Marketing activities of the organization. Marketing activity and its main types. Marketing plan as the basis for planning

Marketing activities enterprise is a creative managerial activity, whose task is to develop the market for goods, services and work force by assessing the needs of consumers, as well as in the implementation of practical measures to meet these needs. Through this activity, the ability to produce and distribute goods and services is coordinated, and it determines what steps need to be taken in order to sell a product or service to the final consumer.

The essence and content of marketing activities reflect the objective conditions for the development of the market, which to a certain extent loses its randomness and falls under the regulatory influence of pre-established economic relations, where a special role is assigned to the consumer. The consumer sets his own requirements for the product, its technical and economic characteristics, quantity, delivery time (primarily for machinery and equipment) and thus creates the preconditions for the distribution of the market among manufacturers. The importance of competition, the struggle for the consumer, is growing. This forces manufacturers to carefully and deeply study specific potential consumers and the demands of the market that presents high requirements to the quality and competitiveness of products.

The types of marketing activities are very diverse (Table 18.2).

Table 18.2. Classification of types of marketing activities

Classification signs

Types of marketing

Level of development and use



The nature of developing a marketing plan

Concept Marketing

Practical Marketing

Product type

Marketing of industrial goods

Consumer Product Marketing

Service Marketing

Non-Profit Marketing

Field of activity

Marketing carried out within the country of origin

International Marketing

Marketing Objects

Organization Marketing

Individual marketing (personal marketing)

Place Marketing

Idea Marketing

In relation to the company engaged in marketing activities


But in relation to different market segments

Marketing differential

Marketing is non-differential

The implementation of marketing activities is an objective necessity of orienting the scientific, technical, production and marketing activities of a firm (enterprise) to take into account market demand, consumer needs and requirements. This reflects and is constantly increasing the trend towards a systematic organization of production in order to increase the efficiency of the functioning of the company as a whole and its business units.

The types of marketing activities may also differ depending on the dominant marketing philosophy in a particular enterprise, while having certain strengths and weaknesses.

There are four main types of marketing activities.

  • 1. Product marketing - relies on the strengths of technology and an analytical forecast of potential consumer demand. In production, the leading place (goal) is occupied by the qualitative characteristics of the goods. However, such enterprises pay insufficient attention to market demands, which can lead to a lack of demand for their products and the risk of losses. Nevertheless, organizations are trying to analyze consumer requests for future product characteristics. Thus, enterprises begin to produce goods, counting on an increase in consumer demand in the future.
  • 2. Production marketing - production of products based on performance indicators, more attention is paid to production costs and ways to reduce them. Output is oriented to current demand at the prices that the consumer is willing to pay for the product. Based on the analysis of effective demand, organizations determine the volume of production and the level of costs. However, there may be a situation of excess in the market, i.e. overstocking. In this case, there is a risk of a decrease in sales revenue and, as a result, a loss.
  • 3. Sales marketing - focus on sales volume, the desire to update the range of products as quickly as possible and accelerate the turnover. The focus is on the analysis of the current solvent demand, which will allow you to get the most revenue from sales in the short term. However, since little attention is paid to the degree of customer satisfaction, there may be a situation of unsatisfied demand and a decrease in sales revenue in the future;
  • 4. Marketing of consumer demand - focus on a continuous process of meeting the needs of consumers. Attention is focused on the differences in the needs of different consumer groups, as well as on changes in preferences. As a result, enterprises quickly adapt to the dynamics of market demand and change the range of products. Enterprises adhering to this philosophy are the least exposed to the risks of overstocking, a decrease in sales revenue, and the emergence of a situation of unsatisfied demand. Such marketing activities require significant investments in the development and implementation of a marketing strategy, which not every organization can afford. However, the result, as a rule, covers all costs and brings not only profit, but also significant competitive advantage on the market.

The marketing activity of the company is aimed at setting specific current and mainly long-term (strategic) goals, ways to achieve them and real sources of resources, based on market demands. economic activity; determine the range and quality of products, its priorities, the optimal structure of production and the desired profit. In other words, the manufacturer must produce such products that will find a market and make a profit. And for this it is necessary to study social and individual needs, market demands as a necessary condition and prerequisite for production. Therefore, the understanding of the fact that production does not begin with exchange, but with consumption is becoming more and more deepened. This concept has found its embodiment in marketing.

Marketing activity is a set of activities, the purpose of which is:

  • (1) consumer research - determining the structure of consumer preferences in the market;
  • (2) study of the motives of his behavior in the market;
  • (3) analysis of the actual market of the enterprise;
  • (4) product research (product or type of service) - determination of market needs for new products, improvement or modernization of existing ones;
  • (5) analysis of sales forms and channels - to determine how best and more efficiently to sell the products of a given company in a particular market, who can become a reseller;
  • (6) analysis of the volume of trade turnover of the enterprise;
  • (7) studying competitors, determining the forms and level of competition - identifying the company's main competitors in the market, their strengths and weaknesses, obtaining information about financial position competitors, features production activities, control;
  • (8) research promotional activities- definition of the most effective ways impact on the consumer, increasing his interest in products;
  • (9) determining the most effective ways to promote goods on the market - developing a system of incentives that allows the interest of wholesale buyers in the purchase of larger batches of products;
  • (10) study of market niches.

All goals of marketing activities relate mainly to the process of production and distribution of goods and services, i.e. marketing activities are focused on a product or service.

Marketing activities are carried out cyclically. It begins with an information and analytical study, on the basis of which a strategic and ongoing planning, a program for the creation and launch of a new product on the market is being developed, channels for the movement of goods from the manufacturer to the consumer are being formed with the participation of resellers (distributors), advertising campaign and other actions are carried out to promote the product to the market, and finally, at the final stage, the effectiveness of marketing activities is evaluated.

Industry differentiation marketing

There is a sectoral differentiation of marketing, which, while maintaining the unity of its goals and principles, allows solving the specific tasks of each sector of the economy and spheres of social life. Naturally, the features of the product created in the industry and the forms of its consumption affect.

