What payments are due in case of staff reduction? Severance pay upon dismissal due to staff reduction. Terms of payments when laying off an employee

Timely methods of maintaining material benefits in the form of cash payments to those citizens who were laid off at work are a measure of social protection working population regulated at the legislative level.

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The procedure for calculating benefits to such citizens is determined strictly on the basis of labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

Therefore, during each inspection by auditors or the Labor Inspectorate, the enterprise is especially carefully checked financial side the issue of providing for dismissed employees.


Each enterprise must be in close cooperation with the Employment Center, sending it reports on the upcoming reduction, so that government agency was ready to accept for temporary support laid-off workers in need of employment.

That is why the results of severance pay calculations must be agreed upon with the employment service. This should also remind authorized personnel specialists that the Employment Center should be notified of the upcoming reduction in the organization 2 months before its implementation.

In general, the following types of benefits can be assigned to candidates for dismissal in the event of a reduction in staff or the number of hired forces:

Extended cash security in the form of additionally assigned earnings, it is paid provided that the employment service could not find a job for the dismissed employee within 3 months after registration.

Severance pay paid on the day of dismissal, and not a day later or earlier. Average earnings should be paid on the same date as the day of dismissal, but only at monthly intervals.

Amount of payments upon dismissal of an employee

According to legislative standards - the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, severance pay to ensure temporary social guarantee dismissed employees due to the liquidation of the enterprise or reorganization measures carried out at it - a reduction in staffing, determined in the amount of the average monthly salary for each employee separately.

Such a requirement indirectly forces employers to retain him for 30 days after the dismissal of a subordinate due to redundancy. daily earnings in average units of calculation.

Please note that the size of payments after layoffs for heads of enterprises, divisions, departments, as well as chief accountants differ significantly from payments for ordinary employees of the enterprise.

In this case, everything is measured based on authorized capital, in which there is an equity participation of management positions.

The size of such payments, as a rule, is not less than 50% of the share of the authorized capital. However, in total, their severance payments should not be more than 3 earnings based on average monthly calculations.

How to calculate

Do not forget also about some restrictions in determining the amount of payments to dismissed employees. Such restrictions do not apply to everyone, but only to certain categories of employees of the enterprise.

The procedure for such exceptions is defined in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and applies to leadership positions in the organization, including the chief accountant. This refers to cases where a manager of an enterprise is subject to layoffs.

When it is necessary to determine the total amount of payment to such employees that is due to them upon layoff, the following payments are not taken into account:

  • earnings due to employees;
  • the average amount of earnings that provides remuneration for work during business trips or training outside the work process;
  • the amount of expenses that were spent on traveling on a business trip or moving to another area when transferring to another position in another structure of the enterprise;
  • compensation for all those annual holidays that were not used;
  • average monthly salary, which remains within the current employment contract.

The formula used to calculate severance pay in 2020 works as follows: The minimum limit for payments to persons who suffered the fate of those who were laid off is the amount of severance pay, which is the average monthly income of the former employee.

However, it should be borne in mind that if the employee worked the required amount in the billing period labor standard completely, then his output earnings cannot be reduced by more than one minimum wage - minimum wage.

This minimum is set differently for each region of the country, and it regularly increases in size every year. Today it can be clarified in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

It should also be remembered that for any case when it is necessary to calculate average monthly earnings, labor legislation does not provide direct formulas for these actions. you just need to take into account the procedure for determining this unit of account, which is the same for all cases.

That is why, when determining severance pay and income in the average categories that were accrued to the worker for the period of validity of his agreement with the employer, the average daily rate of earnings is applied. It is not recommended to deviate from this calculation order.

The temporarily maintained average daily salary for a dismissed employee cannot be retained forever. Therefore, its accrual depends on how quickly former employee get a job new job.

To do this, you should pay attention to the following nuances, which are reflected in the stages of calculating cash benefits for the unemployed:

Registration with the unemployment service must be completed within 2 weeks after the date of dismissal of the employee. He is entitled to the third stage benefit only in case the labor exchange was unable to find him a job.

To find the average wages of a dismissed employee calculated for the last two stages, you need to follow the following formula:
There is also one more thing to remember important nuance. If a dismissed former subordinate took another job in the middle, beginning or end of the month, then the month will still be counted as for a non-working dismissed person.

This indicates, average earnings anyway, the former employer must accrue as for an incomplete calendar month when his former employee was not employed.


Let's look at an example of how to correctly calculate for a redundant employee. Let’s say that in one of the organizations there is a certain citizen G.A. Stoikov. worked for a long time as a storekeeper. His salary for each month without bonuses and vacation pay was 20,000 rubles.

On January 12, he was fired due to staff reductions, which he was warned about back in November 2020. The period until Stoikov G.A. will resolve his employment issues, must be paid by the organization at his last workplace, where he worked as a storekeeper.

On the day of his dismissal, January 12, he received severance pay. It was calculated as follows. The billing period is from 01/01/16 to 12/31/15.

Earnings for 12 months are: The number of days worked for the annual calculation period is 247 days.

