What kind of job is suitable for an introverted girl? We select ideal professions for introverts. Archivist or museum worker

There are professions in which extroverts and introverts feel more comfortable. And vice versa, where they feel out of place. We will tell you how these personality types differ and in what professions they can succeed.

Who am I: an extrovert or an introvert?

There are many different interpretations of extroversion and introversion. An extrovert can be described as a person who directs all his vital energy to the world around him. He cannot live without communication, loves attention to himself, knows how to speak in public and makes acquaintances without problems.Extrovert is a ball of energy that constantly wastes it. And then it is replenished again through contact with the outside world.

Introvert he directs vital energy into the inner world, he is not so sociable, he likes small companies. Such a person does not waste energy, but accumulates it in himself. He feels drained after social events, but then easily regains his strength in solitude.

Do not confuse introversion with social phobia, misanthropy, or anxious personality disorder. Social phobia- these are strong, unreasonable fear and anxiety that appear when a person needs to make contact with other people. Misanthropy - dislike for people, opposition to society. Unsociable and reserved, the misanthrope carefully selects his social circle. Anxious personality disorder comes from a feeling of inferiority. Such people are characterized by alienation; they avoid social contact because they are afraid of being rejected and ridiculed by society.

A healthy introvert doesn't feel stressed when he needs to talk to someone.

Choosing a profession for an extrovert and an introvert

To make sure that you have correctly identified your type, take the test from this video

Of course, mental, creative and psychological abilities largely determine the choice of profession. But this does not mean that you need to give up your dream if, in theory, this specialty does not suit you. In practice, everything may be different: an introverted reporter will feel just as good in a job he loves as an extroverted scientist and an ambiverted secretary. Do you want to find out which profession is right for you? Go through so as not to doubt.

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If you are not particularly socially friendly and feel awkward and uncomfortable in the company of both familiar and unfamiliar people, the issue of work and career may be especially acute for you, since most vacancies usually require good communication skills.

However, even pronounced introverts who avoid society and prefer peace and quiet may well find something to their liking. Changing yourself and fighting your fears or simply character traits is quite difficult, therefore, why not choose a job that you will like and, most importantly, not cause discomfort.

In fact, there are many more professions that suit you, but as an example, you can consider a list of eight options.

8 professions for introverts

1. Writer

If you are a creative person and know how to write interesting texts or books, why not become a writer? Many successful writers are both introverts and ambiverts.

Do you think you have a writer's streak? So, give her a chance to prove herself. Start your own blog, become a freelance writer or copywriter. Success will not come to you overnight, but over time you can make your name recognizable.

2. Career in the field information technologies

Modern technological advances make it possible for even the most “socially awkward” people to find good jobs. Information technology, for example, helps to develop and improve your skills, as well as earn quite decent money.

Web development, game programming and creation mobile applications– just think about these options. This type of work requires good knowledge of software and programming languages, plus high level creativity.

3. Graphic designer

If you are interested in graphics, have the ability to draw and know how to use graphic software, then you are simply destined for a career as a successful graphic designer. After all, working with images and creating various effects does not require any communication skills.

Graphic designers (especially in the field of 3D graphics) are now in high demand. If you are willing to spend most of your time sitting in front of a computer, then this is the job for you.

4. Accountant at home

Nowadays, many accountants work for companies and maintain all their documentation without actually leaving home.

You don't enjoy working in a noisy and crowded office, but you get along better with numbers than with people? Consider this type of work. The main thing is to be sure that you really have everything in order with mathematics.

5. Translator

If you know at least one foreign language, try to work as a translator, because most of them work from home, which means their interaction with people is minimized.

Be prepared to be mentally and emotionally tired, not physically tired.

6. Social Media Manager

If you can't stand socializing in real life, but want to grow as a person and become more successful, the position of project manager in in social networks could be a good career choice.

