How to make money as corsairs, to each his own. Walkthrough Corsairs: To each his own. A selection of articles that should interest you

on 2014-09-02

From sloop to warship and galleon ship

Selecting a ship (or ships) for trading operations- this is a very important matter. In fact, the style of the entire game depends on it. You have the opportunity to choose a small boat and win due to speed, or you have the opportunity to equip an entire squadron. It goes without saying that the difference in net profit will be quite significant, but there is another side to the coin. On a small ship it is easier to escape from pirates, but a “heavy” squadron is clumsy and vulnerable.

The influence of cargo is especially felt on huge ships - such as the Manovar. It’s impossible to escape pursuit on a loaded trough to capacity, and a tactical maneuver is unlikely to succeed. And a pirate on a light corvette (brig, sloop, frigate) will have time to change sides ten times.

How to solve these troubles? First, you need to choose a route. Secondly, evaluate your budget and figure out which style of play will suit you best. Decide in advance whether you will fight or run away when meeting ill-wishers. The fact is that it is unnecessary to equip one, but heavy ship. You will take up precious space in the hold with cannonballs, gunpowder, other goods and provisions. Otherwise, many small pelvises will be able to escape persecution, and the price will sometimes turn out to be lower.

And thirdly, go select a group of goods. Some are inexpensive, some are more expensive, but only you, and not your clients (and sellers), will lose money from rats.

Note: in Tenochtitlan it is possible to find a whole bunch of “Rat Supremes”. If you really plan to get into trading, it makes sense to complete this task first.

Depending on the strategy, it is necessary to select vessels. In this chapter we will look at each one in turn. vehicles, let’s evaluate their effectiveness in relation to other parameters and cost. Money is the main thing you need to pay attention to.

How well this or that ship behaves in battle is of secondary importance, since a successful merchant can freely form a separate squadron for army raids.

Let's divide the ships into three groups: small, huge and huge. Everything below third class will go to the first. In the second - third and second grade.

Huge ships - all first class.

So, after completing the acquisition of a ship of any group, the first step is to decide on tactics and equipment.

If you decide to cut through the sea with great speed (and maneuverability) on a small ship, the first thing you need to do is implement guns. Yes, you won’t be able to do anything against the pirates, but you don’t need that! The main thing is to leave, to break away, and for this it is necessary to shrink the ship.

In addition, guns take up space for cargo. Cannons are excellent for dropping in battle, but they cost so much that it is better to implement them anyway.

This is quite interesting: in Corsairs Online, dropping cannons is a simple matter for merchants. Indeed, the guns in that place are restored on their own, and there is no need to take them again.

The next category is people. The team itself (and its salary), its provisions (provisions) and rum (for morale) come to me. Since you will not take part in battles, you may immediately forget about medicines and weapons. Weapons are needed upon capture, and medicines are needed upon completion.

If there is no circumstance, then there will be no consequences.

Sell ​​cannonballs, buckshot, nipples and bombs behind the cannons (or throw them away, they are still inexpensive). Gunpowder In the same direction - all this is not required. Indeed, it doesn’t take up much space, so it’s possible, in principle, to leave the handles and just a few guns in order to fire at the pursuers, and then make their legs.

To summarize: the strategy with light ships requires high speed movement, accordingly, it is necessary to provide the best captain (with great navigation) and a full crew, so that the ship does not drag along like a lame turtle.

Better not come

This strategy is fair for any type of vessel. But its trading efficiency is slightly lower than that of everyone else. The essence is the following - you equip the ship to its fullest extent (except perhaps without boarding materials) and give battle to anyone who decides to attack you. For ships of the first group (small), such a strategy is only needed if you are only afraid of pirates.

Otherwise, the very first punitive squadron will send you to the bottom. No options.

Owners of huge and huge ships will feel more confident. Almost at any time, heavy combat ships have the best amount of hold. Based on this, the fact that you are carrying cargo imposes only one limitation - mobility.

It is much more difficult for a loaded galleon to gather speed, turn around, and trim. Please note that you will have nowhere to put the loot from the second ships, so it is possible not to take anyone on board.

This strategy achieves great effectiveness (in terms of defense) when controlling manovars (and ships of similar class). We buy the most bombs and heavy guns, and what if someone attacks - it’s worse for him. But there is one very important nuance- You will need to look for captains with great navigation skills.

Otherwise, instead of combat vehicles, you will get unnecessary piles of metal and wood. As we know, the level of a mercenary depends on yours, and the level of a master depends on

all hands are seen only at the highest (fortieth and then) levels. Another argument against is the amount of cargo.

Let's calculate how much is needed for the ship to be combat ready. First, of course, the guns. A set of 32 pound guns for the royal manowar (112 guns) weighs 1,700 units. Five thousand bombs - another 300. Provisions - about a thousand, no less. Don't forget gunpowder - at least 250. Rum is optional, but 500 barrels will weigh 500.

