Coursework: Technology of social work as a skill of a social work specialist. Activities of a social work specialist Features of the professional activities of social work specialists

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Buyko Andrey Petrovich


Course work


Bychkova Nadezhda Ivanovna, teacher


Krasnoyarsk, 2008


Chapter I. Activities of the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise

1.1 Organization of the work of the medical and social examination bureau

1.2 Regulatory and legal framework for medical and social examination and rehabilitation of disabled people

Chapter II. Directions of activity of a social work specialist in the bureau of medical and social examination

2.1 Main areas of activity of a social work specialist in the ITU bureau

2.2 Rehabilitation of disabled people

2.3 Individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person (IRP)

2.4 Formation, control and correction of individual rehabilitation programs for people with disabilities (IRP)

2.5 Determining the need of a disabled person for technical means of rehabilitation and prosthetic and orthopedic products (within the framework of social rehabilitation)





In the 90s, the problems of disability began to increasingly attract the attention of scientists, practitioners, the public, the disabled themselves and their families, which was due not only and somewhat to the increase in the number of disabled people in various countries of the world, but also to the improvement public relations, democratization of society, an increased level of concern for the health of the population, the creation and active work of organizations of people with disabilities. It should be borne in mind that both sides of the problem were in the sphere of public interest: “disability” and the concept of a disabled person.”

IN last years the nation's health is under increasing pressure from social, political and economic changes that have a significant impact on the public health of citizens. Insufficient quality of medical care along with deterioration of the material and economic situation and a decline in the standard of living of the majority of the population Russian Federation, as well as the unfavorable demographic situation leads to an increase in morbidity and disability of the population, and an exacerbation of many social problems.

Disability is a complex biosocial category, covering various levels of human development as a biological and social being in its diverse relationships with the environment [Osadchikh A. I., 1988].

Problems of disability and people with disabilities today are among the most important problems of the state, because affect many millions of people with disabilities due to health conditions. Disability is a social phenomenon that no society in the world can avoid. According to WHO, up to 10% of the world's population are disabled.

According to the State Department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the total number of disabled people registered as of January 1, 2008 was 208,529 people, of which 198,047 (95%) were adults, 10,482 (5%) were children. This means that 8% of the total population of the Krasnoyarsk Territory are disabled. Compared to last year, the number of disabled people in the region decreased by 5%. The prevalence (level of general disability) per 10 thousand of the total population in the Krasnoyarsk Territory is 786.2 (2006 -800.1). The level of general disability among the adult population in 2007 was 937.7 (2006 - 953.0) per 10 thousand.

People with disabilities life activities, having the status of a disabled person belong to a socially unprotected category of citizens. Social work in the ITU bureau is necessary; the ITU staff has a specialist in social work. In regulatory documents only in general outline the activities of the named specialist are reflected. A more detailed study of it is necessary. This was the basis for choosing the topic course work: “The main areas of activity of a social work specialist from the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise in the implementation of individual rehabilitation programs for disabled people.” The purpose of the study is to determine the main areas of activity of a social work specialist from the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise in the implementation of an individual rehabilitation program for people with disabilities. The object of the study is the activity of a social work specialist, the subject of the study is the main areas of activity of a social work specialist of the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise in the implementation of individual rehabilitation programs for people with disabilities.

Research objectives:

1. Consider the organizational and regulatory framework for the activities of the medical and social examination bureau.

2. Give a general description of the activities of a social work specialist at BMSE.

3. Determine the main areas of activity of a social work specialist from the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise in the implementation of an individual rehabilitation program for people with disabilities

Research methods: theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature, synthesis and generalization.



The functional responsibilities of medical and social examination institutions at various levels arise from the new principles for determining disability and the functions of the medical and social examination institution, defined in the law. The new functions of the ITU, in contrast to the earlier, inter-district, city VTEK, should include:

- determination of the structure and degree of disability of the persons being examined;

-formation of an individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person (types, forms, terms and volumes of measures for medical, professional and social rehabilitation);

-correction of an individual rehabilitation program;

-monitoring the implementation of an individual rehabilitation program;

-providing comprehensive assistance to persons who have passed a medical and social examination, including in the form of advice on legal issues;

-assistance in providing the necessary social protection for people with disabilities, including rehabilitation.

New functional responsibilities are associated both with new methodological approaches to establishing disability and determining social protection measures, including rehabilitation, and with the enhancement of the ITU Bureau in the implementation of the rights of people with disabilities to social protection and rehabilitation.

The indication for sending citizens for a medical and social examination is the presence of health problems with persistent disorders of body functions caused by diseases, consequences of injuries and defects leading to limitation of life activity.

A medical and social examination of a citizen is carried out upon his written application or the application of his legal representative. The application is submitted to the head of the ITU institution. Attached to the application are directions from a health care institution (form No. 088/u-97) or a social security authority (“Referrals to an Institution civil service ITU"), medical documents confirming his health problems.

Medical and social examination of citizens is carried out by a team of specialists from the ITU bureau, appointed by the head of the ITU institution, who have the right to conduct a medical and social examination and make an expert decision on recognizing a person as disabled. The ITU Bureau specialists who make expert decisions include at least 6 specialists: three doctors of various specialties, a rehabilitation specialist, a social work specialist, and a psychologist. If necessary, other specialists within the listed specialties may be included in the composition of the specialists making the expert decision.

The examination procedure begins with familiarization of each specialist making an expert decision with the application, referral to the ITU and other submitted documents. A study and assessment of general information about the patient, information about the duration and course of the disease, data specialist doctors, laboratory and instrumental studies, therapeutic rehabilitation measures carried out, clinical and functional diagnosis, the purpose of referral to MSE.

One of the most important functions of the specialists of the ITU Bureau is to explain to the disabled person the need and expediency of rehabilitation measures, agree on the location, forms and timing of the implementation, and, if possible, select individual means from the ITU Bureau or the Main Bureau (if there are appropriate specialists and equipment on staff).

The expert decision is announced to the examined person (or his legal representative) by the head of the ITU institution in the presence of all specialists who conducted the medical and social examination and made the expert decision, who, if necessary, give explanations within their competence.

The social work specialist determines:

- category and severity of disability,

-social-domestic and social-environmental status and prognosis,

-rehabilitation potential and rehabilitation prognosis,

-social protection measures, including rehabilitation, and, if necessary, correction of measures.

This section talked about the functional responsibilities, structure and activities of the medical and social examination institution.

The next section lists the regulatory legal acts of the work of medical and social examination.


Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated November 29, 2004 No. 297 “On approval of the form of an individual rehabilitation program issued by federal institutions of medical and social examination.”

Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-F3 (as amended on December 31, 2005) “On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation.”

Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated July 17, 1999 No. 187-F3 (as amended on December 29, 2004) “On State Social Assistance.”

Federal Law of the Russian Federation of April 19, 1991 No. 1032-1 (as amended on August 22, 2004) “On employment in the Russian Federation.”

Approved by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 1993 No. 2232-RB (coordinated with the Ministry of Health of Russia, the State Committee for Industry of Russia, the State Committee for Epidemiological Surveillance of Russia) “Temporary requirements for special workplaces for disabled people.”

Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated 02.08.1995 No. 122-FZ (as amended on August 22, 2004) “On social services for elderly and disabled citizens.”

Approved by Decree of the Russian Federation of November 25, 1995 No. 1151 (as amended on April 17, 2002) “Federal list of state-guaranteed social services provided to elderly and disabled citizens by state and municipal social service institutions.”

Approved by decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2005. No. 2347-r “Federal list of rehabilitation measures, technical means of rehabilitation and services provided to disabled people.”

Approved by decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2005. No. 887 “Rules for providing, at the expense of the federal budget, disabled people with technical means of rehabilitation and certain categories of citizens from among veterans with prostheses (except dentures), prosthetic and orthopedic products.”

Approved by order of the Ministry of Social Security of the RSFSR dated February 15, 1991. No. 35 “On the procedure for providing the population with prosthetic and orthopedic products, means of transportation and means that make the life easier for people with disabilities.”

This section provides a description of the regulatory framework for the activities of medical and social expertise.

The next chapter is devoted to the activities of a social work specialist in the ITU bureau, his job responsibilities, the tasks, and main areas of activity of a social work specialist in the institutions of the ITU bureau.



The introduction of the position of social work specialist in the ITU bureau is in accordance with modern requirements that apply to medical and social examination institutions.

Applications to the job responsibilities of a social work specialist in the structure of ITU activities include the following:

-participation in assessing the severity of the disease;

-assessment of the category and severity of disability, taking into account social status;

- assessment of rehabilitation potential and rehabilitation prognosis;

-assessment of social and living status;

- determination of social protection measures, including rehabilitation, if necessary - correction of measures;

- identification of persons in need of social and medical assistance;

- identifying the causes of emerging medical and social problems among disabled people undergoing examination;

-assistance in solving these problems;

-promoting the integration of the activities of various state and public organizations and institutions to provide the necessary socio-economic assistance to people with disabilities;

- assistance in placing disabled people in treatment, preventive and educational institutions;

-promoting the wider use of each disabled person’s own capabilities for social self-defense of people in need;

A social work specialist must know the regulations, instructions, orders higher authorities, regulatory and other guidance materials on social protection population, know psychology, sociology, the basics of general and family pedagogy, forms and methods of educational work and education, the rights of people with disabilities, housing legislation, the organization of health education, advanced domestic and foreign experience in social work.

In the aspect of the issue under consideration, the meanings and skills that a social work specialist must master acquire.

He must be able to:

-listen to the patient with understanding;

-identify information and collect facts necessary to analyze and assess the situation;

- mediate and resolve relations between conflicting individuals and groups;

-interpret social needs and report on them to the relevant services and authorities;

-intensify the efforts of wards to solve their own problems.

A social work specialist in the structure of the general technology of expert rehabilitation work occupies an intermediate place between an expert clinician and a rehabilitation specialist. Without a medical education, he uses clinical information to organize his activities. A social work specialist interacts with a rehabilitation specialist at the stage of developing and implementing individual rehabilitation programs for people with disabilities.

One of the tasks of a social work specialist in the ITU bureau is to determine the social status of a disabled person, which should be carried out during social and social-environmental diagnostics. Educational level, profession, employment status, and marital status are taken into account.

The latter circumstance is especially important for judging the possibilities of social rehabilitation, which is the prerogative of a social work specialist. A disabled person in a family is a person who evokes the sympathy of close relatives and, at the same time, burdens family members due to the need to provide physical and social assistance to a disabled person. The family, as one of the instruments of social rehabilitation, depending on its structure and the psychological orientation of its members, can perform either an activating, rehabilitative role, or an inhibitory spontaneous activity, showing “overprotection” and “overprotection” of the disabled person, covering him from any attempts to fulfill social responsibility. useful activity.

The task of a social work specialist is not only to identify the composition of the family, but also to determine its attitude towards the disabled person. But also to formulate the attitude of this family towards the rehabilitation of a disabled person, taking into account the socio-economic opportunities and social culture of its members.

Analysis of the family situation of a disabled person is also important because it often has an economic aspect, since a disabled person may be the main source of financial support for the family. In this case, the need to help a disabled person find employment is identified in accordance with indications based on an assessment of clinical and social status.

When working with a family, a social work specialist needs knowledge of the legislative and regulatory documents that he must use to implement social protection benefits for people with disabilities and their families.

As part of the analysis of the microsocial environment, a social work specialist identifies the immediate environment of a disabled person (friends, peers, former or current colleagues), the nature of contacts (emotional, formal) and their changes in connection with his disability.

During the examination of a disabled person, the state of living conditions is revealed: a separate apartment, a private house, a room in a communal apartment, a room in a dormitory, rented space, and the state of sanitary housing standards.

Next, it is necessary to identify issues such as the availability of utilities and telephone. For disabled people with damage to the musculoskeletal system, with visual and hearing impairments, it is important to clarify the issue of the condition of the apartment equipment in accordance with the type of defect, about the adaptation of the kitchen, about the presence of auxiliary devices, alarms that facilitate cooking, about the equipment of the hallway, bathroom, toilet, o the presence of special devices that ensure the everyday independence of a disabled person (putting on shoes, remote control for opening windows, doors, etc.).

This section describes the job responsibilities, tasks, and main areas of activity of a social work specialist in ITU bureau institutions.

The next section describes the main directions of rehabilitation of people with disabilities and areas of implementation for the rehabilitation of people with disabilities.


Rehabilitation of disabled people is a system and process of full or partial restoration of the abilities of disabled people to everyday, social and professional activity. Rehabilitation of disabled people is aimed at eliminating or as fully as possible compensation for limited life activity, possible health disorders with persistent disorders of body functions, for the purpose of social adaptation of disabled people, their achievement of financial independence and their integration into society.

The main areas of rehabilitation of disabled people include:

restorative medical measures, reconstructive surgery, prosthetics and orthotics, spa treatment;

vocational guidance, training and education, assistance in employment, industrial adaptation;

social-environmental, socio-pedagogical, socio-psychological and sociocultural rehabilitation, social and everyday adaptation;

physical education and health activities, sports.

The implementation of the main directions of rehabilitation of disabled people involves the use of technical means of rehabilitation by disabled people, the creation of the necessary conditions for unhindered access of disabled people to objects of engineering, transport, social infrastructure and the use of means of transport, communication and information, as well as providing disabled people and members of their families with information on the rehabilitation of disabled people.

(as amended by Federal Law No. 122-FZ of August 22, 2004).

The state guarantees disabled people the implementation of rehabilitation measures, the receipt of technical means and services provided for by the federal list of rehabilitation measures, technical means of rehabilitation and services provided to the disabled person at the expense of the federal budget.

The federal list of rehabilitation measures, technical means of rehabilitation and services provided to disabled people has been approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

This section describes the main directions of rehabilitation of people with disabilities and areas of implementation for the rehabilitation of people with disabilities.

The next section describes the development of an individual rehabilitation program, as well as filling out sections of the rehabilitation program.


An individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person - developed on the basis of a decision of an authorized body carried out by the management of federal institutions of medical and social expertise, a set of optimal rehabilitation measures for a disabled person, including certain types, forms, volumes, timing and procedure for the implementation of medical, professional and other rehabilitation measures aimed for restoration, compensation for impaired or lost body functions, restoration, compensation for the abilities of a disabled person to perform certain types of activities,

An individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person is mandatory for execution by the relevant government bodies, local government bodies, as well as organizations, regardless of organizational, legal forms and forms of ownership.

An individual rehabilitation program consists of three sections: medical, professional and social rehabilitation.

The medical rehabilitation section is developed taking into account the plan of treatment and rehabilitation measures drawn up by medical and preventive institutions. Rehabilitation therapy, the need for sanatorium-resort treatment, technical means of rehabilitation, prosthetic and orthopedic products, reconstructive surgery, surgical treatment, medical and social patronage of a family with a disabled person are determined.

