Course work methods of social planning. Social planning Social orientation and planning effectiveness




The functional orientation of planning the long-term development of a specific socio-economic system in its substantive basis should, in our opinion, include not only the desire to achieve economic and social results established on a predictive basis through the implementation of a set of resource-supported measures of an economic, financial, innovative, marketing, structural-organizational nature, but also to neutralize, level out the significant influences of negative factors of the external and internal environments, to achieve the intended goal based on the principles of planning and proportional development to the extent that they are observed, which is possible within the framework of the interaction of the planning function with other elements in the management system of the socio-economic development of an enterprise or industry and the national economy as a whole.

Proportional and planned development of a socio-economic system developing on the basis of the implementation of an indicative (recommendatory, oriented) plan is possible in the conditions of a combination of current, long-term and strategic planning, their systemic interaction at various levels of management of the development of socio-economic systems (enterprise, industry, complex, national economy). At the same time, planning under conditions of significant influence of factors of an unstable external environment in an uncertain time should be given a coordinating role in the coordinated implementation of comprehensive measures and actions within the framework of a specific socio-economic system to achieve the greatest effectiveness and efficiency of production and provision of services.

At the same time, achieving that proportionality in the development of the socio-economic system, which is possible in the context of significant changes in the external environment, can be expressed not only in ensuring appropriate growth rates in the volume of products, provision of services, and cost reduction, allowing to maintain the level of competitiveness necessary for professional market participants, occupied (priority, leading) place in the market, but also in the organization of mutually agreed upon activities of all structural components of the national economy, industry, and divisions of the enterprise. At the same time, mutual agreement and rationalization of existing relations should be regulated by both governing bodies and the market.

Planning with its functional focus should be focused on solving such problems of proportionality of development as

determination and regulation of the appropriate level and nature of subordination, priority of investment, production of certain types of products, provision of services, performance of work, preference and priority for the development of individual structural components, resource potentials of socio-economic systems.

The need for innovative and investment development of economic entities, structural components of the production and social sphere of the national economy, determining the levels of their competitiveness, efficiency of resource use, quality of services, complication and development of production relationships between structural components, enterprises of the national economy, in the context of the transition to a developed market in a significant to a large extent depends on: the effectiveness and significance of the planning and calculation justifications for achieving the greatest economic and social results, the minimum costs spent on the consumption of labor, financial, information resources, fixed assets, material elements of working capital; increasing the degree of systematicity of the processes of production of products, provision of services, performance of work in accordance with the target orientation of development in the medium- and long-term period of time.

Increasing the role of planning in the activities of the structural components of the national economy and enterprises largely depends on the degree of compliance with the indicators and responsibility of managers in the process of implementing plans drawn up for the current and long-term (medium-, long-term) periods of time for achieving planned economic and social results, levels efficiency and use of resources, on the degree of rationalization of mechanisms for stimulating labor, organization of production, and the process of providing services.

Along with this, the dominant role of the planning function in the management system of structural components of service sector enterprises is that the drawing up and implementation of plans are designed to ensure the proportional, balanced development of business entities, structural components of the service sector, as well as the equilibrium state of demand and supply emerging in the market services, works, products of various sectoral components of the social sphere. At the same time, ensuring the appropriate systematic development of structural components, business entities in the service sector, in our opinion, also largely depends on the diversity and rational combination of methods of planning and use of labor and material and technical resources, on the planning and calculation justification of the determined values ​​of economic and social results, efficiency activities of enterprises, industry components of the service sector.

Compliance with the functional orientation of long-term planning of business entities in the service sector in conditions of significant negative influence of factors of an unstable external environment is possible on the basis of not only the established volumes of consumption of all types of resources, the necessary

necessary to ensure the process of providing services to consumers, manufacturing products, but also determining and observing the minimum size (norms) of resource consumption per provision of one individual or complex service, unit of manufactured products, which are an important factor influencing the increase in the efficiency of use of all types of resources. Otherwise, the generated indicative plan with the requirements to comply with the principles of proportionality, orderliness and balance of the current functioning and long-term development of enterprises, structural components of the service sector is deprived of its functional focus, target orientation towards achieving established (necessary) economic and social results in a transitive (transition) economy , influence of negative environmental factors. At the same time, the cost of achieving planned results and volumes of consumed resources can be prohibitively high.

The functional orientation of planning in the management system of structural components and enterprises in the service sector to maintain balance, orderliness and proportionality of development in the long-term period of time can be sufficiently ensured on the basis of such use of labor, material, technical and other resources, in which, over a period of time, time periods (years), an increase in the ratio of economic results to costs is achieved, which contributes not only to the intensification and increase in the overall efficiency of production and provision of services, but also to an increase in the level of competitiveness of organizational and legal structures of the service sector. In turn, achieving high planned and estimated performance in the service sector, in our opinion, is possible if the standard consumption of labor and material and technical resources is observed, which has a positive impact on both increasing economic results and reducing the rate of cost growth.

The planned and calculated functional orientation of the structural components and enterprises of the service sector, therefore, should, on the basis of the necessary resource supply, ensure such an economic result (the value of services provided, production of products, profit), the growth dynamics of which outstrip the rate of increase in the total costs of consuming all types of resources. In this regard, the position of a number of academic economists who believe that proportionality, orderliness and balance in the process of providing services, producing products in the social sphere, and the effectiveness of activities are possible mainly on the basis of extensive growth in the volume of fixed and working capital and their better use is not sufficiently reasoned.

However, it seems to us that the legitimacy of raising the problem of increasing the average annual volume of fixed assets, material elements of working capital and the efficiency of their use does not exclude, but most likely requires intensification of the process of providing services, production of products in the social sphere, its structural components, at enterprises.

At the same time, it should be noted that the functional orientation of planning in the management system of socio-economic systems can take into account at a certain stage of development (for example, at the stage of renewal, modernization and reconstruction of fixed assets) a significant increase in the volume of resource potentials. But as production efficiency increases, the growth rate of fixed and working capital can reach those optimal volumes at which the cost results of current activities and future development of structural components and business entities in the service sector in terms of growth rates and absolute values ​​over time will outstrip the rate of increase in cost volumes resource potentials.

At the same time, in the functional orientation of planning, one should take into account the fact that an increase in the general level of efficiency in the use of all types of available resources in the long-term period of time does not yet serve as evidence of a rational relationship between results and costs in the current conditions of the negative influence of environmental factors, since the optimality of these ratios is very conditional based on compliance with established norms and standards for the consumption of all types of available resources, their compliance with the organizational, economic, innovative, technical capabilities of business entities in the service sector to save labor, material and technical resources with a planned increase in the growth rate of the cost volumes of services and manufactured products.

The normative functional orientation of planning in the management system for the long-term development of structural components, social enterprises, in accordance with our ideas, reflects, to a certain extent, the balance level of compliance of the planned cost volume of the provision of services and manufactured products with the available resource potentials, formed by the subject of management.

In addition, the balance sheet, regulatory compliance of economic results and resource provision in the long-term period is determined based on the existing need for the provision of services, production of products in the markets for services and goods, and the need to bring supply and demand into equilibrium. At the same time, for the functional orientation of planning to achieve the greatest economic results and, on a regulatory basis, the lowest costs in the long-term period, an important basis for planning and calculation justifications is the actual cost volume of services provided, production of goods in the social sphere, planned increases to which as realistically achievable values ​​are possible in perspective period based on compliance with norms and standards for resource consumption, differentiated as the technical, innovative and organizational-economic levels of resource potentials, economic entities as a whole and the structural components of the service sector change.

The proportional, balanced and systematic functional orientation of planning, as we see it, should be subordinated to the orientation towards achieving such economic results, the regulatory regulation of which would correspond to the desire of economic entities, structural components of the service sector, to effectively use resources.

A logical and verbal presentation of the functional orientation of planning current activities and long-term development of enterprises, structural components of the service sector provides an opportunity for multi-level management bodies in the social sphere to increase the degree of objectivity and significance of planning and calculation justifications for achieving the levels of efficiency of resource consumption and economic results established on a predictive basis.

The functional orientation of planning towards achieving established economic, social and other results, in our opinion, can also be ensured by increasing the level of their objectivity. The main tool for planning and calculation justifications for achieving economic results in the long-term period and the efficiency of the resources used in the service sector is socio-economic forecasting, according to which the existing trends in the development of an economic entity or, in general, the structural component of the service sector are transferred from the retrospective (past) period to future.

Forecast estimates obtained by economic and mathematical methods, the level of their adequacy of actual values ​​with forecast (planned) values ​​are confirmed, as a rule, by the statistical parameters of the significance of the created forecast model (equation), the practical use of which in the formed plan for the long-term development of an economic entity or the structural component of the service sector is that the predicted values ​​of economic results or operational efficiency, after agreement with the resource provision for the long-term period, are accepted as planned or, after some adjustments to the forecast estimates, a decision is made to approve them as guidelines for achieving economic results, the efficiency of using resources, the numerical values ​​of which are in the range of economically acceptable quantities

In this regard, it should be noted that forecast estimates of economic and other results of the long-term development of business entities, structural components of the service sector in their accuracy and objectivity correspond to the established trends of retrospective changes, actual or comparable prices, and the selected time interval within which the forecast was carried out. The accuracy of forecast estimates of economic results and the efficiency of use of all types of enterprise resources, the structural component of the social sphere, also depends on the ratio of the number of members of the dynamic series and forecast estimates over time.

In our opinion, the functional orientation of planning the development of socio-economic systems in the service sector should correspond to the accuracy of forecast estimates of their economic results and the efficiency of resource consumption for the medium term (2-3 years), since forecast errors in the long term (5-6 years) increase significantly in the absence of statistical proportionality of the members of the time series and forecast estimates. In the event that the composition of the members of the dynamic series is with the number of forecast estimates in the proportion of 2:1 with a high statistical significance of the forecast equation, then such a forecast can serve as the basis for increasing the objectivity of planning and calculation justifications for achieving the necessary economic results, levels of efficiency in the development of structural components of the sphere services in the future.

At the same time, it should be taken into account that the objectivity of the functional orientation of planning to achieve the set goal, economic results and levels of efficiency in the use of resource potentials depends on a set of various factors that directly or indirectly affect the accuracy of planned assessments of the economic and social development of business entities and the structural components of the service sector. Such factors, for example, along with the above, are changes in: the external and internal environment associated with significant fluctuations in the services market; legal regulations; levels of competitiveness of professional participants in the market of services and goods of social enterprises; distribution channels for services, products, logistics; degree of product diversification, volume of borrowed funds to finance an investment project, issue of shares, bonds.

Therefore, the adequacy of the estimated economic indicators established in the current (one year) or long-term (2-5 years) plans for the socio-economic development of the structural component, service enterprises based on forecast estimates, cannot be fully observed without taking into account and rationalizing the interaction of the current, long-term and strategic plans, in their functional focus, focused not only on taking into account possible and significant influences of factors, but also on their leveling, neutralization and localization in the event of significant changes in the state of the external and internal environment.

The functional orientation and role of planning in the management system of industrial components and service enterprises largely depends on interaction with such functions of managing socio-economic systems as organization, regulation, control and accounting. Each of the functions, having an individual orientation towards achieving specific economic, social and other results in the management system of the structural components of the service sector of the national economy, at the same time, in interaction with other management functions, is aimed in systemic unity at achieving the main goal - ensuring eco-

nomic growth and increasing the efficiency of production, provision of services in current activities and the long-term development of the structural components of the service sector.

For example, the functional orientation of organizing the process of providing services and producing products at a service enterprise is associated with the rationalization of the interaction of personnel with fixed and working capital - the material and technical components of the activities of an economic entity. At the same time, the interaction of all types of resource potential of the organizational and legal structure of the service sector based on the measures taken within the framework of the function of organizing the production of products and the provision of services should ensure the achievement of planned economic and other indicators in the long-term period.

At the same time, it should be noted that the implemented set of economic, social, marketing and innovative measures as part of the planning function determines the reality of achieving economic results only in interaction with other management functions.

In this regard, it is advisable to separate the goals of the management system of a service enterprise and directly the goals of the economic entity itself, which is a socio-economic system. The main target orientation of the socio-economic system, in our opinion, can be expressed by such a criterion definition as maximizing economic results and minimizing the costs of consuming all types of resources in the process of providing consumers with individual or complex services and production. At the same time, the main economic results as output characteristics of this system can be expressed in cost or in kind form.

