What documents are needed to make money on the beach? Business on the beach from A to Z. Detailed instructions - from renting a beach to arranging entertainment. Admission is free, the rest is for money

According to the latest estimates, about thirteen million Russians will go to resorts in the Krasnodar Territory this year. Approximately the same number of people will go on vacation abroad. But one hundred million of our compatriots will rest at home. Is this good or bad? OK good! After all, people who prefer beach holidays on local lakes or rivers can become your potential clients.

In the recent past, our citizens did not pay attention to the discomfort of local beaches. But now people prefer a civilized holiday on well-maintained beaches. It was this reason that gave me the idea to write this business idea. Beach business - This is a great way to earn a decent amount during the summer season. This business can be organized in any provincial city. After all, almost every city has rivers and lakes.

Business idea: how to open a private beach?

First of all, you must choose a location for the beach. Then you will need to equip it well. Of course, you will need a decent amount of money to equip the beach, but there are no guarantees for the payback of your business, since there are risks in any activity. Even if you offer free entry to the beach, you can provide yourself with a high potential income.

When arranging a beach, you need to be guided by the following formula - entrance is free, and everything else is paid. As for the costs, you will need to rent the land or buy it as your own. Of course, it is best to rent a beach, as you can earn money this business only in the summer season. In addition to cleaning the sand, you will need to clear the bottom of the reservoir of debris. So, the beach is equipped - it’s time to prepare it for profit. For example, you can open small cafes, rent sun loungers, organize water attractions, a shooting range, and equip a paid parking lot. As you can see, this business provides huge opportunities for earning money.

Please note that you will have to clean the beach very carefully. Regularly you will need to clear the sand of pebbles and cigarette butts, collect bottles, and keep the bottom of the reservoir clean. Be sure to hire someone who will monitor the safety of your visitors. After all, the beach is a high-risk place.

In addition to standard services, you can organize other original ideas. For example, open a storage room for things so that guests can leave all unnecessary things in boxes. Thus, theft on the beach will be significantly reduced.

Many people prefer to relax at home on local beaches. Therefore, if you organize a local beach, you can not only earn good money, but also solve the social problems of your city.

After all, it is in the summer that there is an opportunity to open a new line of high-margin (but seasonal) business. The most popular types of recreation among Russians this season are beach holidays, forest walks and tourism, including domestic tourism. Not everyone has the opportunity to go on vacation abroad or to the south of Russia. These people, as a rule, choose to relax on the beaches. For those who want to relax in comfort, well-organized paid beaches are a good option. They will become a gold mine for owners of such businesses. But it should be remembered that people will only be willing to pay at a certain level of beach. Good sand, warm water with shallow pools and wide range additional services.


You can make such a beach on your own, but it will be expensive. It is better to rent a good beach, no more than 20 kilometers from the city. As a rule, there are several dozen such “wild” beaches near cities. Renting a beach no more than 700-800 meters long and an area of ​​about 3.5-4 square kilometers will cost you 250-600 thousand rubles per season. The lease agreement will need to be concluded with the local municipality. The season will last from the 20th of May until the last week of August.

At the same time, the most expensive will be cleaning the beach and installing temporary barriers, tables with umbrellas, sun loungers and changing rooms. This will require another 500-900 thousand rubles, depending on the area of ​​the beach. Installation of shower cabins will cost you about another 300 thousand rubles.

Next, you will need to install equipment for a small bar with soft drinks (note that strong alcohol requires a license, without a license you can sell maximum beer and cider) and for retail outlets(two are enough for the beach). It will cost you 150-250 thousand rubles. Or you can enter into sublease agreements with other entrepreneurs who, accordingly, will sell drinks or food. In this case, you will get rid of a lot of hassle, but your trading income will also be reduced to 350-400 thousand rubles per month. Whereas when organizing an independent business, income can reach 1.5 - 2 million rubles per month.

