LEMKEN maintains its position in the market. How can a company maintain its leadership position in the market? How to maintain your position in the market


Galyamov: We have representatives here business associations and public structures, whose position will be interesting to hear, but first I would like to give the floor to market participants - what do they think about all this?

Mamakov: Good afternoon. I am the head of the Neon-Art-M company. First, I would like to thank BUSINESS Online for the opportunity. And in general, for the fact that the entire city has the opportunity to cover such processes in the media. For support - the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Association for the Support of Small and Medium Business Entrepreneurs, the Public Chamber.

I'll start with history. We were founded in 1993 and have been working for the 20th year here in Kazan. In 2005, in Kazan there was a situation similar to what is happening now. The only difference was that the share of small and medium-sized businesses was 80 percent, large - federal and transnational - 20 percent. Over the past 7 years, the situation has changed as follows: currently 40 percent are small and medium business, and 60 percent - large.

Our attitude towards the executive committee. During this time, a lot has been accomplished, spears have been broken, relationships have been built. The executive committee is the power, and we respect the power and submit to it. The authorities are responsible for what happens and what does not happen in the city. The government establishes the laws by which this or that operator or market participant must work, whether they are good or bad. I think there is no disagreement about this.

There are none when it comes to placing billboards in the city center. Here I will probably express the general opinion: there should be no shields there. But as for the concept development procedure, yes, we were involved, but we were simply kicked out of one meeting. For the last six months, we have not been able to participate in the discussion or somehow influence this process. I think that this was incorrect towards us, but, probably, we also make some mistakes. Of course, this is not what needs to be discussed now, but what is most important. As Irina Vitalievna correctly noted, the market is now being redistributed, and it will happen. And, indeed, there will be losers. But we did not see what we hear from TV screens, what is voiced by the President of the Russian Federation, the President of the Republic of Tatarstan, the mayor of the city - this is a targeted policy aimed at supporting small and medium-sized businesses. From the auctions held in 2006, out of 100 designs, SMEs were able to buy only four. The starting price was 10 thousand rubles. It grew to 300 thousand. We also participated, we are quite large SMEs - it’s useless. What prospects do we see for small and medium-sized businesses? None. Absolutely. And I would like to discuss this issue and give the opportunity to express all points of view on it.

We are all talking about attracting investment. For 20 years, our company has been investing money in this business. Last year we took first place in the international competition “Znak” (it was held in Moscow and united all the CIS countries), because we purposefully invested money in designers, technologies, and production equipment. Our Kazan facility, a tennis academy completed in 2009, was presented for the competition. We have never heard so many words of admiration from anyone as we heard at the award ceremony. After we implemented this object, we received the same order, but in Saransk - a water sports palace, maybe a little smaller in size, we made it using the same technology.

What I want to say is that in order to educate these personnel, we need opportunities and money. There are several companies represented here that are small and medium-sized enterprises, all of which deal with signage and outdoor advertising. Unfortunately, it is impossible to feed on signs alone, because there are seasonal fluctuations. Outdoor advertising is a more or less stable income. We all know how to do this and it is important for all of us. I would like everyone present to perceive us correctly. We're really all about protecting our businesses. We want to be able to work for the benefit of the city. What the city wants to earn, we welcome and support it. In 2006, the changed rules for placement were very difficult for us outdoor advertising. Payments to the budget have increased significantly. Of the 17 companies included in the association (Association of Outdoor Advertising Distributors of Kazan, -auto) , now there are only five left. The rest were forced to leave - they either went bankrupt, or were sold, or in some other way left the market, and now they are no longer there. We, in turn, have paid 250 million rubles to the city budget over the past five years. Our difference from transnational companies is that we pay UTII - a local tax that the city receives. For transnational and federal companies, the form of taxation is VAT, which is a federal tax.


Mamakov: Unfortunately, all this time we have to hold our stance, like in boxing. As soon as you give up, you’ll get everything right away. And for some reason, the attitude towards us all the time is that we are extreme people, always achieving something. You know, you set the rules - I follow them. Is there any way to turn around? There is a competition for street furniture - we are not invited. Some other competition is taking place - we are not invited. Maybe it’s our own fault: we don’t participate, we don’t break through? But where we participate, we take first place!

As for the auction. We are for an open auction. To see people on it. It may be difficult, but an electronic auction is new for us. We are not professionals in this, not specialists. With all our desire, we wanted to pass accreditation, we passed it, but did not have time to submit an application for the auction and test trading. This is a concern for us. After that we went to electronic platform Geller and asked us to train. No problem, they told us. One and a half months is full-time training. No two hours will be enough to prepare a specialist to fully participate in this electronic auction. This is the first point.

The second point is the starting price. 2006 is 10 thousand rubles. The price has increased 20 times. Nothing prevented us from setting the starting price to be more or less normal. Now, in order to simply provide a contribution to try to protect my structures and participate in this share, I do not have such a financial opportunity. Maybe you will say: well, no, no, this is a market, and the city must earn money, of course...

Galyamov: What amount are we talking about now in your case?

Mamakov: 45 million rubles. I have more than 200 designs. 150 thousand is the starting price. Thus, for 200 designs at the original price you need 30 million. I have to pay half the deposit, that is, 15 million. In order to win without an increasing step, according to the terms of the auction, I cannot use these 15 million, I have to pay another 30 for my 200 advertising structures, a total of 45 million rubles. For small and medium-sized businesses that are operating, this is difficult.

In Moscow, a lot of contracts ended a year ago. I could be wrong, but there are people here who can voice it. There are other auctions - in Vladivostok, in Irkutsk. Everything happens differently there. SME remains the same one way or another. What people have developed, they continue to have the opportunity to work with it.

Moreover, the State Duma is currently actively working on amendments to the law on advertising aimed at eliminating the inequality that exists today in business conditions. If you are a representative of a small and medium-sized business, and you rent premises from the city or the republic, after five years this agreement is put up for auction. Necessarily. But except for small and medium-sized businesses. This is according to the basic Competition Law. This is not in the advertisement. And here are the amendments that are now being passed (these amendments are not good, God knows, the law there is also complex and stressful for us), they provide for a 60 percent share of small and medium-sized businesses and the possibility of prolonging contracts. We are for the city to receive money, we confirm this. I will now ask my assistant to distribute materials on this amendment to everyone (a Neon-Art-M employee distributes a binder of documents to everyone, -auto.) . By the way, this amendment was also supported by the President of the Republic of Tatarstan. To confirm my words, all these documents are also there.

We have only one request, which we also reflected here and sent to the mayor of the city today: a request not to hold auctions before the expiration of the contracts, that is, until September 1. Please wait for some decision - positive or negative on these amendments. If some measures are taken for the entire country to protect SMEs, then we may be ahead of the rest with these auctions, but on the other hand.

Thank you, sorry if I violated the rules.

Galyamov: I gave you two and a half times more time as the most active participant. Which other participants would like to join?


Anisimov: I am the head of the Maximal company, we own 89 structures. I completely agree with the words of Alexey Nikolaevich. On my own behalf I would also like to add on the electronic auction procedure. Auctions are made in such a way that if I applied for a certain lot and lost it in competition with the feds or someone else, then I simply will not physically have the opportunity to apply for another lot, because all this happens within five days.

Dyabilkina: It’s not true, there the collateral immediately goes to another lot. How you deposited money - they apply to all lots for which you applied.

Berezkin: If these lots are drawn on the same day, then, of course, the amount must be there. You apply for them at the same time. Hammer auction is the same, no difference.

Anisimov: As far as we have learned, this is impossible. You must submit an application for each lot within three days. In any case, with federal agency It will be very difficult to compete. As Alexey Nikolaevich has already said, the share of small and medium-sized businesses in Kazan is becoming smaller and smaller, and after the upcoming auction it may simply be reduced to zero.

Galyamov: Alexey Nikolaevich, clarifying question. You are a well-known company. Why don't you go federal? Why don't you go to other cities? Because I heard that Novosibirsk wants to participate in our auction, other cities - Saratov, Samara...

Mamakov: Yes, because I can’t relax, I defend myself all the time. I have no opportunities for growth, I have to defend my business all the time. We'd love to. We participate in international competitions, we have orders from Moscow, we work all over Russia...

Galyamov: No, no, no, as an operator, I mean.

Mamakov: Financial opportunities are limited, you understand? We don’t see any opportunity for ourselves to develop as an operator. Take transnational companies - their founders, in my opinion, are the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

Galyamov: Who has this?

Gavrilova: Let's say that the News Outdoor company has one of its founders, VTB Bank. Therefore, the problem of loans is not a problem for them.

Mamakov: We don't have such shareholders, that's why we don't develop.

Galyamov: Who else would like to speak?

Nugmanova: Our company “Design Master” is more of a regional operator than a federal one. We are currently represented in 14 cities. Basically, these are cities beyond the Urals - Siberia and part of the Volga region. At present, it seems to me that it is not entirely correct to say that some are small businesses, some are medium-sized, and some are large. We all provide jobs to people who are located directly in the cities where we are present. In each of our divisions we employ people who live in this city. We pay taxes to this city. That is, we act on the same terms as local operators.

Currently, in many cities where we are represented, auctions have already been held, in some places these are auctions, in others these are competitions. Let’s say a closed auction was held in Vladivostok by submitting closed bids. In Khabarovsk it was a competition, in Irkutsk it was also a competition. The first condition of the competition was the proposed high price. The second condition was what the company could offer for the improvement of the city. And third - volume social advertising, which the company offered to the city. I would like to note that starting prices in almost all cities, except, probably, Krasnoyarsk, averaged from 25 thousand rubles to 150 thousand rubles, 150 - 180 thousand rubles in the city of Krasnoyarsk. Auctions were held there, and the maximum price rose to 1 million rubles. But these were non-core market players. That is, some separate structures bought the places for themselves in order to place their advertisements.

I would like to thank the city administration, represented by Irina Vitalievna, for the fact that we were very actively involved in the development of the territorial scheme, we participated, we saw that everything was quite transparent. Our lawyers worked through all the points, all the documents that will be published. The city did everything within the law. From our point of view, there can be no claims or complaints here.

But we still have concerns. This is electronic trading, which means there are possible technical problems. It is not clear how smoothly they will go, since this is the first time. What could happen, whose fault is it? The second is, naturally, the high initial cost of the lots. And what the maximum cost will be is also not clear.