In a rationalized system for managing the current activities and future development of enterprises and structural components of the service sector, the output parameters are increases in controllability and economic results due to the rationalization of the interaction of the elements of this system. The purpose of the functioning of this management system is to increase the level of controllability of the socio-economic system, its compliance with the target orientation towards achieving those economic results that correspond to the criterion orientation of this system (for example, achieving the optimal cost volume of providing services to consumers, selling products that correspond to the standard consumption of resources).

However, the role of the planning function in the management system of the organizational and legal structure of the service sector, in our opinion, is to ensure balance, proportionality and orderliness of socio-economic development through the implementation of a set of innovative, technical, economic, social, marketing, financial and other measures aimed at achieving those rates of economic growth and efficient use of resources that preserve or

expand the occupied (usual for mass professional participants or priority, leading) place in a certain market segment by an economic entity, increase its level of competitiveness, the products it produces, and the services it provides.

Therefore, the functional orientation and role of planning in the system for managing the development of the structural components of the service sector, in our opinion, can be identified with the achievement by the socio-economic system of those economic results that are established in the current and long-term plans on a resource-supported, balanced and predictive basis.

The implementation of the functional orientation of planning, its focus and increased significance in the conditions of the negative influence of external and internal environmental factors on the structural components of the service sector should be facilitated by the clarification and classification of certain industry components of the service sector into corresponding groups integrated by the nature of the provision of services.

In the economic literature there is no unity with the definition of the concepts of the social sphere, the service sector, and the service sector. In our opinion, these are synonymous concepts, despite some statistical and semantic differences from each other. For example, the State Committee of the Russian Federation on Statistics (Goskomstat) divides statistical data on the development of the national economy and relates it to the production and social spheres, highlighting various structural components and complexes in them, called industries. At the same time, Goskomstat considers the following to be the main structural components (branches) of the social sphere: transport (freight and passenger); connection; wholesale, retail trade and catering; information and computing services; housing and communal services, non-productive types of consumer services; healthcare; physical education and social welfare; education; culture and art; science and scientific services; finance, credit, insurance, pensions; control.

However, the list of sectors of the social sphere of the State Statistics Committee does not include such structural components as tourist and excursion, sanatorium and resort complexes, and hotel complexes. Therefore, in our opinion, identifying the concepts of the social sphere and the service sector, in order to increase the level of functional orientation of planning as part of the management system of the structural components (industries) of the service sector, bringing them together on a synonymous basis, it is necessary to clarify the industry affiliation of certain structural components, several detail general groups of industries and provide a unified grouping of complexes and industries.

In general, the service sector (social sphere) includes such sectoral (complex) components as: passenger transport; telecommunication complex; trade and purchasing complex; catering;

hotel, sanatorium-resort, tourist and excursion complexes; sports and fitness complex; scientific and innovation complex; financial and credit complex; housing and communal complex; non-production household services; cultural and leisure complex; information and computing services; healthcare; education.

Each of the structural components of the service sector, in turn, must be detailed by relevant sub-sectors in order to assign each of them to the classification industry groups of the service sector. So, for example, the structural component of the service sector (social sphere) includes such sub-industry groups as education: preschool, general, basic general, secondary (full) general; primary, secondary vocational, higher vocational; postgraduate professional; additional.

The cultural and leisure complex of the service sector (social sphere) should include all types of cinema, theater, library, circus, zoo, music, variety and entertainment, and museum services. Clarification of the sub-industry composition is also necessary in the financial and credit complex, which is one of the main objects and complexes of market infrastructure, including banking, insurance, trust services, pensions, and services provided by commodity, stock and currency exchanges.

As for the concept of “service sector,” the author joins the opinion of those economists who classify these types of services as sub-industry types of consumer services for the population. At the same time, the separation of housing, communal, and household services of a non-productive nature in the service sector indicates the integrated orientation of this industry, which includes a wide range of household services provided to citizens, for example, in such business entities as hairdressers, post offices, bathhouses, water pools, solariums, repair shops for shoes, clothing, electronics, and household appliances.

This complex type of service sector industry can be called the service sector (maintenance), but it cannot be identified with the service sector in its substantive essence and comprehensive focus of the services provided, since it is its integrated structural component.

At the same time, despite our proposed identification and synonymy of the use of the concepts social sphere and service sector, for the purpose of clarifying the functional orientation of planning in the management system of structural components (industries) and service enterprises, the sectoral dimension and social purpose of the social sphere, in our opinion, should consider somewhat more broadly the content of the service sector.

A broader interpretation of the social sphere of the national economy in comparison with the service sector is due to the fact that in the social sphere not only

all types of services are provided to individuals within the framework of the national economy, but also work is performed, products are produced that are vital for the protection of public order, social security, and the protection of the economic interests of citizens abroad and in their own country. Some of the specified works, services, types of products in the social sphere can be classified as industry and sub-industry components of the service sector (for example, management services of a federal, regional and municipal nature).

At the same time, other types of work, services and non-industry products that are characteristic of the life support of society (environmental protection, social security activities, implementation of a set of measures for economic, social and other security), in our opinion, can be attributed to the social sphere . But since these types of services and work are not considered grouped according to a specific industry, we can synonymize the provision of statistically accounted volumes of services, equal in proportionality between the social sphere and the service sector.


1. Indicative planning: theory and ways of improvement / Petrov A.N., Demidova L.G., Klimov S.M. and others. St. Petersburg: Knowledge, 2000.

2. Mozgolina L.V. Resource potential of the service sector: Preprint. St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Nestor", 2004.

3. Social status and standard of living of the Russian population. 2003. Stat. Sat. / Goskomstat of Russia. M., 2003.

YALUNER ELENA VASILIEVNA - Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor at the St. Petersburg Academy of Service and Economics.

The functions of the service include all elements of management actions: forecasting, planning, organization and coordination, motivation and control, as well as informing about the state of the social environment. Social forecasting and planning involves a deep and comprehensive analysis of the state of the social environment of an enterprise, taking into account the situation in the industry, region, and countries; diagnostics and explanation of the relationships between elements of the social situation in the organization. As a result of the implementation of this function, scenarios for solving pressing social problems should be developed. To carry out this type of activity, reliable information about the state of the social environment in the organization is necessary, therefore, constant monitoring of opinions and sentiments in the team (sociometric procedure) must be carried out and reliable statistical data on the state of the material base, social, living and sanitary and hygienic conditions, equipment must be used security in individual departments and the enterprise as a whole.

The main objective of the team’s social development plan is to develop and implement a system of measures that ensures harmonious and comprehensive improvements in the quality of life of enterprise personnel at home and the quality of working conditions.
The development of a social development plan is usually the responsibility of the planning and economic department and the sociological service of the enterprise with the involvement of the trade union committee.
Social planning is part of the technical and economic planning, since in the process of drawing up a social development plan, many technical and economic problems are solved - increasing labor productivity, organizing the workplace, improving wages, ensuring the quality of work and products, etc. The qualitative feature of social planning, determined by the object itself (comprehensive and harmonious development of the individual and the team), requires additional and specific information and standards: data on the social and age composition of workers, their needs and inclinations, education, qualifications, relationships in the team. Such information can only be obtained as a result of specific sociological research carried out using special programs and methods. To obtain information when drawing up plans for social development, the following main methods are used: ………………………………… - direct observation of the team and the activities of its public organizations, conversations with workers and managers; ………………………………………………………………
- study of official documentation and materials of public organizations that characterize the social structure of workers, the degree of satisfaction of material and cultural needs;
- questionnaire survey and interviewing in order to find out the opinions of employees and their proposals on various issues of the social life of teams; the structure of the questionnaires and the method of data processing are selected according to the recommendations of sociological services; …………………………………………………………………………………
- analysis and use of experience in planning the social development of teams at other enterprises, as well as literature data; …………………………………………………………
- a social experiment, the purpose of which is to test the feasibility and effectiveness of recommendations developed as a result of the analysis of the collected information; ……………………………
- statistical analysis of mass data. ……………………………………………………….
The plan for the social development of enterprise teams, as a rule, is drawn up in the form of a five-year plan with a breakdown of tasks by year of the planning period. The typical structure of a social development plan for an enterprise team includes four sections: changing the socio-demographic structure of the team; improving the qualifications and education of working personnel; main measures to improve working conditions and safety, strengthen the health of workers; improving the socio-cultural and living conditions of workers and members of their families. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
The development of a team social development plan includes four stages.

At the first - preparatory stage, a decision is made to develop a plan for social development, working groups are formed, contracts are concluded with organizations involved in the development of the plan, the structure of the plan is clarified, work schedules are drawn up, a program and research methods are determined based on specific production conditions; forms of working documentation are developed, the content of the work is determined and functions are distributed between performers (creative teams), instructions and information are provided to the team.

At the second - analytical stage, the degree of implementation of the previous social development plan is determined, the social structure, working, living and rest conditions, wage levels, etc. are studied. The collected materials are compared with regulatory data, achievements of advanced experience in science and technology, which contributes to the scientific substantiation of the plan. Primary social information is collected and specific sociological research is conducted. The results of this stage (identified general trends, patterns) are documented in an analytical note.

At the third - development stage, activities, proposals and recommendations are designed, indicators of the social development of the team are determined, which must be specific and realistically feasible. An initial version (draft) of the plan is drawn up in sections, and the economic and social effectiveness of the proposed activities is determined. These activities are coordinated with functional services and transferred to the working group, which forms a consolidated draft plan. The latter is agreed upon with the main specialists of the enterprise and the head of the enterprise.

At the fourth, control stage, a system for monitoring the implementation of the social development plan is developed, which includes the accounting, control and reporting system that has developed at the enterprise.

In terms of social development, it is advisable to highlight the following sections and areas of work:

Improving the social structure of the team. This section pays special attention to reducing the share or completely eliminating heavy and unhealthy work, reducing the share of low-skilled labor, increasing the educational and qualification levels of workers, and changing (if necessary) the gender and age structure of the team. The work of women, adolescents, and the elderly is examined separately, indicating those structural changes that are advisable to carry out among these categories of workers.

Social factors of production development and increasing its economic efficiency. Activities related to the technical re-equipment of production and the introduction of new equipment and technology are planned here. Among such measures one can name the design of progressive forms of organization and remuneration of labor, reducing its monotony. The saturation of production with high-performance equipment aggravates the problem of releasing workers and ensuring employment of enterprise personnel. It is advisable to use various forms of employment: part-time work, flexible working hours, home work for women and pensioners, etc. It is important that the plan reflects the issues of overcoming inflation and increasing real wages for workers. In conditions of growing technical equipment of an enterprise, on-the-job training should be supported in every possible way. Measures must also be taken to encourage rationalization and invention.

Improving working and living conditions for workers. The plan must specifically highlight areas and departments with unfavorable working conditions, for which it is necessary to provide measures to improve the working environment, to replace equipment that is a source of increased harmfulness and danger, or to reliably isolate such equipment. Measures are also provided for compliance with sanitary and technical standards, labor safety standards, for the organization at the enterprise of well-equipped change houses, food intake points, washing of work clothes, shoe repair, for the delivery of food and industrial goods orders to workers through desks, etc. The issues of providing workers are especially highlighted housing, preschool institutions, recreational facilities, etc.

Instilling labor discipline, developing labor activity and creative initiative. The measures in this section of the plan are developed on the basis of an analysis of the value orientations of workers and should be aimed at stimulating high labor and production discipline, at developing various forms of involving workers in improving production.

All activities of the team’s social development plan are consistent with other sections and, first of all, with the labor plan, the plan for the technical and organizational development of production, and the financial plan. …….
The sources of financing for the activities of the social development plan are varied, but must be clearly defined. Depending on the nature of the activities, they can be financed from the fund allocated for reconstruction, funds for the development of new equipment, production development, as well as from bank loans, from a portion of depreciation deductions used for major repairs.