In other words, goods for combat require two and a half, otherwise three thousand quantities. With a non-specialized carrying capacity of seven thousand (from time to time a little more), this is practically a good half. In other words, you can get half as much.

In addition, do not forget about the cost of repairs, and the team needs to be paid and maintain its morale. Officers also systematically demand wages, and the higher the mercenary level, the more money you will need to pay.

Despite all the disadvantages of the strategy, it has one advantage - you have the opportunity to follow the plot and make trades along the way in order to maintain the budget. You won’t get much, but the costs of maintaining the squadron will not be so noticeable (which is no less important).

This is very interesting: maintaining a thousand people costs almost two hundred thousand monthly. Calculate how much money is needed to maintain a full squadron.

Nice scheme

Being a free trader is, of course, wonderful and romantic. Here you have a chase, and responsibility only for yourself and your own actions, and real money in your hands. In addition, you have the opportunity to do whatever you want at any second, no one will force you to do it. But the profit in this case is not so impressive. A big merchant, managing an entire squadron, manages millions, and in some cases, tens of millions.

He can sell (and acquire) the entire Caribbean, but the degree of preparation (and costs) are completely different. Highest level in trade, in my opinion, it is the merchant soldier who occupies the position. What does this indicate? Everything is easy - you don’t run from the enemy, but drown him, but you don’t spend half the hold on weapons. The main point is specialization. Any ship is required to perform a certain function. Only those who are suitable for this are obliged to wage war.

Of course, the role of an escort must be played by the player, since the allies, although not stupid as traffic jams, cannot boast of ideal adequacy. Experience says that one single manovar with large-caliber cannons and full equipment can fully cope with an important squadron.

In addition, remember that you have a huge advantage in the form of critical shots, skills that improve reloading and other goodies. And if you manage to fire from both sides at once, there can be no doubt about victory. I remember that when I ran into a punitive squadron of five Spaniards, I sank their manovar in three salvos.

Two of them were indeed critical, but even without them fifty guns cause significant damage.

Remember that the squadrons of the second powers under no circumstances consist of manovars alone. Yes, only first class ships will be able to meet, but so what? Combat and warships are no match for you. As for the pirates, everything is still easier with them.

You will rarely see among them even the most simple battleship (they are not in this area), and no matter how maneuverable corvettes, frigates and others are, a couple of wonderful salvos will still send them to the bottom.

The rest of the ships with this style are not at all necessary in the battle. They may be in “trucks”. Fire the entire crew, hire the cheapest officers, remove the guns and throw ammunition, provisions, medicine and weapons overboard.

This way you can achieve greater efficiency when trading. Calculate for yourself: four completely unmanned ships (from 6500 to 8000 holds) and no payments to the crew, since by and large there is none! The huge total size of the hold will allow you to derive significant benefits from fairly inexpensive goods.

In addition, you can earn fabulous money from smuggling, and to save starting capital do tasks for merchants in cities. Remember that any merchant wants to fill all the cheap space on your ships. And the more goods, the greater the reward.

Tip: Merchants offer a variety of goods for transportation, but try to choose ones that are not chewed by rats. For example, cannonballs, nipples, bombs and buckshot. Try not to take expensive goods if you don’t have “Rat Almighty”. Rats will be able to freely devour the whole broth.

Because of these rodents, I have repeatedly had to pay penalties out of my own pocket.

It is possible to increase your authority by fulfilling the priest’s mission to cleanse the cave. Upon completion of the task, it is possible to inform God’s servant about its successful completion any number of times - the scale of authority will increase with each repetition. The easiest way to expand your trading skills is by purchasing ships various classes. It’s easy to get money by selling goods to smugglers (the price per item increases three times).

In addition, it is possible to easily collect money for the ship of the joining captain: change the ship with him, go to the shipyard and take the tartan instead. Then you change back and implement the tartan - the joining captain takes only about 700 piastres.


Hacking of goods purchased from tent campers in Corsairs GPK 1.3.2.AT

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At the beginning of the game Corsairs: To Each His Own, you need to approach the sailor and talk to him, and then move deeper into the island and go inside the residence where the governor lives. Approach him and chat. After this you will be arrested and placed in a cell. After some time, Philippe de Poincy will visit you. Be sure to talk to him and go free. After you are released from prison, go outside and turn right and go around the building. This will take you to the entrance to the dungeon. You can go down and go to the stairs to go down it. Then turn right again and in the right chamber, at the very end, you will find your brother. Talk to him.