In almost all cities, the city center is being cleared of advertising structures. We have a little bit here the situation is more complicated, because in general, the places that we now have, where we are now present - both federal operators and small businesses - they simply will not exist. I'm talking generally throughout the city. In this regard, there will be very high costs even after bidding, which will be aimed at moving these structures. Plus, there is also an update of almost the entire network capacity, because there is a developed collection of standard designs, so you will have to make quite large investments, which, naturally, will affect the profitability of this business.

Galyamov: How many designs does your company have?

Nugmanova: In Kazan today there are 125 structures.

Galyamov: And in all 14 cities?

Nugmanova: In general, we occupy third place in Russia. I'll tell you about the sides: we have 7 thousand sides for standard designs, 4 thousand sides for non-standard and small ones.

Galyamov: Which major oligarch owns the company?

Nugmanova: Maybe I won’t voice it.

Galyamov: Western founders?

Nugmanova: No, purely Russian.

Galyamov: Not a bank?

Nugmanova: No. We have a group of companies.

Galyamov: My dream is for Neon-Art-M to become like this, in general for our business from Kazan to go to other regions and develop.

Nugmanova: I think it's possible.


Mamakov: I must say that all local operators and representatives of SMEs asked the city - this is what is provided for by law - to consider the terms of the competition. What does this mean for SMEs? This is trust in the executive committee of the city of Kazan. We ask for a competition. And let it be paid, for money. Let it be for professional operators. And anyone who does not fulfill the conditions will not participate in the competition, for example. It seems to us that this is just trust on our part, because the legislator gave the executive committee the opportunity to decide. Decide for yourself, executive committee, who is worthy and who is not worthy!

Galyamov: It's scary to hear such words. I'm afraid to trust officials at all. No surnames, basically.

Dyabilkina: Yes, you will be the first to challenge all competitions!

Mamakov: This is the only option for us that we see now, if these amendments do not come out within two months. It’s probably unusual to hear this from our lips – from the lips of SMEs – to the city. But please decide. Only the executive committee will be responsible for this decision.

Mullin: I’ll give you one example of why you can’t trust someone. Recently, one Moscow company offered me, personally, 50 percent of the business for running a competition. A company that has a lot of money in Moscow. So Rashid is probably right here - you can’t trust officials!

(Everyone laughs)

Dyabilkina: In principle, all federal operators also want a competition. How to make sure that local players win the competition - that is the question. What are the criteria?

Berezkin: Analyzing this problem, the central office of the FAS over the past five years has compared the auctions that were held as a result of competitions and the auctions. The corruption component is exactly 2.5 times higher at auctions that were held as a result of a competition. Because there is a subjective assessment. And the savings achieved in these auctions are significantly lower than in electronic auctions. It is clear that savings on electronic auctions also leave much to be desired. It is clear that there are certain schemes in accordance with which one can ensure one’s private interests in one way or another. But there these schemes can be implemented with much greater effort, and it is much easier to track them and bring them to light. Therefore, any of those present here have the opportunity to appeal to the antimonopoly authority with a complaint about the actions of this body during bidding. This is the first. Secondly, the leitmotif that sounded in your speech was the restriction of small and medium-sized businesses. There is such experience in the Volgograd region, where one design - one lot. Indeed, we initially had more preference for precisely this approach when we considered the proposals of the city administration. But, actively working with our central apparatus on this topic and in accordance with the explanations that we received, from the point of view of the law, we cannot limit the executive committee in combining several structures into one lot. The main thing is that competition is respected in this regard, and that someone does not receive a larger share of these advertising structures than they should, in order to then dominate this market.


Mamakov: When I spoke about small and medium-sized businesses, I did not mean one design - one lot. What I meant was that if small and medium-sized businesses in Kazan bargain with the Bank for Reconstruction and Development or VTB Bank, then we will not be able to win a single lot.

Berezkin: I realized that it was about money...

Mamakov: Yes. And the most important thing is that amendments are now being made, they are being intensively studied in the State Duma. I have a request - until September 1, until our contracts expire, not to hold an auction. This is a real chance for us. Maybe I'm wrong, but five years ago amendments were adopted at the last moment, before the entire city was demolished, at the last moment the legislator made these amendments.

Galyamov: What do you mean by small and medium-sized business? About what speed? we're talking about?

Mamakov: The law clearly states the number of people and turnover...

Gavrilova: Up to 60 million turnover is a micro-enterprise, up to 400 million is a small enterprise. Over 400 million to a billion is an average business. Our enterprises, local operators, are enterprises that are more likely to be micro or small. No one among us is as good as average yet.

Galyamov: I think “Neon-Art-M” is only suitable for medium, if we take the entire group of small ones?

Mamakov: No, we are small.

Gavrilova: The problem is that none of the small enterprises can apply for a lot of 90 structures, and for a lot of 20 structures no one can exclude the participation of a large operator. Thus, very significant disproportions are obtained.

And yet, there is the experience of Moscow, when an unprofessional operator comes to the advertising market, as, for example, the Magnit company, a chain of grocery stores, came. They bought a huge network to host their own advertising. They will pay to place these structures, but the city will not see taxes on these structures. The same danger exists in Kazan. Kazan is too attractive a city to exclude such a risk.

Galyamov: I think it's inevitable. “Magnit”, if it doesn’t win the auction, it will simply come and buy...

Mamakov: The executive committee is the master of the situation. And he can do a corrupt and maybe a non-corrupt competition. How would I do it? I would say that the city needs this kind of money...

Berezkin: The Executive Committee cannot make a corruption competition! This is already serious!

Mamakov: We understand what we are talking about. I want to say that it would be possible to make completely transparent conditions. There are professional operators, they have been identified, they have taken place. What prevents us from holding a competition and concluding contracts for the next five years in the same way, with the same operators that exist now?

Galyamov: Can this be done according to the law?

Dyabilkina: According to the law - no.

Berezkin: What scares you about an electronic auction, besides the technical component?

Mamakov: Nothing scares me. I'm telling you that I can't win this auction. And I don’t see any prospects for myself. Moreover, we are unable to participate in an electronic auction. There you need to undergo training for a month and a half...

Berezkin: So it's a matter of training? I marked this question for myself, because this question, as I understand it, is relevant... So, do you expect that the subjective factor will still play a role in choosing the winner?

Mamakov: Yes, but for us this is not the only moment. Financially we cannot compete...

Galyamov: The Federal Antimonopoly Service is precisely against subjective criteria...

Mullin: But on the other hand, there was a proposal that was in other cities - they offered some kind of improvement, something like that. That is, these are again additional sources, they must be clearly understood - the competition criteria.

Mamakov: That's possible too. We would love to make entrances to the city; we proposed them 10 years ago. They would make huge structures emphasizing the metropolitan appearance of the city...


Aleev: I am a representative of small business in Kazan, representing the companies Isis-K and Villa.” 17 years on the Kazan market. I completely agree with Alexey Mamakov about the fact that small businesses in Kazan are now being killed. Now a lot of beautiful general phrases have been said. I will speak in numbers and prove why this is happening. Starting price – 150 thousand. Approximately, taking into account the federal operators who will participate in the auction, the price will reach at least 200. Perhaps there will be more. The executive committee is tasked with installing new structures for the next five years. This means: manufacturing the structure - 100 thousand, taking into account dismantling and installation - approximately 150 thousand. That is, it already turns out to be 350 thousand.

Dyabilkina: So if new players come out, they will also be spent on installation...

Aleev: Now I will tell you what I think. That's 350 thousand. For reference, I’ll tell you in advance - in five years the payback limit is 400 thousand. There are 50 thousand left, of which I need to pay taxes and maintain the company. This is one side. That is, it turns out that the enterprise for the next five years is already, according to the numbers - and you can’t argue against the numbers - unprofitable, the business is unprofitable. The feds can afford to buy the structure for 250 - 300 thousand, because they have a buffer at the expense of other million-plus cities. They will simply take a source from Nizhny Novgorod, for example, and transfer it here. All this will be balanced and on average will be profitable in all cities of the Russian Federation.

I also want to say that our lots are formed in such a way that 30 percent of them are billboards on peripheral streets - Tetsevskaya, Gabisheva and others. These designs are unprofitable. Why in 15 years has no one delivered a single structure to Gabishev, although everything was elementary there - no auction, no anything? Nobody put it! That is, 15 years of practice shows that no one there needs this design. I had already talked to the customers in advance - they said: “I won’t be placed there even for 10 thousand, and I won’t be placed there for a thousand!” Although the average sale price is 15 - 16 thousand. What does this mean? Let’s say that now our local entrepreneur buys a lot and installs 30 percent on Gabisheva or Tetsevskaya streets. In three months he will understand that he simply will not pay for these structures, because no one will be located there. And payments to the city must be made monthly. He will be forced to dismantle them and, ultimately, the cost of one lotto place from these 30 percent will spread over the remaining 70 percent. That is, it turns out even more expensive. The payback line is further and further, beyond the horizon!

The World Cup is ahead, the city is in full swing: road reconstruction and so on, and as Irina Vitalievna said, we will definitely end up under road reconstruction. I assume that 10 - 15 percent of the structures will be dismantled or reinstalled. There is no compensation for dismantling structures. This is another plus to overhead costs. As a result, what do we get? There were 1,800 Euroshield structures, but 1,138 will remain. Plus, they removed guy wires, bridge structures and everything else; in the end, the city, according to my data, received 20 million monthly from advertising from Euroshields. Taking into account all that has been said, the city will receive half as much. It turns out that small businesses are being killed, the city receives half as much. In this regard, according to my information, in a year they will increase the prices for payments to the city by 25 percent. Next year- another 25 percent. In the end, the entire market was destroyed, and the city has half as much.

Why have small businesses held on until now? Because everything happened naturally. Starting from 1993-95, we bought one or two designs at a time, so we could grow the business gradually. And now we need, as Mamakov said, to get a huge sum, plus federal operators have also joined in... Then everything was natural, we were at home, we installed structures in our city and worked. Now the rules have changed - and we can't compete with the feds. If you look ahead, there will be no stone left unturned from small business!

Galyamov: Your suggestions?

Aleev: Mamakov spoke about proposals. My suggestion is that starting prices are too high.

Galyamov: But this is not a fundamental question.

Aleev: My proposal is that the lots for federal and local players should be divided in percentage terms.


Galyamov: Question for the city and the Federal Antimonopoly Service - tell me, is it possible to protect small and medium-sized businesses under the current legislation?

Dyabilkina: Under current legislation, there is one legal limit - the market share of one player should not exceed 35 percent. All. There are no other restrictions. We have a single economic space. Today there are legislative initiatives, a lot of them. But the legislative initiative you are talking about is a legislative initiative two years ago and the likelihood that it will pass... I want to say, if we postpone the auction, there will be losses in the city budget. And one more thing: we cannot simultaneously bid for 1200 structures and transfer 1200 structures. We simply won’t make it in time for the Universiade.

