GOST corn starch. Corn starch general technical specifications. Transportation and storage

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Official publication



The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 “Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2009 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for development, adoption, application, updating and cancellation"

Standard information

1 PREPARED BY the State Scientific Institution “All-Russian Research Institute of Starch Products” of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences (GNU All-Russian Research Institute of Starch Products of the Russian Agricultural Academy)

2 INTRODUCED by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstan-

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (protocol dated June 7, 2013 No. 43)

4 By order Federal agency on technical regulation and metrology dated August 28, 2013 No. 652-st interstate standard GOST 32159-2013 put into effect as a national standard Russian Federation from July 1, 2014

This standard has been prepared based on the application of GOST R 51985-2002


Information about changes to this standard is published in the annual information index “National Standards”, and the text of changes and amendments is published in the monthly information index “National Standards”. In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, the corresponding notice will be published in the monthly information index “National Standards”. Relevant information, notices and texts are also posted in information system common use- on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet

© Standardinform, 2013

In the Russian Federation, this standard cannot be fully or partially reproduced, replicated and distributed as an official publication without permission from the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

UDC 664.25:006.354 MKS 67.180.20 N43

Key words: corn starch, classification, general technical requirements, packaging, labeling, acceptance rules, control methods, transportation and storage

Editor M.E. Nikulina Technical editor V.N. Prusakova Corrector M.V. Buchnaya Computer layout I.A. Naleykina

Delivered for recruitment on 11/08/2013. Signed for publication on December 26, 2013. Format 60x84%. Arial typeface. Uel. oven l. 1.40. Academic ed. l. 1.05. Circulation 103 copies. Zach. 1515.

FSUE "STANDARTINFORM", 123995 Moscow, Granatny per., 4. www.gostinfo.ru [email protected]


Printed in the branch of FSUE "STANDARTINFORM" - type. "Moscow Printer", 105062 Moscow, Lyalin lane, 6.

1 area of ​​use............................................... ....1

3 Terms and definitions................................................... ..2

4 General technical requirements...................................................2

4.1 Characteristics................................................... ...2

4.2 Requirements for raw materials.................................................... ..3

4.3 Packaging................................................... .......3

4.4 Marking................................................... ......4

5 Acceptance rules......................................................... ......6

6 Sampling and methods of analysis.................................................... .6

7 Transportation and storage...................................................6

Appendix A (informative) Nutritional and energy value of 100 g of corn starch.....7

Bibliography................................................. .......7


CORN STARCH General technical specifications

Maize starch. General specifications

Date of introduction - 2014-07-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to corn starch (hereinafter referred to as starch) obtained by processing corn grain.

Starch is used in various industries Food Industry and for sale to the public in retail trade.

The quality requirements for corn starch, ensuring its safety for human life and health, are set out in 4.1.2, 4.1.3, 4.2.

2 Normative references

This standard uses Normative references to the following interstate standards:

4 General technical requirements

Starch is produced in accordance with the requirements of this standard.

4.1 Characteristics

Depending on the quality, starch is divided into:

For the highest and first grades;


4.1.1 In terms of organoleptic and physicochemical indicators, starch must meet the requirements specified in Table 1.

End of table 1

Indicator name

Characteristics and norm


first class


Mass fraction of moisture, %, no more

Mass fraction of total ash in terms of dry matter, %, no more

Acidity - volume of sodium hydroxide solution with a molar concentration of 0.1 mol/dm 3 (0.1 N) to neutralize acids and acid salts contained in 100 g of starch dry matter, cm 3, no more

Mass fraction of protein in terms of dry matter, %, no more

Number of specks per 1 dm2 of smooth starch surface when viewed with the naked eye, pcs., no more

Impurities of other starches

Not allowed

Color reaction with iodine

Not standardized

From red to red-violet

Note - Additional requirements for the quality of starch may be determined by contract.

4.1.3 According to microbiological indicators, the quality of starch intended for food purposes should not exceed the permissible levels established or regulatory legal acts, valid in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard.

4.2 Requirements for raw materials

4.2.1 For the production of starch, food or feed corn must be used in accordance with GOST 13634.

Corn in which the residual amount of toxic elements, mycotoxins, pesticides, radionuclides and harmful impurities exceeds the permissible levels established in or by regulations in force in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard is not allowed for processing.

4.2.2 It is allowed to use corn obtained through import and approved for use for production food products in accordance with or regulatory legal acts in force in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard.