After this, you will find out that Michel made an advance payment of 5,000 gold, but another 15,000 coins are needed. But that's not all, you will also have to hire a navigator. Continue the passage of Corsairs: To Each His Own and move to Guadeloupe. Disembark and start searching for Fadey. After he pays off his debt, you can go to the pier, and then turn left to find yourself near the shipyard. Go inside and chat with Gaspard Blondel. It turns out that you owe him 17,000 gold. He will give time to repay the debt - 3 days. Don’t be upset, go to the tavern and talk to its owner about work.

Then go back to the governor’s residence and talk to him so that he gives your things.

Rum for the bartender

Keep an eye on your watch and try to be near the left pier at 19:00 to board the longboat. Your team will include five more sailors, with whom you need to go to Lamentin to find the schooner "Ghost" there. When you board the longboat, begin sailing to the port of Le Francois. Go ashore, wander around a bit, and then get back on board and start moving to the left of the shore. There will be a rock in front of you, go around it and head straight until you have the opportunity to turn left.

As soon as you go around the next rock, take out your compass and start moving north. Look at the clock and when 02:00 hits, press Enter. Now look at the top list and notice the Ghost ship icon there, click on it. Then open the menu and select one of the boats to get to this ship. After his captain approaches, you have to tell him the password. It is worth noting that in the passage of the game Corsairs: To Each Their Own, passwords are generated randomly, so you will have to choose from the proposed options.

I advise you not to put a period at the end of the sentence, because the password will not be accepted. Now you will receive the rum and can return to the port of Le Francois. After landing on shore, chat with several characters, and then move to the tavern to receive the promised reward.

Call girl

Walking through the streets of the town, you will meet a man dressed in a light brown suit who calls himself Arthur Scalon. He will ask you to help him. You need to get into the brothel, find and chat with Aurora. Then take it off at night. He will also give you 6,000 gold, of which you will have to pay part for the services of a prostitute. Be sure to agree, and you will become aware of one more name -

Go to the brothel and find a pimp named Aurora there to place an order for Lutiss. Give her 2500 gold and find out that the girl will be free around 23:00, and you need to pick her up before 24:00. Continue through the game Corsairs: To Each His Own and wait until the right time to head back to the brothel. Find Lutiss there and talk to her. Once on the street, head towards the governor’s property, and then face it and go into the house located on the right. Another landmark is the red roof. Sooner or later she will ask if you are still there. You should answer this question positively and wait until she disappears behind the door. This completes the task. It is worth noting that you will need to return for the girl the next day, only around 23:00 - 24:00. So you don't have to wait for her to appear that very night.

Manuscripts of the priest Saint-Pierre

Face the governor's property and look for the church on the left side of it. Go there and chat with the priest who is busy reading prayers. Then, in the passage of the game Corsairs: To Each His Own, you will need to begin completing the next task, namely, to find and bring the manuscripts of Father Capsterville. He can be found on the island of St. Christopher. No need to wait long, hurry up and go there right away.

Warehouse worker

Approach the prison and look for a store near it. Go into it and talk to Francois Laroux, ask him about work. However, he will want you to first find Gralam Lavoie, who works in the warehouse. He will also say that you won't find him in the city. So hurry up to get into the jungle and follow the path until you find yourself near a fork. Move left and then turn right. I advise you to stick to the left and go to the corsairs' lair.

In this village there is a store on the right side, go into it and find Gralam Lavoie there. He will stand near the counter. After talking with him, you can return to Saint-Pierre and tell the seller that you have found a person. He will pay you and assign you the next task, which is to find another person named Francois Laroux. Continue through Corsairs: To Each His Own and return to the corsairs' lair and go to the tavern. Find its owner and ask him about the employees. Then pay him 1000 gold to tell you about them.

Wait an hour and approach the innkeeper again. By the way, you can rest this time on the second floor of the store where Lavoie was found. When you find yourself in the tavern at the right time, you will see three selected workers. Approach them and chat. It is worth noting that they will offer you a bribe to choose him. After choosing the most suitable one, wait until he leaves the tavern, and then follow him. Climb aboard the ship and set sail for Sainte-Pierre. Find the seller and return to the shop after an hour to receive the promised 5,000 gold.

Stolen Jewel

From the governor's residence, go to the fork and turn left. There will be a gate in front of you that you need to go through. This will take you to the jungle. When you come to a fork, turn left and continue on. After a while, you will see two foreigners in a hurry to get away. There is no need to chase them. Better go right and approach the lifeless body.

Now, in the walkthrough of the game Corsairs: To Each His Own, you need to carefully examine it to find the earrings. Take them and return to the city. Head to the local shop and sell them for 4,000 gold. But you can also not sell them, but go to the governor and show your find. He will say that these are his wife’s jewelry, thank you for the find and give you a map of the archipelago.


