Comprehensive automation of trade in alcoholic products. What are the advantages

The system autonomously analyzes and resolves all issues that arise during the sale of alcoholic beverages. To provide quality service subsystems were created. Each has its own functions. This allows you to quickly resolve issues at any level.

In the program you will see the following features:

  1. Collection detailed information about alcohol: quality, manufacturer, etc.
  2. Tracking correct design batches of alcohol, all special brands and packaging.
  3. Checking all documents, creating a register.
  4. Resolving issues directly related to the sale of alcohol.
  5. Setting prices. Carrying out calculations and recalculations.
  6. Alcohol sales and inventory management.
  7. Work planner.
  8. Organization of profitable purchase of goods.
  9. Financial management. Maintaining all necessary records.
  10. Summarizing.

When creating this program, all basic requirements were taken into account. The experience of many serious retail outlets that work specifically with alcohol was studied. This helped not only to create a system that would solve all problems, but also that could prevent their occurrence.

The developers also used international standards and techniques so that the program could develop outlet and predict future earnings.

As for accounting, the system has a large number of detailed registers. They save all important information so that later they can analyze the store’s performance over a certain period of time. This point is very important if the owners want to develop in the trading field.

Additionally, with this program you get the opportunity to send business reports via the Internet. This method is quite popular now, as it does not require much time. This includes working with the tax office, receiving possible claims or notices, sending documents, etc.

Comparison of 1C Comprehensive automation of trade in alcoholic beverages with 1C Comprehensive

The program was created on the basis of the 1C Complex system. Therefore, it has a number of functions that are also found in the alcohol sales system. Both programs are responsible for the quality of products received, customer relationships, purchasing and sales, accounting and personnel management.

A characteristic feature of 1C Integrated trade automation alcoholic products from 1C Comprehensive is the ability to understand alcohol products. That is new program takes responsibility for the quality of the product, checking manufacturers, labeling, etc. It creates a report for each batch, which indicates the cost and characteristics.

If the store sells exclusively alcoholic products, or these products take up a large amount of space in it, then 1C Comprehensive automation of the sale of alcoholic products will help you correctly analyze all working issues.

Program implementation and post-purchase service

To buy 1C Comprehensive automation of trade in alcoholic beverages, you need to either write a letter to the company and send it to email, or call the specified phone number in contacts. You can ask any questions before purchasing.

The implementation of the program itself is carried out by the 1C Enterprise system. Further consultations are carried out by the developer of KT Alcohol. For the first 6 months the user has the right to free help in solving any kind of issues. Then you will need to enter into a paid agreement.

After purchase, you can always solve minor problems via phone or email. You will be sent new programs or examples of updating old ones. If there are changes in the reporting forms, you will definitely receive them. The developers also send special disks containing methodological tips on how to work with the system correctly.

Price 1C Comprehensive automation of trade in alcoholic beverages is acceptable even for small businesses. This program costs a little more than 1C Comprehensive, but it has big amount benefits if we're talking about specifically about the sale of alcohol.

Questions and answers

1. Can the program independently make recalculations if Wholesale prices increased for products?

It is enough to enter a new figure once into the form with a list of goods for the system to recalculate all expenses and projected revenue.

2. Will the program help you decide which suppliers are the best and which product is best to buy in large quantities?

Some time after the store opens, you can take stock. The system will give you graphs showing all sales, all suppliers and all products as a percentage. This way you will see what is in greater demand and what, accordingly, is worth taking for sale.

1C package Comprehensive automation of trade in alcoholic beverages

  1. Branded disk from the 1C Enterprise system.
  2. A coupon that entitles you to free consultations from the developer.
  3. Installation disk.
  4. Documents for the system.
  5. Program user profile.
  6. Security key for one workplace.

The configuration was created on the basis of the standard configuration "1C: Integrated Automation 8" and, as a result, allows you to implement the accounting schemes laid down in the standard configuration.