The following types of marketing can be named:

  • (1) production marketing (including industrial, construction, agricultural), the main objectives of which are to search for a sales market, assess its capacity, justify a production and investment program, develop a new product that meets consumer requirements in terms of quality, self-certification and competitiveness assessment product;
  • (2) sales marketing, the main objectives of which include distribution and formation of a distribution channel, organization of marketing and sale of goods, movement and storage of goods (logistics), study and forecasting of consumer demand, creation of a system of trade and after-sales service;
  • (3) marketing of the service sector, which combines the goals of production and trade marketing(since the production, sale and consumption of services are concentrated in time and space), but at the same time it has its own specifics (the intangibility of services, the inability of services to be stored, etc.);
  • (4) intellectual product marketing (including marketing information product and information technologies) having an intangible form using special forms of its implementation and service;
  • (5) international marketing, the subject of which is foreign economic activity;
  • (6) financial and credit product marketing and insurance business, as well as securities marketing.

In addition, there is some marketing specific markets in particular the labor market and the education market. Marketing techniques and methods also extend to non-market areas, such as political life, social relations, art and culture, etc.

There are three levels of marketing:

  • (1) micromarketing , i.e. market activity of an individual enterprise (firm, company), including internal marketing - organizing the activities of the personnel of its own marketing service and external marketing - bringing goods to the consumer, organizing relations with customers and resellers, market research;
  • (2) macromarketing , i.e. participation public institutions, sectoral and regional structures in the management, regulatory and research activities in the market area;
  • (3) global or international marketing - activities in the external, global market, international trade(a special form is megamarketing, i.e. the activities of transnational companies to penetrate the market of any country).

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Service marketing. Desk book Russian marketer practice Razumovskaya Anna

5.2. Main directions of marketing activity

Organizational structure of marketing activities in service company can be defined as the basic structure on the basis of which marketing management is carried out - a set of services, departments, divisions in which employees who perform certain marketing functions work. Moreover, one should not confuse the marketing service with organizational structures that have "marketing" names, as we have already said. The marketing service is usually closely integrated with departments dealing with marketing issues proper (department or marketing department, service promotion department (advertising, PR), service management structure, etc.), in addition, sales, procurement, information, etc. .p. are also its components.

Naturally, the size and functions of the marketing service and the scope of marketing activities are closely related to the size of companies, their specifics, as well as the markets in which they operate.

As a rule, the main accents of marketing activities are made on the implementation of marketing functions (according to the needs of the organization), as well as on the product area.

There are several options for organizing the structure of the marketing service in the enterprise:

Function oriented;

Product oriented;

Focused on markets and consumers;

Feature and product oriented;

Focused on functions and markets.

A functional type structure (Fig. 5.1) is appropriate for almost all service companies, with the exception of diversified service companies and companies operating in several price classes (in several markets).

Rice. 5.1. An example of the functional structure of a marketing service

In addition to those shown in Figure 5.1, there may also be functional areas related to planning and forecasting, innovation, procurement marketing, etc. The functional structure justifies itself even in large network companies. However, it should be noted that with the appearance of diversified areas of activity, as well as significant differences in sales markets, the allocation in the functional structure of marketing complexes built by product or market is shown, as shown in Fig. 5.2.

Rice. 5.2. Example of a Product/Market Oriented Marketing Service Structure

Such a structure can be completely separate, or it can have common divisions that carry out marketing research, activity analysis, etc. A structure organized by product type is more mobile, it better coordinates the marketing mix for each of the products / markets. But there are also disadvantages: the number of employees involved in the marketing service is increasing, it is more difficult to carry out portfolio management and branding. Among Russian companies such an approach often leads to "fragmentation" and, of course, the weakening of the parent company, which has identified substructures in its system. Managing a product-oriented marketing service requires a good management level for all company structures, otherwise you can forget about minimizing marketing costs.

Whatever the structure of the marketing service, there is a set basic principles, without which its existence is meaningless:

unity of purpose. What is chosen as the basic goals is not fundamental from the point of view of the formation of a marketing system. Goals can be sales volume, profit, revenue, market share. The main thing is that goal-setting is done correctly, and the goals are not mutually exclusive;

simplicity of the marketing structure. The simplicity and clarity of building an organizational structure always contributes to the ease of its adaptation to other functional units, to the acceptance of its employees, and, consequently, to a more active participation in the implementation of marketing functions throughout the company;

an effective system of interrelationships between departments, providing a clear transfer of information. Marketing services cannot function without adequate feedback, as well as in isolation from the original data;

principle of single subordination. Marketing services are successfully implemented only in companies where subordination is strictly unambiguous. And this applies to both functional and administrative subordination. If there is duality, there will be problems;

the minimum number of links in the marketing structure. The fewer links the structure is characterized by, the less time-consuming is the transfer of information “from the bottom up” and the orders of the management “from the top down”. Minimization is closely related to efficiency.

Coordination and responsibility should be placed at the level of the top management of the marketing service (Director of Marketing).

The basis of the marketing system is formed by subsystems that reflect the relevant areas of marketing activities of almost any company (Fig. 5.3):

Strategic Marketing;

External environment (far);

Services market (services, consumers, competition);

Promotion of services to consumers;

Service production;

Pricing and sale of services;

Service and tangible factors;

Internal marketing;

Marketing Information system(MIS);

Development of the company.

Rice. 5.3. The main elements of the company's marketing system

All of the above subsystems are functionally and informationally interconnected and are aimed at solving the main marketing tasks (Table 5.2).

Table 5.2

The main tasks of marketing activities

As follows from the table, all tasks solved within the framework of integrated marketing relate to various types marketing.

Marketing external determines the actions to develop, implement and produce services, determine prices for new services, adjust existing prices, distribute and bring services to the consumer (buyer), marketing communications in all their manifestations, etc. Complex external marketing is aimed at consumers of services, as well as at external organizations, that is, at people who do not work in the company itself.

Marketing internal is the work of educating, training and effectively motivating all employees of a service company, aimed at improving the quality of services and customer satisfaction. The area of ​​responsibility of internal marketing (in this case, working closely with the personnel service) is to hire employees of all categories (input testing), conduct training in marketing areas (including monitoring the implementation of marketing functions) and encourage employees of the organization to high level services to consumers of services.

Interaction Marketing in the provision of services, it determines the ability of personnel (operators, sales managers, specialists and other contact persons) to serve ("please") the consumer at all stages of interaction with him.

