How to destroy an old organization seal. Sample order for the destruction of seals and stamps. Rules for placing an order sample

Seals and stamps

How to issue an order to destroy the official seal? What is the official procedure for destroying a company seal?

The need to destroy the official seal of an enterprise, as well as any other seals, may arise in three cases:

  • upon re-registration, reorganization or liquidation of an organization;
  • when changing the details of the organization (form of ownership, name) indicated on the seal cliché;
  • impossibility of using the seal due to the presence of defects, the seal has become unusable and cannot be used.
  • Although the issue of destruction is not regulated at the federal level, in each individual subject of the federation and municipal formation There may be local regulations regarding the destruction of seals. When the Moscow Registration Chamber existed in Moscow, it was engaged in the destruction of seals, but the MCI was liquidated on the basis of Moscow Government Decree No. 65-PP dated 02/08/2005. Some stamp manufacturers provide stamp destruction services. third party organizations.

    The procedure for destroying seals and stamps yourself is as follows:

    Step 1. “Order from the manager to appoint a commission”

    Step 2. “Seals and stamps are submitted for destruction to the Department of Affairs”

    Step 3. “An Act is drawn up with imprints of the seals and stamps to be destroyed”

    For all seals and stamps selected for destruction an act is drawn up(see Attachment). The act, with imprints of the seals and stamps being destroyed, is drawn up by the employee responsible for recording and storing seals and stamps.

    Corrections in the act of destruction of seals (stamps) are not allowed.

    Step 4. “Reconciliation of destroyed seals and stamps with the Act”

    Step 5. “Selected seals and stamps are handed over for protection”

    Step 6. “Destruction of seals and stamps in the presence of commission members”

    The destruction of seals and stamps involves the complete destruction of their printing surface and form, preventing the possibility of their restoration and further use.

    Seals (stamps) are delivered sealed to the place of destruction. Destruction of mastic seals (stamps) is carried out by burning, and metal ones - by sawing (clichés are filed with two cross lines). On the destruction of seals (stamps) of all members of the commission sign the act.

    Step 7. “Registration of the Act on the destruction of seals and stamps”

    Act registered in the journal of incoming documents.

    The employee responsible for accounting for seals (stamps), on the basis of the act, makes notes on destruction in the relevant Book for accounting of seals and stamps (Journal) and submits copy of the act to the department accounting Main Financial and Economic Directorate.

    Step 8. “Storage of the Certificate of Destruction of Seals and Stamps”

    Acts on the destruction of seals (stamps) are stored within 10 years in specially opened cases of the Administrative Office, and then destroyed in the prescribed manner.


    In connection with the re-registration of ______________, I order:

    1. Select for destruction the following seals and stamps that have lost their practical significance (deteriorated):

    2.1 To ensure compliance with the requirements established in clause 1, appoint a commission consisting of:

    2.2 Appoint _____________________ as the Chairman of the commission

    3. Transfer the specified seals and stamps to the Administration for their centralized destruction and deregistration by “___” ________ 20___.

    4. The Business Administration should re-register seals and stamps based on their actual availability as of “____” ______ 20___.

    5. I reserve control over the implementation of this Order.

    "_____" _________________20____


    ACT on the allocation of seals and stamps for destruction

    A total of _______________________ (number in words) items are subject to destruction. Records with credentials are reconciled:

    After approval of the act, the listed documents were compared with the entries in the act before destruction and completely destroyed by ____________________________ (destruction method)
    “____” ___________ 20___ at ___ hours ___min.
    Place of destruction ______________________________

    Chairman of the Commission

    Commission members
    __________________ ______________________
    (signature) (last name and initials)
    __________________ ______________________
    (signature) (last name and initials)

    Marks in the accounting book about the destruction of seals and stamps were made

    (signature) (last name and initials)

    Act on the destruction of the seal and stamp

    Drawing up an act on the destruction of seals and stamps occurs when the enterprise decides to dispose of stamped products. The act refers to the internal documents of the company and must be drawn up in a certain order.

    Why destroy seals and stamps?

    There can be many reasons for destroying these attributes.

    Today, the most widespread law can be considered the law passed in 2015 on the abolition of mandatory visa approval of enterprise documentation using various imprints.

    In other words, if previously all legal entities, without exception, had to use stamps and seals in their work, now this is only the right of the company, which must be enshrined in its internal regulatory documents.

    Other reasons for destroying stamped items may be:

  • wear,
  • damage,
  • obsolescence,
  • liquidation or reorganization of a company,
  • changing company details, etc.
  • Disposal of seals and stamps is not a strictly mandatory procedure, but if carried out in accordance with all the rules, it can to some extent protect enterprises from malicious manipulation of various kinds of documents by citizens with criminal intentions.

    The procedure for carrying out the destruction procedure

    Today, the state does not regulate in any way the procedure for either the production or destruction of seals, so organizations must independently develop a regulatory framework for these actions.
    However, in general, the procedure for recycling cliches is approximately the same:

  • First, the management of the enterprise makes a decision to destroy seals and stamps that have lost their relevance (this can be made in relation to one seal, several or even all).
  • Then an order is issued, which is a catalyst for starting this process.
  • Based on the order, a special commission is created, which carries out the destruction of stamped items.
  • To record the fact of disposal, a detailed report is drawn up.
  • It should be said that in some cases, organizations do not destroy seals and stamps themselves, but transfer this right to third-party companies.

    As for lost or stolen stamps, it is impossible to draw up a disposal report in relation to them - in such cases it is necessary to submit appropriate applications to the tax service and the police.

    Commission: composition and goals

    The recycling commission should include at least two people.
    These can be any employees of the organization, but, as a rule, the following are appointed as such:

  • director or any person close to the management of the company,
  • employee responsible for the maintenance and storage of seals and stamps,
  • HR specialist,
  • lawyer,
  • secretary.
  • Among them, the chairman of the commission and ordinary members should be highlighted.

    The main task of the commission– select stamps that have lost their relevance, directly carry out their destruction using any acceptable and most in an accessible way, and draw up an act about it.

    For disposal, fairly simple methods are usually used:

  • cutting cliches into small pieces with scissors (provided that they are made of polymers, rubber, caoutchouc and other soft materials),
  • cutting using special tools (if the cliche is metal).
  • The main thing is that as a result of destruction, these products become completely unsuitable for further use.

    How to draw up an act

    Legislators have not developed a standard unified form for the act on the destruction of seals and stamps. This means that enterprises are free to write it in any form or according to a template approved in the company’s accounting policy.
    In this case, there is a number of information that must be indicated in the document:

    • number, place and date of creation of the act,
    • Name of the organization,
    • data about the stamp itself: details of the company displayed on the cliche (if there are several stamps to be recycled, information about all of them is entered in the same way),
    • composition of the commission (positions, surnames, first names and patronymics of employees),
    • the reason for the destruction of the seal or stamp,
    • basis for destruction (i.e. provide a link to the document),
    • time, place and method of destruction.
    • In addition, in the form of the act it is necessary to put imprints of the stamps being destroyed and to attest in writing to the fact that the manipulations made led to the complete unsuitability of the cliches for further use.

      How to draw up a deed

      The execution of the act is also left to enterprises: it can be created in handwritten form or printed on letterhead or a simple sheet of A4 or A5 format.

      The only rule that must be followed: all information provided must be certified by autographs of commission members who carried out the recycling.

      After this, the act is submitted for certification to the head of the company or another person who has the right to sign such papers.

