When providing an alibi is simply necessary, protecting business reputation requires a more professional approach. The concept of an alibi, its types, tactical features of checking an alibi How an alibi agency works abroad

As global experience shows, “fake” alibis are in great demand, and accordingly, the business of protecting clients from suspicion is thriving. In our collection of business ideas, we described several unusual ideas business on the sale of alibis: alibis for unfaithful husbands, alibis for employers or certificates for absenteeism, an alibi or a set for childless employees.

We present to your attention another interesting idea business selling alibis for employees, employees and ordinary people. Social network Alibi Network sells “fake” alibis to everyone and for everything: boss, bank, police, wife, husband, etc. The author of the business idea and founder of the network selling fake alibis is Michael DeMarco ( Michael DeMarco) from Chicago believes that there is nothing criminal or immoral in his business. “It’s just a service that many people are willing to pay for,” he says in an interview with msnbc.

Over the two years of its existence, 1,500 people have used this service, half of them women. “This is not surprising,” says Michael. “Celebrities have PR people, politicians have political strategists, and ordinary people have us, the Alibi Network service.” Here you can buy any alibi for any purpose, from a “fake” international call and a virtual hotel and receptionist, to fake air tickets, vouchers, work, secretary, doctor and mortgage.

Price fake alibi depends on the scope - for a simple call you will pay no more than $75, and an annual subscription to the site costs the same. But “full protection” will cost you no less than $1,500. For this money, the client receives absolute security and a creative approach to business. For example, to give a tortured mother of two children a day off and justify it to her husband and children, Alibi Network actors played the role of an agency employee who, in a joyful voice, informs the woman and her family that she has won a trip to the spa for the weekend. No less creative was shown by the actor, who had to dress up as a courier and inform a client at a seminar from which he wanted to leave that his house had been robbed and he urgently needed to go home to his wife and children.

White lies have every right to be modern society. In everyday life, we constantly encounter situations where we have to decide difficult task- tell a person the bitter truth, or it is better to remain silent, or even lie. But to what extent is this a lie and how should we view it from a moral point of view? This can also be called tact, diplomacy, or can be qualified as cunning and hypocrisy. It all depends on the situation and context. Therefore, the idea of ​​​​Michael DeMarco’s business selling “white lies” has a right to exist, the main thing here is not to cross the fine line separating a white lie from any other.

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With our help, you will open an online store of children's goods in your city, you will be able to purchase goods from trusted suppliers, accept and fulfill orders.

Nikolai Petrovich

Glad. I’m just glad that I now know about such a detective agency, which I personally tested in the case. Keep it up.


Find out a person's location by phone

A mobile phone has long become a completely ordinary thing, which is found in almost every handbag and every pocket. But this device not only allows you to contact its owner at any time, but it can also “tell” a lot about its owner.

Let us help you track a person by phone

There are many more people who are responsible for their incapacitated and elderly relatives than we can imagine.

Find your location by phone

You can’t reach your child to find out how he is doing and where he is? This feeling of panic in such situations is familiar to almost all parents.

Providing an alibi

Professional support alibi

Well, who among us has not stumbled in life? And everyone has the right to make a mistake. But for some, these mistakes are forgivable, while others have to pay severely, especially if we're talking about about treason. But it’s not at all necessary that your significant other should know about this unpleasant fact of your life. And even if the situation seems completely hopeless to you personally, immediately call the detective agency “Private Detective Ukraine”. We will certainly come up with something for you and solve this pressing problem, which concerns how to hide betrayal.

Over the years of work of our specialists, more than one hundred family relationships have been saved, thanks to the fact that we organized providing an alibi. Moreover, we carry out such work and not only in the field of relationships between the two sexes, excluding, of course, situations of a criminal nature. We are often approached by clients who, for some specific reason, are under suspicion from their friends or have been completely unfoundedly accused. But even in such situations, we ourselves cannot always find a worthy explanation or the necessary evidence that we have nothing to do with a particular situation. And school times, when you could just buy a sickness certificate, are long gone. And here a more serious approach is needed.

Imagine that everything you have ever seen in a movie can happen in your own life. A strategic plan will be developed especially for you, thanks to which you will be able to give a completely reasonable and reliable explanation to even the most suspicious and intractable person. If the problem concerns work, then you will even forget this question about where to buy certificates. And although today many are still trying buy a certificate in Ukraine to explain your absence to management, this method no longer always works.

We work even in situations where, as they say, you were caught red-handed. You should be at work, and your boss sees you in a restaurant with your future wife? Don't worry. Even in such a situation, you can always find a way out with the specialists of the detective agency “Private Detective Ukraine”.

