Leonid Melamed arrest. Who is the ideologist of the Leonid Melamed case, and what is the ultimate goal of the attack on the former leadership of Rusnano. What you need to know

Life shows that the old folk wisdom, which says that a truly talented person always achieves success in everything he undertakes, is indeed relevant in our very difficult times. One of these bright personalities who has achieved triumph in completely different spheres of activity of modern man is Leonid Adolfovich Melamed. It is his destiny Interesting Facts and the main life milestones we will consider in the article.

basic information

Leonid Melamed, whose biography interests many today, was born in Moscow on July 11, 1968 in the family of the famous medical worker. The father of our hero, Adolf Abramovich, was a well-known trauma surgeon at City Hospital No. 7 both in the capital and abroad. For his contribution, the hardworking physician was awarded the Order of Honor in 2011.

Leonid’s mother’s name is Alla Grigorievna, and for many years she worked in the construction industry, holding the post of deputy director of the State Unitary Enterprise “NIiPI General Plan of Moscow”.


Leonid Melamed studied at the Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy, from which he graduated with honors. Specialization - orthopedics and traumatology. During his student years, the man worked part-time as a nurse and orderly. In addition, the now well-known statesman was able to write and defend his Ph.D. thesis. In this regard, after graduating from university, he combined work with preparation scientific work. But still, as Leonid Melamed himself recalls, he was forced to make a choice in favor of business, abandoning surgery, where regular and full-fledged practice was required.

Labor activity

In 1991, the hereditary physician became an employee of an insurance company called the Russian People's Insurance Society (ROSNO). He was hired as a medical consultant. But literally a year later, the energetic employee was appointed director of the center providing medical insurance, and a little later he became the second person in the company, occupying the chair of deputy general director.

In September 2003, Leonid Melamed received another promotion and was confirmed as director of ROSNO.

In the period 2004-2006, he was the head of the council of experts resolving issues on insurance legislation under the Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, specializing in financial markets and credit organizations.

In 2006, Leonid Adolfovich, who at that time was already recognized as a true professional and very effective leader, ended up in MTS. This fact may seem somewhat surprising at first glance, but there is a very simple explanation: the corporation for which Melamed worked owned both ROSNO and MTS. Thus, the manager changed the insurance industry to the telecommunications industry. In his new post, the hero of the article was able to more than double the company’s capitalization in just two years and make it the undisputed leader in the number of connected new subscribers.

At the end of spring 2008, Leonid Adolfovich Melamed left MTS and became president of AFK Sistema, a company experiencing an extremely difficult crisis at that time. But after three years the man left this job and became the founder own business, creating a company called Team Drive, whose main activity was the management of venture funds and the management of very large, one might even say large-scale, projects.

Since 2012 and to this day, the former physician has been a member of the Expert Council working under the auspices of the Russian government.

Achievements and recognition

Leonid Melamed (biography, his photo is given in the article) is rightfully one of the most literate and successful managers Russia over the past 10 years.

In 2004, he won the “Person of the Year” award, established by the Rambler Internet holding, and also received the “Golden Salamander” - an award given to the best leader in the insurance business.

At the end of 2005, Leonid Adolfovich was recognized as the best manager. And four years later he became a leader among top managers in Russia, according to the country’s specialized association.

In 2010, based on a rating compiled by the respected newspaper Kommersant, the businessman was in first place in the Financial Sector category. In the same year, Melamed received a significant bonus from his employers from Sistema in the amount of 0.0009 percent of the company's shares, the value of which was 110 thousand US dollars. This allowed the manager to enter the shareholder structure of the entire corporation.

Personal life

Leonid Adolfovich Melamed, for whom, despite all his career achievements, his family has always been in the first place in his life, has been married for many years. His soulmate's name is Marina Samuilovna. People who love each other are raising four children: Polina, Sofia, Alexandra and Ilya. The head of the family loves skiing and enjoys car racing and mountaineering.

Leonid Melamed has a namesake, who was the head of the state corporation RUSNANO, and is currently under investigation. This “double”’s name is Leonid Borisovich Melamed, and he has been charged with illegally embezzling the property of the company entrusted to him in the amount of more than 220 million Russian rubles.

Leonid Adolfovich, in one of his many interviews, recalled that in his youth, while studying at a medical institute, he dreamed of becoming a doctor for some sports team, but the start of perestroika changed his life.