Galyamov: Will payments to the budget decrease or not after the adoption of new rules of the game?

Irina Dyabilkina: In 2006, the rental rate for advertising was set twice as high as in 2005. But since then we have never raised them...

Mamakov: But the UTII increases every year. Inflation is built into the ratio.

Dyabilkina: The Kazakh City Duma has not raised tariffs for advertising placement even once in the last six years, since 2006.

Mullin: And it was decided that we won’t raise it this year either, and we won’t raise it in 2013 either.

Dyabilkina: Last year, taxes on UTII for all types of activities were raised by 20%. The only one who didn't get a raise is Advertising activity. And Ramil Khamzovich and I stubbornly defended this, saying: stop trading with local players. We spent a lot of effort!

Gavrilova: The UTII coefficient in 2006 was 0.9, today it is 1.5. In 2006, we carried out this analysis, looked at the costs of other business sectors that are on UTII - yes, they pay UTII, but they do not pay payments to the city budget for the placement of structures. This burden falls specifically on the advertising business. And this figure is only growing. Each employee of a local enterprise has a workload (payments to the budget) of about 30 thousand rubles per month. This is what enterprises give to the city from each employee. This is an unsustainable burden for small businesses.

And one more thing - we are about to have an auction, and we will lose the structures that are currently standing, and we will not be able to replenish our market share. We are now looking at this objectively and, unfortunately, we have no grounds for optimism, and they are melting every day.

Why competition? Yes, because a competition can be held and small businesses can be admitted to it, and then some market share will be protected for us. These quotas correspond to federal state programs and state economic policy priorities; there are no violations in this, but this will allow small businesses to live on. Marcel says correctly: he built his enterprise one to three to five panels a year, and now, 20 years later, he is left with nothing! He will have to start something else, and all his activity, activity that has accumulated for 20 years, will go nowhere. And this is not one person, but a team of specialists. I agree - regional and federal companies have the right to be on the market, they are also useful, but there should also be a place in the market for small businesses. It doesn't remain.


Dyabilkina: Today we need some legislative regulations in order to do what you want. There are no such documents.

Gavrilova: Irina Vitalievna, you remember very well, 116th the federal law, which was adopted on October 16, 2006, literally saved the Kazan advertising market from total demolition. When the executive committee declared all index cards inoperative. Does everyone remember this moment? It was mourning in the city. The law was passed within one month, and this saved the market. Right now, the actual legislation does not contain direct tools that would protect small businesses. But haste in this matter...

Mamakov: Other cities are finding solutions within the framework of this legislation.

Galyamov: Give examples. What cities? What solutions?

Mamakov: Let's take Vladivostok...

Dyabilkina: I'll give you one last example. At the moment, Ufa has tried to make tenders for specific operators of three large ones - one has 180 structures, another has 200, and the third has 300. Without dismantling the structures, it simply announced a competition. And a fourth player appeared, who had never been on the Ufa market before. And he said: I want to buy all three lots. And how did it all end? The results of the auction have been suspended, there is court security for concluding an agreement, and so on. This cannot be done in highly competitive markets. And there are many such examples. If it happened in some city, it won’t happen now.

We did an analysis of auctions and competitions. Now the statistics are as follows: 50% of cities work through auctions, 25% have the form of an auction and competition, and only 25% work through competitions. That is, the trend is towards everyone going to auctions.

You know, in Krasnoyarsk, the outdoor advertising department approached the City Duma with a request that they be allowed to hold a competition. To which the City Duma of Krasnoyarsk said: “We do not want the outdoor advertising department to control and manage competitions,” and the deputies categorically refused to switch to a competitive system. Recently there was a review...

Mamakov: Let them refuse us too! Let's come to the City Duma too! Well, look, even our discussion is developing in an interesting way. We constantly prove that the city needs us. We always stand up for something, but the city always somehow brushes us off like an annoying fly: “Enough is enough, you can’t, the law prohibits us from helping you!” That's how I feel. “Go away, that’s enough for you already!”

Dyabilkina: You know, advertising firms and I spent a lot of time discussing the question: a competition or an auction. To be honest, we looked at both this and this form. And yet, the majority of firms expressed such concern - why do you think that if there is a competition, and with some subjective characteristics, that some pressure will not be put on the commission in making a decision in favor of some player?

I don’t understand why an auction is a form that you absolutely dispute? If we organize a competition, do you think that feds who have no work experience will come to participate in it? Unless Alexey Nikolaevich wins the competition, then this is exactly the car that can challenge the competition 100%.

Berezkin: Irina Vitalievna, I propose to listen to what criteria the competition might have in order to guarantee a win for the subjects of the NSR.


Mamakov: We are ready to pay money, let it be a paid competition, let the city receive money even after some time has passed after the competition...

Galyamov: No, well, that’s understandable, state the criteria. So that you can maintain your market share within the framework of current legislation.

Mamakov: Firstly, professionalism, work experience and fulfillment of obligations to the city.

Berezkin: All the feds have it.

Mamakov: Very good. Let them win too, and let them maintain the market shares they have now. In addition to bidding, local players in the outdoor advertising market will also have to fork out money for moving structures.

Galyamov: That is, your proposal is to ensure that the status quo is maintained, relatively speaking. And, for example, a Novosibirsk company or any other, say, Chelny company will no longer be able to enter the market, are we closing it?

Mamakov: No, wait, is the market closed now? Now we will conclude an agreement - is the market closed or not?

Dyabilkina: There is a secondary market.

Galyamov: It turns out that you have concerns that non-professionals will participate in the auction or what?

Mamakov: Secondary, of course, it exists. It seems to me that if the executive committee has the desire, it is possible to find a form of support for small and medium-sized businesses in the city of Kazan within the framework of the current legislation. Other cities – there are examples, let’s invite them. There was a conference, but it was closed, because we weren’t allowed there when you invited people from all regions and decided how best to do it. Well, let’s call the smartest one and listen to what we think!


Mullin: Alexey, you say that you are in a boxer's pose. Perhaps you just joined it yourself and are fighting with someone there, it’s not clear who? In this case, for me you are the same player as everyone else sitting here. I talked to you and your manager. And when there were some questions, when I gathered you several times, I said: “Guys, I am open to dialogue, we are ready to discuss all issues with you.” I don’t see any such trend that someone has taken a boxer’s pose and I’m fighting with someone there. Today, as a manager who oversees the industry, it makes no difference to me: whether “Neon-Art-M” will approach me, or whether it is “Design Master”. I will listen to everyone and make recommendations if possible.

You were asked a specific question: “What criteria will allow a local player to remain in this market?” And this was said six months ago, when we met. We met several times, but today the positions that have been verified federal legislation, - They are not here. Therefore, if there is something specific, we are ready to discuss it.

Galyamov: So you were ready six months ago?

Mullin: Certainly.

Dyabilkina: Of course, we asked everyone to present these criteria. You didn't give any criteria.

Mamakov: Wait, Irina Vitalievna...

Mullin: And the most important thing. I also want to say: there were the same meetings with the same federal players you call - with “Gallary”, “Big Board” and so on. They were ready - you’re talking about street furniture - the same thing: “Big Board” was ready to line the entire city center with street furniture, just so that everything would remain in place. I want to say that they are also interested in this competition. But we told you in Russian: “Give us criteria that will allow you not to break the law.”

Nobody is at war with anyone. We have no conflicts with your company or any other company. It is important for us that people who work in Kazan work in Kazan. And it is important for us to work with professionals, as you say. And I don’t think that someone else will appear who will simply buy it all.

We are also interested in this business working and working properly, so that there are professionals. The same “Magnit” in Tolyatti cannot figure out what to do with these shields. That is, we also know this experience.

As for the conference, it was closed because we studied the experience regulatory framework, not relationships. In terms of relationships, we met with everyone. They met with me several times. So if someone was not allowed somewhere, this is probably a special case, and therefore there is no boxer’s pose. There is just basic dialogue.


Mamakov: OK then. There is a dialogue, and at any moment when we need to get to you, we can get there, this is very good. I talked about my feelings. Regarding the criteria, Tatyana Dmitrievna, tell me.

Gavrilova: I'll make an analogy with sports. In sports, a fight is judged according to the same rules, but in sports they will never pit a lightweight fighter against a heavyweight. We are now being forced to fight a heavyweight - they are pushing us to an auction and putting Mr. Valuev in front of us. Our format does not correspond to this, so we obviously lose. Let's organize a competition, an auction, but in such a way that small businesses compete with each other.

Galyamov: No, we all understood that. You tell me how. The question was: “How to do this within the law?” Here is the Federal Antimonopoly Service sitting in front of you.

Gavrilova: Within the framework of the law, I do not know of any norms that will be violated by the competition procedure.

Berezkin: The fact is that the law on advertising does not make it possible to provide any preferential right to small businesses. I quickly ran through these amendments. Yes, indeed, there are points in 135-FZ that allow SMP to extend the validity of lease agreements until 2018. There is no such thing in Law 38. Moreover, the 94th Law makes it possible, or rather, not only gives an opportunity, but provides a preemptive right for small businesses to participate in tenders, that is, any state customer is obliged to conduct at least 10, but not more than 20 percent of their tenders with small businesses . In 38 there is no such provision, unfortunately. And I understand your concerns. Indeed, the arguments presented are quite serious. But from the existing point of view legislative framework, today it is impossible to provide any preferences to small businesses here. How this can be done by the city administration - there are no ready-made recipes, and right now I’m sitting here - I can’t even suggest anything, because we need to think about this issue. The only thing that worries me in this regard is that we started discussing this topical topic literally a month before we were supposed to undergo all the necessary procedures. That is, the problem was voiced only here, at the round table, just so acutely.

Gavrilova: Until the bidding scheme was presented, we had nothing to evaluate...

Berezkin: What, you didn’t know it would be like this?

Dyabilkina: This is the decision of the Kazakh City Duma in 2006, guys...

Gavrilova: The fact is that the decision does not in any way affect the question of how the lots will be distributed. And if there is a rule in another law that allows a quota of 20 percent of the market to be played out among representatives of small businesses, then the advertising law does not prohibit this.

Berezkin: This is in 94-FZ.

Mamakov: And in our case, large businesses also have the right to apply for this 20 percent! Let's look for a solution!

Berezkin: I agree, and perhaps there is some option, but I can’t answer you right away, because in any case, we need to involve experts here.