Relationship Marketing– the practice of building long-term mutually beneficial relationships with service consumers in order to establish long-term mutually beneficial relationships with them.

In a service company, elements of internal marketing and interaction marketing should be given a special role. This is primarily due to the company's focus on providing services to consumers, which predetermines their high degree of expectation of the quality of the result and service. It is on whether the offer corresponds to the value expected by the consumer that the degree of satisfaction of the latter and the probability of his getting into the group depends. regular customers. It is also obvious that contact personnel and specialists are key figures in the process of selling services. For this reason, special (professional and marketing) training and certification programs for personnel involved in the processes of obtaining services and sales should be developed and implemented. In this regard, the role of the "Internal Marketing" subsystem is exceptionally high, the functions of which can be performed by its own structural divisions (officials), or third-party specialists (outsourcing) are involved for these purposes. As practice shows, the most correct thing is to combine the work performed by our own structure (control, audit, on-the-job training) with the work of professional HR companies (coaching, psychological counseling, training in sales techniques, etc.).

Strategic Marketing involves a permanent system analysis the needs of the market, which contributes to the development of promising services designed for specific consumer groups. These services must have special properties that distinguish them from competitors' products. This creates a sustainable competitive advantage. Strategic marketing includes needs analysis, macro and micro segmentation, competitiveness analysis, development strategy selection. The task of operational marketing is the implementation of the chosen marketing strategy.

It is quite clear that strategic marketing can only be done by a very serious service organization that has a marketing service consisting of high-class professionals. Strategic marketing differs from other areas of activity by their scale and depth of study. The system analysis of the market situation and other data is especially difficult, which involves the connection of a special logical and mathematical apparatus. At the same time, elements of strategic marketing take place in the implementation of other marketing concepts in the service sector. In the chapter on strategies, we will look at this direction in more detail.

Strategic marketing is an extremely rare component of the marketing system in Russia. At the same time, the problem, oddly enough, is not in the absence ... (although this also happens) of marketers who are qualified to perform this kind of work, but in the weak or incomplete readiness of companies to include strategic marketing in the management system. Moreover, companies that declare the “holy” principles of “marketing orientation” (see Table 5.1) are the weakest in this sense, since they are not aware of the problems that exist, taking slogans for reality.

Each of the marketing directions presented in the table includes a number of elements that reflect the main functions of the company's marketing activities, designed to ensure the achievement of the set goals in a complex. These elements, in fact, are sections of the organization's marketing plan.

A special place in the marketing system is occupied by information support for decision-making. The maxim that the one who owns the information owns the position is directly related to marketing, its planning and research.

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1. The essence of marketing activities
2. Marketing management process
2.1. Information support of marketing activities
2.2. Marketing mix development
2.3. Marketing planning
2.4. Organization of marketing activities
2.5. Control of marketing activities
List of used literature


At present, not a single enterprise in the system of market relations can function normally without a marketing service in the enterprise. And the usefulness of marketing is increasing every moment. This is because the needs of people, as you know, are unlimited, and the resources of the enterprise are limited. Each subject has its own needs, which are not always well-satisfied. Each needs its own individual approach. Therefore, in the new conditions, the enterprise that can most accurately distinguish and capture a variety of tastes survives. This is what marketing does.

Not all managers now have a clear idea of ​​the market and the difficulties they may face. In the conditions of central planning, when supplying manufactured products, managers did not think about marketing: the distribution network, trade were obliged to accept it. The budget covered the costs of inefficient production, financed capital construction. The main task of the heads of enterprises was the strict implementation of plans, in the development of which they practically did not take part.

In market conditions commercial network can refuse production, the state does not cover losses, banks dictate their terms when issuing loans, there is competition inherent in the market. An enterprise that is not adapted to market relations can thus quickly go bankrupt. To avoid this, specialists in the field of economic activity need to master the methods and techniques of management in a market economy.

The modern concept of marketing is that all activities of the enterprise are based on knowledge of consumer demand and its changes in the future. Moreover, one of the goals of marketing is to identify unsatisfied customer requests in order to orient production to meet these requests. The marketing system puts the production of goods in a functional dependence on requests and requires the production of goods in the assortment and quantity required by the consumer. That is why marketing, as a set of established methods for studying markets, in addition to everything else, directs its efforts to create effective distribution channels and conduct integrated advertising campaigns.

Interest in such a multifaceted and now so relevant topic as marketing, and it should be noted that every year it becomes more and more, if not global, grows not only within a single country, but also in the world as a whole. This is due to the fact that marketing affects the interests of each of us in any day of our lives. Whether we're selling a car, looking for a job, raising money for a charity, or promoting an idea, we're marketing. We need to know what the market is, who it operates, how it functions, what its needs are.

1. The essence of marketing activities

Marketing is a system for organizing and managing the production and marketing activities of enterprises, studying the market in order to form and satisfy demand for products and services and make a profit.

Marketing as a management function is based on the following principles:

1. Justified free choice of certain goals and strategies for the functioning and development of the enterprise. These actions should be aimed at determining the most effective combination of the production of new and innovative products with already manufactured and well-known to the buyer, including modernized products and products to be discontinued.

2. A complex approach to linking the goals of the enterprise with its resources and capabilities, determining ways to achieve these goals within the framework of marketing programs for individual products and for the enterprise as a whole. At the same time, the possibilities and reserves of production should be used to the maximum.

3. Achieving the optimal combination of centralized and decentralized management principles in enterprise management, the constant search for new forms and management tools to improve production efficiency, the development of the creative initiative of employees aimed at creating the necessary conditions for the widespread introduction of innovations, improving product quality, reducing production costs.

The implementation of these principles provides for a more complete and thorough consideration of the requirements of market demand and consumer requests, their requirements for quality, technical and economic characteristics, novelty, design of the proposed products based on the integrated use of markets, the development of an appropriate technical policy of the enterprise and R&D. Marketing activities should be aimed at determining the optimal range of products and the structure of production based on the assessment of production costs (product cost), economic calculations the effectiveness of the necessary investments, the possibility of providing material, financial and labor resources production, as well as receiving the expected profit. Making informed decisions requires a mandatory assessment of their effectiveness based on the final result of the enterprise. This, in turn, involves the development of a marketing policy based on the determination of the most profitable distribution channels, the distribution system, the organization of after-sales Maintenance, sales promotion systems and the formation of consumer needs. The implementation of these actions, also called marketing functions, is provided taking into account and within the framework of the implementation of marketing programs, on the basis of which decisions are made at the appropriate levels of enterprise management.