When asked about his style of managing subordinates, Melamed invariably answers that when communicating with his team, he always uses words and terms that are simple and accessible to each team member, and also voices specific goals and deadlines for achieving them. And then each employee must check his actions against the requirements presented to him and work hard. In addition, Leonid notes that for him personally, money and fame no longer play a key role, and the opportunity to truly create something has come to the fore needed by society and be in demand as a specialist capable of transferring his knowledge and experience to people.

Society, 22 Feb 2018, 15:02

The electronic bracelet was removed from the ex-head of Rusnano Melamed ... From the ex-head of Rusnano Leonida Melamed and the former financial director of the organization Svyatoslav Ponurov were removed by bailiffs... -head of Rusnano Melamed will be released from house arrest Melamed and Ponurov are accused of embezzlement of state corporation funds. According to the prosecution, Melamed was a co-owner of the company...

Society, 21 Feb 2018, 12:34

Former head of Rusnano Melamed will be released from house arrest ... Leonid Melamed and another person involved in the case - the former financial director of Rusnano - will be in... the court, considering the petition of the prosecutor's office, did not make a decision on the extent of suppression Leonid Melamedu, the former head of Rusnano, and Svyatoslav Ponurov, the former financial director of the company... accusations that Alemar was a co-owner Melamed and under the guise of consulting services, Ponurov and Andrei Malyshev, arrested in absentia (deputy Melamed) withdrew money from Rusnano... The court returned the case of the ex-head of Rusnano Melamed to the prosecutor's office ... The court returned the case against the ex-head of Rusnano to the prosecutor's office Leonida Melamed about the waste of 220 million rubles. Previously in court for him... the case of the former chairman of the board of Rusnano was sent to the prosecutor's office to eliminate violations Leonida Melamed and the former financial director of the corporation Svyatoslav Ponurov, who are accused of embezzlement... "Rusnano" under the leadership Melamed entered into contracts with the Alemar company, the co-owner of which, according to the investigation and the prosecutor’s office, was also Melamed. The contracts stipulated that... Chubais stood up for the former head of Rusnano in court ... ex-head of a state corporation Leonida Melamed, accused of embezzlement of 220 million rubles. Chubais stated that he himself made the decisions that impute Melamedu as criminals Chairman of the Board of Rusnano Anatoly Chubais testified in court in the criminal case of his predecessor Leonida Melamed and ex... Chubais will be interrogated in the case of the ex-head of Rusnano ...a witness for the prosecution in a criminal case brought against the former head of Rusnano Leonida Melamed, who is accused of embezzlement of 220 million rubles. This is reported by..." three persons involved: former chairman company board Leonid Melamed, its financial director Stanislav Ponurov and deputy Melamed Andrey Malyshev. They are accused of misappropriation or... The ex-head of Rusnano did not admit guilt in the case of embezzlement of 220 million rubles. ... Chairman of the Board of the State Corporation "Rusnano" Leonid Melamed did not admit guilt in the case of embezzlement of 220 million rubles. Theft Melamed committed through a false government contract with a company controlled by him, believes the Investigative Committee. Former Chairman of the Board of the State Corporation Rusnano Leonid Melamed and her... The court returned the former head of Rusnano Leonid Melamed to house arrest ... a Moscow court decided to place the ex-head of Rusnano under house arrest Leonida Melamed during the consideration of the case of embezzlement of more than 220 million rubles... Chubais stated that Melamed and Ponurov are innocent. Criminal case against Ponurov and Melamed The court will begin hearings on May 30. Earlier... interrogation of a number of witnesses who testified about involvement Melamed to crime." Previously Melamed was already under house arrest since July 2015... The prosecutor's office asked to send Melamed to a pre-trial detention center ... The prosecutor's office asked to put the ex-head of Rusnano under arrest for six months Leonida Melamed and the former financial director of the state corporation Svyatoslav Ponurov, who are accused of... transferring funds.” Melamed does not admit his guilt. The current head of Rusnano, Anatoly Chubais, stated that Melamed and Ponurov are innocent. Melamed was under... Chaika reversed the decision