Chapter 1. Theoretical provisions of the systemic interaction of types of planning for socio-economic development of the structural components of the service sector

1.1. Functional orientation and the role of planning in the management system of industries and service enterprises

1.2. Features of strategic planning of socio-economic development of industries and service enterprises

1.3. Interaction and integral unity of current, long-term and strategic planning of economic results and efficiency of development of industries and service enterprises

Chapter 2. Formation of conceptual approaches to the creation of a system of strategic planning for the socio-economic development of service sector enterprises

2.1. Comparative analysis of the conceptual provisions of strategic planning of socio-economic development of the structural components of the service sector

2.2. Implementation of comprehensive programs and strategic planning and calculation justification for achieving the necessary results in the development of structural components of the service sector

2.3. Conceptual approaches to systemic strategic orientation towards economic growth of structural components and economic entities

service sector entities

Chapter 3. Analysis and methodological provisions for creating a system of strategic planning for service sector enterprises

3.1. Strategic analysis of the functioning of industry components of the service sector

3.2. Rationalization of the interaction of elements of the mechanism for strategic planning for the development of industry components of the service sector

3.3. Methodological provisions for creating a system for strategic planning of socio-economic development of business entities in the service sector

Chapter 4. Strategic optimal plan for development and increasing the efficiency of using resources of enterprises in the sphere of equipment

4.1. Formation of a strategic plan and determination of directions for increasing the economic result and efficiency of using the resources of enterprises and service industries in the long-term period

4.1.1. Promising directions and strategic orientation to improve economic results and efficiency of resource use of enterprises and service industries

4.2. Optimal plan and forecast estimates of economic results as tools for justifying the adequacy and significance of the strategic plan for the development of a service sector enterprise



Recommended list of dissertations

  • Formation of a mechanism for strategic management of socio-economic development of sectoral components of the service sector 2009, Candidate of Economic Sciences Ignatiev, Viktor Ivanovich

  • Creation of a rational mechanism and system for strategic planning for the development of a complex of transport services 2009, Candidate of Economic Sciences Asinovsky, Stanislav Vladimirovich

  • Formation of a system of strategic management of socio-economic development of sectoral components of the service sector 2011, Doctor of Economics Shlenskova, Elena Sergeevna

  • The influence of external and internal environmental factors on the efficiency of resource use of industry components of the service sector 2010, Candidate of Economic Sciences Gromov, Vladislav Vyacheslavovich

  • Strategy for the socio-economic development of cultural institutions 2010, Doctor of Economics Fokina, Marina Lvovna

Introduction of the dissertation (part of the abstract) on the topic “Formation of a system for strategic planning of socio-economic development of service sector enterprises”


Relevance of the dissertation research topic. Increasing and maintaining the required rates of economic growth, the efficiency of use of enterprise resources, and industry components of the service sector in the context of significant changes in the state of the external and internal environments largely depends on the strategic planning of the socio-economic development of business entities and service sectors, the functional purpose of which is to plan justifying the achievement of the maximum possible economic and social results of the service provision process, occupying a priority place in the corresponding segment of the services market.

The desire of enterprises and service industries to achieve average market economic results in the long term can be satisfied through the implementation of comprehensive measures as part of the procedural and technological elements of the strategic planning system to neutralize, level out and reduce the level of influence of negative factors of the macroenvironment, adherence to the principles of planned and proportional development, balance current functioning and long-term development of multi-level socio-economic systems of the service sector, regulatory compliance of economic results and resource provision.

Therefore, the creation of an effectively functioning strategic planning system for the long-term socio-economic development of business entities in the service sector based on the balanced interaction of its procedural, technological and resource elements, determination of the general level of operational efficiency and corporate (basic) strategy of the strategic planning system, implementation of methodological provisions for the formation of its elemental composition , activated

ation of their interaction through a mechanism for achieving planned targets for economic performance in the long term, observing the principles of adequacy and significance of the functional purpose and target orientation of the system, balancing the use of resources, objectifying the planning process and ensuring a high degree of probability of achieving the necessary economic results is one of the conditions for the scientific validity of achievements by enterprises , industry components of the service sector of the necessary market positions corresponding to their competitive advantages and the general level of use of resource potential.

The relevance of solving scientific problems of forming an effectively functioning system of strategic planning for the socio-economic development of enterprises, industry components of the service sector, its target orientation towards achieving the maximum possible economic and social results, compliance with the targeted measures taken in sections of the strategic plan increases in the context of economic and financial crises, growth competition in service market segments, innovative, marketing, information changes in the service sector.

Scientific problems of increasing the rate of economic growth of enterprises and service industries, the competitiveness of services in the context of significant changes in the state of the external and internal environments, rationalization of the redistribution of financial resources into priority strategies, interaction of the functions of forecasting, planning and programming, which act as tools for objectifying the well-founded choice of directions for systematic and consistent social -economic development, bringing into balance, normative, program-target and optimal compliance of the resources used and economic results of long-term development, ensuring high information, di-

The dynamics of increasing the efficiency of resource consumption in the process of implementing the strategic plan, its target orientation and functional purpose are also awaiting their solution.

At the same time, the relevance of the dissertation research topic arises from the solution of such scientific problems as: the use of extrapolation and strategic direction of development within the framework of integral planning to achieve the greatest economic, financial and social results; establishing confidence intervals for the gradual achievement of economic, financial and social results in the long term, the creation and implementation of a strategic plan, which includes complex economic, financial, innovative and social measures in its procedural and technological sections; rationalization of the relationship between the results of the implementation of a targeted comprehensive program and the strategy for the socio-economic development of an economic entity and service sector; ensuring the focus of the measures taken as part of the sections of the strategic plan to improve the results of the interaction of the elements of the mechanism for activating the strategic planning system.

The relevance of the research topic, the practical need of the national economy, service industries, business entities in creating an effectively functioning strategic planning system for the socio-economic long-term development of enterprises, service industries, rationalization of the interaction of elements of the mechanism for activating strategic planning determined the goal, objectives, subject and object of the dissertation research .

The degree of knowledge of the problem. Scientific problems of strategic planning of socio-economic development of enterprises and sectors of the national economy have become the subject of fundamental research by such foreign scientists as Ansoff I.Kh., Bazell R., Beisenbaev A.A., Brown R.,

Bowman K., Grattan D., Dale M., Campbell D., Thompson A.A., Strickland A.J., Houston B., Hammer M., Walsh K., Hackstrom Robert J. Among modern Russian economists on the problems of strategic planning long-term development of industries and economic entities paid much attention to Anypin V.N., Blank I.A., Geidt A.A., Gorbunov A.A., Dyakonov Yu.M., Evmenov A.D., Zabelin P.V., Zverev D.S. , Kosmin N.P., Fedorov N.V., Kurakov B.JL, Petrov A.N., Rokhchin V.E., Lozhnikova A.B., Golubev A.A., Kovalev V.V., Chernov V.A., Shopenko D. .IN.

The main goal of the dissertation work is to develop theoretical, methodological and methodological foundations for the creation and effective functioning of a system of strategic planning for the development of service sector enterprises in the long-term period.

In accordance with the purpose of the dissertation, the following tasks are formulated and set for solution:

Determine and justify the functional orientation and role of planning in the management system of enterprises and industry components of the service sector;

Reveal and explore the features of strategic planning of socio-economic development of business entities in the service sector;

To formulate theoretical principles of interaction and integral unity of current, long-term and strategic planning of economic results and the effectiveness of development of enterprises and service sectors;

Develop conceptual provisions for the implementation of targeted comprehensive programs and strategic planning and calculation justification for achieving the necessary economic and other results of the development of structural components of the service sector;

To form conceptual approaches to systemic strategic orientation towards economic growth of structural components and economic entities of the service sector;

Carry out a strategic analysis of the functioning of industry components of the service sector and propose comprehensive measures to counter the influence of negative factors in the macro- and microenvironment;

Create a methodological basis for rationalizing the interaction of elements of the mechanism for strategic planning for the development of enterprises and service sectors;

Develop methodological provisions for creating an effectively functioning system of strategic planning for the socio-economic development of business entities in the service sector;

Determine methodological approaches to the formation of sections of the strategic plan for the long-term development of an enterprise, a service sector industry, adequate to the influence of the main factors of the external and internal environments;

To propose and justify promising directions for increasing the economic result and efficiency of using the resources of enterprises and service sectors;

Draw up an optimal plan and determine medium-term forecast estimates of economic results as tools for justifying the adequacy and significance of the strategic plan for the development of a service sector enterprise.

The subject of the study is the system of strategic planning for the long-term socio-economic development of enterprises carrying out economic activities in the service sectors.

The object of the study is enterprises related to the service sector.

The methodological basis of the dissertation work was the latest works of Russian and foreign economists in the field of planning, programming and forecasting the socio-economic development of economic entities in the social and industrial spheres, federal and regional programs for the development of industry components of the service sector, instructions, regulations and information materials on the activities of enterprises the service sector, on reforming the structural components of the service sector, as well as official materials from statistical authorities, on the dynamics of changes in social and economic indicators of the retrospective activities of business entities and service sectors.

The scientific novelty of the results of the dissertation research carried out by the author lies in the fact that:

A definition of the essence of the functional purpose and the role of planning the current functioning of the long-term development of the enterprise, the service sector industry has been developed, expressing their desire to achieve economic and social results through the implementation of measures to neutralize and eliminate the negative impact of macro-, microenvironments, compliance with the principles of planned and proportional development, balance sheet and normative compliance of economic results and resource provision;

The features of strategic planning of socio-economic development of enterprises and service sectors, which require maintaining and increasing the rate of economic growth of business entities, the competitiveness of services provided, rationalization of redistribution, have been identified and studied.

allocation of financial resources as part of those strategies that most contribute to maintaining economic growth rates and increasing the efficiency of resource consumption;

Theoretical provisions have been formed to ensure the interaction of current, long-term and strategic planning of socio-economic development of business entities in the service sector within the framework of integral planning, focused on achieving the maximum possible economic, financial and social results on an extrapolation and strategic basis for the development of enterprises and service sectors;

Based on the results of a comparative analysis of the conceptual provisions of strategic planning for the socio-economic development of enterprises and service industries, the need to specify the methodological provisions of the procedural and technological formation of the strategic plan, the content of its sections, the criterion-target orientation of the influence of the general strategy on the phased achievement of planned economic goals has been established and justified. results, efficiency of resource use;

Conceptual provisions have been developed for the implementation of targeted comprehensive programs and increasing the level of planning and calculation justification for achieving the necessary results of the long-term development of enterprises and service sectors based on the rationalization of the interaction of the functions of forecasting, planning and programming of systematic and consistent socio-economic development, strategic and program-target orientation of multi-level bodies planning

the development of business entities in the service sector to ensure a balance of resource potential and economic results, optimal relationships between the results of the target comprehensive program and the development strategy of the enterprise and service sector industry;

Conceptual approaches to systemic strategic orientation towards the economic growth of enterprises and service industries in conditions of unstable functioning of the external environment have been formed on the basis of bringing into balance, normative, program-target and optimal compliance of the resources used and the economic results of long-term development, allowing to determine on an expert-additive basis a general identifier of the strategic orientation of the socio-economic system of the service sector, its dependence on the growth of cost volumes of service provision;

Based on the results of a strategic analysis of the functioning of business entities in the service sector, comprehensive measures were proposed to: counter the influence of negative factors in the macro- and microenvironment; establishing quantitative and qualitative changes in economic results, the efficiency of the process of providing services, directions and the nature of the influence of the main factors of the macroenvironment, providing the opportunity for the subject of strategic planning to bring changes in economic results into a balanced state with the existing resource potential;

Methodological provisions have been created for rationalizing the interaction of elements of the mechanism for strategic planning for the development of multi-level socio-economic systems in the service sector on the basis of procedural and technological support for the formation

rooving and activating the elemental interaction of the strategic planning system, taking into account the most likely changes in the state of macro- and microenvironments in the long term, allowing to combine the procedural and technological elements of activating the strategic planning system with a strategic target orientation towards achieving the maximum possible economic results;

Methodological provisions have been developed for creating a strategic planning system for the socio-economic development of service sector enterprises based on determining the general level of operating efficiency and corporate strategy of the strategic planning system, implementing methodological approaches to the procedural and technological sequence of forming and enhancing the interaction of the elemental composition of the system, observing the principles of adequacy and significance of the functional purpose, target orientation of interacting elements, balanced use of resources, implementation of the strategic orientation of the enterprise based on taking into account the corresponding stage of its life cycle it has achieved;

Sections of the strategic plan of an enterprise, a service sector industry, have been formed and justified, corresponding in content to the technological procedures for implementing strategic planning, on a balanced basis with the available resources, implementing the established stages of achieving strategic guidelines for economic performance, meeting the requirements of high information content of the provision, dynamics of growth in the efficiency of resource consumption in the process of implementing the plan ;

The main directions for increasing the economic results of an enterprise and a service sector industry in the long term are identified and justified based on the use of functional-cost analysis, the cluster planning method, expanding the influence of the organizational level of strategic planning on the economic results of a diversified business entity in the service sector, creating strategic unions (alliances) and integrated service enterprises;

Using economic and mathematical methods, an optimal plan was constructed and medium-term forecast estimates of the economic results of the development of a service sector enterprise were determined, which made it possible to establish the maximum cost volume of service provision, the greatest profitability of the chosen priority for the provision of various types of services, the use of technological complexes, and to justify the strategic development of the enterprise on the basis of extrapolation changes in its activities .