4.3 Packaging

Starch is produced by weight and packaged.

4.3.1 Starch by weight is packaged:

weighing no more than 40 kg in polypropylene bags in accordance with GOST 30090 with a film liner bag in accordance with GOST 19360; in polypropylene bags with a laminated inner layer, in polypropylene bags with a sewn-in polyethylene bag regulatory document, operating in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard;

weighing no more than 30 kg in four-layer paper bags in accordance with GOST 2226;

weighing no more than 40 kg in double bags using:

outer bag - fabric grocery bag in accordance with GOST 30090, new or used, not lower than category II;

inner bag - a new fabric grocery bag in accordance with GOST 30090 or multilayer paper (at least four layers) in accordance with GOST 2226, or a film liner bag in accordance with GOST 19360.

A negative deviation of the net weight of the bag from the nominal weight of 0.5% is allowed.

In four-layer paper bags, after filling them with starch, the two inner layers are closed, the two outer ones are sewn up by machine or manually or sealed with polyethylene tape with an adhesive layer in accordance with GOST 20477 or other types of polyethylene tape with an adhesive layer in accordance with the regulatory document in force in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard .

Film liner bags are heat sealed or sealed with polyethylene tape with an adhesive layer, or sewn up by machine or hand.

Paper and fabric bags are sewn up by machine or manually with cotton yarn or linen threads in accordance with GOST 14961, or synthetic threads in accordance with regulatory documents in force in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard, or with twine in accordance with GOST 17308. After stitching, the outer bag should have two ears or a ridge 8-10 cm high across the entire width of the bag.

It is allowed to tie bags with twine in accordance with GOST 17308.

Manually sewing and tying bags should ensure complete safety of starch during transportation and storage.

Starch is packaged in soft specialized disposable containers for bulk products made of polypropylene tubular fabric with polyethylene liners for soft specialized containers in accordance with the regulatory document in force in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard.

Other types of packaging are allowed in accordance with, ensuring the preservation of the quality, quantity and safety of starch.

4.3.2 Starch is packaged in consumer packaging (packaging units: packs or bags). All types of packaging materials must be approved for contact with food. Net weight of a packaging unit - from 200 to 1000 g. The limit of permissible negative deviations of the net content from the nominal quantity is in accordance with GOST 8.579 and table 2. The limit of permissible positive deviations of the contents of net packaging units from the nominal quantity is not limited. The average net content of a packaging unit in a lot must be not less than the nominal quantity indicated on the packaging unit. The number of defective packaging units in a lot that do not meet the requirements of should not exceed 2% of the lot size. In a batch of packaged starch there should not be a single packaging unit in which the negative deviation of the net contents from the nominal quantity exceeds double the limit of permissible negative deviations given in Table 2.

4.3.3 Packaged packaging units are placed in transport containers: boxes made of corrugated cardboard - according to GOST 13511, GOST 13512, from container flat glued cardboard - according to GOST 13515.

4.4 Marking

4.4.1 Labeling of transport containers Marking of transport containers (bags, boxes) - according to GOST 14192 with the application of the handling sign “Keep away from moisture”. For each bag of starch, the marking is applied typographically on a label or directly on the bag using a stencil or stamp with indelible and odorless paint, or in any other way that ensures its clear image.

A label made of thick paper or thick paper on a fabric or knitted basis, or made of glued non-woven fabric, or other materials is placed at one end into the neck of the bag and stitched simultaneously with the sewing of the bag.

The marking must contain the following information:

Variety (if available);

Batch number;

Net weight of the bag;

Nutritional value of 100 g of starch;

Shelf life with date of manufacture;

Information on the nutritional and energy value of starch is given in Appendix A. For each box, markings are applied typographically to a label glued to the box, or directly to the container by clearly imprinting with a stencil or stamp with indelible and odorless paint.

The marking must contain:

Name and type of product;

Variety (if available);

Name and location of the manufacturer [legal address, including country, and, if different from legal address, address(es) of production(s)];

Manufacturer's trademark (if available);

Batch number;

Number of packaging units and net weight of the packaging unit;

Date of manufacture and date of packaging;

Storage conditions (inscription: “Store at a relative air humidity of the warehouse no more than 75%”);

Shelf life;

Designation of this standard;

Information about confirmation of conformity.

4.4.2 Labeling of consumer packaging

Consumer packaging (packs, bags) must be decorated with colorful designs with inscriptions printed directly on the packaging material or label.