Galyamov: Alexey Nikolevich, you are the most interested parties in this process, why have not Neon-Art-M or any other company legally worked through all these issues and presented them to the court, including the public?

Gavrilova: I'll explain. Irina Vitalievna said absolutely correctly that this is the first situation in Russia. We are as much pioneers here as the executive committee. Therefore, we are only now coming to such conclusions, after analyzing what is happening in other regions, analyzing our previous experience, looking at archives, and so on, and seeing the scheme that the city offers. But we are now coming to these conclusions, and they are simply cutting us down...

Galyamov: I haven’t believed for a long time, in fact, that the feds will come and buy up. It’s no secret to me that this all happens at the level retail. It's an avalanche. I am also an opponent of this avalanche, but there are no arguments yet, it turns out, no legal ones. Then only the legislative initiative of the State Duma remains.

Gavrilova(parallel): We don’t have the practice of keeping silent and keeping some trump cards up our sleeves...

Berezkin: Even if we draw an analogy with 94-FZ, although we understand that 38 does not imply such a norm, then the same federal officer will file a complaint and say: “Why was the preemptive right granted to them, on what basis?” And in accordance with the law, the executive committee will find itself in violation of the law.


Galyamov: Here we have the Kazakh City Duma in the person of Ildus Akhtyamovich. You can listen to the opinion of the deputy and a large entrepreneur.

Yanyshev: Let me start as an entrepreneur, I guess. There is a natural process of dynamics and dialectics of business development. We observed this in retail, when local players were forced out due to the emergence of federal players, and in insurance business, and in banking these things are happening now. And now, probably, the time has come for the advertising business to redistribute its areas of activity, because the emergence of any major federal or international player means that they are capturing a certain segment of the market and displacing several players into perhaps less attractive segments.

Here now, in general, we are talking about the Euroshield market, which by definition implies the emergence of large contracts, because they are interested in cooperation with transnational companies, especially on the eve of the Universiade. It is clear that contracts will probably also be given to federal players, who will offer a higher quality advertising product not in relation to the Kazan market, but in general. And since this event will require global advertising campaign Accordingly, they will demand that these companies provide resources, including our city, on the principles of the global market.

On the other hand, as a representative of the association of small and medium-sized businesses, I also share the concern of my colleagues that it is necessary to find some tools and solutions to protect our small and medium-sized businesses. But, probably, here the city is like municipality a very small circle and tools for solving problems, because in attempts to protect small and medium-sized businesses we will always contradict some federal regulations, therefore, as a deputy, I would be glad to hear proposals from my colleagues. How could we protect your interests without violating federal law? That is, you probably should have come here prepared and offered us a legally verified solution that we could implement in our City Duma. So far there are only beautiful frames, motives for self-preservation as a business player, not supported by any legally verified decisions.

I am not an expert in the advertising business, and would be glad to hear your ideas, not just emotional ones, but based on similar markets. Surely some similar decisions in the field of protecting small and medium-sized businesses were made in similar markets in other regions and constituent entities of the federation. Give us this solution, you are interested in this. We, as deputies, will implement these things.

Mamakov: We gave a proposal, it is in the handouts. The most effective thing is to amend the law “On Advertising”.

(In the audience - ironic laughter)

Yanyshev: Federal? This is not our subject matter.

Mamakov: It's funny to you, but for us this is the most effective.

Berezkin: It’s not funny to us, but this process takes a very long period of time.

Mamakov: In 2006 it took a month. At the moment, as we were told from the State Duma, this issue should be considered in the next two months. Perhaps it will not be considered, but we have until September 1 of the contract. Sorry, you now want to redistribute the market, while we have agreements on this market, this is not clear to us.

Dyabilkina: You save the contracts, no one is stopping you from saving these contracts!

Mamakov: Undoubtedly. But look, if a company wins, let’s say, it buys a lot or two lots of 90 designs - 180, and it also has billboards. How will you calculate its market share?

Mullin: Taking into account the winnings.

Mamakov: And more than 35 percent will immediately appear there. But it will only be a month. And while you start production...

Dyabilkina: Alexey, even if one company wins all the lots, its share will be less than 35 percent. Because the share is calculated from the total area of ​​all advertising structures. We have already done all the calculations. That is, your argument is not serious.


Yanyshev: As an entrepreneur, I will also share my experience. In our market for remote security and monitoring, there was also and is a constant threat of the arrival of federal players, but with accession to the WTO these will probably be transnational companies. We make a decision on local consolidation, that is, we create, through the tools of combining companies - and not only resources within the framework of some business promotion projects, namely property resources - in order to resist, compete and have the very scale that allows us to survive for some time or be investment-attractive for subsequent acquisition. That is, you probably now have not so much legal, but economic mechanisms consolidation - pooling resources or a deeper solution plan that will allow you to survive in this way.

Galyamov: How many companies have you united like this?

Yanyshev: We have united about four players and now occupy a fairly serious place in the market. And, in general, there are attempts by federal players to come, but they cannot do anything with us. They only need to negotiate with us, because the emergence of a new player is, in principle, impossible, and federal players do not yet have the technologies to cover the market, as in IT technologies or telecommunications, to do this in one click.

Gafiyatullin: Ildus Akhtyamovich, excuse me, but this again leads to monopolization of the market.

Yanyshev: And this is the dialectic of market and business. One more observation - speaking about the topic of the round table, we kept saying: small business is under threat, small advertising business is in a discriminatory state, but in essence, it seems to me, we were talking about one of the tidbits of the advertising business - Euroboards. But we have 11 more positions - supersites, superboards, pylons, pillars and so on, and this is what can be the subject of activity of small and medium-sized businesses in Tatarstan, and I even think that the advertising business will not limit itself to these positions and will look for new ways to promote business. And this, probably, is the whole dialectic, that the most tasty morsels go to the big players, and small businesses, due to their flexibility, proximity to consumers, and identification of new segments, offer new solutions. Therefore, I would not pose the question so clearly pessimistically: what does small business in general and in particular advertising business the end is coming. We just need new solutions, new niches, new promotion mechanisms and not focus only on Euro-boards.

Galyamov: Thank you. Munir Minkhaidarovich, you are a member of the working group on economics of the Public Chamber of the Republic of Tatarstan. What is your opinion on what to do?


Gafiyatullin: In this situation, I see only one solution. I'll give you an example. I was in America, there is a city called Dallas, you probably know. We were invited to a meeting of the local Duma, where I was surprised by one decision of the local deputies. You know, this was completely nonsense for me. America is a country where there are market relations. Only the one who wins more money will give and everything else. Deputies voted to give away the lot for the sale of collateral stationery, furniture from the local city council to a local entrepreneur. And most importantly, do you know where we stopped? Not on money, but on the fact that they have been working in this market all their lives, and on the fact that the company is led by a person who was once a deputy. Using these arguments, they lobbied for this issue and no one made a tragedy out of it, you know?

Galyamov: Let's ask a representative of the Federal Antimonopoly Service, can we do the same?

Berezkin: The fact is that in America the legislation is somewhat different from ours, and the procedure for carrying out such procedures involves pre-qualification - exactly what you were talking about. We exclude prequalification a priori, therefore...

Gafiyatullin: Why are we always trying to finish off small and medium-sized businesses? This completely surprises me. You know, we are doing exactly this, the whole situation as a whole is heading towards this. You understand, well, they united, four or ten enterprises. Useless! Confronting Moscow companies is generally simply unrealistic with their money. And in this situation there is only one left the only way– this is the decision of the deputies when they say: “Guys, we have so many designs. Let's do this - let's vote as local authorities authorities who have every right to do so. We approve, right? Give 40% of the market to small and medium-sized businesses, don’t let anyone in...” Do you understand?

Galyamov: Everything is correct, but the prosecutor’s office and the Federal Antimonopoly Service will probably be the first to punish the City Duma after this.

Mamakov: Let them sue, for God’s sake...

Gafiyatullin: And then, secondly, guys, you don’t count money at all! You immediately get a lot of money in one place, and then what you lose over the years, you don’t even calculate it.

Mamakov: We have 200 people working for us, and these are professionals, specialists. Without this market share we cannot exist. It is very serious. And when Putin and Minnikhanov say that professional jobs are needed, specialists are needed, then they need to be cultivated for decades! Now they exist, but tomorrow they will not exist.

Gafiyatullin: Now, unfortunately, Shamil Rakhimovich, who started with this, has left. He began with this, that the entire West, even within one small town protects the interests of its producers, its working class.

Galyamov: You know, I think that in general our entire conversation needs to be taken to another level. I agree, and this is clear from many segments that the country is at the mercy of multinationals and large companies. What to do in this situation?

Gafiyatullin: Then, it turns out, you need to sell...

Galyamov: Here we have three representatives - Executive Director and two SME Association board members. There is an initiative of people who experience this, so they are part of the association. I also invite you to take an active part in the activities of our association, Alexey Nikolaevich. Come on, people unite when they feel bad. There is no way out: when entrepreneurs need to take the initiative into their own hands, we need to create a powerful association and generally speak at the city, republic and country levels, but our voice is not heard. The voice of an entrepreneur is heard only when he is pinched, excuse the word. You feel bad - you are talking about small and medium-sized businesses, but in ordinary life we ​​don’t talk about this. And although every day, I agree, macroeconomic and other conditions are systematically created for its at least stagnation, and generally, slowly, disappearance. I personally don’t see any other way out but to be politically active lobbyists for our interests within the framework of such associations.

Gafiyatullin: But local authorities do not support us...

Galyamov: We need to work with deputies and the State Duma.

Gafiyatullin: Well, let's enter into a contradiction. True, this is a war. Let's vote and say: here is the market, 30 percent of it belongs to small businesses.

Dyabilkina: This is a violation of the law.

Galyamov: It is necessary for the association to act and work on the political front.

Aleev: Can I say it allegorically? Here we have Vladimir Vladimirovich and Rustam Nurgalievich knocking on the podium with their fists - the way to small business! But in fact, it turns out that a small business is like a rabbit - it does not want to be eaten and resists with all its legs.

Galyamov: If the rabbits unite, they can turn into a collective lion.

Gavrilova: And one more such point can be noted. For the executive committee, as far as I understand, it is now obvious that small businesses in this situation are simply in a very difficult situation, for small businesses this is obvious, the situation is clear to everyone. Why doesn’t the executive committee support the association and outdoor advertising operators and appeal to the president and the Duma with a request to speed up the adoption of these amendments? Support us!

Mamakov: To protect small and medium-sized businesses.

Galyamov: Because they will point at the officials and say: “Come on, sit down!” And he will sit. The association should do this. Officials are executors of instructions from above.