The practical and scientific significance of the results of the dissertation research lies in the fact that the solutions to theoretical and methodological problems proposed in it have a practical focus on improving the economic and social results of current activities and the long-term development of enterprises and service industries, the effectiveness of the functioning of the strategic planning system for socio-economic development service sector enterprises.

The results obtained from the analysis of the strategic analysis of the functioning of service industries, their economic and social performance, and the rationalization of the interaction of elements of the strategic planning system in the long-term period of time are of practical importance.

The structure of the dissertation is formed in such a way as to reflect, in the most accessible form and to the optimal extent, current and little-studied problems on the topic of the dissertation work based on compliance with the logical sequence of presentation of the material, establishing a cause-and-effect relationship, and the interaction of factors and elements of the problems and objects under study. The dissertation consists of an introduction, four chapters, a conclusion and a bibliography.

The introduction substantiates the relevance of the research topic, defines its purpose and main objectives, and substantiates its scientific novelty and practical significance.

The first chapter, “Theoretical provisions for the systemic interaction of types of planning for socio-economic development of the structural components of the service sector,” reveals essential ideas about the functional orientation and role of planning in the management system of industries, service enterprises, features of strategic planning of socio-economic development, interaction and integral unity of the current , long-term and strategic planning of economic results and efficiency of development of industries and service enterprises.

The second chapter, “Formation of conceptual approaches to the creation of a strategic planning system for the socio-economic development of service sector enterprises,” included a comparative analysis of the conceptual provisions of strategic planning, the implementation of targeted comprehensive programs and strategic planning and calculation justification for achieving the necessary results for the development of structural components of the service sector, the conceptual provisions of the systemic strategic orientation towards economic growth of business entities in the service sector.

In the third chapter, “Analysis and methodological provisions for creating a system of strategic planning for service sector enterprises,”

strategic analysis of the functioning of industry components of the service sector, the interaction of elements of the strategic planning mechanism has been rationalized, and methodological provisions have been formed for the system of strategic planning for the socio-economic development of business entities in the service sector.

The fourth chapter, “Strategic optimal plan for the development and increasing the efficiency of using resources of service sector enterprises,” is devoted to the formation of a strategic plan and identifying directions for increasing economic results, the efficiency of using resources of enterprises, service industries in the long-term period of time, promising directions and strategic orientation to improve economic results and efficient use of resources of enterprises, service industries, development of an optimal plan and establishment of forecast estimates of economic results - tools for justifying the adequacy and significance of the strategic plan for the development of service industry enterprises.

In conclusion, the main conclusions and recommendations based on the results of the dissertation research are formulated.

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Development of theoretical provisions of functional orientation and establishment of the role of planning in the management system of service sector enterprises, identification and analysis of the features of strategic planning of socio-economic development of industries and enterprises, formation of theoretical provisions of interaction and integral unity of current, long-term and strategic planning of economic results and efficiency of enterprise development, the results of a comparative analysis of the conceptual provisions of strategic planning of the socio-economic development of the structural components of the service sector, the formation of methodological provisions for the implementation of complex programs and strategic planning and calculation justification for achieving the necessary results for the development of sectoral components of the service sector, the development of conceptual approaches to the systemic strategic orientation towards economic growth of the structural components and business entities in the service sector, the results of the analysis of the functioning of service industries, rationalization of the interaction of elements of the mechanism for strategic planning of enterprise development, the formation of methodological provisions for creating a system of strategic planning for the socio-economic development of business entities in the service sector, the development of methodological provisions for creating a strategic plan and determining directions for increasing economic results and efficient use of resources of service sector enterprises in the long term, identification of promising directions and strategic orientation to increase economic results and efficiency of use of resources of enterprises, service sectors, development of methodological provisions for optimal planning and determination of forecast estimates of economic results as tools for justifying the adequacy and significance of the strategic plan socio-economic development of service enterprises allowed the author to draw the following conclusions:

The functional orientation of planning the long-term development of a specific socio-economic system in its content should include not only the desire to achieve economic and social results established on a predictive basis through the implementation of a set of resource-supported measures of an economic, financial, innovative, marketing, structural and organizational nature, but also neutralize , neutralize the significant influence of negative factors of the external and internal environments, achieve the intended goal based on the principles of plannedness and proportional development to the extent that they are observed, which is possible within the framework of the interaction of the planning function with other elements in the management system for the socio-economic development of the enterprise, industry and in general National economy;

Compliance with the functional orientation of long-term planning of business entities in the service sector in conditions of significant negative influence of factors of an unstable external environment is possible on the basis of not only established volumes of consumption of all types of resources necessary to ensure the process of providing services and manufacturing products, but also determining and observing minimum sizes (standards) consumption of resources pertaining to the provision of one individual or complex service, a unit of manufactured product, which is an important factor influencing the increase in the efficiency of use of all types of resources;

The functional orientation of planning in the management system of enterprises in the service sector to maintain balance, orderliness and proportionality of development in the long-term period of time can be sufficiently ensured on the basis of such use of labor, material, technical and other resources, in which in dynamics over a number of time periods ( years) an increase in the ratio of economic results to costs is achieved;

An increase in the general level of efficiency in the use of all types of available resources in the long-term period of time does not yet serve as evidence of a rational relationship between results and costs, since the optimality of these ratios is very conditional based on compliance with established norms and standards for the consumption of all types of available resources, their compliance with organizational, economic, innovative , the technical capabilities of economic entities in the service sector to save labor and material and technical resources with the planned increase in the growth rate of the cost volumes of services and manufactured products;

The objectivity of the functional orientation of planning to achieve the set goal, economic results and levels of efficiency in the use of resource potentials depends on a complex of various factors that directly or indirectly affect the accuracy of planned assessments of the economic and social development of business entities in the service sector;

The role of the planning function in the management system of a service sector enterprise is to ensure balance, proportionality and orderliness of socio-economic development through the implementation of a set of innovative, technical, economic, social, marketing, financial and other measures aimed at achieving those rates of economic growth and efficient use of resources that maintain or expand the occupied or priority place in a certain market segment by an economic entity, increase its level of competitiveness, its products, and services provided;

Functional orientation and the role of planning the current, long-term development of an enterprise, service industry, in its substantive form, expressing the desire of an economic entity, industry component to achieve economic and social results of the functioning and long-term development of enterprises, service industries, balance sheet and regulatory compliance determined on a predictive basis results and resource provision, provides an opportunity for multi-level management bodies of the service sector to increase the degree of objectivity and significance of planning and calculation justifications, the rate of economic growth, the efficiency of resource use, the level of interaction between current, long-term and strategic planning in the context of significant changes in the state of the external and internal environments;

Features of strategic planning for the socio-economic development of the national economy, the service sector and its structural components must be highlighted on the basis of its functional orientation - to neutralize, level out and localize emerging external and internal negative trends that affect sustainable rates of economic growth, increasing the level of competitiveness of structural components and economic entities subjects of the social sphere, the share of the occupied segment in the market of services and goods of the social sphere;

Strategic planning in its functional purpose for the subject of management of the socio-economic system can be defined as a planned justification for the adoption and implementation of a set of measures in order to achieve the necessary (desired) or established economic, financial and social results, the overall efficiency of resource use in the long term in conditions of the most likely or possible significant changes in an uncertain external environment and the emergence of negative trends in the internal environment;

Strategic planning for the development of the socio-economic system, both in the social and production spheres of the national economy, cannot be based on achieving the set or necessary results, resource consumption costs on forecast estimates, characterized by the transfer of retrospective and current trends in the functioning of the planning object into the medium- and long-term ( perspective) period of time;

As part of the strategic planning for the development of the service sector, its structural components, and economic entities, various measures taken are aimed not only at reducing or completely neutralizing the level of influence of environmental factors, allowing maintaining or even increasing the rate of economic growth of structural components, organizational and legal structures of the social sphere and the national economy as a whole, but also in interaction with current and long-term planning to promote socio-economic growth, increasing the degree of competitiveness of the services provided and products produced in the context of existing trends and their significant disruption;

The specificity of the development and implementation of certain strategies by the structural components of the service sector lies not only in the anticipation of the occurrence of negative changes in the external environment, which have a periodic nature over time, but also in preparation for implementation - functional strategies that take into account possible and significant changes in the external environment , the nature of the impacts of which on the results and efficiency of use of resources of the socio-economic system is unknown to planning authorities due to the lack of information about this factor of influence of the external environment;

A general functional feature of strategic planning for the development of business entities, structural components of the service sector, in contrast to long-term planning, is the need to draw up a plan designed for the long term, in which the target orientation towards achieving the necessary (established) economic, financial and social results is not formed on the basis of existing trends in the development of the socio-economic system, their transfer to a future period of time, and taking into account the possible negative influences of environmental factors in an uncertain time;

The state of the national economy with a significant increase in the size of collectively-shared (private and public) investment funds with the aim of intensive renewal and modernization of fixed assets, increasing their technical level and competitiveness of sectoral components of the production and social spheres, rationalizing the interaction of the financial and credit system with economic entities in the mutually beneficial conditions, solving a number of other problems of reforming the transport and housing and communal services complexes, increasing the level of income of citizens creates favorable conditions for the implementation of the principles of systematic, proportional and balanced development of the structural components of the social and production spheres, achieving the maximum possible economic, financial and social results, production efficiency products, provision of services in the long term based on strategic planning; features of strategic planning of socio-economic development of industries and enterprises in the service sector, consisting of: inherent only in its functional purpose to neutralize, neutralize and localize the effects of negative factors of the external and internal environments; target orientation towards achieving the necessary economic performance, efficiency of resource consumption in the long term through the implementation of a set of measures as part of strategies based on taking into account current or expected changes in the macroenvironment; the possibility of accumulation, classification and use of private strategies in conditions of changes in the state of macro- and microenvironments in an indefinite time, the phasing of technological procedures and compliance with the rules of strategic planning, provide the opportunity for the subject of the current functioning and long-term development of multi-level socio-economic systems of the service sector: to maintain and increase the pace economic growth of enterprises and industries, competitiveness of services provided in the context of existing development trends and their significant changes; rationalize the redistribution of financial resources to implement those strategies that most contribute to maintaining economic growth rates and increasing the efficiency of resource consumption;

Each of the types of planning and calculation justifications for current functioning, long-term (medium-, long-term) and strategic socio-economic development used in the activities of multi-level government bodies (federal, regional, municipal, economic entities) is individual, having such classification characteristics as functional purpose , target orientation, as well as information features for each type;

Indicative (recommendatory) current planning at all levels of justification for achieving certain results, costs, increasing the rate of economic growth, efficiency of production, provision of services, performance of work pursues such a main goal as ensuring the accuracy, significance and mutual consistency of calculated identifiers characterizing activities organizational and legal structure, structural components of the service sector, alternativeness and diversification of the processes of production, provision of services based not only on their functional purpose as the current type of planning, but also on the mobility of planned actions and measures of the subject of management to achieve economic, financial and social results on the basis of recommendability and individuality of activity in the conditions of the formation of developed market relations, the influence of factors of unstable external and internal environments in an uncertain time;

Long-term (medium-, long-term) planning, being in close interdependence with the current planning and calculation justification of the activities of service enterprises, implemented for 2-5 years or more based on the results of current planning, nevertheless differs in its functional purpose from current planning, since it is aimed at planning and calculation justification of the dynamics of change (growth) of the economic result and the efficiency of using all types of available resources of business entities in the service sector;

