Marketing plan in the 21st century business system. Marketing plan of the Internet holding Gloryon. Technology of creation of JSC “21st Century”

Abstract on the discipline: “Marketing” was completed by a second year student

Specialty management

Modern Humanitarian Academy


The Internet contains even more significant potential than it seems at first glance. This trend is not so obvious, but much more important for you and me!

In 2000, e-commerce generated $233 billion in revenue for new businesses, according to eMarketer. In three years, this huge amount has increased more than 6 times! In 2003, online commerce reached $1.5 trillion!

$1.5 Trillion

$800 Billion

$450 Billion

$233 Billion

Currently, the US leads the business, accounting for 69% of global revenue. However, Internet technologies in other countries are now rapidly developing, and by 2005 the balance will be restored.

Research group IDC predicts that by 2005, about 1 billion people worldwide will use the Internet. Revenue volume ecommerce will rise to 5 trillion dollars!

These are transactions both between companies and business organizations, and between companies and ordinary clients.

The world has never seen such rapid business growth. It is truly unprecedented. No economy has achieved such significant results in so many years. short term. Neither during the industrial nor during the last information revolution, never before has the world seen such a rapid emergence of a huge number of new monetary units!

Large companies were the first to use this opportunity. We can now see this happening with existing telephone companies, computer companies, electrical appliance companies, stock exchanges, and even automobile companies.

But during this period of growth, an entirely new group of entrepreneurs and businessmen had the opportunity to “get lucky.” Many young people with fresh ideas are appearing on the scene, connecting their business with the Internet. Some of them have already made up their capital. Fortune magazine recently noted that “the 40 richest people under forty are very smart and use the Internet.”

At the same time, many mature and older people are finding that the Internet offers them a way to make a fresh start in life. Some members of these age groups also enjoy unexpectedly high incomes.

Internet business profession of the 21st century

Parallel to the growth of Internet commerce, another business trend has surpassed all expectations. It's about about the phenomenon of direct product distribution or “Network Marketing”.

Network Marketing originated almost 50 years ago in the United States of America, and today it is the fastest growing profession in the entire world.

What is Network Marketing?

This is a way to distribute products and services among friends and acquaintances; a method that has a number of advantages over our usual methods of doing business.

Firstly, you do not become an employee and do not try to survive on a strictly limited salary, while the business owner receives all the profits. You create your own own business, become your own boss and earn money without any restrictions.

Then, instead of risking large sums of money purchasing goods, looking for premises, opening an office, hiring staff, incurring legal and accounting expenses, you do something different. You join a group of distributors, the modern name for managers of a successful company, and begin to build your business. You are not investing money, but your time and connections. You earn as you expand your circle of influence. Your income depends on the size of your organization and the number of products you and your network distribute.

This idea has proven its worth by creating a huge number of dollar millionaires in the shortest period of time (compared to any other profession in history), as well as providing additional income to hundreds of millions of people around the world.

It is easy to explain this rapid growth, because these trends are ideal for modern lifestyle.

Just imagine! You no longer need to follow the ancient practice of going to work every day, listening to your bosses without question and being bound by a set salary! Now you can work, if you wish, without leaving your home, and determine your own work time, get the amount of money you want, and at the same time do what you really like!!!

Now you see how perfect the merger of Network Marketing and Internet Business is!

After all, now you can run your business in different cities using your own computer or a computer in an Internet cafe. Imagine how you find new clients and members of your organization using your Internet contacts, not just personal connections. Imagine how you conduct business meetings via the Internet, using tele and video conferencing technologies, rather than sitting in an old, cold room. How you place all your orders, control the delivery of products, transfer funds through your bank accounts, and all this very quickly - through a computer, via the Internet, without leaving your home.

This is exactly the successful business scheme that the Gloryon holding has developed for us!

Internet holding Glorion synthesizes in its activities methods of direct promotion and e-commerce - two of the most promising areas of the economy. The Glorion business formula is a synthesis of two technologies.

This is a combination of Internet commerce with another promising area of ​​the global economy - network marketing.

Organizing marketing networks...

...Glorion unites people who want to have their own Internet enterprises. Glorion provides its managers with everything they need to achieve success.

This is called “Internet business”!

Since the creation of Glorion...

...a thousand people in Eurasia have made money with the help of exclusive Glorion lines!

Quality products and services ordered online are sold in Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and other countries.

Glorion has found a way to combine the real and virtual worlds!