Gavrilova: No one will point at the president; he can lobby. The President of the Republic of Tatarstan signed this bill.

Galyamov: Well, there is a vertical power structure in the country, so why do you want the authorities and officials to go against the grain? Business itself must be politically active! And lobby for your own interests. This is the first time I’ve heard of your existence at all, excuse me, and the first time I’ve heard that you once declared the interests of small and medium-sized businesses in Kazan...

Mamakov: Everything related to outdoor advertising and all advertising operators, we have occupied and continue to occupy active positions for a very long time!

Galyamov: You don’t need to talk only about your small segment, you need to talk in principle about small and medium-sized businesses as a whole.

Gafiyatullin: I take a very active position on all issues in the working group of the Public Chamber.

Galyamov: Our Public Chamber, with all due respect, is the periphery of social and political life. It is necessary not to act within the framework of the Public Chamber, but to go to other platforms.


Gavrilova: If the federal chamber of commerce and industry supported these amendments, why can’t the regional, republican chamber do the same? Why, if the President of the Republic of Tatarstan signed a letter expressing unequivocal support for this bill and another 82 heads of constituent entities of the Russian Federation did so, why can’t this decision be made? I'm talking about amendments to the law "On Advertising".

Galyamov: When did they sign them?

Dyabilkina: No one has signed them yet; this issue has been under consideration for two years. All this has been seething in the Russian State Duma for the last five years. There is one amendment from Uralsky federal district- they are asking to extend the contract until 2015. There is an amendment that asks for 60 percent to be given to small businesses. There is an amendment that asks for up to 10 years to set the validity period of contracts for the installation of advertising structures, and so on. But at the moment, I know that not a single amendment has received a positive conclusion through the antimonopoly authority.

Gavrilova: Gone. I have a copy of the document.

Galyamov: Irina Vitalievna, why is the executive committee not satisfied with the current status quo? Why is this reform necessary now? Why not postpone it for two years? Is this required by law or what’s the matter?

Dyabilkina: At the moment, according to the law, their permit is expiring; in a month they must dismantle their billboards; if they have not dismantled them, then I have the Federal Antimonopoly Service, which obliges me to dismantle the illegal advertising within 30 days. I am legally obligated to do this.

Berezkin: This must be done upon expiration of the contracts.

Galyamov: Is it possible to extend these contracts?

Berezkin: New contracts must be concluded in accordance with the law. Through bidding, the competitive procedure must be followed. Otherwise, the outdoor advertising department of the city of Kazan, as well as the executive committee, will be found to have violated the requirements of the current legislation for inaction.

Mamakov: I have a proposal - go to the City Duma, we can write a letter on our own asking the executive committee to allow the competition.

Dyabilkina: Alexey, the auction has been operating since 2006, you have wasted your time, I have this feeling, you want to stop the bidding procedure altogether now. If you wanted to change the auction to a competition, you had six years. We have been holding auctions for six years. six years! And not once did you say that you were against it.

Mamakov: Why didn't you take care of small business? So tell me, you are a government agency, why don’t you monitor the interests of the city, why do you always lobby for the interests of transnational companies?

Dyabilkina: I do not lobby, I am the executive branch, I implement the laws that currently exist.

Mamakov: And what? The law provides for, correct me if this is not so, a competition or auction. After all, it was you who proposed at the City Duma to hold only an auction and exclude competition. Or did I suggest?

Dyabilkina: The issue at the City Duma at that moment was very seriously discussed by deputy commissions.

Mamakov: Did anyone invite us to this commission? Here I am - a large one from a small and medium-sized business, has anyone ever invited me there?

Dyabilkina: Alexey, there were six years when you could have protested and come up with an initiative; you haven’t come up with an initiative in six years!

Galyamov: So, this is a private question. In principle, the positions of the parties are clear. I propose to wrap things up now; we have discussed all the main issues. Let's give everyone another minute to speak. We’ve been working quite productively for two hours now, I think.

Gafiyatullin: Irina Vitalievna, a question for you: now the facades of many buildings in the city center, since the billboards are removed, will bloom in riotous colors. Is there any protection against this? To leave the buildings and have less advertising on the facades.

Belitskaya: Now the new document is at the final stage of approval, and all this is provided for there. The new document is aimed at improving the aesthetics of the city; it will add to the decision of the Kazan City Duma.

Gafiyatullin: Sometimes behind a sign or behind advertising on the facades the building is not visible at all, but the city center of the building should be shown. especially monuments.

Belitskaya: On monuments, this is all allowed no higher than the 1st floor and very delicately, and even the size will be recommended depending on the width of the street.

Gavrilova: Irina Vitalievna, you said that taking into account the total area, no one has 35 percent, here in the handout there is the number of designs, sizes and formats - those that are standard. Can you calculate the total area?

Dyabilkina: The total area of ​​advertising structures is 240 thousand square meters. We are posting this information on the website today at the request of advertising firms. Because according to the law on advertising, all advertising structures for which a permit has been issued are considered, and every year the FAS controls me in these areas and in shares.

Mamakov: We ask both the public and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry to support our initiative and express their opinion on the protection of small and medium-sized businesses in the city of Kazan. In fact, we are not weakening our fight, we have been proving our position all the time, the decision on such auctions has been made now, so now we have become more active. And I believe that it would be wrong to hold the auction before a decision on these amendments is made. Even if they are not accepted, the decision on the auction must be made on September 1 and carried out from September 1.

Nikolaev: There are several comments and one suggestion. Indeed, the problem has been standing for a long time; in 2006, at the second congress of entrepreneurs, we held a special round table, and then the situation was slightly resolved at that time. But now, apparently, the same moment arises when the situation again reaches a bit of a dead end, however, we from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry are really ready to consider this issue more carefully and support it at the federal level. We have the opportunity to go through the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, there are also deputies who are from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, in a word, there is an opportunity to somehow speed up this process. This is the first point. And the second point is the proposal itself. Here the situation is as follows: large branding takes place in large cells, and if large lots are made, then all the feds can seize large lots. I have a proposal - if the lot is broken up into smaller pieces, then maybe this small fish, so to speak, will be able to slip through.

Gafiyatullin: This doesn't help the situation. The price will only rise; the smaller the lots, the more profitable it is for the city.

Galyamov: Capital wins here anyway.

Berezkin: I can even tell you more: with small lots, there will be those places that you can’t sell to anyone later. Now they can at least be given as a load with normal ones.

Nikolaev: And one more thing, Marcel’s thought was absolutely correct. After all, what is the situation? And in 2006 it was already traced, and now it has, in principle, been confirmed. Small and medium-sized businesses, which advertised themselves through these very large signs, are not able to pay those high prices, because the cost of structures rises.

Galyamov: We invite you to the Internet!

Nikolaev: Markets are different. There are those markets where you need to work through billboards...

Galyamov: I think the share of small and medium-sized businesses there is very small and is definitely decreasing.

Gafiyatullin: There is only a drop in the quota every year, there is no other drop...


Mullin: Dear colleagues, thank you very much for the productive conversation. What I want to say: we are always open to dialogue, but the dialogue should be constructive, not emotional. We are the executive branch and work within the framework of the law, we are ready for any changes within the framework of the current legislation, but no regulations, which have not yet been adopted, are not a reason for us to cancel or do something. We are working within the framework of current legislation and will move gradually within the framework of what is planned. If the situation changes within the framework of some new adopted documents, I think that the situation will be revised or supplemented within the framework of our activities and subsequent work. We are also for this market to remain and operate normally, we are only for a constructive dialogue, but I say again - everything must be verified, everything must be within the framework of the law, then we are ready for any changes and decisions.

Dyabilkina: I'll add it too. My personal opinion is that a market is healthy and competitive when there are at least 15 companies operating in it, and the companies should be large, medium and small. At the moment, unfortunately, the legislator has not given us the tools. If I had this tool (I repeat, my personal belief: a healthy market is when all firms are present, each company has its own niche, its own local client, etc.) - it would be better for the market. But at the moment there is no legal mechanism on how to implement this. We have been sitting with advertising firms for almost a year and a half and discussing this issue - we have not found a solution.

Aleev: In order to preserve small and medium-sized businesses in our city, it seems to me that we still need to somehow push through a competitive basis through the City Duma, or somehow distribute the market in percentage terms. For example, my colleague went to Japan, there a city official gathers all the entrepreneurs and he turns to them, they don’t knock on his door, he turns to them: what do you need so that you work well, but pay my tax to the city? The main thing is that everyone pays taxes correctly. They write and he does it all.

Galyamov: Clarifying question: do you know that our cities, unfortunately, do not depend on business taxes?

Aleev: Why is this? We pay UTII to the city. And now the feds will come and take all this money there, to Moscow, and it will turn out that the city will lose a lot more.

Dyabilkina: The federal company “Design Master” also pays UTII, but many local firms do not pay UTII and are subject to general taxation.

Aleev: How's that? Large businesses pay VAT, the tax goes to Moscow...

Dyabilkina: Many local firms are subject to general taxation, because with the entry into force of amendments to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation in 2009, firms with more than 100 employees or where 25 percent or more of the founders are legal entities switched from a single tax on imputed income to general taxation. And there are nonresidents who pay UTII.

Galyamov: Have you said everything, Marcel? Does anyone else have anything to add?

Nugmanova: I would also like to say that if even some part of the percentage of those lots that are now put up for auction, for example, is somehow demarcated and given to small businesses, then this will not prevent large transnational corporations and federal operators enter the auction as a small business. We are all equal before the law, and any individual entrepreneur, any entity can participate in these auctions if it is registered here, and the fed can easily come out under the name of a local player and buy out the same small lots. This small percentage, which may remain if auctions are held for our medium and small businesses, may go in the same way to large transnational corporations.


Galeev: I have an observation and a corresponding remark. Constantly, no matter how much I participate in all sorts of such meetings, I observe confrontation between officials and entrepreneurs. Or citizens. Why is this happening? Aren't you citizens of our city? Don't you live here? Why do you always say: give us mechanisms, give us laws? Let's consolidate! Shamil Rakhimovich and Munir Minkhaidarovich said correctly: the city can cast its vote! Let it be through the courts, through some sensational statements, but let us create a precedent and at least once try to protect our entrepreneurs!

Gafiyatullin: Nail Kamilievich, they’ll just be fired from work and that’s all on the second day, you know? There are such examples in other cities. The Tariff Committee recently reported such a case. In Nizhny Novgorod, one of the local officials rose up against the tariff. The next day an order came from Moscow to fire him. And they also issued a decree that no one would hire him, and in the end he ended up with a wolf ticket. The rules of the game for officials come from there and to say that they must go against these rules is unrealistic. We can only unite ourselves, and officials are not our help here. Believe me.