Each unit of consumer packaging is marked in Russian in accordance with so that the name of the product is larger in font size than the rest of the information.

The ink used for printing should not penetrate the packaging and impart an foreign taste and odor to the starch.

Other marking methods are permitted.

The labeling must contain the following information for the consumer:

Name and type of product;

Variety (if available);

Name and location of the manufacturer [legal address, including country, and, if different from the legal address, address(es) of production(s)];

Name and location of the organization authorized by the manufacturer to accept claims from consumers in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard (if any);

Manufacturer's trademark (if available);

Date of manufacture and date of packaging;

Net weight;

Nutritional and energy value of 100 g of starch (Appendix A);

Storage conditions (inscription: “Store in a dry place”);

Shelf life;

Designation of this standard;

Information about confirmation of conformity.

Information may be supplemented:

barcode (if possible).

4.4.3 In accordance with the terms of the contract, any additional information may be added to the markings.

5 Acceptance rules

5.1 Rules for accepting starch packed in bags - according to GOST 7698, packaged in bundles or bags - according to GOST 15113.0.

5.2 Each batch of starch must be accompanied by a document certifying its quality and safety.

By agreement with the consumer, any additional information characterizing the product can be included in the certificate.

5.3 The frequency of checking the content of toxic elements, pesticides, radionuclides and microbiological indicators in starch is established by the manufacturer in accordance with the regulations in force in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard.

GOST 26670, GOST 10444.12, GOST 10444.15, GOST 31659, GOST 31747.

7 Transportation and storage

7.1 Starch is transported according to the cargo transportation rules in force for this type of transport.

Packaging during transportation is in accordance with GOST 24597, GOST 26663 and GOST 21650.

It is not allowed to transport starch in vehicles in which poisonous and strong-smelling cargo was transported, as well as together with products with specific odors.

7.2 Starch is stored in dry, well-ventilated warehouses, without foreign odor, grain stocks not contaminated by pests.

Sacks or boxes of starch are placed on wooden racks. When storing starch for more than 10 days, the racks are covered with tarpaulin or polymer materials of such a size that the edges can close the sides of the first row of bags or boxes.

In warehouses where starch is stored, the relative air humidity should be no more than 75%.

7.3 The shelf life of corn starch is determined by the manufacturer. The recommended shelf life of starch is two years from the date of manufacture.

GOST 32159-2013

Appendix A (informative)

Nutritional and energy value of 100 g of corn starch

A.1 The nutritional value of 100 g of corn starch is given in Table A.1.

Table A.1


Technical Regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 021/2011 “On the safety of food products”, approved by the Commission of the Customs Union dated December 9, 2011 No. 880*

Technical Regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 005/2011 “On Packaging Safety”, approved by the Commission of the Customs Union dated August 16, 2011 No. 769*

Technical Regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 022/2011 “ Food products in terms of its labeling”, approved by the Commission of the Customs Union dated 09.12.2011 No. 881*

Valid in the territory of the Customs Union.

GOST 7697-82

Group H43




Mais starch.

OKP 91 8712

Valid from 01/01/83
until 01.01.93*
* The validity period was removed by the Resolution
Gosstandart of Russia dated October 27, 1992 N 1461
(IUS No. 1, 1993). - Note "CODE".

DEVELOPED by the USSR Ministry of Food Industry


E.A.Shtyrkova, I.I.Kiryukhina

INTRODUCED by the USSR Ministry of Food Industry

Deputy Minister R.B. Usmanov

APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated February 12, 1982 N 584


This standard applies to corn starch obtained from corn grain.

Corn starch is used in various branches of the food industry, as well as for technical purposes (in textiles, paper and other industries).

Corn amylopectin starch is used as a stabilizer and thickener, as well as to replace potato starch in the food industry.



1.1. Corn starch must be produced in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to technological instructions approved in the prescribed manner.

1.2. For the production of starch, food and feed corn should be used according to GOST 13634-81.

1.3. Corn starch is produced:

highest and first grades;


1.4. In terms of organoleptic and physicochemical indicators, corn starch must meet the requirements specified in the table.