      A note about the act is placed in a special journal of movement of seals and stamps, which must be maintained at the enterprise when its employees use stamp products.

      The act is drawn up in at least one copy, but copies can be made if necessary.

      How and for how long to keep the document

      The act of destruction of seals and stamps should be kept together with other documents for as long as possible. established by law or internal regulations of the company for a period (but not less than three years), after this period the act can be disposed of.

      Sample order for destruction of seals

      It happens that sometimes you have to resort to a procedure that concerns the destruction of the previous seal. All enterprises and organizations are faced with the issue of changing the seal and this is very problematic. The destruction of a seal occurs due to a change in the details of the enterprise that are on the seal, due to the unsuitability of the seal, or the seal has been lost. If there is a question before the management of the organization about changing the seal, then a protocol is drawn up at the meeting, which indicates all those present who were at the meeting, the reason for the change or destruction is also indicated, and as a result, the head of the organization issues an order to destroy the seal, a sample of which is in each organizations. After compiling of this order The process of making a seal is similar to the process as when creating a company. When replacing an old seal, it is necessary to draw up a destruction order to avoid problems in the future.

      As a result, in order to avoid any problems later, it is necessary to draw up an act of destruction of the seal, a sample of which every company manager has. If the seal was lost, then you need to take a certificate of loss of the seal, which is issued by the Department of Internal Affairs. If the seal that needs to be destroyed is recorded in the register, then you must inform the registration authority about this. The enterprise itself can deal with the issue of destroying the seal, but it is better if this issue is dealt with by a specialized company that produces seals. The act of destruction must be preserved, since in the future various questions may arise that will relate to the destruction of the old seal.

      When the question of destroying the old seal is closed, if necessary, you can order the production of a new one. All specialists in the manufacturing company adhere to GOST requirements and guarantee a high-quality product, and help during the destruction of the old seal and the preparation of all necessary documents.

      When making prints, they use layouts that have varying degrees of complexity based on existing samples or based on sketches approved by the customer. If the seal needs to be made according to a sketch, then it is necessary to prepare necessary documents, which relate to the registration of a legal entity or private entrepreneur. If you need to make a seal for joint stock company, then approval of the sketch of the new seal is necessary.

      A sample order for the production of a seal includes the following information: about the sketch of the seal and its approval, who will exercise control over the execution of the order and, accordingly, sketches of the seals. To start making a seal, you need to make a layout of the future seal. In modern times, seals are not required to be presented with any special requirements. But there are requirements that relate to the full indication of the following data: full name of the company, indication of the organizational and legal form, if the seal is registered, then it is necessary to indicate the number that corresponds to the registration register number and legal address. The layout must be created strictly according to the existing layout, but the already completed sketch may be adjusted in the future. The legislation specifies some regulations that relate to municipal and regional symbols. The layout, which is final, must be approved by the customer and certified in documents so that no problems arise in the future. The manufacturer then proceeds with production and all signed documents are retained as evidence of the authenticity of the seal.

      Sample order to destroy an organization's seal

      Sometimes it happens that a procedure such as the destruction of seals and stamps of an organization or institutions may be required. The reasons may be the following:

    • Liquidation of an organization or institution;
    • Changes in details (partially or completely);
    • Wear or damage to seals and stamps;
    • What needs to be done, and where to start first? First, the head of the organization must issue an Order to liquidate the seal of the institution, which must indicate the reason for making such a decision, then the actions in this regard are prescribed point by point:

    • create a commission;
    • how it must be destroyed;
    • draw up a liquidation act;
    • from what date are the old stamp impressions considered invalid;
    • from what date are the impressions of the new stamp considered valid (if they are replaced with new stamps);
    • who is responsible for what is happening;
    • Who can recycle stamps

      If the seal to be destroyed is one of the stamp stamps, then in most cases this procedure takes place in the Office of Affairs, where it must be submitted with all the relevant documents. If this is an ordinary seal or stamp, then the destruction of this type of stamped product can be carried out by one’s own organization, or with the help of a third-party organization endowed with such powers.

      If you decide to destroy a stamp using the services of a third-party organization, then you will need to hand over not only the stamp products themselves, but also the necessary set of documents that you may be required to:

    • Statement from the head of the organization regarding the destruction of the stamped item
    • Copy of the manager's passport
    • A copy of the order on the appointment of a manager, certified by a higher institution (for heads of government organizations)
    • A copy of the passport of the employee responsible for the destruction
    • Power of attorney for the employee responsible for eliminating the stamp from the head of the institution
    • Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (copy certified by a notary)
    • Document confirming payment for the service
    • If it is more convenient for you to destroy the stamp with the help of your institution, then the procedure is approximately as follows. Based on the Order to destroy the stamp, the head of the organization creates a special commission, which is obliged to physically destroy the cliche and all components of the stamp product in order to prevent its further restoration and use. Next, the commission draws up an act of destruction, which is subsequently also approved by the signature of the head of the institution.

      Certificate of disposal of the organization's seal

      After the appointed commission has liquidated the stamped items, it is necessary to draw up a document confirming this fact. Such a document is the Print Recycling Certificate. It must contain:

    • composition of the recycling commission
    • place and time
    • on what basis did this action take place?
    • name and sample imprint of the organization's recycled seal
    • method of destruction (rubber clichés are usually cut into small pieces and burned, and metal ones are sawed off)
    • conclusion of the commission on bringing the seal into a condition that is guaranteed to exclude its restoration and further use
    • signatures of all commission members

    The act serves as the basis for making a corresponding entry in the institution’s Stamp Products Logbook, where the date and number of the disposal act, as well as the reason for which the procedure was carried out, are indicated in a certain column. The act is kept together with the journal in order to avoid disputes and misunderstandings regarding the impressions of old stamps.

    Of course, if you choose our company regarding the disposal/destruction of an organization’s seal, we will be able to do it professionally, competently and quickly, without losing sight of anything. All you have to do is obtain documents confirming the fact of destruction of your old stamp product.

    Order on printing in an organization

    Articles on the topic

    Any organization must have seals that are of great practical importance. Some of them are used for primary documents, some for primary documentation and even for letters. In this article we will look at what orders are used to introduce seals in organizations.

    From this article you will learn:

  • Order to change the seal of the organization;
  • Order on approval of the organization's seal;
  • Order on the use of a seal for documents.
  • Order to change the seal of the organization

    Often a company needs to replace an old seal to a new one. The reasons may be very different. As a rule, seal replacement is required in the following cases:

  • Loss or theft of a valid seal;
  • Protection against counterfeiting;
  • Change of company details;
  • Changing the name of the organization;
  • Change of organizational and legal form;
  • Deterioration of the old seal.
  • Any of the above reasons requires the recognition of the old seal as invalid and the introduction of a new one to replace the decommissioned one. However, to put into effect new seal, it is necessary to follow a procedure that includes the corresponding order (we will consider the design rules below).

    The very first step is to convene a meeting, following which a protocol will be drawn up on the need to introduce a new seal in the organization. This protocol must indicate the reason why a new seal was required (loss of the old one, invalidity, etc.), as well as a list of persons who accepted this decision. After this, an order is required. We will consider how to arrange it further.

    Design rules

    Rules registration of an order they do not have a uniform form regarding the order to change the seal, so it is drawn up in free form. When drawing up this document, you should indicate the following information.