Earnings per day were determined using the formula as follows: After the dismissal, the number of working days was determined as 23 days falling in the first month after the dismissal of G.A. Stoikov. The period of the first month is the calendar time interval - from 01/13/16 to 02/12/16.

We calculate the severance pay itself:

Stoikov G.A. was able to register with the Employment Center the next day after he was laid off and was given work book in your arms. He spent the first month looking for a job, which he could not find.

For this month, the accounting department at his previous job preserved his salary by counting the amount of severance pay due to him upon dismissal.

The period of the second month is from 02.13.6 to 03.12.16. In the second month Stoikov G.A. I was able to get a new job. Employment date: March 2.

Focusing on the period of the second month, the days of unemployment amounted to a total of 11 working days (from 02/13/16 to 03/01/16).

Sick days are confirmed by the absence of entries for a given period of time in the employee’s work book. The average salary from the previous employer was paid to the employee for 11 days (working days).

As a result, the average earnings due for the 2nd stage of non-working days will be the following amount: Severance pay and average earnings for a subordinate dismissed due to staff reduction is a complete guarantee of support when looking for a new job.

All calculations should be made exclusively in the order in which it is determined by labor legislation. Any deviation from calculation standards, formulas and calculation procedures will lead to erroneous accruals.

Recently, news from personnel officers is very similar to news about losses during the war: reports of new layoffs are received daily. Companies fire people to improve financial position, shaken due to the crisis.
When reducing the number or staff of employees, it is important to follow the dismissal procedure and determine the employee’s due cash payments.

Whom to cut

The procedure and conditions for dismissing an employee due to staff reduction are regulated by the norms of Articles 81, 178-180 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The staff reduction procedure has some legal restrictions. First of all, a list of employees who cannot be fired is determined:

  • women on maternity leave (Article 256 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • pregnant women;
  • women with children under three years of age;
  • single mothers raising a child under 14 years of age (disabled child under 18 years of age);
  • other persons raising children under 14 years of age (disabled children under 18 years of age) without a mother (Article 261 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

When an employee under the age of 18 is laid off, dismissal can only take place with the consent of the relevant state inspection labor. If a company removes an employee who is on sick leave or vacation, its actions will be considered illegal. An exception is dismissal due to the liquidation of an organization or termination of the activities of an individual entrepreneur.

Part 1 of Article 179 “The preferential right to remain at work in the event of a reduction in the number or staff of employees” of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is one of the norms regulating the procedure for dismissal in connection with personnel reduction. It defines a rule for selecting specialists who will remain employed based on objective criteria. An employee may request a judicial review of whether the employer correctly applied the specified criteria when reducing staff. To do this, he only needs to write a corresponding application.

Thus, according to this article, when the number or staff of employees is reduced, specialists with higher labor productivity and qualifications have a priority right to remain at work. In the case when you need to choose between employees whose data indicators are equal, preference is given to:

  • family specialists if they have two or more dependents (disabled family members who are fully supported by the employee or receive assistance from him, which is their permanent and main source of livelihood);
  • employees whose family has no other independent earning members;
  • specialists who received a work injury from this employer or Occupational Illness;
  • disabled people of the Second World War and combat operations to defend the Fatherland;
  • employees who improve their skills in the direction of the company without interruption from work.

The collective agreement may also provide for other categories of employees who enjoy a preferential right to remain at work with equal productivity and qualifications.

It is important to note that compliance with the right to preferential tenure must be documented. In practice, a Comparison Table is compiled for this purpose.

Constitutional opinion

In its ruling dated December 21, 2006 No. 581-O, the Constitutional Court tried to give its own vision of the purpose of applying Article 179 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and expressed the opinion that it was necessary to clarify it by specialists from the Supreme Court.

Having established labor productivity and qualifications as criteria for selecting workers to remain on staff, the legislator proceeded from the need to provide additional measures to protect the rights of more professional specialists, and out of the employer’s interest in continuing labor relations with employees whose qualifications and labor efficiency are higher.

As already noted, at the request of the employee, the legality of the company’s actions when reducing staff can be verified in court. Meanwhile, by virtue of Articles 118 and 126 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the choice of rules of law that should be applied, taking into account the actual circumstances, to controversial legal relations, and their interpretation fall within the powers of a court of general jurisdiction resolving the dispute. And the legality and validity of his decision in the manner prescribed by the Civil Procedure Code is checked by higher courts.

In other words, the Constitutional Court repeated the common truths about understanding the category of “preemptive right” in a broad sense, which provides a higher degree of protection of the interests of workers than its narrow interpretation. By the way, the Supreme Court has not yet clarified the procedure for applying Article 179 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

How to cut

An order to reduce the number or staff must be issued no less than two months before the expected start of layoffs (Article 180 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The document must indicate the reason for the reduction. To avoid confusion, the two-month period should be counted from the next day after the workers were notified. No later than three months before the planned layoffs, it is necessary to notify the employment service authorities in writing about the upcoming mass layoff of employees.

In this case, an employee can be dismissed only after his position has been removed from the staffing table. First you need to check if there are any similar vacancies.