Current and long-term planning of the socio-economic development of an economic entity in the service sector, despite the differences in functional purpose, target orientation, in the use of information and retrospective data on the activities of the enterprise, the structural component and the service sector as a whole, complement each other not only within the framework of the general extrapolation basis for achieving the necessary (established) results of an economic, financial, social nature, efficiency of resource consumption, but also in the consistent implementation of medium- and long-term planning through the implementation of annual (current) plans;

Strategic orientation towards achieving a certain (the greatest in the conditions of manifestation of negative environmental factors) effectiveness, first of all, of an economic nature, must meet not only the requirements of resource availability, rational organization of labor and the process of providing services, production of goods that contribute to economic growth and the efficiency of use of all types resources, but also the implementation of a set of those functional strategies filled with specific measures that are aimed at neutralizing and leveling out the negative impacts of environmental factors that arise in an uncertain time; based on the functional purpose, target orientation to achieve the greatest economic, financial and social results of current activities, long-term and strategic development of industry structural components and business entities in the service sector, the availability of an information basis, conditions and prevailing trends of an economic, financial and social nature, current, future (medium-, long-term) and strategic planning, interacting and complementing each other, using the extrapolation and strategic direction of development within the framework of integral (uniting current, long-term and strategic) planning, make it possible to achieve the main goal, which is to achieve in the current, medium-term , long-term periods of time of the greatest economic, financial and social results, efficient use of resources both in the evolutionary and strategic development of enterprises, service industries based on taking into account, neutralizing and leveling the negative impacts of environmental factors in an uncertain time;

The conceptual provisions of strategic planning for the development of a socio-economic system, including each of the structural components of the service sector, in contrast to methodological provisions, represent not only a certain way of characterizing and interpreting such a specific concept as strategic planning, but also act as a concentrated form of individual understanding and logical-verbal representation of this concept and its direction in the development of the sphere of social services and its structural components;

The results of the analysis of various conceptual provisions for the implementation of strategic planning of socio-economic development of corporate or individual organizational and legal structures, industries, structural components of the service sector, the production sector indicate a significant level of inconsistency in the creation and implementation of the strategic plan, both from the point of view of using the corresponding technological procedures and rules, as well as the period of time of its operation, the sequence of implementation of a set of measures necessary for the implementation of strategies, the distribution and efficiency of use of available resources, integrated quantitative and qualitative assessment or the criterion-target orientation of the influence of the generalizing (basic) strategy on the achievement of economic, financial and social effectiveness of the development of the organizational and legal structure in the long term;

The concept of strategic planning for the development of socio-economic systems in the long term in the context of the ever-increasing instability of the macro- and microenvironments should specify such basic provisions of the strategic plan as its duration, the sequence of drawing up and implementation, the use for these purposes of specific procedural and technological tools, rules, substantiating the feasibility of creating and implementing strategies to counteract the negative influences of external and internal environmental factors;

The results of a comparative analysis of the conceptual provisions of strategic planning for the socio-economic development of enterprises and service industries indicate the objective need to specify and increase the level of validity of the methodological provisions of the procedural and technological formation of a strategic plan for the long-term development of an enterprise, the sectoral component of the service sector, the content of its sections, the sequence of implementation of the complex measures within the framework of strategies, the criterion-target orientation of the influence of the general strategy on the achievement of economic, financial and social performance of long-term development, the establishment of confidence intervals for the gradual achievement of economic, financial and social results, the efficiency of resource use;

Successful socio-economic development of the sectoral structural components of the service sector, characterized by growth in economic, financial and social results, efficiency of resource consumption, is possible not only in the conditions of bringing into balance the existing resource potential and the effectiveness set for achievement in the long-term period of time in the form of specific volumes of provision to consumers services, but also the rationalization of the interaction of such basic functions of the management system, which determine in the long term the reliability of the systematic and consistent achievement of the planned effective cost and natural indicators, such as forecasting, planning and programming;

Forecasting plays the role of not only an extrapolation transfer of retrospective development trends from the past to the future, establishing, using economic, mathematical and expert methods, the dynamics of changes in economic, social, technical and other identifiers for the upcoming medium-term period of development, but also a conceptual indicator of the most likely directions of socio-economic development within the framework of implemented indicative plans and target programs;

The formation and implementation of target programs provides an opportunity for the subject of management of the socio-economic development of the institution, the sectoral component of the service sector, to influence individual scientific-innovative, social, technical and technological aspects of the development of the service sector in order to bring them into balance with the requirements of consumers for the quality and volumes of services provided services, the level of competitiveness corresponding to its position in a specific segment of the services market;

Successful implementation of targeted comprehensive programs and increasing the level of planning and calculation justification for achieving the necessary results of the long-term development of enterprises, sectoral components of the service sector is possible on the basis of: rationalization of the interaction of such management functions as forecasting, planning and programming, which act as tools for objectifying the well-founded choice of directions for systematic and consistent social -economic development; long-term strategic and program-target orientation of multi-level planning bodies for the development of service sector enterprises to ensure a balance of resource potential and economic results corresponding to the sustainable rates of economic growth of the national economy, production and social spheres; creation and implementation of a strategic plan, which includes in its procedural and technological sections complex economic, financial, innovative, social, marketing measures that neutralize and level out the negative impacts of macro- and microenvironmental factors; medium-term extrapolation of economic results in conjunction with the implementation of balance sheet, normative, optimal and program-target planning methods; rationalization of the relationship between the effectiveness of the implementation of a targeted comprehensive program and the strategy for the socio-economic development of an economic entity and service sector; the systemic strategic orientation of organizational and legal structures, industry components of the service sector should include the target orientation of all types of planning and programming, as well as the main technological components of the target orientation of strategic planning, which consistently complement each other and allow an economic entity or a structural component of the service sector to achieve a state of not only operational reactions to changes in the external and internal environments, but also to actively counteract negative trends that affect the achievement of high economic results and the efficiency of resource consumption in the process of providing services to consumers;

The level of integration of target orientations within the framework of planning and calculation justifications, the successful (effective and efficient) development of an economic entity of the structural component of the service sector can be such a logical-verbal form as “a general identifier of the planned target orientation of the socio-economic system of the service sector to achieve the maximum possible economic the result and efficiency of the resources used (labor, material and technical, financial, information) in the long-term period of time in the conditions of probable and significant innovative, economic, marketing, financial changes in the external and internal environments";

Strategic orientation is the initial stage of the formation of a strategic plan, which determines, on an expert basis, leading managers, specialists of an economic entity, the industry component of the service sector, a long-term vision of the state and conditions of the socio-economic development of the planning object, its functional purpose (mission) of a social and economic nature in the process of providing services to consumers, a strategic goal aimed at achieving the necessary economic and social results in the long term in the context of the functioning of an unstable macroenvironment and economic, innovative, structural and organizational changes in the internal environment;

The established additive integral (generalizing) assessment of the target orientation of current, long-term and strategic planning to achieve sustainable growth rates of economic indicators, efficiency of use of all types of resources, equal to 0.64, indicates that the degree of target orientation of the socio-economic system of the service sector does not exceed and is not equal to one, has a reserve for increasing and revising the quantitative value on the basis that the standard (required) values ​​of the target orientation of the system exceed the established integral level;

A strategic vision of the economic, innovative, financial and other state, effective development of a specific business entity in the service sector in the long term in a logical-verbal form can be expressed as “Implementation of activities to provide comprehensive services on the innovative basis of used information and management systems that support and accelerating the pace of economic growth, increasing the level of efficiency of the resources used, allowing us to occupy leading positions in the services market segment, increase wages, qualifications, professional knowledge, personnel skills, the level of competitiveness of services, products and the overall organizational and legal structure";

The functional purpose (mission), for example, of an economic entity of the cultural and educational complex of the service sector can be expressed in the following logical-verbal form: “Providing educational, cultural and leisure services to consumers, their diversification, maintaining a leading position in a specific segment of the service market in conditions of influence negative factors of the external and internal environments";

The strategic goal within the framework of the systemic strategic orientation of an economic entity in the service sector to achieve the necessary (maximum possible in the conditions of the functioning of an unstable external environment) can be presented as: “Occupy a leading position in the segment of the regional services market based on the use of information and management technologies of a reengineering nature, a significant increase in quality , level of diversification and growth rate of value volumes of services provided";

The systematic interaction and complementarity of normative, balance sheet, program-targeted and optimal methods for planning the socio-economic development of an economic entity, the sectoral component of the service sector lies in their ensuring the achievement of the necessary economic result in the event that these methods are used simultaneously and over a long period of time, yielding priority to each other at various stages of economic, financial changes, external and internal conditions of development;

Conceptual approaches to systemic strategic orientation to the economic growth of business entities and service industries, including the target orientation of current, long-term and strategic planning, the generation by leading managers of the enterprise and service industry of strategic orientation to achieve the maximum possible economic and social results in an unstable external environment, bringing into balance sheet, normative, program-target and optimal compliance of the resources used and the economic results of long-term development, provide the opportunity: on an expert-additive basis, to determine a general indicator of the strategic orientation of the socio-economic system, its proportional dependence with the growth of cost volumes of service provision; to promote the development of enterprises and service industries in conditions of unstable macro- and microenvironments;

The results of the analysis of the state of the external and internal environments, as well as the established trends in the retrospective development of industry components of the service sector in their extrapolation transfer to medium- and long-term periods of time must meet the levels of accuracy and adequacy, as well as the highest probability of achievement in the planned period of time, even in the case when the onset of the consequences of the influence of negative factors of the macroenvironment occurs in an indefinite period of time in the complete absence of any information about their possible impact on economic, financial results, and the efficiency of the service provision process;

Strategic analysis, including a comprehensive toolkit for studying retrospective, current and prospective changes in the macro-, microenvironment, the influence of their factors on achieving the maximum possible economic, financial and social results, the efficiency of the process of providing services in the medium- and long-term periods of time, is an integral part of the technological procedures of strategic planning, which allows the subject of planning the development of the sectoral component of the service sector to bring into a state of accuracy and adequacy identifiers of an economic, financial and social nature that meet the requirements of elemental interaction and focus of the strategic planning system;

The results of a comprehensive (strategic) analysis, determining the degree of influence of changes in the state of the macro-, microenvironment on economic, financial and social results in retrospective, current and future periods of time, are not only the basis for taking economic, financial and other measures to eliminate, level and neutralize negative trends in current functioning and future development, but also with tools for determining quantitative and qualitative changes in economic and other results, the efficiency of using the resources of business entities, industry components of the service sector, allowing the subject of planning long-term socio-economic development to bring changes in economic, financial and social into a balanced state results of long-term development with the existing resource potential of the structural components of the service sector;

Resource potential includes not only the resource capabilities available and used in current activities, but also undiscovered reserves of qualitative and quantitative content (for example, the growing technical level of fixed assets, the increasing level of qualifications of personnel, managers in conditions of a low degree of intensity of use: technical resources over time ; labor of highly qualified and professional workers performing low-grade work and providing services);

In the process of analysis, it is important not only to establish the direction and nature of the influence of the main factors of the macroenvironment (for example, regulatory, economic, social, innovative factors), but also, detailing them with individual private factors of influence included in each of the main directions, groups of factors influencing functioning socio-economic systems, to provide for how the economic, financial, social result may change in the event of trends of significant instability of the macroenvironment corresponding to one or another direction of factor influence;

The presence of an additive-calculated generalizing level of influence of all the main directions of influence of the macroenvironment on the development of business entities and sectoral components of the service sector allows the subject of strategic planning to bring into balance the target orientation of the generalizing strategy to achieve the greatest economic, financial and social results in the long term with the level of generalizing impact all the main factors of an unstable external environment;

Adaptation of an economic entity, the industry component of the service sector in the context of such multifactorial changes in the state of an unstable external environment while maintaining target orientation and resource capabilities to achieve average market and above-average economic and financial results can be observed on the basis of comprehensive economic, financial, marketing, innovative, social , structural and organizational measures, the balance of resource provision with counteracting the negative influences of the external environment will allow the economic entity, the industry component of the service sector to promote the consistent achievement of the maximum possible economic and other results, the efficiency of the process of providing services, production of products;

Economic analysis of the use of fixed assets, objects of labor, personnel labor, the value of services provided, their cost, profit and profitability as part of strategic analysis allows us to comprehensively quantitatively and qualitatively determine: the current state of the current process of providing services by business entities and, in general, the industry component of the service sector; their level of strategic target orientation towards achieving the required economic result in the long term; resource and competitive potentials; competitive advantage as an integrated level of competitiveness and competitive potential; the market share of the services provided by a specific business entity, individual industry components of the service sector; the effectiveness of generalizing and private (functional) strategies;