The whole family was expecting you for a festive dinner, but you couldn’t leave the corporate party? Our psychologists will help you not only come up with, but also convincingly tell your explanation in such a way that all the people waiting for you will think that you could not have done otherwise. Or you just urgently need to go on a business trip. And even if you stay in your city, you will in any case have tickets, hotel receipts and other evidence of your work trip as proof. For us protection business reputation our clients is a matter of honor, and we will make every effort to ensure that in the eyes of your environment you are always on top, regardless of the circumstances.

And we don’t care at all what exactly your motives or reasons were for this or that action. You voice your problem - we look for the optimal solution. When necessary reputation protection, then you don’t really have to choose. But we will offer you several solution options, and you yourself will choose the most optimal one, if, of course, your situation allows it.


Providing an alibi, developing defense scenarios

In many situations a person must justify himself for reputation protection, family or to avoid problems. Buy a certificate in Vinnitsa very difficult (and fraught with problems, including with the law). And acquaintances will not always be able to play along - a poorly planned plan does not always work.

Our agency resolves issues related to the need to provide the client with an alibi and other unusual situations. We provide an alibi for any time of day. We work through and implement a variety of scenarios for providing an alibi (excluding cases of a criminal nature).

Services for creating an alibi for a client come in different forms:

Acting out an urgent situation that requires your presence over the phone

Evidence of travel (planned scenario - alternative situation, where to buy a certificate vital);

Proof of your attendance at a concert or competition;

You just choose from the proposed scenarios.

Providing clients with an alibi for a long period: we come up with employment scenarios that depend on the client’s circumstances (in the absence of ideas, for example, how to hide betrayal): from a regular business trip (which you can confirm with the help of travel documents, bills from hotels and restaurants, souvenirs of the city in which the business trip took place) to more complex scenarios. This option will save you from the need buy a sickness certificate, For example.

Detective agency "Private detective Vinnitsa" is ready to help you in any case. And then you won’t rack your brains with thoughts of where buy a sickness certificate and other options.

Providing an alibi in all areas of life

There are different situations in life when providing an alibi simply necessary. And if in such a matter, how to hide betrayal, true and devoted friends can help, then, for example, protection of business reputation requires more professional approach. By contacting the detective agency "Private detective Ivano-Frankivsk" you can count on our assistance in providing an alibi in various life situations, except those that are criminal or illegal in nature. In this case, various scenarios and forms of providing this or that information are possible. In some cases, at the right moment, in the presence of the necessary people, your phone may receive an urgent call to workplace or with an invitation to some event. Also, if necessary, you will be able to document your participation in some events or the fact of booking a hotel, air or train. tickets. The script is developed according to your wishes. You may need buy a certificate in Ivano-Frankovsk.

You can even count on us to be able to help you collect materials from events you attended if necessary.

You will also be able to provide yourself with an alibi, which will assume that you will be absent for several days. All your business trips will be documented, even down to the presence of souvenirs from the city you were in. But it also depends on your wishes. Many people even sometimes have a question, where to buy certificates or how buy a sickness certificate.

Detective agency "Private detective Ivano-Frankivsk" can help even in a situation where an alibi is urgently needed to immediately correct the problem. We can also prepare a script to ensure reputation protection among friends or your current or potential partners.

Our range of services includes visibility employment our clients. Also, for a certain period of time you can become the owner own business with an office, business cards and other necessary attributes.

If you are in a meeting that requires you to leave early, you may suddenly have a good enough reason to leave the event. Moreover, other people will not be offended at all and will not suspect you of anything. And being ours regular customer, you can count on our participation in resolving issues within an hour after calling the detective agency “Private Detective Ivano-Frankivsk”.

We can also help you complete some important and secret tasks that, for certain reasons, you cannot complete on your own and do not want to involve your employees, friends, or relatives in their implementation.

The pioneer of this profession is considered to be the German mechanic Jens Spagengief, who in 1995 founded the “Impeccable Alibi Bureau”. No matter how much journalists called Spagengief a clever swindler and a professional cover-up, he always said that he stood guard over the institution of family and marriage. In Europe and America, alibi agencies - best friends divorce lawyers for married couples. Proven promiscuity there threatens the loss of an entire fortune. In Russia, agency employees say, everything is done not for profit, but out of love. More precisely in the name of love. Companies that help hide the momentary weaknesses of spouses are just beginning to develop in large cities and do not advertise their activities, calling themselves something like a creative support bureau, but they always have more than enough orders .

