Team games on February 23 for men. Games and competitions for discos and parties. Cool competition “Getting ready for a hike” for men for a corporate event

We offer you a series of games, entertainment and competitions for the holiday in honor of Defender of the Fatherland Day. You can use these games on home holiday, at a corporate party in honor of the holiday on February 23. We hope you and your guests enjoy them and help you plan a fun party.

Game "Sultan and his wives"

This game is suitable for a large company. Participants are divided into several harems, each of which consists of one “husband” (man) and “wives” (several girls). The number of “wives” in harems should be the same. The host turns on any oriental music, and the “wives” begin to take off any items of clothing or jewelry and put them on the “husband.” At some point, the music stops, and the harem in which the “husband” will be wearing large quantity items of ladies' toiletries is declared the winner. As a well-deserved prize, the winning harem or its “sultan” can come up with a tricky task for the losing harem.

Of course, the task can be changed and it can be suggested that the “sultan” dresses his women. Only in this case things will end very quickly...

Game "Body Parts"

This competition, like the previous one, has an oriental theme. From those invited, two sultans are selected - the holders of the harem and their beloved wives. The facilitator must prepare cards in advance on which various parts of the body will be indicated. The Sultan and his first wife each draw out one card, with the words turned down, and touch the parts of the body indicated on it. Next comes the second wife, and the “draw” is repeated. The second wife “attaches” to her husband, while he should not “break away” from the first wife. The number of wives is increasing... The game continues until the wife candidates can still come into contact with the husband or until the cards run out. The winner is the harem in which the resulting “sculpture” will look funnier and will not fall apart.

Game "Money on... a rope!"

Several couples can participate in this competition. The presenter attaches a large-sized fake wallet to the ladies at waist level using a rope or belt, and a banknote of similar dimensions is attached to the gentlemen. Men, without using their hands or other parts of the body, need to place their banknote in their partner’s wallet. The couple that does it the fastest wins.

Game "Bank Deposits"

Two couples (not necessarily married) participate in the competition. The presenter announces that now the participants will have to open bank deposits as quickly as possible, into each of which they can put only one bill. Participants are given initial contributions (this can be candy wrappers or fake money). Lapels, pockets and other secluded places can serve as banks for their deposits. men's clothing. Ladies need to make deposits as quickly as possible and open as many accounts as possible. The presenter times the time and announces the start; he can also help the pairs complete the task. After 2 minutes the results of the game are summed up.

The presenter checks how many uninvested bills each pair has left. After this, he asks the women to withdraw their bank deposits as quickly as possible,

making the task more difficult: the ladies will withdraw their deposits blindfolded, so as not to see in which banks other people's deposits were made.

The participants are blindfolded, and at this time the men are swapped. The presenter gives the command, and unsuspecting women begin to enthusiastically withdraw their deposits.

Game "Quick Kiss"

Two teams are recruited - women's and men's, both line up opposite each other in a line, one at a time. The music is turned on and the start is announced: the men, in turn, must kiss each participant in the ladies’ line as quickly as possible, and after his kissing race is completed, the man must shout “I’m finished!”, thereby announcing the end of his task. The facilitator’s task is to record the time it takes each participant to complete the task. The fastest gentleman is declared the winner.

Game "Find me and kiss me!"

Men and all willing ladies take part in the competition in turn. The gentleman is blindfolded. The girls disperse throughout the room. The music turns on, the girls begin to move around the room until the man gives the command to freeze, after which the presenter times the time, and the man begins to run around the room looking for beautiful ladies and kissing them. For the sake of fun, the ladies' group can be diluted by interested men by disguising themselves as girls (for example, by exchanging clothing details, accessories, etc. with them). After the first participant passes the “relay race,” the next one enters the game. The fastest one wins the competition.

Game "Who will be kissed the most"

This competition is for men. The winner, as you understand, is determined not without the help of the fair half of humanity. This game is best played during dances, before the start of which the host announces the conditions of the competition.

Rhythmic music is turned on, to which the men must “harvest the harvest” - get as many kisses as possible from the dancing ladies. At the same time, women should not forget to “break down”, because if they are not yet drunk, they will not kiss everyone.

