How Vasilisa the Beautiful went to school. Graduation party script. for children of the preparatory group “How Vasilisa went to school. Dance "Preschool Waltz"


HOST. We invite everyone to a holiday, kind, bright, mischievous! The holiday is sad and happy...

CHILDREN. Our preschool graduation!

HOST. You were kids yesterday, but now it’s time for you to go to school! You have grown stronger and matured - when did you have time to grow up?

1st. We ourselves are surprised - maybe there is something wrong with the clock? For some reason, for some reason, we are growing very quickly.

2nd. It’s as if we are being watered endlessly like trees! It’s like we’re eating a miracle vitamin all day in the garden! What is the secret here?

CHILDREN. There is no secret at all!

3rd. There is such power in words from which we grow. We stretch like maples to the sun Higher, higher every day!

4th. “Good afternoon! Thank you, hello!” - we tell each other. We thank Kindergarten for the education lessons!

5th. We will never forget our preschool island - our favorite kindergarten, warm, bright little mansion!



HOST. Teremok, teremok! Give us a miracle!

CHILDREN. Teremok teremok, open the doors to a fairy tale!


STORYTELLER. Oh, you are guests, gentlemen! You are welcome here! Eat gingerbread and listen to a fairy tale! Like the father of the Tsar, his daughter is a bright dawn, Vasilisa is a beauty, a golden braid! In a bright mansion she sits alone all day, reading the ABC, Soloviev doing the math.


VASILISA. As the nightingales sing, they invite me to take a walk. I would use my wings to do my work and fly to a branch!

GIRLFRIENDS. Vasilisa is a beauty, come out for half an hour. We'll go to the green garden and start round dances!


You, girlfriends, don’t scream, don’t wake up Father! He sleeps lightly in the early hours, Wait, I’ll be there now.




TSAR. What else is this - the daughter escaped from her chambers! I searched the whole palace, I looked on the porch, I see my daughter walking - starting round dances!

VASILISA. Father, I got bored, I ran to my friends! I'm already big - Stop sitting around with nannies!

TSAR. Oh, you really are big, and what a beauty! Everything is in place - mind and become It's time to get married!

VASILISA. Oh, don’t give me away, Father Tsar, don’t give me away!


TSAR. Don't cry, Vasilisa! I’ll write you an excellent, rich, foreign groom! VASILISA. I don't need foreign suitors!

TSAR. I can’t bear to listen to you, Stop crying, dear daughter! Tears are harmful to girls, are you the Tsar’s daughter or not?

VASILISA. Tsarskaya!

TSAR. You must think about the throne - This is your lot!


STORYTELLER. The news is flying everywhere! The royal messengers are coming! They invite kings, princes, shahs and kings! The roosters have crowed - the grooms are coming, they are coming!

STORYTELLER. The Prince of Brazil arrived with his retinue. A Brazilian prince enters, surrounded by 5 girls.

BRAZILIAN PRINCE. May I give you a fan, senorita? We invite you to Brazil for a holiday with the Tsar! You will eat pomegranates and oranges there, I ask you, Vasilisa, do me the honor! And you, beautiful Brazilians, dance for the Russian woman!


BRAZILIAN PRINCE. Oh, senorita! You are beautiful! Do you agree to become queen?


VASILISA. Because I don’t like oranges and pomegranates, I value our Russian potatoes above all else!


STORYTELLER. King Firefly has arrived - a motley cap with his retinue!

PRINCE FIREFLY. Oh, fairy fairy, I am speechless with happiness! I don’t know what to tell you, please dance with me!


KING FIREFLY. The gnomes do not live well, and our caps are patched. But we never lose heart - we help each other in everything. Ah, Vasilisa, you are wonderful! Do you agree to become queen?

VASILISA. Yes or no, yes or no? No!



Because you can’t see these gnomes even with glasses! And I don’t want to sew up their caps at all! No!


STORYTELLER. The spruce branches swayed quietly - the fairies came to visit us, They swirled like invisible people, They gave the princess a veil!


VASILISA. Oh, I don’t know, Father Tsar, oh, I don’t know!

Grandmas-hedgehogs (in turns):

1st I’ll fly to first grade, I’ll get an A there - I’m a great granny, This is clear! Wow!

2nd Don't follow me Koschey, I don't need you at all! I'm not the same anymore - I'm very busy at school! Wow!

3rd. Don't call Zmey Gorynych, Don't beckon me to visit - I don't go anywhere, I sit over my lessons! Wow!

4th. I don’t lie on the stove, I don’t bake rolls, I don’t have time to drink tea, I need to learn the alphabet! Wow!


STORYTELLER. Wow, first-grader grandmothers! You didn’t come in vain - you amused the Tsar!

Grandmas-Hedgehogs. How can we not have fun - After all, now we are students! There are no smarter people in the world, we can give any answer!

STORYTELLER. Since you are so smart, advise the Tsar what should he do with Vasilisa? She stopped listening to him and drove away all the overseas guests!

THE HEDGEHOG GRANDMAS WHISPER. Father Tsar, give your daughter to the first person you meet! Whoever enters the door first, let him go!


VANIA. I fix the stoves, I clean the pipes! I don’t praise myself, I love my work!

STORYTELLER. Oh, look, Vanya the stove maker has arrived!

Grandmas-Hedgehogs. Here is your betrothed mummer, smeared with soot!


VASILISA. Hello, Vanechka! Can I wipe your nose with a handkerchief? (WIPS THE SOOO FROM VANYA THE STOVE MAN'S FACE). Will you go to school with me?