Combining all types and forms of analysis in strategic analysis to obtain results that provide the opportunity, through organizational and economic measures, to rationalize the interaction of procedural and technological procedures of the strategic planning system for the development of business entities and industry components of the service sector and, being in conditions of strategic target orientation, allows us to justify the resource-supported opportunity achieve the required (market average or exceeding it) economic performance and efficiency in the process of providing services to consumers; strategic analysis of the functioning of service sector enterprises, with its results indicating that the development of multi-level socio-economic systems cannot fully comply with the immutability of previously existing and continuing trends in the long term; the need to take into account direct and indirect information about possible and significant changes in the states of macro- and microenvironments; the requirement of their compliance with adequacy and significance in the planned period, when the influence of negative factors of the macroenvironment on economic, financial and social results, the efficiency of the service provision process occurs in an uncertain time; its integral part as part of technological procedures for strategic planning, serving not only as an information basis for taking measures to counter the influence of negative factors in the macro- and microenvironment, but also as a tool for establishing quantitative and qualitative changes in economic and other results, and the efficiency of the service delivery process; the feasibility of establishing the directions and nature of the influence of the main factors of the macroenvironment, while providing for a change in the planned economic and other results in the event of a significant negative impact of one or another environmental factor, allow the subject of planning long-term socio-economic development to bring changes in economic, financial and social into a balanced state the results of long-term development with the existing resource potential, the target orientation of the general strategy with the influence of all the main factors of the unstable external environment;

The formation of a strategic planning mechanism should be caused by the need to implement a process of strategic target orientation to achieve the maximum possible economic, financial and social results, or the absence of such a need should lead to a change in the essential ideas about the agreed set of economic, financial, innovative, marketing, structural and organizational measures. the composition of the basic technological procedures and rules for the formation of a strategic plan and its implementation in the long term;

Such technological procedures of strategic planning as strategic vision, strategic analysis of macro-, microenvironments, formulation of the mission (purpose) of the strategic goal, generalizing (basic, corporate) and private (functional) strategies must be implemented on the basis of a mechanism for their activation, including not only compliance with adequacy each of the elemental components of the resource and competitive potential, but also their influence on the economic and financial performance of the strategic planning system, which allows, on the basis of compensatory counteraction to the influence of negative factors of the macro- and microenvironment, to achieve the highest values ​​of planned indicators in the medium- and long-term periods of time ;

The strategic vision of specialists and leading managers of a business entity, the industry component of the service sector, objectively and systematically presented to all employees, is a socio-psychological motivational and economic basis for increasing the results of their activities and labor productivity, participating in the target strategic orientation towards achieving an optimal state of social economic system in a promising period of time, closely related to economic growth, increasing the profitability of enterprise personnel, the structural (industry) component of the service sector, prospects for increasing the volume of social consumption, a stable moral and psychological climate; The conceptual approach to the rational interaction of the strategic goal of a multi-level socio-economic system of the service sector as part of the mechanism for activating the strategic planning system with its other technological procedural elements is that the combination of subordinate goals of multi-level socio-economic systems into a single strategic goal for all, uniting the focus on achieving the maximum possible quantitative and qualitative results of long-term development is possible on the basis of balancing all types of available resources involved in the current activities and long-term development of multi-level socio-economic systems, with the achievement of targets for economic performance and efficiency of the process of providing services to consumers; determining a representative, acceptable quantitative range of results of the current and future functioning of a service enterprise; establishing (forecasting) levels of quantitative and qualitative changes in resource potential in a promising period of time; taking into account changes in the competitive potential, competitiveness of the main types of services provided and, in general, the multi-level local, sectoral) socio-economic system of the service sector and, accordingly, the place occupied in the services market; combining the main conceptual provisions of the strategic vision and functional purpose (mission) of the enterprise, the industry component of the service sector in the formulation of the strategic goal; rationalization of the interaction of elements of the mechanism for strategic planning for the development of multi-level socio-economic systems in the service sector, consisting of: procedural and technological support for the formation of a strategic planning system in accordance with its target orientation towards achieving the maximum possible economic and other results; activation of elemental interaction of the system; the necessary combination and sequence of elemental interaction, taking into account the most likely changes in the states of macro- and microenvironments; compliance with the purposefulness of the measures taken as part of the sections of the strategic plan to improve the results of the mechanism for activating the strategic planning system, provides the opportunity for the subject of strategic planning for the development of multi-level socio-economic systems to bring into such a state of activating the interaction of elements of the strategic planning system, which allows achieving its main goal, generalizing and systematizing information data on the state of macro-, microenvironments, combine procedural and technological elements of activating the strategic planning system with a strategic target orientation towards achieving market positions that correspond to the existing competitive advantages and effectively used resource potential of the enterprise, service industry, provide for the implementation of creative functional strategies in order to obtain competitive advantage;

An accurate quantitative determination of the economic result of the functioning of the strategic planning system in the current activities and long-term development of a business entity in the service sector is a difficult task, since the negative impact of regulatory, economic, innovative, sociocultural and other environmental factors cannot be accurately established through possible economic and financial losses, changes in the main identifiers of the process of providing services by a business entity, and the level of counteraction to this negative impact cannot accurately quantitatively indicate the economic or other effectiveness of the strategic planning system for the socio-economic development of the enterprise, the industry component of the service sector;

The economic result of active and rationalized interaction of procedural and technological elements of the strategic planning system is a share of the total economic result obtained by a business entity during a specific period of time, equal to the value of the failed reduction in economic result in the conditions of active counteraction to negative socio-economic trends in the development of a service enterprise;

The multifactorial nature of the negative influence of the macroenvironment in the strategic planning system necessitates the use of complex measures of varying value and quality as part of the procedural and technological components of the strategic planning system, counteracting the negative influence, enhancing positive development trends, implemented in order to strengthen the economic condition, expand competitive potential and competitiveness. advantages of the enterprise, service industry;

The formation of a generalized or unified (basic) strategy for the socio-economic development of an economic entity in the long term is one of the necessary conditions and an important fundamental position of the procedural and technological formation of a strategic planning system, which acts as a unique requirement for the generalization of private strategies of an enterprise in the process of target orientation of all resource components to achieve planned and estimated targets for the economic performance of the enterprise in the long-term period of time;

The formation of an effectively functioning system of strategic planning for long-term socio-economic development of business entities in the service sector is possible on the basis of: a balanced interaction of its procedural, technological and resource elements, corresponding to the achievement of an economic result equal to the value of the failed decline in economic result in the conditions of active counteraction to the negative influences of external and internal factors environment of the enterprise, service industry, through the use of complex measures of different cost and quality in the strategic planning system; determining the general level of operating efficiency and the general strategy of the strategic planning system; implementation of methodological approaches to the procedural and technological sequence of the formation of the elemental composition, activation of the functioning of the system through its launch mechanism and achievement of benchmarks for economic performance in the long term; compliance with the principles of adequacy and significance of the influence of the target orientation of interacting elements, balanced use of resources, objectification of the planning process and ensuring a high degree of probability of achieving the necessary economic results, timely proactive response of the subject of strategic planning to current and future changes in the state of macro-, microenvironments, implementation of the enterprise’s strategic orientation towards based on taking into account the stage of its life cycle it has reached, the economic interest and motivation of the enterprise’s personnel in the implementation of the strategic plan; procedural and technological components of the strategic planning system can be classified as part of the elemental interaction, which determines not only its share in the overall economic result of the long-term development of the enterprise, the service sector, but also characterizes the technology for creating and reflecting the functional purpose of the strategic planning system, and the comprehensive measures taken and resources interacting with them for the purpose of direct and indirect influence on the growth of economic results can be characterized by their functional purpose as elements that directly embody the target orientation of the strategic planning system into specific economic, financial and social results of the long-term development of an enterprise or service industry;

Formed on a procedural and technological basis, the adequacy and significance of the interrelations of the information basis, conditions and trends in the formation and implementation of the plan, target orientation and functional purpose, the strategic plan is a formed set of sections, the consistent implementation of which in the conditions of significant changes in the state of the macroenvironment is aimed at achieving reasonable planning targets economic and other effectiveness and efficiency of resource consumption in the medium and long term through the influence of all procedural and technological sections on the results of economic, financial and social development, counteracting (neutralization, leveling, localization) the influence of negative environmental factors, promoting positive trends and factors influence;

The long-term period of implementation of the strategic plan should be determined in the process of both generating by managers and specialists a strategic vision of the socio-economic, financial, investment and scientific-innovative state of the enterprise, service industry, and formulating the remaining procedural and technological components of the strategic plan, when a combination of expert scenario forecasting the state of development of the enterprise, the industry component of the service sector and the qualified content of the sections of the strategic plan determine the form of integrity and completeness of the strategic plan, its medium- and long-term period of implementation;

The formed sections of the strategic plan of an enterprise as an industrial component of the service sector must: correspond to both the form and content of technological procedures for the consistent implementation of strategic planning for the development of service sector enterprises, filled with specific measures and actions, on a balanced basis with available resources, implementing the established stages of achieving strategic guidelines for economic performance on an adequate basis with current and upcoming changes in the state of macro- and microenvironments; meet the requirements of high information support, the dynamics of growth in the efficiency of resource consumption in the process of implementing the plan, its target orientation and functional purpose;

The cluster planning method, developing the focus of interconnected methods of influencing economic results, is aimed at increasing labor productivity, effectively using the qualifications and professional skills of leading managers of an economic entity in the service sector through the transformation of the system of moral values ​​of managers based on improving and raising the ethical level of employee relationships;

Compliance with the current and expansion of the long-term organizational direction of development of a service sector enterprise, its influence on economic, financial and social results is possible in the process of implementing the composition of functional (private) strategies, in their unity and interaction aimed at achieving the maximum possible economic and other results of development of enterprises, industry components of the service sector in areas that are defined in the general (corporate) strategy;

Risk assessment in the process of achieving economic, financial and social results of the long-term development of a service enterprise should be inextricably linked with the implementation of private and general strategies, the untimeliness or discrete application of which can maintain the degree of risk or lead to a decrease in the expected achievement of economic and other results in the conditions significant changes in the state of the external environment in an uncertain time;

Determining the general level (degree) of risk in the strategic plan for the long-term development of a business entity in the service sector, despite its integrated orientation, can be methodically acceptable in the process of substantiating the strategic plan being formed, since there are multiple risks in the success of the implementation of individual strategies and their overall justified, selected composition from alternative strategy options, in the unexpectedness in an indefinite time of the influence of negative environmental factors on the implementation of the strategic plan, in changes in the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of a business entity, determining the risk levels for each of the changing objects of the strategic plan, the planned decisions made and the strategies implemented, can lead to the level objectivity to minimum values, and the adequacy of the functioning of real risk objects to non-compliance with the requirements of the subject of strategic planning for the development of a service sector enterprise;

The direction of economic growth chosen by an economic entity in the service sector through external resources in the process of integration with enterprises contributes to: increasing the efficiency of resource use due to the synergistic effect; increasing the opportunities for more effective investment in an integrated enterprise compared to the economic efficiency of internal investment; diversification of the composition of services provided, which optimally combines and levels out the periods of their life cycle and thereby maintains sustainable rates of economic growth;

The main directions for increasing the economic result and efficiency of resource consumption of a service sector enterprise are: the use of functional-cost analysis, which allows you to choose an alternative strategy that provides a significant competitive advantage to the enterprise if it is implemented; application of the cluster planning method, which consists in the formation of a cluster (group) of managers whose professional merits as part of a business entity have a promising growth trend; expanding the influence of the organizational level of strategic planning on the economic results of a diversified service enterprise; development and use of methodological approaches to quantitative assessment of the probability of risk of achieving economic results in the long term; creation of strategic unions (alliances) and integrated business entities of a corporate association;

If the compilation and use of the calculated data of the optimal plan can be fully called an initiative act of the planning subject, and the transfer of economic information from the optimal plan into the current activities and medium-term development of the enterprise can be called advisory, then for a strategic plan, with a significant share of indicative compliance with its focus on achieving the desired result, the development and implementation of strategies is a necessary set of procedural and technological measures of a mandatory nature;

The economic and mathematical formation of an optimal activity plan allows an enterprise to determine not only the maximum volume of service provision that corresponds to the established restrictions on the use of material and technical resources, but also the economic profitability of providing various types of services, using technological complexes, and priority development of technical devices (their renewal and modernization );

Formation of an optimal plan and determination of forecast estimates of economic results are effective tools for substantiating the adequacy and significance of the strategic plan for the socio-economic development of service enterprises, providing the opportunity to: determine not only the maximum volume of service provision corresponding to the established limitations of material, technical and labor resources of the optimal plan, but and maximum profitability in priority order for the provision of various types of services, the use of technological complexes, technical devices; in the process of forming a strategic plan, justify the long-term socio-economic development of business entities on the basis of extrapolation transfer of retrospective trends to the medium- and long-term period without any significant changes.