  1. The reason why the seal needs to be replaced (due to loss, change of details, change of company name, etc.).
  2. The date (in dd/mm/yy format) from which the new seal comes into effect, indicating the name, name and legal address of the organization (if necessary, this data is duplicated in English).
  3. A clause that cancels the validity of the first seal from the date of introduction of the new one (clause of invalidation or loss of force).
  4. The period during which the old seal (if any) will be destroyed.
  5. Persons responsible for destroying the old print.
  6. List of organizations that must be notified about the seal replacement.

Rules for placing an order sample

After all the above points, the order must be signed by the head of the organization. This document must also contain an annex to the order (a sample is presented below) with approval of the new imprint.

Sample order with attachments

Also, if necessary, the order can list the heads of structural divisions (branches of the organization) who should be informed about the replacement of the seal.

Order approving the seal of the organization

The presence of a seal in organizations is no longer considered mandatory in relation to JSCs and LLCs. Companies of this organizational and legal form can leave the use of seals at their discretion. For other organizations, the presence of a seal is mandatory. Moreover, if a JSC or LLC plans to introduce a seal, then it is necessary to understand what kind of seal we are talking about.

There are several types of seals: main and auxiliary. The main seals include official seals and seals of legal entities. The rules for issuing an order (paperwork) in commercial organizations equate the seal of a legal entity to a stamp; accordingly, it is used on documents signed by the head of the organization. Regardless of what seal the organization plans to introduce, it must first be approved by order of the manager.

In order to approve the organization's seal, it is also necessary to collect a whole package of documents that will be needed for its production. Thus, you must first submit to the manufacturing company the documents necessary to order the production of a print. These include:

  • Copies of the organization's charter and certificate of state registration legal entity, notarized;
  • Documents confirming the election of this person to the position of head of the organization;
  • A document in which the decision to produce this seal was made and reflected.
  • It should be noted that the presence of a seal in joint stock companies and limited liability companies is not mandatory. In this regard, if your company belongs to these organizations by its organizational and legal form, then the presence of a seal and its use (for which papers) should be enshrined in the organization’s Charter.

    Design rules

    Rules for placing orders office work is regulated only in relation to details: the contents of the document are determined separately in each case. If it is necessary to approve the entry into force of a new seal by issuing a corresponding order, its contents should be as follows:

  • The text of the order itself (“I order to approve the design of the seal...”) and the full name, name of the organization and legal address;
  • The date from which the seal comes into effect.
  • What documents is it intended to work with (optional).
  • The rules for issuing orders to this document regulate the presence of an appendix with stamp approval.

    Also, this order may contain information on the approval of the Regulations on the procedure for using seals as a separate paragraph. If this clause is present, the rules for issuing an order also imply the following clause, according to which it is necessary to indicate the date on which the Regulation comes into force.

    Let us note that it is the Regulations that should regulate the procedure for using seals in a company, the list of documents approved by it, the period of its validity and the procedure for destruction. It is also advisable to keep a journal of seals and stamps in the organization, which will display all transfers of seals to employees and the grounds on which the issuance was carried out.

    Sample order with attachment

    Order on the use of a seal for documents

    The rules of office work (the execution of an order is one of them) also imply the presence of an order to use a seal for documents if the seal (or seals) are intended for certain categories of business papers.

    Let us remind you , we already wrote above that an organization can have several seals, and the use of each is regulated by relevant documents. Thus, there are seals that are valid only for accounting documents. Simply put, the use of this seal on other documents will not be of any value, moreover, this document will be considered invalid.

    As a rule, an order to use a seal for documents and an order to approve the organization’s seal are drawn up in one document, if the order contains clauses on the implementation of the Regulations on use of seals. It is this Regulation that regulates the procedure for applying seals in relation to various documents, their storage, validity period, issuance to employees and the person responsible for storing the seal.

    The regulation on the use of seals must be signed by the head of the organization. Moreover, it must contain marks indicating that the responsible persons have read it.

    Application to the order registration sample

    It happens that sometimes you have to resort to a procedure that concerns the destruction of the previous seal. All enterprises and organizations are faced with the issue of changing the seal and this is very problematic. The destruction of a seal occurs due to a change in the details of the enterprise that are on the seal, due to the unsuitability of the seal, or the seal has been lost. If there is a question before the management of the organization about changing the seal, then a protocol is drawn up at the meeting, which indicates all those present who were at the meeting, the reason for the change or destruction is also indicated, and as a result, the head of the organization issues an order to destroy the seal, a sample of which is in each organizations. After drawing up this order, the process of making a seal is similar to the process as when creating a company. When replacing an old seal, it is necessary to draw up a destruction order to avoid problems in the future.

    As a result, in order to avoid any problems later, it is necessary to draw up an act of destruction of the seal, a sample of which every company manager has. If the seal was lost, then you need to take a certificate of loss of the seal, which is issued by the Department of Internal Affairs. If the seal that needs to be destroyed is recorded in the register, then you must inform the registration authority about this. The enterprise itself can deal with the issue of destroying the seal, but it is better if this issue is dealt with by a specialized company that produces seals. The act of destruction must be preserved, since in the future various questions may arise that will relate to the destruction of the old seal.

    When the question of destroying the old seal is closed, if necessary, you can order the production of a new one. All specialists in the manufacturing company adhere to GOST requirements and guarantee a high-quality product, and help during the destruction of the old seal and the preparation of all necessary documents.

    When making prints, they use layouts that have varying degrees of complexity based on existing samples or based on sketches approved by the customer. If the seal needs to be made according to a sketch, then it is necessary to prepare the necessary documents that relate to the registration of a legal entity or private entrepreneur. If it is necessary to make a seal for a joint stock company, then approval of the sketch of the new seal is necessary.

    A sample order for the production of a seal includes the following information: about the sketch of the seal and its approval, who will exercise control over the execution of the order and, accordingly, sketches of the seals. To start making a seal, you need to make a layout of the future seal. In modern times, there are no special requirements for seals. But there are requirements that relate to the full indication of the following data: the full name of the company, an indication of the organizational and legal form, if the seal is registered, then it is necessary to indicate the number that corresponds to the registration register number and legal address. The layout must be created strictly according to the existing layout, but the already completed sketch may be adjusted in the future. The legislation specifies some regulations that relate to municipal and regional symbols. The layout, which is final, must be approved by the customer and certified in documents so that no problems arise in the future. The manufacturer then proceeds with production and all signed documents are retained as evidence of the authenticity of the seal.

    Act on the destruction of the seal and stamp

    Drawing up an act on the destruction of seals and stamps occurs when the enterprise decides to dispose of stamped products. The act refers to the internal documents of the company and must be drawn up in a certain order.

    Why destroy seals and stamps?

    There can be many reasons for destroying these attributes.

    Today, the most widespread law can be considered the law passed in 2015 on the abolition of mandatory visa approval of enterprise documentation using various imprints.

    In other words, if previously all legal entities, without exception, had to use stamps and seals in their work, now this is only the right of the company, which must be enshrined in its internal regulatory documents.

    Other reasons for destroying stamped items may be:

  • wear,
  • damage,
  • obsolescence,
  • liquidation or reorganization of a company,
  • changing company details, etc.
  • Disposal of seals and stamps is not a strictly mandatory procedure, but if carried out in accordance with all the rules, it can to some extent protect enterprises from malicious manipulation of various kinds of documents by citizens with criminal intentions.