VANIA. I'll go!

TSAR. I'm letting you go, children - go to first grade!

STORYTELLER. Isn’t it too early, Father Tsar, to let the children go to school? Are they ready to learn? Let's check?

GAMES ARE HELD: “Make a word”; “Solve examples.”

STORYTELLER. Hooray! All children are ready for school. Vanya and Vasilisa also coped with the tasks.

TSAR. I'm letting you go, children, go to first grade!


VED. Well, guys, your last fairy tale in kindergarten is over and the moment of farewell has come...


VED. What good children have grown up, They have amazingly kind faces! We believe that they will not forget our kindergarten and everyone will do great at school!

CHILDREN. Farewell my love kindergarten- Our good little mansion! On an autumn morning the bell will call us to class. You raised us carefully, gave us fairy tales every day! From all the children, from all the children, thank you, kindergarten!


STORYTELLER. The spruce branches swayed quietly - the fairies came to visit us, They swirled like invisible people, They gave the princess a veil!


STORYTELLER. The Prince of Persia has arrived with his beauties!

PERSIAN PRINCE. O ruby ​​of my heart! ABOUT, wonderful Vasilis! Wink at me with your right eye - I will fulfill your whim! Do you want pearls and corals, Do you want velvet and brocade? Wink at me with your left eye - I'll make you rich!



VASILISA. Groom, of course, you are rich, But I don’t need your gold! Brocade doesn’t suit me either - I’m used to dressing up in calico!


TSAR. Look, what a character, scattered the suitors! What should I do with you, with such a picky one?

VASILISA. Oh, I don’t know, Father Tsar, I don’t know!

STORYTELLER. The Tsar does not eat or drink, The spoon does not go into his mouth... Suddenly, grandmothers - hedgehogs - galloped up to the Russian accordion!


Grandmothers-Hedgehogs (in turn): 1st. I’ll fly to first grade, I’ll get an A there - I’m a great granny, This is clear!

2nd Don't follow me Koschey, I don't need you at all! I'm not the same anymore - I'm very busy at school!

3rd. Don’t call Zmey Gorynych, don’t beckon me to visit - I don’t go anywhere, I sit over my lessons!

4th. I don’t lie on the stove, I don’t bake rolls, I don’t have time to drink tea, I need to learn the alphabet!


Scenario for the graduation party “How Vasilisa the Beautiful went to school”

To the music, children enter the hall, performing several movements. The boys escort the girls around the semicircle.

Presenter: We invite everyone to the holiday,

Kind, bright, mischievous,

The holiday is sad and happy...

Children (in chorus): Our preschool graduation!

(The slides change on the screen against the background of the children’s words.)

1st child:

So we grew up, and we
The school is waiting for the very first grade.
Do you remember five years ago
How did we go to kindergarten?

2nd child:
Why didn't you go?
They carried us in wheelchairs.
We often sat on our arms,
They didn’t want to stomp their feet.

3rd child

I remember crying every day
I was waiting for my mother, looking out the window.
And Vanya walked around with a pacifier,
And Lenya wore diapers.

4th child

Yes, we were all good
Well, what can we take from us – we’re kids after all!
And I did this
At lunchtime I fell asleep over soup...

5th child

Sometimes I ate poorly,
spoon fed me.
The bib saved us from the porridge,
From tea, soup, yogurt.
Remember, I'm made of sand
built big cities!

6th child

Oh, Yaroslav, don't!
We all baked Easter cakes
Not as smooth as they could have been.
And together we played
they treated each other!


All this is in the past, but now...
Everyone: we are escorted to first class!


Presenter. We thought for a long time about how to spend our holiday, and decided... Childhood is always a fairy-tale world. Children, and we adults too, love fairy tales.

Fairy tales, fairy tales, fairy tales,
The world is magical, colorful forest.
The wings of fairy tales rustle quietly,
This means they are flying to visit us.

(Near the side wall there is a theater screen, decorated to look like a tower. A fairy-tale melody sounds. The curtains open in the window, and the Storyteller appears.)


Oh, you, gentlemen, guests, you are welcome here

Eat gingerbread and listen to a fairy tale!

Like the father-king’s daughter, the bright dawn,

Vasilisa is a beauty, a golden braid.

In the bright mansion she sits alone all day,

Reads the ABC. Solovyov believes.

Vasilisa comes out to a lyrical Russian folk melody, accompanied by nightingale trills.


Like the nightingales sing,

They invite me to go for a walk.


Tsar(comes out, stretching):

What else is this - the daughter has escaped from her chambers!

I searched the whole palace, I ran to the porch,

I see my daughter walking, starting round dances.


I got bored, father, I ran to my friends,

I’m already big, after all, I’ve had enough of sitting around with nannies.


Oh, you really are big. What a beauty!

Everything is in place - smart and become, it’s time to get married.

I’ll write you an excellent, rich, foreign groom!


I don’t need any suitors... (cries) I want to go to school, study...


You can’t bear to listen to me, stop crying, dear daughter.

Tears are harmful to girls, are you the king’s daughter or not?



Must think about the throne -

This is your share.

(Vasilisa performs “The Song of Princess Zabava”)


The king does not eat, does not drink, the spoon does not go into his mouth...

Suddenly Grandmothers-Hedgehogs galloped up to the accompaniment of a Russian accordion.

(grandmothers-Hedgehogs sing ditties):

Take turns

I'll fly to first grade, there I'll get an A-

I'm a great granny, that's clear.