Now you need to get to the port control house. Once inside, you will see a certain Paul Gery, with whom you need to talk. It turns out that his comrade is going to go to war with the Indians who are settled in the jungle. He asks to help him. You can continue the passage of the game Corsairs: To Each His Own and get out of the building, then turn left and meet Prosper Trubal near the gate. Approach him and chat. Then go through the gate and head into the jungle to fight the Indians. I advise you not to let them get close to Prosper.

Together with Prosper, head inside the cave. Start shooting the Indians one by one, and then talk to Trubal again to find out that his daughter is alive. Explore the cave and find a stranger in the same place. This man's name is Dilbert Coursey. Be sure to talk to him and go outside to talk with Prosper again. Now go to the city to get your well-deserved reward for completing the task.

The Gascon's Burden. Continuation

So, you should now have about 24,000 gold in your pocket. Head to the shipwright and pay him the debt for the ship. Now you have become the owners of the schooner. You can head to the tavern and talk to the innkeeper about your intentions to gather a team. He will tell you that there is a sailor behind him who is not serving yet. Approach him and talk. He will tell you that he agrees to serve you, and with him 40 sailors will also agree to do this. Only you will have to fork out 8,000 gold.

Continue the passage of Corsairs: To Each His Own and go to the store to buy food for the ship. Only then return to the sailor and tell him that you agree to his conditions, and also that all the necessary goods, including medicines, are already in stock. Now all that remains is to hire a navigator.

Go to the innkeeper again and ask him about it. But he cannot advise anything, so go outside and approach the man who has a dark beard and hair. He also has a bandana on his head and a sword in his hands. Meet him and find out that his name is Appolinaire. Tell us that you are looking for a navigator and he will help you by telling you about the man who is now behind bars. Head to the prison you were in and approach the commandant. As soon as you talk to him and ask about Volk, he will direct you to the moneylender. Find it in the bank opposite the prison. Talk to him and find out that the prisoner owes him 10,000 gold. But you don’t have them, ask him if he needs to do something. He will agree and give you a new task.

Engineer, originally from Spain

Now, in the passage of the game Corsairs: To Each His Own, you have to win back this engineer’s friend from the corsairs. You need to go to Le Marin Bay. Then go into one of the buildings to take a short break. After getting enough sleep, set a course for the jungle and go deep into it. After some time, you will find yourself near the water, where pirates are holding a Spanish engineer captive. Approach them and chat.

After you cut the throats of two corsairs, you will need to engage in a fight with an engineer, who will not immediately believe that you are positively disposed towards him. Try not to cause much damage to him, and after you defeat him, communicate. Remember that you should not appear in the city closer to night. Because there are guards at the gate. So hurry to the tavern and rent a room for a day. As soon as the clock ticks 00:40, head out of St. Pierre. I advise you to avoid meeting with officers who are walking along the city streets at this time. After you get to the moneylender, talk to him and make him write a receipt to Folke.

Today we'll talk about a game with an amazing story. Created by a team of Black Mark Studio fans, it attracted the interest of the official distributor of this series of games. Thus, a full-fledged version of the continuation of the epic, “Corsairs: To Each His Own,” was released.

Lots of Easter eggs, updated fleet improvement system. It also became possible for the main character to create things and ammunition. In addition, the world has become more open and the plot less linear.

The beginning, or Where to get a million

In this game you play as the French aristocrat Charles de Maura. Your father has asked you to find his missing son, your brother, in the Caribbean.
So, after you get off the ship in Saint Pierre, Martinique, you have two options for further development of the plot at your disposal. Variety is the beauty of Corsairs: To Each His Own. Quests can be done in many ways.

The first is you go to the authorities. For a beginner it is more correct, but there are some tricks here. Things will need to be hidden, and the weapon will need to be replaced with a harpoon. You can make a stash in the box that stands to the right of the fort gate.

Why such a turn? It’s very simple - then you will be arrested and all your things will be taken away. The governor-general of the island himself will come to the prison with a proposal. He frees you, and you pay off your brother’s debts. The amount is impressive, a million pesos, after all. Help would be useful here, but cheats are not very common in the game “Corsairs: To Each His Own.”

Having agreed, you go to the quartermaster, who will give you a basic set of armor and weapons. If at the beginning you hid things in a chest, further development will be easier. We're just going to see our brother in prison.

The second path of plot development is suitable for more experienced people familiar with the game “Corsairs 2: To Each His Own.”

Here we, having felt the freedom and freedom of pirate life, avoid the authorities and figure it out ourselves. You will need to run around the city and chat with residents. We are interested in the fate of our brother. In the process, you learn about the abbot from one person. Next, the path leads to the church. Benoit, through a friend, will help you get to your brother in prison.