The vocational rehabilitation section is being developed taking into account the employment service’s database on offers in the labor market and information from employers about the employment opportunities of one or a group of disabled people in certain professions. Recommendations on contraindications and available conditions and types of work. If there is a need for vocational training or retraining, vocational testing and professional selection are carried out to determine the aptitude for a particular profession. The need for technical means of rehabilitation for vocational training(retraining) or labor.

The social rehabilitation section is being developed taking into account the RUSZN database on available rehabilitation services. The measures and services necessary to eliminate the causes, conditions and factors causing disability are determined:

Information and consultation on rehabilitation issues;

Providing legal assistance;

Socio-psychological and socio-cultural patronage of a family with a disabled person;

Adaptation training for everyday and social activities;

Psychological rehabilitation;

Sociocultural rehabilitation;

Rehabilitation by means physical culture and sports.

An individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person contains both rehabilitation measures provided to a disabled person with an exemption from payment in accordance with the federal list of rehabilitation measures, technical means of rehabilitation and services provided to a disabled person, and rehabilitation measures, in the payment of which the disabled person himself or other persons or organizations independently participate on organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership.

The volume of rehabilitation measures provided for by the individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person cannot be less than that established by the federal list of rehabilitation measures, technical means of rehabilitation and services provided to a disabled person.

An individual rehabilitation program is of a recommendatory nature for a disabled person; he has the right to refuse one or another type, form and volume of rehabilitation measures, as well as the implementation of the program as a whole. A disabled person has the right to independently decide on the issue of providing himself with a specific technical device or prosthetic and orthopedic products.

If a technical or other means or service provided for by an individual rehabilitation program cannot be provided to a disabled person, or if a disabled person has purchased the appropriate means or paid for the service at his own expense, then he is paid compensation in the amount of the cost of the technical or other means or services that should be provided to the disabled person.

Refusal of a disabled person (or a person representing his interests) from an individual rehabilitation program as a whole or from the implementation of its individual parts releases the relevant government bodies, local government bodies, as well as organizations, regardless of organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, from responsibility for its implementation and does not give a disabled person the right to receive compensation in the amount of the cost of rehabilitation measures provided free of charge.

This section describes the development of an individual rehabilitation program, as well as filling out sections of the rehabilitation program.

The next section describes the formation, control, and timing of the development of an individual rehabilitation program for people with disabilities.


The formation of individual rehabilitation programs for disabled people can occur within a month from the moment the patient is recognized as disabled. The formation of the IPR is carried out by the same specialists who conducted the examination and made the expert decision. If during the examination the expert-rehabilitation diagnostics are carried out in full and it is possible to immediately determine the performer, the forms, timing and volumes of measures for rehabilitation of the IPR are developed on the day of the examination and handed over to the disabled person.

If additional examination is necessary, repeat the patient detailed study possibilities of rehabilitation, coordination of rehabilitation measures with future implementers (health, education, employment, rehabilitation institutions, etc.), IPR is developed in a time specially allocated for this work, for example, for the compilation, control and correction of IPR in the ITU bureau can be allocated once in Week.

In cases requiring the use of complex types of expert rehabilitation diagnostics, a disabled person may be sent to the ITU Main Bureau for the development, formation or control of IPR.

If it is necessary and possible to carry out medical and social rehabilitation, to obtain sufficient clinical-functional, professional-labor, social-living, social-environmental and psychological data, an expert-rehabilitation conclusion and an individual rehabilitation program for the disabled person are formed. The type, form, volume, and location of medical, professional and social rehabilitation measures are selected.

In the case of re-examination of a disabled person and during dynamic monitoring of the implementation of the IRP, an assessment is made of the completeness, compliance with the stages, quality and effectiveness of the rehabilitation measures taken. If the need for correction of the IPR in general or separately in its types, measures, forms and terms is identified, appropriate changes and additions are made to the IPR of the disabled person.

All recommendations for medical and social rehabilitation are agreed upon with the disabled person (or his legal representative). In addition, it is necessary to obtain the written consent of the disabled person (or his legal representative) to carry out IPR measures and their correction, for which the disabled person signs the IPR card in the sections provided for this purpose.

If a disabled person or his legal representative refuses to receive an IPR, information about this must be recorded in the examination report and reported to the social protection authorities.

If a disabled person refuses only certain types, forms, terms, and measures of rehabilitation, a note about this is made in all copies of the IPR and the examination report.

This section describes the formation, control, and timing of the development of an individual rehabilitation program for people with disabilities.

The next section describes the decision to provide disabled people with technical means of rehabilitation and prosthetic and orthopedic products, as well as the financing of expenditure obligations.


Technical means of rehabilitation of disabled people include devices containing a technical solution, including a special one, used to compensate for or eliminate persistent limitations in the life of a disabled person.

Technical means of rehabilitation of disabled people are:

Special means for self-service; special care products; special means for orientation (including guide dogs with a set of equipment), communication and information exchange; special means for training, education (including literature for the blind) and activities labor activity; prosthetic products (including prosthetic and orthopedic products, orthopedic shoes and special clothes, eye prostheses and hearing aids); special training and sports equipment, sports equipment.

The decision to provide disabled people with technical means of rehabilitation is made when medical indications and contraindications are established.

Medical indications and contraindications are established based on an assessment of persistent disorders of body functions caused by diseases, consequences of injuries and defects.

For medical reasons, it is established that it is necessary to provide a disabled person with technical means of rehabilitation that provide compensation or elimination of persistent limitations in the disabled person’s life.

Financing of expenditure obligations to provide disabled people with technical means of rehabilitation, including the manufacture and repair of prosthetic and orthopedic products, is carried out at the expense of the federal budget and the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation.

The technical means of rehabilitation provided for by individual rehabilitation programs for disabled people, provided at the expense of the federal budget and the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, are provided to disabled people for free use.

Technical means of rehabilitation are provided to disabled people at their place of residence by authorized bodies in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund, as well as other interested organizations.

The activity of a social work specialist is to determine the needs of a disabled person (within the framework of social rehabilitation). It is necessary, taking into account the nature of the defect and the degree of functional impairment, to establish the need of a disabled person for individual aids that facilitate movement (canes, walkers, crutches, wheelchairs), other technical means of rehabilitation that promote self-care (devices for putting on shoes, socks, fastening buttons, opening windows, doors, etc.). It is necessary to identify the need of disabled people for means that facilitate communication, learning and other types of life activities (hearing aids, glasses, optical instruments, literature in braille, special watches, alarm clocks, timers, etc.), the need for training in the use of technical means of rehabilitation.

It is necessary to identify the need of a disabled person to improve living conditions: increasing the area, increasing comfort, equipping the apartment with auxiliary devices that facilitate self-care and ensure everyday independence: special handles for opening doors, supports, railings, fences in the bathroom and toilet rooms, installation of alarms for persons with disabilities vision and hearing, etc.

It is necessary to identify the need of a disabled person for adaptation of an entrance, an elevator, and relocation to another floor. Along with identifying the need of a disabled person for rehabilitation measures, it is necessary to study the need for social services. Needs for social services (delivery of groceries, medicines, apartment cleaning and other conditions) can be identified regardless of the ability of a disabled person to perform any work at home. When such a need is identified, the social work specialist contacts the social service center, where there are social service departments at home.

In the course of his work, a social work specialist takes into account the formation of an individual rehabilitation program: he gives a detailed conclusion, taking into account all sections related to the field of social rehabilitation, proposals are formed for implementation, a consistent action plan is outlined, which includes contacts with the family, the enterprise where previously a disabled person worked with institutions and social protection bodies.

This section describes the decision to provide disabled people with technical means of rehabilitation and prosthetic and orthopedic products, as well as the financing of expenditure obligations.


The activities of a social work specialist in the ITU bureau showed that the most important is the lack of a regulatory framework; there is also a shortage of both theoretical and practical knowledge when drawing up a professional program. This leads to defects in the formation of labor recommendations. The problem of monitoring the implementation of an individual rehabilitation program plays a significant role.

The characteristics of the activities of a social work specialist are to determine the structure and degree of disability of the persons being examined, the formation of an individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person (types, forms, timing and volumes of measures for medical, professional and social rehabilitation), correction of an individual rehabilitation program, monitoring the implementation of an individual rehabilitation program , providing comprehensive assistance to persons who have passed a medical and social examination, including in the form of consultation on legal issues, assistance in providing the necessary social protection for people with disabilities, including rehabilitation.

The main areas of activity include: restorative medical measures, reconstructive surgery, prosthetics and orthotics, spa treatment; vocational guidance, training and education, assistance in employment, industrial adaptation; social-environmental, socio-pedagogical, socio-psychological and sociocultural rehabilitation, social and everyday adaptation; physical education and health activities, sports.


1. Mordanov R.R., Zhdanyuk I.I., Chirkov A.V. Fundamentals of medical and social examination. Moscow “medicine” 2005, art. 130-162

2. Korobkov M.V., Dudnina I.A., Smirnova N.S. Collection of normative legal acts and instructional materials on medical and social examination and rehabilitation of disabled people, part 3. St. Petersburg, 2006.

3. Puzin S.N. Medical and social examination and rehabilitation. Moscow publishing house "Medicine" 2, 2008

4. Federal agency for Health and Social Development, Federal State Institution “Main Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise in the Krasnoyarsk Territory”. Regulatory and legal materials and explanations on medical and social examination part 1. Krasnoyarsk 2007 art. 12-18

5. Federal Agency for Health and Social Development, Federal State Institution “Main Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise in the Krasnoyarsk Territory”. Main indicators of disability of the adult population in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Krasnoyarsk 2008

6. http// soc-sp.

7. Federal Law. On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation, 1995 with additions, as amended 01.12. 2007.

8. Resolution on the procedure for organizing and operating federal government agencies medical and social examination dated 08.25.08.

9. Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation On approval of the form of an individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person, issued by federal institutions of MSE, dated November 29, 2004.

10. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on the procedure and conditions for recognizing a person as disabled, dated 04/07/08.

11. Svintsov A.A., Raduto V.I. Formation and implementation of an individual rehabilitation program for disabled people. "Expert" -2009

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Course work :

item : "social work".

subject : “social work technology as a skill

social work specialist.”

4th year students

correspondence department

Faculty of Social Work.


checked: ___________________________________

Moscow 2005

1. Introduction 3-6
2 . Features of training social work specialists 6-16
3 . 17-
3.1. Activities of a social work specialist 17-20
3.2. Social work technologies 20-27
4 . Social work specialist in the system of social functions 27-40
4.2.The importance of social work for society 35-40
5. Conclusion 40-42
6. Literature 43-45
7. Applications 46-49

1. Introduction

In 1991, by decision of the board of the State Education Committee dated July 13, 1990 No. 14/4, the institute of “social work specialist, social work specialist” was officially included in the list of positions. Since September 1990, for example, professional training of social educators has already begun, the content, forms and methods of work of social educators have been determined, and professional requirements for them have been justified.

And this is no coincidence. Having found themselves cut off from previously existing children's and adolescent organizations, unable to join associations that interest them at creativity centers, many children found themselves socially unprotected and excluded from positive communication.

As for the social rehabilitation of disabled and elderly people, the opportunity to remain in familiar home conditions for as long as possible has presented itself since the emergence of the position of a social worker in the system of social protection institutions. It was these real persons who began to provide social services to disabled citizens, which they constantly needed. At the first stages of the development of social assistance to disabled citizens, the emphasis was placed on home-based services. Taking this circumstance into account, it was developed qualification characteristics social worker, his job responsibilities are defined. At the same time, elderly people and disabled people living in boarding homes also need real social assistance. Until recently, the organization of medical and social care in these institutions was entrusted mainly to medical workers who, to the detriment of the organization of medical care, carried out functions unusual for them in the social, social, psychological and social-environmental adaptation of persons staying in boarding homes. In connection with these circumstances, it became necessary to outline the responsibilities of social workers in boarding homes and, on the basis of this, show the feasibility of introducing this category of workers into inpatient institutions of the Ministry of Social Protection of Russia. On at this stage development of social assistance to disabled citizens living outside inpatient institutions, the activities of social workers are reduced to the provision of social services. Meanwhile, their functions are much broader. As the institute of social workers with special education is created, disabled citizens will receive more qualified and varied social assistance and support.

An equally pressing problem of social protection is the problem of unemployment in general and youth unemployment in particular.

The problems of drug addiction, alcoholism and prostitution are partly a result of unemployment. Lack of prospects for the future at a young age is especially dangerous. It is from this layer that the ranks of criminals, drug addicts, and members of extremist political movements are replenished.

Also, young people cannot avoid the negative impact of vices and costs during the reform of the state power system, which gave rise to skepticism, distrust, and loss of ideals. The essence of state transformations should be to connect the needs and interests of youth with the needs and interests of society, to include them in the transformation process. Thus, the problem of youth employment is a pressing social problem, and therefore requires special attention, both from government authorities and from society as a whole.

A separate block of social problems that require the close attention of social workers and government agencies also includes issues of working with families - especially with single-parent, large and dysfunctional families.

It was clear that the growing socio-political processes, after the collapse of the Union, equated to a humanitarian catastrophe, would aggravate the already poorly resolved issues of educational work with the population of “at-risk groups”.

The relevance of this work is that the institution of “social work specialists” is currently undergoing its formation in the field of professional activity and there is a need to improve and intensify the activities of specialists in this profession to solve the problem of human interaction with society.

The subject of the work is the activities of the institute “social pedagogue”.

The object of the work is the field of personnel training and the specifics of the work of a social worker.

The work examines, in particular, some aspects of obtaining an education in the specialty “social work”, advanced training, skill level, field of activity upon graduation and the legal framework. Also, special attention is paid to the social role of the profession in question and its mission in society.

The purpose of the work is to analyze the place of social workers and the significance of their level of skill in the light of solving difficult social problems modern Russia and its realities.

1. Consider possible options obtaining an education in the specialty “social work”;

2. Reveal the principles of organization professional growth social work specialist;

3. Consider possible options for the activities of a social worker;

4. Analyze the legal apparatus of a social work specialist.

When writing the work, theoretical, analyzing, and generalizing research methods were used.

2. Features of specialist training

social work

2.1. Features of training social work specialists

The problem of preparing students for practical social work activities is determined by the current situation in the development of society, which is characterized by the renewal of all social institutions and systems.

As you know, in the 90s in Russia the profession of “social work” was officially registered in government documents in several modifications: social worker, social teacher, social work specialist. Currently, scientific schools have been created, special research is being conducted in the field of social pedagogy, various models and technologies are being formed for preparing social teachers for professional activities.

The Russian Academy of Education and pedagogical universities of the country (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Stavropol, Ural, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Barnaul and others) are developing a system for training social workers.

Professional training of specialists is carried out in three types of institutions providing education at different levels:

Institutions of primary vocational education (lyceum, school and others);

Secondary vocational education (school, college and others);

Higher professional education (institutes, universities and others).

In practice, everything is not so simple.

Currently, the state educational standard for higher professional education has been adopted, curricula and curricula for individual courses have been developed. However, the difficulty lies in the insufficient volume of literature on this profession and in specially trained teaching staff.