Your main income will be not only paid entry costing 400-600 rubles per person (unlimited), but also other paid services- rental of water scooters, boards, catamarans. To purchase this equipment or rent it will be necessary to allocate approximately 800 thousand - 1.5 million rubles. The monthly turnover can be 3-4 million rubles from rent alone and another approximately 2.5-3 million rubles from entrance “tickets”.

How much does it cost: the initial investment will be approximately 2.5-3 million rubles, including rent.

Possible profit: net profit can exceed 1 - 1.5 million rubles per month, that is, the initial investment can be repaid within one season. On next year investments will be less (600-800 thousand rubles).

On the eve of the opening summer season, May 31, the city administration together with Rospotrebnadzor and the inspection for small boats conducted an inspection of city beaches. And, judging by the results, all beaches will be able to officially open no earlier than June 8.

On the central beach, a commission led by deputy head of the city Valery LISITSKY I immediately noticed the hole in the place where the storm drain was laid.

Previously, storm water poured directly onto the beach, so it was decided to install pipes that would discharge into the sea. Now, at the junction of these pipes, due to the fact that they are of different diameters, during heavy rainfall the pebbles are washed away by the flow of water and a hole is formed,” explained Deputy Manager of the City Administration Alexander PAVLOV.

The storm drain apparently requires serious repairs, or better yet, replacement. But it is clear that such major changes require capital investments. So all that remains is to simply fill up this hole from time to time.

At first glance, the beach looks ready to welcome vacationers: the changing cabins have been re-painted yellow, all the signs have been replaced after the winter nor'easter, a brand new electronic display is hanging, showing the temperature of the air and water, the gangway has been painted to match the water. But nevertheless, the necessary water samples have not yet been taken at the city beach and the bottom has not been cleaned. Why these procedures have not yet been carried out was explained to the HP correspondent by the head of the city department for the development of the sanatorium-resort sector and tourism, Sergei MUT.

In order for the beach to officially open, it must obtain two mandatory permits: from Rospotrebnadzor and State Inspectorate for small vessels,” says Sergei Vyacheslavovich. - On the beach, water samples must be taken for analysis, the bottom must be cleaned to a depth of two meters, and special stands with life-saving equipment must be installed on the shore. But difficulties have arisen with the preparation of documents for renting this beach, so all preparations for the opening are being delayed.

The commission walked along the beach and pointed out to the tenant what needed to be completed. Workers have already begun to clean the granite steps of the main entrance and closed the door in the beach administration building that was broken by vandals. All that remains is to wash the windows, pull up the awning and install the horizontal bar.

In its turn beach administrator Tatiana GORPENKO complained about the noisy companies that, with the arrival of warmer weather, have taken a liking to the beach, and about the graffiti artists, who no longer have any authority over them. And indeed, on the beach itself and in its area there are several multi-colored drawings made with durable paint, which cannot be easily washed off. How nice it would be if the night police patrol began to look here more often!

And yet, the townspeople will be grateful if under a tent for people with disabilities disabilities health, they will put a wooden flooring on the sharp pebbles,” a resident of Novorossiysk addressed an NR correspondent Elena YURCHENKO.

Specialists from the city department for the development of the sanatorium-resort sector and tourism reported that water samples have already been taken on the remaining beaches, the bottom has been cleaned, and the necessary rescue equipment has been installed. All that remains is to complete and sign the final documents to allow the opening of the swimming season.

The inspectors also visited the Sudzhuk Spit. Here people are already swimming and sunbathing with all their might, and they are not at all embarrassed that the beach tenant is still Required documents should be received any day now. The "NR" correspondent noted that the spit is quite clean, there are a sufficient number of changing cabins, shade canopies, and there are areas for children and people with disabilities. A Head of the Southern District Viktor ALEULOV promised that in about a week, pothole repairs of the road on the spit will begin.

There are more than enough opportunities to have fun on the beach: there is a sandbox for kids, equipped the whole complex with sports equipment, a sand volleyball court was made. And then beach tenant Samvel AZATYAN reported that there would be an open-air disco on the spit, and in two weeks the dolphin attraction, which HP had already written about, would open for the first spectators. By the way, the frame structures for the attraction have already been delivered, and workers have begun assembling; June 15th is scheduled Grand opening attraction with real dolphins.

