Which 3d models sell best. Prepare a description of your model. Who buys all these models

In our era of semi-finished products, no matter what we undertake, we are always faced with the notorious choice of Tom Sawyer: whitewash the fence ourselves or watch someone else whitewash it for us for an apple core.

On modern market 3D, especially outside our homeland, in full height the same situation exists. It can take a long and tedious time to model Christmas trees in order to insert them into a large architectural project, or kill half a day and a handful of nerve cells to create 23 types of game ready boxes that will be surrounded and no one will ever pay attention to them, or waste a hundred calories rolling your eyes and uttering indecent words, a model of a wheel for 13 tractors... Or you can spend 20 dollars and buy it all at once in a ready-made state and not worry about anything else.

The reverse option also works. The customer did not accept your brilliant interior visualization? It’s worse for him, but the masterpiece can be disassembled into chairs and placed on a virtual trading platform. Or place the entire interior there. Or not the interior, but, say, a model of a concept car with a water-pollen engine, left unbuilt from the last order. Or a monster and his two alien buddies that you modeled on a Sunday evening to keep yourself busy.

In our country, however, the popularity of sites selling such semi-finished products, and even full-fledged dishes in 3D, is not yet so high. Why neither buyers nor sellers win.

Where and on what terms to sell or buy a model? And here 3D designers have a choice. There are now many trading platforms specializing in 3D models. Offhand, you can immediately list Turbosquid, The3DStudio, 3D02, 3DExport... these are probably the largest sites of this type today. The list goes on. And if you get carried away by the question and dig a little deeper, the number of options found, of course, does not yet tend to infinity, but is already quite impressive.

Everyone has slightly different conditions, specializations, sales levels - here everyone chooses for himself where it is more profitable and convenient for him. On average, a seller who places his models on such a site can count on 40-60% of their declared value, minus taxes. All models are sold Royalty Free, i.e. without transfer of copyright. Thus, one model can be sold to different customers an unlimited number of times. Therefore, many Western sellers use this service as a source of permanent income.

Some of these sites also provide their sellers with additional pleasant features. For example, by participating in the so-called Affiliate Program (roughly speaking, by bringing a buyer via an external link), on some sites, you can receive a percentage of sales, even if the buyer who came did not choose your model. Also, almost all sites provide their sellers with a variety of advertising opportunities, from standard banners and mentions in the Newsletter, to blogs and all kinds of ratings. And in some places, active participants in various programs may receive orders.

When posting your 3D models for sale, it is useful to know that some sites, for example, Turbosquid, as leaders in their field, not to say that they require, but actively persuade their sellers to place models with them on an exclusive basis. Those. call for models sold on their site not to be offered for sale anywhere else. Which greatly angers competitors and small sellers, but turns out to be beneficial and justified for larger sellers.

Also, when choosing a trading platform, it would not be amiss to inquire about the methods of transferring your earned fees and “preparatory procedures”... Unfortunately for citizens of the CIS and some friendly republics, many resources selling 3D like to use the Pay Pal payment system, which, like It is known that in the vastness of our homeland it functions very conditionally. Alternative options Not every service offers, and they often require additional costs. Additionally, most sites will not release royalties until they receive your completed US sales tax forms. Fortunately, virtual trading platforms pay taxes independently.

For buyers, the main convenience of 3D virtual trading platforms is, of course, that there is someone who will be responsible for your purchase, guarantee its quality, and, if something happens, force the sellers to fix problems or return money. This way, you can always be sure that you are not wasting your money. In addition, many trading resources offer a variety of options for searching and sorting models.

Prepare files for uploading to 3DExport

  1. Archives must contain only 3D files. For each file there is a separate archive. Archive textures separately;
  2. Give your archives clear names by indicating the file format in the name. Right: ford_mustang_gt_obj.rar, ford_mustang_gt_max.rar, ford_mustang_gt_3dsj.rar, ford_mustang_gt_fbx.rar etc. Wrong: items_435345.rar, mymodel.rar, 1.rar etc.
  3. The archive does not have to be large. Try to optimize your scene to reduce the file size or split the archives into several parts. Try to keep your archive no larger 500 MB;
  4. RAR compresses files better than ZIP, so archiving in RAR will speed up the uploading of files to the site;
  5. We recommend adding as many formats as possible. Formats are required .3ds, .obj And .fbx. The more formats you add, the more likely it is that your model will be found and bought.

Prepare a description of your model

  1. The description should not be long and clear;
  2. Be sure to indicate which renderer is used in the scene or what plugins are needed to work correctly with the model/scene;
  3. Add an animation video (from YouTube) showing your model from all sides. This will help increase sales of the model;
  4. Carefully prepare keywords/tags/tags for your models (no more 20 ). Add only relevant keywords. The most accurately selected keywords will help the buyer quickly find the desired model and increase your income;
  5. When adding, be attentive to such fields as: Are textures used or not, Animation, Biped, Materials, etc. For example, if your model does not contain textures, and you indicated that it does, then in case of purchase we will be forced to return the money to the buyer and delete such a model;
  6. The Price field deserves a separate article, but we would like to advise you not to set the price below $10 per model. Cheap models are usually of low quality and do not represent much value, so such models are not sold.