This work requires only online communications and no face-to-face meetings or negotiations. You have plenty of time to answer all questions and a great opportunity to think clearly and calmly. Minimum haste and minimum nerves!

7. Specialist in working and caring for animals

Do you love animals much more than people, and prefer to communicate with representatives of the fauna rather than with fellow humans? Then you can become a professional in working and caring for animals.

First, take care of your neighbor's pets, and then improve your knowledge and become an instructor and trainer. All you need to be able to do is take care of animals and be able to find an approach to them.

8. Astronomer

Don’t smile when you hear this word and imagine a medieval astrologer sitting in a tower with an antediluvian telescope. In fact, this is a very convenient position for introverts, although, admittedly, there are not so many vacancies.

You will need good knowledge of physics and mathematics and no social skills. By the way, looking at the sky is a proven way to reduce stress and gain aesthetic pleasure from contemplating endless space and celestial bodies. And you can even get paid for it.

Are you terribly frightened by the need to communicate with strangers, and are you ready to call in sick just to avoid such a situation? Do you tend to avoid working in a team, but the thought of giving a presentation makes you break out in a cold sweat? Don't worry, you're in good company. Among introverts, and these signs are characteristic of them, there are many successful and famous people - Bill Gates and Albert Einstein, for example.

Who are they, introverts?

Right choice

“An introvert needs an autonomous task, his own area of ​​work. He should be minimally dependent on colleagues, contractors, and his manager, says psychiatrist Alexander Mordovin. - An introvert feels comfortable when he has the opportunity to concentrate on one task and go deeper into it. It is important for him to receive information in advance and have the opportunity to think before acting. It’s important not to push such a person over trifles - any question about the progress of work will make the introvert angry and create an additional level of stress.”

Introverts lack a kind of communication energy. They definitely need time and conditions to recover, and alone.

Some tips for an introvert

What professions are suitable for introverts? Meticulous Americans have compiled a list of 200 activities. It is headed by a variety of specialties related to computers, analytics, and finance. And anyone who is tired of office routine can become a driver - a truck driver, for example.

Professions for an introvert

  • Programmer. Almost any job related to computers, program development, database administration, etc.
  • Accountant
  • Auditor
  • Lawyer
  • Financial analyst
  • Marketing Analyst
  • Scientist
  • Writer
  • Editor
  • Technical Writer
  • Statistician
  • Engineer
  • Truck driver
  • Farmer

Compensation methods

Some characteristics of introverts can be quite successfully overcome without damage to the personality. For example, if you find it difficult to speak at a meeting, you can carefully think through your ideas and suggestions and send them in writing. And in the case of public events and meetings, careful preparation will help.

Path up

According to USA TODAY, about 40% of the top management of American companies are introverts or close to them. Of course, many CEOs come from extroverted backgrounds like marketing. But no less - from finance or information technology. The majority of introverted directors are in software companies, starting with the already mentioned Bill Gates.

“Introverts thrive on their inner strength and tendency to think before they act. When faced with a difficult decision, introverts care little about what other people think,” says Chris Uland. CEO SkyeTec company and an introvert.

If you are an introvert, remember that introversion is not a hindrance in work and career. It is important to choose the right field of activity and organize your life so as not to “tread on the throat” of your own character.

Hello, dear readers! We constantly interact with society, even if we don’t really strive for it. Regardless of whether we want it or not, we have to communicate with a variety of people: consultants and cashiers in the supermarket, employees in government agencies, bank employees, neighbors - the list goes on and on.

Some people are not at all afraid of this need. They are happy to meet people, establish relationships and feel at ease, even if they have to give a speech in front of a whole stadium.

Introverts are a completely different matter. If you belong to this type, then you know firsthand that sometimes you have to overcome yourself to ask a stranger a question or ask a minibus driver to stop. The proverb about “have 100 friends” is not about you - you would prefer two or three, but close, trusted ones, those with whom you can simply remain silent and still feel comfortable.