After the end of the music, the lucky winner is determined. The one who has on the cheeks and other available open places there are more kisses, and there is an honorary kissed Casanova!

Game "Blind Game"

Before you start the “blind game”, first play the game “We are not local people”. The participant is given a hat and asked to walk through the guests, who, in turn, must put the most valuable and expensive thing they have in the hat. It’s better if it’s your favorite earrings, watch, glasses without a case, a car keychain, a photograph, etc.

Now the participant, together with the presenter, carefully places the collected valuables on the floor, after which the conditions of the competition are announced to him. He must blindfolded go through an “obstacle course” without stepping on a single object. Before this, the participant is allowed to walk again between the laid out objects and take a better look at their location. The presenter must escalate the situation, saying that the participant needs to remember as accurately as possible what object, where and how it lies, so as not to accidentally step on it, otherwise this mistake will be fatal for him, and the revenge of the owner of the thing will be terrible and merciless.

After the psychological “attack,” the participant is blindfolded and turned around several times, and at this time the guests very quietly remove all things from the floor so that they are not actually damaged. The player is directed to the “obstacle course”, and as soon as he begins to take the first timid steps, the guests take turns exclaiming, or even shouting loudly: “Be careful, don’t step on my only watch!”, “Where are you going!”, “ Ah-ah-ah, you almost crushed my glasses!”, “Careful, go to the right, put your foot to the left, oh no!..”, etc.

The unfortunate player courageously overcomes the “obstacle course,” sweating from excitement and anxiety. After this, his eyes are untied, and the ill-fated “path” is shown.

Log between your legs

Two teams of guys of 4-7 people are formed.
The guys clamp a pre-prepared thin log or pole between their knees. You cannot hold the log with your hands!
On command, they run to the opposite wall of the hall, turn around and return to the start.
Who will come first?
(In the author’s practice, the guys ran around two floors of the Palace of Culture with a log, going down and up the stairs. But this is dangerous - it’s easy to fall and get hurt.)

Shoulder straps

Two teams.
The DJ-animator puts shoulder straps on the first person's shoulders.
The task is to run the distance without dropping the shoulder straps and put them on the shoulders of the next relay participant.
You cannot hold the shoulder straps with your hands.
If the shoulder strap falls (at any stage, even in reverse), the player returns to the start, the shoulder straps are placed on his shoulders again, and he again runs his distance.

King's Musketeers

Two chess pieces are placed on the edge of the table.
In the hands of two players are swords or rapiers (possibly fake ones).
The task is to lunge (step forward) at the animator’s signal and hit the figure with a thrust.

Running around the perimeter

A bit like rugby.
A group of guys (at least the whole class) is running around the perimeter of the hall.
Girls are waiting for them in the corners: they catch the guys. (You can’t pull out too hard.)
Those who have crossed the next cordon run further.
The last one not caught wins.

Girls run, and boys catch.

Iron face

Task for two participants: in 60 seconds. attach as many clothespins to your face as possible.

The most agile

The animator invites guys to participate.
Everyone gets a bunch of rubber bands of a certain color.
Task: while the song is playing, each participant “rings” as many girls as possible, putting a rubber band on their ankle.

Thick-cheeked lip slap

We need a supply of barberry-type sucking candies.
Two people compete.
They take turns putting candy in their mouths and, looking at their opponent, say loudly and clearly into the microphone:
- "Thick-cheeked lip slap."
You can't swallow sweets.
The winner is the one who puts the most candies in his mouth and at the same time clearly pronounces the cherished phrase.


Two teams. Each person receives a handful of coins.
At a distance of 4-5 meters from the “airfield”-start, the animator sets two “goals” - a can or a hat.
Players "fly" to their "goals" holding coins between their knees.
Then they “bomb” them - they try to get coins into the jar.
The team with the fewest coins scattered on the floor wins.

Broom on forehead

Who can balance the broom on their forehead the longest?

Pull up your chair

Exercises for strong people with a chair:

  1. Grasp the bottom of the back leg of the chair with one hand. Raise it so that the seat remains horizontal.
  2. Same thing when holding a chair by the front leg (it's heavier).
  3. Grab the chair with both hands by the top of the back. Raise it above you with outstretched arms and lower it down (without placing it on the floor). Who will do this exercise the most times?