Thanks to this, is a symbol of the Internet era for many people in Eurasia!

Internet holding Glorion

Year of birth - 2000. Central corporate office in Novosibirsk. Conducts business in Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine. The company operates in the following industry markets: health products, oral care products, cosmetics, essential oils, IT technologies and social services.

Glorion - developer and manufacturer

The scientific and cosmetic departments of the company provide technological developments. The company is a member of the Association of Domestic Developers and Manufacturers of Dietary Supplements, has own production and close ties with manufacturers in Russia, Europe, China and the USA.

Glorion - internet holding company

The company uses a mobile business system, modern methods administration and online resources for business development. It promotes its products through a network of managers who develop their own businesses and have personal online representations (websites and online stores).

Glorion - social system

The company has long-term development programs human resources: corporate training concept, developed recognition and reward system, social programs for holding managers.

Company strategy

Glorion is an internet holding company. The name itself reflects the company's strategy.

Why "inter"?

The company actively uses online resources to develop its business.

The company's official representative office on the Internet is the website "The Beauty of a Healthy Life" is the largest information carrier, an actively developing resource for the holding's clients and partners.

A professional internal website for holding managers is modern methods of business administration. An individual electronic office allows you to remotely and quickly resolve all issues related to accounting, reporting, and monitoring business development.

Branded virtual product e-Gloryon - the ability to quickly and efficiently create your own individual websites and electronic stores.

Why "network"?

Analysts note that since 1996, network companies have been actively developing in the world. “Network” is the most promising business model today - a chain of stores, a chain of restaurants under a common brand. Networks are built by many large corporations selling electricity and airline services, consumer goods and financial services... The network model in a competitive environment captures a large percentage of customers; it is significantly ahead of local companies, both in terms of profitability and income per employee.

For the same reasons, today there is a new wave of interest in multi-level marketing companies. MLM is the direct promotion of goods from seller to buyer, bypassing the store and counter, an industry with more than half a century of history, a real sector of the world economy that employs millions of people.

Glorion uses MLM experience by promoting its products to the market through a network of managers. And it helps a huge number find people new profession, own business, stable income.

Why "holding"?

At Glorion, it is no coincidence that distributors are called “managers”. This name of profession and position accurately reflects the essence of the matter. Translation of the word manager - manager, director, owner. Manager Glorion is the director of his business, the manager of his business. At the same time, he is a partner in the holding.

By concluding a partnership agreement with Glorion, the manager uses:

holding products;

holding business system (online resources, tools, lending system, administrative support, delivery capabilities, etc.);

system of motivation and training of the holding.

Thus, Glorion is a holding that unites many private businesses under its brand.

Product promotion strategy

Glorion promotes only its own brands on the market.

As noted above, the company's official representative office on the Internet is the website "The Beauty of a Healthy Life" - the largest information carrier, an actively developing resource for the holding's clients and partners.

The company is a developer and manufacturer of health and beauty products. The holding has scientific and cosmetic departments in its structure.

Each Glorion product is scientific base plus modern technologies production. In March 2003, Glorion Internet Holding joined the association of domestic developers and manufacturers of dietary supplements. Glorion's products are included in the "Federal Register of Biologically Active Food Additives" issued by the Ministry of Health Russian Federation and the Department of State Sanitary-Epidemiological supervision. The Federal Register of dietary supplements is a kind of state quality mark. More than ten leading scientific and medical institutions conducted clinical testing of the Glorion dietary supplement.

The company has its own production and close ties with reliable manufacturers in Russia, European countries, China and the USA. Responsible for the quality of its products, controls all stages of production.

Products Glorion

Today the company operates in the following industry markets:

Health Products Market

Market social services

IT technology market

Essential oils market

Cosmetics market

Oral care market

“Multiple proposal” Glorion gives the manager a proposal for doing business.

Firstly, the products have target market for different groups of clients: from housewives to various groups of businessmen, from children to elderly people...

Secondly, a manager at the first stage of his work, without experience, can promote those products that are closer and clearer to him. One is in the business of promoting health products, another is promoting cosmetics, and the third is good at selling web constructors.

Glorion developer and manufacturer

The holding provides technological developments. It has its own production and close connections with reliable manufacturers in Russia, European countries, China and the USA. Responsible for the quality of its products, controls all stages of production.

In March 2003, the Glorion Internet Holding joined the Association of Domestic Developers and Manufacturers of Dietary Supplements.