Standard for starch


Indicator name

Top grade

First grade

corn amylopectin


Homogeneous powder

White with a yellowish tint

Characteristic of starch, without foreign odor

Mass fraction of moisture, %, no more

Mass fraction of total ash in terms of dry matter, %, no more


ash (sand), insoluble in 10% hydrochloric acid (in starch intended for food purposes), %, no more

Acidity - consumption 0.1 N. NaOH solution for neutralization of 100 g of dry matter, cm, no more

Mass fraction of protein in terms of dry matter, %, no more

Mass fraction of sulfur dioxide (SO), %, no more

Number of specks per 1 dm of flat starch surface when viewed with the naked eye, pcs., no more

Impurities of other types of starch

Not allowed

Residue after sieving 1 dm of suspension containing 100 g of starch through a silk sieve No. 67 or nylon sieve No. 73 in terms of dry matter, starch, %, no more

Color reaction with iodine

From red to red-violet

Note. During storage, it is allowed to increase the moisture content of corn starch to 14%.


2.1. Acceptance rules - according to GOST 7698-78.


3.1. Sampling and methods of analysis - according to GOST 7698-78.


4.1. Corn starch is packaged in double bags.

Inner fabric grocery bag according to GOST 19317-73, new or used, not lower than category II, or multilayer paper grade NM according to GOST 2226-75, or film liner bag according to GOST 19360-74.

Outer fabric bag in accordance with GOST 19317-73 or flax-jute-kenaf in accordance with GOST 8516-78, or in accordance with GOST 18225-72, new or used, not lower than category III.

Paper and fabric bags are sewn up by machine or manually with cotton threads in accordance with GOST 15958-70, synthetic threads in accordance with current regulatory and technical documentation or twine in accordance with GOST 17308-71.

Film liner bags are heat sealed or sealed with polyethylene tape.

When sewn, the outer bag should have two ears or be without ears with a ridge height of 8-10 cm.

Net weight of starch is from 15 to 60 kg.

4.2. Starch shipped to the Far North and hard-to-reach areas must be packaged in the same way as granulated sugar. GOST 15846-79.

4.3. Corn starch for long-term storage is packaged in double bags:

inner bag made of linen fabrics in combination with cotton yarn in accordance with GOST 19317-73, dense, increased strength, used, categories I and II;

outer fabric grocery bag in accordance with GOST 19317-73 or flax-jute-kenaf in accordance with GOST 8516-78, or in accordance with GOST 18225-72, new or used, categories I and II.

4.4. Corn starch is packaged in small consumer containers (packs or bags) made of paper according to GOST 7247-73 , grades A-I, A-II, B-I; in bags made of polyethylene and polyethylene cellophane film or containers made of other materials approved by the USSR Ministry of Health for packaging food products, with a net weight of 100 to 1000 g.

The deviation from the mass should not exceed, %:

±3 - for a pack weighing up to 250 g inclusive:

from 250 to 500 g inclusive;

from 500 to 1000 g inclusive;

±0.25 for bag regardless of weight.

4.5. Packs or packages are placed in dense board and plywood boxes according to GOST 11354-77 N 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14 or according to GOST 13360-79 N 12, 14; in corrugated cardboard boxes GOST 13511-79 N 4, 14, 15, 16 with a net weight of no more than 30 kg.

When transporting in small shipments, packs or packages are packed in thick wooden boxes in accordance with GOST 13360-79 N 12 and 14.

4.6. Transport containers are marked according to GOST 14192-77 with the application of the manipulation sign “Afraid of dampness”.

4.7. Each bag of starch should have a label made of thick paper or bleached fabric. A label measuring 70x140 mm is placed at one end into the neck of the bag and stitched simultaneously with sewing the bag.

A paper label must be attached to the box.

Labels and labels must bear the following designations characterizing the products:

name of the organization in whose system the manufacturer is included;

name of the manufacturer, its location and trademark;

name of the product indicating the type and grade;

batch number;

Net weight;

production date;

number of units of consumer packaging (for starch in packs or bags);

designation of this standard.

4.8. A label is glued onto each pack or bag (put into a film bag) (or printed directly on one of the sides of the pack or bag using special ink) with the following designations:

name of the organization in whose system the manufacturer is included;

name of the manufacturer, its location and trademark;

names of products indicating its type and grade;

net weight;

production dates;

retail price;

symbols of this standard.

4.9. Starch is transported by all types of transport in covered vehicles, as well as in containers in accordance with the rules of cargo transportation in force for this type of transport. Transportation of starch in special vehicles is allowed.

It is not allowed to transport starch in vehicles in which poisonous or strong-smelling cargo was transported, as well as together with products with specific odors.

4.10. Corn starch should be stored in well-ventilated warehouses without foreign odors and not infested with flour pests.