The Village talked to the director of the only alibi agency in St. Petersburg and found out how best to justify your nightly absence to your loved ones and who cheats more often, men or women.


We provide an alibi for those who want to have a little fun on the side without making their other half jealous. For example, we falsify plane or train tickets to present them to the spouse, draw a group photo from a “scientific symposium” or put on a whole performance that clears the suspect of all charges. Our task is to find a convenient and, if possible, simple way to solve the client’s problem. If the request does not go beyond the Criminal Code, then nothing is impossible. From time to time, people have the desire to lose themselves in the world for a day or two, and the reasons for this can be different. The matter is not limited to covering up extramarital affairs, but, of course, this is the request most often addressed to us.


All the citizens who call us behave differently: some communicate freely and relaxedly with the detective, while others have to be coaxed out of why they actually called us. But there is definitely a demand for services. One of the last orders was to organize a meeting between a “distant relative” (our actor) and the client’s family. The task was to prove to the wife that her husband had stayed with him all weekend, renovating the apartment. The wife met the actor-“relative” and, seeing real person, I stopped suspecting my husband altogether. Now the husband can leave home under this pretext at any time, and the actor will periodically call his wife and thank him for her help. In general, our man coped with this role not even one hundred, but two hundred percent. The client almost believed it himself.

The client almost believed it himself.

It happens that people call with some provocative or illegal questions: listen mobile phone or get a printout of calls and SMS. We have to explain that such events are carried out by law enforcement agencies within the framework of criminal cases and only with the permission of the judge. Private detective agencies that respect themselves and their reputation do not deal with such things.

Alibi in action

In most cases, the client understands what he needs and creates an alibi himself, depending on the situation in which he finds himself. If difficulties arise, we resort to working with a psychologist who not only thinks through a true story, but also gives advice on how to respond to possible questions and provocations. As for the range of services, there are standard ones and not. For example, a standard alibi is a telephone number that your spouse can call supposedly at the reception while you are having fun somewhere else. Our operator will answer her, who will confirm that, for example, Ivan Ivanovich is now at negotiations, in the gym, at a meeting in the business center, and then he will immediately contact you. The asking price is 1,500 rubles at a time, but you can also buy a package of calls for a whole month for 7,000.

If the client asks for time off
fishing with friends,
We provide fresh fish.

Any non-standard alibi requires imagination and preparation. This could be backdated plane or train tickets, business seminar programs, hotel bills if we are talking about a fictitious business trip. Or film with photographs among amateur fishermen, and even fresh fish if the client asked to go fishing with friends. In general, it all depends on the nature of the situation. The price of such services is negotiated individually.

The moral side of the issue

I am not a moralist and I have no right to judge in any particular situation how a person behaves, good or bad. Moreover, the purpose of any commercial organization is a business. There is a demand for the service, why not start selling it? If clients' requests do not contradict the law and do not violate the rights of third parties, then we simply go ahead and do our job. I prefer to think that this is how family problems are solved and marriages are saved. And this is good.

Men vs women

I read that 60% of men and 40% of women have or have had an affair. But, as practice shows, it is mostly men who ask to provide an alibi. Ladies themselves are quite smart in this regard, and most often they are above suspicion. But they are the first in exposing betrayals. Women often receive requests to simulate the situation of their husband meeting a beautiful girl played by our actress in order to test the fidelity of her husband. I admit, I haven’t been able to catch anyone’s hand yet.

Professional ethics

We never ask the client to fully disclose himself or give his details. If he wants to remain anonymous, let him come up with some nickname for himself, and we will address him that way. As for confidentiality, this is one of the foundations of conducting a detective business: all information that becomes known to us will never become the property of third parties and will in no case be turned against them. One of the rules that applies in our agency is the absence of any archives, we do not save any information about clients, we do not open any personal files. And in case of non-fulfillment or failure of the order due to our fault, we always return the money.


Employees often need to be selected individually for a specific task. I mainly search through friends or on the Internet. Sometimes these are actors, sometimes ordinary people who don’t mind earning extra money. Now the demand for cooperation with us exceeds the supply: there are still many more people willing to play the role of an alibi than there are orders themselves. Every day one or two letters arrive asking for a job. Basically, people think that we really need specialists with higher legal education or experience in law enforcement agencies. And we need colorful extras: we are looking for something beautiful girls model appearance, either pensioners or weightlifters.

Legal force

A person must understand that the evidence we provide him is intended only for those closest to him, and not for the court, for example. Of course, none legal force Most often they don’t, but you can’t tell them apart from the real ones by eye. In everyday situations, all these are nothing more than toys or harmless pranks.