As the results of surveys conducted at the Barnaul Pedagogical University show, teachers named the following forms of practical communication with social and pedagogical institutions: joint research activities in social protection institutions, in family and children assistance centers, in children's creativity centers, in schools as scientific supervisors , consultants within the experimental sites; work in social and pedagogical institutions as employees on a part-time basis, organizing and conducting social and pedagogical practice, seminars, psychological and pedagogical workshops, personal contacts, etc.

Regarding the use of the most appropriate teaching technologies, from the students’ point of view, group forms of training come first (90%), followed by frontal and individual work (72%).

The questionnaire for students and course participants in social work contained the question: “In what field of activity would you like and are ready to work?” The answers were identical: work “with children with deviant behavior”, work as a “rehabilitator, social work specialist-psychologist, valeologist, organizer of cultural and leisure activities.” They are ready to work “in a neighborhood, in a school, an orphanage, or a commission on juvenile affairs.”

To the question, “What learning problems do you have?” students noted a “lack of literature,” “weak material resources,” and “a large volume of material being studied.”

Among the problems in their own work, teachers named: “insufficient development of the conceptual and terminological apparatus”, “lack of literature”, “shift in emphasis in course preparation to social problems", "lack of clear self-organization among some teachers"; in the preparation of students in general: "weak material resources", "lack of specialized literature", "low motivation for learning among students", "a certain bias towards the field of psychology", which reduces the share of social pedagogical disciplines.

The professional knowledge of a social work specialist includes, first of all, the need to know the legislation and the fundamentals of social and pedagogical activity.

This professional knowledge is taught in the following disciplines:

- “Pedagogy”;

- “Fundamentals of pedagogical skills”;

- “Introduction to the specialty”;

- “Fundamentals of social psychology”;

- “Social pedagogy”;

- “Methodology and technology of work of a social work specialist”;

- “Theory of social work”;

- “Technology of social work”;

- “Experience in the activities of territorial bodies and centers for social protection of the population.”

However, upon graduation from a higher professional institution, according to most authors, a specialist in this profession must have the following personal characteristics:

Attention, desire to understand the position of others;

Friendliness, sociability;

Ability to become a leader;

Politeness, courtesy;

Using common sense and following regulations;


Tolerance, perseverance;

Great sense of responsibility;

Ability to perform work full of variety;

Enthusiasm in work activity, altruism;

Ability to interact with specialists;

Thoroughness of actions;

Accuracy and consistency in work;

Ability to plan your future;

Ability to make oral statements;

Good memory;

Ability to train others;

Ability to care for others;

Implementation of new ideas, independent judgment.

Among the factors and conditions that are important for a graduate of an educational institution with a degree in social pedagogy, which subsequently influence their professional career, the most common are the following:

Among the negative aspects:

Inadequacy of the departmental regulatory and instructional-methodological base due to the novelty of the profession;

Lack of development of professional tools in the specialty, which leads to the need for its independent development by a specialist;

The factor of “professional loneliness,” which means a lack of understanding of the specifics and significance of a position in an institution in the common situation of having one specialist position on the staff (or even several, but clearly below the needs);

There are also positive aspects to this work:

Variety of possible places of work;

Realization of positive personality qualities and organizational abilities;

Possibility of communication;

Development of creative abilities.

When training personnel in the specialty “social pedagogy”, it is necessary to: develop the professional characteristics of the individual corresponding to the specialty, conduct a more general overview of the professional activities of a social work specialist, specify the training and specialize in a certain type of activity of a social work specialist, and also introduce testing when recruiting groups, with the purpose of taking into account the personal qualities of the future “social work specialist”.

So the above shows that:

1. There is a need to train social work specialists, both on the basis of secondary specialized educational institutions and higher education institutions;

2. The selection of teaching subjects plays a major role in training;

3. Preparation plays an important role teaching staff, there is a need for special training of teachers themselves, as well as strengthening the material and technical base of educational institutions;

4. Taking into account the applicant’s personal qualities through testing.

2.2. Features of training in the profile of social work technology

It is not surprising that after the official introduction of the specialty of a social worker, teachers became the first social workers; they also make up the majority of participants in all forms of course retraining for obtaining a certificate in the specialties “social work” and “social pedagogy”.

Many students of the Faculty of Advanced Training and Professional Retraining of Education Workers already work as social workers or have practical experience in social and pedagogical activities with children and adults, so “Pedagogical Technology” was not only considered important - 84.6%, but also so relevant in modern conditions for social work academic subjects, such as “Valeology”, “Conflictology”, “Management Psychology” - 63.8%, etc. They believe that each academic subject carries its own meaning and is necessary.

Practically working social work specialists consider the following educational subjects to be the most relevant for study: “General, age, social, practical psychology" - 84.6%; "Social pedagogy", "Valeology" - 65.8%; "Sociology" - 37.6%; "Conflictology", "Victimology", "Psychotherapy" - 28.2%; "Culturology" - 18.8%. For them, items that reveal innovative techniques in working with children, adults, families in the community, working with different categories of children, “at-risk” families.

Social workers believe that advanced training courses (56.4%), as well as seminars on psychology, valeology, medical, social and pedagogical problems (75.2%) are appropriate for working social educators.

In their activities, practically working social workers face a number of problems: “weak material and technical equipment of the place of work,” “lack of specialized literature.” Some respondents noted the low cultural, psychological and pedagogical level of their parents; aggressiveness, passivity of children, conflict between children and parents, abuse of children, alcoholism of parents, inability of adolescents to build positive relationships with parents, teachers, peers; underdevelopment of social forms of involving parents in the upbringing process. The “lack of coordination tools” noted by social workers requires attention.

Faculty students gave preference, first of all, to group activities (72%) and individual work(63%). Working social workers in social and pedagogical activities use mainly individual (84%) and group (75.2%) technologies, correctional (65.8%) and counseling (32.6%), as well as psychological and pedagogical trainings, collective technologies creative activities, play and puppet therapy.

At the same time, there is a sharpening of the individual professional excellence, accumulation of experience, which should become the property of the entire professional community. That is why various kinds of professional gatherings for the exchange of experience of social educators within the framework of a single departmental system are becoming especially relevant.

But here you shouldn’t go too far in introducing new technologies and radically change anything. Traditional methods of education and educational work are relevant: persuasion, explanation, advice, reliance on a positive example, the use of public opinion and the progressive traditions of the institution, society, ethnic group, pedagogical stimulation of individual activity in solving emerging problems, the use of such powerful tools as labor, sports, play, charitable activities, psychological and pedagogical education and counseling, pedagogical consultation for a comprehensive diagnosis of the child’s problems, as well as methods and functions of organizational and pedagogical activities.

2.3. Professional retraining and growth of skills of a social work specialist

All this should be taken into account when taking courses aimed at improving their experience, but a social worker, like a teacher, not only takes advanced training courses and problem-based courses, but also undergoes certification.

Based on the regulation of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 1908 dated June 26, 2000 “On the certification of pedagogical and executives state and municipal educational institutions", a social teacher, for example, is certified according to all indicators, including the social situation in the society in which he works, which creates additional difficulties in obtaining ETS categories, which accordingly affects wages, which are not already great.

There is a provision regulating the certification of employees of educational institutions, naturally, and social teachers working in schools, but what to do when certifying a social work specialist for the so-called highest qualification category working, for example, in a social rehabilitation center. Criteria for the performance of a social work specialist working in social welfare institutions have not been developed at the moment, and managers of social institutions are forced to apply for external expertise to certify their employees to the Institute for the Development of Education and Retraining of Personnel.

Describing the possibilities of professional retraining and professional growth of a social work specialist, one cannot help but point out that the categories of the unified technical system and the qualification categories of a specialist are established depending on the educational level and work experience. The official salaries of a social work specialist are set based on 36 hours of teaching work per week. Teaching experience is counted regardless of education and place of work. The work schedule of a social work specialist is established in agreement with the head of the institution and can be variable, flexible, and convenient for his clients.

Today, the leave of a social work specialist is 42 calendar days, and for those working in the Far North and equivalent areas, according to the new Labor Code, an additional leave of 14 working days is provided.

Despite the fact that the salary of a social worker is quite low, there is an opportunity to improve qualifications on an application basis, a year after taking up the position.

When certifying social workers of social protection and other institutions, there must be a special approach, and especially one that does not depend on the society in which he works.

From the above, we can conclude that mostly former teachers work in the position of social work specialist. This is precisely what determines the need to undergo retraining courses for personnel, and not advanced training in courses where acquaintance with new socio-pedagogical technologies, psychological knowledge, etc. will find a worthy place. innovative methods in working with children, where a lot of attention will be paid to practical exercises. The courses should help in gaining experience and improving professional skills.

3. Activities of a social work specialist

3.1. Activities of a social work specialist

The professions “social worker”, “social teacher” and “social work specialist” were officially registered in Russian state documents in March - April 1991 and were created to solve social problems of individuals and society, including:

Social and psychological conflicts, crisis, stressful situations;

Emotional and psychological problems;

Need and poverty;

Alcoholism and drug addiction;

Violence and discrimination;

National problems and migration;

Crime and delinquency;

Unemployment and professional adaptation;

Housing problem;

Guardianship, trusteeship, adoption;

Parental cruelty and others.

Social pedagogy, or pedagogy of relations in society, is considered as a basic integrative basis in the system of social assistance services to the population, allowing timely diagnosis, identification and pedagogically expedient influence on relations in society, development of all kinds of initiatives, formation of value orientations of the individual in relation to himself and the environment nature, social environment.

One of the most important system-forming elements of social pedagogy as a science is the patterns that appear in its subject space. The laws of social pedagogy are a form of concentration of knowledge of a subject and occupy a central place in the structure of science. They express strong, repeating, objectively determined connections between the essences of phenomena and processes in social work.

Currently, the profession of a social worker and its skills are in great demand. What is needed, in fact, is a generalist who has the basics of legal, medical, and psychological knowledge. Such a specialist is a social worker, whose main work operations include:

Collection and analysis of information about the individual;

Microenvironment diagnostics;

Forecast of further development and socialization of the individual;

Prevention and social therapy of negative environmental phenomena;

Organizational and communicative pedagogization of the environment;

Protective legal protection;

Educational tasks;

Drawing up and maintaining documentation;

Working with the teaching staff.

A social teacher is engaged in planning, advisory and management activities, using special professional methods.

Now this has become real, but a new problem has arisen - the threat of discrediting the profession.

The heads of institutions, when determining the job responsibilities of a social worker, are based on the needs of their institution. But, as often happens, they try to cover the entire subject field of the profession. Therefore, the practice of “patching holes” became widespread. This is not the task of a social work specialist, it sounds like this:

“Timely identify emerging problems in the immediate environment; understand and eliminate the causes that give rise to them; ensure the prevention of various negative phenomena that may occur in the microenvironment.” At the same time, a social worker should not wait until they turn to him for help. In an ethically acceptable form, he himself “comes into contact” with the person and his family.

The problem field of social work is huge and includes all the diversity of life situations and conflicts of people of different ages and social status. The problem field of a social worker in a particular institution is formed on the basis of the real social order, the specifics of the institution’s contingent, its departmental subordination, type and type, as well as the specialist’s professional background.

Each institution requires a special approach, for example, in a rural secondary school, per 100 students there are 8 children with behavior called maladaptive; in a social rehabilitation center this figure is much higher, it is 24 out of 100 (according to the results of the survey (see Appendix No. 7), here the specificity of the work of a social worker in various institutions is revealed.

In his practice, a social work specialist performs various social roles. First of all, he is a mediator in the context: “person - family - society”, a connecting link between the citizen and the state-social layers called upon to take care of the citizen.

At the same time the employee social sphere– defender of human interests, defender of his rights and the rights of every family.

Also, the social worker must be a participant joint activities, the leading organizer of this activity. He is a kind of spiritual mentor who, as it were, guides a person and his family, provides psychological support for a long time, and takes care of the formation of social values ​​in society.

At the same time, he is also a social therapist, preventing and resolving conflict situations in his clients.

3.2. Social work technologies

Performing various social roles, a social work specialist implements the following functions:

· Educational and upbringing – the specialist provides targeted pedagogical influence on the behavior and activities of children and adults, promotes the educational and educational work of all social institutions in the area of ​​his professional influence: families, educational institutions, work collectives, funds mass media, religious organizations and public associations;

· Diagnostic - the specialist makes a “social diagnosis”, studies the psychological and age characteristics, abilities of a person, delves into the world of his interests, social circle, living conditions, identifies positive or negative influences, problems;

· Organizational - a specialist organizes one or another socially valuable activity for children and adults, helps in employment, vocational guidance and adoption, coordinates the activities of adolescent and youth associations, influences the client’s interaction with medical, educational, cultural, sports, legal institutions, societies and charities organizations, ensures the implementation of plans, projects and programs;

· Forecasting – a specialist participates in the development of plans, programs and forecasts social development microdistrict and specific microsocium, the activities of various institutions, develops a socio-pedagogical program for the development of the personality of a particular child, schemes and algorithms for solving specific socio-pedagogical problems;

· Preventive and socio-therapeutic - the specialist participates in and puts into action socio-legal, legal and psychological mechanisms for preventing and overcoming negative influences, organizes socio-therapeutic assistance to those in need, ensures the protection of human rights in society, provides assistance to adolescents and young people during the period of social and professional self-determination;

· Organizational and communicative – the specialist promotes the inclusion of voluntary assistants and the population in social work, in joint work and leisure, business and personal contacts, concentrates information and establishes interaction between various social institutions in their work with the client;

· Security and protective – the specialist uses the entire arsenal of legal norms to protect the interests of clients, promotes the application of measures of social coercion and legal liability in relation to persons who allow direct or indirect illegal influence on the client;

· Intermediary – the specialist establishes connections between the family, educational institutions, immediate environment, and official authorities in the interests of the child.

As employees of relevant services, social workers should feel primarily like leaders of socially vulnerable groups of the population.

In order to professionally realize a calling, it is necessary to know how people develop, interact, change, take into account the specifics of responding to difficulties, problems, social conditions the lives of individual people, and also be able to subtly combine methods of persuasion and coercion with stimulating people’s own activity, with the revelation of their internal potential and compensatory capabilities.

A concept of social service has been formed, including the most general provisions, on the basis of which numerous options and models are created, differing in methods and means of implementation in specific national, regional and local conditions. The main, basic provision of the general model of social service is the construction of its structures and the use of technologies based on the territorial principle, maximum proximity to the family, the sphere of relationships and communication between people of different ages, professions, generations, adults and children.

With the introduction of the Institute of Social Pedagogues in the country, the process of creating a medical-psychological-pedagogical family service, equipped with cadres of “family-type” social educators, is developing.

A social teacher, for example, is a key figure in a microdistrict, called upon to unite the efforts of the family, school, and community to provide assistance and protection to their clients - children, adolescents, families.

“A social teacher, ideally, should be introduced at the rate of one per 25-30 families, working with all families, regardless of the number and age of children, categories of families, the presence of problems and other characteristics.” The types and areas of activity of social services for working with families, their approaches, combinations, personnel and material support are specific to each microdistrict and have departmental characteristics.