    The procedure for carrying out the destruction procedure

    Today, the state does not regulate in any way the procedure for either the production or destruction of seals, so organizations must independently develop a regulatory framework for these actions.
    However, in general, the procedure for recycling cliches is approximately the same:

    1. First, the management of the enterprise makes a decision to destroy seals and stamps that have lost their relevance (this can be made in relation to one seal, several or even all).
    2. Then an order is issued, which is a catalyst for starting this process.
    3. Based on the order, a special commission is created, which carries out the destruction of stamped items.
    4. To record the fact of disposal, a detailed report is drawn up.

    It should be said that in some cases, organizations do not destroy seals and stamps themselves, but transfer this right to third-party companies.

    As for lost or stolen stamps, it is impossible to draw up a disposal report in relation to them - in such cases it is necessary to submit appropriate applications to the tax service and the police.

    Commission: composition and goals

    The recycling commission should include at least two people.
    These can be any employees of the organization, but, as a rule, the following are appointed as such:

  • director or any person close to the management of the company,
  • employee responsible for the maintenance and storage of seals and stamps,
  • HR specialist,
  • lawyer,
  • secretary.
  • Among them, the chairman of the commission and ordinary members should be highlighted.

    The main task of the commission– select stamps that have lost their relevance, directly carry out their destruction in any acceptable and most accessible way, and draw up a report about this.

    For disposal, fairly simple methods are usually used:

  • cutting cliches into small pieces with scissors (provided that they are made of polymers, rubber, caoutchouc and other soft materials),
  • cutting using special tools (if the cliche is metal).
  • The main thing is that as a result of destruction, these products become completely unsuitable for further use.

    How to draw up an act

    Legislators have not developed a standard unified form for the act on the destruction of seals and stamps. This means that enterprises are free to write it in any form or according to a template approved in the company’s accounting policy.
    In this case, there is a number of information that must be indicated in the document:

  • number, place and date of creation of the act,
  • Name of the organization,
  • data about the stamp itself: details of the company displayed on the cliche (if there are several stamps to be recycled, information about all of them is entered in the same way),
  • composition of the commission (positions, surnames, first names and patronymics of employees),
  • the reason for the destruction of the seal or stamp,
  • basis for destruction (i.e. provide a link to the document),
  • time, place and method of destruction.
  • In addition, in the form of the act it is necessary to put imprints of the stamps being destroyed and to attest in writing to the fact that the manipulations made led to the complete unsuitability of the cliches for further use.

    How to draw up a deed

    The execution of the act is also left to enterprises: it can be created in handwritten form or printed on letterhead or a simple sheet of A4 or A5 format.

    The only rule that must be followed: all information provided must be certified by autographs of commission members who carried out the recycling.

    After this, the act is submitted for certification to the head of the company or another person who has the right to sign such papers.

    A note about the act is placed in a special journal of movement of seals and stamps, which must be maintained at the enterprise when its employees use stamp products.

    The act is drawn up in at least one copy, but copies can be made if necessary.

    How and for how long to keep the document

    The act of destruction of seals and stamps should be kept together with other documents for the period established by law or internal regulations of the company (but not less than three years); after this period, the act can be disposed of.

    Seals and stamps at the enterprise: Information, comments, practice

    Seals and stamps

    How to issue an order to destroy the official seal? What is the official procedure for destroying a company seal?

    The need to destroy the official seal of an enterprise, as well as any other seals, may arise in three cases:

    • upon re-registration, reorganization or liquidation of an organization;
    • when changing the details of the organization (form of ownership, name) indicated on the seal cliché;
    • impossibility of using the seal due to the presence of defects, the seal has become unusable and cannot be used.
    • Although the issue of destruction is not regulated at the federal level, each individual subject of the federation and municipality may have its own local acts on the destruction of seals. When the Moscow Registration Chamber existed in Moscow, it was engaged in the destruction of seals, but the MCI was liquidated on the basis of Moscow Government Decree No. 65-PP dated 02/08/2005. Some stamp manufacturers provide third party stamp destruction services.

      The procedure for destroying seals and stamps yourself is as follows:

      Step 1. “Order from the manager to appoint a commission”

      Step 2. “Seals and stamps are submitted for destruction to the Department of Affairs”

      Step 3. “An Act is drawn up with imprints of the seals and stamps to be destroyed”

      For all seals and stamps selected for destruction an act is drawn up(see Attachment). The act, with imprints of the seals and stamps being destroyed, is drawn up by the employee responsible for recording and storing seals and stamps.

      Corrections in the act of destruction of seals (stamps) are not allowed.

      Step 4. “Reconciliation of destroyed seals and stamps with the Act”

      Step 5. “Selected seals and stamps are handed over for protection”

      Step 6. “Destruction of seals and stamps in the presence of commission members”

      The destruction of seals and stamps involves the complete destruction of their printing surface and form, preventing the possibility of their restoration and further use.

      Seals (stamps) are delivered sealed to the place of destruction. Destruction of mastic seals (stamps) is carried out by burning, and metal ones - by sawing (clichés are filed with two cross lines). On the destruction of seals (stamps) of all members of the commission sign the act.

      Step 7. “Registration of the Act on the destruction of seals and stamps”

      Act registered in the journal of incoming documents.

      The employee responsible for accounting for seals (stamps), on the basis of the act, makes notes on destruction in the relevant Book for accounting of seals and stamps (Journal) and submits copy of the act to the accounting department of the Main Financial and Economic Directorate.

      Step 8. “Storage of the Certificate of Destruction of Seals and Stamps”

      Acts on the destruction of seals (stamps) are stored within 10 years in specially opened cases of the Administrative Office, and then destroyed in the prescribed manner.


      In connection with the re-registration of ______________, I order:

      1. Select for destruction the following seals and stamps that have lost their practical significance (deteriorated):

      2.1 To ensure compliance with the requirements established in clause 1, appoint a commission consisting of:

      2.2 Appoint _____________________ as the Chairman of the commission

      3. Transfer the specified seals and stamps to the Administration for their centralized destruction and deregistration by “___” ________ 20___.

      4. The Business Administration should re-register seals and stamps based on their actual availability as of “____” ______ 20___.

      5. I reserve control over the implementation of this Order.

      "_____" _________________20____


      ACT on the allocation of seals and stamps for destruction

      A total of _______________________ (number in words) items are subject to destruction. Records with credentials are reconciled:

      Commission members

      __________________ ______________________
      (signature) (last name and initials)

      After approval of the act, the listed documents were compared with the entries in the act before destruction and completely destroyed by ____________________________ (destruction method)
      “____” ___________ 20___ at ___ hours ___min.
      Place of destruction ______________________________

      Chairman of the Commission
      __________________ ______________________
      (signature) (last name and initials)

      Marks in the accounting book about the destruction of seals and stamps were made

      (signature) (last name and initials)

      Destruction of seals and stamps (Zernova I.)

      Article posted date: 10/04/2015

      When making new seals and stamps, old ones must be destroyed. The need to replace seals arises due to their physical wear and tear, a change in the name or type of institution, its reorganization and for other reasons. In the article we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the procedure for destroying old seals and stamps and documenting this operation.