Marketing includes the implementation of a marketing policy that involves determining the channels and methods for marketing a product in a particular market, assessing the possible costs of organizing sales, advertising costs, transportation and delivery of goods. However, the very implementation of the sale of goods (services) and the conduct of commercial operations are related to the operational and economic activities of the enterprise, to improve the efficiency of which all management functions, including marketing, are aimed. The above set of activities within the framework of marketing means qualitatively new approach to production management, the essence of which is that the starting point for a deep and comprehensive identification of the possibilities of a particular production, ways to intensify it and increase efficiency is the forecast and analysis of solvent market demand for the relevant goods. All management functions are permeated with a goal-oriented approach to the solution main task: the creation and production of competitive products at minimal cost in order to obtain a predetermined level of profit. The main criterion for evaluating marketing activities is to obtain maximum and sustainable profits, a strong foothold in the market or penetration into new markets. AT real life all the functions of intra-company management are closely related, and marketing acts as an initial activity for management and, above all, as a substantiation of the objectivity of the prerequisites for planning by appropriate research and calculations.

Marketing is a system of organization and management of all parties business activity enterprises - from the idea of ​​​​creating a new product, the use of appropriate production technologies to the delivery of goods to the buyer and service, taking the market (consumer) and its requirements as the starting point of this activity and the completion of its cycle. Achieving the goals of the marketing activity of an enterprise depends mainly on three factors: the chosen marketing strategy, its organizational structure, and how this structure functions.

Marketing management can be represented as the analysis, planning, implementation and control of the implementation of relevant programs aimed at creating, maintaining and expanding profitable relations between the enterprise and the target buyer ( target group) to achieve their goals.

The organization of management of marketing activities is associated with the development of a specific marketing strategy (strategies) aimed at achieving the goals of the enterprise. The development of such a strategy is based on five management approaches, also called basic concepts, guided by which an enterprise can successfully conduct its marketing activities: production improvement, product improvement, intensification of commercial efforts, marketing approach and socially ethical marketing.

2. Marketing management process

2.1. Information support of marketing activities

Every firm, enterprise or company is interested in effective management its marketing activities. In particular, she needs to know how to analyze market opportunities, select suitable target markets, develop an effective marketing mix, and successfully manage the implementation of marketing efforts. All this makes up the process of marketing management.

In market conditions, it is not enough to rely on intuition, the judgments of managers and specialists, and past experience, but it is necessary to obtain adequate information before and after making decisions. The nature of the decisions made is influenced by a large number of factors. And the main thing is not even in quantity, but rather in the unpredictability of most of them. The behavior of competitors, for example, often goes beyond traditional patterns. The situation is complicated by the fact that the marketing management system operates in real time.

To reduce the degree of uncertainty and risk, the enterprise must have reliable, sufficient and timely information.

Marketing information is understood as information obtained in the course of studying the process of exchanging the results of socially useful activities and interaction regarding such an exchange of all subjects of the market system, used in all areas (levels) of entrepreneurship, including marketing activities.

To perform the tasks of analysis, planning, execution of plans and control, marketing managers need information about changes in the market environment. The role of the MIS is to identify management information needs, obtain it and provide it to the appropriate managers in a timely manner. Required Information obtained from the firm's internal reporting, marketing observations, research, and data analysis.

Companies can conduct independent market research or entrust its conduct to specialized agencies. Main directions marketing research the following:

1) market research;

2) research of marketing tools;

3) study of the external environment;

4) studies of the internal environment;

5) study of the market of productive forces;

6) study of motives;

7) marketing intelligence;

8) benchmarking.

One of the main goals of marketing research is to determine the market opportunities of the company. It is necessary to correctly assess and predict the size of the market, its growth potential and possible profit. Sales forecasts will be used by the finance department to attract working capital or investments, by the production department to determine the capacity and planned productivity, by the supply department to carry out purchases in accordance with the needs, and by the personnel department to hire the necessary workforce. After all, if the forecast turns out to be far from reality, the company will spend cash on the formation of excess stocks and production capacity or, failing to meet the needs of the market, will miss the profit.

One of the conditions for developing a competent marketing plan is to study consumer markets and consumer behavior.

After determining the target market segment, the company must study the properties and image of competitors' products and evaluate the position of their product in the market. Having studied the positions of competitors, the company decides on the positioning of its product. Product positioning is the way in which consumers identify a particular product by its most important characteristics.

A number of positioning strategies are used in order to form and fix certain perceptions in the minds of consumers, for example, positioning based on certain product advantages, positioning by competitor, positioning by product category, etc.

Positioning is based on associative links between the product and product characteristics or other positioning factors. Successful companies tend to maintain a clear differentiating advantage and avoid sudden changes in their market position.

Naturally, positioning cannot be associated with consumer deception and misinformation; it can come off once, after which the manufacturer will face failure and loss.

Properly organized market positioning is a prerequisite for effective marketing mix development.

2.2. Marketing mix development

The marketing mix is ​​a link between producers and consumers that form market segments and includes: product, price, means of promoting the product to the market and distribution channels. The task of the marketer is to reveal the needs hidden behind any product and sell not the properties of this product, but the benefits from it.

Price, like the product, is an element of the marketing mix. A company that pursues a certain pricing policy actively influences both the volume of sales in the market and the amount of profit received. The commercial results, the degree of efficiency of all production and marketing activities of the company, the enterprise depend on how correctly and thoughtfully the pricing policy is built.

The price strategy of an enterprise is an activity that is associated with a continuous process of adjustment. The pricing strategy needs to be reviewed:

  1. When new products are created.
  2. When products are improved.
  3. When it changes competitive environment on the market.
  4. When a product goes through different stages of its life cycle.
  5. When production costs change.

The most typical tasks solved by conducting a well-thought-out pricing policy, are:

1) Exit to new market(strong market penetration strategy)

This strategy is acceptable for firms that are financially strong, since a large number of products must be financed in the initial stages. When using this strategy, you can increase the price only after the product is recognized by the consumer.