Don't follow me Kashchei, I don't need you at all!

I’m not the same anymore; I’m very busy at school.

Zmey Gorynych, don’t call, don’t invite me to visit,

I don’t go anywhere, I sit and study.

I don’t lie on the stove, I don’t bake rolls,

There’s no time to drink tea, I have to learn my ABCs!


Wow, first-grader grandmothers!

It was not in vain that you came here, you amused the Tsar.


Why shouldn’t we have fun - after all, now we are students.

There are no smarter people in the world, we can give any advice.


Since you are so smart, advise the Tsar what to do with Vasilisa. She stopped listening to him; she doesn’t want to marry overseas princes.


Father Tsar, give your daughter to the first person you meet!

Whoever enters the door first, let him go.

(Vanya enters. Sings the song of Vanya the Stove Maker from the cartoon “Flying Ship”)


I fix the stoves and clean the pipes!

I don't praise myself. I love my job!


Look, Vanya the stove maker has arrived!

Babki-Yozhki(they bring Vanya to Vasilisa) :

Here is your betrothed, dressed in disguise, smeared with soot.



Hello, Vanechka! Can I wipe your nose with a handkerchief! (Wipes soot from his face.) Vanya, will you go to school with me?


I'll go.


I'm letting you go, children, go to first grade!


Isn't it too early, king, to let you go to school? Are they ready to learn? Let's check?

(A “test” is being carried out - games with a school theme).

Hooray! All children are prepared for school. Vanya and Vasilisa also coped with the task. It's time for us to end the fairy tale.

(A lyrical r.n.m. sounds accompanied by nightingale trills.)


We played a fairy tale with you,

And here again the nightingale sings to us about his homeland.

(Children (not graduates) sing a song about the Motherland)

And they take turns reading a poem:

Why do we all love our homeland Russia?

Because there is no more beautiful homeland anywhere!

Because there is nowhere better than our arable land,

Better than our blue rivers and our clearings.

Pair dance.

1st child:

Farewell to our kindergarten.
We will remember you with love for a long time.
Everything is ahead of us, but only with kids,
We will never be the same again.

2nd child:

Our graduation holiday has come,
We were really looking forward to it.
But I don’t have the strength to part with the garden.
We will not forget those we recognized
Who loved us, educated us, raised us.

3rd child

Our kindergarten is like a home,
We have been all these years.
But we're leaving here too
Other children will come.

4th child:

Just one word we want
Add up from capital letters,
We want it for you today
Repeat with love!

Seven children line up on stage holding signs with the letters “THANK YOU”».

5th child:

Our kindergarten, goodbye,
We are leaving for first grade.
Although the parting is sad,
Don't worry about us, you.

We say goodbye to the garden,
Let's sing a fun song.
Never, nowhere, guys,
We won't forget about him.

Farewell song.

Graduates are presented with diplomas and gifts to the accompaniment of solemn music. Portfolio.

Arzhanovskaya Tatyana Anatolevna

Scenario for the graduation party “How Vasilisa the Beautiful went to school”

To the music, children enter the hall, performing several movements. The boys escort the girls around the semicircle.

Presenter: We invite everyone to the holiday,

Kind, bright, mischievous,

The holiday is sad and happy...

Children (in chorus): Our preschool graduation!

(The slides change on the screen against the background of the children’s words.)

1st child:

So we grew up, and we
The school is waiting for the very first grade.
Do you remember five years ago
How did we go to kindergarten?

2nd child:
Why didn't you go?
They carried us in wheelchairs.
We often sat on our arms,
They didn’t want to stomp their feet.

3rd child

I remember crying every day
I was waiting for my mother, looking out the window.
And Vanya walked around with a pacifier,
And Lenya wore diapers.

4th child

Yes, we were all good
Well, what can we take from us – we’re kids after all!
And I did this
At lunchtime I fell asleep over soup...

5th child

Sometimes I ate poorly,
spoon fed me.
The bib saved us from the porridge,
From tea, soup, yogurt.
Remember, I'm made of sand
built big cities!

6th child

Oh, Yaroslav, don't!
We all baked Easter cakes
Not as smooth as they could have been.
And together we played
they treated each other!


All this is in the past, but now...
Everyone: we are escorted to first class!


Presenter. We thought for a long time about how to spend our holiday, and decided... Childhood is always a fairy-tale world. Children, and we adults too, love fairy tales.

Fairy tales, fairy tales, fairy tales,
The world is magical, colorful forest.
The wings of fairy tales rustle quietly,
This means they are flying to visit us.

(Near the side wall there is a theater screen, decorated to look like a tower. A fairy-tale melody sounds. The curtains open in the window, and the Storyteller appears.)


Oh, you, gentlemen, guests, you are welcome here

Eat gingerbread and listen to a fairy tale!

Like the father-king’s daughter, the bright dawn,

Vasilisa is a beauty, a golden braid.

In the bright mansion she sits alone all day,

Reads the ABC. Solovyov believes.

Vasilisa comes out to a lyrical Russian folk melody, accompanied by nightingale trills.


Like the nightingales sing,

They invite me to go for a walk.


Tsar(comes out, stretching):

What else is this - the daughter has escaped from her chambers!

I searched the whole palace, I ran to the porch,

I see my daughter walking, starting round dances.


I got bored, father, I ran to my friends,

I’m already big, after all, I’ve had enough of sitting around with nannies.


Oh, you really are big. What a beauty!