It allows you to organize a single information system to manage various aspects of the enterprise. For this purpose, the following subsystems have been developed in the configuration:

Alcohol (Basic Elements):

  • Alcohol characteristics of organizations;
  • Alcohol characteristics of counterparties;
  • Alcohol characteristics of the nomenclature;

· Accounting for alcohol batches:

  • Accounting sections: Bottling dates, EGAIS batch codes, ranges of special brands, arbitrarily specified properties;
  • Accounting indicators: Packages, decalitres, decalitres of B/S by calculated strength;
  • Accounting for special brands, marking of goods and materials;

· Supporting documentation:

  • A set of industry-specific accompanying documents (certificates A and B, etc.);
  • Freely define a list of scanned images (eg certificates, licenses, driving directions, etc.);
  • Fast printing mechanism with the ability to set fast printing profiles;
  • Register of printed documents;
  • Uploading data to EGAIS;

· Alcohol (Trade):

  • Operational control trading operations(availability of valid licenses, a set of accompanying documents, permitted types of activities);
  • Industry-specific federal reports (Appendices 5-7 to the Regulations on the declaration of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, Form 1-alcohol (wholesale) "Information on the sale of alcoholic beverages and beer");
  • Industry regional reports (SUE " Moscow quality");

· Pricing;

· Management of mutual settlements;

· Inventory Management;

· Sales management:

· Customer orders;

· Sales planning;

· Customer relationship management;

· Management retail trade;

· Procurement management:

  • Orders to suppliers;
  • Procurement planning;
  • Supplier relationship management;

· Management in cash;

· Cost management

· Fixed asset accounting

· Accounting for workwear, special equipment and equipment

· Personnel Management;

· Salary calculation

· Accounting

· Tax accounting

· Regulated reporting

· Service capabilities

During development management accounting automation experience was used in the configuration Russian enterprises, and also takes into account the main world standards, trends and methods of managing trade enterprises.

The system methodology determines the accounting categories for which automation mechanisms are developed in the configuration:

· management accounting and planning;

· regulated accounting.

For management accounting, the system has developed a number of registers with the necessary level of detail for storing and analyzing management information. The management register system is intended mainly for maintaining corporate management accounting and is used to obtain a reliable picture of the business. For enterprises of a holding structure, end-to-end management accounting is maintained for all organizations included in the holding. Management accounting is maintained according to data recorded in documents, but does not depend on the methods and the very fact of maintaining regulated accounting.

The configuration can highlight mechanisms to support the operational activities of the enterprise. Such mechanisms allow for each business transaction to record only those data that are known about it at the time of its occurrence, i.e. real-time data. Accounting data is registered in the system using primary accounting documents. Mechanisms for maintaining operational activities also perform operational control functions. When recording such transactions, the correctness of the data in the registered primary accounting documents and the correctness of their execution are analyzed.

In addition to the documents of the operational block, in each type of accounting you can register primary documents that are not reflected in the operational block. As a rule, this applies to operations that clarify the details of any accounting. Data from such documents do not require operational control, do not affect operational decision-making, and are specific to each type of accounting.

1C:Predpr.8. Distillery and winery. Additional license for 1 workplace

Price: RUB 9,900.00

1C:Predpr.8. Distillery and winery. Additional license for 5 workstations

Price: RUB 34,500.00

1C:Predpr.8. Distillery and winery. Additional license for 10 workstations

Price: RUB 65,000.00

1C:Predpr.8. Distillery and winery. Additional license for 20 workstations

Price: RUB 110,000.00

1C:Predpr.8. Distillery and winery. Additional license for 50 workstations

Price: RUB 220,000.00

1C:Predpr.8. Distillery and winery. Additional license for 100 workstations

Price: RUB 330,000.00

Cost of updates according to Basic tariff :


ITS Construction


ITS TECHNO DVD subscription for 6 months. 7854 RUR
ITS TECHNO DVD subscription for 12 months. 15036 rub.

ITS. Budget

8916 RUR
17112 rub.

ITS. Budget PROF

ITS. Budget PROF DVD, 1 month subscription.4818 RUR
ITS. Budget PROF subscription 3 months.9636 RUR
ITS. Budget PROF DVD, 6 month subscription.18600 rub.
ITS. Budget PROF DVD, 12 month subscription.RUB 35,592


Tariff Prof

Cost of updates for this tariff:


ITS Construction

ITS. Budget

RUB 9,081
ITS. Budget DVD, 6 month subscription. RUB 17,952
ITS. Budget DVD, 12 month subscription. RUB 35,880


Tariff CORP(for non-standard software products)

Update cost:


ITS Construction

ITS. Budget-

ITS. Budget DVD, 3 month subscription. RUB 18,081
ITS. Budget DVD, 6 month subscription. RUB 35,952
ITS. Budget DVD, 12 month subscription. RUR 71,880


What is the essence of the 1C:Enterprise program. Comprehensive automation? Let's figure out what functionality is offered by the developers.