2) Sequential passage through market segments.

3) Introduction of a new product (policy of "skimming"). This strategy can be applied under the following conditions:

High level of demand from a large number of buyers;

The high price is an indication High Quality for the consumer;

High initial investment is unattractive to competitors.

4) Stimulation of complex sales.

5) Price discrimination.

6) Follow the leader.

Maintaining a pricing policy requires excellent knowledge of the market situation, highly qualified decision-makers, the ability to anticipate possible changes in the market situation. When setting prices, one should not only know their lower and upper limits, beyond which their use is not economically justified, or causes punitive sanctions, but also flexibly maneuver prices within these limits so that at a certain point in time these goals would be optimal for both the seller as well as for the buyer.

The means of promoting goods to the market, the purpose of which is to stimulate demand, are one of the most important components of the marketing mix. The main ones are: advertising, public relations, organization of exhibitions, fairs, discounts, trade on credit, etc.

Advertising is a message intended for a certain predetermined group of people, paid for by a specific customer and aimed at inducing this group to specific actions desired by the customer.

Different companies deal with marketing in different ways. Most manufacturers try to organize the distribution channel themselves - the number of interdependent organizations involved in the process of moving goods or services to the final consumer or enterprise for further use or consumption. Making decisions about the structure of distribution channels begins with clarifying the question of the types of services needed by the consumer, as well as setting goals and determining the limitations of the distribution channel. Then the firm develops the main options for building a channel, taking into account the types of intermediaries, the number of intermediate levels and the responsibilities of the participants in the distribution channel. Partnerships between members of a distribution channel can take the form of intercompany teams, collaborative projects, and information sharing systems. As a result of these partnerships, many firms have moved away from event-based distribution systems to event-based distribution systems. Most importantly, all participants in the supply chain must tailor their products and services to the desires of target consumers and strive to operate effectively in an increasingly competitive international environment.

The promotion of the product is also facilitated by the use of other elements of the marketing mix, for example, appearance, quality, etc. Along with the above, it is important to remember that the impact of various promotional tools will be maximum when their style, content, design and timing are planned centrally and are held in the same vein.

2.3. Marketing planning

Marketing planning in different organizations is carried out in different ways. This concerns the content of the plan, the duration of the planning horizon, the sequence of development, the organization of planning. Thus, the scope of the content of the marketing plan for different companies is different: sometimes it is only slightly wider than the plan of the sales department. Individual organizations may not have a marketing plan at all, as an integral document. The only planning document for such organizations may be a business plan, drawn up either for the organization as a whole, or for individual areas of its development. In general, we can talk about the development of strategic, as a rule, long-term plans and tactical (current), as a rule, annual and more detailed marketing plans.

A strategic (long-term) marketing plan, developed for 3-5 years or more, characterizes the current marketing situation, describes the strategies for achieving the goals and those activities, the implementation of which leads to their achievement.

A marketing plan is developed for each strategic business unit of the organization and, in terms of formal structure, usually consists of the following sections: executive summary, current marketing situation, hazards and opportunities, marketing objectives, marketing strategy, action program, marketing budget and control.

Annotation for management - the initial section of the marketing plan, which presents brief annotation main goals and recommendations included in the plan.

The current marketing situation is the section of the marketing plan that describes the target market and the organization's position in it. Includes the following subsections: market description (down to the level of the main market segments), product overview (sales volume, prices, profitability), competition (for main competitors, information is provided regarding their product strategy, market share, prices, distribution and promotion), distribution (sales trends and development of main distribution channels).

Hazards and Opportunities – A section of the marketing plan that identifies the major hazards that a product may face in the marketplace. The potential harm of each hazard is assessed, i.e. complications arising from unfavorable trends and events that, if not targeted by marketing efforts, can lead to the undermining of the viability of the product or even to its death. Every opportunity, i.e. an attractive direction of marketing efforts, in which the organization can gain advantages over competitors, should be evaluated in terms of its prospects, and the ability to successfully use it.

Marketing goals characterize the target orientation of the plan and initially formulate the desired results of activities in specific markets. Goals in the field of product policy, pricing, bringing products to consumers, advertising, etc. are lower level targets. Usually goals try to express quantitatively. However, not all of them can be defined in this way. The following formulations can serve as examples of qualitative goals: to survive in a competitive environment, maintain a high prestige of the company, etc.

The marketing strategy includes specific strategies for operating on target markets, marketing mix used and marketing costs. Strategies developed for each market segment should address new and emerging products, pricing, promotion of products, bringing the product to consumers, and should indicate how the strategy responds to the dangers and opportunities of the market.

A program of action (operational-calendar plan), sometimes simply called a program, a detailed program that shows what should be done, who and when should carry out the accepted orders, how much it will cost, what decisions and actions should be coordinated in order to fulfill the plan marketing.

Three types of marketing programs can be distinguished:

  1. The program for the transfer of the enterprise as a whole to work in marketing conditions.
  2. A program in certain areas of the complex of marketing activities, and, above all, a program for the development of certain markets with the help of certain goods.
  3. The program of mastering individual elements of marketing activities, for example, conducting an advertising campaign.

The marketing budget is a section of the marketing plan that reflects projected revenues, costs, and profits. The amount of income is justified in terms of forecast values ​​of sales volume and prices. Costs are defined as the sum of the costs of production, distribution and marketing, the latter are detailed in this budget.

In practice, various methods are used to determine the marketing budget. Consider the most common:

1) Opportunity funding. This method is used by firms focused on production, not marketing. The only advantage is the absence of any serious conflicts with production departments because of their absolute priority. The imperfection of the method is in the absolute arbitrariness of the allocation of specific amounts, their unpredictability from year to year and, as a result, the impossibility of developing long-term marketing programs, planning the marketing mix and all the activities of the company.

2) Fixed Interest Method is based on deducting a certain percentage of the previous or expected sales volume. This method is quite simple and is often used in practice. However, it is also the least logical, since it makes marketing dependent on sales volume. When focusing on the results of the completed period, the development of marketing becomes possible only on the condition of its previous success. If there is a market failure and the volume of sales decreases, then following this and proportionally, the amount of deductions for marketing also falls. As a result, the firm finds itself in a dead end.