Everything is in place - smart and become, it’s time to get married.

I’ll write you an excellent, rich, foreign groom!


I don’t need any suitors... (cries) I want to go to school, study...


You can’t bear to listen to me, stop crying, dear daughter.

Tears are harmful to girls, are you the king’s daughter or not?



Must think about the throne -

This is your share.

(Vasilisa performs “The Song of Princess Zabava”)


The king does not eat, does not drink, the spoon does not go into his mouth...

Suddenly Grandmothers-Hedgehogs galloped up to the accompaniment of a Russian accordion.

(grandmothers-Hedgehogs sing ditties):

Take turns

I'll fly to first grade, there I'll get an A-

I'm a great granny, that's clear.

Don't follow me Kashchei, I don't need you at all!

I’m not the same anymore; I’m very busy at school.

Zmey Gorynych, don’t call, don’t invite me to visit,

I don’t go anywhere, I sit and study.

I don’t lie on the stove, I don’t bake rolls,

There’s no time to drink tea, I have to learn my ABCs!


Wow, first-grader grandmothers!

It was not in vain that you came here, you amused the Tsar.


Why shouldn’t we have fun - after all, now we are students.

There are no smarter people in the world, we can give any advice.


Since you are so smart, advise the Tsar what to do with Vasilisa. She stopped listening to him; she doesn’t want to marry overseas princes.


Father Tsar, give your daughter to the first person you meet!

Whoever enters the door first, let him go.

(Vanya enters. Sings the song of Vanya the Stove Maker from the cartoon “Flying Ship”)


I fix the stoves and clean the pipes!

I don't praise myself. I love my job!


Look, Vanya the stove maker has arrived!

Babki-Yozhki(they bring Vanya to Vasilisa) :

Here is your betrothed, dressed in disguise, smeared with soot.



Hello, Vanechka! Can I wipe your nose with a handkerchief! (Wipes soot from his face.) Vanya, will you go to school with me?


I'll go.


I'm letting you go, children, go to first grade!


Isn't it too early, king, to let you go to school? Are they ready to learn? Let's check?

(A “test” is being carried out - games with a school theme).

Hooray! All children are prepared for school. Vanya and Vasilisa also coped with the task. It's time for us to end the fairy tale.

(A lyrical r.n.m. sounds accompanied by nightingale trills.)


We played a fairy tale with you,

And here again the nightingale sings to us about his homeland.

(Children (not graduates) sing a song about the Motherland)

And they take turns reading a poem:

Why do we all love our homeland Russia?

Because there is no more beautiful homeland anywhere!

Because there is nowhere better than our arable land,

Better than our blue rivers and our clearings.

Pair dance.

1st child:

Farewell to our kindergarten.
We will remember you with love for a long time.
Everything is ahead of us, but only with kids,
We will never be the same again.

2nd child:

Our graduation holiday has come,
We were really looking forward to it.
But I don’t have the strength to part with the garden.
We will not forget those we recognized
Who loved us, educated us, raised us.

3rd child

Our kindergarten is like a home,
We have been all these years.
But we're leaving here too
Other children will come.

4th child:

Just one word we want
Add up from capital letters,
We want it for you today
Repeat with love!

Seven children line up on stage holding signs with the letters “THANK YOU”».

5th child:

Our kindergarten, goodbye,
We are leaving for first grade.
Although the parting is sad,
Don't worry about us, you.

We say goodbye to the garden,
Let's sing a fun song.
Never, nowhere, guys,
We won't forget about him.

Farewell song.

Graduates are presented with diplomas and gifts to the accompaniment of solemn music. Portfolio.

Entrance matinee.

A fairy tale about how Vasilisa the Beautiful went to school.


Presenter, storyteller - adults.

Vasilisa, girlfriends, the king, the Spanish prince and four girls - Spanish, a gnome, his retinue and fairy girls, a Persian prince and oriental beauties, Babki-Yozhki, Vanya - children in costumes.

To the sound of cheerful music, preschoolers enter the hall in pairs and line up in a semicircle.


We invite everyone to the holiday,

Kind, bright, mischievous,

The holiday is sad and happy...

Children (in unison). Our preschool graduation!

A child runs out with a bell in his hands. Children disperse around the hall in pairs and sing the song “We are now students” (music by G. Struve, lyrics by K Ibryaev // Musical director. – 2005. - No. 2. – P.42).


You were kids yesterday

Now it's time for you to go to school.

You have grown stronger and matured -

When did you have time to grow up?

Children (in unison). We surprise ourselves

Maybe there's something wrong with the clock?

(One at a time).

We will only come to kindergarten -

And we don’t recognize ourselves,

For some reason, for some reason

We are growing very quickly.

It's like we're like trees

Watered endlessly

We eat in the garden all day.

What is the secret here?

(in chorus) There is no secret at all!

(One by one)

Approach the cat with affection -

She will grow up a little.

And from a kind word

The sheep will also become brave.

We know, kind words

Even the lion is tamed.

There is such power in words,

From which we grow

We reach out like maples to the sun

Higher, higher every day.

Let them shine with smiles

Faces of adults and children

Let it come everywhere

“Good afternoon, thank you, hello!” -

We tell each other

For education lessons

Thank you kindergarten!

We will never forget

Our preschool island

Our kindergarten is cozy,

Warm, bright little mansion!

They perform the song “Kindergarten - a house of joy” (music and lyrics by L. Olifirova // Musical Director. - 2007. - No. 2. - P. 56). Then they go down the line to their seats and sit down.