to return the case of the ex-head of Rusnano to the Investigative Committee ... violations" The decision to return the criminal case against the ex-head of Rusnano Leonida Melamed and the former financial director of the company Svyatoslav Ponurov to the Investigative Committee... suspects Leonida Melamed in embezzlement of more than 220 million rubles. in 2007–2009. According to the Investigative Committee, who then held the position of head of Rusnano Melamed concluded... regarding Melamed The Investigative Committee reported in June 2016. Melamed did not admit his guilt. According to RBC sources in the FSIN, Melamed released from... The Prosecutor General's Office sent Melamed's case for additional investigation ... The Russian Prosecutor General's Office returned the case of the ex-head of Rusnano to the Investigative Committee Leonida Melamed, who is accused of embezzlement of 220 million rubles, for additional investigation... this information. According to investigators, in 2007 and 2009 Melamed on behalf of Rusnano entered into contracts with the investment and financial corporation Alemar... Malyshev, for six months they “illegally transferred funds” to the company’s accounts Melamed and his partners. Myself Melamed did not admit guilt. The ex-head of Rusnano was released from house arrest ... Former head of the Rusnano corporation Leonid Melamed, accused of embezzling 220 million rubles, was released from home... » Leonid Melamed, accused of embezzling more than 220 million rubles, has been released from house arrest. An interlocutor at the Federal Penitentiary Service told RBC about this. " Melamed was... company accounts Melamed and his partners. Myself Melamed did not admit guilt. The current head of Rusnano, Anatoly Chubais, also declared innocence. Melamed and Ponurov... Russian courts became four times more likely to be released on bail ... Bricklayer. The ex-head of Rusnano is also under house arrest. Leonid Melamed. The lawyer notes that the control system for... The Investigative Committee completed the investigation into the case of the ex-head of Rusnano ... the committee completed the investigation of the criminal case against the ex-head of Rusnano Leonida Melamed. Along with two more former managers state company he is accused of... name - "Rosnanotech") Leonida Melamed and the former financial director of the state company Svyatoslav Ponurov. Interfax reported this on June 27. ​Investigators accuse Melamed and Ponurov in... The ex-head of Rusnano was allowed to serve house arrest in Serebryany Bor ... The court allowed Leonid Melamedu serve house arrest in his own house in Serebryany Bor. Previously... he was allowed three-hour walks in the park Former head of Rusnano Leonid Melamedu, accused of organizing the embezzlement of more than 220 million rubles, was allowed to serve... became the former financial director of the state corporation Svyatoslav Ponurov and the former deputy Melamed Andrey Malyshev. Malyshev was arrested in absentia, Ponurov was taken into custody... The former deputy head of Rusnano was arrested in absentia in an embezzlement case ... “Rusnano”, became known in July 2015. The defendants in the case were Leonid Melamed, who headed Rusnanotech (reorganized into Rusnano in 2011) in 2007 ... major embezzlement committed by a group of persons (Part 4, Article 160 of the Criminal Code). Leonid Melamed is under house arrest. Ponurov was taken into custody. Andrei Malyshev... initiated in 2013, later it was merged with the case Melamed, Rusnano lawyer Alexander Asnis told RBC. According to him, the accusations... The deputy chairman and a member of the board of Rusnano became suspects in an embezzlement case ... Now. As Rusnano explained to RBC, they are combined with the case Leonida Melamed All in one Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Rusnano Corporation Yuri Udaltsov... with the case of the ex-head of Rusnanotech (since the end of 2010 - Rusnano) Leonida Melamed, Rusnano lawyer Alexander Asnis confirmed to RBC. Accusations against Udaltsov and Urinson... have begun to stir,” says another RBC source familiar with the progress of investigative measures. Leonida Melamed detained in early July 2015. He is accused of embezzlement...

Technologies and media, 24 March 2016, 22:49

The company of the arrested Leonid Melamed will lose its main customer ... April HC "Composite", the general director of which is under house arrest Leonid Melamed, will be left without its largest customer. The Rosatom State Corporation refused to renew the contract for... the relationship is not related to the arrest Leonida Melamed.​ Melamed has been under investigation since the summer of 2015. The Investigative Committee accuses Melamed embezzlement of 220 million rubles...