3) Maximum cost method suggests that marketing should be spent as much as possible. With all the apparent "progressiveness" of this approach, its weakness lies in the neglect of ways to optimize costs. Moreover, given the long time between spending on marketing and achieving results, the use of this method can lead the firm too quickly into insurmountable financial difficulties, and, as a result, to move away from the marketing concept.

4) Marketing program accounting method involves careful consideration of the costs of achieving specific goals, but not in themselves, but in comparison with the costs of other possible combinations of marketing tools.

Taking into account the shortcomings inherent in each of the above methods separately, it should be noted that the budget drawn up on the basis of an integrated approach using individual elements of all the methods considered will be the most justified. This method of budgeting can be based, for example, on the orientation to the implementation of the task, taking into account the actions of competitors and the funds that the company can allocate for marketing.

Section - control - characterizes the procedures and methods of control that must be implemented to assess the level of success of the plan. To do this, standards (criteria) are established by which progress in the implementation of marketing plans is measured. Measurement of the success of the plan can be carried out for the annual time interval, and quarterly, and for each month or week.

2.4. Organization of marketing activities

The implementation of the concept of marketing in the enterprise requires the creation of an appropriate marketing service. At present, without such a service, which provides marketing research to study the prospects for demand, consumer requirements for the product and its properties, the trends of these requirements under the influence of various factors, it is difficult for manufacturers to survive in the competition. The ultimate goal of the functioning of marketing services is the subordination of all economic and commercial activities enterprises to the laws of existence and development of the market. Both manufacturers and consumers of products are interested in this.

In the evolution of marketing departments, four stages of development can be distinguished, each of which is also found in the activities of today's companies.

The first stage is marketing as a function of distribution. Marketing of goods at this stage was relatively simple. Marketing is limited to distribution tasks. The sales department plays a relatively important role. Market research, sales and advertising planning are not of great importance.

The second stage is the organizational concentration of marketing tasks as a function of sales. The emergence of sales problems and a better understanding of the role of marketing led to significant organizational changes. Sales activities began to move under the auspices of one leader. In addition, sales-related functions of other departments (sales training, customer service, sales planning) are transferred under his leadership.

The third stage is the allocation of marketing into an independent service, characterized by the appearance specialized service marketing, which has equal rights with other divisions of the enterprise. The marketing service became responsible not only for planning and product development, but also for pricing. The marketing manager (rather than the production manager) makes decisions about appearance, packaging, product name. However, each department pursues its own interests, which may differ significantly.

The next step is marketing main function company - is to focus all areas of the company on the requirements of marketing. Marketing is considered as the main function of the company. This concept is sometimes realized if a "marketing person" becomes the head of the company. In fact, most companies are in the third stage of marketing development.

In real life there are many various forms organization of the marketing service, however, we restrict ourselves to considering only some basic organizational structures:

1) The functional structure of marketing. This form of organization means that marketing is on a par with other functional divisions of the company. Problems associated with such an organization: a) group selfishness, difficulties with coordination; b) the solution of tasks that go beyond the limits of competence is transferred to the top, which entails the danger of excessive centralization; c) employees do not always understand ultimate goal, i.e. motivation decreases. From the point of view of adaptability to the environment, the functional structure is able to respond to quantitative fluctuations in demand, but there is not enough coordination to solve more serious problems. Therefore, it is better suited for companies with a homogeneous production program.

Product management is sometimes introduced to overcome coordination problems within a functional organization. His task is to coordinate the work of various services of the enterprise in connection with the release of this product.

Features of the product manager are as follows:

The manager's performance is judged by the success of the product;

The manager performs, as a rule, a coordinating role without specific powers;

Various product managers must compete for company resources (capacity, finance, etc.);

When managing products, there is a high probability of conflicts; a clear separation of powers is necessary.

Product management improves the product planning process, adaptability to the market, coordination of service activities, but this requires the support of the enterprise management.

2) Organization by product. The more heterogeneous the program, the more diversified the company, the more dynamic the market, the better the organization by product. These structures may be subordinate to the marketing department or the company's management. When organized by product, features that apply to all products ( corporate strategy, work with the public), are usually transferred to the upper floors of management.

3) Organization by clients. When organizing customer marketing, each department is assigned a specific group of customers or part of the market (for example, working with wholesale trade, retail and industrial enterprises). Sometimes the manager is entrusted with only one, but very important client. Such a structure justifies itself if the market segments are large enough and differ significantly from each other. The most important task of management in this case is to maintain optimal relations with customers for the enterprise, and from the standpoint of all products. The problems of this structure also lie mainly in the coordination of individual areas and the performance of common functions (research, supply, etc.).

4) Organization of marketing on a geographical basis. Such structures may be suitable for companies with a large sales volume, within which there are regions with different product requirements. In practice, such governance structures are relatively rare.

5) The matrix marketing organization is based on at least two structuring criteria. With their help, companies are trying to overcome the problems that are characteristic of one-dimensional management structures. Harbingers matrix structures can be called product management and project management.

It must be borne in mind that there is no ideal organizational structure of the marketing service that would be suitable for any conditions; when choosing the form of the structure, one should take into account, first of all, the company's goals and environmental conditions.

2.5. Control of marketing activities

Marketing control is a constant, systematic and unbiased check and evaluation of the situation and processes in the field of marketing. Marketing control usually has four stages:

Establishment of planned values ​​and standards (goals and norms);

Finding out the real values ​​of indicators;


Analysis of comparison results.

The objectives and goals of marketing control are: establishing the degree of achievement of the goal (analysis of deviations); identification of improvement opportunities (feedback); checking the extent to which the enterprise's adaptability to changing conditions environment corresponds to the required.

The value of marketing control grows with the increase in the dynamism of the environment, the size of the enterprise, the level of division of labor. Let's consider the main forms of control: results control and marketing audit.

1) The task of monitoring the results is to verify the correctness and effectiveness of the implemented marketing concept by comparing planned and actual values ​​and finding out the reasons for deviations. Control can be directed to the marketing mix as a whole or to individual tools. There are also control of economic (sales, market share) and non-economic (consumer attitude) results. When monitoring, they use data from accounting systems (sales control, profit calculation, etc.) and market research data (analysis of image, level of fame).