      If there is a need to destroy seals and stamps, you should find out whether the procedure for their destruction is approved by regional regulations. If such a procedure is established in the region, seals and stamps must be destroyed in accordance with this procedure. If such a procedure has not been established at the regional level, then the institution must independently consolidate it in its internal document. For example, this could be a provision on the procedure for recording, using, storing and destroying seals and stamps (a sample of it is given below).
      The operation to destroy seals and stamps comes down to their physical destruction and documentation this fact.
      In this case, the head of the institution (if he has the authority to do so) chooses the method of destroying seals and stamps. This is how they can be destroyed:
      — by the institution independently;
      — a special stamping and engraving workshop;
      - body for registration of seals.
      Destruction of seals and stamps by the institution itself. In order to destroy seals and stamps, a special commission is appointed in the institution by order of the head. In the presence of all members of the commission, seals and stamps are destroyed, about which an act is drawn up, which is signed by the members of the commission and approved by the head of the institution. It must indicate:
      — time and place of destruction;
      — composition of the commission;
      — the basis for the destruction of seals (stamps);
      - name and imprints of the destroyed seals (stamps);
      - method of destruction (products made of rubber and other polymers are cut into small pieces or burned, and those made of metal are filed in two cross lines, by grinding their surfaces and in another way);
      — conclusion of the commission on bringing the seal (stamp) into a state that excludes the possibility of restoration and further use;
      - signatures of the commission members.
      This act is the basis for recording the destruction of the seal (stamp) in the accounting journal.
      Destruction of seals and stamps by a third party. With this method of destruction, seals and stamps are transferred to the appropriate seal registration authority or a special stamping and engraving workshop. A set of documents is sent along with seals and stamps:
      - an application for the destruction of the seal, which is signed only by the manager;
      - a photocopy of the manager’s passport and a copy of the order on his appointment, certified by a higher organization;
      — a power of attorney from the head of the institution to destroy the seal to the person responsible for its destruction;
      - a photocopy of the passport of the person responsible for the destruction of the seal;
      — extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (notarized copy);
      — a document confirming the fact of payment (original Sberbank receipt or payment order);
      - other documents.
      Upon destruction of seals and stamps, the institution is given a document with their imprint stamped on the back.
      Here is a sample of the Regulations on the procedure for recording, using, storing and destroying seals and stamps in an institution and the order for its approval.

      In order to establish a uniform procedure for accounting, use, storage and
      destruction of seals and stamps in ———- I order:
      1. Approve the attached Regulations on the procedure for accounting, use,
      storage and destruction of seals and stamps in ———- (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations).
      2. Heads of structural divisions ensure compliance with the requirements established by the Regulations.
      3. I reserve control over the implementation of this Order.
      Head of the institution ____________ (signature)
      "10" January 12
      — —— 20— g.

      on the procedure for recording, use, storage and destruction
      seals and stamps in the institution

      1. General Provisions

      1.1. This Regulation has been developed in accordance with the Federal Constitutional Law of December 25, 2000 N 2-FKZ “On the State Emblem Russian Federation", GOST R 51511-2001 "Seals with reproduction of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation. Shape, dimensions and technical requirements”, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 1995 N 1268 “On streamlining the production, use, storage and destruction of seals and forms with the reproduction of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation” and other regulatory legal acts of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
      1.2. The position establishes General requirements on accounting, use, storage and destruction of official seals, seals of structural units, other seals and stamps used in office work.
      The requirements provided for by these Regulations are mandatory
      for all employees ———-.

      2. Types of seals and stamps, the procedure for their production

      2.1. To certify the authenticity of documents or the correspondence of copies of documents to the originals, seals with a reproduction of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as official seals) are used.
      The stamp seals are produced in the quantity of two mastic stamps and one small stamp stamp metal stamp. The decision to produce official seals is made by the head of the institution.
      2.2. The official mastic seal must comply with the requirements of GOST R 51511-2001.
      2.3. The production of the official seal is carried out by special stamping and engraving workshops that have a license to produce seals with the reproduction of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation and certificates of the availability of technical and technological capabilities for the production of this type of product at the proper quality level.
      2.4. To prepare documents of the structural divisions of the Institution, the seals of the structural divisions are used (a list of the names of the seals is provided, containing the short name of the corresponding structural division, depicted in the center of the seal, for example, the seal “Human Resources Department”, “For financial and economic operations”, “Office”, “Administrative maintenance department").
      2.5. The organization of the production of seals and stamps is carried out through the administrative and economic department at the request of the heads of structural divisions in agreement with the head of the institution.
      Making a duplicate of a seal is permitted only if it is lost or worn out by decision of the head of the institution.

      3. The procedure for recording, issuing (surrendering) seals (stamps) and ensuring their safety

      3.1. A record of all manufactured seals and stamps must be kept in a book of registration of seals and stamps with their imprint affixed in it. The sheets of the book of seals and stamps are numbered, stitched and sealed.
      ———- keeps records of the storage, issuance and destruction of seals and stamps
      independently in compliance with these Regulations.
      3.2. To ensure proper accounting and storage of seals (stamps), their issuance to structural units, a responsible person is appointed from among the employees by order of the head of the institution.
      3.3. The issuance of seals (stamps) to structural units and officials is carried out against a signature in the book of registration of seals and stamps.
      3.4. The heads of structural divisions, by their orders, appoint employees responsible for receiving, storing and using seals (stamps), establish the personal responsibility of these employees for the received seals (stamps), and also determine the procedure for their storage and use, excluding loss and violation of use.
      3.5. Temporary transfer of seals and stamps from one responsible person to another within a structural unit (in connection with departure on a business trip, going on vacation) is carried out according to an act. This act is approved by the head of the structural unit.
      3.6. When a responsible person is dismissed or transferred to another position, the seals (stamps) assigned to him are transferred to another employee against his signature in the book of registration of seals and stamps with a corresponding mark in the dismissal sheet.
      3.7. The transfer of seals and stamps to unauthorized persons, the removal of seals (stamps) outside the building is not allowed.
      3.8. In case of loss of a seal (stamp), employees immediately report this to the head of the relevant structural unit.
      In case of loss of seals (stamps) or violations in their use, the head of the structural unit conducts an official investigation, the results of which are reported to the head of the institution.
      3.9. The presence of all seals and stamps is checked at least once a year, as a rule, by a commission appointed to check the presence of secret documents. The results of the inspection are reflected in the report.
      3.10. Official seals ———- assigned to officials,
      stored in their personal safes. At the end of the working day, safes and service
      the offices of these officials are sealed and in accordance with
      are placed under guard in accordance with the established procedure.
      Other seals and stamps are stored in securely locked cabinets (boxes).

      4. Procedure for using seals (stamps)

      4.1. In ———- the official mastic seal is used in two
      copies, as well as a small stamped metal stamp.
      The first copy of the official mastic seal is assigned to the manager
      Ivanova N.D.
      office ————- and is used to stamp the stamp
      printing on the following documents:
      — powers of attorney;
      — concluded contracts;
      — acts (acceptance of completed construction facilities, equipment, work performed, descriptions, examination, etc.);
      — assignments (for the design of facilities, technical structures, capital construction etc.);
      - representations and petitions (for awarding state awards etc.);
      letters of guarantee(for performing work, providing services, etc.);
      — travel certificates;
      — other documents to certify the signature of an official who has
      the right to act on behalf of ———-, as well as documents requiring
      presence of a stamp imprint in accordance with the current
      legislation of the Russian Federation.
      The second copy of the official mastic seal “For financial and economic
      Klyuevoy A.D.
      operations" is assigned to the chief accountant ———— and is used
      for affixing the official seal on the following documents:
      — powers of attorney for receiving inventory items;
      — orders (budgetary, banking, payment, for receiving Money in a bank, etc.);
      — registers (checks, budget orders, transfers of funds submitted to banks and Federal Treasury institutions, etc.);
      — accounting and statistical reports;
      — cost estimates;
      - certificates (about payments from wages, use of budget allocations, accrued and due wages etc.);
      — notices on centralized payments;
      — notifications about budgetary allocations, limits on budgetary obligations;
      — waybills for cars;
      - other documents related to financial and economic activities, in cases provided for by regulations legal acts current legislation of the Russian Federation.
      A small official press-out metal seal is attached to
      Machine E.V.
      head of the HR department ———— and is applied only when registering
      4.2. The seal of the structural unit certifies the signature of the head of this unit or his deputy.