Politics, 29 Feb 2016, 17:12

The court refused to release the ex-head of Rusnano from house arrest ... three months, until June 11, house arrest of the ex-head of Rusnano Leonida Melamed, an RBC correspondent reports from the courtroom. Judge Elena Lenskaya refused... not confirmed, the defense lawyer pointed out. Moreover, in eight months, that Melamed spent on Leninsky Prospekt, the businessman’s chronic diseases worsened, he insisted... in the village of Serebryany Bor, where Melamed lived with his family before his arrest. Peel also recalled that Melamed transferred 227 million rubles. on the...

Technologies and media, 15 Feb 2016, 14:52

The court refused to release the ex-head of Rusnano on bail ... The Moscow City Court recognized the legality of the ex-head of Rusnano being under house arrest Leonida Melamed and refused to release him on bail, reports RBC correspondent from... Rusnano OJSC Andrei Rappoport and businessman Alexander Lebedev. Positive characteristics Melamed The current head of Rusnano, Anatoly Chubais, also signed. “Rusnano doesn’t have... it’s under house arrest, Melamed cannot control the work of the company and the implementation of defense orders, Pankratov spoke. Myself Melamed was extremely brief. He... The court allowed the ex-head of Rusnano three-hour walks around Moscow ... -Head of Rusnano Leonida Melamed, but allowed him to take daily walks. Judge Artur Karpov refused to release the ex-head of Rusnano on bail. Leonida Melamed, leaving it... and a description from the head of Rusnano Anatoly Chubais, who indicated that “ Melamed has always been guided by the interests of the state corporation, is actively involved in social activities" Walking on... Lawyers spoke in court about the poor health of the ex-head of Rusnano ... Lawyers for the ex-head of Rusnano Leonida Melamed stated at a meeting of the Basmanny Court that their client is suffering nearby... The Basmanny Court of the capital must decide the issue of extending house arrest Melamed until March 1, 2016. He was detained on July 1... Criminal Code). According to investigators, in 2007 and 2009 Melamed, at the same time being a co-owner of the investment and financial corporation "Alemar" (CJSC "IFK "Alemar... Banker Lebedev will offer bail for Leonid Melamed on Monday ..., offer a deposit of 100 million rubles. for the ex-head of Rosnanotech Leonida Melamed, accused of embezzlement of 220 million rubles. state corporations. This was reported... by him. According to investigators, in 2007 and 2009 Melamed, being simultaneously the head of the state corporation and co-owner of the investment and financial corporation "Alemar... consulting services between two companies. Under the guise of these services, the deputy Melamed Andrey Malyshev and Rusnano financial director Svyatoslav Ponurov for six months... The Moscow City Court left Melamed under house arrest until early December ... to the former head of Rusnano Leonid Melamedu, who is accused of embezzling more than 220 million rubles. funds of a state-owned company, Interfax reports. Arrest Melamedu The Basmanny Court of Moscow extended... million rubles. or easing the conditions of house arrest. The lawyers asked for Melamedu the right to take daily walks and use the Internet for business purposes. Protection... by my leadership,” he addressed the court Melamed. According to the TFR, in 2007 and 2009 Melamed, being both the head of a state corporation and a co-owner...