For reference: about five hundred companies are engaged in the production and distribution of dietary supplements in Russia. Less than two dozen companies are members of the Association.

The scientific department of Glorion, which develops health products, is headed by professor, doctor medical sciences, leading employee of the Scientific Center for Clinical and Experimental Medicine of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, member of the Russian Ecological Academy Yuri Petrovich Gichev.

Glorion offers its own scientifically developed tests for individual selection of health products, cosmetics and essential oils. Tests help the client choose and the manager work.

Product competitiveness indicator

There is a constantly growing interest in the products of professionals: doctors of various specialties, cosmetologists. IN last years The number of loyal customers of the web designer Glorion (a virtual product designer for creating websites) is actively growing and this trend will continue, since the desire to have your own business website is an urgent need business people. Russia is now at the origins of the development of the Internet, website building is a hobby and a necessity of the 21st century, and the Glorion corporate council, in particular the marketing department, understands this well, therefore it is working hard in the field of promoting the virtual line.

Finally, Glorion’s most important product is the brand.

A brand is not an inscription on a label. A brand is what lives in the minds of consumers. Name, image, reputation.

As brands, Glorion offers products that satisfy the eternal needs of people to be healthy and beautiful.

Today, the assortment of Glorion stores includes the following brand lines:

Herbal teas “Areda”

Biological additives “Areda” (Russia)

Biological additives (Russia – USA)

Biological additives “Daosan” (China)

Biological supplements “Elements of Life”

Cosmetic line “Gloris”

Collection “Gloris” for the body

Essential oils “Gloris Fragrances”

Oral care line “Radonta”

Echo-chemistry for the kitchen “Ecoprim”

Marketing plan Internet holding Glorion

The Glorion marketing plan is a four-component marketing plan.


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“In those secrets that seem alien to you, there is something special hidden for you that you have not yet discovered for yourself.”
John Kalench

“Nothing can stop an idea whose time has come”
Bodo Schaefer

This section will focus on the network (multi-level) marketing business, which you can start without risk and large investments.

Many people today have a very vague, and sometimes very distorted, understanding of this business industry.

And now, at the word network marketing— what did you present?

An obsessive aunt with big bags, or a student running around all day with a cosmetics catalog in her hands?

Don't rush to conclusions! We are all clients of some networks. Networks cellular communication, pharmacy chains, supermarket chains.

But which one of us is owner at least one trading network and receives income from it?

Network marketing is a way to create your own network of branches, change your life forever, and become a truly free and financially independent person. - Presentation of a one-time reward (“13th salary”) in MLM

“The world's richest people search and build networks while the rest of us look for work.
You may have a big idea or product.
But they will only be successful if you have a network through which you can tell people about it."
Robert Kiyosaki - And such “13th salaries” are paid in MLM!

Despite this, today very few people know what is network marketing, and what benefits it provides.

Often the idea of network marketing business Reminds me of a well-known joke when grandfather and grandson were talking about music.

“The Beatles, the Beatles - I know your Beatles,” says the grandfather, “no hearing, no voice, and even burr.”
The grandson is surprised: where did you listen to the Beatles?
“I didn’t listen anywhere, the neighbor sang it,” the grandfather answers.

We hope that this section will help you see mlm business in the original, “first hand”, form your opinion about it, based on facts, and not on other people’s speculations, and decide whether it is suitable for you personally.

We invite you to figure this out with the help of

P.S. I talk about my experience in the MLM industry on the blog Your Successful Team.

No matter what is said about, one thing remains obvious - residual income much preferable to linear.

To understand what has been said, it is obviously necessary to consider the difference between these two concepts.

Residual income- this is income that you continue to receive long after the main initial work completed; Now your time and energy are spent on training others who will multiply your efforts and their results.

However, the advantages of this type of income do not appear immediately, but after a certain, sometimes quite long time, but when they appear, they are obvious and no one can challenge them.

Hence the statement characterizing the features of this type of business: “Nowhere do you work so hard for such a small reward in the beginning, and so little for such huge profits in the end.”

Linear income is time sold for money. You can work eight hours and these eight hours will be paid, but if you did not work, you will not receive any payment (an exception may be, perhaps, only a fixed salary, but even here you will be significantly reduced in pay while on vacation or on a sick leave).

If you have well established residual income, you can do nothing at all and continue to receive money.