Magnet Man

The animator hands the game participants cards with letters.
Participants must attach the cards to the body parts whose names begin with the indicated letter and hold them.
The winner is the one who manages to place it on himself - and not drop it! - more cards.

William Tell

Men are playing.
An apple hangs from their belts on a string.
In front of each person there is a board with a nail on the floor.
The task is to prick the apple onto the nail as quickly as possible (“hit the apple with an arrow”).

Come in from the side! Jump higher!

Two guys are playing. Task: be the first to read what is written on your opponent’s back and not allow him to read the inscription on his own back.
You can jump and dodge, but you can’t use your hands.
The assistants attach the inscription COME IN FROM THE SIDE TO the back of one of them.
The inscription JUMP HIGHER is attached to the other's back.
The audience encourages the players with exclamations: “Come in from the side!” “Jump higher!”, but they don’t realize that these are the inscriptions.
In the author’s practice over all the years, the audience has never “split” or suggested the answer to the players!

Press in fist

Who will be the first to crumple the newspaper with one hand and gather it all into his fist? Starting position: the player holding a newspaper sheet by the tip with two fingers.

Bend figuratively

Animator addressing the guys:
- Who can bend a nail with their hands? Not just bend, but bend figuratively? The author of the most interesting nail figure will receive a prize. Bend only with bare hands!
The nails should not be too thick. :-)


- Who will sit down and straighten up on one leg, holding a full mug of water in his hand, stretching the other leg forward and without touching the floor, without leaning on anything with his free hand? Do not spill water!
It's not that simple. The prize must be good.


Who will pour sprite from a jar into a glass faster?
The glass is on the floor, and the player is holding the can,... holding it with his knees.
Don't help with your hands.
Any number of players.

Fun and funny contests, relay races and competitions on February 23 will help create a festive atmosphere. Quizzes, themed riddles and games will entertain men and amuse women. Comic competitions will lift your spirits and make the celebration memorable for everyone present. Original tasks on the theme of Defender of the Fatherland Day will add courage, excitement and fun to the holiday.

    Game "Balloon"

    Strong men are chosen to participate in the game. To carry it out you will need balloons (according to the number of participants). It is better to purchase durable balls - this will extend the gaming moment.

    The participants' task is to inflate the balloon until it bursts. In this case, it is prohibited to use sharp objects, nails or other things that could speed up the game.

    The facilitator monitors each participant. If the balloon is inflated incorrectly, it can remove a man from the game. The winner is the participant who inflates and bursts the balloon faster than the rest.

    The task can be complicated by adding another smaller ball to each player. It needs to be inflated in the middle of a large ball.

    Game "Mom"

    The game involves 5 men. The presenter begins to approach each of them in turn and say the phrase “Mom is...”. The players' task is to come up with a compliment for mom within 5 seconds. You cannot repeat the words of other participants. The man who could not continue the phrase within the allotted time is eliminated from the game. The winner is the player who comes up with greatest number compliments to mom.

    Examples of words: best, beloved, sweet, dear, charming, beautiful, mysterious, sweet, gentle, beautiful, charming.

    3 women are participating in the competition. The presenter blindfolds each of them in turn and gives her a good spin. The remaining guests line up in a wide circle. A blindfolded woman needs to find men in a circle and kiss them on the cheek. In order to confuse the contestant, ladies who are not participating in the competition may wear men's jackets.

    After the competition starts, the stopwatch starts. Time stops after all the men have received their kiss. After the first woman passes the competition, the second takes the baton, then the third. At the end, the presenter announces the time of each participant. The woman with the shortest time wins.

    4 boys are participating in the competition. To carry it out you will need 4 chairs and clothes of too small and large sizes (the same number of things for each participant).

    A chair with clothes is placed in front of each guy. The task of each participant is to pull on as many things as possible in 45 seconds. When the time is up, the guys move away from their chairs. Items that remain in the hands of the participants (not worn) are not counted. Each contestant takes turns taking off one stretched item at a time. The one who managed to put on the most clothes receives the title of “real soldier.”

    2 guys are participating in the competition. To carry it out you will need 2 chairs and 2 identical jackets with buttons.