Prepare a Preview for your model

  1. The number of renders must be minimum 5 of which 3 are render models and 2 are screenshots of the mesh;
  2. Render size: minimal 640x480px and maximum 2000x2000px. We recommend adding renders with sizes ranging from 1000px in width;
  3. The preview should be clear and clear. The number of sales directly depends on how beautifully you render your model;
  4. Below are the main mistakes that sellers make when preparing previews.

Main mistakes when preparing Previews

1. Uninformative perspective

2. Small size of the model relative to the total preview area

3. Lack of materials

4. Offset of the model relative to the center of the preview

5. Exotic angle

7. Motley background

8. Peresvet

9. Very dark preview

10. Extra objects

11. Inadequate preview proportions

The right scene

Incorrect scene (junk objects, cameras, lights, etc.)

Sample of a correct preview

If you still have questions, do not hesitate to ask our Support team. Thank you

Rule of good manners for publishing a 3D model

  1. Show all hidden objects.
  2. Remove everything unnecessary in the scene.
  3. Find all textures, get rid of lost ones.
  4. Rename textures.
  5. Rename materials.
  6. Correctly group all objects.
  7. Rename all objects.
  8. Place the model at the center of coordinates.
  9. Print screen as a reminder of the work done.

Tutorial: How to Prepare and Sell your 3D Models

We are sure that if such great creators as Leonardo da Vinci or Michelangelo had 3D modeling tools and 3D printers at hand, then there would be many more masterpieces in our world.

Any 3D models in .stl format that do not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation and do not violate anyone’s copyright are allowed to be placed in the Medusa catalogue. Because All models in the catalog are intended for 3D printing, then prerequisite placement is the presence of photographs of the printed object.

So, how to place a 3D model on Medusa:

2. Go to the “model sales” tab

3. In the “model sales” tab, click “add new model”

Upload the .stl file with your model - the dimensions and volume are determined automatically.

Upload photos of the finished printed object. In fact, the popularity and demand of the model will depend on the quality of these photographs.

Fill out the “name” and “description” fields in Russian and English languages Necessarily. Because your model can be seen not only by Russian-speaking site visitors.

Indicate the cost of the model if it is paid.

Specify the sections and subsections of the catalog to which the model belongs. It is possible that your model fits more than one section.

Specify tags by which customers can find your model in the catalog.

Save the model. In the list of models new model appears in the status “Under moderation”:

Here you can edit information about the model or delete it.

Please note that if information about a model changes, it will be subject to moderation again.

4. Moderation is carried out by Medusa employees. After successful verification of the model, it will become available in the appropriate sections of the catalog. You will see this by the lack of “under moderation” status. If there are any questions regarding the model, employees will contact you for correction or clarification. A decision to refuse to publish a model may be made without giving reasons.

We wish you to become popular creators together with Medusa!

The time is coming for all of us when large amounts of information data begin to show. In order to rethink and subsequently learn the secrets of professionals, it is necessary to spend a lot of time and work. As a result, a not very long path was found that leads to high-quality 3D graphics.

This exclusive information will give you access to secrets that will show you and your fantastic skills in action.

We often ask ourselves which models sell the best. So, let's say that the value of 100 is the market average. Then - the higher the index, the more chances to sell great amount 3D models in this category. For example, a character/person (170) or science/medicine (124) ranks above the average in the market, while electronics (81) or industry (76) ranks below the average.

We also face the question: how to evaluate a 3D model in each category? If we compare the list price with the sales price in each category, we will see categories with overpriced and underpriced items.

When the approximate list price is lower than the approximate selling price (for example, residential items), the category is undervalued - meaning you can increase the price of your high-end models. On the contrary, when the category is overpriced (for example, ships), you are better off offering inexpensive models.

And finally, how to maximize sales of 3D content?

1. At least 100 models must be sold. According to the data, designers with 100-150 models sell 1.7 times more often than designers with 1-50 models - even after adjusting for the number of models. Maybe, large quantity models indicates the quality of the work, but if you can offer more than 100 models for sale, you have a good chance of success.

By the way, one of the platforms where you can sell your 3D models and earn a little money from your work is the figgol.com platform; you can also sell models for 3D printers or CNC on figgol.com.

2. Also focus on high price and high quality 3D models. As you know, buyers prefer high-quality 3D models and are more willing to pay for them. By selling your models in the range of $100–$200, you will have a maximum sales level that is 2 times higher than that of models priced below $100.

3. It makes sense to add at least 5-9 preview images. Models with 5-9 preview images sell three times more often than models with 0-4 images. Models with 35-39 preview images help achieve a tenfold increase in sales compared to models shown with 0-4 images.

4. Offer free 3D models for evaluation. Buyers love a test drive before purchasing. Designers with free models in their portfolio sell 60% more. So, by giving away one or two models for free, you really increase your sales.

As a result, with the help of simple but effective tips, you can climb to new level excellence and making money.