      5. Procedure for destroying seals and stamps

      5.1. Seals and stamps that have become unusable during operation or are no longer in use and have lost their practical significance must be handed over to the head of the office for destruction and deregistration.
      5.2. The selection and destruction of seals and stamps is carried out by a commission appointed by order of the head of the institution. The commission must consist of at least three people, one of whom must be the employee responsible for recording seals and stamps.
      5.3. For all seals and stamps selected for destruction, the employee responsible for accounting and storage of seals and stamps draws up an act with the imprints of the seals and stamps being destroyed.
      5.4. Corrections in the act of destruction of seals (stamps) are not allowed.
      The commission checks the presence of all seals (stamps) included in the act. During the inspection, special attention of the commission members should be paid to ensure that the number of seals (stamps) destroyed cannot include any other seals (stamps) not included in the act, or that there are no discrepancies between the entries in the act and the seals themselves (stamps) and entries in the book of registration of seals and stamps. At the end of the reconciliation, all members of the commission sign the act, and the chairman of the commission certifies the sheets of the act with his signature. The act is approved by the head of the institution.
      5.5. Seals (stamps) selected for destruction and included in the act, after checking them by the commission, are put into a box and sealed by the chairman of the commission. The box is stored until destruction in the safe of the premises, which are rented out for security.
      5.6. The destruction of seals and stamps is carried out after approval of the act in the presence of all members of the commission, who are personally responsible for the correctness and completeness of the destruction of the seals and stamps listed in the act.
      5.7. The destruction of mastic seals (stamps) is carried out by burning, and metal ones - by sawing off. The act of destruction of seals (stamps) contains the signatures of all members of the commission. The act is registered in the journal of incoming documents.
      5.8. The employee responsible for accounting for seals (stamps) makes notes on destruction in the accounting book based on the act.
      5.9. Acts on the destruction of seals (stamps) are stored for 10 years in specially opened files of the institution, and then destroyed in the prescribed manner.

      6. Liability for loss of seals (stamps) or violation of their use

      6.1. Misuse of seals, as well as the use
      seals not provided for by these Regulations when carrying out
      ———— or him structural unit legally significant actions
      entails the invalidity of a document bearing such a seal and
      responsibility provided for current legislation RF.
      6.2. For violation of the rules for storing seals (stamps) or their loss, the guilty person is subject to disciplinary liability.
      The Regulations are accompanied by imprints of seals and stamps used in office work.


      Sample order to destroy an organization's seal

      Sometimes it happens that a procedure such as the destruction of seals and stamps of an organization or institutions may be required. The reasons may be the following:

      • Liquidation of an organization or institution;
      • Changes in details (partially or completely);
      • Wear or damage to seals and stamps;
      • What needs to be done, and where to start first? First, the head of the organization must issue an Order to liquidate the seal of the institution, which must indicate the reason for making such a decision, then the actions in this regard are prescribed point by point:

      • create a commission;
      • how it must be destroyed;
      • draw up a liquidation act;
      • from what date are the old stamp impressions considered invalid;
      • from what date are the impressions of the new stamp considered valid (if they are replaced with new stamps);
      • who is responsible for what is happening;
      • Who can recycle stamps

        If the seal to be destroyed is one of the stamp stamps, then in most cases this procedure takes place in the Office of Affairs, where it must be submitted with all the relevant documents. If this is an ordinary seal or stamp, then the destruction of this type of stamped product can be carried out by one’s own organization, or with the help of a third-party organization endowed with such powers.

        If you decide to destroy a stamp using the services of a third-party organization, then you will need to hand over not only the stamp products themselves, but also the necessary set of documents that you may be required to:

      • Statement from the head of the organization regarding the destruction of the stamped item
      • Copy of the manager's passport
      • A copy of the order on the appointment of a manager, certified by a higher institution (for heads of government organizations)
      • A copy of the passport of the employee responsible for the destruction
      • Power of attorney for the employee responsible for eliminating the stamp from the head of the institution
      • Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (copy certified by a notary)
      • Document confirming payment for the service
      • If it is more convenient for you to destroy the stamp with the help of your institution, then the procedure is approximately as follows. Based on the Order to destroy the stamp, the head of the organization creates a special commission, which is obliged to physically destroy the cliche and all components of the stamp product in order to prevent its further restoration and use. Next, the commission draws up an act of destruction, which is subsequently also approved by the signature of the head of the institution.

        Certificate of disposal of the organization's seal

        After the appointed commission has liquidated the stamped items, it is necessary to draw up a document confirming this fact. Such a document is the Print Recycling Certificate. It must contain:

      • composition of the recycling commission
      • place and time
      • on what basis did this action take place?
      • name and sample imprint of the organization's recycled seal
      • method of destruction (rubber clichés are usually cut into small pieces and burned, and metal ones are sawed off)
      • conclusion of the commission on bringing the seal into a condition that is guaranteed to exclude its restoration and further use
      • signatures of all commission members

      The act serves as the basis for making a corresponding entry in the institution’s Stamp Products Logbook, where the date and number of the disposal act, as well as the reason for which the procedure was carried out, are indicated in a certain column. The act is kept together with the journal in order to avoid disputes and misunderstandings regarding the impressions of old stamps.

      Of course, if you choose our company regarding the disposal/destruction of an organization’s seal, we will be able to do it professionally, competently and quickly, without losing sight of anything. All you have to do is obtain documents confirming the fact of destruction of your old stamp product.

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    Sometimes it happens that a procedure such as destruction or establishment may be required. The reasons may be the following:

    • Liquidation of an organization or institution;
    • Changes in details (partially or completely);
    • Wear or damage to seals and;

    In this case you may need -

    What needs to be done, and where to start first? First, the head of the organization must issue an Order to liquidate the seal of the institution, which must indicate the reason for making such a decision, then the actions in this regard are prescribed point by point:

    • create a commission;
    • how it must be destroyed;
    • draw up a liquidation act;
    • from what date are the old stamp impressions considered invalid;
    • from what date are the impressions of the new stamp considered valid (if they are replaced with new stamps);
    • who is responsible for what is happening;

    Who can recycle stamps

    If the seal to be destroyed is one of the stamp stamps, then in most cases this procedure takes place in the Office of Affairs, where it must be submitted with all the relevant documents. If this is an ordinary seal or stamp, then the destruction of this type of stamped product can be carried out by one’s own organization, or with the help of a third-party organization endowed with such powers.