Therefore, when it comes time to choose a profession, it can be very difficult for an introvert to decide. On the one hand, I want the work to be interesting and bring good income. On the other hand, it is highly desirable to reduce interaction with other people to a minimum. And this is not just a whim. If an introvert is forced to interact with colleagues or clients all day, he will feel exhausted and mentally drained by the end of the day.

Therefore, you should not overpower your nature and choose a specialty that requires good communication skills. If you wish, you can find a job that does not involve communicating with people. But first, let's figure out which activity is not suitable for you.

What specialties are contraindicated for introverts?

First of all, let me clarify an important detail: introversion is not a disease. Just because you're an introvert by nature doesn't mean you can't. You just feel more comfortable alone, when nothing prevents you from concentrating on your thoughts, work, creativity, and so on.

That is, if you have dreamed of becoming a teacher or entering a theater school since childhood, you have a very real chance of making it come true. You will be surprised, but many successful public people are introverts. Among them are Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Guy Kawasaki, Warren Buffett and others. And if they were able to overcome this feature of their character, then what prevents you from doing this?

Sylvia Löken’s book “ will be your good assistant The Power of Introverts. How to use your quirks to your advantage" Using the simple techniques the author recommends, you can feel comfortable in the bustling world of extroverts.

If introversion suits you well, you do not make ambitious plans to conquer Hollywood and do not dream of a position as a top manager in an international corporation. Avoid professions that require increased communication and look for your calling in other areas of activity.

The following industries are considered the most difficult for introverts.

Consumer Service

It doesn’t matter whose fault it is that the client is dissatisfied - he takes out all his irritation on the person with whom he is currently talking. For a person who prefers minimal contact with others, such work will be torture. Just imagine - dozens or even hundreds of calls a day, and everyone demands an immediate solution to their problem, often without mincing words.

Social sphere and government institutions

In some ways, this area is similar to the previous one. The difference is that the support team communicates with customers by phone or online chat, but here you will have to meet visitors face to face.

People usually come to such places for two reasons:

  • complain about something or someone
  • demand something

In any case, the visitor wants his issue to be resolved as quickly as possible, or better yet, immediately. Therefore, civil servants must have well-developed communication skills, a stable psyche, and even better, armor from which aggression and negativity will bounce off. And this is definitely not about introverts.


Whatever you sell, you will have to communicate with a huge amount of people. Moreover, some of them are not entirely adequate, some will never buy anything, and those who buy want to receive detailed advice from the seller.

Before you decide to work in trade, think about whether you are ready to show miracles of eloquence, describing the benefits of products and answering skeptical questions.

Services sector

In many ways it overlaps with trade. Only here you are not selling goods, but your skills. If you cannot present yourself properly, you will never reach a decent, highly paid level.

In addition, you need to take into account that when going to a hairdresser, manicurist, makeup artist, etc., the client expects not only to receive a specialized service, but also to talk about life.

A service sector worker should be a bit of a psychologist who will listen, support the conversation and become a kind of “vest” for the client, with whom he will share painful things. If you prefer to work silently, it will be much more difficult for you to gather a regular clientele.


- an essential quality of a lawyer. It is impossible to build a career if you feel uncomfortable in public, blushing and stuttering when reading an accusation or making a speech in defense of your client.

The only profession in this field that is suitable for an introvert is a notary. Working more with papers than with people, he will feel quite comfortable.

Show Business

Everything is clear here without explanation. Show business requires constant publicity. Speeches, interviews, photo shoots - you will often have to be the center of attention, whether you want it at the moment or not.


Working with children can sometimes be much more difficult than working with adults. A good teacher does not just pass on his knowledge, he knows how to establish contact with each student, interest him and awaken his thirst for knowledge. In addition, he must maintain a favorable atmosphere in the team, respond instantly to conflicts and be able to extinguish them with minimal losses.