Vasilisa is hiding behind a theater screen, decorated like a tower and located at the side wall of the hall.

Presenter. Teremok, teremok, give us a miracle.

Children. (in unison). Teremok, teremok, open the doors to a fairy tale!

Storyteller (goes out).

Oh, you, gentlemen, guests,

You are welcome here.

Eat gingerbread,

Listen to the story!

Like Father Tsar

Daughter is a bright dawn,

Vasilisa is a beauty,

Golden braid.

In the bright chamber she

Sitting alone all day

Reads the ABC

Solovyov believes.


Like the nightingales sing,

They invite me to take a walk,

I would wear wings

And she flew off onto a branch.

Vasilisa's friends come out.


Vasilisa is beautiful,

Go out for half an hour.

We'll go to the green garden,

We'll start a round dance.


You, girlfriends, don't shout,

Don't wake up Father.

He sleeps lightly in the early hours,

Wait... I'm right there.

Girls perform a round dance to the melody of the Russian folk song “Oh you, canopy” // Musical director. – 2008. - No. 2. – P.18. Suddenly the king comes out, the girlfriends bow and leave.


What else is this-

The daughter has escaped from her chambers!

I searched the whole palace,

I ran to the porch

I see my daughter walking,

He's starting round dances.


I'm bored, father, I'm feeling bored

I ran to my friends

I'm already big -

Stop babysitting.


Oh, you really are big

What a beauty!

Everything is in place - mind and becoming,

It's time to get married.


Oh, don’t give me away, Father Tsar, don’t give me away! (Crying)

Tsar. Don't cry, Vasilisa! I’ll write you an excellent, rich, foreign groom!

Vasilisa. I don’t need foreign suitors...


I can't bear to listen to you,

Stop crying, dear daughter.

Tears are harmful to girls,

Are you the king's daughter or not?

Vasilisa. Tsarskaya!


Must think about the throne -

This is your share.

Vasilisa performs “The Song of Princess Zabava”

(music by M. Dunaevsky, lyrics by Yu. Entin) from the cartoon “The Flying Ship”

The phonogram “Stardust” by J. Last plays.


The news flies everywhere:

The royal messengers are coming,

Summoning kings

Princes, shahs and kings.

The roosters crowed -

They're coming, the grooms are coming!

Presenter. The Prince of Spain arrived with his retinue.

A Spanish prince enters, surrounded by four girls..

Spanish prince.

Allow me, senorita, to give you a fan,

Invite you to Spain on holiday with the Tsar.

You will eat pomegranates and oranges there,

I ask you, Vasilisa, do me the honor. (Gives fruit)

And you, beautiful Spanish women,

Dance for the Russian woman!

(Vasilisa and the girls perform a Spanish dance to the music of M. Glinka “Aragonese Jota”)

Oh, senorita, you are beautiful!

Do you agree to become queen?

Vasilisa (closes his eyes, spreads his arms to the sides and gradually connects his index fingers). Yes or no, yes or no... no!

Spanish prince . Why not?


Because I don’t like oranges and pomegranates,

I value our Russian potatoes the most!

The Spanish women are perplexed and laugh at Vasilisa. The prince bows and leaves with his retinue. The Tsar whispers in Vasilisa’s ear to be more polite with overseas guests.

Presenter. King Firefly arrived - a motley cap with his retinue.


Oh, fairy fairy, I am speechless with happiness.

I don't know what to tell you

Please dance with me.

(Invites Vasilisa. All children perform the dance “The Dwarf is Listening”)

Dwarves don't live well,

And our caps are in patches.

But we never lose heart -

We help each other in everything!


The spruce branches swayed quietly -

The fairies came to visit us,

They circled around like invisible people,

The veil was given to the princess.

Vasilisa and the fairy girls perform “Dance with Scarves” to the music of the waltz by E. Grieg (composition of movements by L. Olifirova // Musical Director. - 2008. - No. 6 - P. 30-34).

Dwarf. Oh, Vasilisa, you are beautiful, do you agree to become a queen?

Vasilisa (guessing). Yes or no, yes or no? No!

Dwarf. Why not?


Because these gnomes

You can't even see it with glasses!

And I don't want it at all

Sew up their caps.

(Gives him the veil, the gnome and retinue leave)

The phonogram “Stardust” plays.

Presenter. A Persian arrived with oriental beauties.

Persian prince.

Oh ruby ​​of my heart

Oh, wonderful Vasilis!

Wink at me with your right eye -

I will fulfill your whim.

Do you want pearls and corals?

Do you want velvet and brocade?

Wink at least with your left eye -

I'll make you rich.

(Vasilisa blinks first with her left and then with her right eye, hides her face behind a scarf. The prince gives her a box of jewelry and claps his hands three times. The girls perform an oriental dance at the choice of the music director).

Oh Vasilisa, you are beautiful,

Do you agree to go to Persia?


Groom, of course, you are rich,

But I don't need your gold.

Brocade doesn't suit me either -

I'm used to dressing up in calico!

The prince bows and leaves along with the oriental beauties.


Look what the character is like,

Scattered the suitors!

What should I do with you?

So picky?


Oh, I don’t know, Father Tsar!

The king is sad and refuses to have dinner. Vasilisa in good mood walks around the hall to the soundtrack “Song of Princess Zabava.”


The king neither eats nor drinks,

The spoon doesn't go into the mouth...

Suddenly, to the Russian accordion

Grandmothers-Hedgehogs galloped up.