Let's find out about - oh, God! - a debt of a million pesos, we get the first task. Please note, it is temporary. The point is this. Michel paid a deposit for the ship, but still owes 17 thousand pesos. You need to find this amount in three days, otherwise you will end up with a wreck.
Where can I get the money? Let's figure it out.

Call girl

For this quest you will need to find one lord. He usually hangs out in the square near the church. Look for a light-colored camisole and hat. The passage of “Corsairs: To Each His Own” is open and non-linear. Therefore, the name generated is different.

The point is. You need to go to the brothel and negotiate with its owner about the girl Lutisse Montagne. She must be brought to this aristocrat after eleven o'clock in the evening. He gives 6 thousand for all expenses, your earnings are the amount saved.
The secret is that you need to save before accepting the quest. When you receive a task, the cost of a girl for the night is randomly generated. It can be from 2,500 to 5,000 pesos. We load until we get the minimum number.

When talking with the hostess, choose the option that talks about the girl’s inexperience. You can pick it up from 23.00 to 00.00. In an hour it will be easy to manage and take her to the aristocrat.

In the meantime, we have some time, let’s earn some more money. Remember - in the game "Corsairs: To Each His Own" the map of the island is an indispensable assistant when completing quests. Don't forget to check it out from time to time.

Warehouse worker

There is a shop near the brothel. Our path lies there. There the owner will complain about his fate and talk about the runaway worker. We agree to find him. The reward is one thousand pesos. And that's just for discovering it. According to the orientation, it is located somewhere outside the city walls.

Our path lies to the pirate settlement of Le Francois. By the way, we’ll complete two more tasks along the way. They are described below.

So, the worker is in or near the tavern. After talking with him, we understand that the owner of the store is a miser, and Gralam will never return to him.

What can you do. We return with bad news. The merchant is upset, but gives a reward. And, in addition, he promises more if we help him hire a new employee. The higher your qualifications, the higher your earnings. The game doesn't let you relax. What can you do - “Corsairs: To each his own”! The ships will be redeemed soon, remember? So let's push ourselves.

We run to Le Francois. Where to look for an employee? At the tavernkeeper's. He turns out to be a sympathetic little guy. For just a thousand pesos, he will help with the task, but you need to walk for an hour.
While we wait, you can play dice; a possible win won’t hurt. After the agreed time, we return to the tavern and see the applicants. And this is where things get really great. In addition to the fact that the owner will only take 500 pesos for help, the workers also offer you bribes!

We choose the one that gives a bag of amber fragments. We will need the jewelry later, and in the city the store owner will pay us 5,000 pesos for it. But that will happen after the interview. Time is money, so we run to the head of the port department. It starts the quest "Cannibal".

Side quests

On the way to the pirate settlement, you can earn some more money. The first task will be “Scarce Goods”. Do you remember where you hid things at the beginning of the game? There is a city guard standing near this chest. Talk to him. It turns out that he is also French, like you. And his delicate stomach cannot stand the local swill. You will be asked to bring good wine.

It seems to you that it’s difficult to earn money in the game “Corsairs: To Each His Own,” codes would obviously not hurt. All wrong! After this quest you will forget these thoughts forever!

The income from this task is one thousand pesos. Time to complete - 24 hours. Simply and easily. Where can I get alcohol? Check the chests in the fort. If fortune is not on your side, a bottle from any merchant costs seven hundred pesos.

We take it after returning from Le Francois. The guard will be waiting on the upper platform of the fortress in the evening. But it was not there! This is not a mission, but the Klondike! The insatiable French are ready to buy 60 more bottles for 1,000 pesos. What to do? Where can I rob a carriage?

Don't panic! We go to any merchant and for a thousand coins we buy information that there is alcohol in the store. Having gone there, we come across a misunderstanding of the owner. Let's return to the scam. And he demands another 2000 for You need to pay. With this leaflet we return to the seller. You can now buy 60 bottles for P500 each. But! This is a one-time offer, so clear your inventory!

Net earnings - 27 thousand coins. And the card obtained in the next story mission of the game “Corsairs: To Each His Own” will greatly help in the future.

In the city, all quests available at this level have been taken. We go out the gate. But what is it? There is a corpse on the road, and the local aborigines are running away. Let's go through the dead man's pockets. 560 pesos for expenses, sundries and earrings. Save this decoration, we will need it later, when we return from Le Francois.

So, we dealt with the hard workers in the village (the quest is described above - “Warehouse Worker”). It's time to remember the find. We go straight to the Governor General. You can, of course, ask the price from traders, but the price there is lower. De Poincy will give you a “Cheap Map of the Islands” for them. Such a gift will make your passage much easier. “Corsairs: To Each His Own” is a game that is designed specifically for making money in the spirit of piracy.