Teacher's work in preschool institution It's not any easier. It may be easier to find a common language with children, but here you will have to communicate with parents every day. Are you ready to listen to complaints about poorly fitted tights and a crooked bow? If not, refrain from becoming a teacher and do not put your nervous system to the test.


Communicating with patients and their relatives is a big moral burden. The doctor needs to question the patient, listen carefully, announce the diagnosis, dispel fears, reassure, and support.

That is, you will have to interact with people constantly, and often you will have to establish, letting their pain and hopelessness pass through you. If you are an introvert, think carefully before choosing a medical profession.

Once again I will emphasize that the listed specialties are not an absolute taboo for introverts. Each of them requires certain goals, but if you have a goal, you will be able to overcome obstacles and achieve success in any area.

In what areas can an introvert reveal his talents?

Professions that involve minimal communication are ideal for introverts. A calm environment is also important for them, allowing them to concentrate as much as possible on the work at hand.

Therefore, it is difficult for introverts to work in a team when they have to constantly interact closely with other people, participate in meetings and brainstorming sessions. He is capable of generating brilliant ideas and solving complex problems, but not in an atmosphere of noise and chaos.

In order for an introvert to work at his full potential, he needs solitude. For this reason, it would be a good option distant work. You will work in a relaxed home environment, without adherence to schedules and internal regulations companies. If this is not possible, choose a specialty that involves working in a separate office. There are also compromise options that allow you to spend only part of the time at your workplace.

The following are considered the most suitable areas of activity for an introvert.


If perseverance, attentiveness and diligence are yours strengths, you have every chance to build successful career financial analyst, financier, economist or accountant. Here you will not be required to rush or be creative. All you need to do is process incoming data according to established rules and specified algorithms.

IT sphere

If you like to spend time at the computer and enjoy studying mysterious scripts and codes that lead the uninitiated into holy horror, IT industry professions are suitable for you:

  • programmer
  • site administrator
  • System Administrator
  • layout designer

You will be able to work not only on the company’s staff, but also remotely. This profession allows you to reduce personal contacts to a minimum: I received an assignment for email or via messenger, completed it, received a fee.

Creative freelance professions

Suitable for those who like to create without restrictions and do not tolerate management control. There are many professions that allow you to realize your creative potential without leaving home. And, most importantly, receive a decent payment for it. All you need is the desire to work and a computer. The only condition is that you should not have problems with self-motivation and organization of work time.

The most popular activities are:

  • Copywriting. You write custom articles for websites and print publications, develop advertising materials, write letters to email newsletters, and much, much more.
  • Blogging. You can start your own blog or do it for other bloggers for money.
  • Marketing. Good marketers are worth their weight in gold. If you learn to do marketing analysis, rebuild your client business from competitors, create effective sales funnels and launch new projects, you will not have a shortage of clients.
  • Design. Websites, logos, product packaging, corporate identity, characters - you can choose the direction you like and receive decent payment for it.

Also become a freelancer and work in free schedule translators, scientists, analysts, writers, journalists, photographers will be able to. And what’s important is that you can go freelance without any experience at all, or with minimal skills, and learn a profession while working.

Truck driver

A good option for an introverted man. You will only have contact with people during loading and unloading. The rest of the time you will spend alone, driving vehicle. But the minibus or taxi driver is not the best the best choice. You will have to communicate with passengers throughout your shift, and sometimes resolve conflict situations.

Working with equipment

This profession involves minimal interaction with other people, and you will spend most of your time with machines. So, for example, an introvert can choose the profession of a crane or electric locomotive operator, a turner or milling machine operator, a packer, a conveyor operator and other types of activities related to technical processes.

Working with wildlife

Anyone who loves animals or dreams of unity with nature will be able to choose a specialty in this area. For example, the profession of a forester will allow you to spend time away from people, alone with nature and your own thoughts.

You can also engage in animal breeding. Breeders rare breeds They make good money from their pets. If you are not ready to build a business on your own, you can look for a similar vacancy in a nursery.