Business, 03 Sep 2015, 13:49

Chubais promised not to abandon Melamed and Ponurov ... on Thursday that he is absolutely convinced of the innocence of the ex-head of the state company Leonida Melamed and former financial director Svyatoslav Ponurov. Chubais said this... I didn’t learn anything new,” said the head of Rusnano. Former head of Rusnano Leonid Melamed is now under house arrest in a case of embezzlement by more... corporations of a consulting agreement. According to law enforcement, deputies Melamed Andrey Malyshev and Ponurov (now in pre-trial detention) for... The court left Leonid Melamed under house arrest until December 1 ..., head of the investigation team on the case Melamed Sergei Mikhailov on extending house arrest for the ex-head of Rusnano Leonida Melamed. The ex-head of a state-owned company is accused... - General Director of Composite Holding Company Leonida Melamed Melamed, while simultaneously being a co-owner of the investment... Investigators ask to extend Melamed's house arrest until December 1 ... ex-head of Rusnano Leonida Melamed until December 1, an RBC correspondent reports from the courtroom. According to the investigator, the commission of a crime Melamed proven by the testimony of witnesses... an agreement for the provision of consulting services to Rusnano. The Investigative Committee believes that the deputy Melamed Andrey Malyshev and financial director Svyatoslav Ponurov (currently under... The court left the former financial director of Rusnano in custody ... "Rusnano" Leonida Melamed. On August 31, the court will consider a petition to extend the arrest period. According to investigators, in 2007 and 2009 Melamed, being... a state corporation of consulting services. Law enforcement officers believe that Ponurov, as well as the deputy Melamed Andrey Malyshev, for six months, unreasonably transferred 220 to IFC “Alemar” ... received as a property contribution. Melamed does not admit his guilt. RBC found out that after the arrest Melamed Five top managers left Russia... The court will consider the issue of extending Melamed's house arrest on August 31 ... will consider the investigation's request to extend the house arrest of the former head of Rusnano Leonid Melamedu- until December 11, 2015. The meeting is scheduled for 09:30 ... million rubles. According to investigators, in 2007 and 2009 Melamed, at the same time being a co-owner of the investment and financial corporation "Alemar" (CJSC "IFK" Alemar... firm of the agreement for the provision of consulting services. The insurance company claims that the deputy Melamed Andrey Malyshev and financial director Svyatoslav Ponurov for six months... After Putin’s meeting with Chubais, his colleagues began returning to Russia ... Chubais, ex-head of the state corporation Leonid Melamedu- from detention in a pre-trial detention center to house arrest (more about the case Melamed see takeout). As clarified... by the general director of HC "Composite" Leonida Melamed, detained two days earlier. According to law enforcement, in 2008 and 2009 Melamed, while simultaneously being a co-owner of the Investment... The court refused to lift the arrest from Melamed despite Chubais' guarantee ... On August 24, in the Moscow City Court, the lawyers of the ex-head of Rusnano Leonida Melamed petitioned to change the preventive measure. Despite the guarantee of influential friends... - JSC "Rusnano"), and now the general director of HC "Composite" Leonida Melamed petitioned to change the preventive measure. Melamed suspected of embezzlement of more than 225 million rubles. Businessman... The court will consider a complaint against the house arrest of the ex-head of Rusnano on August 24 ... will consider the defense's complaint against the house arrest of the ex-head of Rusnano Leonida Melamed. The head of the press service of the Moscow City Court, Ulyana Solopova, reported this to RBC... Svyatoslav Ponurov. According to investigators, in 2007 and 2009 Melamed, at the same time being a co-owner of the investment and financial corporation Alemar (CJSC IFC Alemar... and is ready to provide all possible assistance to the investigation in establishing the truth,” said Melamed. He insisted that the investigation was in vain considering other suspects, his deputy... ... to colleagues. This money is borrowed Melamed from friends, already deposited in a special account and arrested Former CEO"Rosnanotech" Leonid Melamed does not admit guilt... damages, the lawyer said in a statement Melamed Ruslan Kozhura, submitted to the editorial office of RBC. Nevertheless Leonid Melamed appealed to the investigation with a proposal to deposit... Chubais's lawyer commented on the statement of the Investigative Committee on the Melamed case ... "Rusnano" Leonid Melamed is now under house arrest. He has been charged with embezzlement on an especially large scale. According to investigators, Melamed accepted for... preparation of thefts. According to law enforcement officers, Ponurov, being in collusion with Melamed, “secured victory in the competition for the selection of an adviser to the Alemar company.” However... ". Chubais' lawyer stressed that the company has no doubts about his innocence Leonida Melamed and Svyatoslav Ponurov. The Investigative Committee will check the involvement of Rusnano top managers in other crimes ... The Investigative Committee is checking reports that former Rusnano executives Leonid Melamed and Svyatoslav Ponurov could have committed other crimes besides those... reported that after publications about the charges brought against the former head of Rusnano Leonida Melamed and the financial director of this organization, Svyatoslav Ponurov, affairs in the Investigative Committee... re-registered investment projects, developed by employees of the corporation. Melamed was placed under house arrest on July 3. Protection Melamed appealed the decision on house arrest. Lawyers... The person involved in the Rusnano case is abroad after heart surgery ... Russian Committee. According to investigators, in 2008 and 2009 Melamed, at the same time being a co-owner of the investment and financial corporation "Alemar" (CJSC "IFK "Alemar...". Leonid Melamed During the court hearing on July 3, he insisted that the investigation was in vain in considering Malyshev and Ponurov to be under his control. According to Melamed... corporations, this was not the level of Malyshev or Ponurov,” he said then Melamed.​ Svetlana Reiter Irina Yuzbekova Business, 09 July 2015, 14:53 Leonid Melamed was charged in the Rusnano case ...head of Rosnanotech Leonid Melamedu. He is suspected of embezzling 220 million rubles, the businessman does not admit his guilt To the former head of Rosnanotech Leonid Melamedu were officially charged with embezzlement of 220 million rubles, a source told TASS. A source familiar with the investigation and a lawyer Melamed Ruslan... The case of embezzlement at Rusnanotech Investigators announced the discovery of major violations in the work of the state corporation Rusnanotech, which since the end of 2010 has been called OJSC Rusnano. The court arrested the former financial director of Rusnano ... to the investigator and is suspected of embezzlement of 220 million rubles. together with Leonid Melamed On Tuesday, the Basmanny court arrested the former financial director of Rusnano Svyatoslav... along with the former leader Leonid Melamed. A few days earlier, on July 3, the court placed him under house arrest. Melamed to his wife's apartment... . Unsuccessful contract As follows from the case materials, Ponurov, Melamed, as well as deputy Melamed Andrey Malyshev is suspected of embezzlement of 220 million rubles. corporations...

The Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation did not approve the indictment in the case of the former head of Rusnano Leonid Melamed and the ex-finirector of the corporation Svyatoslav Ponurov, who are accused of embezzlement of 226 million rubles. The case materials were returned to the investigation to eliminate violations. As a result, Mr. Melamed was released from house arrest, and Mr. Ponurov from the pre-trial detention center, since the deadlines for the preventive measures he had chosen had expired. However, later the Prosecutor General of Russia Yuri Chaika canceled the decision to return the criminal case for further investigation and sent it to court. Leonid Melamed and Svyatoslav Ponurov have been under arrest since July 2015.

“We confirm that on May 10, late in the evening, Melamed was released from house arrest, Ponurov from custody, because, as we learned, the Prosecutor General’s Office did not approve the indictment and did not transfer their case to court, and the deadlines for holding the accused under house arrest and arrest have expired,” Leonid Melamed’s lawyer Ruslan Kozhura and the representative of Rusnano’s interests, lawyer Alexander Asnis, confirmed the news. At the same time, the lawyers noted that they do not have information about “on what specific procedural grounds the Prosecutor General’s Office made such a decision.” The Prosecutor General's Office, in turn, confirmed that the department identified violations of procedural law in the actions of the investigation, without specifying them.

However, later Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika overturned this decision. “After an additional study on May 10, 2017 of the materials of the criminal case against L. Melamed and S. Ponurov, the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Yuri Chaika canceled the decision of the Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Viktor Grin to return this criminal case to the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of Russia for additional investigation and sent the case materials to court,” said the official representative of the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation, Alexander Kurennoy.

As Kommersant has repeatedly told, the former head of the Rusnano corporation Leonid Melamed, his deputy Andrey Malyshev and ex-finirector Svyatoslav Ponurov, the Investigative Committee charges embezzlement on an especially large scale (Part 4 of Article 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). According to the investigation, before the dismissal of Mr. Melamed, the management of Rusnano concluded a number of agreements on the provision of consulting services with the investment and financial corporation Alemar, for which more than 226 million rubles were spent. According to the investigation, the contract was concluded in violation of the provisions of Federal Law No. 139 “On the Russian Nanotechnology Corporation” and all work by Rusnano should have been carried out only on its own, without involving third party organizations. Then the ICR called payments under contracts the receipt of a “golden parachute” upon the dismissal of Leonid Melamed, who was a co-owner of Alemar. A criminal case was initiated in 2015, Mr. Melamed was placed under house arrest by the court, Mr. Ponurov was placed in a pre-trial detention center, and Mr. Malyshev, who had been undergoing treatment abroad for a long time, was arrested in absentia and put on the international wanted list.

From the very beginning, the persons involved in the investigation denied any violations of the law on their part; their position, according to the defense, has not changed to this day. It should be noted that Rusnano also believes that the work carried out by IFC Alemar CJSC “was necessary and extremely important to ensure the activities of the Group of Companies at that stage of its development and did not cause damage to the company and the state. At the same time, the company emphasizes that it “is and will continue to actively cooperate with law enforcement and judicial authorities in this case.”