Another obligation of the employer is to offer in writing to each employee subject to redundancy a transfer to another job. First of all we're talking about about a vacant position corresponding to the employment contract (Part 1 of Article 180 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If there is no such position, the company must offer the employee a lower position, which he can perform taking into account his education, qualifications, work experience and health status.

There may be the following options:

  • if the employee agrees, then the transfer procedure must be followed;
  • if the employee refuses, then it is necessary to issue a written refusal (this will allow the employer to have further evidence of offering the employee another job and evidence of his refusal);
  • if the company cannot provide the employee vacant position, he must draw up an act stating the impossibility of such a transfer;
  • If a specialist is offered vacancies, but he refuses to familiarize himself with such an offer in writing, then a report about this is drawn up.

Please note: it is necessary to offer the employee a list of all available vacant positions that he can fill, taking into account his profession, qualifications and previously held position, both at the time of warning him about the layoff, and within two months before the day of dismissal, if new vacancies have appeared. On the day of separation, you will again have to present the employee with a similar list of new vacancies for signature. It is necessary to control that all of them are present in the staffing table with an established salary (rate) and are provided with a job description.

It should be borne in mind that dismissal due to reduction is allowed only if it is impossible to transfer the employee with his consent to another job (Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Failure to comply with this requirement is a violation of labor legislation and entails a fine under Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation in the amount of 5 to 50 minimum wages.

Farewell settlement

Severance pay

If an employment contract is terminated due to a reduction in headcount or staff (hereinafter referred to as staff reduction), the dismissed specialist is entitled to severance pay. Its size cannot be less than the average monthly salary of an employee (Part 1 of Article 178 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). When calculating the average salary, you must be guided by the Regulations approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 24, 2007 No. 922.

If the collective or employment contract specifies an increased amount of severance pay, then the employer is obliged to pay exactly this amount.

Example 1

IN construction company Due to a decrease in the total volume of work, the staff was reduced by one unit. As severance pay, the employee was paid an amount equal to his average earnings in the amount of 25,500 rubles.

Example 2

Collapse Show

On manufacturing plant The position of process engineer was subject to staff reduction. Despite the fact that the average salary of an employee was 35,230 rubles, he received severance pay in the amount of 45,000 rubles, since it was this amount that was indicated in the collective agreement as severance pay, which is due in the event of dismissal during the liquidation of the organization, reduction of personnel and staff and upon termination of the employment contract by agreement of the parties.


In addition to severance pay, when staffing is reduced, a specialist retains his average earnings for the duration of employment (Article 178 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). True, he will be able to receive these funds no longer than two months from the date of dismissal. At the same time, the average salary includes the entire amount of severance pay. In exceptional cases, payments are retained by the employee for the third month. Such a decision can be made by the employment service body, provided that within two weeks after dismissal the employee applied there and, for reasons beyond his control, was not employed.

In some cases, the employee has the right to count on another, so-called “compensation” compensation. By general rule employees must be notified at least two months before the upcoming dismissal due to a reduction in numbers or staff. If the employee agrees to terminate the employment contract early (which must be expressed in writing), then upon dismissal he has the right to count on additional compensation in the amount of average earnings, calculated in proportion to the time remaining until the end of the notice period.

Personal income tax and unified social tax

Severance pay in the amount of average monthly earnings, provided for by law upon termination of an employment contract due to staff reduction, is not subject to personal income tax and unified social tax in accordance with Articles 217 and 238 of the Tax Code. As for the additional compensation that is paid to the specialist before the expiration of the two-month period, it is also not included in tax base according to personal income tax and unified social tax (Articles 217, 238 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

The provisions of Article 178 of the Labor Code in relation to other cases of payment of severance pay and additional compensation or the establishment of their increased amounts are permissive in nature. The amounts of such payments cannot be exempt from personal income tax and unified social tax, since they cannot be classified as benefits specified in Articles 217 and 238 of the Tax Code. Consequently, increased payments to employees in connection with liquidation or reduction of staff are subject to personal income tax and unified social tax on a general basis (letter of the Ministry of Finance dated 02.21.2007 No. 03-03-06/2/38, Federal Tax Service for Moscow dated 29.08. 2005 No. 28-11/61080).

Example 3

Collapse Show

An employee of the planning department of a commercial company was warned about his upcoming dismissal due to staff reduction on January 30, 2008. According to the law, the employee should have been removed from office after a two-month period. However, the parties agreed on early termination employment contract. As a result, the specialist was fired on March 12, 2008.

The amount of accrued wages for the previous 12 months (from March 1, 2007 to February 29, 2008) amounted to RUB 215,000.

The number of days actually worked during this period is 226.

Average daily earnings - 951.33 rubles. (RUB 215,000: 226 days).

He is entitled to severance pay in the amount of average monthly earnings for the period from March 13, 2008 to April 12, 2008, i.e. within 22 working days.

The amount of severance pay is RUB 20,929.26. (951.33 rubles × 22 days).

Additional compensation (for early dismissal) is paid for the period from March 13 to March 30, 2008, i.e. for 12 working days, and amounts to 11,415.96 rubles. (951.33 rubles × 12 days).

Saved earnings from April 13 to May 12, 2008 - 18,075.27 rubles. (951.33 rubles × 19 days) Payment is made at the end of the month upon provision of a work book.