Thus, the scope of activity of a social worker is multifaceted, multifunctional and in demand by society.

The search for ways to solve problems that arise within and outside the educational process has led to the need to introduce new positions to solve the problems of education, development and socialization of the individual. Such professions as educational psychologist, teacher appeared at school additional education, released class teacher, social teacher. Each of them has its own qualification characteristics, its own role, its own place in the educational process.

A social pedagogue is not uncommon in schools these days. It is in demand in life, since many problems arise in the “child – family – society” system at school or other educational institutions. For example, the only parent of a second-grade student has died, many students need discounted travel tickets, the school has many children from refugee and migrant families, from “needy” families, the school has been “looked after” by drug dealers, groups of antisocial behavior have formed among students, and much more. That is why, for example, the strongest schools create their own social, psychological and pedagogical services, which are designed to solve the problems of ensuring the normal life of such a complex system as a school.

The following areas of social and pedagogical work in an educational institution can be distinguished:

· Assisting the family in solving problems related to education, upbringing, and child care;

· Helping the child eliminate the causes of the negative impact on his academic performance and attendance at the institution;

· Involving children, parents, and the public in organizing and conducting social and pedagogical events and actions;

· Recognition, diagnosis and resolution of conflicts, problems, difficult life situations affecting the interests of the child in the early stages of development in order to prevent serious consequences;

· Individual and group counseling for children, parents, teachers, administration on issues of resolving problem situations, conflicts, stress relief, raising children in the family, etc.;

· Identifying requests and needs of children and developing measures to help specific students with the involvement of specialists from relevant institutions and organizations;

· Assisting teachers in resolving conflicts with children, identifying problems in educational work and identifying measures to overcome them;

· Design, development of plans and programs in various areas of activity of an educational institution;

· Propaganda and explanation of the rights of children, parents, teachers;

· Solution practical issues ensuring educational work outside the school schedule.

All activities of a social worker should contribute to creating an environment of psychological comfort and personal security for the ward, ensuring the protection of the life and health of a citizen, and establishing humane, morally healthy relationships in the social environment.

The professional success of a social worker is determined by the effectiveness of his activities and its public recognition. For successful interaction, a social worker must have the following qualities:

Cheerful character;

Ability to help;




and exactly in this sequence.

But not only does the success of a social work specialist depend on this, it also depends on working conditions, the following are important here:

1. Availability of job responsibilities, tailored to the specifics of the institution;

2. Clear and clear information about the job responsibilities of a social work specialist - (should be provided to all members of the teaching staff, and not just to the administration and the social work specialist himself);

3. Work schedule taking into account contact time in the external rehabilitation space;

4. Own office;

5. Funds for methodological literature;

6. Opportunity for professional growth;

From all of the above it follows that:

1. the activities of a social worker are diverse and multi-channel;

2. The areas of activity of a social worker can be varied, from a broad focus: “child - family - society”, to highly specialized ones: organizer of work with difficult children; specialist in organizing cultural leisure for children and adults in the neighborhood; specialist working in the field of child rights protection; etc .

3. A social worker must perform the following functions:

· diagnostic;

· organizational;

· prognostic;

· preventive and socio-therapeutic; organizational and communication;

· security and protective; mediation.

4 . Social work specialist in the system of social functions

4.1. Social work specialist in the system of legal relations

Currently, Russia is a state trying to create a regulatory framework in almost all sectors, including social ones.

A social work specialist, like all citizens of Russia, must have knowledge of the regulatory framework, since ignorance of the law does not exempt from responsibility, but for successful work he must focus on the following legal acts;

1) international documents (conventions, acts and agreements);

2) Russian documents of federal significance;

3) documents of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation that are significant for the specialist and the scope of his professional activity;

4) documents municipalities;

5) internal institutional documents.

Among the international documents that act as regulations and recommendations:

UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, ratified on June 13, 1990. It outlines the main and most important aspects of the development of legislation and other legal acts aimed at the protection and full development of the child. For a social work specialist, these areas should be the main and most important, since he directly works with the children whom he must protect.

Among Russian documents federal significance: Constitution.

Article 38 of the Constitution declares: “Motherhood and childhood, the family are under the protection of the state.”

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation does not focus on certain activities social worker, but it says a lot about how this or that type of activity should take place, for example, the establishment of emancipation.

The most important in the work of a social work specialist are Section IV “Rights and Responsibilities of Parents and Children”, Chapter 11 “Rights of Minors” of the Family Code of the Russian Federation.

For a social work specialist to work with children with delinquent behavior, and even more so with children with criminal behavior, it is necessary to know the basic norms of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation in order to prevent, and in some cases protect minors from random misconduct and offenses. The main section containing rules related to minors is Section V “Criminal Liability of Minors”.

Particularly important in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for a social worker is Chapter XII “Youth Labor”, but not only, other articles of the code also contain restrictions on the use of child labor, as well as basic guarantees for minor workers.

Knowledge of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” of 1993 is of no small importance. A social worker of social services needs knowledge of the basics of social services for the population, that is, the Federal Law “On the Basics of Social Services for the Population in the Russian Federation” of 1995. The above law states: “Social services are the activities of social services for social support, provision of social, social, medical, psychological, pedagogical, socio-legal services and material assistance, social adaptation and rehabilitation of citizens in difficult life situations.” , only all this needs to be focused on children and youth, since a social worker deals directly with these segments of the population.

In accordance with this, the Law “On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation” of 1998 becomes important to him. It talks about the state recognition of childhood as an important stage of a person’s life, and proclaims the principles of priority of preparing children for a full life in society, developing socially significant and creative activity in them, and raising them to high standards. moral qualities, patriotism and citizenship. This the federal law regulates relations arising in connection with the implementation of basic guarantees, rights and legitimate interests of a child in the Russian Federation, which is the subject of the activity of a social work specialist.

A social teacher, for example, has to work with all children, including children who are left without parental care. To work more productively in this direction, you need to know the law “On additional guarantees for the social protection of orphans and children left without parental care” of 1996. It defines general principles, content and measures state support orphans and children left without parental care, as well as persons from among them under the age of 23 years.

In some cases, family-type orphanages are opened in a home setting, for the successful socialization of the child; in this regard, the social teacher must know the Decree of the Russian Government “On a family-type orphanage” dated March 19, 2001, which stipulates the conditions and mechanism for transferring a child to a family for the education of a minor.

When faced with the problems of children, the question involuntarily arises about the prevention of neglect, and the law regulating these legal norms, which is called “On the fundamentals of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency” of 1999, will help the social teacher with this.

The main objectives and principles of activity in the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency are:

1. Objectives - prevention of neglect, homelessness, delinquency and antisocial actions of minors, identification and elimination of the causes and conditions conducive to this;

ensuring the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of minors;

social and pedagogical rehabilitation of minors in a socially dangerous situation;

identification and suppression of cases of involvement of minors in the commission of crimes and antisocial actions.

2. Principles - legality, democracy, humane treatment of minors, family support and interaction with it, an individual approach to the correction of minors while maintaining the confidentiality of information received, state support for the activities of local governments and public associations to prevent neglect and delinquency of minors, ensuring the responsibility of officials persons and citizens for violating the rights and legitimate interests of minors.

The work of a social work specialist requires knowledge and skill of almost everything related to children, but the family is also important, since the child lives directly in it, therefore, for a social work specialist this is also an important element of his work. Today in the Russian Federation there are laws that are aimed at supporting the family and the family budget. One of them is the law “On state benefits for citizens with children” of 1995. This law establishes unified system state benefits to citizens with children in connection with their birth and upbringing, which provides state-guaranteed material support for motherhood, paternity and childhood.

True, this law does not apply to everyone, and this is correct; today the principle of targeting applies.

The 1995 Law “On Charitable Activities and Charitable Organizations” declares the purpose of charitable activities to be:

promoting the strengthening of the prestige and role of the family in society;

promoting the protection of motherhood, childhood and paternity;

promoting activities in the field of education, science, culture, art, enlightenment, spiritual development of the individual;

promoting activities in the field of prevention and protection of citizens' health, as well as promoting a healthy lifestyle, improving the moral and psychological state of citizens;

promoting activities in the field of physical culture and mass sports,

some of them are directly related to the activities of a social work specialist.

Youth and children's movements interact with charitable organizations, in which a social teacher can work. For the successful work of these organizations, our state provides support, which is spelled out in the 1995 law “On State Support for Youth and Children’s Public Associations.”

Important documents also become orders, instructions and decisions of the heads of municipalities, and the “education departments” and “Social Affairs Departments” subordinate to them, depending on where and in what industry the social work specialist works.

So, a social worker needs knowledge regulatory documents to provide specific assistance in each specific case.

The problem of determining the regulatory and legal field of activity of a social work specialist is associated with the problem of determining the priority of the institution whose interests are protected by the social worker. From the point of view of the system of professional values, a social work specialist must represent the interests first of all of the client, then of society as a whole, and only then of the state and his institution. This system of priorities is not always easy to comply with; you have to defend it, sometimes even entering into conflicts with management or colleagues. However, if there is an awareness of the legality, humanity and moral correctness of one’s professional activities, there are always convincing arguments in defense of one’s client, one’s business and one’s profession.

The documents of an institution represent a certain system that reflects individual aspects of its work or all work as a whole. What is recorded, first of all, in the institution’s Charter, in orders, where the manager’s administrative activities are consistently documented, in minutes - the work of the pedagogical council, in journals - student performance, etc.

Documentation systems are called office work, which includes creating documents, working with them, and storing them.

The paperwork of a social work specialist consists of:

1) regulations governing the activities of the institution and specialist;

2) annual, monthly, weekly work plans of the institution and specialist;

3) inspection reports;

4) personal current records;

5) correspondence with institutions and organizations involved in solving problems;

6) reports;

7) analytical certificates and reports on the results of socio-pedagogical diagnostics and other studies;

8) medical, psychological and pedagogical characteristics of individual students with whom specially planned individual work is carried out;

9) minutes of various meetings, conferences, meetings, teacher councils, etc. on issues within the competence of a social work specialist (in copies).

It is clear that all this, except for plans and reports, is the working documentation of a specialist and is not subject to official control unless these documents are included in the mandatory list of documents of the institution.

As already written above, a social worker must represent the interests of his client and for this he works with specialists from various social services, departments and with officials of various kinds of departments.

4.2. The importance of social work for society

Since April 1991, Russia has had new profession– a social worker whose activities are focused on the entire human life support system, people’s life situation, its integrity, and not only in acute distress situations as a manifestation of care, mercy, and empathy.

At the same time, the institutionalization of social work occurred in our country, when a profession similar to the foreign profession of “social worker”, receiving the name “social work specialist”, was included in State Register. From this moment on, the development of the provision system various types social assistance, the provision of social services to the population began to be targeted, and the state’s obligations in this area were later popularly approved and officially enshrined in the 1993 Constitution: the Russian Federation was defined as a social state. This trend received its further development in the adoption of a number of Federal laws and many other legislative and administrative acts.

Thus, we can assume that in today’s Russia a space has been formed that is quite separate from other segments, in which the legal, but also the real, materially and organizationally formalized space of social work is carried out - a system of institutions for social work of the population.

The people who work in these institutions bear on their shoulders many of the hardships of today, smoothing out the difficulties for those who are defenseless, helpless, who lack their own own strength and the means to cope with the everyday, psychological, and social problems that have befallen him. The activities carried out by social service workers do not always correspond to their previously acquired education and previous professional experience. In case of acute deficiency of specific professional knowledge, skills and abilities, a lot comes from the heart, from an understanding of the need and a great desire to help. The work is based on the principles of dedication, complete dedication, sacrifice. This brings results, the positive significance of which is also for individuals, both for the families who received assistance, and for the Russian state in general, it is difficult to overestimate.

Elderly people belong to the category of the so-called low-mobility population and are the least protected, socially vulnerable part of society. This is due, first of all, to defects in their physical condition caused by diseases, as well as to the existing complex of concomitant somatic pathologies and reduced motor activity, characteristic of most representatives of older ages. In addition, to a large extent, the social vulnerability of this population group is associated with the presence of a psychological factor that shapes their relationship to society and complicates adequate contact with it. Psychological problems arise when habitual communication is broken due to retirement, when loneliness occurs as a result of the loss of a spouse, when characterological exacerbations become more acute as a result of the development of the sclerotic process characteristic of older people. All this leads to the emergence of emotional-volitional disorders, the development of depression, and behavioral changes.

From the above it follows that a significant part of this population group needs various forms of services and social assistance, which are carried out in practice by social workers. And from who and how will do this work. The solution to the problems of older people will depend.

Working with clients is central to social work practice. People who don’t know turn to social services asking for help. How to solve and do not know how to solve the problems and difficulties they have.

Before turning to social services for help, the client tries to resolve the difficulties and problems that have arisen on his own. However, having repeatedly failed, wasted physical and spiritual energy, and realized that he cannot solve the problems on his own, he turns to a social worker.

A social worker who knows the theory of social work will help resolve these problems if he chooses dialogue as a means of ascent to the humanity in a person. And the methods of realizing human potential that professional specialists know are nothing more than ways of learning to establish dialogic communication with the world, with other people, with oneself, as with others. This communication and interaction will be humanistic if it opens up the opportunity for a person to realize such forms of being as coexistence, cooperation, empathy, sympathy, conformity and thus helps the manifestation of spirituality in relationships between people.

It is important to note that the social worker will typically feel deep sympathy and sadness for a client who is suffering or unhappy. This compassion is accompanied by a strong desire to relieve pain or eliminate its cause. But even if you really want to alleviate the pain of another person, this cannot be done without his counter initiative or at least reciprocal activity. But you can and should be able to create conditions under which the client would agree to change his situation and his feelings.

A social worker has even more compassion for clients if he does not know how to solve their problems. But ignorance cannot justify a passive position. Just like his clients, he must look for ways to solve existing problems.

The social worker as a person with high level professionalism and generosity, must try to create conditions under which the client will change his point of view.

And since the latter deals with a client who is in an altered state of mind, experiencing aggression or depression, etc. The client can behave differently: be quiet, shy or aggressive, emotional; closed, tense or talkative, overly sociable; kind, defenseless, sensitive to problems of justice or selfish, focused on the problem of their own well-being and overcoming their own difficulties.

In his practical actions, a social worker must find effective forms of communication with each client, that is, establish and maintain contact with him. Conflicts that arise during work must be resolved using specific technologies for preventing and regulating conflict situations. One of the necessary conditions for effective work with a client is to establish a relationship of trust, mutual understanding, and knowledge of his interests and needs.

5. Conclusion

In Russia, the institute of “social work specialists” has developed and is functioning. Since 1991, professional training in the specialty “social work” began.

In this regard, an attempt was made to analyze some aspects of the training of a social worker, the specifics of his activities and skills.