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It's fast and FOR FREE!

Any accountant would be glad to have a convenient and functional program with which you can keep records, prepare reports and plan your work process.

What do you need to know?

First, let's look at what such an accounting product is. What are his distinctive features and what are the advantages?

Basic Concepts

“1C: Integrated Automation 8” is a program that can solve problems of a complex type of management and accounting automation for many companies.

Accounting for accounting, taxes, and management of one or more enterprises is carried out in a single information base.

This makes it possible to reduce the complexity of implementing accounting operations, since common information arrays are used.

Management accounting is carried out in any currency, tax and accounting – in rubles. Regulated reporting can be generated separately.

Using an application solution, a single type of information system can be created in a company, which includes the following tasks:

  • in the field of implementation management;
  • customer relationship management;
  • management of OS and equipment objects;
  • implementation of simplified production accounting;
  • money management and mutual settlements;
  • accounting, tax accounting;
  • monitoring and determining what effectiveness is for management;
  • price formation.

The application solution was created based on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform.

"1C: Integrated Automation 8" complies with corporate and Russian standards, ensures financial management economic activity companies.

With the help of such an application solution, it is possible to create a single information space to reflect the work of the company. Main activities covered.

What are the benefits?

Advantages of the configuration compared to previous versions:

  • availability of extended functionality;
  • the means for constructing reports of an economic and analytical nature is developed;
  • presence of an ergonomic interface;
  • the means of delineating access rights are powerful;
  • is a simple system that is convenient to implement;
  • integration and formation of a complex system is possible;
  • has a high degree of scalability and performance;
  • sellers promise discounts to buyers of such a product if “Comprehensive Automation 7.7” was used in the work.

The developers claim the effectiveness of mechanisms that were not present in 7.7. The 1C: Integrated Automation 8 solution includes a set of functions that are in demand.

The functionality is balanced. The 1C 8 platform allows the client to customize the application solution to suit their needs.

All standards are thought out to the smallest detail by the developers, which allows you to transfer and use individual functional blocks from one application solution to another.

1C Enterprise 8 is distinguished by the presence of mass-produced software products - standard 1C 8 configurations that can be used at several enterprises.

And there will be no need to modify them. The system covers everything related to management and accounting at the company.

An application solution is an opportunity to:

Normative base

Accounting for tax and accounting transactions is carried out in accordance with current legislative documents Russia.

All norms of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, federal regulatory documents, Decrees of the Russian authorities, Orders of the Ministry of Finance, PBUs and other provisions of legislation.

As part of 1C: Accounting, the chart of accounts of accounting is taken into account, which corresponds to.

Included accounting forms, tax returns, statistical forms, company income tax reporting documents individual and insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Reporting is updated when amendments are made to legislative documents.

Features of the software product

1C: Integrated Automation 8 is an easily implemented organization-wide system.

What functionality? The program is based on proven solutions “Management manufacturing enterprise"(UPP).

But the new solution is simplified, since the following functional blocks are excluded:

  • for accounting and reporting in accordance with IFRS;
  • for production planning: no complex algorithms cost distribution, shift planning;
  • for orders in production process and OS maintenance;
  • for processing customer-supplied raw materials;
  • for limited supply of materials.

Such functionality not everyone needs them, and their implementation is not carried out at the initial stages of automation.

If the need for such functions later arises, they can be implemented by switching to “1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management” using “1C: Consolidation”.

It is distinguished by simplified production accounting, because complex accounting can be obtained in a form that is not suitable for decision making.

The costs of maintaining it are not justified, and there will be a violation of the following accounting principles:

  • expediency;
  • appropriateness.

Often, a company does not need complex accounting. What is the difference between Integrated Automation production accounting? Its implementation is simple and straightforward, there is no complicated mechanism.