The calculation can be made from March 13 to May 12, 2008, i.e. for 41 days minus severance pay. The result is the same: (951.33 rubles × 41 days = 20,929.26 rubles).

Maintained earnings from May 13 to May 24, 2008 (the employee contacted the employment service within two weeks) - RUB 8,561.97. (951.33 rubles × 9 days) is paid at the end of the month upon provision of a work book and a certificate from the employment service.

As a result, the employee will receive 58,982.46 rubles.

Additional payments

Like any other employee leaving the company (regardless of the grounds for dismissal), those who are laid off need to make a final payroll and compensate for unused vacations.

Calculation of compensation for unused vacation is made in accordance with Article 127 of the Labor Code and paragraphs 10-12 of the Regulations on the specifics of the procedure for calculating average wages, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 24, 2007 No. 922. In this case, the same rules apply as for calculation of vacation pay (Article 139 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ).


Based on paragraph 5 of PBU 10/99 “Expenses of the organization,” approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance dated May 6, 1999 No. 33n, the costs of paying compensation in connection with the dismissal of an employee when the number or staff of the organization is reduced in accounting are recognized as expenses for ordinary activities. Moreover, such costs are recognized in accounting regardless of the intention to receive revenue, other or other income (clause 17 of PBU 10/99).

In accordance with paragraph 18 of PBU 10/99, severance benefits are reflected as expenses in the reporting period in which they are accrued, regardless of the time of actual payment of funds.

Instructions for using the Chart of Accounts accounting financial and economic activities of organizations, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance dated October 31, 2000 No. 94n, account 70 “Settlements with personnel for wages” is intended to summarize information on settlements with company employees for all types of remuneration, bonuses, benefits and other payments.

Compensation is reflected in the credit of account 70 in correspondence with the debit of cost accounting accounts, for example, 20 “Main production”.

One of the grounds for dismissal is dismissal due to staff reduction. What payments are due to employees?


In the event of liquidation (termination of activities) of an organization and a reduction in the number or staff of employees, the employer may dismiss the employee on his own initiative. When reducing the number or staff of employees, it is important not only to strictly follow the dismissal procedure, but to accurately determine the monetary payments due to the employee for reduction. The procedure and due payments in the event that dismissal due to reduction, are specified in articles 81, 178–180 of the Labor Code.

Payments upon dismissal due to staff reduction

Dismissal due to reduction states in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2 of part 1 of Article 81 of the Labor Code assumes that the employee is entitled to social benefits for layoffs. Let's list what payments are due upon redundancy:

  • severance pay in case of staff reduction in the amount of the average monthly earnings of the dismissed employee. If the collective agreement or employment contract provides for redundancy benefits in an increased amount, then the employer is obligated to pay redundancy benefits in this amount upon dismissal due to redundancy;
  • maintaining average earnings for the period of employment, but not more than two months from the date of dismissal. At the same time, the average employee’s earnings include the entire amount of severance pay in case of staff reduction (Part 1 of Article 178 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).​ See how to calculate.

In some cases, the average monthly salary is retained by the dismissed employee for the third month from the date of dismissal by decision of the employment service authority. But only on the condition that the employee contacted the employment service within two weeks after dismissal and was not employed by him. This is what Part 2 of Article 178 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation prescribes.

The countdown of the two-week period begins the next day from the calendar date specified in the order of dismissal due to staff reduction. The two-week period also includes non-working days.

Articles on the topic:

Payments in cases where dismissal due to reduction, there may be more. Thus, in a certain situation, an employee is entitled to so-called “compensation” compensation when staffing is reduced.

As a general rule, employees must be notified of an upcoming dismissal due to a reduction in numbers or staff at least two months before the dismissal (see sample notification below). If an employee quits without waiting for the layoff date, he has the right to count on additional compensation upon dismissal.

The amount of additional compensation in case of staff reduction is equal to the average earnings, calculated in proportion to the time remaining before the expiration of the notice of dismissal. Consent to early dismissal must be in writing.

Additional compensation that is paid to an employee upon termination of an employment contract due to staff reduction before the expiration of a two-month period, like “basic” payments upon staff reduction, is not included in the tax base for personal income tax (Article 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

The provisions of Article 178 of the Labor Code in relation to other cases of payment of severance pay or the establishment of increased amounts of severance pay are permissive in nature. Such payments cannot be exempt from personal income tax, since these payments, when reduced, cannot be classified as benefits specified in Article 217 of the Tax Code. Thus, payments in an increased amount in the event that dismissal due to reduction, are subject to personal income tax on a general basis.

There are situations when an employee, who received a final payment on the day of dismissal and does not claim any further payments, after some time again contacts the organization with a request for additional money. This is possible if the former employee fell ill within 30 calendar days after termination of work under the employment contract (clause 2 of article 7 Federal Law RF dated December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ “On compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity”). In this case, the employer is obliged to pay for temporary sick leave.