Tropics, starving local population, sleek European aristocrats... It turns out that the port master is looking for an assistant to his friend. Prospero's daughter was stolen. The poor father used most of his property to buy a musket and is already outside the city walls. We'll run in later to get the money promised by the store owner, now - to save the girl!

We find Trouval near the well. From his story we understand that kidnappings have become more frequent, and this is carried out by cannibal Indians. They get food, so to speak.

In this task, we will not only enrich ourselves financially, but also gain a lot of experience, if there is a desire. Only if fencing is not pumped up, it will be bad. In the game “Corsairs: To Each His Own,” cheats are aimed specifically at this area.

The point is. Father will tell you how to act. If you do this, you will complete the quest quickly. If you destroy all the Indians yourself, without his help, you will gain a lot of experience.

In the cave we find a daughter and another hostage. We accompany them to the city and receive a reward. And this is neither more nor less - 8 thousand pesos, 35 doubloons and a good amulet.
In principle, the minimum of the game “Corsairs: To Each His Own” has been fulfilled. The ships can already be purchased. Do the math, you should have more than 17 thousand in your pocket. However, we still need officers, a crew, and ammunition. In addition, there is a whole day in stock.

How to have a fun night

What to do in a tavern while waiting for morning? Don't sleep!
There are several entertainments to choose from - gambling, duels, "cheating" the waitress. But first things first.

So, dice and cards. You'll have to save a lot here. How to win? Just. We always start with the maximum bet - 1000 coins. We bargain until the opponent agrees. For example, we play for 800 pesos. You win. It's better to save. If he wins, and then begins to drain his bank from you, we rejoice and earn money.
The main thing is not to win very often, otherwise they will call you a cheater and stop inviting you to the table.

When everyone is broke, you can still make money. Accuse someone of cheating. Or drink yourself to the point of quarrel. Duels are won easily, and those killed drop good things and a lot of gold if you're lucky.

The third fun is related to the waitress. You need to flirt with her until she invites you to spend time with her. We order a room from the tavern owner and wait. Instead of the girl, an accomplice appears, eager to rob us. Kills easily. The beauty of this task is that the waitress apparently has a lot of thugs. And from everyone you can get things and money. Without such pranks, the passage will be boring. “Corsairs: To Each His Own” allows you to experience the wild life to the fullest.

Rum for the bartender

Morning. The owner got rich by renting your room “for an hour,” so he’s kind. When asked about the task, you receive an offer to smuggle cargo.
It is important to remember your password when receiving a task! He won’t sign up anywhere, and the quest cannot be completed without him. There are several options, but the most common are: “the bay is ready for landing” or “Old Thomas has been waiting for beer.” We repeat: yours may be different. I'll have to write it down.

So, at seven o’clock in the evening we go to the pier, board the longboat and quickly move to the right of the pier. If the wind is fair, it will be easier, if not, we go in zigzags.
Destination - the ship "Ghost" near Lamentin beach. When the boat from the longboat approaches it, you will need to write a password in the dialog box. You remember him, right?

We receive the smuggled cargo and quickly move towards Le Francois Bay. There you hand over the ship with alcohol to the tavern owner's people, and you yourself go on foot to him. You get 5,000 pesos, a couple of bottles of rum and a gift.

Spanish engineer

We bought the ship. Where can I get the team? That's right, in a tavern. After much questioning and persuasion, the bartender gives a tip. There is one sailor written off ashore.
We introduce ourselves and answer a meticulous interrogation. He agrees to come to you, but only with his entire team. Not bad! Immediately 40 sailors for 8,000 pesos.

But where can you get a navigator? The tavernkeeper doesn't know. We run to the port. Good people they say there is one. He is in prison for debt.

We go to the moneylender. You will have to overpay 11,000 pesos. Or maybe there is another option? Eat. We need to free his friend from captivity. Easily!

Freebies are the basis of the game “Corsairs: To Each His Own”! Quests are complemented by gifts. Hide your gun before meeting a loan shark. He will give you a new one, with cartridges!

At half past eleven at night we go to the beach and fight off the Spaniard from the pirates. The secret is that the first robber you meet must be killed first, immediately after the conversation. The rest are easy to put in. But even the saved one will attack you. We beat him until he gives up.
Now comes the hard part. Patrols roam around the city at night, so you need to avoid getting caught. We save in front of the city.

After completing the task, we get and therefore a navigator.
We are purchasing provisions for the ship. Collect more charges for guns - buckshot and nipples. At the exit from the bay he will attack

It's easy to get rid of. Let's lower all sails. We immediately destroy all the rigging with clips, and then with maximum commands with buckshot. We board and rob. You can't take it for yourself.

"Corsairs: To each his own." "Dutch Gambit"

The second part of the epic is connected with the West India Company. Here you will have to master the entire archipelago. At this stage, you can already have several ships and a slightly more pumped-up crew.