Galyamov: The minimum task is for officials represented by local authorities to work within the framework of the law. I have been observing for a long time and see that we have a systemic confrontation between the executive committee and the Federal Antimonopoly Service, which we can only rejoice at. Because when they look at each other, there is some guarantee that the law will be followed. The problem in Russia is that the law in our country often does not apply. Despite the fact that my heart is on the side of our entrepreneurs, with my mind I see that the executive committee within the framework of such auctions and in advertising policy is as transparent as possible. That is, 5-6 years ago this did not exist. There were strange mechanisms, lobbying companies and so on. We all know a lot of stories. Therefore, task number one is to ensure that the law is in effect, and the Federal Antimonopoly Service must monitor this. In principle, everyone now has access, but now, unfortunately, everything will be decided by the availability of capital. This dialectic of time, as Ildus Akhtyamovich said, is very difficult to resist, because the same thing is happening with banks - the feds are buying up local banks, networkers - "Perekrestok" and so on - have done this for a long time.

That’s why in the 90s they said that sovereignty is, first of all, economic selfishness. Therefore, of course, here at the strategic level it is necessary to develop solutions to protect local manufacturers, players, etc., etc. An example of this is today's discussion. It’s not for nothing that I focus on the association - and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry also has something to do with it, but the Chamber of Commerce and Industry is such a gigantic structure, there are many oligarchs in it, and the association is small, local, it is a lobbying platform specifically for small and medium-sized businesses. Therefore, business must realize its interests, unite within this platform and strategically promote these things at all levels. And I, as a member of the council, invite all players advertising market, who has money, will, desire, to this platform in order to unite and protect their interests.

As for the current round table. It seems to me that the conversation was very productive, the positions of all parties are clear, let's take time and study the documents that were presented by the executive committee and the Neon-Art-M company. I think that this is not the last round table; after some time we can get together again and discuss. I thank all participants, thank you very much.

Direct sales is a business model that always involves direct communication with the client. Therefore experience successful company can be a valuable contribution to the development of anyone big business. During our existence, we have formulated five most important principles that help us remain among the leaders.

Build trust in the brand When positioning the brand, a clear proposal must be created that will display the usefulness of the product and its value to the consumer. And in fact, the proposed product must correspond to the declared value. Trust is built on this. Only by fulfilling the stated obligations (on product quality, its effectiveness), can one achieve the trust and loyalty of consumers, distributors, and partners. For example, we have a system for returning goods if they don’t suit you or you don’t like them for some reason. It is more important to satisfy the customer's needs, not just sell an offer. It is much easier to maintain the loyalty of existing customers than to constantly look for new ones.

Surprise your customers Introduce innovations (technological and scientific) into products and services - this is the only way to develop them and improve their quality. Carrying out scientific research with the involvement of external partners and the introduction of innovations is an integral part of our company’s activities in the development and production of products.

Use available communication channels. For example, we use development ecommerce and digital marketing tools. The company sees social media as an effective tool for communication between distributors and consumers, as well as a platform for communication between distributors.

We also take advantage of the Internet technologies available today. By visiting the company's website, the consumer can obtain comprehensive information about the product, select a suitable (geographically) distributor, and submit an application to purchase the product. About 60% of purchases are made using this tool.

Keep up with the times Follow trends and try to predict their development. Now the world is much more dynamic than it was 3-5 years ago, and in order to stay afloat, you need to be able to grasp on the fly everything that is happening around you in order to make the right move.

Let me give you an example: we are constantly launching new products in the beauty field - in a market we have long conquered. And this year we entered a completely new path for us, but popular among young people, by launching energy drinks. Thanks to the positioning and quality of the product itself, we achieved a wow effect. Wherein New Product fully complies with the company’s operating principles and values.

Share success with partners For us, the main measure of success is the achievements of our millions of distributors around the world. Their victories are victories for the entire company, so we understand the value of every employee and distributor. All of them are the main driving force that allows the company to be where it is now. Therefore, the focus is on long-term sustainable development and providing support to all business participants to fully realize their potential.

Consider local characteristics For the success of multinational brands, a local approach is important. To achieve good sales and customer loyalty, get involved in your local communities. This will allow you to get to know each other better, and the companies to make effective decisions for a particular market.

We constantly develop and implement training and information projects to support our employees, distributors and partners. This approach allows you to organize work effectively and reminds people that they are members of the same team and the work of each of them is important. We also actively participate in the life of local communities, supporting and organizing various social initiatives. Working for the benefit of society, we contribute to the development of our own business.

If earlier the term “consumption” was associated more with gastronomy, today it has become commonplace for financiers. We often hear: “a fall or increase in household consumption, the consumer sentiment index has fallen...”, of course, realizing that this entails a change in our sales. With a limited volume of consumption, it is necessary to build your sales in such a way that they not only remain the same as in previous periods, but also grow, because the company’s expenses are increasing, despite our efforts to optimize them. This means that we must ensure sales growth to maintain profitability at least at the same level. This task should be solved by financiers together with other departments, in particular commercial.

To maintain and, most importantly, expand our position in the market, our company carried out a large analytical work. First of all, we analyzed changes in the behavior of buyers of our products. Of course, such work is done all the time, but this time the analysis was carried out taking into account today's changes. After all, a change in the buyer’s situation entails a change in our sales.

What we analyze

During periods of instability in world markets, including the Ukrainian one, it is necessary to monitor changes online. The role of the CFO in this process is very important. For example, one of the consumers of our company's products are metallurgical plants. Accordingly, changes in the metal consumption market affect not only the manufacturers of these products, but also us as their suppliers. In this case, the financial director must warn commercial divisions about a possible decline in sales and the need to find alternative clients.

In case of shortage Money It is necessary to reduce the inventory turnover period as much as possible. We must clearly understand what kind of products the consumer wants to purchase. This requires a detailed analysis of the products sold, as well as possible changes market conditions. For this purpose, inventory balances are constantly analyzed and the safety stock of products is determined as accurately as possible, because it washes away the company’s working capital.

To optimize working capital, it is very important to have an ideal stock of goods in warehouses, that is, exactly as much as is necessary to satisfy customer needs. The role of the financial director in this matter is to ensure that commercial departments do not increase the size of the safety stock. After all, any businessman is afraid of being left without goods, and a financier understands that safety stock is practically a cost for the company, and not only for its storage and transportation.

To more accurately understand the level of such stock and effectively order goods from suppliers, product turnover is constantly analyzed.

Turnover can show us how many days we sell a product and whether we have built the right relationship with the supplier in terms of payments for the supply of this product. For example, if factory No. 1 gave us a deferment for payment of 60 days, and our turnover is 41 days, then the financial leverage is 19 days. That is, having received money for the goods sold, we can pay the factory. The opposite situation is with factory No. 2. With a delay of 30 days, our turnover is 74 days. In other words, we need to look for additional funds to pay this factory, since we did not sell the goods to pay the supplier. Alternatively, it will be money received from the sale of goods from factory No. 1. Or we will be forced to negotiate with the supplier to increase the deferment.

To understand the reasons for the cash shortage, we made a calculation: an indicator of the difference between the debt at the beginning of the period plus the goods sold minus the money paid to the supplier (Table 1).

As can be seen from Table 1, for factory No. 1 the debt at the beginning of the analyzed period was 100, the amount of goods sold from this supplier in purchase prices was 1900. At the same time, in this period, factory No. 1 was paid 2500. Thus, the difference between the debt , goods sold and money paid was -500. This means that we paid 500 monetary units to this supplier, attracting our own working capital or funds received from the sale of products from other suppliers. This indicator is calculated both based on the cost of goods sold and taking into account marginal income. In this case, we can see if we are paying the supplier at the expense of our margin.

Expanding the toolkit

Of course, in the tables it looks simple and obvious. I determined that the turnover exceeded the deferment period, and agreed with the supplier on a longer period. In practice, everything is different. After all, now not everyone has free funds to make an advance payment or provide a deferment.

In pre-crisis times, many companies began to forget about classic deferments, factoring and other payment terms. Sales based on advance payment or upon shipment have become frequent. The consumption boom increased the demand for products and in many cases the buyer raced for the goods. Today the situation has changed. To sell your product, you need to take a certain risk and offer the client various payment options. In this case, the financial department must offer a compromise settlement scheme that is minimally risky for the company and beneficial to the buyer.

What should we do if we understand that in order to increase sales volume we need to provide more deferments, but the supplier is not ready to do this or provides insufficient deferment for us, often requiring prepayment to minimize its risks of refusing the ordered products? Figure 1 shows that in order to produce products we need to make an advance payment 60 days before receiving the goods.

The buyer is ready to purchase it with a deferment of 30 days. As a result, the financial cycle is 90 days. In other words, we need working capital for 90 days. In this case, the financial department is forced to look for additional working capital to finance this transaction. But you can use various financial instruments to reduce the financial cycle and reduce the need for working capital. For example, when making payments to a supplier, a letter of credit can be offered to reduce his risks. This makes it possible without involving working capital receive the goods, sell it to the buyer, even with a delay. To speed up settlements and attract additional capital, you can arrange factoring with the bank during a purchase and sale transaction. In this case, the goods will be sold, and the necessary funds will appear to pay the supplier or purchase a new product. As shown in Figure 2, the financial cycle can be reduced to zero.

Thus, after analyzing the market situation and determining what was happening with our customers, we came to the conclusion: we need to change, or rather, expand the sales format.

Previously, we specialized more in wholesale sales, that is, they had the same type of buyers, received lower marginal income, focusing on turnover.

Understanding that today some wholesale buyers are leaving the market or reducing the volume of purchases, we began to focus on another segment of buyers - retail and small wholesale. Comparative analysis The data showed that with wholesale sales the margin is lower. With the expansion of the sales format, not only the markup increases, but also their volume. After all, we have the opportunity to offer our products to the end consumer.

To implement this idea, we needed to change the format of our warehouses, open Retail Stores, reformat branches into wholesale and retail warehouses and stores. Undoubtedly, this entailed an increase in distribution costs and required certain investment injections, but the profitability of sales still increased - due to a change in marginal income.

We managed to resolve the issue of increasing costs. When changing the formats of our warehouse stores, we joined forces with related companies. So, now in our stores there are operators selling accessories and home textiles as subtenants. This not only helps us share costs between all operators, but also attracts additional buyers, because when purchasing fabric, they will definitely go to the accessories department to buy, for example, buttons for future products.