The organization must notify employees of dismissal due to liquidation at least two months in advance against signature. Employment contracts with employees can be terminated before the expiration of the two-month period. In this case, they must provide written consent to such dismissal. This is established by Article 180 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Mandatory payments upon liquidation of an enterprise:

  • severance pay;
  • maintaining average earnings for the period of employment. This is stated in Part 1 of Article 178 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Labor Code guarantees that the employer will make redundancy payments. In times of crisis, staff reduction is a common measure to maintain a company's financial balance.

It is important for employees who have lost their jobs to know their rights in the current circumstances, which are determined by a number of articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Notifying employees about layoffs

The reduction procedure begins with the issuance of an order. Although there is no clearly defined form for this document, it always contains a date. After this, changes in staffing are recorded in the text.

In accordance with Article 180 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer’s responsibilities include notifying workers about vacant positions, if any. Depending on the date after which the reduction will begin, the timing of delivery of notifications is determined.

A notification to an employee under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation must meet a number of conditions.

  1. To be given at least two months before the planned date of dismissal.
  2. The document is prepared for each individual employee.
  3. The message is issued against signature.
  4. Contains offers with other available vacancies.

Important:if the dismissed employee is satisfied with one of the proposed vacancies, in accordance with the requirement of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, instead of being laid off, he is transferred to another position. If he refuses, he is fired. A worker may be dismissed earlier than the period specified in the order with written consent.

Which regulatory agencies should be notified?

If an employee is laid off, after the order is issued, the official should notify:

  • trade union;

Notifications to the union are sent at least two months before the planned dismissal. In case of extensive planned dismissal, this period will reach three months.

Notification of dismissal is given to both unionized and non-unionized employees.

Within the same time frame, after issuing the order, you must notify the employment service. After the order, the head of the company transmits information about the number of laid-off workers.

He also informs about their positions, specialties, volume and duration of work at the enterprise.

Amount of severance pay and timing of payments upon reduction

The final working day is officially considered the day of dismissal. After the layoff, a corresponding note is made in the work book (if lost, it is possible) of the dismissed employee with reference to clause 2, part 1, article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

On the same day, he is provided with the required payments, which are determined by the Labor Code. Among them:

  • wage;
  • in the presence of unrealized vacation - ;
  • redundancy allowance.

How long does it take to pay compensation upon dismissal?

In the absence of a suitable position, the employee is entitled to compensation upon dismissal for the second month of unemployment.

He needs to show his former employer his work record book, which contains no marks of employment after leaving his previous position.

The required compensation, the amount of which is calculated as the amount of severance pay, can be received even in half a month. To do this, you will also need to present your work record book.

Important:To receive compensation after two months, within 14 days of dismissal, an employee who has been laid off must register with the employment service.

If the above condition is met, the employee can count on compensation for the third month of unemployment if he is not employed.

You should immediately contact the employment service, as searching for a new job can take a lot of time. To receive payment for the third month upon dismissal, you will need to present a certificate from the employment service along with your work book.

Compensation is also paid for part of the third month. In this case, a note about the new workplace must be made in the work book.

To receive a payment, you need to know what documents are required. Present a copy of the page of the work book with the last mark. It must be certified by the new employer.

How does pre-emptive right work?

When compiling a list of employees who will be terminated, managers take into account the preferential right to remain for some employees. When deciding which employees will be laid off, there are two main criteria to consider.

  1. Due to staff reductions, groups of employees such as pregnant women or mothers with children under three years of age cannot be dismissed.
  2. When choosing between two candidates, the employee with greater labor productivity and a high degree of qualification remains. This also applies to pensioners.

In cases that do not fall under these criteria, the following categories have priority to remain in the workplace.

  • Employees with a family and two or more people in their care.
  • Employees whose family members do not have their own income.
  • Those who received this enterprise occupational disease or injury.
  • Taking advanced training courses in conjunction with work duties.
  • Disabled people, and groups, participants in hostilities.

Reduction of employees who have reached retirement age

The reduction of pensioners occurs according to the same algorithm. According to Part 1 of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the fact of reaching retirement age is not a basis for dismissal.

When staffing is reduced, the employee also receives notice at least 2 months before the last working day. The document is prepared personally and issued against signature.

Upon dismissal, pensioners, as well as employees of other age groups, according to Article 178 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, are paid:

  • full amount of severance pay;
  • compensation for 2 months of unemployment;
  • upon presentation of a certificate from the employment service - benefits for the third month of unemployment.

When making a decision to reduce staff, the priority is not legal basis according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. They are paid the full amount of severance pay.

In fact, an employee who has reached retirement age has a preferential right to remain in office. When choosing a candidate, the employee with more highly qualified.

Registration of a work book

Dismissal due to staff reduction requires that the necessary note be made in the employee’s work book. In this case, reference is made to clause 2, part 1 of Art. 81 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It is indicated that the employee was dismissed due to staff reduction.

Both retirees and employees of other age categories are given vacant positions in addition to severance pay. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not regulate the period within which an employee is obliged to give an answer.

The Labor Code provides for the planned dismissal of employees as part of working practice. At the same time, legislation determines the procedure for this procedure and protects the rights of employees.

The employer is obliged to make payments taking into account the full amount of severance pay and compensation for the first two months of unemployment. As prescribed by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it offers available vacancies if they are available at the enterprise.