During the second part you will visit Guadeloupe, Cuba, Maracaibo and other places. This is the advice. You will often come across tasks to destroy pirates, or you will meet them while sailing. Always attack several times with nipples, and then constantly with buckshot. Then board. Only this tactic will allow you to constantly win and get rich quickly.

When you complete the storyline, the reward will make you happy. A stunning ship and a great experienced officer. Next will be the last part - “Corsairs 3. To each his own.”

Pirate Saga

Hooray! A million pesos have accumulated! Let's ransom my brother. But it's not that simple. The Governor-General took the money, but does not want to release the prisoner. Like, we still need to help him become the leader. Well, what a problem! Go against all the pirates at once!
Compared to this, the second part of the game "Corsairs: To Each His Own" - "The Dutch Gambit" - is just child's play!

But it is not all that bad. There will be helpers here too. Especially if you know the secrets. When you find yourself in Cartagena (it is advisable to raise it), find a pirate in the city. He has a very good sword. Have you already learned how to fight a duel?
To capture Tortuga, you will need influential connections. Next the path lies to Zacharias, to Cuba. He will send us to look for the cartographer. This is how the next branch of the game “Corsairs: To Each His Own” begins - “Island of Justice”.

After the task “Shadows of the Past” we will receive a Morgan flamberge, which has no equal in the entire Caribbean.

At the end of the line, you will kill Levasseur, report the change of power in Tortuga to de Poincy and free your brother. The reward is a frigate with a crew and a privateering patent from France.
But this is not the end of the game "Corsairs: To Each His Own"! The gambit was played out brilliantly. Now we rush to defend Saint-Pierre, our brother's former prison. After all, now our hero is a French officer!

Do you want to become invincible right away? Or is it easy to complete all tasks? We will tell you about tricks and bugs.

So, in the game “Corsairs: To Each His Own,” codes are few in number, but there are a lot of “crude” moments.

For example, when you capture an enemy ship, you can combine his crew with yours. To do this, hold down the “shift” button. You may not succeed the first time, but the next ship will reward you with an endless crew. It's time to bomb the forts!
By the way, about this. With the entire playthrough behind us, “Corsairs: To Each His Own” is not over. It's only begining. No quests. Absolute freedom. We recruit officers from taverns with upgraded pistols and fencing skills, and then use the F2 button to add them to our squad. And among pirates you will have no equal!


I’ll say right away: the manual is very small. However, it is extremely useful for the player at any difficulty level. The game "Corsairs: To Each His Own" provides the player with enormous scope for earning and increasing funds, be it doubloons or regular pesos. Among them are robbery, ransoms, work, as well as enhanced loot. However, all these are extremely troublesome and often unprofitable methods. For example, in order to make a lot of money by robbing merchant ships, you either need to get information about it, look for it, and only then capture it. Or engage in battle with well-equipped and powerful fleets. For some reason, the most obvious and sure way to make money in the game constantly remains unnoticed by the audience. And not only in this game in the series. It's about trade.

Trading Basics

In order to conduct competent trading, you need very little.
- At least 30 - 50k free money to start a trading business (i.e. minus the costs of the ship and crew)
- Somewhat improved trading skill (although you can start with anyone, as a result of trading it will be upgraded in any case)

- A ship with a large deadweight (hold capacity)
- It is advisable to have a treasurer on the ship (this will speed up your earnings)

So, each colony in the game has its own price policy. Each product has many different prices in numerous colonies. Our task is to buy low and sell high. Not that hard!

The classification of goods is as follows:

Colonial - supplied by a given colony (having a low price here)

Imported - purchased by her (not very expensively purchased)

Smuggling - prohibited for trade. In some cases, they can be purchased in stores. But they can only be sold from smugglers. But this is an unreliable business; one should resort to this extremely rarely.

Goods of aggressive demand - purchased (and already very expensive)

The essence of the process and notes

We are interested in the scheme under which colonial (or, in extreme cases, ordinary) goods are purchased, and they are sold at the price of aggressive demand. There are very few cities in the game with goods of aggressive demand. However, in order to make a decent fortune, you only need to work with two of them. Both cities are major centers of trade in the Caribbean - the English Port Royal, in Jamaica, and the Dutch Willemstad, in Curacao. The last one is perhaps even better. Firstly, the prices there are better, and secondly, there are almost twice as many goods in aggressive demand as in Port Royal.