Sacks or boxes of starch are placed on wooden racks. When storing starch for more than 10 days, the racks are covered with tarpaulin or polymeric materials of such a size that the edges can be used to cover the sides of the first row of bags or boxes.

In warehouses where starch is stored, the relative air humidity should not exceed 75%.


5.1. The manufacturer must guarantee that the quality of the produced starch meets the requirements of this standard, subject to storage and transportation conditions.

5.2. Guarantee period storage of starch - 2 years from the date of production.

The text of the document is verified according to:
official publication
M.: Standards Publishing House, 1982

Official publication

USSR State Committee on Standards Moscow

UDC 664.23: 006.3 S4 Group H43


CORN STARCH Technical specifications

Mais starch. Specifications

Instead of GOST 7697-66

By Decree of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated February 12, 1982 Ns 584, the validity period was established

from 01/01/1983 to 01/01/1993

Failure to comply with the standard is punishable by law

This standard applies to corn starch obtained from corn grain.

Corn starch is used in various branches of the food industry, as well as for technical purposes (in textiles, paper and other industries).

Corn amylopectin starch is used as a stabilizer and thickener, as well as to replace potato starch in the food industry.


1.1. Corn starch must be produced in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to technological instructions approved in the prescribed manner.

1.2. For the production of starch, food and feed corn must be used in accordance with GOST 13634-81.

1.3. Corn starch is produced:

highest and first grades;


1.4. In terms of organoleptic and physicochemical indicators, corn starch must meet the requirements specified in the table.

Official publication Reproduction prohibited

Reissue. April 1982

© Standards Publishing House, 1982


Homogeneous powder White with a yellowish tint Characteristic of starch, without foreign odor

Mass fraction of moisture, %, no more Mass fraction of total ash in terms of dry matter, %, no more


ash (sand), insoluble in 10% hydrochloric acid (in starch intended for food processing),%, not Salt Acidity - consumption 0.1 and. NaOH solution for neutralization of 100 g of dry matter, cm 1 *, no more Mass fraction of protein in terms of dry matter, %, no more Mass fraction of sulfur dioxide (S0 2), %, no more

Number of specks per 1 dm 2 of a smooth surface of starch when viewed with the naked eye, pcs., no more Impurities of other types of starch Residue after sieving 1 dm 3 of a suspension containing 100 g of starch through a silk sieve No. 67 or nylon jSTa 73 in terms of dry matter , starch, %, no more than Color reaction with iodine

Not allowed

From red to red-violet

Note. During storage, it is allowed to increase the moisture content of corn starch to 14%.


2.1. Acceptance rules - according to GOST 7698-78.


3.1. Sampling and analysis methods - according to GOST 7698-78.

GOST 769U-82 Page. 3


4.1. Corn starch is packaged in double bags.

Inner fabric grocery bag according to GOST 19317-73

new or used, not lower than category II, or multilayer paper grade NM according to GOST 2226-75, or film liner bag according to GOST 19360-74.

Outer fabric bag in accordance with GOST 19317-73 or flax-ju-to-kenaf in accordance with GOST 8516-78, or in accordance with GOST 18225-72, new or used, not lower than category III.

Paper and fabric bags are sewn up by machine or by hand using cotton threads in accordance with GOST 15958-70, synthetic threads in accordance with the current regulatory and technical documentation or twine in accordance with GOST 17308-71.

Film liner bags are heat sealed or sealed with polyethylene tape.

When sewn, the outer bag should have two ears or be without ears with a ridge height of 8-10 cm.

Net weight of starch is from 15 to 60 kg.

4.2. Starch shipped to the Far North and hard-to-reach areas must be packaged in the same way as granulated sugar according to GOST 15846-79.

4.3. Corn starch for long-term storage is packaged in double bags:

inner bag made of linen fabrics in combination with cotton yarn in accordance with GOST 19317-73, dense, increased strength, used, categories I and II;

outer fabric grocery bag in accordance with GOST 19317-73 or flax-jute-kenaf in accordance with GOST 8516-78, or in accordance with GOST 18225-72, new or used, categories I and II.

4.4. Corn starch is packaged in small consumer containers (packs or bags) made of paper in accordance with GOST 7247-73, grades A-I, A-P, B-1; in bags made of polyethylene and polyethylene cellophane film or containers made of other materials approved by the USSR Ministry of Health for packaging food products, with a net weight of 100 to 1000 g.