Dismissal of employees due to staff reduction

Currently, many institutions under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Culture are taking steps to reduce staff and (or) personnel. We will tell you in the article what guarantees and compensations employees are entitled to during such events and how to correctly carry out the procedure for final settlement with employees.

Dismissal due to a reduction in staff and (or) number of personnel refers to dismissal at the initiative of the employer (clause 2, part 1, article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The procedure for reducing staff (numbers) involves the implementation of certain measures under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulatory documents, as well as the provision of a number of guarantees and compensations to employees (see table).

N p/p Guarantees and compensation for layoffs Legal norms
1 Employees must be notified (personally and signed) of upcoming dismissal due to staff reduction (numbers) at least two months before dismissal. Employees who have entered into an employment contract for a period of up to two months must be notified of layoffs at least three calendar days before dismissal, and employees employed for seasonal work, - no less than seven calendar days Articles 180, 292, 296 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
2 With the written consent of the employee, early termination of the employment contract is possible (before the expiration of the two-month notice period) Article 180 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
3 The employer is obliged to offer an employee dismissed due to a reduction in staff (number) another available job (vacant position) in the same institution that corresponds to his qualifications, or a vacant lower position or lower paid job), which the employee can perform taking into account his state of health. Dismissal is allowed only if it is not possible to transfer the employee to another job with his consent Articles 81, 180 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
4 Workers with higher labor productivity and qualifications have a preferential right to remain at work. If labor productivity and qualifications of workers are the same, then preference is given to:

- family - if there are two or more dependents;

- persons in whose family there are no other workers with independent earnings;

- employees who received a work injury or occupational disease while working for this employer;

- disabled people of the Great Patriotic War and disabled combatants in defense of the Fatherland;

- employees who improve their qualifications at the direction of the employer without interruption from work.

The collective agreement may also provide for other categories of workers who enjoy a preferential right to remain at work.

Article 179 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
5 Termination of an employment contract due to a reduction in staff (number) (except for cases of liquidation of an institution) with the following categories of persons is not allowed:

- pregnant women;

- women with children under three years of age;

- single mothers raising a disabled child under the age of 18 or a young child - a child under the age of 14, other persons raising these children without a mother;

- parents (other legal representatives of the child) who are the sole breadwinners of a disabled child under the age of 18 or the sole breadwinners of a child under three years of age in a family raising three or more young children, if the other parent (other legal representative of the child) is not a member in labor relations;

- employees under the age of 18 (such persons can be dismissed only with the consent of the relevant state labor inspectorate and the commission for the affairs of minors and the protection of their rights);

— employees on sick leave or on vacation (including parental leave)

Articles 81, 261, 269 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
6 The employer is obliged to notify (in writing) the employment service authorities and the elected body of the primary office about the upcoming reduction in staff (number) of personnel. trade union organization no later than two months before the start of the reduction measures, and if the decision to reduce the reduction may lead to mass dismissal of workers - no later than three months before the start of the relevant measures. The criteria for mass layoffs are determined in industry and (or) territorial agreements Articles 82, 180 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, paragraph 2 of Art. 25 Law of the Russian Federation dated April 19, 1991 N 1032-1
7 Upon termination of an employment contract due to a reduction in staff (number), the employee (including part-time workers), in addition to wages for the time actually worked in the month of dismissal, is paid:

financial compensation for all unused vacations, calculated based on average earnings, taking into account the number of days of unused vacation;

- severance pay in the amount of average monthly earnings<*>.

Payment of these amounts is made on the day of dismissal of the employee. If the employee did not work on the day of dismissal, then the corresponding amounts must be paid no later than the next day after the dismissed employee submits a request for payment

Articles 127, 140, 178 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
8 During the period of employment, the dismissed employee (with the exception of a part-time worker) retains the average monthly salary (including severance pay), but not more than two months<**>from the date of dismissal, and for employees of institutions located in the Far North and equivalent areas - no more than three months<**>from the date of dismissal. The basis for this payment is a certificate from the employment service and a work book submitted by the former employee. Articles 178, 318 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
9 In case of early termination of an employment contract (before the expiration of a two-month notice period) due to a reduction in staff (number), the employer is obliged to pay the employee additional compensation in the amount of the employee's average earnings, calculated in proportion to the time remaining before the expiration of the notice period for dismissal Article 180 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Average earnings for calculating compensation payments

Compensation payments upon dismissal due to staff reduction are calculated based on the average salary, the calculation procedure of which is regulated by Art. 139 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the Regulations on the specifics of the procedure for calculating average wages, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 24, 2007 N 922 (hereinafter referred to as Regulation N 922).

In any mode of operation, the average salary of an employee is calculated based on the salary actually accrued to him and the time he actually worked for the 12 calendar months preceding the period during which the employee retains his average salary. In this case, a calendar month is considered to be the period from the 1st to the 30th (31st) day of the corresponding month inclusive (in February - to the 28th (29th) day inclusive).