Despite his position, during the preliminary investigation, Leonid Melamed, in agreement with the investigation, opened a bank account to which he transferred the amount of damage charged to him. Then the Basmanny Court of Moscow, at the request of the Investigative Committee, seized this matter. Then Mr. Melamed’s lawyer Ruslan Kozhura called this step a “sign of cooperation” of his client with the investigation. In addition, the accused and his defense helped the Investigative Committee fulfill its obligations under the Code of Criminal Procedure - to ensure the possibility of compensation for damages for an economic crime. According to the lawyer, the money was transferred to the account by friends of the accused, since for him it was an “unaffordable amount.”

Alexander Alexandrov

President of OJSC "Joint-Stock Financial Corporation "Sistema"". Ex-president OJSC Mobile TeleSystems (MTS), member of the board of directors of MTS. In 2003-2006 - General Director of the insurance company ROSNO (OJSC Russian People's Insurance Society). In 2004-2006 he headed expert advice on legislation in the field of insurance under the State Duma Committee of the Russian Federation on credit institutions and financial markets.

Leonid Adolfovich Melamed was born on July 11, 1967 in Moscow. Graduated from the Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy with a degree in traumatology and orthopedics. During his studies he worked as an orderly and nurse.

In 1991, Melamed began working at insurance company ROSNO (OJSC Russian People's Insurance Society) as a medical consultant. In February 1992, he became director of the ROSNO health insurance center. In June 1992, he took the post of deputy general director of ROSNO, and in October 1993, first deputy. On September 15, 2003, he was appointed General Director of ROSNO. At the same time, in 2004-2006, Melamed headed the expert council on insurance legislation under the Russian State Duma Committee on Credit Institutions and Financial Markets.

Since June 14, 2006, Melamed has been the president of Mobile TeleSystems OJSC (MTS). Since June 23, 2006 - member of the board of directors of MTS. According to media reports, the appointment of Melamed as president of MTS was dictated by increased competition in the market cellular communications, in connection with which the management of AFK Sistema (JSC Joint Stock Financial Corporation Sistema), the company that owns ROSNO and MTS, decided to send an effective manager from the insurance sector of its business to the telecommunications sector.

On August 17, 2006, the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) accused the Big Three mobile operators– MTS, VimpelCom ( trademark"Beeline") and "Megafon" is that they have lower inter-operator settlement rates than other cellular operators. Melamed, the heads of VimpelCom and Megafon Alexander Izosimov and Sergei Soldatenkov rejected the FAS charge of collusion, citing international business practice.

At the end of May 2008, Melamed left the post of head of MTS and moved to the position of president of AFK Sistema. The media noted that he managed to more than double the capitalization of MTS, and also completed almost all the tasks assigned to him by management. Melamed made the company a leader in the number of new connections. High hopes were placed on the new president of Sistema and it was assumed that his experience at MTS would help lead Sistema out of a protracted crisis. It should be noted that immediately after Melamed’s appointment to the new post, Sistema’s shares rose in price.

In 2003, Melamed received the title “Person of the Year” in the annual “People of the Year” project of the Rambler Internet holding. In 2005, he became a laureate of the National Award “Person of the Year 2005” in the category “Head of an Insurance Company.”

Melamed is married and has a son and two daughters. He enjoys alpine skiing, auto racing, and mountaineering.

Born on July 11, 1967 in Moscow. Leonid’s parents are Adolf Abramovich (a trauma surgeon, worked for many years as a doctor at City Clinical Hospital No. 7 in Moscow, was awarded the Order of Honor in 2011), and Alla Grigorievna (architect, for many years was the deputy director of the State Unitary Enterprise “NIiPI General Plan of Moscow”). Leonid graduated with honors from the I.M. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy. Doctor of Medical Sciences.