From all of the above in the text of the work, in accordance with the objectives, the following conclusions can be drawn:

There is an urgent need to train social work specialists both on the basis of secondary specialized educational institutions and higher education institutions;

The selection of teaching subjects plays a major role in personnel training;

An important role is played by the training of teaching staff; there is a need for special training of teachers themselves, as well as strengthening the material and technical base of educational institutions;

Taking into account the personal qualities of applicants through testing;

The activities of a social work specialist are diverse and multi-channel;

The areas of activity of a social work specialist can be varied, from broad to highly specialized.

The social teacher must perform the following functions:

· organizational and communication;

· diagnostic;

· organizational;

· prognostic;

· preventive and socio-therapeutic;

· organizational and communication;

· security and protective;

· intermediary.

A social worker, solving the problems of children and adolescents, needs knowledge of regulatory documents to provide specific assistance in each specific case.

To implement the functions of a social work specialist in the Russian Federation, a fairly extensive regulatory framework has been developed;

However, an analysis of legislative acts allows us to conclude that each law chooses its own age limit, which leads to disagreements and discrepancies;

A social worker acts on the basis of all regulatory legal acts relating to the social and pedagogical activities of our state, republic and, of course, adopted international convention on the rights of the child;

The main documents of a social work specialist are the charter of the institution in which he works, and job description which he signed;

A social worker in an educational institution reports directly to the director or head of a structural unit;

The results of the activities of a social work specialist must be documented and included in the institutional record keeping range, which will avoid the loss of documents and ensure continuity in the work of a social work specialist.

6. Literature

1. Constitution of the Russian Federation. // Russian newspaper. M. 12/25/1993. No. 237.
2. Federal Law of July 17, 1999 No. 178-Federal Law “On State Social Assistance” // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. 1999. No. 29.
3. Federal Law of June 24, 1999 No. 120-FZ “On the fundamentals of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency” // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. 1999. No. 26.
4. Federal Law of July 24, 1998 No. 124-FZ “On the basic guarantees of the rights of minors in the Russian Federation” // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. 1999. No. 33.
5. Federal Law of December 21, 1996 No. 159-FZ “On additional guarantees for the social protection of orphans and children left without parental care” // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. 1996. No. 52.
6. Criminal Code of the Russian Federation dated June 13, 1996 No. 63-FZ. M., 1999. 236 p.
7. Family Code of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 1995 No. 223-FZ. M., 1997. 204 p.
8. Federal Law of December 10, 1995 No. 195-FZ “On the fundamentals of social services for the population of the Russian Federation” // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. 1995. No. 50.
9. Federal Law of August 11, 1995 No. 135-FZ “On charitable activities and charitable organizations” // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. 1995. No. 34.
10. Law of the Russian Federation dated February 19, 1993 No. 4520-1 “On state guarantees and compensation for persons working and living in the Far North and equivalent areas” // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. 04/16/1996. No. 73.
11. Federal Law of June 28, 1995 No. 98-FZ “On state support of youth and children's public associations” // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. 1995. No. 28.
12. Federal Law of May 19, 1995 No. 81-FZ “On state benefits for citizens with children” // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. 1995. No. 22.
13. Law of the Russian Federation of July 10, 1992 No. 3266-1 “On Education”. M., 1999. 94 p.
14. Labor Code Russian Federation. M., 2003. 218 p.
15. Convention on the Rights of the Child. //Collection of international treaties of the USSR. 1993. Issue XLVI.
16. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 14, 1995 No. 942 “On approval of the main directions of state social policy to improve the situation of children in Russia until 2000” // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. M. 1995. No. 38.
17. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 19, 2001 No. 195 “On a family-type orphanage” // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. 2001. No. 12.
18. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 13, 1998 No. 180 “Convention on the Rights of the Child” // Collection of international treaties of the USSR. M. 1993. Issue XLVI.
19. Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated June 26, 2000 No. 1908 “On approval of the regulations on the procedure for certification of pedagogical and managerial employees of state and municipal educational institutions” // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. M. 02.08.2000. No. 148.
20. Actual problems state and prospects of social work in Russia: Research Center for Quality Training of Specialists. M., 1992. 76 p.
21. Guslova M.N. Organization of social work with older people. M., Creative Lyceum, 2004. 80 p.
22. Doel M. Social work practice. M., 1995. 176 p.
23. Nechaev A.M. Protection of orphans in Russia. M., 1994. 320 p.
24. Fundamentals of social work: Textbook / Rep. ed. P.D. Pavlyunok. M.: INFRA-M, 1998. 368 p.
25. Pavlyunok P.D. Introduction to the profession of “social work”: A course of lectures. M.: INFRA-M, 1998. 174 p.
26. First results. M., 1997. 420 p.
27. Social pedagogy: Course of lectures / Under general ed.. M.A. Galaguzova. M.: Humanitarian publishing house. VLADOS Center, 2000. 416 p.
28. Center for assistance to children left without parental care: creation and organization of activities: A manual for center employees / Ed. G.M. Ivashchenko. M.: State Research Institute of Family and Education, 1999. 164 p.
29. Sheptenko P.A. Problems of preparing social educators for professional activities. Barnaul, 1999. 12 p.
30. Gorlanova E. A student left school... Why? // Teacher. M., 2001. No. 1. P. 42-46.
31. Zhiryakova A.A. The structure of educational work in secondary school // Classroom teacher. M. 2001. No. 1. P. 66-74.
32. Ivantsova A. Work of a social work specialist with children from disadvantaged families // Education of schoolchildren. M., 2000. No. 7. pp. 22-25.
33. Ivantsova A. Social teacher and inspector for minors // Education of schoolchildren. M., 2000. No. 8. pp. 37-39.
34. Klemantovich I. Culture of professional thinking of a social work specialist // Education of schoolchildren. M., 2000. No. 10. pp. 16-17.
35. Lezova V. Center – a reliable guide // Social security. M., 2000. No. 3. pp. 37-41.
36. Mokronosov A and others. Development of institutions for social protection of the population in the region // Social security. M., 2000. No. 3. pp. 22-30.
37. Nikitina L. Main directions and methods of social and pedagogical work // Education of schoolchildren. M., 2000. No. 9. P. 13-15.
38. Nikitina L. Content of the work of a social work specialist in an educational institution // Education of schoolchildren. M., 2000. No. 11. pp. 31-33.
39. Nikitina L. Technologies of social and pedagogical work: a brief analysis // Education of schoolchildren. M., 2000. No. 10. pp. 14-15.
40. Nikitina L. Key moments of the profession // Education of schoolchildren. M., 2000. No. 7. pp. 20-22.
41. Nikitina L. Functions and roles of a social work specialist // Education of schoolchildren. M., 2000. No. 8. P. 30-36.
42. Nikitina L. What a social teacher should know in legislation // Education of schoolchildren. 2001. No. 4. P.27-30.
43. Obysova N.S. system of educational work in the Serkov secondary school // Class teacher. M. 2001. No. 1. P. 8-30.
44. Social protection bodies on the path of reform // Social security. M., 2000. No. 6. pp. 13-19.
45. Pavlova N. In the interests of children // Social security. M., 2000. No. 1. pp. 15-18.


Appendix No. 1

Tariff qualification

characteristics of social


Job responsibilities.

Carries out a set of measures for upbringing, education, development and social protection of the individual in institutions and at the place of residence of students (pupils, children). Studies the psychological, medical and pedagogical characteristics of the personality of students (pupils, children) and its microenvironment, living conditions. Identifies interests and needs, difficulties and problems, conflict situations, deviations in the behavior of students (pupils, children) and provides them with social assistance and support in a timely manner. Acts as an intermediary between the personality of students (pupils, children) and the institution, family, environment, specialists of various social services, departments and administrative bodies. Determines the tasks, forms, methods of social and pedagogical work, ways to solve personal and social problems, takes measures for social protection and social assistance, implementation of the rights and freedoms of the individual students (pupils, children). Organizes various types of socially valuable activities for students (pupils, children) and adults, events aimed at the development of social initiatives, implementation of social projects and programs, participates in their development and approval. Promotes the establishment of humane, morally healthy relationships in the social environment. Promotes the creation of an environment of psychological comfort and personal safety of students (pupils, children), ensures the protection of their life and health. Carries out work on employment, patronage, provision of housing, benefits, pensions, registration of savings deposits, use of securities of students (pupils, children) from among orphans and those left without parental care. Interacts with teachers, parents (persons replacing them), specialists in social services, family and youth employment services, with charitable organizations and others in providing assistance to students (pupils, children) in need of guardianship and trusteeship, with disabilities

physical capabilities, deviant behavior, and those in extreme situations.

Must know :

Constitution of the Russian Federation; laws of the Russian Federation, decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation and federal educational authorities on educational issues; Convention on the Rights of the Child; fundamentals of social policy, law and state construction, labor and family legislation; general and social pedagogy; pedagogical, social, developmental and child psychology; basics of valeology and social hygiene; socio-pedagogical and diagnostic methods; rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection.

Requirements for qualification in the ranks of the payment.

7th category - average professional education no requirements for work experience;

8th category – higher professional education without requirements for work experience or secondary vocational education and teaching experience from 2 to 5 years;

9th category – higher professional education and teaching experience from 2 to 5 years or secondary vocational education and teaching experience from 5 to 10 years;

10 category – higher professional education and teaching experience from 5 to 10 years or secondary vocational education and teaching experience over 10 years;

11th category – higher professional education and teaching experience from 10 to 20 years; 12th category – 11th qualification category or higher professional education and teaching experience of over 20 years;

Appendix No. 2

Questionnaire form

held in Serkovskaya

high school

Dear friend!

Answer this questionnaire to help me in my future work. Thank you!

1. Do you often have complex, conflict situations /answer separately for each line/

2. Who do you turn to for help or advice if you find yourself in a difficult situation? /answer each column/

3. What qualities should a social teacher have? Add yours.

Education of schoolchildren. M., 2000. No. 9. P. 13-15.

Guslova M.N. Organization of social work with older people. M., Creative Lyceum, 2004. 80 p.

Considered at the methodological council of the State Autonomous Institution SO "TSARI"

Protocol No. 3 of October 20, 2016

Approved by the director of the State Autonomous Institution SO "TSARI"

Pyatkina E.S. Order No. 67/0 dated October 21, 2016

Additional professional program– professional development program


Full-time form of education

Saratov, 2016

1 . Explanatory note

In any society, at different stages of its development, there was a special type of activity that involved providing assistance and support to people who found themselves in difficult life situations. This activity was first called social, and then social work. In some countries, the emergence of social work as an activity and profession occurred earlier, in others - later. This depended on the totality of socio-economic and political conditions and development factors of a particular country, the presence or absence of conflicts, wars, uprisings, reforms, etc. The role of social work as a type of activity and profession acquired particular importance in transition periods from one political building to another, changing political regimes, the emergence of pluralism of forms of ownership, in the post-war period, during economic reform. It was then that groups of socially vulnerable citizens naturally emerged, the number of people with disabilities grew, the interests of the population changed fundamentally, and new needs appeared among its individual representatives and groups. To restore their full functioning in society, these groups of people (disabled people, elderly people, orphans, the unemployed, etc.) had to receive qualified help and support from professional social workers. Thus, a civilized society created for them the conditions for normal social activity and full-fledged life. Article 7 of the Constitution states that the Russian Federation is “a social state whose policy is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of people.” A more complete implementation of this provision is possible only with further active development of the social sphere, the development and implementation of a new model of social policy and the acquisition of a higher status by the profession of “social work” in modern Russian society.

In Russia, the institutionalization of social activities began in the late 80s. XX century, when mid-level specialists - social workers - began to serve elderly and disabled people at home through the system social security. The role of social workers has increased significantly in the context of reforms of the political and economic systems, which have significantly aggravated social problems and created an urgent need to create an effective system of social protection of the population in Russia. This was required primarily by the most socially vulnerable categories of citizens, whom the negative impact of the market economy faced the problem of physical survival. This is what largely determined the need for the formation of social work as a professional institution and the creation of a system for training professional personnel for social services. In this regard, in 1991, the Russian Qualification Directory of positions for managers, specialists and employees was included new specialty- “Social work specialist.” Installed for all industries National economy, it has become the equivalent of the world-accepted specialty “social worker”. Since that time, Russia began to develop a system of training for professional social work, which currently consists of multi-level training of future social workers with special knowledge, abilities, skills and competencies.

The purpose of the additional professional development program is

Main goals:

  • theoretical coverage of the direction of state policy in the field of social services for the population;
  • developing skills for implementing an integrated approach to providing social services to the population;
  • developing the ability to take into account the peculiarities of social work with different individuals and population groups in professional activities

In order to improve professional competencies As a result of mastering the course material, a social work specialist must develop the following skills and abilities:

  • comply with professional and ethical requirements for the activities of a social work specialist;
  • be able to apply an integrated approach to assessing the needs of citizens in the provision of social services;
  • have an understanding of the principles, modern technologies and methods of social work.

As a result of mastering the course material, the student must:

  • know sociocultural, socio-psychological, psychological and pedagogical foundations of interpersonal interaction, features of personality psychology, foundations of social activity, basics of first aid;
  • be able to use the acquired knowledge in professional activities;
  • own basic technologies and methods of social work effectiveness.


program “Basics of activity of a social work specialist.”

The following are allowed to study an additional professional program:

1) persons with secondary vocational and (or) higher education;

2) persons receiving secondary vocational and (or) higher education.

The total labor intensity of the discipline is 36 hours.

Full-time form of education.


Name of sections

Total hours


Certification form


Practical and laboratory.

The essence and basic concepts of social work


The role and place of a social worker in a social institution


Psychological aspects social worker, perceptions and personality assessment


Basics of professional interaction

Providing first aid


final examination

Total hours

3. Calendar schedule of the educational process.


Name of the discipline

Total hours

1 Week

2 weeks

Total completed

Structure of social work

Professional requirements for a social worker. Personality traits of a social worker.

Correlation of the concepts “individual”, “individuality”, “personality”.

First aid for bruises, dislocations, fractures

First aid for burns and frostbite.

final examination

4.Work program of disciplines.

Section 1. The essence and basic concepts of social work.

Definition of social work. The concept of clientele in social work, groups of clients. Border crisis situations in the life of a child, adult, family, group. Principles of social work. Basic terms in the semantics of social practice.

Section 2. The role and place of a social worker in a social institution.

The purpose and main functions of a social worker. The mission of social workers and social services is to create conditions for the realization of social rights. Principles of professional activity of a social worker. Respect for client rights, tolerance in social work. Image of a social worker.

Section 3. Psychological aspects of a social worker, perceptions and personality assessment.

The concept of personality in psychology. The concept of “individual”, “individuality” in psychology. The role of socialization in the process of personality development. Psychological aspects of interpersonal interaction. Psychology of conflict interaction. The essence of the conflict.

Section 4. Basics of professional interaction.

Features of interaction in the social worker-client dyad and possible professional risks in various areas of social work. Professionalization of social work. Direction of activity of social protection services for different groups of the population. Interdepartmental interactions of specialists social institution.

Section 5. Providing first aid.

General rules for first aid.

Rules and procedures for providing first aid for injuries. Bleeding, types of bleeding. Methods for temporarily stopping external bleeding.