By implementing this idea, we came to the conclusion that with a change in the economic situation, great opportunities for the development of the company could open up.

Against the background of a difficult overall market situation, LEMKEN, a specialist in the field of professional crop production, managed to maintain a good position and end the year with a net profit of 327 million euros.

This is 4.7% less than the previous year, but still the best figure in the industry. The number of company staff worldwide at the end of the year increased by 30 people and amounted to 1,307 employees.

That's why CEO Antoni Van der Leij is pleased with the results. “2015 was marked by many unpredictable changes,” stated Van der Ley. “Farmer incomes in Germany, France and the UK have fallen due to unfavorable price conditions.”

In this regard, the turnover of the German domestic market, after significant successes in the previous year, returned to a volume of 90 million euros. However, the LEMKEN team managed to maintain the same level of turnover abroad. Thus, most markets in Central Europe - in particular Poland, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria - showed growth.

Unexpectedly, things were going well with sales in Ukraine. On the other hand, due to political sanctions and changes in the exchange rate, business in Russia suffered, although good results were still achieved through the efforts of LEMKEN distributors. In the largest foreign market, France, low farmer incomes led to lower sales, but despite this, LEMKEN was able to expand its presence there. In the UK, sales fell slightly.

Canada and China have become relatively new sales markets, where sales of German agricultural machinery continued successfully last year thanks to an extensive sales and service network. As a result, the share of exports increased to 73%.

In total, 13,370 vehicles were produced last year. Their largest share fell on plows and machines for stubble tillage (23 percent each), followed by equipment for sowing (25%) and plant protection (5%). New machines, production of which will begin in 2016, include trailed field sprayer Vega and improved short disc harrow Heliodor 9(working width increased from 3 to 16 meters), as well as Juwel mounted plow in modification with mechanical adjustment of the angle of inclination.

In addition to product innovations, LEMKEN again invested heavily in construction sites and equipment in 2015, with a total investment of EUR 33 million. A new plant was completed in Haren (Emsland region), where since 2016 the most modern conditions All trailed and mounted field sprayers will be produced. A new design and development facility with jobs for more than 100 engineers and a testing facility was put into operation in Alpen. In addition, there was a new workshop with an area of ​​10,000 m² for a larger and modern production components.

From current year The family business expects a slight increase in volumes. Despite current market weakness, further investment is planned. Current projects for 2016 include improving logistics and the associated increase in the efficiency of using expanded production space. In addition, a complete restructuring of the service division and increasing its customer focus is planned.

Construction training center AgroFarm for theoretical and practical training and new site for sales and service LEMKEN near Orleans (France) will be completed between June and October this year.

With more than 1,300 employees worldwide and a turnover of more than 327 million euros, LEMKEN, a specialist in professional horticulture, is one of the leading companies in Europe.

Founded in 1780 as a forge, today the family-owned company produces high-quality, high-performance agricultural machinery for soil cultivation, seed sowing and crop protection at its headquarters in Alpen, at two other German factories in Haren and in the Indian city of Nagpur.

Person responsible for press contacts:

Lars Heier

Phone +49 2802 81 - 195

Fax +49 2802 81 - 262


The VVS company provides exclusively analytical services and does not consult on theoretical issues of marketing fundamentals(calculation of capacity, pricing methods, etc.)

This article is for informational purposes only!

You can familiarize yourself with the full list of our services.

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Modern economic conditions bring to the forefront in business the need to find opportunities to maintain and increase its profitability. By optimizing business processes in a company, you can increase profits or reduce costs. Each step to improve the main processes brings your company closer to a stable and economically secure position. We will tell you in this article how to become a market leader by making thoughtful and informed decisions.

To become a market leader, increase your target audience

Why are some brands giants while others are content with modest numbers? What is the main difference between them? How to become a market leader? Successful business development is impossible without its owner knowing the answer to these questions.

The leading factors influencing brand awareness are considered to be two:

First– customer loyalty. It is measured by the average number of purchases per consumer. If Masha buys 20 cans of Coca-Cola per month, and Kolya only buys 5, then Masha is a more loyal customer.

Second factor – market coverage. To measure it, the number of buyers who prefer this brand is calculated. For example, Coca-Cola annually increases the number of unique consumers of its products by 100 people, and Pepsi - only by 40, therefore, the Coca-Cola market is much larger.

Both of these factors are significant in shaping the size of a brand, but one plays a more serious role.

The overwhelming majority of marketers are confident that the basis successful business constitutes customer loyalty. Gain more loyal customers and your company can become as successful as Nike.

In other words, Apple and Nike did not reach the top of their business because they had an army of loyal customers. This is not enough to become a market leader. Although loyal customers are an integral part of the success of well-known companies, it is the reach of a wide audience that makes a brand a leader.

The market for influential brands is usually much larger than for small ones. In 2005, a large-scale study was conducted in the USA, which affected all brands of shampoo presented on store shelves. It turns out that Suave Naturals has 19% of the market, while its competitor Finesse has only 2%. The loyalty scores of these brands were 2 and 1.4, respectively.

In marketing, this is known as the double jeopardy law: small brands have fewer customers with low levels of loyalty. This ultimately explains small size business.

We answered the first part of the question – about the reasons for the difference in the size of the importance of brands. Now let’s figure out why brand awareness is growing. What exactly helps a company become a market leader?

For popularity trademark mainly influenced by an increase in its market share. To become a leader, a small brand must solve the difficult task of luring customers away from a larger competitor. It should be understood that it is impossible to force people to make purchases more often than they need, while maintaining 100% loyalty. No brand has this indicator, but an increase in the number of fans of a particular brand allows it to increase sales and strengthen its position in the market.

Therefore, to change the market coverage, two methods can be used:

    Increase in the number of buyers.

    Reduced customer loss rate.

Which of these methods will allow you to achieve your goal with the greatest efficiency?

Many marketers are convinced that in order to become a market leader, all efforts must be focused on retaining existing customers, but attracting as many new customers as possible should still be considered more effective.

Controlling customer churn is an incredibly difficult task, so relying on this method in an attempt to become a market leader is unlikely to be effective. In the 1980s, car dealers in the UK and France reported a churn rate of 47%. For the market leader, Ford, it was 31%; for Honda, which at that time was the smallest brand in the industry, it was 53%. Today, Ford boasts the most loyal customers, but the gap between it and the smallest brand is only 10%.

Therefore, in terms of customer churn rates, the difference between large and small brands is not too great. It would seem that Honda will be able to increase its share and get closer to the leader if it achieves a halving of the number of customers leaving it. But in practice this is impossible to do. Most best option become a market leader - constantly work to attract new customers.

What leadership strategies exist?

A market leader is a company that dominates a particular segment both for customers and for its competitors. For other market participants, this company serves as a guide; they choose a strategy of either attack or avoidance in relation to the leading player. The market leader can choose different techniques, since his position allows him to dictate his terms to other participants. The disadvantage of being a market leader is the need to spend effort and money to maintain dominance and fight competitors who are trying to win back some of the customers.


1. Market expansion. Increasing demand for a product is a strategy that can bring good results, since in this case it is the market leader who will increase sales in the first place.

A company's strategies to become a market leader include attracting new customers, offering innovative uses for the product, and increasing usage.

2. Protecting your market share. Along with sales growth, protecting the company's market share becomes more important, as players emerge whose actions could seriously undermine the leader's position. Your task is to minimize the likelihood of active actions on the part of competitors.

The leading company can defend itself different ways: through positional defense (existing markets become the object of protection, but an attack from substitute goods cannot be ruled out); flank defense (includes the creation of goods that can limit the arrival of substitute goods or those products that will occupy free niches); pre-emptive strikes (directed against competitors in order to reduce their ability to concentrate on those areas where the leader is most vulnerable); retreat (the company leaves the market, the protection of which does not seem appropriate).

3. Increasing market share. indicate that in almost all industries, an increase in market share leads to a significant increase in the profitability of its participants.

At the same time, companies striving to become a leader are forced to overcome many restrictions: antitrust legal regulation; the presence of market segments that are not attractive; marketing expenses that exceed revenues from increasing market share. In most cases, growth in market size and sales volumes while maintaining a constant share can be considered optimal.

What needs to be perfected to become a market leader

1. Range.

It is likely that the products you offer are presented big amount items and is not inferior in breadth of range and quality to its main competitors. However, this is not enough to become a market leader. To stand out from the crowd, you need to add a product that stands out from others like it in terms of longer life, more features, or ease of use. The market leader must offer a unique product that other sellers do not have.

2. Promotional materials.

It is impossible to become a market leader without developing a corporate identity and brand book. In order for promotional materials to be as effective as possible, certain rules should be taken into account when creating them. For example, for the B2B market grey colour has become a symbol of solidity and reliability, but it cannot be classified as one that sells. By adding red you can get good result. It is best to entrust the development of a corporate identity to a successful advertising agency.

In the brand book of a company striving to become a market leader, it is necessary to disclose in detail the concept of the brand, describe target audience, formulate rules for using the brand in various communication means. Compliance with them is mandatory not only for employees, but also for business partners. The brand book sets out the requirements for the use of various elements of corporate identity, up to color combinations, font, type of letters, regulated appearance corporate souvenirs, documents, stationery.

The correct use of corporate identity by clients should be monitored by regional sales managers. Identified deficiencies must be corrected immediately. This is necessary to become a market leader in your segment.

3. Company catalogue.

For each group of products, it is recommended to publish advertising booklets describing their advantages and detailed technical information. POS materials are designed to create a consumer culture, educate customers and partners, and tell them about market development trends. Distribution can be carried out in various ways - together with products, at exhibitions, conferences and seminars. Do not overload promotional materials with technical details; their goal is to interest potential buyer, so they should be understandable, emotional and colorful.

Base your advertising campaign on a simple message designed to improve consumer perception of your brand. The image that is closest to a wide audience happy person using the products you represent.

5. Education.

Direct communication with the audience - important step on its way to becoming a market leader. It is necessary to convey information to the consumer about the advantages of your products. One of effective methods are one-day seminars held in various regions of the country. You can invite experts or top managers from your company to serve as lecturers. Training managers of companies with which you cooperate can be no less effective by organizing master classes on topical issues in production or in the showroom of a distributor company. Based on the task facing the partners, logisticians, technical specialists or marketers are assigned to carry them out.

6. Participation in exhibitions.

Try not to miss a single exhibition, the subject of which allows you to present your products, be it events at the local, regional or federal level. This increases brand awareness and will allow you to become a market leader faster. After some time, a distributor will be able to represent your company’s interests at local exhibitions. The design of the exhibition should attract the attention of visitors.

