - 44.3 years old, 58% are men. Average wage exceeds 38,000 rubles.

Large tubes are channels for the reactor protection control system. 312 fuel rods will then be installed into this frame.

Next to the NCCP there is CHPP-4. With reference to environmentalists, representatives of the plant reported: per year, one thermal power plant emits 7.5 times more radioactive substances than the NCCP.

Assembly mechanic Viktor Pustozerov, a veteran of the plant and nuclear power industry, has 2 Orders of Labor Glory

Head and shank for fuel assemblies. They are installed at the very end, when all 312 fuel rods are already in the frame.

Final control: finished fuel assemblies are checked with special probes so that the distance between the fuel rods is the same. Controllers are most often women; this is a very painstaking job.

In such containers, fuel assemblies are sent to the consumer - 2 cassettes in each. Inside they have their own cozy felt bed.

Fuel for nuclear power plants produced by JSC NCCP is used at Russian nuclear power plants and is also supplied to Ukraine, Bulgaria, China, India and Iran. The cost of fuel assemblies is a trade secret.

Work at NCCP is not at all more dangerous than work on any industrial enterprise. The health status of workers is constantly monitored. In recent years, not a single case of occupational diseases among workers has been identified.

Nuclear fuel

Nuclear fuel is almost ready to go.

Nuclear fuel- a substance that is used in nuclear reactors to carry out a nuclear fission chain reaction. Nuclear fuel is fundamentally different from other types of fuel used by mankind; it is extremely highly efficient, but also very dangerous for humans and can cause very serious accidents, which imposes many restrictions on its use for safety reasons. For this and many other reasons, nuclear fuel is much more difficult to use than any type of organic fuel, and requires many special technical and organizational measures when using it, as well as highly qualified personnel dealing with him.

general information

A nuclear chain reaction involves the division of a nucleus into two parts, called fission fragments, with the simultaneous release of several (2-3) neutrons, which, in turn, can cause the fission of subsequent nuclei. This fission occurs when a neutron hits the nucleus of an atom of the original substance. The fission fragments formed during nuclear fission have high kinetic energy. The inhibition of fission fragments in matter is accompanied by the release of a large amount of heat. Fission fragments are nuclei formed directly as a result of fission. Fission fragments and their radioactive decay products are usually called fission products. Nuclei fissioned by neutrons of any energy are called nuclear fuel (as a rule, these are substances with an odd atomic number). There are nuclei that are fissioned only by neutrons with energies above a certain threshold value (as a rule, these are elements with an even atomic number). Such nuclei are called raw materials, since when a neutron is captured by a threshold nucleus, nuclear fuel nuclei are formed. The combination of nuclear fuel and raw material is called nuclear fuel. Below is the distribution of the fission energy of the 235 U nucleus between the various fission products (in MeV):

Natural uranium consists of three isotopes: 238 U (99.282%), 235 U (0.712%) and 234 U (0.006%). It is not always suitable as nuclear fuel, especially if the structural materials and moderator intensively absorb neutrons. In this case, nuclear fuel is made from enriched uranium. Thermal neutron power reactors use uranium with an enrichment of less than 6%, while fast and intermediate neutron reactors use uranium enrichment exceeding 20%. Enriched uranium is produced at special enrichment plants.


Nuclear fuel is divided into two types:

  • Natural uranium containing fissile nuclei 235 U, as well as raw materials 238 U, capable of forming plutonium 239 Pu upon neutron capture;
  • Secondary fuels that do not occur in nature, including 239 Pu, obtained from the first type of fuel, as well as 233 U isotopes formed when neutrons are captured by 232 Th thorium nuclei.

According to the chemical composition, nuclear fuel can be:

Theoretical aspects of application

In a selected fragment of this dummy fuel assembly with fuel element sectors cut out for ease of viewing, fuel pellets are visible.

Nuclear fuel is used in nuclear reactors in the form of tablets several centimeters in size, where it is usually located in hermetically sealed fuel elements (fuel elements), which in turn, for ease of use, are combined in several hundred into fuel assemblies (FA).

Apply to nuclear fuel high requirements in terms of chemical compatibility with fuel rod claddings, it must have a sufficient melting and evaporation temperature, good thermal conductivity, a slight increase in volume during neutron irradiation, and manufacturability.

The use of uranium metal, especially at temperatures above 500 °C, is difficult due to its swelling. After nuclear fission, two fission fragments are formed, the total volume of which is greater than the volume of a uranium (plutonium) atom. Some of the fission fragment atoms are gas atoms (krypton, xenon, etc.). Gas atoms accumulate in the pores of uranium and create internal pressure, which increases with increasing temperature. Due to changes in the volume of atoms during fission and an increase in the internal pressure of gases, uranium and other nuclear fuels begin to swell. Swelling refers to the relative change in the volume of nuclear fuel associated with nuclear fission.

Swelling depends on burnout and temperature of fuel rods. The number of fission fragments increases with increasing burnup, and the internal gas pressure increases with increasing burnup and temperature. Swelling of nuclear fuel can lead to destruction of the fuel rod cladding. Nuclear fuel is less susceptible to swelling if it has high mechanical properties. Uranium metal is not one of these materials. Therefore, the use of uranium metal as nuclear fuel limits the burnup depth, which is one of the main characteristics of nuclear fuel.

Radiation resistance and mechanical properties fuels are improved by doping the uranium, a process in which small amounts of molybdenum, aluminum, and other metals are added to the uranium. Alloying additives reduce the number of fission neutrons per neutron captured by nuclear fuel. Therefore, they tend to select alloying additives for uranium from materials that weakly absorb neutrons.

Good nuclear fuels include some refractory uranium compounds: oxides, carbides and intermetallic compounds. Most wide application received ceramics - uranium dioxide UO 2. Its melting point is 2800 °C, density is 10.2 g/cm³. Uranium dioxide has no phase transitions and is less susceptible to swelling than uranium alloys. This allows you to increase burnout to several percent. Uranium dioxide does not react with zirconium, niobium, stainless steel and other materials at high temperatures. The main disadvantage of ceramics is low thermal conductivity - 4.5 kJ/(m K), which limits the specific power of the reactor in terms of melting temperature. Thus, the maximum heat flux density in VVER reactors on uranium dioxide does not exceed 1.4 10 3 kW/m², while the maximum temperature in fuel rods reaches 2200 °C. In addition, hot ceramic is very brittle and can crack.

Practical use


Uranium fuel


When a nuclear reactor operates, the fuel does not burn out completely; the process of reproduction of individual isotopes (Pu) takes place. In this regard, spent fuel rods are sent for recycling to regenerate fuel and reuse it.

Currently, the most widely used process for these purposes is the Purex process, the essence of which is as follows: fuel rods are cut into pieces and dissolved in nitric acid, then the solution is purified from fission products and shell elements, and pure U and Pu compounds are isolated. Then, the resulting plutonium dioxide PuO 2 is sent for the production of new cores, and the uranium is either used for the production of cores or for enrichment with 235 U.

Reprocessing and regeneration of highly radioactive substances is a complex and expensive process. After removal from reactors, fuel rods are aged for several years (usually 3-6) in special storage facilities. Difficulties are also caused by the processing and disposal of waste that is unsuitable for regeneration. The cost of all these measures has a significant impact on economic efficiency nuclear power plants.



  • Petunin V. P. Thermal power engineering of nuclear installations M.: Atomizdat, 1960.
  • Levin V. E. Nuclear physics and nuclear reactors 4th ed. - M.: Atomizdat, 1979.