2) Marketing audit is a revision, detection of weaknesses in the marketing concept. The subject of the audit are both organizational and functional issues. The order of the revision is usually the same as for the control of results: setting the standard, clarifying the real state, comparison and analysis (but the order may be different).

When organizing marketing control, it is necessary to determine who should control marketing - the marketing department or another service of the enterprise (for example, enterprise management) and whether it is necessary to create an independent organizational unit to perform control tasks.

With the growth of the enterprise and the expansion of marketing functions, the need for specialization grows, and the creation of a separate marketing control unit makes a lot of sense. The question of who should report to this unit - the marketing service or the control service, does not have a clear answer. Some enterprises still find a compromise in dual subordination: on the professional line - the control service, on the disciplinary - the marketing department.

Making a conclusion about the theoretical substantiation of the relevance of such a topic as the management of marketing activities, it should be noted that marketing is an integral part of the life of society. It is the process by which activities are analysed, planned, implemented, and controlled to establish, enhance, and maintain beneficial exchanges with target customers in order to achieve specific organizational goals. A marketing specialist should be well able to influence the level, time, nature of demand, since the existing demand may not coincide with the one that the company wants for itself. Therefore, interest in this activity is increasing as an increasing number of organizations in the field of entrepreneurship, in the international sphere, realize how exactly marketing contributes to their more successful performance in the market.


The practice of marketing development at domestic enterprises shows that at the initial stage it is perceived mainly as a trade and marketing or even advertising activity.

With the development of market relations, marketing is increasingly integrated into common system enterprise management, when the adoption of virtually all production, marketing, financial, administrative and other decisions will be based on information coming from the market.

A number of factors influence the formation and development of marketing in enterprises.

First, it refers to the conditions for the formation of the domestic market. The market is going through a rather difficult period of transition from the current stage (not always civilized) to a higher stage of development. The period when profits could be obtained mainly due to deficits, inflation, exchange rate differences, high bank interest rates, tax evasion, and the like, is irrevocably a thing of the past. Therefore, marketing is now perceived, first of all, as a means of survival, aimed at the flexible use of the existing production, financial, labor potential to meet the needs of consumers in the new conditions.

Secondly, the characteristics of marketing activities are largely determined by consumer behavior.

Thirdly, the peculiarities of marketing in our country are largely due to the nature of developing business relations. The traditional habit of some kind of centralism, the manifestation of corruption in society, the lack of understanding of the importance of marketing as the basis for generating income - all this and much more overshadows painstaking work directly with the consumer, client, buyer.

Fourthly, in our conditions, not all marketing tools are widely used. The most attractive is the use of price. On the present stage it is the price in many cases that makes it possible, without involving other means, to obtain an immediate effect.

Considering all this, it can be assumed that the main classical provisions of marketing, which form the way of thinking in enterprise management and the way of acting in the market, will become relevant, fundamental and necessary for domestic enterprises.

Thus, marketing in our time is becoming a very promising area. Managers must understand that it makes no sense to produce something that no one will ever buy, which means that it is necessary to have people on their staff who know and understand the needs of the population. This is the only way to ensure a stable growth of the company's profits and take a worthy place in the international sphere of economic relations.

List of used literature

  1. Assel Henry Marketing: Principles and Strategies: A Textbook for Universities. — M.: INFRA-M, 1999.
  2. Abchuk V.A. The ABC of Marketing. - St. Petersburg: Soyuz, 1998.
  3. Bagiev G.L., Tarasevich V.M., Ann H. Marketing: A textbook for universities. - M .: Economics, 1999.
  4. Berezin I.S. Marketing and market research. - M.: Russian Business Literature, 1999.
  5. Golubkov E.P. Fundamentals of Marketing: Textbook. – M.: Finpress, 1999.
  6. Gilbert A. Churchill Marketing Research. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000.
  7. Danko T.P. Marketing management (methodological aspect). — M.: INFRA-M, 1997.
  8. Kotler F. Marketing management - St. Petersburg: Peter Kom, 1998.
  9. Hershgen H. Marketing: the basics of professional success: Textbook for universities: Per. with him. — M.: INFRA-M, 2000.

Marketing activity is the activity of solving the problems facing the marketing department. practical tasks in commercial company(enterprise, company).

The main goal of marketing activity is to ensure the commercial success of the company (enterprise, firm) and its products on the market (see marketing), which is most often achieved through an increase in sales in physical and monetary terms. However, depending on the specific situation in a particular company, the goals of marketing activities may be different.

The content of marketing activities is to find a mutually beneficial compromise between the needs of potential consumers and the production capabilities (as well as key competencies) of the company, taking into account the possible actions of competitors. Traditionally, in marketing, it is believed that in marketing activities it is necessary to build on the needs of the market, but this is not always true. Marketing activities can be aimed both at changing the company's products and business processes to meet existing demand (increasing the final consumer value), and at creating, developing or changing market demand (needs of potential consumers). But since direct demand management, unlike direct management of products and business processes, is most often technically impossible, since it involves manipulating the consciousness and motivation of end users, it is considered more reasonable to focus on existing demand (needs) and adjust the company's proposals to it. On the other hand, it is practically impossible to create a successful product that is innovative for the industry, focusing on an existing one. market demand. At the same time, it is obvious that even the development of an innovative product must begin with an answer to the question: what kind of consumers will buy it and why will they do it?

Directions of marketing activity

· collection of marketing information about the external and internal environment of the company - marketing research, competitive intelligence, etc.;

· analysis of marketing information and making marketing decisions (segmentation and selection of target segments, assessment of competitiveness, positioning, etc.);

planning of marketing activities (development of a marketing strategy and marketing plan);

Formation and implementation of the marketing mix.

These are not successive stages of marketing activity, as it may seem at first glance, these are precisely complementary directions. For example, in the process of developing a marketing strategy or analyzing marketing information, it may be necessary to conduct additional research, and based on the results of marketing research, adjustments can be made directly to the elements of the marketing mix without revising the marketing strategy and marketing plan.