As you can see, finding a job to your liking will not be difficult for an introvert. There are enough options, and everyone can choose what interests them. If you know other non-communicative professions that are not included in the list, write about it in the comments.

Or maybe you are an introvert by nature, but were able to overcome this characteristic and built a successful career in a field that requires developed communication skills? Be sure to share your experience with our readers!

Today’s article on “Beautiful and Successful” will be about how to find a job for an introvert - a vulnerable, self-absorbed and extremely reserved person. After all, with such qualities it is often not only impossible to get along in a team, but even confidently it can be difficult.

And if you succeed, then you literally have to suffer at work, experiencing constant stress and developing nervous diseases. For psychological comfort, an introvert needs special conditions work and occupation.

Introvert is not a vice, but a lifestyle

According to scientists, introverted and extroverted psychological personality types can easily “get along” in one person, but one always prevails. You cannot be half introvert and half extrovert; one type is more likely to manifest itself in different situations.

An introvert (inwardly oriented) experiences discomfort when actively communicating with big amount people, constantly refuses corporate events, loses a lot of energy during communication, and can only regain strength alone or at home.

This is why not every job is suitable for introverts.

Personal qualities: reserved, unsociable

Many psychologists agree that the sales field is definitely not suitable for introverts, since skills such as improvisation and free communication are important here.

In addition, it is difficult for an introvert to occupy leadership position, but, at the same time, such individuals make good managers if they have to deal not with people, but with objects.

Although it is difficult to find a job for an uncommunicative introvert that is not related to people today.

It is also believed that introverts and large corporations are incompatible, working as a psychologist will be an extremely painful task for him, and tutoring will develop internal anxiety, since he will have to let unfamiliar people into his personal space.

The answer to the question of what kind of work is suitable for introverts is simple – a minimum of interaction with people.

The area of ​​interaction with machines (IT and automated manufacturing), plants (landscape design, botanical gardens) or animals (veterinary medicine) is ideal.

Strengths of an introvert:

  • creative ability, creativity
  • good memory
  • analytic skills
  • carefully considered decisions

Networking and well-prepared improvisation

The high degree of competition today is by no means on the side of introverts, since extroverts are more attractive to them compared to reserved and even slightly “inhibited” applicants.

But still find suitable job An introvert can do it if you follow a few tips from the site:

  1. Networking is a real salvation for an unemployed introvert. The point is to find a job through your network of people you know. At the same time, check whether the “five handshakes rule” works. Actively use the Internet: announce that you are looking for a job on social networks. Do it creatively (record, for example, a video resume - read our tips on how to do this) - you will get likes and reposts. During a period of temporary unemployment, take care of your personal accounts - make them more presentable.
  2. Communicate with the HR manager over the phone. If the call takes you by surprise, don't hesitate to ask for a moment to take your notes and collect your thoughts. But remember that phone-related jobs are not suitable for introverts.
  3. If you are scheduled for an interview, try to ensure that the interview takes place in private with the employer. A large number of people in the room will not work in your favor. The ideal option is an interview via Skype.
  4. All the information you will need during a personal meeting with the employer (the same as in the case telephone conversation), write it down in a notepad. Create a short resume, write down your strengths, professional achievements, advantages - in general, everything that is asked about during the interview.
  5. Psychologists, speaking about what kind of work is suitable for closed introverts, come to the conclusion that this is any position where you need to analyze. Therefore, during the interview, ask more questions (make a list in advance), of course, if your interlocutor is not an introvert :) Concentrate on work aspects, show that you are interested in the work, “dig up” as much information about the company in advance as possible, come up with a few interesting ideas. The employer will definitely appreciate this, and you will be able to fend off tricky questions.
  6. During the interview, show your full potential and do not agree to several interviews in one day - you will need at least one evening to recuperate.

Remember that it is simply vital for a pronounced introvert to find a job that will charge him with energy and not deprive him of it. Otherwise, every evening you will feel like a squeezed lemon.

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