Bruises, dislocations, ligament damage, fractures (open, closed). Principles of first aid. Transport immobilization.

Heat and sunstroke. Thermal skin burns. Chemical burns. Frostbite. General hypothermia. First aid for burns and frostbite.

The concept of terminal states. Clinical and biological death, signs. Principles and methods of carrying out simple resuscitation measures.

Educational and thematic plan for the advanced training program “Fundamentals of activity as a social work specialist”

Name of sections and topics





practical and laboratory

The essence and basic concepts of social work

Concept and status of social work

Social work as a professional activity

Structure of social work

The role and place of a social worker in a social institution

The purpose of professional activity and the main functions of a social worker

Principles defining professional activity

Professional requirements for a social worker. Personality traits of a social worker

Psychological aspects of a social worker, perceptions and personality assessment

Correlation of the concepts “individual”, “individuality”, “personality”

Psychological aspects of interpersonal interaction

Psychology of conflict and conflict interaction

Basics of professional interaction

Expanding the space of professional interaction

Formation of professional competencies and communication skills

Basic characteristics of social interaction

Providing first aid

Providing first aid for bleeding

First aid for bruises, dislocations, fractures

First aid for burns and frostbite

Principles and methods of carrying out simple resuscitation measures

Conducting a qualifying event



List of practical classes

Section number

Name of practical lesson

Structure and levels of social work (1 hour)

Labor functions of a social worker (2 hours)

Diagnostics and strategy of conflict interaction, development of recommendations. (1 hour)

Defense of abstracts on proposed topics (2 hours)

Major damage to the body in accidents. The principle of providing first aid to the injured (3 hours) - workshop

Material and technical conditions for the implementation of the program.

5.Organizational and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the program

Positions are provided for the implementation of an additional professional program teaching staff And scientific workers, which relate to scientific and pedagogical personnel and are responsible qualification requirements specified in qualification reference books, and/or professional standards.

The course teaching methodology is based on the following types of training sessions and work: lectures, practical classes, independent work.

During the course work we use:

  • series of lectures;
  • questions and assignments for practical classes;
  • independent study of recommended literary and regulatory sources on social work and the basics of social education.

Independent work of students is realized in the form of preparation for classroom lessons (lectures, debates, workshops) and participation in them, performing tasks in classroom practical classes (discussion of issues, reports, participation in debates, performing practical tasks at a workshop).

Organization of the educational process

The purpose of the additional professional development program “Fundamentals of the activities of a social work specialist” improving skills to use modern technology and methods of social work, in accordance with professional activities, within the framework of the professional standard of a social work specialist.

The subject of study of the discipline is scientific ideas about the essence of the activity of a social work specialist, about the features and fundamentals of social work, the psychological perception of the individual, the features of professional interaction, and the provision of first aid.

The educational purpose of the lecture classes is for students to obtain modern knowledge necessary for work in the social sphere, and to master the basics of psychological and pedagogical interactions between clients and service personnel. The educational goal of practical classes is to develop skills that allow you to successfully solve professional problems in the social work system.

Educational and methodological support of the educational process.

The additional professional program is provided with educational and methodological documentation and materials for all disciplines.

Students are provided with access to modern professional bases data and information reference systems. Modern literature is used in all disciplines.

Main literature:

  1. Fundamentals of social work: Textbook / Ed. ed. P.D. Pavlenok. - 4th ed., rev. and additional - M.: INFRA-M, 2012. - 534 p.: Access mode:
  2. Pavlenok, P. D. Theory, history and methods of social work. Selected works [ Electronic resource]: Textbook / P. D. Pavlenok. - 10th ed., rev. and additional - M.: Dashkov and K, 2012. - 592 p.: Access mode:

3.Baturin, V.K. Sociology of education [Electronic resource]: textbook. a manual for university students studying in the direction and specialty “Social work” / V. K. Baturin. - M.: UNITIDAN, 2012. - 191 p.: Access mode:

4. Dementieva N.F. Social work in institutions of social rehabilitation and medical and social examination: Textbook. Grif UMO / N.F. Dementieva, L.I. Starovoitova. - M.: Academy, 2010.

5. Dzhurinsky A.N. Pedagogy and education in Russia and in the world on the threshold of two millennia: comparative historical context Monograph / Dzhurinsky A. N. – M.: Prometheus. MPGU, 2011. - 152 p. - The book is in the basic version of EBS IPRbooks.

6. Fundamentals of social work: textbook / rep. ed. P.D. Pavlenok. – M.: INFRA-M, 2009.

7. Pavlenok P.D. Social work with individuals and groups of deviant behavior: tutorial. Vulture UMO. – M.: INFRA-M, 2010.

8. Pavlenok, P.D. Theory, history and methodology of social work. Selected works: textbook / P.D. Pavlenok. – M.: Dashkov and Co., 2009. – 568 p.

9. Firsov M.V., Studenova E.G. Theory of social work: textbook. – M.: YURAIT, 2012. – 455 p. – Series: Bachelor. Basic course.

10. Kholostova E.I. Social work: textbook. – M.: Dashkov and K, 2010. – 800 p.

11. Encyclopedia of social practices / ed. E.I. Kholostovoy, G.I. Klimantova. – M.: Dashkov and K, 2011. – 660 p.

12. Yakovlev I.G. Social orphanhood: prevention and forms of education of children left without parents: monograph / I.G. Yakovlev.- M.: MGUU PM, 2010. Internet sources

13. Official website of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation:

14. Journal of Social Policy Research:

16. Sociological research:


List of educational and laboratory equipment

1. Interactive whiteboard;

2. Multimedia installation;

3. Computers;

Software, technical and electronic means training and control of students' knowledge. Reference information and legal systems: “Consultant Plus”, “Garant”

6.Evaluation tools.

The assessment of the quality of mastering the program is carried out by the teacher in the form of an oral test lesson on the main sections of the program. A student is considered certified if he has positive grades in all sections of the program.

Tasks for intermediate certification

1. Section “The essence and basic concepts of social work”

Test on the following questions(choose the correct answer from those suggested)

1. In modern Russia, the profession of a social worker, social work specialist appeared in:

2.Practice shows that special social work activities are required for:

Solutions to problems that people can't solve

Providing assistance to lonely elderly people

Providing assistance to people with disabilities

Support for the poor

3. Social problems of man and society include:

Social and psychological conflicts

Increasing productivity in industry

Transition to universal secondary education

Improving political culture.

4. Social problems of man and society include:

Problems of informatization

Violence and discrimination

Increasing educational level

Improving legal culture.

5.In legislative and regulations R.F. formulated specific principles of social work:

Respect for human and civil rights

Continuity and competence

Modality and trust

Justice and altruism.

6. Social work as a practical activity (in various forms) arose:

With the emergence of human society

In new times

In modern society

IN modern times world history

7. A method of professional influence in which a social worker helps to establish and establish new:




8.The objects of social work in its broad interpretation are:


All people

Whole population

9.According to Federal legislation, a situation that disrupts the normal functioning of an individual or family, and from which they cannot get out on their own, is called:

Difficult life situation

Personal crisis

Significant situation

Personally significant situation

10. The subjects of social work in the literal sense can be:

The sphere of education

Social work researchers

Power structures of society

Sphere of culture.

2.Section “The role and place of a social worker in a social institution”

Fill out the table

Labor function of a social worker

Labor actions of a social worker



Other characteristics

3.Section “Psychological aspects of a social worker”perception and assessment of personality"


Methodology of K. Thomas “Strategy of behavior in conflict situations.”

Diagnosis of conflict behavior strategy. Take the test

onlinetestpad. com >

4.Section “Basics of professional interaction”

Writing an abstract on the proposed topics.

1. Charity, its essence and significance in social work.

2. Social problems modern society and the role of social work in their resolution.

3. Loneliness as a social problem.

4. Social deviations as a problem of social work.

5. The relationship between social work and state social policy.

6. Social work and poverty problems.

7. The role of international and Russian organizations in solving the problems of people with disabilities.

8. The role of a social worker in the prevention of deviant behavior in children and adults.

9. Main directions of social protection of the population in the modern world.

10. Forms and types of social services in Russia.

11. Social work on adaptation of various social groups.

5.Section “First aid”

Conducting a workshop on first aid for various types of injuries.

Tickets for the final certification.


1. The essence of social work, its object and subject.

2. Characteristics of the concept of “personality”.

3.Characteristics of first aid.


2. Psychology of conflict interaction.

3.First aid for bleeding.

Ticket No. 3

1. Basic patterns and principles of social work.

2. Characteristics of the concept “individual”.

3.First aid for bruises.

Ticket No. 4

1. Formation of the theory of social work.

2. Characteristics of the concept of “individuality”.

3. First aid for sprains.

Ticket No. 5

1.Structure of social work.

2. Psychology of conflict.

Ticket No. 6

1. Reveal the content of the concepts “object” and “subject” of social work.

2.What is the role of medical and psychological methods in assisting the client.

3.First aid for burns.

Ticket No. 7

1.The main functions of a social worker.

3.First aid for frostbite.

Ticket No. 8

1.Professional requirements for a social worker.

2.Main characteristics of psychological and social interaction.

3First aid for cardiac arrest.

Ticket No. 9

1. Personality traits of a social worker.

2. Formation of professional competencies.

3.First aid for fainting.

Ticket number 10

1. List the levels of social work and describe them.

2.Characteristics of communicative interaction.

3.Principles and methods of simple resuscitation measures.

Ticket No. 11

1. Discover the relationship between social work and other social (public) systems.

2.For what purposes are they used? psychological methods in social work.

3.Name the forms of carrying out sanitary educational work in a social service institution.

Ticket No. 12

1. Concept and status of social work.

2.Psychological characteristics of a person.

3. Providing first aid for bleeding.

Ticket No. 13

1. The purpose of the professional activity of a social worker.

2.Diagnostics of psychological relationships.

3.First aid for bruises.

Ticket No. 14

1. Social work on adaptation of various social groups.

2.Psychological aspects of interpersonal interaction.

3. First aid for sprains.

Ticket No. 15

1. Russian social work in the public consciousness.

2. Personality traits of a social worker.

3.First aid for fractures.

The test is a form of final control of the knowledge and skills of students in a given discipline, obtained at lectures, practical classes, seminars and in the process independent work. Only those students who have worked successfully and attended required amount lectures, practical and seminar classes, and mastered a sufficiently necessary level of knowledge and skills. Preparation for the test involves studying the recommended literature, updating the information obtained during lectures and practical classes in the discipline.

The final test is carried out orally on questions. Material is submitted for testing in the amount provided for by the work program academic discipline. In the classroom where the oral test is being conducted, there should be no more than five students per teacher taking the test at the same time. You have 20 minutes to prepare answers to questions during the test. The result of the oral test is expressed as “passed” or “fail”. A “pass” grade is given if the student has demonstrated a deep and complete knowledge of the material of the academic discipline, assimilation of basic and additional literature recommended by the work program of the academic discipline. A “failed” mark is given if the answer reveals ignorance of the main problems and categories of the subject according to curriculum, the content of the main material has not been mastered, there are no generalizations or conclusions, significant gaps have emerged in the knowledge of the main provisions of the academic discipline, and the inability, even with the help of the teacher, to formulate correct answers to questions. The test is taken by the teacher who taught the course.

Social work presents high requirements to those who have chosen it as their profession. We have already seen what complex problems it is aimed at solving, what principles must be observed in this activity, what versatile training a social worker must have. The set of general typical requirements for a social worker constitutes his professional portrait. This systematic description of social, psychological and other requirements for a profession is sometimes referred to as a professiogram, clarifying it in some cases as a list of requirements in relation to a specific area of ​​social work.

The professional portrait of a social worker is described in some detail in the scientific and educational literature and includes such basic components as theoretical training, practical skills and certain personal qualities. Theoretical knowledge forms the basis of the professional portrait of a social work specialist. As we know, social work is multidisciplinary in nature and therefore the theoretical training of a social worker should include knowledge in such basic disciplines for social work as sociology, psychology, social pedagogy, legal disciplines, conflictology, etc.

Since a social work specialist often deals with asocial individuals, in particular, with adolescents prone to deviant behavior, he must have knowledge from the field of sociology and psychology of deviant behavior, psychodiagnostics, criminology, developmental psychology and pedagogy. The diversity of social work clients obliges its representatives to possess a number of competencies that allow them to provide services to different clients - the homeless and unemployed, lonely and elderly, “difficult teenagers” and people with disabilities. This, in turn, imposes the requirement to have a stock of knowledge that allows us to understand and analyze the causes of difficult life situations for different types of clients and to know their specifics.

Living in society and dealing with representatives of different social groups, a social work specialist must have a clear understanding of the social structure of society, the economic, social, political and cultural processes occurring in it, the different spheres of social life, needs, interests, norms various layers and subcultures. Consequently, he must be trained in the field of social and human sciences, which ensure the general cultural level of a person and the level of his social education. This is facilitated by learning in the process vocational training philosophy, history, economic theory, political science, cultural studies, disciplines of the aesthetic cycle.

The professional portrait of a social worker presupposes the presence of knowledge sufficient to be able to understand a representative of any social group, his needs and interests, doubts and experiences, tastes and preferences in different areas of life. In order to be able to understand the inner world and thoughts of another individual, a social worker must have a fair amount of personal potential in the field of humanitarian knowledge, as well as navigate in areas such as art and religion. A social work specialist needs basic knowledge from the field of medicine, gerontology, and psychiatry, since clients of social work are often people with health problems, some deviations from the mental norm, requiring basic care.

Another important component of the professional portrait of a social worker is the practical skills that he acquires in the process of professional activity, as well as during training at a professional educational institution - a university or college (school, technical school). They represent the whole complex skills of a different nature - from the simplest skills to provide basic household services and first aid to more complex ones, such as socio-psychological and socio-legal counseling.

Most professional competencies are related to the process of interaction between a specialist and a client. This includes the ability to establish contact with one’s mentee, trusting relationships, and organize cooperation in finding solutions to the problems facing him. Among the specific techniques that a specialist must master, such as active listening, centering on the client, empathic understanding, protection from the effect of one’s own “emotional combustion”, etc. These skills and abilities are studied in more detail in the course “Methods and Technologies of Social Work”, and also within some special disciplines and specialization disciplines.

Currently, the training program for social work specialists includes various types of practice, which are designed to help master practical skills while still studying at a university or college. However, so far the amount of time devoted to these types of training and the level of its organization cannot be considered sufficient. To improve the situation, it is necessary to develop closer ties between vocational education institutions and social services.

Personal qualities are also of fundamental importance in the structure of the portrait of a social worker, since such responsible humanitarian activity as social work dealing with people in a vulnerable, dependent position cannot be carried out formally, just for the sake of reporting and remuneration. In this case, it is doomed to failure. Unfortunately, we currently know from the media many examples of social workers’ formal, and sometimes dishonest, attitude towards their duties. In this case, it is, of course, their wards who suffer first.