When calculating average earnings, we take into account all types of payments provided for by the remuneration system, applied by the relevant employer, regardless of the sources of these payments, in particular (clause 2 of Regulation No. 922):

1) wages accrued to the employee:

- By tariff rates, salaries (official salaries) for time worked;

- for work performed at piece rates;

— for work performed as a percentage of revenue from sales of products (performance of work, provision of services), or commission;

2) funds accrued in editions mass media and art organizations, fees for employees on the payroll of these editorial offices and organizations, and (or) payment for their labor, carried out at the rates (rates) of author's (production) remuneration;

3) wages paid in non-monetary form;

4) wages, finally calculated at the end of the calendar year preceding the event, determined by the remuneration system, regardless of the time of accrual;

5) allowances and additional payments to tariff rates, salaries (official salaries) for professional excellence, class, length of service (work experience), knowledge foreign language, work with information constituting state secrets, combining professions (positions), expanding service areas, increasing the volume of work performed, team management, etc.;

6) bonuses and rewards provided for by the remuneration system;

7) payments related to working conditions, including payments determined by regional regulation of wages (in the form of coefficients and percentage bonuses to wages), increased wages for hard work, work with harmful and (or) dangerous and other special conditions labor, for night work, payment for work on weekends and non-working days holidays, overtime pay;

8) other types of wage payments applicable to the relevant employer.

When calculating average earnings, they are not taken into account social payments and other payments not related to wages, in particular (clause 3 of Regulation No. 922):

material aid(at birth, adoption of a child, in connection with retirement due to disability or age, in connection with the death of a member(s) of the employee’s family, etc.);

— cost of food, travel, training;

— cost of sanatorium-resort treatment;

- compensation for utility bills.

When calculating average earnings, it is excluded from the calculation period time, as well as amounts accrued during this time, if (clause 5 of Regulation No. 922):

— the employee retained his average earnings in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, with the exception of breaks for feeding the child provided for labor legislation RF;

- the employee received temporary disability benefits or maternity benefits;

- the employee did not work due to downtime due to the fault of the employer or for reasons beyond the control of the employer and employee;

- the employee did not participate in the strike, but due to this strike he was not able to perform his work;

- the employee was provided with additional paid days off to care for disabled children and people with disabilities since childhood;

- the employee in other cases was released from work with full or partial retention of wages or without payment in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

To calculate the average salary of an employee, the following formula is used (clause 9 of Regulation No. 922):

Average earnings = Average daily earnings x Number of days (calendar, working) in the period subject to payment.

1. Average daily earnings for calculating compensation for unused vacation is defined as follows:

And if billing period worked completely by the employee:

Average daily earnings = Salary for the billing period / 12 months. / 29.3 cal. days;

B) if the pay period was not fully worked by the employee or time was excluded from it in accordance with clause 5 of Regulation No. 922:

Average daily earnings = Salary for the billing period / ((29.3 cal days x Number of fully worked calendar months in the billing period) + Number of calendar days in incompletely worked calendar months (calendar month)),

Number of calendar days in an incompletely worked calendar month = 29.3 cal. days / Number of calendar days of this month x Number of calendar days falling within the time worked in this month.

2. Average daily earnings for calculating other compensation payments, which are due to an employee upon reduction, is calculated as follows:

Average daily earnings = Wages for days worked in the billing period / Number of days actually worked during this period.

The procedure for calculating redundancy payments

Wage. In the event of a layoff, wages are calculated in the usual manner in proportion to the time worked in the month of dismissal, taking into account all additional payments and allowances.

Compensation for unused vacation. As noted above, the calculation of this compensation should be based on average daily earnings employee and the number of days of unused vacation.

When determining the number of days of unused vacation, it is necessary to be guided not only by the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, but also by the Rules on regular and additional holidays, approved by the USSR NKT on April 30, 1930 N 169, in the part that does not contradict the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Letter of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated December 7, 2005 N 4334-17, as well as Recommendations<1>, Letters<2>Rostruda. Let's highlight the main points that you should pay attention to:

- every employee who has worked in an institution for at least 5.5 months has the right to receive regular leave;

— regular leave is granted once per working year;

— the employee’s right to the next regular leave for the new working year arises after 5.5 months from the end of the previous working year;

— an employee who has worked a full working year is entitled to full compensation for unused vacation. In this case, the full working year is calculated from the date the employee is hired and is equal to a calendar year (12 months);

- an employee who has worked in an institution for more than one year and is dismissed due to a reduction in staff has the right to receive full compensation for unused vacation for the last working year, provided that he has 5.5 or more months of experience in this period that gives him the right to vacation;

- if the working year is not fully worked out, the vacation days for which compensation must be paid are calculated in proportion to the months worked. In this case, surpluses amounting to less than half a month are excluded from the calculation, and surpluses amounting to at least half a month are rounded up to a full month;

— proportional compensation for unused vacation is calculated based on the calculation of 2.33 days of vacation per month;

— rounding the number of calendar days of unused vacation to whole days should be done not according to the rules of arithmetic, but in favor of the employee.

Severance pay. Calculation of severance pay is made based on the employee’s average daily earnings and the number of working days according to the work schedule in the month following the day of his dismissal (Article 178 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Since the passage of time periods associated with termination labor relations, begins the next day after the calendar date that determines the end of the employment relationship, the counting of the number of days to be paid must begin from the day following the day of dismissal (Article 14 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). For example, an employee was fired on November 14th. The number of days due for payment should be counted from November 15 to December 14.