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78. Kuzyk B.N. Forecasting and strategic planning of socio-economic development. - M: Publishing house "Economy", 2006. - 427 p.

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80. Kurakov B.JI. Strategic planning for the development of the social sphere: methodology and concept for increasing the effectiveness of its structural components. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house of St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Economics, 2002. - 445 p.

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131. Sutherland J., Canwell D. Strategic management. Key concepts. - Dnepropetrovsk: Balance Business Books, 2005. - 440 p.

132. Semenov S.A. Strategic planning: choosing a strategy for economic sectors. - M.: Publishing house RAGS, 2002. - 203 p.

133. Semenova A.B. Formation of competitive relations in the service sector / Interuniversity collection of scientific papers “Problems of the activities of economic entities in modern Russia.” Issue 8. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Dialogue", 2007. - P. 42-45.

134. Sidorova A.K., Evmenov A.D. Strategic guidelines for the development of cinema industry organizations. Brochure. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house SPbUKiT, 2005. - 260 p.

135. Sitnikov I.I., Golikova G.V. Strategic management of the development of a commercial organization. - Voronezh: Publishing house "KVARTA", 2005. - 342 p.

136. Skshipets V.P. Strategy and approaches to its construction. - M.: MAKS Press, 2007. - 180 p.

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138. Sokolova O.A. Features of the development of competition in service industries / Interuniversity collection of scientific papers “Bulletin of the Institute of Economics and Management of the St. Petersburg State University of Film and Television.” Issue 1 (24). - St. Petersburg: Publishing house of St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Culture, 2008. - pp. 278-284.

139. Solovyov V.N., Yaluner E.V. Forecasting the development of the service sector. Textbook. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house of St. Petersburg State University of Economics, 2007. - 122 p.

140. Soloviev V.N. Regional university complex - educational and scientific center for training specialists for the service sector / Interuniversity collection of scientific works “Bulletin of the Institute of Economics and Management of the St. Petersburg State University of Film and Television.” Issue 1 (24). - St. Petersburg: Publishing house SPbIKiT, 2008. - P. 285-287.

141. Social status and standard of living of the population of Russia. 2008: Stat. Sat. /Rosstat. - M., 2008. - 503 p.

142. Strategic management / Ed. prof. A.N. Petrova. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Peter", 2008. - 496 p.

143. Strategy and factors of innovative management of socio-economic systems: collection of articles / Ed. A.J.I. Gaponenko. - M.: Publishing house "RAGS", 2005. - 350 p.

144. Strategy for the development of the domestic economy in a competitive environment: Materials of a scientific and practical conference / Under scientific. ed. N.S. Katkov. - Yoshkar-Ola: Mari State University, 2005. - 415 p.

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146. Sukharev O.S. Company strategy and tactics. - M.: Publishing house “Mysl”, 2005.-288 p.

147. Tavkazakhov K.S. Composition and development of structural components of the social services sector: Preprint. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Nestor", 2002. - 32 p.

148. Tavkazakhov K.S. Conditions for the formation and management of the potential of the social services market: Preprint. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Nestor", 2002. - 54 p.

149. Telegina T.A. Mechanism for diagnosing the activities of service sector entities: Preprint. - St. Petersburg: Dialogue Publishing House, 2005. - 35 p.

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151. Thompson A.A., Strickland A.J. Strategic management. The art of developing and implementing strategy: A textbook for universities. - M.: Publishing House "Banks and Exchanges", UNITY, 1998. - 576 p.

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153. Trenev N.H. Strategic management: textbook. - M.: Publishing house "Prior", 2001. - 288 p.

154. Troyanovsky V.M. Mathematical modeling in management. Uch. village - M.: RDL Publishing House, 2002. - 256 p.

155. Tupchienko V.A. The sphere of public services: issues of theory and practice // Scientific notes of the Institute of Management and Economics. - No. 1 (9). -2004. -WITH. 51-60.

156. Fatkhutdinov P.A. Strategic management: Textbook. - M.: Academician. adv. households under the government of Russia. Federations; Delo, 2005. - 448 p.

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160. Fedorov N.V. The role of strategic planning in regional socio-economic development / “Strategic directions of socio-economic policy in the regions of the Russian Federation: scientific works of doctoral students, graduate students and applicants” - Cheboksary: ​​Chuvash State University Publishing House, 2003. pp. 34-47.

161. Fleischer K., Bensoussan B. Strategic and competitive analysis: methods and means of competitive analysis in business. - M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2005. - 544 p.

162. Haxever K., Render B., Russell R., Murdick R. Management and organization in the service sector. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Peter", 2002. - 362 p.

163. Hassey D. Strategy and planning. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Peter", 2002. - 384 p.

164. Khoroshilov S.B. Strategic planning of socio-economic development of an economic entity in the service sector / Interuniversity collection of scientific papers “Problems of the activities of economic entities in modern Russia.” Issue 7. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Dialogue", 2007. -P. 143-147.

165. Hamel G., Prahalad K., Thomas G., O Neil D. Strategic flexibility. -SPb.: Publishing house "Peter", 2005. - 250 p.

166. Tsukanova O.A. Determining the mission of an economic entity as the initial stage of strategic enterprise management / Interuniversity. Sat. scientific works “Problems of activity of economic entities of modern Russia”. Vol. 2. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Nestor", 2002. - P. 325 - 327.

167. Cherepanov P.V. State regulation and strategic planning of the sphere of telecommunication services / Interuniversity collection

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169. Chesnova O.A. Strategic management of activities in the non-profit sector of the economy / Interuniversity collection of scientific papers “Problems of managing the development of socio-economic systems”. Issue 21. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house of St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Culture, 2006. - P. 297-304.

170. Chechulina M.N. Strategic management and reorganization. - Murmansk: Murmansk State. Technical University, 2007. - 160 p.

171. Shelobaev S.I. Mathematical methods and models in economics, finance, business. - M.: INITI, 2000. - 367 p.

172. Shifrin M.B. Strategic management: textbook. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Peter", 2005. - 288 p.

173. Shishkin S.B. Economics of the social sphere: textbook. -M.:GUVSHE, 2003.-167 p.

174. Shkardun V.D. Marketing basics of strategic planning. Theory, methodology, practice. - M.: Case: Academician. adv. households under the government of Russia. Federation, 2007. - 384 p.

175. Shleifer M.A. Managing the balance of socio-economic systems and processes. Monograph. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house of St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Economics, 1997. - 250 p.

176. Shumilova Z.A. Economic analysis: Educational method, set. - Novosibirsk: SiBAGS, 2001. - 348 p.

177. Shupletsov A.F., Chistyakova O.V. Strategic and business planning: textbook. - Irkutsk: IGEA Publishing House, 2001. - 104 p.

178. Shchadrina G.V. Comprehensive economic analysis of economic activity. - M.: Publishing house RUDN, 2001. - 138 p.

179. Edersheim Elizabeth Haas The best ideas of Peter Drucker. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Peter", 2008. - 384 p.

180. Yaluner E.V. Interaction of types of planning for socio-economic development of business entities in the service sector // Eurasian international scientific and analytical journal “Problems of modern economics”. No. 1, 2006. - P.317 - 319.

181. Yaluner E.V. The importance of the planning function in the activities of the structural components of the national economy / Interuniversity collection of scientific papers “Problems of the activities of economic entities in modern Russia.” Issue 7. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Dialogue" 2007. - P. 155-157.

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191. Gregory G. Dess, Alex Miller Strategie Management. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1993.-456 p.

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198. Smith G.D., Arnold D.R., Bizzell B.C. Business Strategy and Policy, 2nd ed. Boston, Ma.: Hoghton Mifflin, 1988. - 440 p.

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216. Development of a project for creating a university service complex

[Electronic resource]. - Access mode: - Title from the screen. - In Russian. language

217. Russian Federation Federal Law on Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:;base::=LAW:n::::::84921- Title from the screen. - In Russian. language

218. Strategic plan for the development of Far Eastern State Technical University [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: - Title from the screen. - In Russian. language

219. Titova H.JI. Strategic development of universities in the context of economic growth of the country/H.Jl. Titova [Text]//University management: practice and analysis: Information-analyst. Bulletin Sov. rectors and the Higher Fund. school Sverdl. region - 2008. - No. 1(53). - pp. 23 - 32. - (Strategic management of a university). - Bulletin “Higher School” No. 4 for 2008. -Bibliography: pp. 31 - 32.

220. Federal Target Program for the Development of Education (FTPRO 2006-2010)

[Electronic resource]. - Access mode: - Title from the screen. - In Russian. language

221. Economy of the region [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: - Title from the screen. - In Russian. language

222. Energy of new ideas [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: - Title from the screen. -In Russian. language

223. An internationally unique concept [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: - Title from the screen. - In English. language

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The main distinctive feature of the activities of non-profit organizations is a high degree of social orientation, which forms the basis of their organizational culture and consists in the desire to provide services that are important to society, but often do not generate profit due to the lack of effective demand or the impossibility of setting prices and charging for them.

In other words, non-profit organizations produce public goods, which cannot be efficiently produced by commercial organizations, since their production activities do not pay off. The key goal of non-profit organizations is not to make a profit, but to achieve a social mission. Social orientation of non-profit organizations includes the following six behavioral components:

  • 1. Beneficiaries, or recipients of services of non-profit organizations, as a rule, are in a crisis situation and unfavorable economic, social and political conditions. Nonprofit organizations work to understand their situation and needs and develop programs and activities that are valuable to them.
  • 2. Sponsors and resource providers provide often free financial support to non-profit organizations and, as a rule, are private and public representatives who make donations. Non-profit organizations conduct certain activities in order to retain current donors and attract new financial resources.
  • 3. Volunteers and employees of non-profit organizations are involved in the strategic process of obtaining and retaining motivated personnel, taking into account their perceptions and proposals for planning the activities of non-profit organizations, where volunteers represent a unique and key resource.
  • 4. Learning and social entrepreneurship refer to the organizational capacity of non-profit organizations, reflecting their overall productivity capabilities and ability to adapt to environmental changes through the creation and implementation of innovations.
  • 5. Interfunctional coordination creates synergies within nonprofit organizations that contribute to achieving the organizational mission. This involves consistent planning and communication.

The high social orientation of the activities of non-profit organizations and their lack of focus on making a profit necessitates the use of non-traditional methods to measure their productivity and efficiency. Performance measurement plays an important role in nonprofit organization planning and decision making for the following reasons:

  • - this allows you to receive feedback and identify changes in the performance of a non-profit organization over time;
  • - this allows you to set standards and use them for comparison as benchmarks for the organization itself and create an information base for making organizational decisions;
  • - the results of this assessment serve as a signal to the public and stakeholders of non-profit organizations.

The most used metrics in the nonprofit sector are financial. The goals of non-profit organizations are more complex than those of for-profit organizations, so their success or failure cannot be measured strictly in financial terms. In the nonprofit sector, financial performance is only one of the goals pursued. The main goal of non-profit organizations is to produce the required quantity and quality of social goods and services.

Some nonprofits aim to maximize the use of certain types of inputs rather than outputs, while others may seek to maximize revenue. Still others focus on lobbying for social issues aimed at maximum political impact. The multiple goals of nonprofit organizations necessitate multidimensional measurement of their performance.