    Chairs are placed at a certain distance from each other. The jacket is hung inside out on the back of each of them. The guys stand near their opponent's chair.

    On the command “start” they must run to their chair, quickly take off and turn out their jacket. Then they need to maximum speed put it on yourself and fasten all the buttons. After this, they must run around their opponent's chair, return to theirs and sit on it.

    The participant who completes the task faster wins.

    3 boys are participating in the competition. They are given a felt-tip pen and a sheet of paper.

Defender of the Fatherland Day is coming very soon, so the female half is puzzled by the question of how to congratulate their male colleagues on February 23rd.

It's nice to surprise men and arrange original congratulations on the holiday of February 23rd you can use a quest. We offer ready-made sets of tasks for this game: you just need to print out the tasks and hide them around the office - and the adventure of finding hidden treasure is ready!

If your team has free, informal relationships, and sometimes mini-corporate parties are organized by the employees themselves, you can arrange fun entertainment. We offer a choice of interesting games and competitions that you may also find useful for home party dedicated to this holiday:

A creative approach to congratulating employees

If relationships in the team allow this, congratulations to the men can be humorous, especially if among you there are masters of Photoshop and skilled at composing a couple of rhyming lines (the costs are minimal, the main thing is the availability of creative abilities and time to complete such a project!)

First option. Make funny collage portraits of each employee, supplement them with funny epigrams or wish poems, print them on a color printer and give them as a gift! Or put all these photos into a single poster and hang it in a prominent place so that it attracts the attention of others - great mood for the whole day will be guaranteed. The main thing is not to get too carried away with joking with your colleagues, remember - after all, March 8th is coming!

Second option. You can assign a title to each man for the characteristics of his character or for some distinctive features, or come up with different comic nominations and reward everyone.

Options for “titles” and nominations:

  • "Mr. Charm"
  • "Mr. Intelligence"
  • "Mr. Savvy"
  • "Mr Erudite"
  • "Mr. Kindness"
  • "Mr. Generosity"
  • "Mr. Modesty"
  • "Mr. Romantic"
  • "Mr. Handsome"
  • "Mister X"
  • "Mr. Bean"
  • "Heart Stealer"
  • "Best Biceps"
  • “Tough guys can do anything!”
  • “Soul of the company”, etc.

Games and competitions

Who is the Sultan?

For a large and noisy company. Men participate in the competition. Ladies gather in one place. Men, at the signal from the leader, must drag (carry in their arms) as many women as possible to their “harem” (beyond the finish line). The man who has gathered the most women in his harem wins and is awarded the title of “Sultan” for the evening. As a prize, you can allow him to be a little naughty during the party, taking advantage of the privilege of his “title”.

We offer a version of the competition: women need to be charmed and lured into your harem by any means except the use of physical force (unlike the first option, they cannot be dragged or carried in your arms). This task is more difficult, as it requires a creative approach. What can men do? They can: seduce women with erotic dances; to sing songs; read poetry; theatrically beg; make funny, cool promises... In general, let them try as best they can! Only women should be asked to honestly evaluate the efforts of the participants, and not choose a “harem” based only on personal sympathy for the “Sultan”.

I am a smart, handsome, moderately well-fed man in full bloom

For the competition you need a bag of candies (or mini candies). Two or three male players are invited. According to the terms of the competition, each participant in turn takes a piece of candy from the bag and puts it in his mouth (swallowing candy is strictly prohibited!) After each piece of candy put in his mouth, the participant must say the phrase: “I am a smart, handsome, moderately well-fed man in the prime of his life.” . The winner is the one who can pronounce the phrase clearly with the most amount of candy in his mouth. Simple and fun!

A compliment is a delicate matter

Several participants (men) are called, each is given a pen and a sheet of paper. The goal of the competition is to collect as many women’s autographs (or kisses as an option) within a certain time. To do this, participants must compliment the ladies present. But not everything is so simple! Compliments should be sincere and interesting, not empty and banal. A lady has the right to sign an autograph or a dash in response to a compliment, depending on the “quality” of the compliment (sincerity-pretense, creativity-banality...). You can complicate the game by prohibiting contestants from making compliments about the appearance of ladies. The most gallant gentleman who collects the largest number of autographs (kisses) wins.