The deviation from the mass should not exceed, %:

±3 - for a pack weighing up to 250 g inclusive;

±2 - for a pack weighing from 250 g to 500 g inclusive;

±1 - for a pack weighing from 500 g to 1000 g inclusive;

±0.25 for bag regardless of weight.

4.5. Packs or packages are placed in dense board and plywood boxes in accordance with GOST 11354-77 No. 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14 or in accordance with GOST 13360-79 No. 12, 14; in corrugated cardboard boxes in accordance with GOST 13511-79 No. 4, 14, 15, 16 with a net weight of no more than 30 kg.

Page 4 GOST 7697-81

When transporting in small shipments, packs or packages are packed in thick wooden boxes in accordance with GOST 13360-79 No. 12 and 14.

4.6. Transport containers are marked in accordance with GOST 14192-77 with a handling sign “Afraid of dampness”.

4.7. Each bag of starch should have a label made of thick paper or bleached fabric. A label measuring 70x140 mm is placed at one end into the neck of the bag and stitched simultaneously with the sewing of the bag.

A paper label must be attached to the box.

Labels and labels must bear the following designations characterizing the products:

name of the organization in whose system the manufacturer is included;

name of the manufacturer, its location and trademark;

name of the product indicating the type and grade; batch number; Net weight; production date;

number of units of consumer packaging (for starch in packs or bags);

designation of this standard.

4.8. A label is glued onto each pack or bag (put into a film bag) (or printed directly on one of the sides of the pack or bag using special ink) with the following designations:

name of the organization in whose system the manufacturer is included;

name of the manufacturer, its location and trademark;

names of products indicating its type and grade; net weight; production dates; retail price;

symbols of this standard.

4.9. Starch is transported by all types of transport in covered vehicles, as well as in containers in accordance with the rules of cargo transportation in force for this type of transport. Transportation of starch in special vehicles is allowed.

It is not allowed to transport starch in vehicles in which poisonous or strong-smelling cargo was transported, as well as together with products with specific odors.

4.10. Corn starch should be stored in well-ventilated warehouses without foreign odors and not infested with flour pests.

Sacks or boxes of starch are placed on wooden racks. When storing starch for more than 10 days, the racks are covered with tarpaulin or polymeric materials of such a size that the edges can be used to cover the sides of the first row of bags or boxes.

In warehouses where starch is stored, the relative air humidity should not exceed 75%,


5.1. The manufacturer must guarantee that the quality of the produced starch meets the requirements of this standard, subject to storage and transportation conditions.

5.2. The guaranteed shelf life of starch is 2 years from the date of production.

Editor S. G. Vilkina Technical editor L. V. Weinberv Proofreader V. A. Ryaukaite

Delivered to embankment 25.11.82 Vile, in the oven. 12/20/82 0.5 p.l. 0.30 academic publication l. Shooting gallery 6000 Price 3 kov.

Order "Know of Honor" Publishing house of standards, Moscow, D-557, Novopresnensky lane, 3. Vilnius printing house Publishing house of standards, st., Mipdaugo, \2jU Zakh. b378

Corn starch GOST 32159-2013 buy wholesale

Price is negotiable

Packaging options 25 kg bags, 1 ton big bags
Delivery By agreement
Wholesale/retail Wholesale
Country of Origin Russia

Description: We offer to buy wholesale native corn starch High Quality produced by LLC Starch Plant "SP Don".

Quality in accordance with GOST R 32159-2013. Packaging - 25 kg bags on pallets, in soft big bag containers of 1000 kg. Prices for volumes are negotiated individually!

The plant's capacity is up to 300 tons of corn grain processing per day. After processing the corn grain, we obtain starch, gluten, dry corn feed and germ.

We have the opportunity to monitor the entire process from growing and harvesting to processing, transportation and storage, observing all the conditions and norms of standardization and certification of the Russian Federation.

The properties of starch make it possible to obtain derivatives from it that satisfy the requirements of numerous consumers:

Food industry;
. Confectionery and baking production;
. Production of jelly, ketchup, mayonnaise, sauces;
. Production of processed cheese;
. Meat processing;
. Grocery production;
. Paper industry;
. Production of corrugated cardboard;
. Making glue;
. Construction mixtures;
. IN textile industry used for sizing yarn, finishing and preparing thickening compositions;
. In the pharmaceutical industry as a filler for tableting and encapsulation medicines;
. As the main raw material for the production of modified corn starch.