Over the past few months, 95% of my efforts were focused on developing strategy and executing it in my leadership and only 5% on interacting with clients.

And guess what? I still receive checks and transfers, although at present I make virtually no efforts to maintain and develop my business. This business has now practically stopped growing, but this has not affected the stability of income in any way (although I am now converting it into a new direction to expand the scope of activity and cover new market segments).

There can be only one conclusion here: residual income is much more consistent with the goal of acquiring financial freedom and is able to bring you closer to it much faster and better.

What are the three steps mentioned in the title?

Step one. Analyze the sponsor company you have chosen (a sponsor is someone who has accepted you into their organization and is managing you). Not all sponsoring companies operate on the same footing, so be selective.

Step two. Choose a company that sells consumable and emotional goods.

The consumability of a product means that this product will be ordered again by the same customer in about a month (and this is a necessary condition for ensuring regularity of sales), and emotionality means that the product develops an emotional attachment to itself (for example, it provides support for a good level of health or beauty) .

That is why food companies are the most popular in this market.

Step three. Work on developing your business constantly. The main reason why people quit doing MLM business has already been stated: they do not always get the expected results immediately. We (i.e. MLM entrepreneurs) represent the so-called internal community receiving internal, i.e. deferred payments.

On the other hand, tell me at least one type of traditional business that generates income the very next day. Such a business does not exist in nature.

Why do we spend so much effort working in MLM?

Because we understand that our business is not a get-rich-very-quick scheme, but rather “get-rich-but-not-soon” scheme.

Only those who work hard and patiently achieve success.

In conclusion, I would like to note that in this article I focused on financial side MLM business.

Talk to any network marketer and they will tell you what it cost them personal growth and financial well-being.

If you use the Network in your MLM project and are guided by the three-step scheme I have given, then you will very soon find yourself on a direct path to financial freedom!

Someone, walking through the forest, met a woodcutter who was sawing a fallen tree for a long time and persistently.

A passerby came closer to see why the work was so difficult and said: “Sorry, but it seems to me that your saw is completely dull! Why don’t you sharpen it?”

To which the woodcutter groaned: “I don’t have time for this - I have to saw!”

When a person starts his own business, he first of all necessarily cares about what he will work with, what tools he will use in his work.

It is difficult to imagine, for example, a hairdresser who says to his colleague: “Please lend me your scissors, since I haven’t bought one for myself yet.”

Or a plumber who, upon coming to a client, asks him to let him use an adjustable wrench.

Moreover, it’s hard for me to imagine an Entrepreneur who doesn’t have at least such a basic thing as a diary.

It's not so easy - it's uphill and against the wind, which is why 80% of people prefer knurled hired labor for a related vacancy.

But life works like this: look where the crowd is running and run in the other direction, otherwise you will get the same as the crowd (Vladimir Tarasov).

And this means changing the usual course of your life, your usual activities, your usual communication (for example, preferring learning a new activity to watching your favorite TV series, or exchanging pitting politicians and talking about the hardships of life for communicating with successful people).

Change your habitual thinking: if you have money, I spend it; if you don’t have money, you don’t spend it.

Learn to think strategically and...

Get out of your comfort zone, because sitting there you will miss everything! You should be afraid not that your life will come to an end, but that it will never begin... Not a single opportunity will knock on your door and persuade you to leave!

All that remains for you is to write a Letter to Descendants.

Letter to Descendants

I'm poor, but I don't want to change my life! I'm very lazy!

I'm afraid of difficulties!

I had the opportunity to become rich, but I gave it to someone else because I am weak!

I know very well that in order to become very rich, you need to be hardworking, disciplined, strive for knowledge, but I had a thousand reasons not to do anything. I traded for little things.

I didn't take advantage of the experience of people who achieved success; I couldn't even do that.

That is why, my dear children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, we are so poor, we eat poorly, live in poor conditions, we are poorly dressed, and when we are sick, we have no money for medicine, and we see how people relax only on TV.

Only you make your own choice. And giving up freedom of choice is your conscious choice.

I would like to end this thought with a quote from Jim Rohn.

Four questions

As we come to the end of our journey together, I have a few questions that I would like you to think about.

The first one is: why should you try? Children often ask “why?” questions. And this important question from the “why” series.

I mean: why do you need to wake up early? Why do you have to work so hard? Why do you need to read so many books? Why do you need to have so many friends? Why do you have to go so far? Why do you need to earn so much? Why do you have to give up so much?