If it is not enough, the company has the opportunity to work on “Manufacturing Enterprise Management”.

Video: installing the accounting configuration on 1C

Registration of a completed business transaction is carried out only once, and will be reflected in management accounting. There is no need to re-enter your information.

To register, you only need a document. The operation can be accelerated due to the mechanism for substituting information in automatic mode - information from new documents is entered based on those already reflected.

The configuration differs in the following accounting ratio:

  • accounting, tax and managerial type accounting that they are independent;
  • information from such records is comparable;
  • coincidence of amounts and asset valuations according to accounting data, if there is no objective reason for their discrepancy.

The 1C Integrated Automation solution controls the data that is entered. For example, when reflecting a cash payment, the system will check whether funds are available - existing requests for spending will be taken into account.

And when reflecting information about the shipment of goods, the system checks the status of mutual settlement with cargo recipients.

Trade management

Thanks to the configuration, you can automate the tasks of monitoring and analyzing each trading transaction along with other management accounting tasks:

  • sales and purchasing planning;
  • on managing relationships with counterparties;
  • supply and inventory management;
  • on managing mutual settlements with partners;
  • on money management, etc.

The program guarantees security effective management activities modern company in the field of trade.

The application solution supports this type of implementation:

  • retail;
  • commission sales (including subcommission);
  • acceptance of products for commission;
  • sales on credit;
  • sales by order.

Functions for ensuring order fulfillment:

  • optimal placement of buyer orders;
  • reflection of orders in the company division plan in accordance with accepted strategies and activity patterns;
  • automatic reservation of an order in the warehouse when it is registered;
  • placing orders with suppliers (if the goods are out of stock).

The pricing mechanisms used will make it possible to determine and implement the cost policy according to analytical information about supply and demand.

The configuration has the following functionality:

  • you can store information about the organization’s selling price;
  • Various pricing schemes and discounts are allowed;
  • it is possible to monitor employees’ compliance with the approved rules regarding pricing;
  • You can store information about a competitor’s price;
  • supplier price data is updated automatically;
  • the company's selling prices are compared with the supplier's price;
  • markups and discounts are established according to sales conditions, etc.

An industry solution is possible to automate the accounting of the work of an enterprise that sells wholesale and retail alcohol and products that contain alcohol.

This is “1C: Enterprise 8 Integrated automation of trade in alcoholic products,” which is based on a standard program.

Fixed assets management

1C:Comprehensive automation provides for accounting for the following types of tangible assets:

  • equipment that was purchased by the organization and was not transferred for use;
  • equipment that was transferred for installation;
  • construction projects;
  • fixed assets.

Users are offered the following functions:

  • implementation of an automated type of equipment and operating system accounting;
  • accounting for construction, installation and repair costs;
  • creating a report on the desired section;
  • accounting for expenses during the reconstruction and modernization of the OS;
  • it is possible to automatically reflect actions with equipment and OS in accounting;
  • carrying out depreciation calculations for accounting for income tax and creating a tax accounting register;

Typical actions for asset accounting are automated. This applies to:

  • acceptance of fixed assets for accounting;
  • movement control;
  • implementation of depreciation;
  • making amendments to indicators when reflecting depreciation expenses;
  • accounting for production of fixed assets upon the fact;
  • modernization, write-off, OS sales.

Depreciation calculation is carried out in the following ways:

  • linear;
  • in proportion to production volumes;
  • according to a unified deduction rate for depreciation;
  • reducing the balance;
  • taking into account the sum of useful years;
  • considering individual schedule depreciation.

Assets that are used seasonally can be reflected in the annual depreciation rate distribution schedule on a monthly basis.

Using the configuration, you can obtain detailed data on the state of the OS, analyze their wear, and track the maintenance of equipment objects.

For timely completion production programs and optimal use of the resource are provided:

  • maintaining a database for operating system maintenance;
  • the ability to plan such services and resources for its implementation;
  • record the results after implementing OS maintenance;
  • analyze deviations in the timing and volume of services.


The program provides planning in the following areas:

  • sales;
  • production;
  • procurement

Plans can be drawn up for a separate work area and planning object. The plan is detailed:

  • within a certain period - year, quarter, month, week, day;
  • by counterparty;
  • By ;
  • according to orders.