Here are two more competitions on the same topic:

The most eloquent

Men who claim to be the most gallant and eloquent take part in the competition. Their task is to take turns complimenting the ladies on the letter given by the host, for example, the letter “l”. You can't repeat yourself. The loser is the one who has no more words left.


Variant of the previous competition.

Male-female pairs are selected for the competition. The participant kneels in front of his lady and takes her hand. Looking into the eyes of their “beloved,” the gentlemen take turns saying compliments. Compliments should not be repeated. The one who last “praised” his lady receives the title “The most gallant gentleman.”

Women's fashion experts

Two men are invited to participate in the competition. Each of them receives a pointer (you can use a regular one as a pointer). Chinese chopstick). They bring out two identical posters with women's dresses depicted on them. Dresses should have all kinds of details - yokes, tucks, ruffles, flounces, cuffs, vents, slits, etc. The presenter names the part, and the men must find it on the poster and show it with a pointer. It is necessary to arrange the posters so that rivals cannot peek at each other. The one who correctly showed the most details wins.


This comic competition. The presenter places unpeeled potatoes and knives on the table and invites the most courageous men to participate in the competition. Everyone thinks that they will have to peel potatoes. But when those interested come out, they are asked to take turns naming potato dishes. The one who names the most dishes wins.

Living gifts

You need to prepare cards in advance (the more the better) with the names of the gifts that women usually give to men on February 23rd. The name of the gift must consist of one word. I offer you a choice: cigarette case, ashtray, lotion, perfume, tie, socks, laptop, telephone, whiskey, slippers, robe, coffee, spinning rod, purse, business card holder, fountain pen, razor, mug, backpack, flashlight, thermos, flask, etc. .d.

Only men participate. 2-3 volunteers are invited (more is possible). They sort out all the cards without looking so that each player has the same number. Everyone is given a certain time to complete the task, for example, 5-10 minutes (this depends on the number of cards). The players’ task is to depict the words they have received as quickly and as best as possible without words, only with the help of facial expressions and gestures. The audience's task is to guess the names of the gifts. To make the game more active and fun, you can set a prize for the most quick-witted viewer.

Military attributes

Variant of the previous competition.

You need to prepare cards in advance (the more the better) with the names of weapons and military equipment(for example: flamethrower, mortar, all-terrain vehicle, airplane, helicopter, gun, tank, parachute, etc.).

Only men participate. 2-3 volunteers are invited (more is possible). They sort out all the cards without looking so that each player has the same number. Everyone is given a certain time to complete the task, for example, 5-10 minutes (this depends on the number of cards). The players’ task is to depict the words they have received as quickly and as best as possible without words, only with the help of facial expressions and gestures. The audience's task is to guess what kind of weapon or equipment it is. To make the game more active and fun, you can set a prize for the most quick-witted viewer.

The fastest and most artistic participant wins. It is advisable to also prepare incentive prizes for the rest of the participants.

Aircraft designer

Many men dreamed of becoming pilots in childhood. Everyone is given the opportunity to try themselves as aircraft designers. Each person is given a piece of A4 paper and markers (felt-tip pens). The task is to make an airplane, decorate it and give it a name (preferably interesting, unusual). Then the participants show off their “creations”. The following are evaluated: design, quality of execution, originality of the name, height and range of flight, pirouettes.

Harsh clothespins

Number of players: any. Props: clothespins (not very hard). This is a competition for the most courageous, and it must be supported by a good prize. The most courageous are called. Their task is to attach as many clothespins as possible to their faces in a minute.

Take care of your eggs!

Competition for noisy and fun company. Props: raw eggs, plastic bags. Only men take part - from 2 or more people. Each person is given a plastic bag with two raw eggs. The egg sacks must be secured to the front of the belt so that they hang down between the legs. Players break into pairs, then stand in front of each other, spread their legs and squat slightly. The participants' task is to break their opponent's eggs as quickly as possible. Whoever's eggs break is eliminated. The one remaining fights with the next partner, and so on until a winner is determined. And the winner is the one who has at least one egg intact. You can only fight with bags of eggs; you are not allowed to help yourself with your hands or try to break other people's eggs with your feet! Fun guaranteed!

I have the honor!