The best answer to the question “Why should you try?” is another question: “Why not?” Besides this, what are you going to do with your life? Why not see how far you can go?

Why not? In the end. You will be here until the time comes for you to leave. Why not live here in the lifestyle of your choice?

Why not you?

Why don't you watch the morning fog creep over the Hybrids, over Iceland or Scotland? Why don't you dive into history at the Tower of London or why don't you explore the dark secrets of Spain? Why don't you have lunch at one of those lovely cafes on the famous Champs Elysees in Paris?

Why not you?

Nothing compares to walking through the Hall of Mirrors at the Palace of Versailles or experiencing the Mona Lisa at the Louvre.

Why don't you go sailing on a yacht in the Caribbean? Do you know which places have the most elegant seashells in Miami? I can show you.

Why don't you shop on Fifth Avenue in New York, stopping at the Waldorf or the Plaza or Carlisle's, enjoying roast goose and a slice of apple strudel at Pukhov's?

Why don't you enjoy the sunset in Arizona?

Why don't you rejoice in all that life has to offer, knowing that this is your reward for orderly and constant efforts?

Why not you?

And now, my friend, Here is my last question for you: why not now?

Why put off a better future when so many amazing things await from you, your team?

Life works like this: look where the crowd is running and run in the other direction, otherwise
you'll get what the crowd gets.
Vladimir Tarasov

The father had three sons:

Well, the youngest is a Distributor.

The eldest father and mother
They gave me a tractor to plow,
The average one was bought an abacus
For a prestigious job,

Well, the youngest - eyebrows in a bunch
He said: ‘I would like a fountain pen
Given, and also a notebook,
Success plan to write.

The elder sows, the elder plows,
On Saturdays he dances in the club,
The average one beats up the money,
Debit with credit considers

Well, the younger one began to become impudent:
It was the idea to create a network.
And by spring, leaving the farm,
Went to town, Distributor.

So five years passed.
The older brother began to give in:
From hard work
The bones ache until they ache,

And my back still hurts,
Apparently radiculitis.
The middle brother also wilted -
I went bald and bought a wig.

He looked quite old.
And under the eye there is a nervous tic.
Well, and the youngest, finally,
Coming to visit, the bastard:

Hello, Vater, hello, Muter!
I am still a distributor!’
Father became blacker than a cloud,
He said: ‘You, son, would do better

I didn’t suffer from this stupidity,
And I would take my brothers as an example.
The eldest is a famous tractor driver,
The middle brother is an economist.

What a prestigious job!
There are honors hanging on the board!
Well, you're disgracing your family,
You are building some kind of network there.

Stop suffering from stupidity,
Distributor, motherfucker!’
And the youngest son answered.
‘I’m the only one in the family,

And there is a black mark in the family.
But the people need me!
Dad, you should take it and delve into it -
I'm a great networker!

Not a fool, not a phenomenon,
I am a Russian businessman.
I have such a network -
Lovely to watch:

There are miners and doctors,
Agronomists and weavers,
Kindergarten teachers
And an actor from Leningrad,

There are seamstresses and sellers,
Red Army soldiers.
It’s impossible to count them all at once,
Eight or six thousand.

All with care and love
They bring health to every home.
And me too, maybe
I can heal my brothers.

After all, in the company, for reference,
Food additives
And a medicinal drink
For health, oh my!’

His father interrupted:
‘And you, junior, are great!
How many people he lured!
Did you pay them money?

It's great to know:
Did you earn something yourself?’
The younger son smiled:
‘I’ll give you this answer:

I remember a year ago
I received fifty.
Last month but
I received one hundred thousand.

Well, in the very first year
It was the other way around.
There was a lot to do
But I was sitting without money.

Then the old man fell silent,
The gray-haired man hung his head,
And, after thinking, he said:
'I'm proud of you, son.'

The father had three sons:
The eldest was a strong fellow,
Average - smart as a computer
Well, the youngest is a Distributor

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Network Marketing | MLM - business of the 21st century

The grandson asks the grandmother:
"Whose brand new expensive cars are these?"
- These are networkers, son...
"Whose villas are these?"
- These are networkers, son...
“Grandma, why don’t we have this?”
- And we, son, don’t believe in this nonsense...

How to choose the right network company and sponsor, read the articles:
- How to choose an MLM company to build your business.
- How to choose a sponsor in network marketing?
- Life is Good Company - keeping up with the times.
- The main thing in MLM sales.