Girls in Russian sundresses run out with scarves and brooms in their hands. They sing ditties to the music of M. Dunaevsky from the cartoon “The Flying Ship”.

Babki-Yozhki (one at a time).

I'll fly to first class

I'll get an A there -

I'm a cool grandma

This matter is clear.

Don't follow me, Kashchei,

I don't need you at all!

I'm not the same now -

Very busy at school.

Zmey Gorynych, don’t call,

Don’t invite me to visit -

I don't go anywhere

I'm working on my lessons.

I'm not lying on the stove,

I don't bake kalachi

There's no time to drink tea

We need to learn the alphabet!

Babka-Hedgehogs spin around and playfully fall to the floor. All the heroes laugh.


Wow, first-grader grandmothers!

You didn’t come in vain,

They amused the king.


Why shouldn't we have fun?

After all, now we are students.

There are no smarter people in the world,

We can give any answer!

Presenter. Since you are so smart, advise the Tsar what to do with Vasilisa. She stopped listening to him and drove away all the overseas guests!

Babki-Yozhki . (consult, quietly, laugh).

Father Tsar, give your daughter to the first person you meet!

Who will be the first to enter the door?

Let him go for that.

Vanya enters. The “Song of Vanya the Stove-Maker” (music by M. Dunaevsky, lyrics by Yu. Entin) from the cartoon “The Flying Ship” is performed.


I fix the stoves

I'm cleaning the pipes!

I don't praise myself

I love my job!

Presenter. Oh, look, Vanya the stove maker has arrived!

Babki-Yozhki. (they bring Vanya to Vasilisa).

Here is your betrothed-mummer,



Vasilisa. Hello, Vanechka! Can I wipe your nose with a handkerchief? (Wipes soot from face)

Vanya, will you go to school with me?

Vania. I'll go.


I'm letting you go, children -

Head to first class!

Presenter. Isn't it too early for you, the king, to let you go to school? Are they ready to learn? Let's check!

Children are given tasks “from fairy chests”. For example, school writing supplies are hidden in one, and attributes of friends are hidden in the other. fairy-tale heroes. Having guessed the riddle or completed the task correctly, the children take turns opening the chest and finding the desired item in it.

Presenter. Hurray, all the children are perfectly prepared for school. Vanya and Vasilisa also coped with the tasks. It's time for us to end the fairy tale.

A lyrical Russian folk melody sounds, accompanied by nightingale trills.


We played a fairy tale with you,

We met guests from different countries,

And here we have the nightingale again

Sings about his homeland.

Children perform the song “My Russia” (music by G. Struve, lyrics by N. Solovyova), read poems about Russia.

Children (one at a time).

Why do we love everything

Homeland Russia?

Because there is nowhere

Homeland is more beautiful!

Because there is nowhere

Better than our arable lands,

Better than our blue rivers

And our glades.

They perform a dance composition to the Russian folk melody “Peddlers”. At the end they bow to the guests.


What good children have grown up,

Their faces are amazingly clear.

We believe: they will not forget our kindergarten

And everyone will do great at school!


Farewell, beloved kindergarten,

Our kind little mansion -

On an autumn morning he will call

Call us for class.

You raised us carefully

He gave us fairy tales every day,

From all the guys, from all the guys

Thank you, kindergarten!

They sing the song “It’s time to go to school.” Graduates are presented with diplomas and gifts to the accompaniment of solemn music. The host invites everyone to the table.

Scenario High school prom FGK kindergarten No. 16 of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "Firefly"

Volsk-18, Saratov region.

  1. Solemn music sounds, children enter the hall in pairs and line up in a semicircle, and the Waltz plays. (Strauss I. “Voices of Spring”)

Presenter 1: Today it is impossible to contain the excitement,

Your last holiday in kindergarten.

Our hearts are both warm and anxious - after all, the children have grown up in

go to school.
Presenter 2: And how difficult it is for us to part with you,

And let you out from under the wing into the world.

We became family, we became friends,

And it seems you couldn’t be found better!

Presenter 1: Today, guys, we congratulate you!

You go to school to study and make friends.

We wish you all success, health and your kindergarten

never forget!
Presenter 2: The hall today cannot accommodate all the guests gathered!

Today the kindergarten is seeing its children off to school!
Presenter 1: You were kids yesterday, and now it’s time for you to go to school.

You have grown stronger and matured - when did you have time to grow up?
Children (in chorus): We ourselves are surprised, maybe there’s something wrong with the clock?
(One by one)

  1. As soon as we come to kindergarten, we won’t recognize ourselves!
For some reason, for some reason, we are growing very quickly!

  1. It’s as if we, like trees, are being watered endlessly,
It’s like we eat miracle vitamins all day in the garden!

What is the secret here?

(in unison): There is no secret at all!
(One by one)

  1. Approach the cat with affection - she will grow up a little.
And a kind word will make a sheep brave.

We know that kind words tame even a lion!

  1. There is such power in words from which we grow,
We reach higher and higher every day, like maple trees towards the sun!

  1. Let the faces of adults and children shine with smiles,
Let the time of polite people come everywhere!

  1. “Good afternoon, thank you, hello!” - we tell each other,
Thank you kindergarten for the education lessons!

  1. We will never forget our preschool island,
Our kindergarten is cozy, dear, warm “Firefly”!
^ Song “Our beloved kindergarten” (Gulnara Bas-Azamatova)
Presenter 2: Firefly, Firefly, give us a miracle!
Children(in unison): Firefly, Firefly, open the doors to the fairy tale!
(One by one)

  1. Fairy tales, fairy tales, a fair of miracles, a magical world, a colorful forest.
The wings of fairy tales rustle quietly, which means they are flying to visit us!