The players’ task: you need to salute with your right hand, at the same time extend your left hand forward, clenching your fist and sticking out your thumb and say “I have the honor!” Then clap your hands and do the same, changing hands. It’s very funny both to do this and to look at each other - the hands don’t want to obey and get tangled all the time.

Goodbye, darling!

Acting competition.

In any film, the most touching scenes are the farewell scenes. It is at the moment of farewell that people are especially sincere and tender. They sometimes admit what they have been silent about for many years. The authors of plays reserve the most emotional and reverent words especially for farewell scenes. Try to depict a scene in which one says goodbye...

  • with the lady of his heart - a knight going on a crusade;
  • with the bride - the groom getting ready for a bachelor party;
  • with a harem - a sultan who goes to war;
  • with his wife - a husband who goes on vacation to Turkey alone (or with friends).

The one who gives the most touching farewell speech wins.

All the power is in the fist

Strong and dexterous men are invited - no more than 5 people. They are given newspapers prepared in advance. The players’ task: with one left hand (without helping with the right!), holding the newspaper by the corner, gather it into a fist at the command of the leader. The fastest and most agile wins.

Similar competition:

Tear it with one hand

The contestants’ task is to tear a newspaper sheet into small pieces with one hand (right or left, it doesn’t matter). At the same time, the hand should be extended forward; you cannot help with your free hand. The winner is the one who completes the task faster and better.


A fun and active game. Those present are divided into teams. A line (line) is drawn beyond which attackers are prohibited from crossing. A wastepaper basket (or something else, for example, a basin) is placed at a distance of several meters from the line. The attacking team throws paper balls, trying to get them into the basket, and the team defending the “object” can deflect the projectiles. Then the teams change places. The team with more shells hitting the target wins.

Beer lovers

Two or more young people are called. Everyone is given an open bottle of beer and a glass. The glass is placed on the floor in front of the participant. The task of the competitors is to hold the bottle between your legs and fill the glass with beer, and then quickly drink it. Whoever drinks his bottle of beer the fastest in this way is the winner.

Another competition for beer lovers:

Beer breads

Men are divided into two teams with equal numbers of players. Each team is given a pot of beer and straws for cocktails (according to the number of players). At the signal from the leader, the teams simultaneously begin to drink beer from the pots using straws. The team that does it faster wins.

Draw "Who is stronger"

Two people are invited. They are seated on chairs with their backs to each other at a distance of three to four steps. The leader ties a 2-meter long rope to each person’s right ankle, passes it under the chair, blindfolds everyone and asks them to try, by pulling the rope, to lift the opponent’s leg off the floor. The leader changes the ends of the ropes at the last moment, and it turns out that each player tries to lift his own leg off the floor.

The most accurate

The presenter places a chair in the middle of the room and puts a wide hat (or something else, for example, a round box) on it. The presenter invites men to compete in accuracy. Each participant takes turns trying to throw various objects into the hat: a dice, Walnut, matchbox, coin, orange, etc. For each hit (regardless of the item), the player is awarded a point. The one with the most hits wins.

General's shoulder straps

This team game will be very appropriate at an evening dedicated to the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day. Participants are divided into two teams. The presenter places two matchboxes on the shoulders of the first players of each team, saying that these are general's shoulder straps. The task of the “generals” is to run the distance, trying not to drop the “epaulets”. The game takes place in the form of a relay race: the participant runs the indicated path and then passes the matchboxes to the next player. The team that runs the distance first wins.

Men are invited to experience how women feel in an “interesting position.” The presenter attaches large inflatable balloons to the men with tape at stomach level. A box of matches (or any other small objects, such as mini-candies) is scattered on the floor in front of each player. The players’ task: during the time allotted by the presenter, collect as many matches (mini-candies) from the floor as possible, not forgetting about their “interesting position.” The one whose ball bursts is out of the game.

Best Angler

Fishing enthusiasts are invited to participate in the competition. They attach a “fishing rod” to their belt - a thread with a pencil tied to it. The fishing will be winter, so you will have to fish in a hole, and the hole is an empty neck glass bottle. Whoever gets the fishing rod into the hole first is the winner.