In this article we will not discuss what it is network marketing(or multi-level marketing, from English multilevel marketing) and its types, let’s look at how much MLM has entered our daily lives and why it is becoming in demand.

MLM - a concept for the sale of goods and services based on the creation of a network of sales agents, each of whom, in addition to selling products, has the right to attract partners who have similar rights. The income of each network participant consists of commissions for product sales and additional rewards from the volume of sales made by its partners. This is the wording on Wikipedia. But there is one thing - each agent must be a consumer of the distributed product. In other words, MLM is the sale of services or goods to persons who have used these services or goods, using a multi-level reward system and the ability to create their own network structure. You can compare MLM with word of mouth, which generates income. If earlier, having acquired something good, you shared your emotions with friends, now these emotions can be converted into money.

Why is MLM becoming popular? In order for a store to tell about itself, it has to resort to advertising. Traditional advertising is television, print, billboard and banner advertising on the Internet. Advertising on the Internet somehow allows you to track the number of people who have shown interest in it, but assessing the impact of other advertising options is more difficult. If we take our country, television advertising appeared relatively recently and initially attracted attention. Today, advertising on TV is an opportunity to run to the kitchen for a sandwich or flip through the channels to look for something more interesting. The effect of such advertising is already doubtful. Therefore, advertisers, in search of clients in other ways, turned their attention to MLM technologies.

Multilevel marketing has been known in the world for quite a long time. The founders of the technology are considered to be American entrepreneurs Lee S. Mytinger and William S. Casselberry, who became distributors of the Nutrilite Products company in 1945. Most full-fledged MLM companies operating in our market have foreign registration. In our country, MLM companies are treated with skepticism and even contempt. At the same time, we all come across companies every day that use elements of network marketing when selling services and goods. Let's look at how MLM technology is used using the example of well-known companies.

The purpose of a business plan is to establish fairly broad goals and strategies business activity for strategic economic centers for a period of up to five years. In this respect, a business plan is similar to a strategic plan, which is also focused on a fairly long period of time. Another common feature These two plans are the strategic consideration of developing or acquiring new products, developing new markets in order to achieve the desired financial goals. A business plan, like a marketing plan, is based on deep marketing research. The marketing section is one of the most important parts of a business plan. The purpose of this section is to explain how the proposed business intends to influence the market and respond to the prevailing conditions in the market in order to ensure the sale of the product.

A marketing plan can be presented in different ways depending on the type of business and the complexity of the market. However, any business plan in one form or another must reflect the following aspects of the marketing plan:

· determination of demand and market capacity;

· analysis of competition and other factors influencing development of this business;

· description of the marketing strategy of this company (sales strategy, advertising and promotion of goods, pricing, sales promotion, etc.);

· market research results;

· sales volume forecasts.

The marketing plan for an enterprise can be understood in the broad and narrow sense of the word. Marketing plan is the marketing section comprehensive business plan enterprise development. However, there is also an understanding of the marketing plan in the narrow sense of the word - this is a list of tactical measures that make it possible to improve the position of the enterprise in the market segments it occupies (in this work we will consider the marketing plan in this context).

Marketing activities can be divided into the following main blocks:

· measures to enhance product sales;

· measures to orient the enterprise towards the Consumer;

· activities to collect commercial information;

· activities for the preparation of analytical materials on the analysis of the most promising market segments;

· pricing proposals;

· proposals for the range of products;

It is more convenient to present the marketing plan in tabular form. Moreover, it is advisable to divide the activities planned for implementation into two sections - regular (in this case, the period is the frequency) and one-time (key date, reporting).

The result can be expressed in both quantitative and qualitative indicators of the enterprise’s activities.

The key task of the current moment is to provide the consumer with the most favorable service conditions.

Work that must be done by any organization before starting to develop a marketing plan:

· identify key business processes in the organization in all functional areas;

· formulate an enterprise development strategy at a joint meeting of managers and specialists in finance, marketing and production.

In addition, another group of special types of activities are activities for the collection and analysis of commercial information. On the one hand, these events provide the main initial prerequisites for the formation of a strategy, and on the other hand, they themselves are lines in the developed marketing plan.

A prerequisite for success in this field is the dependence of employee salaries on the performance of their duties. Moreover, the share of real payments depending on performance results must be significant (at least a third of the employee’s total earnings).