Thus, there is a known case that took place in the Leninsky district of Krasnoyarsk, when social workers visited a very elderly, lonely and practically immobile woman living in a hostel extremely irregularly and did not follow all the required procedures. As a result, the elderly citizen almost died from exhaustion. She was saved by concerned neighbors, who opened the door and fed the unfortunate old woman, helped her with hygiene procedures, and also invited television to publicize this situation. This example shows that in the absence of appropriate personal qualities, a social worker can treat his duties formally, even commit obvious violations, taking advantage of the fact that their results are not always and not immediately noticeable, and his clients cannot always demand the services they are entitled to and stand up. for myself.

Social services must take all measures to avoid such manifestations. And this is possible if ordinary social workers, specialists, administrators-managers properly treat their work, and therefore clients, and are aware of the importance and social responsibility that they bear to society. There are different points of view regarding whether to include personal qualities in the professional portrait of a social work specialist, or whether they already constitute his spiritual and moral portrait. In this regard, it can be noted that the absence of these qualities leads to the ineffectiveness of all his activities and makes it impossible to achieve the intended results, therefore, makes the employee unprofessional. This proves that the presence of appropriate qualities is a condition for the professionalism of a social worker, and therefore is an element of his professional portrait.

Among the measures to ensure the proper level of professionalism of social workers may be the creation of a system of continuous education - vocational guidance in schools, so that random people do not come to the faculties of social work, then selection for admission to vocational education institutions. This requires appropriate methods that allow us to determine not only the level of knowledge, but also personal orientation, communication skills applicant. Finally, when hiring for a job in social services, appropriate professional selection is necessary, which should include procedures to determine how much an applicant for a particular vacancy meets the requirements and whether he has the proper general professional and social-personal competencies.

Within the social institutions themselves, control should be exercised over the performance of their duties by all employees and incentive measures should be applied, and, if necessary, penalties, depending on the quality of the employees’ performance. An important way to maintain and grow the professionalism of social workers is systematic professional development. A similar form of retraining currently exists in the system of higher professional education. Contributing to the growth of professional motivation and maintaining a system of professional values ​​should public organizations social workers and social institutions focused on innovative forms and working methods, professionally oriented media.

All the personal qualities of a social worker that he needs in the process of his work are usually divided into three groups. The first group consists of individual psychophysiological characteristics that characterize mental processes and states - perception, memory, thinking, level of anxiety, impulsivity, restraint, stress resistance. The second group is formed by the socio-psychological qualities of a specialist as an individual - the ability to self-control, self-criticism, responsibility, honesty and openness. The third group includes psychological and pedagogical qualities that ensure the effectiveness of direct interaction with the client - sociability, empathy, attractiveness (neatness in clothing, external attractiveness).

Along with the general portrait of a social work specialist, more specific types can be distinguished depending on the specialization. Specialization in social work deserves special consideration, since a social worker in some sense must be universally trained. At the same time, a number of situations and problems require special knowledge and skills. How to resolve this dilemma and avoid narrow reductionism on the one hand, and scholastic universalism on the other? The way out of this situation is seen in the formation of a new type of specialization in social work - specialization not on any specific problem, but on a real object, in our case, the client as the bearer of a complex of specific problems.

This way, the integrity of the consideration of the client’s difficult life situation can be ensured. Without dividing it into economic, socio-psychological, medical problems and without dividing their solutions into different institutions and departments, social work is able to provide a comprehensive solution to them. With this approach, multidisciplinarity and multifunctionality are not lost and, along with this, this wide range fill activities with specific content.

An integrated approach to solving social problems and the multifunctionality of social work make it possible to highlight a number of professional functions social work specialist. Among them:

Diagnostic, meaning the social worker’s desire to establish the causes of the client’s problems;

Advocacy, which consists of representing and protecting the interests of their clients;

Social therapeutic, or compensatory, implemented through the provision of support in difficult life situations, the provision of various types of assistance, social services;

Social-preventive, which involves the use by a social worker in his activities of methods that prevent the occurrence of social problems;

Prognostic, consisting of analysis possible changes in the client's future behavior;

Projective, manifested in planning the immediate and long-term results of the intervention;

Function social control, which involves monitoring deviant behavior and applying social sanctions;

Organizational and administrative, manifested in management activities and interaction with other social institutions.

The professional roles of a social worker can be classified in a more differentiated manner. Foreign authors distinguish the professional roles of a social worker depending on his “working” functionality:

A broker is a social worker who refers people to appropriate services that may be helpful to them, with the goal of enabling people to use the social service system and linking those services.

A mediator is a social worker who sits between two people, a person and a group or two groups, to help people overcome differences and work productively together.

Lawyer, defender - social worker who fights for the rights and dignity of people who need this help. Its activities include fighting for service, helping individuals, groups, communities, fighting for changes in laws or existing practices from the perspective of an entire class of people.

An evaluator is a social worker who collects information, evaluates the problems of people and groups; helps make decisions for action.

A mobilizer is a social worker who gathers, sets in motion, launches, activates, and organizes the actions of existing or new groups to solve problems. Mobilization can also be performed at the individual level.

A teacher is a social worker who imparts information and knowledge and helps people develop skills.

A behavior interventionist is a social worker who works to bring about changes in the behaviors, skills, and perceptions of individuals or groups.

A counselor is a social worker who works with other workers to help them improve their skills in solving client problems.

A community designer is a social worker who plans the development of activity programs.

An information manager is a social worker who collects, classifies and analyzes data about the social environment.

An administrator is a social worker who manages an agency, program, project, or social service.

A practitioner is a social worker who provides specific assistance and care (financial, household, physical).

The formation of a professional portrait of a social worker begins long before he enters service in a social institution. We have seen how important it is which applicants come to universities to major in social work and the quality of training they receive at universities. The development of a multi-level system of social education is intended to contribute to better training of future social workers.

The concept of social education includes two aspects: in a broad sense, social education means the study of social and humanitarian disciplines in all educational institutions, starting from school and ending with universities. Its result should be greater competence of the entire population in matters of public life, a correct and deeper understanding of it and better preparedness for it. In a narrow sense, social education refers to the training of specialists for the social sphere - social workers and social educators, psychologists, social animators, sociologists, etc. In other words, social education sets as its goal high-quality training of socionomists - specialists in the social sphere.

Both of these aspects of social education are important. The second insofar as it depends on it staffing social services. But the first aspect is no less important, since it allows us to make society more enlightened in various issues of social life, people - more prepared for various social situations, more tolerant and law-abiding, raise the level of general and legal culture, reduce the number of antisocial manifestations and social tension in society.

Diagnostic function. Based on the principle of targeting social work, the specialist determines the degree of need and sufficiency of social assistance for a particular client, identifies social and personal resources that can be used to improve his life situation.

In a holistic diagnostic procedure, we can conditionally distinguish two interrelated and interdependent blocks: diagnostics of the client’s social environment and diagnostics of the client’s personality. At the same time, the first block is aimed primarily at identifying social resources that optimize the situation, and destructive factors, “problem points” of the environment that cause a worsening of the situation; the second block is aimed at identifying the client’s personal resources.

The information obtained in this way generally allows us to answer the question about the relationship between the activity of the client and the specialist in joint activities aimed at helping (self-help) in a difficult life situation. When organizing interaction with a client, the specialist strives not to take on the solution of his problems, but to mobilize the client’s personal resources, making stimulating the process of self-help the main direction of work. However, to do this it is necessary to answer the question: what are the real capabilities of the client? By unreasonably relying on the client’s missing or insufficiently developed personal resources, a specialist can provoke the development of a situation in which the client will not be able to overcome difficulties on his own, which will entail uncertainty, anxiety and even negativistic tendencies in the perception of working with a specialist.

Prognostic function implemented at the level practical work with the client(s) and at the administrative and managerial level. In both cases, when implementing the prognostic function, the specialist uses the results of social diagnostics. In the technological algorithm, these levels are connected sequentially. Based on the “social diagnosis”, the specialist determines the potential for optimizing the existing

situation, the degree of likelihood of a positive resolution of problems, as well as the qualitative level of the expected result.

The specialist participates in forecasting and programming the process of social development of a specific microsociety, which is the object of his professional activity. Forecasting activities at the administrative and managerial level can be aimed at developing the system of a specific social service institution for the population, as well as the system of social protection bodies and institutions of a city, district, or subject of the Russian Federation. Based on a sounding-information survey, information-targeted analysis of various documentation, social mapping and other methods of social diagnostics, shortcomings in the activities of various institutions involved in social work are identified, alternative trajectories for improving their activities are determined, as well as the optimal ratio of possible costs and results in the context each alternative.

Physical, mental, social, spiritual capabilities that help to overcome a difficult life situation and its consequences, restore or form one’s personal or social qualities that contribute to increasing social status are different for different people. If in one case the social worker expects good result work with a client, then in another - the effectiveness can be objectively reduced by insurmountable circumstances. As an example, consider social work with two categories of clients: the unemployed and people with disabilities. In the situation of a person who has lost his job, a significant personal resource is lost - participation in production activities, which entails a number of problems of a different nature. However, the restoration of this resource makes it possible to eliminate almost all adverse consequences for humans. In this case, we can assume high performance.

In a situation of social assistance to a person with disabilities, the loss of such a resource as “health” is in many cases irreversible. Then we're talking about about compensation for a lost resource, i.e. about replacing it as completely as possible with another resource. Here it is important to determine what will be ideal the result, i.e., achievable under the most favorable combination of circumstances (in this case, “ideality” is determined not in relation to the results of working with other people, but in relation to the situation in which the client is at the moment of predicting the development of his situation), and optimal a result that is understood as the most harmonious ratio of costs and achievements in solving the client’s social problems. Based on re

Based on the overall forecast, the direction, stages and effectiveness of possible intervention are determined.

Organizing function. A social work specialist organizes activities to provide social assistance to a client or group of people. At the same time, in the process of organizing an activity, a specialist can occupy a number of positions: the executor of clearly defined tasks (instructions), the organizer of a separate area of ​​activity, the coordinator of the efforts of various individuals to organize a specific activity.

The types of activities organized by social work specialists vary significantly depending on the specifics of the institution, the categories of people served and the basic needs of the client group. The specialist first determines its target component. It is important that the goals of the activity are adequate to the social issues that are relevant for a particular urban microdistrict, town, village or other type of settlement.

Having determined the goal of the activity (for example, organizing leisure time for children from low-income families in a microdistrict), the specialist selects the optimal forms of achieving this goal (mass celebration, organizing the work of sports sections, hobby groups, etc.), the choice of goal and form of activity largely determines its content.

The organizational function allows you to change the life situation of a client (or group of clients) at the activity level; in this case, feedback arises in relation to the implementation of diagnostic and prognostic functions. Activities are based on a “social diagnosis” and a forecast for the development of the situation.

In the process of activity, social changes occur, which are recorded using the second round of social diagnostics, and the effectiveness of the activity and the adequacy of the forecast depend on the degree of changes and their compliance with the goal. In this case, the process develops in a spiral, i.e., based on new diagnostic data, a new forecast is made and activities are organized to achieve socially significant goals.

Intermediary function often referred to as the primary function of the social work professional. Society is a complex multicomponent self-organizing system. Each member of society is involved in many social connections and dependencies, which together make up the microsociety of the individual. The successful functioning of a person in a microsociety is determined by a number of subjective and objective factors; the violation of any social connection entails tangible consequences for a person in the form of a variety of life problems.

For example, loss of health (disability) gives rise to many problems: socio-economic- deprivation of the usual level of security, imbalance in the sphere of consumption (most of the income is spent on maintaining the level of health, paid medical procedures, medicines, etc.), forced departure from the production sector; socio-psychological - reduction of social circle, feeling of one’s own uselessness, decreased self-esteem, formation of a negatively colored ^-concept, etc.; socio-pedagogical- difficulties in raising children, interpersonal conflicts in the family and other life circumstances.

To solve the difficulties and problems that arise, the help of specialists is needed various directions, however, the state of the individual, who is in a difficult life situation, does not allow the person to make several “starting efforts”, i.e. look for the coordinates of a specialist, make an appointment, talk about your problems.

A social work specialist, being, as many authors define it, an “agent of social change,” ensures that the client is connected with all the services he needs. To implement the intermediary function, the specialist accumulates information about the entire range of services provided in institutions, conditions, forms, methods of working with clients. The social worker communicates with the right specialist, can characterize the client’s life situation (with his consent), i.e. facilitates the process of providing professional assistance by representatives of other profiles and, consequently, the process of receiving assistance by the client.

Innovative feature. A social work specialist in activities aimed at transforming society strives to use the most effective methods and work technologies.

In order to improve the system of social support for the population, the specialist’s activities must be innovative in nature, that is, include new methodological and technological components.

The innovative function of a specialist is realized in a creative approach to accepted social work technologies (continuous analysis of their use, identification of strengths and weaknesses, introduction of new technological components), in the integration of existing innovative experience into the practice of social assistance (including the experience of institutions that have the status of experimental sites , experience of other regions of the Russian Federation, foreign countries, etc.).

Motivational function social worker is expressed in the creation of motive-forming conditions for the inclusion of the client in the action

The goal is to overcome a difficult life situation, and not to solve his problem for him. The presence of one-sided activity in the “specialist-client” interaction system is fraught, firstly, with the development of a dependent position of the client, the emergence of social expectations of satisfying needs without one’s own efforts and, secondly, with low efficiency.

A difficult life situation that has arisen in a person can only be overcome as a result of his own efforts; a social work specialist in this case supports, directs, corrects the actions of the individual, ensures the availability of the necessary information, removes or reduces the resistance of various social barriers, but does not “solve the problem for client."

Among the main obstacles that make it difficult to accept and implement an active position regarding the existing problem are: the client’s lack of self-confidence, fear of failure; absence or insufficiency of information ensuring the effectiveness of activities; lack of social and implementation skills necessary to solve the problem of behavioral trajectory.

To overcome the difficulties identified by the client, the specialist uses the following methods and techniques:

·consulting aimed at increasing the client’s self-esteem;

·involving the client in activities that contribute to achieving a positive result (creating a situation of success);

social learning of the client, including informational and behavioral blocks, etc.

Protective function social work specialist is implemented in cases where a difficult life situation is caused by unauthorized actions of third parties that violate the rights and freedoms of the client. A specialist can act as an initiator of legal proceedings on an established fact of violation of the rights and freedoms of a client, a witness at a court hearing, and also, if necessary, as a public defender.

Preventive function. The current social situation in the Russian Federation is characterized by intense dynamics in the development of social pathologies: the spread of drug addiction, alcoholism, and prostitution among minors. Social pathologies move, as a rule, from larger settlements to smaller ones.

Analysis of the situation in large cities makes it possible to predict the development of unfavorable social phenomena in other types of settlements.

Eliminating the negative consequences of the formation of stereotypes of deviant behavior requires large financial costs. In addition, the effectiveness of such activities in the presence of persistent behavioral deviations does not always correlate with indicators of resource costs. Therefore, the implementation of the preventive function is one of the main directions of social work.

Questions for self-control

1.What scientific fields should a social work specialist have knowledge of?