To speed up the process, the Planning Assistant is used.

Working with money

When using the configuration you can:

  • create an effective cash flow management mechanism;
  • generate prompt and reliable information;
  • regulate mutual offsets;
  • improve payment discipline;
  • accelerate cash turnover.

Main functions:

  • implementation of operational accounting of the movement of the company’s money on the current account and cash desk;
  • planning of company finance income and expenses.

It is possible to maintain a payment calendar (a set of requests for the use of money), which will be compiled with detailed description places to store finances.

Record keeping


  • accounting management within the accounting policy settings;
  • creation of new sub-accounts;
  • creation of new sections of analytical types of accounting;

Accounting is carried out:

  • by bank and cash desk;
  • on fixed assets and intangible assets;
  • on materials, products;
  • on costs and cost calculation;
  • on currency transactions;
  • for settlements with the enterprise and the accountable person;
  • according to settlements with employees, budget.

Regarding production accounting, it is worth noting the following possibilities:

  • plan and take into account the release of finished goods;
  • keep records of work uniforms, raw materials, defects, etc.;
  • Maintain arrays of regulatory reference bases that are needed for record keeping.


Regarding tax accounting, it is worth noting the possibility of:

  • generate reports in paper and electronic form;
  • implement a personalized type of accounting for contributions to the Pension Fund;
  • reflect income tax calculations in the accounting account;
  • form , and ;
  • to form;
  • carry out separate accounting of profits and costs.

The program provides for the formation of:

  • tax returns;
  • statistical reporting;
  • certificates submitted to the tax office;
  • reports to the Social Insurance Fund and the Pension Fund of Russia;
  • accounting;
  • declarations on the production and circulation of alcohol.

Description Configuration "1C: Integrated automation of trade in alcoholic products 8" of the 1C: Enterprise 8 software system is a comprehensive solution covering the main contours of management and accounting at an enterprise engaged in the wholesale and retail sale of alcoholic products. In addition, the configuration can be recommended for work at enterprises of a holding structure that include organizations involved in the sale of alcoholic beverages.

The configuration was created on the basis of the standard configuration "1C: Integrated Automation 8" and, as a result, allows you to implement the accounting schemes laid down in the standard configuration.

It allows you to organize a unified information system for managing various aspects of the enterprise. For this purpose, the following subsystems have been developed in the configuration:

  • Alcohol (Basic Elements):
    • Alcohol characteristics of organizations;
    • Alcohol characteristics of counterparties;
    • Alcohol characteristics of the nomenclature;
  • Accounting for alcohol batches:
    • Accounting sections: Bottling dates, EGAIS batch codes, ranges of special brands, arbitrarily specified properties;
    • Accounting indicators: Packages, decalitres, decalitres of B/S by calculated strength;
    • Accounting for special brands, marking of goods and materials;
  • Supporting documentation:
    • A set of industry-specific accompanying documents (certificates A and B, etc.);
    • Freely define a list of scanned images (eg certificates, licenses, driving directions, etc.);
    • Fast printing mechanism with the ability to set fast printing profiles;
    • Register of printed documents;
    • Uploading data to EGAIS;
  • Alcohol (Trade):
    • Operational control of trade operations (availability of valid licenses, a set of accompanying documents, permitted types of activities);
    • Industry-specific federal reports (Appendices 5-7 to the Regulations on the declaration of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, Form 1-alcohol (wholesale) "Information on the sale of alcoholic beverages and beer");
    • Industry regional reports (SUE "Moscow Quality");
  • Pricing;
  • Management of mutual settlements;
  • Inventory Management;
  • Sales management:
  • Customer orders;
  • Sales planning;
  • Customer relationship management;
  • Retail management;
  • Procurement management:
    • Orders to suppliers;
    • Procurement planning;
    • Supplier relationship management;
  • Cash management;
  • Cost management
  • Fixed Asset Accounting
  • Accounting for workwear, special equipment and equipment
  • Personnel Management;
  • Salary calculation
  • Accounting
  • Tax accounting
  • Regulated reporting
  • Service capabilities
When developing management accounting in the configuration, the experience of automation of Russian enterprises was used, and the main world standards, trends and methods of managing trading enterprises were taken into account.