President of AFK Sistema

Leonid Adolfovich Melamed was born in 1967 in Moscow.
Graduated from the Moscow Medical Academy named after. THEM. Sechenov. Doctor of Medical Sciences.
From 1991 to 2006 he worked at the insurance company ROSNO, including from 2003 as General Director and Chairman of the Management Board. From 2004 to 2006, Leonid Melamed headed the Expert Council on Insurance Legislation of the State Duma Committee on Credit Institutions and Financial Markets. In 2004, he received the title “Person of the Year” in the annual “People of the Year” project of the Rambler Internet holding and the Russian public insurance award “Golden Salamander” in the category “Head of an insurance company.” In 2005, he won the National Award “Person of the Year 2005” in the category “Head of an Insurance Company” and was named “Manager of the Year 2005” for the rapid expansion of strategic potential within the framework of the “Characters of the Century” project implemented by the International League strategic management, Evaluation and Accounting, Institute of Economic Strategies and Economic Strategies Journal. One of the two hundred and fifty Young Global Leaders of 2007 according to the World Economic Forum.
link: http://www.sistema.ru/ corporation/governance/ managers/melamed/

President of the company OJSC "Joint-Stock Financial Corporation 'Sistema'"

President of OJSC "Joint-Stock Financial Corporation 'Sistema'". Former president of OJSC "Mobile TeleSystems" (MTS), member of the board of directors of MTS. In 2003-2006 - General Director of the insurance company ROSNO (OJSC "Russian People's Insurance Society"). In 2004 -2006 headed the expert council on insurance legislation under the Russian State Duma Committee on Credit Institutions and Financial Markets.
Leonid Adolfovich Melamed was born on July 11, 1967 in Moscow. Graduated from the Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy with a degree in traumatology and orthopedics. During his studies he worked as an orderly and nurse.
link: http://www.lenta.ru/lib/ 14164570/

Leonid Melamed became president of AFK Sistema

On May 29, the board of directors of AFK Sistema appointed Leonid Melamed (pictured), who previously headed the Mobile TeleSystems (MTS) company, as president of the corporation. The former president of Sistema, Alexander Goncharuk, took over the post of first deputy chairman of the board of directors of AFK Vladimir Yevtushenkov and will now be involved in preparing and holding boards of directors of the corporation. Mikhail Shamolin, who had previously headed MTS-Russia, became the head of MTS.
link: http://www.comnews.ru/index. cfm?id=37258


By Western standards, General Director of ROSNO Leonid Melamed can be recognized as a self-made person - a person who made himself and achieved his current position without cronyism, or what is now commonly called “administrative resource.” A graduate of one of the Moscow medical institutes, 14 years ago he could hardly have even hoped that he would head the largest insurance company in Russia and lobby the interests of insurers in the State Duma.
link: http://www.burs.ru/intervu/ 060606163524.html

Top hundred

The work on compiling is gradually coming to an end personnel reserve Russia. By March 1, a list of the best managers in the country must be compiled. This applies primarily to the regional level of the reserve, where at the end of January about 16 thousand of the best were already recruited. As for the federal and presidential parts of the reserve, the work here has already been virtually completed, and its results are beginning to be presented to the public. The first presidential hundred, published yesterday on the Kremlin website, included 36 representatives federal bodies executive power, 23 candidates from regional authorities, 31 business representatives and 10 more people from the field of science, education and public organizations. The list is not full of big names, as many might have expected. For example, the highest official level in the federal part of the hundred is deputy heads of ministries and departments. In the business part of the hundred, everything is also quite modest. “Of course, the first hundred included managers who have already proven themselves,” noted the head of the presidential administration Sergei Naryshkin yesterday. He also told how the selection process took place. Based on the principle “the best choose the best” voiced by the head of state, 172 experts were selected, each of whom was asked to nominate 11 candidates: three each from federal, regional authorities and business and two from education, science and society
link: http://www.rg.ru/2009/02/18/sotnya.html

The President updated the “Golden Hundred” of the personnel reserve

An updated list of the first hundred of the presidential personnel reserve has appeared on the Kremlin website. Those who dropped out of the “hundred” were those who had already received new appointments or had reached the age of 50. Their places are now presented to reservists from the “presidential thousand”. Compared to the previous year, the hundred were updated by 38 positions, Vedomosti writes. If previously there were three State Duma deputies in it - one communist and two United Russia members, now three more United Russia members have been added: Sergei Neverov, Tatyana Voronova and Irina Yarovaya. Neverov oversees the regions in the party, Voronova monitors opposition violations in elections, Yarovaya is the coordinator of the state-patriotic club “United Russia”.