Therefore, the performance of a non-profit organization refers to the social orientation and degree of satisfaction of stakeholders in its activities, the achievement of stakeholder expectations, organizational values ​​and mission. To capture the interests of a nonprofit's multiple stakeholders and provide a solid basis for evaluating nonprofit performance and making decisions, there are six dimensions of nonprofit performance. These include:

  • - satisfaction of the needs of consumers of social services - is determined by the completeness and timeliness of the non-profit organization meeting their needs for social services;
  • - the volume of financial and other resources attracted by the organization - reflects the financial and other resources available to the non-profit organization, the degree of satisfaction of sponsors with its activities and determines its capabilities in implementing its social functions;
  • - satisfaction of the organization’s employees and volunteers - is determined by the quality of management and motivation, the development of the organization’s social capital and determines the organization’s ability to attract new employees and volunteers;
  • - long-term results and intermediate results of activity - reflect the degree of achievement of the goals and mission of a non-profit organization;
  • - the overall efficiency of the organization's activities - reflects the payback of social projects, the level of profit and profitability, and is similar to the efficiency of a commercial organization.

In practice, some nonprofit organizations may place greater emphasis on just one, two, or even a few types of social orientations, which increases their degree of organizational effectiveness. Some nonprofits may focus only on donors or on attracting resources and investment, which can lead to increasing their financial flexibility and providing better social services to consumers.

Another example is the orientation of a non-profit organization to the interests of volunteer employees, which in turn may serve the interests of sponsors and attract additional financial and other resources to the organization. Nonprofit organizations that are able to satisfy the interests and needs of multiple stakeholder groups are more effective and efficient in various organizational aspects.

Performance indicators for each type of stakeholder should be tailored to the specific operating conditions of the nonprofit organization and be consistent with the desired results of its activities, its mission and values. Ideally, one should strive to satisfy the interests of all stakeholders.

In table 5.1 provides the components of social orientation and indicators of productivity and efficiency of a non-profit organization.

Based on the data in table. 5.1 we can draw the following conclusions:

  • - the higher the orientation of a non-profit organization towards beneficiaries (consumers of social services), the higher the satisfaction of the needs of consumers of social services, the satisfaction of the organization’s employees and volunteers, long-term results and intermediate results of activities and the overall effectiveness of the organization’s activities;
  • - the higher the orientation of a non-profit organization towards attracting financial resources from sponsors, the higher the satisfaction of the needs of consumers of social services, the satisfaction of the organization’s employees and volunteers, long-term results and intermediate results of activities and the overall effectiveness of the organization’s activities;
  • - the higher the orientation of a non-profit organization towards the interests and motivation of volunteers and employees, the higher the long-term results and intermediate results of its activities and the overall effectiveness of the organization’s activities;
  • - the higher the orientation of a non-profit organization towards training and running a socially responsible business, the higher the long-term results and intermediate results of activities and the overall effectiveness of the organization;
  • - the higher the orientation of a non-profit organization towards interfunctional coordination and internal synergy, the higher the overall efficiency of the organization.

The influence of the social orientation of a non-profit organization on the performance indicators of its activities

Type of social orientation of a non-profit organization

Organizational performance indicator

Satisfaction of the needs of consumers of social services

The volume of financial and other resources attracted by the organization

Satisfaction of the organization's employees and volunteers

Long-term results and intermediate results


Overall performance of the organization

Focus on beneficiaries (consumers of social services)

Focus on attracting financial resources from sponsors

Focus on the interests and motivation of volunteers and employees

Focus on learning and leading socially

responsible business

Focus on interfunctional coordination and internal synergy

Thus, we can conclude that the most preferable type of social orientation of a non-profit organization is orientation towards beneficiaries (consumers of social services), since it ensures an increase in four of the five identified indicators of its productivity and efficiency.

The program for ensuring the development of society involves solving the issue of the coincidence of the main trends and needs of social development with the means and methods of achieving the set goals and objectives. Therefore, the main criterion for the viability and progressiveness of social transformations and the effectiveness of management of social objects are: a) the degree of scientific character and b) the validity of reflecting the interests of the majority (society) in practice.

The formation of planning for social development problems dates back to the end of the 18th century. and is associated with representatives of utopian socialism: C. de Rouvroy (Saint-Simon), C. Fourier and R. Owen, who sought to substantiate a perfect social system on the basis of ahistorically understood principles - reason, justice, freedom, equality and fraternity. Among the ideas and guesses of the utopian socialists, in particular, were: the need to create large-scale social production; destruction of the opposition between city and countryside, mental and physical labor; the obligation of labor as a need and as a pleasure; the requirement for the unity of science and industry, scientific planning of the economy (economics); implementation of the distribution of available resources “according to abilities”. Some of their guesses are still relevant today.

Already at the beginning of the 19th century. their followers made attempts to implement individual ideas in practice - in the USA and Great Britain.

First mention of the term " social planning" attributed to the 32nd President of the United States F. Roosevelt when he carried out reforms (the so-called new course) in connection with overcoming the consequences of the overproduction crisis of the 1930s.

This phenomenon received further development in the implementation of various forms and methods of implementing social policy, in particular in ensuring social protection of the population.

The theoretical and methodological foundations of social planning were first tested in the first years of Soviet power and the first five-year plan for the development of the national economy (1928–1932). This plan contained, in particular, a special section “Socio-economic problems”, various social programs (elimination of illiteracy, homelessness in the country), as well as measures to solve them. Let us note that in subsequent plans for the development of the national economy, up to the last five-year plan, such a section was not highlighted as an independent component.

Among the domestic scientists who contributed to the development of problems in the theory and practice of social planning, the following can be named: N. A. Aitov, V. G. Aseev, V. I. Gerchikov, V. M. Elmeev, N. I. Lapin, P. P. Luzan, V. G. Podmarkov, Zh. T. Toshchenko, Yu. L. Neimer, O. I. Shkaratan and etc.

The current rejection of the ideas of socialism has already led to the abandonment of centralized planning for the social development of society. The departure from the planned principles of regulation is explained by: the predominance of technocratic tendencies in the development of social production; hypertrophied resource distribution system; absolutization of methods of directive planning (command) to the detriment of indirect (regulation); a small “area of ​​freedom” for the development of potential social and personal opportunities; the dependence of social relations on the political and ideological guidelines of the state; lack of proper correspondence between economic and social parameters of development (increasing production volumes acted as a primary factor, meeting people's needs as a secondary factor) and taking into account the human element in planning and economics.

Essential characteristics

  • 1) orientation of planning towards goals arising from objective trends in the organization of social development and providing for the satisfaction of current and future needs of people, their coordination with each other, the development of measures to enhance the creative activity of the person himself and the social institutions of society;
  • 2) the use, within the framework of social planning, of performance indicators for achieving set goals (timing, volumes, levels, rates, proportions, degree of achievement of planned milestones);
  • 3) detailed development and research of means of achieving the set development goals in the form of benefits (restrictions) or creating conditions for the rational development of the planned object;
  • 4) social planning is a continuous process of cognitive and transformative activity.

Generally social planning defined as scientifically based determination of goals, indicators and tasks for the development of social objects and the main means of their implementation in the interests of society, social institutions or large production associations.

The following are distinguished: levels social planning.

Society, for which long-term plans are being developed to solve the most significant social problems that determine its viability, integrity and sustainability.

Level of individual spheres of public life (economic, socio-political and spiritual), which provides for solving problems of improving working conditions and content; vocational training; prestige of areas of employment; structures of working and free time; satisfaction of material and spiritual needs; participation in political life.

On regional level planning is aimed at solving social problems of the republic, region (territory), other regional entity in terms of: equalizing social development in a territorial context; regulation of migration flows; rational use of labor resources; development of national relations; distribution and consumption of cultural values.

When analyzing the planning features of economic regions it is necessary to determine the essence and specificity of each social object (phenomenon or process) in a given territory, as well as clarify their differences from similar objects in other territories.

Level of production organizations (work collectives) involves the implementation of a person’s motivation for creative work, providing conditions for his work and everyday life.

Main forms social planning are:

  • 1) targeted (direct) planning or development and justification of a system of tasks to achieve a certain level of social development. This concerns rational relationships in the development of social processes, reflecting their real state, trends of change, the level of use of science and technology, and people's needs;
  • 2) social (indirect) planning, in which the elements of the implementation mechanism are the specific conditions, capabilities and needs of the object itself, as well as its components and variables of an exo- and endogenous nature, in other words, amenable or not amenable to state and public regulation. Let us note that a number of social objects have limited conditions for their development, which implies the need to determine the “area of ​​freedom” in their planning.

An essential point in social planning is also taking into account the interests of the individual, individual social groups, and society as a whole.

The duality of the planning process allows us to consider methods for its implementation as ways of: a) implementing programs and plans (planning as an activity); b) their development (planning as a science). General planning methods are characterized by answers to fundamental questions: what objective laws of social development are based on possible ways to achieve goals? what are they aimed at? in what organizational forms will they be implemented?

The leading planning method is balance method, or a way of providing connections between the needs of society and its capabilities when resources are limited. In modern conditions, methods related to the implementation of market relations are also extremely important, when it is necessary to foresee the social consequences of decisions made and the ability to harmonize the interests of all participants in social transformation programs.

Requirements normative method are the basis for compiling indicators (standards) of social development at various levels of social organization, ensuring its scientific character.

Essence analytical method consists in dividing social action into its component parts and determining directions for the implementation of the intended program of action.

The essence variant method (variant approximations) is to identify several possible ways to solve social problems and tasks in the presence of the most complete and reliable information possible.

Complex (software-targeted) method represents the development of targeted comprehensive programs, taking into account all the main factors (material, labor and financial-economic), determining the performers and deadlines.

In development of the material presented in Chap. 4 (clause 4.2), we will consider the basic methodological concepts that characterize the tools for assessing a particular level of social development.

Social indicators – quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the state, trends and directions of social development, used in planning to assess the compliance of the actual situation with scientifically based requirements. In their most complete form, they are defined and calculated on the basis of statistical data.

To identify the degree of development or perfection of a specific object (phenomenon or process), the following indicators are applicable: a) general, when it is necessary to establish the level of development (lag, advance, compliance) of the process being studied in a particular society and take appropriate action; b) regulatory, when it is necessary to determine the compliance of the process under study with scientifically based requirements.

It is usually said that social planning is effective when several groups of indicators are used, in particular:

  • indicators that take into account the experience of planning social development in the form of quantitative characteristics and therefore allow planning for the future;
  • indicators in the form of qualitative characteristics of individual social phenomena;
  • indicators – assessments of the effectiveness of measures taken after the end of the planning period.

Let us note that the development, justification and application of social indicators are aimed at making scientifically based decisions aimed at increasing the efficiency of social planning and its effectiveness in solving both general and specific problems of social development.

Social standards – scientifically grounded quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the normative state of a social phenomenon (or one of its aspects), obtained on the basis of taking into account objective laws and opportunities for social development. They are aimed at maximizing the satisfaction of the material and spiritual needs of the individual; have a specific historical character, i.e. reflect the possibilities and needs of social development at a given stage and, accordingly, may change in the future.

Social standards are clearly defined quantitatively and qualitatively through a value characterizing the ideal (desired) goal of development of the planned process. Therefore, in order to establish the most effective balance of needs and opportunities in social development, standards are tested first experimentally and then on a mass scale.

Social standards must be consistent with each other, and also differentiated depending on the specific national, natural, socio-demographic characteristics of the region based on various coefficients. In areas of social development where the definition of standards is difficult, it is legitimate to introduce the concept into planning practice social reference, by which it is necessary to understand the most possible (rational) magnitude of the development of social processes, based on the existing indicators of the development of similar phenomena.

Classification of social standards and guidelines is possible by:

  • spheres of an individual’s life (work, socio-political life, culture, everyday life, interpersonal communication). Here they reflect the provision of material resources per 100 thousand people; can be expressed in specific requirements and tasks (for example, standards for architectural planning solutions or the organization of rational life of the population); can exist in the form of a norm in the “person-person” system (for example, the number of persons in a particular profession per 1000 people of the population or the availability of personnel per 1000 people by type of profession);
  • levels of social organization of society (for the country as a whole, territorial entity, sector of the national economy, group of organizations);
  • social structure of society (or by socio-demographic groups);
  • stages of development (society, region or individual production).

The following can be named as specific forms of implementation of social development: social map of the region And social passport of the organization , which state the diversity of social processes and changes at these levels and allow us to constantly analyze and compare planning objects, and take adequate measures to solve the problems posed.

The experience of social planning shows that a social card or passport characterizes the social composition of the population, the demographic situation, indicators of the labor, socio-political, cultural and family spheres, staffing of social development and its mathematics

real-technical base (in areas of public life or independently).