    If you decide to destroy a stamp using the services of a third-party organization, then you will need to hand over not only the stamp products themselves, but also the necessary set of documents that you may be required to:

    1. Statement from the head of the organization regarding the destruction of the stamped item
    2. Copy of the manager's passport
    3. A copy of the order on the appointment of a manager, certified by a higher institution (for heads of government organizations)
    4. A copy of the passport of the employee responsible for the destruction
    5. Power of attorney for the employee responsible for eliminating the stamp from the head of the institution
    6. Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (copy certified by a notary)
    7. Document confirming payment for the service

    If it is more convenient for you to destroy the stamp with the help of your institution, then the procedure is approximately as follows. Based on the Order to destroy the stamp, the head of the organization creates a special commission, which is obliged to physically destroy the cliche and all components of the stamp product in order to prevent its further restoration and use. Next, the commission draws up an act of destruction, which is subsequently also approved by the signature of the head of the institution.

    Certificate of disposal of the organization's seal

    After the appointed commission has liquidated the stamped items, it is necessary to draw up a document confirming this fact. Such a document is the Print Recycling Certificate. It must contain:

    • composition of the recycling commission
    • place and time
    • on what basis did this action take place?
    • name and sample imprint of the organization's recycled seal
    • method of destruction (rubber clichés are usually cut into small pieces and burned, and metal ones are sawed off)
    • conclusion of the commission on bringing the seal into a condition that is guaranteed to exclude its restoration and further use
    • signatures of all commission members

    The act serves as the basis for making a corresponding entry in the institution’s Stamp Products Logbook, where the date and number of the disposal act, as well as the reason for which the procedure was carried out, are indicated in a certain column. The act is kept together with the journal in order to avoid disputes and misunderstandings regarding the impressions of old stamps.

    Of course, if you choose our company regarding the disposal/destruction of an organization’s seal, we will be able to do it professionally, competently and quickly, without losing sight of anything. All you have to do is obtain documents confirming the fact of destruction of your old stamp product.

    If you decide to destroy a stamp using the services of a third-party organization, then you will need to hand over not only the stamp products themselves, but also the necessary set of documents that you may be required to:

    1. Statement from the head of the organization regarding the destruction of the stamped item
    2. Copy of the manager's passport
    3. A copy of the order on the appointment of a manager, certified by a higher institution (for heads of government organizations)
    4. A copy of the passport of the employee responsible for the destruction
    5. Power of attorney for the employee responsible for eliminating the stamp from the head of the institution
    6. Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (copy certified by a notary)
    7. Document confirming payment for the service

    After which you can order a seal of the organization.

    Sample order to destroy an organization's seal


    If it is more convenient for you to destroy the stamp with the help of your institution, then the procedure is approximately as follows. Based on the Order to destroy the stamp, the head of the organization creates a special commission, which is obliged to physically destroy the cliche and all components of the stamp product in order to prevent its further restoration and use.

    Next, the commission draws up an act of destruction, which is subsequently also approved by the signature of the head of the institution. Certificate of disposal of the organization's seal After the appointed commission has disposed of the stamped items, it is necessary to draw up a document confirming this fact.

    Such a document is the Print Recycling Certificate.

    Seals and stamps at the enterprise: information, comments, practice

    Example 3 Additional seals Collapse Show The use of additional seals should be treated with some caution, since their legal force may be questioned. On documents submitted to government and regulatory authorities, we recommend putting main seal organizations.

    There is nothing wrong with using an additional seal, but local officials may well refuse to accept documents certified by them. To avoid unnecessary delays, it is better to use the main seal immediately.
    The seal “For contracts” is also worthy of attention. Is it possible to put it on contracts? The Civil Code of the Russian Federation does not contain a requirement to certify signatures in a contract with a seal. However, the contract itself may include a condition that the signature is certified by the main seal of the organization.

    If there is no such condition, then you can put a stamp “For contracts”.

    Act on the destruction of the seal and stamp

    This means that employers who pay their employees at the minimum wage must raise their wages from May 1.< … ИП и самозанятым гражданам предложат новый спецрежим Минфин ведет работу над проектом закона, которым для самозанятых граждан, а также ИП без работников будет введен новый специальный режим налогообложения (налог на профессиональный доход).
    < …

    Home → Primary documents (filling out samples) → Certificate of destruction of the seal The need to draw up an act of destruction of the organization’s seal may arise if (Section 7 Methodological recommendations for the implementation of GOST R 6.30-2003, approved. Rosarkhiv):

    • the company decided to abandon the use of printing in principle.

      In 2015, amendments were made to the Laws on LLCs and JSCs to allow organizations to conduct activities without seals and stamps (clause 7, article 2 of the Law of December 26, 1995 No. 208-FZ, clause 5 of art.

    Seals and stamps in the organization

    Sample regulations on seals and stamps In conclusion, we provide a sample Regulation on the manufacture, recording, use, storage, destruction of seals and stamps in commercial organization. Each company can create its own based on it, see.
    Example 12. Pay special attention to clause 7.1, which states that the use of seals not provided for by the regulations is not permitted. But the organization is growing and developing, and the appearance of new seals, and especially stamps, cannot be avoided.
    This must be monitored and each new seal / stamp must be recorded in its Regulations using the standard method of making changes to the local normative act.

    What to do with old organization seals?

    Records with registration data were verified: Chairman of the commission (signature) (surname and initials) Members of the commission (signature) (surname and initials) (signature) (surname and initials) After approval of the act, the listed documents were verified with the entries in the act before destruction and were completely destroyed by (method of destruction) "» 20 g per hour min. Place of destruction Chairman of the commission (signature) (last name and initials) Members of the commission (signature) (last name and initials) (signature) (last name and initials) Marks in the record book about the destruction of seals and stamps produced (signature) (surname and initials) » » 20

    Sample order for destruction of seals and stamps

    IN practical activities For any organization, sooner or later the question arises: “What to do with old seals?” There is no authority to use, there is no point in saving... Responsibility for the continued use of old seals is not legally prescribed anywhere. Obviously, their use will be an act of falsification of documents, so the right decision is their destruction.


    But according to all the rules. There are at least two cases when evidence of destruction may be required: by banks and judicial authorities during further re-registration. We draw up an order to destroy the seal (example 1). Example 1.

    Fragment of the order approving the sketch of the new seal and destroying the old seal. Preparation for destruction: choosing an organization. In practice, the destruction of old seals is often carried out by the same organizations that produce them.

    Sample act of destruction of seals and stamps

    A legal entity, at its discretion, can place its own logo, emblem, Bank details, contact details, etc. Individual entrepreneurs (hereinafter referred to as individual entrepreneurs) are not required to have a seal (see.


    the federal law“On state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs" dated 08.08.2001 No. 129-FZ). Examples of seals from GOST R 51511-2001: Example 1 Seals of business entities Collapse Show In the mentioned GOST you can also find requirements for the procedure for production, use, accounting, storage and destruction of seals, but they are mandatory only for organizations using state symbols.

    Technical requirements for the seals of organizations contains the National Standard of the Russian Federation “Mastic Certification Seals.

    Sample order for the destruction of seals and stamps

    Accounting for seals and stamps All seals and stamps of an organization are subject to accounting. Information about which department a particular stamp or seal is located in, when and to whom it was issued, handed over and destroyed is contained in a special journal. Since this journal contains impressions of seals and stamps, as well as handwritten signatures of the employees responsible for them, it is handwritten. The possible composition of the columns and the method of filling are shown in Example 5.

    Occasionally, seals have to leave the organization and go, for example, to a meeting with a counterparty, as a result of which a protocol of disagreements to the contract will be immediately signed. The manager who goes to the meeting must take the seal with him.

    This fact, as well as the fact that the seal was returned to them, is recorded in a special journal - see Example 6.