7. Working with the site.

The content and design of the site must be given the most serious attention. The main requirement for a resource is its relevance and maximum convenience for users. The site must provide detailed information about each product, including specifications, drawings, photographs, cost. In essence, it should replace the technical catalog of products of a company that strives to become a market leader.

The advantage of the site will be the possibility of its adapted viewing with mobile devices. Provide your Internet resource with convenient online services that will simplify customer interaction with your company. Social media Today - essential tool direct communication with consumers, allowing you to maintain a dialogue and quickly answer their questions.

All of the above actions are aimed at reaching the widest possible audience, attracting new loyal customers and, ultimately, becoming a market leader in its segment.

6 recommendations on how to become a market leader when introducing a new product

As mentioned earlier, to become a market leader, you need to offer a product that your competitors don't have. When removing it, follow these recommendations:

1. Study the market thoroughly.

The introduction of a new product must be preceded by marketing research, as a result of which it is necessary to obtain answers to the following questions:

    What product does the consumer need?

    Who sells a similar product, what is the combined share of your future competitors?

    In what weak sides products already on the market?

    What qualities should a new product have to beat its competitors?

    Are there real barriers to entry into the market?

    What are its growth prospects?

2. Build competitive advantages.

In order for a product to quickly enter the market and successfully supplant competitors, it must have those qualities that the product currently on sale lacks, and which the consumer expects from it. To determine them, it is worth conducting a large-scale customer survey and consulting with experienced experts.

Although it is often enough to carefully analyze the information that is freely available, from the point of view of common sense. This will help identify the unique features of the product, the launch of which will give your company a chance to become a market leader. In any case, the problem that needs to be solved at this stage, – to identify areas of development that are promising from the point of view of competition. Depending on the specifics of the activity, they can be different: the composition of the product, its packaging, a wide product line, and so on.

3. Use modern technology production.

Technological lines that meet the latest requirements allow us to optimize the production cycle. This allows the company to become more flexible, quickly respond to fluctuations in consumer demand, and provide all retail outlets with the necessary assortment.

4. Set up sales channels.

A company just entering the market with its product faces a difficult task - to find retail outlets that would agree to sell it, because a similar product is already on the shelves. Often creating your own retail network becomes the optimal solution. Sales points can be located both in residential areas and in the central part of the city. After some time, when the consumer appreciates the quality of the products you offer, it is possible that retail chains they will make you offers for cooperation.

5. Product promotion.

To become a market leader, you must ensure positive public opinion regarding your products. The media must regularly publish materials containing the opinions of authoritative experts, employees of supervisory authorities, confirming high quality and product compliance with all requirements. In the eyes of consumers, you must become a manufacturer that guarantees a wide range of, convenient packaging, constant availability of goods on the shelves.

6. Personnel selection.

Competent selection of personnel is one of the most important conditions, the fulfillment of which will help you become a market leader. There are different approaches to team building. There are managers who are convinced that employees who do not have experience in this industry master new technologies faster, and therefore give preference to them. They believe that the main thing is not the skills that the employee will acquire fairly quickly, but his desire for success and the ability to become a reliable member of the team.

Each employee must understand how important his work is to achieve the final result. If you set a goal for your staff to become a market leader in one year, this will motivate employees to perform their duties conscientiously.

What is the best motivation for employees? Naturally, a decent salary. If your employees earn a little more than specialists in similar positions in competing companies, they best workers they will want to come to you. In addition to the basic amount, it is necessary to provide incentive payments based on the results of work. And most importantly, staff must feel respected by management. This does not require material costs, but is highly valued.

Some more important tips for those who strive to become a market leader:

    A sharp increase in sales is not always good for the manufacturer, since there may be interruptions in the supply of products, as well as a lack of finances. In addition, stable production volumes will help maintain quality at a high level.

    If you are faced with an attempt to copy your products, use salespeople in your retail outlets to create a negative attitude towards counterfeiting. Maintain the consistently high quality of your products, and your dream of becoming a market leader will come true quite quickly.

    Do not strive to reduce product prices. Higher cost than competitors will allow you to invest in Newest technologies, consult with specialists high level, conduct master classes for staff. Over time, you will be able to purchase additional equipment and significantly expand production.

If you're really thinking about becoming a market leader, these steps will get you there.

3 more leadership factors - development functions

Leadership theories that are described in the literature are based on a variety of models and matrices, which are not without shortcomings. Based on our own practice, we have formed our view on how to become a market leader.

Three functions can lead a company to a leading position: strategic management, innovation management and marketing. All of them are aimed at development. They help identify opportunities and determine profitability potential. The functions are closely related to each other, which is reflected in the most popular management concepts - “strategic marketing”, “innovation strategies”, “marketing innovations”. However, this is often the most important concepts very little attention is paid, and this is done illiterately and ineffectively.

To understand how to become a market leader, you need to properly analyze your business.

There are many ways to analyze a business, but not all can be trusted.

For example, Professor Robert A. Howell from the USA, who is considered a recognized authority on issues accounting, believes that the so-called “big three” financial statements - income statement, statement of cash flow and balance sheet - have the same practical use today as the Los Angeles map -Angeles 1930s.

We have to agree that if financial and accounting performed their function 100%, we would not have to see so many investment and business projects that fail for reasons that come to light when nothing can be changed.

Methods for accounting for indirect costs, that is, those that are not directly related to products or services, have long been outdated and hinder reliable analysis. Research that is traditionally carried out for the purpose of market research is also not truthful and does not provide an idea of ​​​​the real state of affairs, because it is based on questions that the researcher himself formulates, while a non-standard approach is required.

The most important decisions in business should be made based on the results of an analysis of the market, products, consumers, and competitors, carried out using special methods. In other words, the basis for further development is analytical marketing. Most experts associate it exclusively with Internet marketing, but this concept is much broader.

Without business intelligence, you will inevitably end up with strategy reduced to mere planning, marketing simply an advertising expense, and innovation just minor changes to outdated technology. Look at your company from the outside and try to answer simple questions: “Can I become a market leader? Do I know well enough how to achieve this?

Even a basic business analysis allows you to increase sales volumes by 30 or even 50%, using techniques such as rational redistribution of resources, reducing unprofitable areas of activity and strengthening more promising ones.

The methods we use in our work, in almost every case, identify new opportunities that help companies become market leaders in their segment. Sometimes it is enough to simply refuse to produce certain products or provide services, and the chances of achieving leadership increase sharply, since free resources appear to achieve the goal.

What problems does a company need to solve to become a market leader based on the results of marketing analytics?

The priority should be a global strategy, that is, the desire to declare oneself on the world market. The bulk of Russian manufacturers are focused exclusively on domestic consumers and do not even include entering the market of other countries among their strategic goals.

Meanwhile, creating a business that can withstand any economic shocks is only possible if it has access to the world market. After all, even a business that is initially designed for domestic consumption (construction services, beauty salons, bakeries) is much more viable if its activities are based on global quality standards. Therefore, in order to become a market leader, it is necessary to focus on the requirements that the global market puts forward.

Without the potential to enter the global market, you have no chance of conquering the domestic one. You can easily be beaten and become the market leader by a competitor with a bigger mindset.

For small and medium-sized businesses focused on consumers within the country or only in their region, attention to the cost structure, the relationship between direct and indirect costs of products or services, as well as diversification comes to the fore.

Distribution companies should focus on alignment with regional strategy, a clear understanding of what price range for each product group is demanded by the market, and the dynamics of changing consumer segments.

Solving these problems will not only allow you to become a market leader within a region or country, but will also give impetus to the development of export potential and remove previously existing barriers. It will be possible to seriously think about finding foreign partners and distribution channels in the USA and European countries.

However, in addition to the will, effective technologies will be required to bring new opportunities to life.

In addition to analytical techniques that allow you to select the most promising markets, products and services, there are other technologies that are no less important for companies planning to become market leaders. One of them is marketing and sales planning. Often Russian companies put into this concept the meaning that is completely different from what is needed. A clear symptom of this situation is the lack of relationship between the activities of the marketing and sales departments. The managers of each of them believe that they are the ones who contribute to the flow of money into the company's cash register, while others are doing something unclear.

In a company that has set itself the goal of becoming a market leader, the work of these critical departments must be carried out in full cooperation, which embodies communication marketing planning and sales. Moreover, this dependence must be quantifiable. In the works of Western marketers, much attention is paid to this topic.

When the implementation of a marketing and sales plan is approached consistently and accurately, the results exceed your wildest expectations. Often, a marketing tool that was not even considered possible before can cause sales to increase by 30% in 1-2 months, although it costs little or nothing to the company.

For example, today every company, regardless of whether it operates in the consumer or B2B market, has come under the influence of the SEO fever that reigns in Internet marketing.

The effectiveness of this marketing tool is indeed very high, and in relation to small and medium-sized companies it will remain relevant for a long time. It should be understood that no tool is universal, and when economic conditions change, it is necessary to be able to find new ways of promotion if the company wants to maintain its leadership position.

SEO optimization bears fruit when several conditions are simultaneously met - proper distribution of resources between various means of communication, a successful strategy for business units and the company as a whole, and optimization of the product portfolio.

If there is growth, but it is directly dependent on the budget allocated for contextual advertising, then your company’s chances of becoming a market leader will burst like a bubble as soon as you stop investing in SEO. In order to truly control a significant market share, it is worth listening to our recommendations and going through all the steps towards this goal from the very beginning.

To become a market leader, an organization needs to study a large amount of market information, which the enterprise often does not have. Therefore, it is worth turning to professionals. Our information and analytical company "VVS" is one of those that stood at the origins of the business of processing and adapting market statistics collected by federal departments. The company has 19 years of experience in providing product market statistics as information for strategic decisions, identifying market demand. Main client categories: exporters, importers, manufacturers, participants commodity markets and B2B services business.

    commercial vehicles and special equipment;

    glass industry;

    chemical and petrochemical industry;

    Construction Materials;

    medical equipment;

    food industry;

    production of animal feed;

    electrical engineering and others.

Quality in our business is, first of all, the accuracy and completeness of information. When you make a decision based on data that is, to put it mildly, incorrect, how much will your loss be worth? When making important strategic decisions, it is necessary to rely only on reliable statistical information. But how can you be sure that this information is reliable? You can check this! And we will provide you with this opportunity.

Main competitive advantages our company are:

1. Data accuracy. The preliminary selection of foreign trade supplies, the analysis of which is carried out in the report, clearly coincides with the topic of the customer’s request. Nothing superfluous and nothing missing. As a result, we receive accurate calculations of market indicators and market shares of participants.