Another new thing has appeared on the Sudzhuk Spit, - he happily pointed to a small pier in the sea leading specialist of the city department for the development of sanatorium-resort sector and tourism Dmitry VAKULENKO. - This building remains from the “filmmakers” who filmed the film “Marathon” here in winter. They assembled a small platform, apparently to install a video camera over the sea. An enterprising tenant made handrails for safety and repaired the deck. Even now this bridge attracts those who like to dive and sit with a fishing rod.

The NR correspondent did not forget to ask the experts why in all resort cities (Novorossiysk is no exception) beaches receive permission to open not on June 1, but only closer to June 10.

There is no mystery here. The fact is that, at the request of the State Inspectorate for Small Boats, the entire staff of beach workers must be staffed. And over the years, it has already happened that students go to work as rescuers. Just at the beginning of June they take their final exams and are released from school. Therefore, large beaches, like Aleksino or Sudzhuk Spit, open a little later, because according to the standards they require a large number of lifeguards on the beach,” said Dmitry Vakulenko.

Participants in the inspection emphasized that this year all beaches will open no later than in previous years. There are no comments about the other beaches - Aleksino, Shirokaya Balka, South Ozereyka and Durso. But experts upset NR readers - the Neptune recreation area this year will not receive the long-awaited beach status; everything has not yet been installed and, therefore, not launched wastewater treatment plants. But the public beaches “Volochaevsky” and “Barbarina” are expected to change this year. Although swimming is still prohibited at Barbarina, this territory will receive the status of a recreation area, and cleaning here is assigned to the administration of the Eastern District.

For several years now, the population of the industrial area has been trying to defend Volochaevsky Beach for themselves, which was surrounded by a fence and a padlock was hung at the entrance. Now an entrepreneur has been found who is ready to develop this beach. If electricity can be supplied, shady awnings, a shop will appear here, and cleaning of the area will be organized.

In order to find out what the sanitary and epidemiological situation is on the city’s beaches, an HP correspondent turned to the head of the Novorossiysk department of Rospotrebnadzor, Dina KARDAILOVA. The conversation took place on May 31. According to the specialist, our beaches are well prepared for the opening of the swimming season this year. Any day now they must receive the necessary documents and permits to open; problems may arise only with the gorplyazh.

The unfavorable situation on the beach has developed due to the stormwater that is located on its territory. Even after a little rain, a large puddle forms in this place. And it’s no secret that not only rainwater gets into the city’s storm drainage pipes; private sector homeowners like to cut their sewers into them,” Dina Kardailova told an NR correspondent.

Last year the storm drain was repaired, but it didn’t last long, continues Dina Nikolaevna. - So until the problem with storm water is solved on the Central Beach, we will not sign a permit to open the beach. We have no comments on the rest of the beaches: the water samples are good, the bottom has been cleaned, and garbage collection has been organized. Everyone submitted applications for the issuance of a sanitary-epidemiological certificate. I believe that Aleksino prepared the best for the opening of the swimming season. Beaches at sanatoriums and children’s camps have already received permission to open.

Dina Kardailova assured that the quality of water on the beaches is under strict control. At the request of beach tenants, sea water samples are taken for analysis every ten days throughout the swimming season, until the end of September. In addition, Rospotrebadzor monitors water quality independently: water is supplied from certain monitoring points for testing. For example, last year no non-standard seawater samples were recorded in Novorossiysk.

And the quality of water depends on many factors: the number of vacationers, water temperature, storm water discharge and, of course, storms, which often lift all the dirt from the bottom.


There are very few truths in the world. Almost any event can be criticized. Except for the change of seasons. Whether we like it or not, summer will come, sooner or later. Maybe in a day, or maybe in a month, in extreme cases - in a year. But let's fly! And most of our summer associations are associated with the beach. Surprisingly, businesses also try to be closer to the water in the summer. And there are good reasons for this.