2.What are the relationships and interdependencies in the hierarchy of professional values ​​of social work?

3.What is the sequence of implementation by a social work specialist of professional functions in a specific practical situation?

Doel M., Shardlow S. Social work practice: Exercises and methodological developments for training and advanced training of social workers. - M., 1995.

Medvedeva G. P. Ethics of social work: Textbook. manual for universities. - M., 1999.

Teaching the practice of social work: International experience and prospects / Ed. M. Doela and S. Shardlow. - M., 1997.

Fundamentals of social work: Textbook for universities / P. D. Pavlenok, A. A. Akimova, V. P. Alferov, etc. - M., 2001.

Social work: textbook. allowance. - Rostov n/d, 2003.

Social work: Introduction to professional activity / Responsible. ed. A. A. Kozlov. - M., 2004.

Nikitina V. B., Vasilenko T.D. Psychodiagnostics in the system of social work: Textbook. allowance for students higher textbook establishments. - M., 2004.

Nikitin V. A. Social work: Problems of theory and training of specialists: Textbook. allowance. - M., 2002.

Theory and practice of social work / E.N. Baryabina, M.E. Elutina, S.A. Konstantinov and others; Under general ed. V. Y. Yarskoy. - Saratov, 1995.

Theory of social work: Textbook. for universities / G. Yu. Burlakova, S. I. Grigoriev, L.G. Guslyakova and others; Ed. E. I. Kholostova. - M., 1998.

Tetersky S.V. Introduction to social work: Proc. manual for universities. - M., 2001.

Firsov M. V., Studenova E. G. Theory of social work: Textbook. manual for universities. - M., 2000.

Kholostova E.I. Professional and spiritual-moral portrait of a social worker. - M., 1992.

Kholostova E.I. Social work: Textbook. allowance. - M., 2006.

Yarskaya-Smirnova E. R. Professional ethics of social work. - Ramenskoye (Moscow region), 1999.


§ 1. Personal problem, its origins, subjective nature

Problems that arise in the life of an individual, group, or community can be interpreted as difficulties - a discrepancy between what is desired and what is possible. For example, a difficulty is experienced by an unprepared person who is faced with the task of jumping over some obstacle, i.e. difficulty acts as an objective phenomenon.

The Law “On the Fundamentals of Social Services for the Population” interprets a difficult life situation more broadly: not only as an objective disruption of life, but also as a threat of its occurrence. In other words, the subjective component is considered, which can be called a difficulty: a special mental state that interferes with the normal (calm) life of an individual, group or community. Moreover, the presence of difficulty (objective circumstances) does not always lead to difficulty (corresponding subjective reflection), and difficulty is not always caused by the actual presence of difficulty. In the first case, objectively experiencing difficulty, the individual (group, etc.) does not perceive it as something insurmountable, and in the second, subjective fear has no real basis.

So, the object of social work may experience objective difficulties or subjective difficulties, however, both (or) both lead to disruption of life. What is also very important is what underlies both the difficulty and the difficulty. Both of these phenomena are related by the lack (shortage) of means of regulating the objective or subjective side of a life situation.

According to Russian legislation, a person in a difficult life situation can receive social assistance if he contacts a social service. After this, specialists of the social institution are obliged to check the compliance of the parameters of the life situation of the applicant with the normatively prescribed requirements for the recipient of social assistance. The results of studying the personal circumstances of an individual provide the basis for the exercise of the right to help. However, the provision of assistance is directly dependent on the direct agreement between the person in need and the social service represented by its head. Thus, a person can become a client of a social service institution - a party to the contract

with this institution, if the nature of the life problem is adequate to one or another type provided for by Russian legislation.

Let's look at an example. The first step in the social protection of disabled people is related to the recognition of a person as disabled (obtaining a special legal status). This procedure - determining in the prescribed manner the needs of the person being examined (including rehabilitation based on an assessment of the limitations in life activity caused by a persistent disorder of body functions) - is called medical and social examination.

Once a person is recognized as disabled, he or she has access to public resources. Attracting external resources allows for various types of rehabilitation: rehabilitation therapy, reconstructive surgery, prosthetics and orthotics (medical); vocational guidance, vocational education, vocational and industrial adaptation and employment (professional); social-environmental orientation and social-everyday adaptation (social). The result of rehabilitation should be the replacement (compensation) of life limitations and the creation of equal opportunities for the disabled person to participate in the life of society as other citizens.

A client of a social service becomes a person who has a problem at the level of social, mental and psycho-mental connections. These levels are determined on the basis of the traditional identification of three spheres of personality: active (real social interaction), cognitive (mental) emotional (sensual). Problem at level social connections - This is a mismatch between a person’s interaction with other people, with groups, and social institutions. An individual’s social connections in such spheres of life as family, production, leisure, etc., determine the degree of his adaptation in given sociocultural circumstances.

Problem at level mental connections with society and the group represents a break in the processes of perception, processing and storage in memory and transmission of information about the surrounding world. In this case, there is a breakdown in the semantic communication of the individual with the group and society. A similar situation can arise when the so-called mental frame. Mental connections with oneself include self-identification (who am I?), a system of conscious values ​​and beliefs (why am I doing this?), an understanding of one’s own purpose (why am I?), behavioral programs (how do I do this?), a system for describing one’s own experience ( how am I feeling?).

The mental level of interaction is determined by the level of development of an individual’s intellectual abilities and acquired social experience. Therefore, the prerequisites for the emergence

Some of the problems at the mental level are mental disorders of various types, mental retardation. An important component of the well-being of interaction at this level is common sense , which should be understood as the ability to comprehend what is happening, reason, explain to oneself and others certain events and actions. In this vein, it is also significant ability to reflect. The concept of “reflection” means the subject’s reflection of his own and others’ internal states, the reasons for his own and others’ actions.

In adolescence, the lack of these resources determines significant cognitive difficulties in solving life problems. Resolving problems at the level of mental connections is due to self-determination - the conscious choice of the most appropriate behavior. At the same time, for older citizens, such difficulties are caused by insufficient awareness and unpreparedness to solve mental problems in new social conditions.

Psychomental connections- the emotional side of relationships existing in society, a group, their subjective significance for a person, as well as the attitude towards oneself. The latter is expressed in the state of such internal resources as life position and self-attitude. Problems that arise at the level of an individual’s psychomental connections with himself are caused by emotional non-acceptance of the “image I". These circumstances are generated by the discrepancy between the subjective perception of social and individual norms. The most striking example is the psychomental problems of representatives of sexual minorities.

A disorder in the emotional side of an individual’s relationship with a group occurs when one or another group does not satisfy the subject’s needs for psychological comfort and acceptance. Thus, socio-psychological contradictions in the family lead to a negative microclimate and a violation of the sense of security among spouses, parents and children.

§ 2. Types of personal problems

The Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Social Services for the Population in the Russian Federation” names the following types of difficult life situations: disability, inability to self-care due to old age, illness, orphanhood, neglect, poverty, unemployment, lack of a specific place of residence, conflicts and abuse in family, loneliness. Therefore, to consider various types of personal problems, let us turn to the typology of difficult life situations.

Disability. The Latin word “disabled” (invalid) means “unfit” and serves to characterize persons who, due to illness, injury, or injury, are limited in the manifestation of their life activities. Initially, when characterizing disability, the emphasis was on the “personality-ability to work” relationship. Since disability is an obstacle to full-fledged professional activity and deprives a person of the opportunity to independently provide for his own existence, attention was primarily paid to the medical aspects of disability and the problems of financial assistance to disabled people, and appropriate institutions were created to compensate for the lack of material means of livelihood for disabled people. At the beginning of the 20th century. ideas about disability were humanized, this problem began to be considered in the coordinate system “personality-ability for full life activity”, ideas were put forward about the need for such assistance that would give a disabled person the opportunity to independently build his life.

The modern interpretation of disability is associated with a persistent health disorder caused by diseases, consequences of injuries or defects, leading to limitation of life activities and causing the need for social protection and assistance. The main sign of disability is considered to be a lack of physical resource, which is externally expressed in limited life activity (complete or partial loss of the ability or ability to carry out self-care, move independently, navigate, communicate, control one’s behavior, study and engage in work).

The limitations of a disabled person in engaging in work activities simultaneously lead to low property status and excess time potential. The social status of disabled people is quite low and is expressed in social discrimination against this group of the population. The state of other resources depends on the period of life during which the disability began. Children's disability as a problem is associated with the danger of insufficient development of abilities, limited development of individual social experience, and the formation of such negative traits as infantilism and dependency (characterizing life position and self-attitude).

Inability to self-care due to old age or illness. The content of a difficult life situation is contained in its name, but the problem is limited to two groups of reasons (old age and illness), with the exception of reasons such as infancy and disability. Inability to self-care focuses attention on the insufficient state of a physical resource, perhaps this is the most extreme quality. Here it is necessary to keep in mind that the inability to self-care in

connection with the disease may be temporary, at the same time it seems possible to differentiate the levels of disability (limitation of movement, limitation of movement, limitation of existence).

Orphanhood. This type of difficult life situations can be considered in the system “child - parents performing their functions.” According to the law, orphans are persons under the age of 18 whose both or only parents have died, and children left without parental care are persons under the age of 18 who have been left without the care of a single or both parents 1 . The main functions of parents are maintenance (provision of food, care, provision of clothing, etc.), education ( family education, educational organization), psychological support, representation of interests, supervision. The natural-social institution of parenthood actually plays the role of a temporary intermediary between society and the child. The loss of such a social intermediary by a child creates serious difficulties in satisfying the entire gamut of human needs and social needs.

Neglect is caused by the parents’ failure to fulfill their functions of supervising and raising the child and differs from orphanhood by the nominal presence of parents. A particular and most socially dangerous case of neglect is the complete separation of the child and family (lack of permanent residence, limited contact with parents or persons in their stead). The personal aspect of the problem of homelessness consists in the absence of normal human living conditions and upbringing, lack of control over behavior and pastime, leading to social disappointment. The cause of homelessness is the departure of a child from the family due to parental abuse or conflict. Characteristic features of the life situation of street children: constant stay outside the parental apartment or social institution (overnight at train stations, landfills, in thermal communications), subsistence by collecting bottles and non-ferrous metals, theft, begging, prostitution.

Neglect creates social problems both in the present (neglected children become participants and victims of illegal actions) and in the future (the formation of an asocial personality type, the establishment of negative life skills).

Low income as a personal problem is the insufficiency of material resources as a means of satisfaction

1 Federal Law “On additional guarantees for the social protection of orphans and children left without parental care.”

satisfying vital and social needs. The life situation of low-income citizens of working age is also characterized by low social status, the formation of an inferiority complex, the growth of social apathy; for children raised in low-income families, there is a danger of lowering social standards, developing aggressiveness both in relation to the state, society, and individual strata, population groups and individuals. For older citizens experiencing financial difficulties, this situation causes disappointment in relation to the state they served, paid taxes, and protected in wartime.

When the state solves problems of the poor, compliance with the principle of social justice comes to the fore. Due to the fact that human needs are determined by the specific sociocultural situation of an individual or family, the state is forced to develop minimum standards of security. To do this, a method is used to determine a set of goods and services that guarantees a minimum standard of living and ensures the satisfaction of both physiological and some social needs. The main tool for determining the monetary income required for a minimum adequate standard of living is usually the consumer budget of the corresponding standard of living, containing quantitative sets of goods and services and valued at retail prices.

Unemployment represents a problem of able-bodied citizens who do not have work and earnings (income) and are ready to start working. Unemployment is a special case of unemployment, when a person, for one reason or another, does not participate in production activities, but an unemployed individual may not be ready to work.

The social side of the problem of unemployment is expressed in the interest of any state in the maximum involvement of the population in the process of production of material and spiritual goods (these people are taxpayers and feed dependent categories - children and the elderly). In addition, the unemployed represent an unstable, potentially criminogenic social group (the unemployed have a higher risk of antisocial behavior). And finally, the unemployed are segments of the population in need of protection and assistance (in the form of additional payments, compensation, etc.). Therefore, it is cheaper for the state to overcome unemployment than to maintain the unemployed.

The personal component of the unemployment problem is associated with the loss of a source material resources, loss of position in society, structure of personal time, degradation

spheres of abilities and experience of professional activity, the gradual destruction of positive self-identification.

A.V. Panchenko identifies three types of behavior of the unemployed:

1)activity And awareness - during the observed period, the unemployed is actively looking for work, is aware of the problems that he faces, and to overcome them changes the content of his activity;

2)activity And unawareness - during the observed period, the unemployed are actively looking for work, but the form and direction of the job search remain unchanged, even if they are no longer adequate to the current conditions;

3)passivity - During the observed period, the unemployed person does not make active efforts to find a job, although he feels the need for employment (for example, the unemployed person, after a number of unsuccessful attempts, stops looking for work, since “there is no work in the city”, “get a job Good work possible only by acquaintance”, etc.).

Lack of a fixed place of residence- a specific personal problem associated not only and not so much with insufficiency economic resource, how many with a violation of the human “microworld” - the system of existence built into society. Individuals who have problems of this kind are given the name “homeless” (without a fixed place of residence); they are forced to wander, engage in vagrancy. The word “tramp” itself is explained in dictionaries as “an impoverished, homeless person wandering without specific activities.”

There are main causes of vagrancy: family, housing, moral problems and mental illness of a person. Based on this, among persons without a defined place of residence, three groups can be divided into three groups. The first is persons of disabled age who have taken the path of vagrancy under the influence of life and family circumstances (impossibility of living in a family, illness, loneliness, senile dementia). The second is individuals who have lost their housing due to being in prison or due to fraud during the exchange or purchase and sale of housing, who have lost their documents and do not have the opportunity to get out of the current life situation. The third group consists of people, as a rule, of working age, who fundamentally do not want to work, who are prone to alcoholism, who have sold their home or lost it for other reasons.

Conflicts and abuse in the family. Conflicts in the family are a clash between spouses, children and parents, caused by intractable contradictions associated with confrontation and acute emotional experiences. Conflict leads to disruption of family functioning and disruption of the process of realizing the needs of its members.

Abuse, according to international standards, includes all forms of physical or mental violence, battery or insult, neglect, negligent or cruel treatment, exploitation, including sexual assault. The following forms of violent actions are identified in the literature: physical violence; mental (emotional) violence; sexual (gender) violence, neglect of vital needs.

Under physical violence The following actions are understood: murders, beatings, mutilations, killing of a baby, coercion to refuse food, coercion to refuse medical care, coercion in the reproductive sphere. Sexual violence includes: rape, incest, various types of sexual harassment; under mental violence understood as: restrictions on behavior, threats, forced marriage. Neglect of life's needs presupposes a situation where parents or persons replacing them do not provide the child with food, shelter, clothing, and hygienic conditions that meet his needs.

The targets of domestic violence are physically or psychologically weak family members, usually women, children, and the elderly. There are three types of family cruelty: 1) on the part of parents towards children; 2) on the part of one spouse in relation to the other; 3) on the part of children and grandchildren in relation to elderly relatives.