Marketing Management

The organization of marketing in a company involves, first of all, the formation structural unit(Marketing Services) to manage all marketing activities. The legal document that formalizes the role and functions of the marketing service in the company is the Regulation on the Marketing Service, on the basis of which job descriptions for employees of this department.

Usually Regulations on the marketing service contains the following sections:

・Marketing Service Tasks

・Marketing Service Functions

Marketing service rights

In a particular company, the structure of this document, as well as the content of sections and paragraphs, may differ from the example given.

Marketing Service Tasks

The tasks of the marketing service follow, in essence, from the basic principles of marketing. Required tasks should include:

collection, processing and analysis of information about the market and demand for the company's products;

preparation of data necessary for decision-making on efficient use production, financial, marketing and similar potential in accordance with market requirements;

· active influence on the formation of demand and sales promotion.

Marketing Service Functions

The marketing service is designed to ensure the implementation of all marketing functions in the company.

1. Comprehensive market research:

· Research and analysis of the main indicators of the market (capacity, conjuncture, competitive environment, etc.);

· demand development forecasts (long- and short-term);

Study of consumers (attitude towards the product, company, behavioral motives, preferences, etc.);

analysis of competitors marketing policy, strong and weak sides etc.);

· market segmentation, selection of target segments, positioning, etc.;

definition of key competencies of the company;

· Development of a marketing strategy and operational plans, analysis and control of target markets.

2. Shaping assortment policy enterprises:

Development of product lines and assortment;

assessment of the state and increase in the level of competitiveness of products;

preparation of proposals for the development of new products;

· Trademark management.

3. Determination of the pricing policy of the enterprise and pricing management:

choice of pricing methods;

development of a system of discounts;

· development of marketing policy.

4. Creation of marketing channels and selection of methods for selling the company's products:

formation of marketing channels (distribution/distribution channels);

selection of resellers;

· analysis and forecast of sales volume and structure;

· development of forms and methods of sale of goods.

5. Development of marketing communications:

participation in prestigious non-commercial events;

holding exhibitions, presentations, demonstrations;

encouragement of buyers;

· incentives for sales staff and salespeople;

formation positive image companies.

Marketing Service Rights

1. The marketing service develops and submits for approval to the company's management:

marketing plans for long, medium and short term;

Proposals on the relationship and coordination of the activities of the marketing service with other departments of the company;

· proposals to reward employees of the marketing service and other functional and linear services for success in implementing the company's marketing efforts.

2. The Marketing Service develops and approves:

financial documents and personnel issues related to the activities of units that are part of the marketing service;

· projects of reporting and forecast documents related to the company's marketing activities.

marketing plan

An important point implementation of the strategy is the "formulation" of the decisions made in the plan of marketing activities. This document should describe specific activities to be implemented in the short term. Marketing plan can be detailed to several levels: for the company as a whole, for its functional divisions, as well as for specific products and markets.

Sample marketing plan structure:

1. Analysis of the current situation

(a) Current performance level

(b) Analysis of the current situation

(c) Opportunities and prospects

2. Goals and objectives of marketing

3. Brief overview of the marketing strategy

(a) Target market segments

(b) Positioning

4. Marketing mix program

(c) Promotion

(d) Distribution

(e) Services

(f) Personnel

5. Action plan

7. Organizational background

Marketing control

Marketing control is carried out at various stages with the help of individual elements of the control and analytical system. It includes:

· situational analysis - a preliminary analytical stage of marketing planning, which aims to determine the position of the enterprise in the market. The analysis of the components of the external and internal marketing environment is used in the form of answers to pre-prepared groups of questions;

· marketing control - the final stage of marketing planning, pursuing the goal of identifying the compliance and effectiveness of the chosen strategy and tactics with real market processes. It is carried out in the form of strategic, current control and control of profitability using standardized forms;

· marketing audit - a procedure for revising or significantly adjusting marketing strategies and tactics as a result of changes in conditions, both external and internal. Appropriate calculations and assessments are carried out;

· audit of marketing - the analysis and an estimation of marketing function of the enterprise. It is carried out by specialists in the form of an independent external verification of all elements of the marketing system. Built on general principles audits aimed at identifying lost benefits from inadequate use of marketing in the enterprise. Represents a new direction in the field of marketing consulting. Uses generally accepted procedures management consulting(diagnosis, prognosis, etc.).

It is also possible to highlight three types of control:

Strategic control

Strategic control is an assessment of strategic marketing decisions in terms of their compliance with the external conditions of the enterprise.

operational control

Operational (or current) control is aimed at assessing the achievement of the set marketing objectives, identifying the causes of deviations, their analysis and correction. The following indicators are monitored:

sales volume (comparison of fact and plan);

Market share (change in competitive position);

consumer attitude to the enterprise and its products (surveys, conferences, examinations, etc.).

The effectiveness of the use of financial resources allocated for marketing activities is also checked, for example: the number of sales transactions relative to commercial negotiations, the share of administrative costs in sales, advertising costs and consumer awareness of the company's products, etc. Additional measures are being developed to improve the effectiveness of specific marketing activities.

Profit control

Profit control is the examination of actual profitability across different products, markets, customer or customer groups, distribution channels, and others as a result of implementing a marketing plan against marketing costs.

When controlling profitability, direct and indirect marketing costs are distinguished. Direct costs are costs that can be attributed directly to individual elements of marketing: advertising costs, commissions to sales agents, marketing research, wage employees of the marketing service, payment for involved experts and specialists, etc. Such costs are included in the marketing budget in the relevant areas.

Indirect costs are the costs that accompany marketing activities: rental of premises, transportation costs, development technological processes etc. Such costs are not directly included in the marketing budget, but they can be taken into account during control, if necessary.

Use value

Value is a synonym for the concept of "use value", i.e. significance, usefulness of the product for the consumer.

The use value or usefulness of a product is a subjective, evaluative indicator that depends on the relative importance of the need that the product serves to satisfy, and on the degree to which the need is satisfied by the product.

Consumer value, like any subjective assessment of a product, is not the same for all buyers, it is purely individual, although in its mass, according to the laws of mathematical statistics, the weighted average market value of a product always approaches its true use value.

Formation and improvement of use value requires a detailed understanding of the value chain and, in particular, the identification of new opportunities for value development in this chain.

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