  1. There are many fairy tales in the world, kind and funny,
And we cannot live in the world without them.

Let the heroes of fairy tales give us warmth,

May good triumph over evil forever!
^ The music “Visiting a Fairy Tale” plays. Vasilisa comes out and carries out the throne.
Storyteller:(comes out):

Oh, you, guests - gentlemen, you are welcome here!

Eat gingerbread and listen to a fairy tale!

Like the king’s father’s daughter, a bright dawn,

Vasilisa is a beauty, a golden braid.

In the bright mansion she sits alone all day,

He reads the alphabet and Solovyov counts.

(phonogram of nightingale trills)
Vasilisa: As the nightingales sing, they invite me to take a walk,

I would put on wings and fly away onto a branch.

(Vasilisa’s friends come out)
Girlfriend: Beautiful Vasilisa, come out for half an hour.

We'll go to the green garden and start a round dance.
Vasilisa: You, girlfriends, don’t scream, you won’t wake up the priest!

He sleeps lightly in the early hours, wait... Me now.

^ Round dance “Oh you canopy” (Russian folk song)
Tsar: What else is this – the daughter has escaped from her chambers!

I searched the whole palace, I ran to the porch,

I see my daughter walking, starting round dances!
Vasilisa: I got bored, father, I ran to my friends,

I’m already big – enough with babysitters!
^ King: Oh, you really are big, and what a beauty!

Everything is in place – intelligence and stature, it’s time to get married!
Vasilisa: Oh, don’t give me away, Father Tsar, don’t give me away! (crying)
^ King: Don't cry, Vasilisa! I'll write you an excellent groom,

rich, foreign!
Vasilisa: I don’t need foreign suitors...
Tsar: I can’t bear to listen to you, stop crying, dear daughter!

Tears are harmful to girls, are you a royal daughter or not?
Vasilisa: Tsarskaya!
Tsar: You must think about the throne - this is your lot!

(phonogram “Stardust” music from the movie “Stardust”.)
Storyteller: The news flies to all ends: the royal messengers are traveling,

They invite kings, princes, shahs and kings.

The roosters have crowed - the grooms are coming!
Storyteller: The Gypsy Baron has arrived!

(the baron and four gypsy girls enter “Gypsy girl with an exit”)
Baron: Allow me, beauty, to give you some beads,

And invite you to our gypsy camp with the king!

You will eat pomegranates and oranges there,

I ask you, Vasilisa, do me the honor! (gives beads and fruits)

And you, beautiful gypsies, dance for the Russian woman!

(Gypsy dance from the repertoire of the vocal ensemble “Romale”)
Baron: You, beauty, are beautiful! They agree to become queen.

Vasilisa:(closes his eyes, spreads his arms to the sides and gradually connects his index fingers). Yes or no, yes and no... no!
^ Baron: Why not?

Vasilisa: Because I don’t like oranges and pomegranates,

I value our Russian potatoes the most!

(The Baron and the gypsies leave. Phonogram)
Storyteller: King Firefly arrived - a motley cap with his retinue.
Dwarf: Oh, fairy fairy, I am speechless with happiness.

I don’t know what to tell you, let us dance for you!

The life of the gnomes is not rich, and our caps are patched.

But we never lose heart - we help each other in everything!

(^ Dance “Motley Cap” to the music of G. Struve lyrics by N. Solovyova)
Storyteller: The spruce branches swayed quietly - the fairies came to visit us,

As the invisible people swirled around, they gave the princess a veil!

(“Dance with scarves” music by F. Duval “Ballad”)
Dwarf: Oh, Vasilisa, you are beautiful, do you agree to become a queen?
Vasilisa:(guess) Yes or no? No!
Dwarf: Why not?
Vasilisa: Because you can’t even see these gnomes with glasses!

And I don’t want to sew up their caps at all!

(Gives the veil, the gnome and retinue leave. Phonogram.)
Storyteller: The Persian prince arrived with oriental beauties.

(Eastern music)
Prince: Oh, ruby ​​of my heart, oh beautiful Vasilis!

Wink at me with your right eye - I will fulfill your whim!

Do you want pearls and corals, do you want pearls and brocade?

Wink at me with your left eye - I'll make you rich!

Vasilisa blinks now with her right and now with her left eye, hiding her face behind a scarf. The prince gives her a jewelry box and claps his hands three times. "East Dance". "Amgo Piab Habibi" Arabic.
^ Prince: Oh, Vasilisa, you are wonderful, do you agree to go to Persia?
Vasilisa: Groom, of course, you are rich,

But I don’t need your gold!

Brocade is no good for me either -

I'm used to dressing up in calico!

(The Prince bows and leaves)

Tsar: Look, what a character, she scattered the suitors!

What should I do with you, such a picky one?
Vasilisa: Oh, I don’t know, Father Tsar!

(The Tsar is sad, Vasilisa is in a good mood walking around the hall to the phonogram “Song of Princess Zabava”) verse and chorus music by M. Dunaevsky lyrics

^ Yu. Entina)
Storyteller: The king does not eat, does not drink, the spoon does not go into his mouth...

Suddenly Grandmothers-Yozhki galloped up to the accompaniment of a Russian accordion.

(Ditties Babok-Yozhek)
Babki-Yozhki: I'll fly to first grade, there I'll get an A-

I'm a great granny, that's clear!