Summer is a wonderful time: there is practically no snow; clothes - minimum; desires and possibilities, on the contrary, are maximum. We’re going to the forest, to a dacha, a resort, or just a local beach - to relax and spend warm days with pleasure. The kebab was undercooked because I was too lazy to wave it; kebab burnt because it was waved too often; the hookah is bitter - the coal is bad, and not because... what!?; warm shawarma instead of cold ice cream; mosquitoes, honestly, are the size of an elephant, and they’re still buzzing; the first harvest of radishes from the garden, straight unwashed; and the night air, exciting desires and imagination. And this is only for the first summer day. What to do during the rest? Relax, closer to the water! After all, man himself, in truth, is 70% of water, able to move.

Many plans are connected with this time of year. Some areas of business, with a strong seasonal nature, become more active in summer period. When, if not in the summer, can you make money on everything that can be even slightly associated with summer? Earn money everywhere! It is easily located on a meter of coastal strip near a more or less good reservoir or river. But, for this, in order to avoid friction with local government officials, it is necessary to do everything according to the law - rent this beach.

We rent the beach legally

Laws Russian Federation guarantee citizens of the country unhindered access to any natural flowing water body. The coastal strip, 20 meters wide, is also included in this access, with the exception of the coastal strip of canals, rivers and streams, the length of which from source to mouth is no more than ten kilometers. In this territory there are no barriers, fences, obstacles or paid passage to the water - this is federal law!

Other legal activities, including paid provision services are allowed. It is worth knowing that all water resources have an owner. Most of the objects are in municipal or federal ownership. Ownership rights are governed by Article 8 Water Code of the Russian Federation No. 74-FZ.

Where exactly does it say:

  • All water bodies are owned by the Russian Federation (federal property) with the exception of a number of cases.
  • A pond, a watered quarry, located within the boundaries of a land plot owned by a subject of the Russian Federation, a municipality, an individual, a legal entity, are respectively in the ownership of a subject of the Russian Federation, municipality, individual, legal entity, unless otherwise provided by federal laws.

That is, the beach near a pond or quarry may belong to any owner - the owner of the land plot itself where the pond is located. The remaining beaches (sea, river, lake) are federal property.

In the first case, you can buy or rent a plot with a pond and organize a full-fledged recreation area. This is where you can put up a fence, charge a fee for access to the water, and, in general, behave like a real owner. If there is no pond, you can create one at own plot land.

Ponds and watered quarries with equipped beaches located within the city tell us that business on them is successful, and this is the business directly of the owner of the land plot. Of course, he can rent out the beach if, for example, he doesn’t want to deal with it. But the rental amount will depend only on his desires. And everything, again, is according to the law.

In other cases, everyone proceeds as follows. If you want to take a section of the city beach, you must contact the executive committee of the city district where the beach is located. If renting is possible, then local authorities Local governments are obliged to organize a tender and compete for the right to rent among all interested parties. In the documentation for the tender, officials will set out the requirements and rules for the design of this beach. Tender participants, in addition to the proposed price, must present their own design for this beach, meeting the requirements of municipal authorities.

A representative of federal property, the regional department, works with flowing reservoirs outside the city Federal Agency water resources. The principle of renting a beach and even part of the water area is approximately similar to the municipal one. Initially, it is necessary to draw up a plan for the use of this site. Anyone can cope with this task project organization. The main rule is no permanent buildings such as houses, cottages and other buildings. The exception is boat garages. The project must be addressed to the department, where the project will be studied and, if successful, a so-called construction decision will be issued. This is not a resolution - this is a decision, no need to be confused. The solution is admission to the tender, where, according to the law, officials are raffling off this site at auction among all willing owners. finished project and construction solutions. And... That's right! There will not be many participants at the auction. In 99% of cases, winning the auction is guaranteed to the one who first wanted to rent this beach.