It is worth considering that:
1) Every month prices change in different directions. However, the general pricing policy does not change, i.e. the same product is always a stable source of income.
2) The summary of purchase and sale prices does not take into account your trading skill, as well as the influence of the officer - the treasurer with his corresponding skill and perks like “basic trading”.
3) Trade is better, if only because stores buy looted goods at half the price. Or even less. And although some craftsmen claim that there is a way to “launder” goods, such manipulations are easy to avoid by simply making an honest living by trading. It also turns out to be more profitable.
4) The reputation of the powers with which you trade and with specific store owners affects the benefits from your trade as a whole.

Algorithm of actions

1) We collect the most complete list of prices of colonial stores. To do this, you need to stop at the store of each colony you visit, look at the list of local prices, and also ask merchants for news. In response to such questions, merchants usually share other lists.
2) We look at the price lists of Port Royal and Willemstad and stop at the graphs with goods in aggressive demand.
3) We select one of these goods and begin to search through the lists of other colonies where a particular product is colonial (i.e. cheap). However, do not forget that even in this case, the purchase or sale may turn out to be a minus for you, so subtract the cost of the purchase from the profit from the sale and see what happens.
4) We go to the selected city.
5) We purchase the selected product.
6) We head to the city where it can be sold profitably (i.e. where it is a product in aggressive demand).
7) We sell
8) Enjoy the profit

9) Repeat

Tips for beginning traders

1) You need to trade whenever possible. That is, you need to trade not only ship goods, but also trinkets from your inventory. In any case, your trading skill will improve and your wallet will get fatter. Therefore, at first you need to grab and sell everything that doesn’t hold up well, over time you need to become more selective, but still loot and loot.

2) You need to select a ship with a good ratio of speed and deadweight. Firepower and strength is not that important. A good choice for such a case - half an acre, a shebeka and a private ketch. In a word - heavy galleons and flutes are not needed. You need to remain fast and maneuverable to escape from annoying pirates and quickly travel from colony to colony. It turns out to be much more profitable.

3) The treasurer will not only give you additional benefits in transactions and advantages in trading skills, but can also deal with ship management - calculate the costs of provisions and control the spoilage of goods (at least some).

4) Do not fill the holds with ammunition to capacity. The best option- two hundred pieces of all ammunition except buckshot (there is a hundred more of it), five hundred pieces. gunpowder for shooting and laying mines to escape from robbers. There will be more space in the hold for truly valuable goods.
5) Taking slaves is not an option. They are not as expensive as they were in the Civil Procedure Code, and the consumption of provisions that they add is not a pleasant thing. And it's hard to sell them.
6) It is highly recommended to get hold of an amulet that enhances your trading skill.

7) Assembling your own flotilla is not an option. This is a troublesome and expensive matter, and besides, the computer companion will behave extremely inappropriately in battle. You won't trust this idiot. great amount most valuable commodity, right?

8) There should be a lot of provisions on the ship. You never know where and at what price you will need to purchase it in case of an acute shortage.
9) Avoid sea battles while loaded with goods at all costs. There will be almost no gain from this (unless you practice fencing and pick up trinkets), but there will be decent expenses: repairing the ship, recruiting new sailors, and all that.

10) Learn not only to defeat enemy ships in battle, but also to escape from them. This is an extremely useful skill.

11) Trading in gold and silver - not very good a good option. Transporting such goods is very troublesome. And besides, only one colony puts up a really good price for sale - the pirate Sharptown.
12) Trade licenses are not an option. The best income can be obtained from the English and Dutch colonies. In addition, licenses are very unreliable. And roads.

13) Keep your savings with moneylenders. And preferably in the cities you visit most often. There is no point in carrying around huge amounts of money; 300k of active capital is enough to purchase goods and ship needs. The rest of the fortune will be acquired very quickly from moneylenders.

Best routes

Martinique: Coffee from Saint Pierre to Willemstad, Coffee from Le Francois to Willemstad

Guadeloupe: Cocoa from Bas Thera to Willemstad, Cotton from Bas-Tera to Port Royal

Maine: Cotton from Belize to Port Royal, Mahogany from the Blueveld to Capsterville, Havana and Willemstad, Ebony from the Blueveld to Capsterville, Havana and Willemstad, Leather from Cartagena to Port Royal and Willemstad, Vanilla from Cartagena to Capsterville, Port Royal and Willemstad,Copra from Cartagena to Willemstad

Barbados: Cocoa from Bridgetown to Willemstad, Paprika from Bridgetown to Willemstad

Sint Maarten: Cotton from Phillipsburg to Port Royal

Cuba: Leather from Puerto Principe to Port Royal and Willemstad, Leather from Santiago to Port Royal and Willemstad

Espanola: Leather from Santo Domingo to Port Royal and Willemstad,Leather from Port o Prinsa to Willemstad

Providencia: Leather from San Andreas to Willemstad, Cotton and San Andreas in Port Royal

These routes are the safest and most profitable for novice traders. You can earn good money starting with them. And then move on to larger and riskier transactions.