Don't follow me, Kashchei, I don't need you at all!

I’m not the same anymore – I’m very busy at school!

Serpent Gorynych, don’t call, don’t invite me to visit -

I don’t go anywhere, I sit and study!
I don’t lie on the stove, I don’t bake rolls,

There’s no time to drink tea, I have to learn my ABCs!

(They spin around and fall to the floor.)
Storyteller: Hey, first-grader grandmothers!

It was not in vain that you came here, you amused the Tsar!
Babki-Yozhki: Why shouldn’t we have fun, because now we are students!

There are no smarter people in the world, we can give any answer!

Storyteller: Well, since you are so smart, advise the king what to do with Vasilisa. She stopped listening to him and drove away all the overseas guests!
Babki-Yozhki: Father Tsar, give your daughter to the first person you meet!

Whoever enters the door first, let him go!

(Vanya enters to the song “Vanya the Stove Maker”) verse and chorus music by M. Dunaevsky lyrics by Yu. Entin)
Vania: I fix the stoves and clean the pipes!

I don’t praise myself, I love my job!
Storyteller: Oh, look, Vanya - the stove maker has arrived!
Babki-Yozhki: Here is your betrothed - dressed up, smeared with soot!
Vasilisa: Hello, Vanechka! Can I wipe your nose with a handkerchief?

Vanya, will you go to school with me?
^ Vanya: I'll go!
Tsar: I'm letting you go, children - go to first grade!
Storyteller: Isn't it too early, king, to let you go to school? Are they ready to learn? Let's check them, and at the same time all our graduates!

  • The letters are all from “A” to “Z” on the pages…. (primer);

  • Every student should take with him to school….(diary);

  • To write with pens we will prepare…..(notebook);

  • Who will color our album? Well of course.....(pencil);

  • So that he doesn’t suddenly disappear, let’s put him in…..(pencil case);

Well done boys! Now let's check how you can count!

  • Not in a swamp, but in a tub, there lived two frogs.
If there are 5 tubs, how many frogs will there be in them?

  • May beetles lived in a clearing near the river:
Daughter, son, father and mother. Who managed to count them?

  • The hedgehog gave the hedgehogs 8 brand new boots.
The hedgehogs squeal with delight. How long did dad have to eat?

  • In a clearing near an oak tree, a mole saw 2 fungi.
And further away, near a pine tree, he found another one.

Well, who's ready to say how many mushrooms the mole found?
^ Game "Collect a briefcase".
Storyteller: Well done, all the children are well prepared for school. Vanya and Vasilisa also coped with the tasks. It's time for us to end the fairy tale.
Child: Fairy tales travel around the world, harnessing the night to a carriage.

Fairy tales live in the clearings, wandering in the mists at dawn.

And we declare honestly: it is interesting to live in the world.

For us, the country is full of wonders, that country is called childhood!

(Song “Little Country”) music by I. Nikolaev)
Presenter: Our holiday is coming to an end. Let's say thank you to all the kindergarten workers. After all, all these years they have given you their affection, warmth and kindness.

(Children stand in a semicircle)
Child 1: Today is a bright and sad day.

Today we say goodbye to kindergarten.

The school opens its door to us.

Farewell, our kindergarten, there is no need to be sad.
Child 2: Other children will come here,

To leave again when the time comes.

And you, our garden, will still live the same

And sow the seed of kindness and knowledge.
Child 3: Thank you we say today

To all those who cared about us.

Firstly, to our teachers

Your job is not easy, but it is necessary.
Child 4: Tell me who is always, everywhere

Concerned about cleanliness?

Thank you dear nannies,

For affection and attention.
Child 5: Thanks to all our chefs

For delicious soups and cereals!
Child 6: Thanks to our nurse,

What does he think about the child?

He heals us and gives us medicine,

And takes the temperature.
Child 7: To all employees and children

Every day needs care

At the head of our

Very difficult job.

We say thank you to her

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Presenter: Year after year, 5 years in a row, you came to kindergarten,

Cheerful, satisfied, but those days are gone, today you are graduates,

And tomorrow – you are all schoolchildren!

^ Song “We will soon go to first grade for the first time” music and lyrics by M. Eremeeva.
Child 1: Farewell ball, farewell ball!

You brought together children and adults!

He is for us, he is for us good fairy tale became now!

Child 2: Soon all our children will enter 1st grade!

Let me dance a preschool waltz goodbye!

“Preschool Waltz” by G. Sviridov.
Presenter: The children have grown up so well, they have amazingly clear faces.

We believe that they will not forget our kindergarten, and everyone will do great at school!
Children: Farewell, beloved kindergarten, our kind “Firefly” -

On an autumn morning, autumn will call us to a lesson.

You raised us carefully, gave us fairy tales every day,

From all the children, from all the children, thank you, kindergarten!

^ Song “Goodbye, kindergarten” lyrics and music by S. Smirnov
Phonogram "Farewell pigeons".
Presentation of diplomas and gifts to graduates.
Appendix: photo report of graduation.

Kindergarten graduates on stage.

Leading teacher of the 1st category Romanova E.G.

Leading teacher of the 1st category Olefir E.A.

The Tsar and Vasilisa.

Gypsy baron with gypsies.

Gypsy dance


Dance with scarves.

The Persian prince arrived with oriental beauties.

East Dance.

Babok-Yozhek ditties.

Song "Goodbye kindergarten"

Presentation of diplomas and gifts.