The minimum rent in both cases is strictly regulated by law and, in fact, is quite small, which is good news. For example, in a number of Russian regions, renting several meters of beach does not exceed 200 rubles per year. The contract can be concluded for a period of up to 20 years.

What to do next? Earn! And on what? On everything!

On the beach, everything can bring money, even the beach itself. And we are not talking about paid entrance; we remind you that entry is free. It's about about all kinds of amenities placed on the sand. From bungalow to tent; sunbeds, armchairs and other furniture; Recently, all kinds of inflatable products have been gaining popularity - from mattresses to entire inflatable towns. All this, rented out, will pay off handsomely in a couple of summer months. And it doesn’t take up much space for storage in any garage or balcony.

In addition to the beach itself, in the area further than 20 meters from the coastline, you can also rent land for general conditions. In this case, even more opportunities open up for the business. From fast food and rental of sports equipment, to the sale of souvenirs and the opening of a swimming pool - not necessarily closed.

A SPA area located next to the beach, with a comfortable, clean and warm pool, will allow you to start a business in early spring, and in winter stop only on the coldest days. Such pools, if properly organized, can take away the lion's share of popularity from the beach. Convenience is at a premium these days! The truth is in the price and the cost of building such a facility.

By the way, speaking of amenities. They are the most, and even equipped with showers - a very profitable beach business. And don't forget about the changing cabins.

New products play an important role in the beach business. Every year, for the season, manufacturers release a lot of new accessories, devices and devices for beach holidays. The task of a business organizer is to monitor such new products and promptly offer them to everyone - for money and money! For example, a floating water park... although no, let’s not talk about that, that’s a completely different story.

New recent years from the area of ​​inexpensive types of beach holidays - inflatable SUP boards. SUP (Stand Up Paddle) Boarding— stand-up paddle boarding, paddle surfing. A type of active recreation on the water. Standing on a large surfboard, a man rows an oar and rides along the surface of the water. Such a vacation is suitable for any calm body of water, unlike surfing, which is impossible without high waves. SUB boards, with each new summer season, conquer more and more people - from young to old!

The 2016 beach season is just around the corner, and it’s high time to start improving the beaches. In the new season, 183 beach areas will operate, of which only 81 are municipal. It turns out that the number of municipal beaches has decreased this summer season (in 2014 there were 108 municipal beaches).

From year to year, vacationers on the beaches are promised a civilized holiday: changing cabins, showers, bright umbrellas and sun loungers (though for an additional fee). Beach equipment for the new season has already been ordered from China, but the whole picture on the beaches is still spoiled by dilapidated breakwaters with groins, which, unfortunately, cannot be hidden anywhere.


Beach improvement is not only about arranging beach furniture and choosing a color scheme. Beach tenants need to think through everything: organize paid and free zones, install changing cabins and trash cans, create passages along the beach area and provide access for people with disabilities, equip information stands, install communications underground if necessary, take care of safety and cleanliness, but first of all, you need to create it by pouring a large amount of river pebbles. Moreover, all this must be done quickly, before the onset of the summer season, otherwise they will be deprived of their rental rights. In short, there are a lot of problems, and time, like money, is always short.

As a positive example of the improvement of a municipal beach, one can cite the beach near the Mandarin shopping center in the Adler district. Here, a fairly wide beach strip made it possible to create conditions for a comfortable stay.

In August 2014, a wooden podium was installed nearby and a relaxation area with a bar was installed under a tent-like canopy, some of the sun loungers were placed on the sand. In addition, we organized a beach holiday by the pool.


The design of the beach furniture is made of artificial rattan and looks attractive, and the material is not afraid of moisture and heat. You can only sit on sun loungers for a certain fee, but everything looked stylish and worthy of a world-class resort.

There are no high fences here, everything is in plain sight. The beach is accessible to everyone. If you have money, pay for additional comfort, if not, sunbathe on your towel by the water. Even if you are nearby, it is always pleasant to look at the beautiful and well-kept embankment.

And here, for comparison, is what the sports and children's playgrounds of the municipal beach "Mermaid" on Mamaika look like.