    • time, place and method of destruction.

    In addition, in the form of the act it is necessary to put imprints of the stamps being destroyed and to attest in writing to the fact that the manipulations made led to the complete unsuitability of the cliches for further use. How to draw up an act The execution of an act is also left to enterprises: it can be created in handwritten form or printed on letterhead or a simple sheet of A4 or A5 format.

    The only rule that must be observed is that all information provided must be certified by the autographs of the members of the commission who carried out the disposal. After this, the act is submitted for certification to the head of the company or another person who has the right to sign such papers.

    Download order for destruction of seals and stamps

    The destruction of seals and stamps involves the complete destruction of their printing surface and form, preventing the possibility of their restoration and further use. Seals (stamps) are delivered sealed to the place of destruction. The destruction of mastic seals (stamps) is carried out by burning, and metal seals - by sawing off (clichés are filed down with two cross lines). All members of the commission sign the act regarding the destruction of seals (stamps).

    Step 7. “Registration of the Act on the destruction of seals and stamps” The act is registered in the journal of incoming documents. The employee responsible for accounting for seals (stamps), on the basis of the act, makes notes about destruction in the relevant Book of Accounting for Seals and Stamps (Journal) and submits a copy of the act to the accounting department of the Main Financial and Economic Directorate.

    Order for destruction of seals and stamps sample dow

    How to draw up an act on the destruction of the organization’s seal Approved form There is no act on the destruction of seals and stamps. The act must list the members of the commission present when the seal was destroyed, indicate the reasons for the destruction and the method (for example, crushing into fractions, cutting into small pieces), as well as the date and time when this happened.

    Also on the act, before breaking the seal, its imprint is affixed. And then the chairman and members of the commission put their signatures, confirming the fact of destruction.

    Based on such an act, an entry about the destruction will need to be made in the seal movement journal. This is done by the person responsible for storing the seals. Act on the destruction of seals and stamps: sample Prev. / Next

    Many companies, by necessity or in accordance with the requirements of current legislation, must use their own unique seal with certain details and their own form.

    Moreover, in order for the seal to actually have some kind of legal force, all transactions with it must be pre-registered, and this applies not only to the production, but also to the liquidation of this instrument.

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    However, the current legislation is constantly changing, so most entrepreneurs do not know how this procedure is carried out in 2020 and how the act of destroying the seal should be correctly drawn up.

    The process of eliminating the old organization stamp in 2020

    Until recently, the use of round printing was limited to mandatory requirements to legal entities, since the need for companies to use it was established by current legislation. However, after Federal Law No. 82-FZ of April 6, 2020 came into force, the requirement for the mandatory use of seals was excluded from the legislative norms.

    Thus, starting April 7, 2020, entity has the right to independently decide whether he should use the seal or whether it is better to refuse it. Despite the fact that many perceived such changes as positive news, in fact many companies are not going to part with their seals, and, moreover, are also acquiring auxiliary tools.

    Private entrepreneurs, both before and now, do not need to use round seals at all if they do not want to do so themselves. At the same time, during its operation, the stamp may become unusable, damaged or worn out, and in addition, any details of the holder of this tool may change.

    All this is a reason to destroy the old seal, and this is already a mandatory legal requirement, and the procedure itself must be supported by a special act on the destruction of stamps and seals.

    Today, the legislation does not in any way control the procedure for destroying and producing seals, and therefore the company can independently make decisions on working with these tools. To do this, you need to issue a local regulatory act in the form of an order on the main activities of the company, as well as relevant instructions, rules and other necessary documents, which, in particular, will indicate the procedure for destroying seals.

    In order to carry out the procedure for destroying the seal, it will be necessary for authorized persons to provide the instrument itself, as well as a certain list of documents:

    • a certificate indicating the registration data of the specified enterprise;
    • a statement the meaning of which indicates permission to destroy the instrument;
    • a constituent agreement, order or charter confirming the status of the founder or head of the organization;
    • a document confirming the identity of the manager or his authorized representative;
    • a document indicating that the company has no debt;
    • other documents that may be required by authorized persons.

    After company representatives have provided the seal and the necessary documents, the seal is completely destroyed in the obligatory presence of the applicant by cutting it into several parts. In addition, it is also possible to destroy this instrument in a special way, which involves the complete destruction of the form and printing surface of this instrument, which eliminates the possibility of its further use or restoration.

    It is worth noting that seals with a metal base are, in most cases, simply filed in two perpendicular lines, while polymer, rubber or popular rubber tools can simply be cut or burned.

    After the company's seal is completely destroyed in full accordance with the current rules, the applicant must receive a specialized act, and it is handed over personally. In this case, you can submit an application self employed, the head of the company or his authorized representative, who presented an identification document.

    If, instead of the director of the company, his authorized representative applies, in addition to the main package of documents, he will need to have a notarized power of attorney, which confirms the right of this person to carry out actions that involve the complete destruction of the company's seal.

    If the company is going to destroy the seal on our own, she will need to gain support special commission, appointed by the relevant order of the manager as necessary, with the names of all members of this group. In this case, the composition of the commission can be fixed by the LNA, indicating the positions of each of its members, and it is highly desirable that this commission include an employee responsible for working with stamps and seals.

    How to draw up a document correctly

    The main task of the commission is the physical destruction of that element of the seal that contains a mirror image of its imprint. In other words, members of this group must render this device unusable for further use.

    The entire procedure must be documented by drawing up a special act on the destruction of stamps and seals, which must include the following information:

    • full name of the company;
    • date, number and title of the document compiled;
    • a complete list of persons who are members of the commission, including their full name and position;
    • a foundation that led to the destruction of all kinds of stamps and seals;
    • total quantity, name and imprint of the seal being destroyed;
    • the reason why destruction is being carried out, as well as the chosen method, time and place for this procedure;
    • conclusion of the commission on the fact of the work performed;
    • signature of each person who is part of the authorized commission.

    Once the act is fully completed and signed by authorized persons, it will need to be submitted to the head of the company for approval. Based on the information recorded in this document, the responsible person must make a special note in the journal about the destruction, and in the future the drawn up act will need to be kept along with the journal in case any disputes arise regarding documents bearing the old seal.

    If the company decides to use the services of some third-party organizations, then in this case, in addition to the standard stamp product, the contractor will also have to receive a number of necessary documents, and in particular, this applies to the following papers:

    • an application from the head of the company with a request for the qualified destruction of the organization’s seal;
    • photocopy of the manager's civil passport (if he is an employee government agency, he will need to provide a copy of the appointment order certified by higher authorities);
    • a photocopy of the civil passport of the employee responsible for the correctness of the seal destruction procedure;
    • a power of attorney issued on behalf of the company’s management to the employee who is responsible for the correct destruction of the seal;
    • copies of an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, certified by a notary;
    • payment documents confirming payment for services provided.

    "Company name"

    I approve “the position, signature and full name of the person who approves this document”

    “date of execution of the act of destruction”

    Seal Destruction Act

    Compiled by a commission consisting of:

    “indicate a complete list of persons who are members of the commission and are involved in the execution of this act. In particular, it is necessary to indicate the chairman and all its members, as well as the authorized head of the personnel department who was responsible for the appointment of these persons.”

    Reason: “indicate the document on the basis of which the procedure for destroying the seal is carried out. For example, this could be an order general director, and in this case it will be necessary to provide the relevant information in the act, indicate its details and the exact date of execution.