Two volunteers are called and blindfolded. Several salad bowls with different contents are placed in front of them. It can be: salt, granulated sugar, flour, millet, buckwheat, rice, beans, etc. The participants' task is to determine, blindfolded, what is in the salad bowl. The winner is the one who completed the task faster and more correctly.

Fishing enthusiasts are invited to participate. A belt is attached to their waist, to which a pencil is attached to a thread - this is a fishing rod. The fishing will be winter, so you will have to catch the “fish” in the hole. And the hole is the neck of an empty bottle. Whoever gets the fishing rod into the hole first wins the competition.

Hit the target

Everyone can participate in the competition, but one at a time. The participant stands in the center of the hall, a drawing with a cannon is attached to his back for interest, and this cannon will fire crumpled up sheets of paper. A cardboard box is located at a certain distance from the participant. The participant must hit the box with a crumpled piece of paper or a small ball in three attempts, while standing with his back. The presenter can give two clues, for example, to the left or to the right. Whoever hits the target takes the prize.

The most anticipated gift for Defender of the Fatherland Day

The most anticipated gift for February 23rd is, of course, men's socks. We will dedicate the competition to this item of clothing. Each participant receives 5 pairs of socks. At the command “start”, each participant begins to put socks on their feet, first the first pair, and on it the second, and on it the third, and so on. The first participant to wear all 5 pairs of socks will be the winner and will take all the socks as a prize.

Arm wrestling

What men's competition would be complete without classic Arm Wrestling? The presenter must ensure that there is a free table in the room, which can be roughly divided into two halves. All participants can measure their strength. Having placed their right hands with their elbows on the table, the opponents clasp their hands and try to “knock down” the opponent. The one whose hand touches the table loses and is eliminated from the competition.

Die Nuts

A competition for intelligence, strength and dexterity, in a word, for real men. Each participant receives 5 identical walnuts and at the command “start”, each participant must show his ingenuity and get the nut kernels out of the shell faster than the rest. Everything that comes to the participants' minds will be used - fists, forks, heels, doors, and so on. The participant who separates all 5 nuts faster than the others and gets the kernels will be the winner.

A real man

Each participant's hands are tied behind them. In front of each man there is a glass with the same amount of liquid, for example, beer. At the “start” command, participants begin drinking beer without using their hands. Whoever completes it first will become the winner, and will also receive a prize, for example, a glass of beer or a mug of tea.

Throw a lasso

Men are placed in a row in the same position (sitting, for example). A bottle (for example, a bottle of beer) is located at the same distance from each participant and for each. Each participant is given a rope. On the command “start”, men must make their lasso and throw it on their bottle, and then take out the bottle. Whoever completes it first will be the winner.

Free yourself from captivity

Participants are divided into pairs. In each pair, one of the participants’ hands are tied with a strong knot, and the second participant is seated on a chair and his hands and legs are tied with a simple knot with a bow. At the command “start”, participants with a strong knot on their hands must free the person sitting on the chair - with their mouth, untie one knot on their legs and the second on their hands, after which the freed participants must untie the strong knot on their friend’s hands. The couple in which both participants are freed from captivity faster than the others will be the winner.

Troops by uniform

For this competition it is necessary to prepare pictures of stripes (chevrons) of various troops and, accordingly, pictures of berets of each of these troops, for example, ground, tank, signal troops, air force, sea and so on. Participants are divided into teams with the same number of people. Each participant in each team receives a chevron (the set of chevrons is the same for teams). In front of each team is a stack of pictures of berets. At the command “start” the guys begin to disassemble the berets according to their belongings - in accordance with their chevron. The team that completes it faster than the rest and distributes the pictures correctly will be the winner.

Catch an enemy plane

The guys are divided into 2 teams (more are possible, depending on the number of guests at the party). Each team chooses a captain. The captains are blindfolded. The captains stand with their backs to the teams at the same distance (crosswise, that is, the captain of the first team stands opposite the second team and vice versa). Each captain receives a notebook. At the “start” command, the captains begin to tear out one piece of paper from the notebook, quickly crumple it up and launch their “enemy” plane onto the enemy team’s lands. This must be done very quickly, trying to prevent opponents from catching the planes. The team with more enemy planes landing on their land will lose, and the team that catches the most enemy planes will be the winner.