Average monthly earnings during the period of employment. The average monthly salary is retained by the employee starting from the day following the day of dismissal (Article 14 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Payments stop on the day preceding the day of employment, or on the day of expiration of a two-month period (three months for “northerners”) from the date of dismissal. For the first month of maintaining average earnings for the period of employment, the employee receives severance pay, therefore payment for the second month of the employment period is calculated with the severance pay included (Article 178 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Additional compensation in the amount of average earnings. This compensation is paid on an equal basis with other payments that are due to an employee due to staff reduction. The amount of additional compensation for early termination of employment relations depends on the time between the actual date of termination of the employment contract and the date of dismissal (Article 178 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The number of working days to be paid starts from the day following the day of termination of the employment contract and ends with the day of dismissal, which is indicated in the notice of staff reduction (Article 14 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Example. An employee of a cultural institution received notice of her upcoming dismissal due to staff reduction on 10/17/2014. Official salary female workers - 20,000 rubles, work schedule - 40-hour work week.

For the billing period (from 10/01/2013 to 09/30/2014), which was fully worked out, the following payments were made in favor of the employee:

— salary — 240,000 rubles;

— financial assistance in connection with the death of a family member — 5,000 rubles.

In addition to the basic payments due for staff reduction, the employee must be paid compensation for 28 cal. days She got a new job on November 24, 2014.

We will calculate the payments that an employee is entitled to in connection with dismissal due to staff reduction.

1. Salary from 10/01/2014 to 10/17/2014 will be 11,304.35 rubles. (20,000 / 23 working days x 13 working days).

2. Compensation for unused vacation will be calculated as follows.

The average daily earnings will be 682.59 rubles. (RUB 240,000 / 12 months / 29.3 cal days).

A one-time bonus by March 8 and financial assistance in connection with the death of a family member are not taken into account when calculating compensation, since they do not relate to wages (clause 3 of Regulation No. 922).

Compensation for unused vacation will be equal to RUB 19,112.52. (RUB 682.59 x 28 cal days).

The billing period (from 10/01/2013 to 09/30/2014) has been fully worked out, with 248 workers. days (By production calendar), therefore the average daily earnings will be 967.74 rubles. (RUB 240,000 / 248 working days).

The paid period is 19 working days. days (from 10/18/2014 to 11/17/2014).

The amount of severance pay will be 18,387.06 rubles. (967.74 RUR x 19 working days).

4. Average daily earnings for the period of employment are calculated in the same manner as when calculating severance pay.

During this period there are 23 working hours. days, for 19 of which severance pay was paid, so 4 workers are subject to payment. days

Average earnings for the period of employment will be 3870.96 rubles. (967.74 RUR x 4 working days).

Personal income tax and insurance premiums from reduction payments

Personal income tax. Wages for hours actually worked, which are paid upon dismissal, as well as compensation for unused vacation, are subject to personal income tax based on paragraphs. 6 clause 1 art. 208, paragraph 1, art. 209, paragraph 1, art. 210 and paragraph 3 of Art. 217 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Severance pay, average monthly earnings for the period of employment and compensation for early termination of an employment contract, paid in an amount not exceeding three times the amount (six times for “northerners”) of the average monthly earnings are not subject to personal income tax (clause 3 of article 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, Letters of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 05/15/2013 N 03-04-05/16928, dated 07/08/2013 N 03-04-05/26273).

Insurance premiums. Wages for the month of dismissal and compensation for unused vacation are subject to insurance contributions to the Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund and Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, as well as contributions in case of injury to general procedure(Part 1, Article 7 of Federal Law No. 212-FZ<3>, pp. “d” clause 2, part 1, art. 9 of Federal Law N 212-FZ, paragraphs. 2 p. 1 art. 20.2 of Federal Law N 125-FZ<4>).

As for the taxation of other compensation payments for layoffs with insurance contributions, in 2014 they are not subject to taxation in full, and from 2015 they will be subject to insurance contributions in excess of three times the amount (six times for “northerners”) of average monthly earnings ( paragraph “a”, paragraph 3, article 2, paragraph “a”, paragraph 1, article 5, article 6 of the Federal Law of June 28, 2014 N 188-FZ).

So, let's highlight the main thing. An employee upon termination of an employment contract due to a reduction in staff (numbers) is entitled to the following payments:

- salary for the month of dismissal;

— monetary compensation for all unused vacations;

— severance pay in the amount of average monthly earnings;

— average monthly earnings for the period of employment;

— additional compensation in the amount of average earnings (in case of early termination of the employment contract before the expiration of the two-month notice period).

Of these payments, only wages and compensation for unused vacation are fully subject to personal income tax and insurance contributions. Rest compensation payments are not subject to personal income tax and insurance premiums. At the same time, we draw your attention to the fact that in 2015 the amounts of payments in the form of severance pay and average monthly earnings for the period of employment will be subject to insurance contributions in a portion exceeding in general three times the amount (six times for “northerners”) of the average monthly earnings.