The system methodology determines the accounting categories for which automation mechanisms are developed in the configuration:

  • management accounting and planning;
  • regulated accounting.
For management accounting, the system has developed a number of registers with the necessary level of detail for storing and analyzing management information. The management register system is intended mainly for maintaining corporate management accounting and is used to obtain a reliable picture of the business. For enterprises of a holding structure, end-to-end management accounting is maintained for all organizations included in the holding. Management accounting is maintained according to data recorded in documents, but does not depend on the methods and the very fact of maintaining regulated accounting.

The configuration can highlight mechanisms to support the operational activities of the enterprise. Such mechanisms allow for each business transaction to record only those data that are known about it at the time of its occurrence, i.e. real-time data. Accounting data is registered in the system using primary accounting documents. Mechanisms for maintaining operational activities also perform operational control functions. When recording such transactions, the correctness of the data in the registered primary accounting documents and the correctness of their execution are analyzed.

In addition to the documents of the operational block, in each type of accounting you can register primary documents that are not reflected in the operational block. As a rule, this applies to operations that clarify the details of any accounting. Data from such documents do not require operational control, do not affect operational decision-making, and are specific to each type of accounting.

Thanks to the configuration “1C: Integrated automation of trade in alcoholic beverages 8″, automation of online trade has become more accessible. This software modification is a comprehensive solution from the 1C:Enterprise 8 program. The product is intended for managing and accounting for alcohol in enterprises that engage in retail and wholesale trade. Among other things, the program can be used in companies with a holding structure that includes a branch engaged in the sale of alcoholic products. Before purchasing the 1C program, experts recommend that you familiarize yourself with the special modifications that are created based on the basic configuration “1C: Integrated Automation 8”. Due to the similar structure of both configurations, the presented program can use standard accounting schemes to solve special problems. Using the program, the user gets the opportunity to organize a global accounting system for information flows that relate to commercial activities alcoholic beverage enterprises. To achieve this goal, the configuration provides the following subsystems:


  • alcohol parameters of the enterprise,
  • alcohol parameters of the counterparties' nomenclature,
  • alcohol nomenclature parameters.

Accounting for alcoholic batches:

  • Accounting sections: Bottling date, ranges of special brands, EGAIS batch codes, other arbitrarily specified properties;
  • Accounting parameters: deciliters, deciliters of B/S by design strength, packaging;
  • Marking of goods and materials, accounting of special brands;

Attached documents:

  • a set of special accompanying documents
  • scanned images (certificates, licenses, etc.)
  • quick print mechanism with the ability to set quick print profiles
  • register of printed documents
  • uploading data to EGAIS

Alcohol (Trade):

  • current control of trading operations
  • industry-specific federal reports (Appendices 5-7 to the Regulations on the declaration of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, Form 1-alcohol (wholesale) “Information on the sale of alcoholic beverages and beer”)
  • industry regional reports (SUE “Moscow Quality”)

In addition, the program provides:

  • pricing accounting
  • settlement management
  • inventory and sales management
  • possibility of placing orders with suppliers
  • accounting of fixed assets and costs
  • accounting of equipment and workwear.
The program includes the ability to manage personnel and payroll. As in any configuration of the “1C: Trade Management” type, here it is possible to carry out accounting, tax accounting and more. The program is one of the best 1C configurations in Moscow. During the development of the basic principles of management accounting, real experience in enterprise automation was used Russian Federation. In addition, basic international standards and trending techniques regarding the management of commercial enterprises were taken into account. Special techniques implemented in the system select the desired accounting category. For each category, there are automation methods within the configuration. There are two accounting categories. These are regulated accounting and management accounting and planning. To implement management accounting, the program has created a set of registers with a sufficient level of detail that allows you to store and analyze incoming information. Management registers are used for corporate accounting in order to constantly see the real state of affairs. If the program is used in enterprises that are part of a holding structure, then management accounting is maintained for all departments that are part of the holding. Management accounting is carried out according to actual data available in documents. In the program you can use options that will support the current activities of the enterprise. Such mechanisms make it possible to record incoming data for each business transaction. All incoming data that is intended for accounting is registered with special accounting documents. While recording all operations, the entered data is automatically corrected and the formatting is correct.