Oil resistant raw rubber. Transportation and storage. Technical Insert Classes

Oil and petrol resistant rubber- high-quality rubber products, designated by the abbreviation MBS. This material is suitable for use in various environments. It is used in any premises, containers and vessels, also in environments with inert gases. Often such rubber is used in the energy sector if the main medium is oil..

Transformer rubber (oil-resistant rubber) is made from nitrile butadiene rubber (SKN-26, SKN-18) in the form of sheets with a thickness of 6 to 12 mm. Oil-resistant rubber is used to seal covers, bushings, and oil flanges. power transformers .

Purpose oil resistant rubber MBS– sealing connections that are not intended to be moving elements. This rubber can also be used as a gasket. Gaskets eliminate the possibility of friction between metal surfaces and withstand single impact loads well.

Sealing gaskets and rings for transformers are made from technical grade oil and petrol resistant rubber (MBR) by casting into special molds. It is recommended to cut rubber sheets up to 6 mm thick using punch knives.

Oil-resistant rubber for transformers is manufactured in 2 types:

  • UM – universal oil-heat-freeze-resistant version
  • OM – ozone-freeze-resistant

Nominal geometric parameters of products made of oil-resistant rubber

Product type

Length, mm

Width, mm

Thickness, mm

Diameter, mm


Technical performance rubber in media
and operating conditions GOST 12855-77

Quality control

The surface of technical rubber must be smooth. The following are not allowed on the main surface and sections of the product: inclusions and gas bubbles of more than 0.5 mm for plates up to 5 mm thick; 0.75 mm – for thicknesses 5-10 mm, 1.0 for thicknesses 10-20 mm; 1.5 mm for plates thicker than 20 mm. The total area of ​​air bubbles should not exceed 10 cm2. per 1 sq.m. products.

Folds formed during the bandaging process of the product should not exceed 4 mm in width, 100 mm in length and be greater than the tolerance range for the thickness of the roll in depth. Acceptable delamination along the edges and ends of the roll or plate is up to 5 mm in length and 1 mm in width.

Physical and mechanical properties

Parameter name

Type of technical plate

Density, g/cm3

Shore hardness, A

Change in mass when the product is kept for 24 hours in SZhR-2 oil at a temperature of 100°C, %

Not regulated

Tensile strength, MPa

Relative extension, %

Relative residual deformation under compressive force in air for 24 hours at temperature:
+ 50°C (initial deformation 20%);
+ 100°C (initial deformation 30%)

Frost resistance coefficient for elastic recovery after compressive deformations, not less than:
at -45°C
at -50°C


Each rubber product must be marked with indelible paint. Markings include:

  • trademark
  • symbol
  • date of issue indicating quarter and year
  • STK stamp

Transportation and storage

Transformer plates should be stored in closed warehouses at the following temperature conditions:

  • from 0 to +25°C – normal storage mode, duration - within warranty period storage
  • from +25 to +35°C – no more than 80 days
  • from +35 to +40°C – no more than 15 days

If technical plates were stored in subzero temperatures, before use they should be kept for 3 hours at a temperature of 50°C, or for 24 hours at a temperature of 15°C. During storage, rubber products must be protected from direct sunlight, oil, gasoline, kerosene, their vapors, acids, alkalis, gases, as well as other substances capable of destroying rubber.

Transformer rubber sheets can be transported by all types of transport. When transporting in closed containers, the products may not be packaged.
If transformer plates are transported at temperatures below -30°C, the products should be reliably protected from impact loads and deformations. You can unpack technical plates after exposure to negative temperatures only after they have been kept for a day at a temperature from 0°C to +25°C.

Oil and petrol resistant rubber is a high-quality rubber product, designated by the abbreviation MBS. This material is suitable for use in various environments. It is used in any premises, containers and vessels, also in environments with inert gases. Often such rubber is used in a fuel environment if the fuel base is oil or gasoline.

MBS easily withstands temperatures ranging from -30 to +80 degrees Celsius. Gasoline and petroleum products, when exposed to this material, do not affect its shape and elasticity properties. The purpose of the MBS is to seal connections that are not intended as moving elements. This rubber can also be used as a gasket. Gaskets eliminate the possibility of friction between metal surfaces and withstand single impact loads well.

Sheet rubber, which belongs to the category of oil and petrol resistant, can act as a flooring or gasket. This material is produced in various thicknesses, each of which corresponds to a specific GOST. MBS, depending on the components of the composition, can have a number of diverse beneficial properties. Thus, it is often characterized by good heat resistance, sound insulation and thermal insulation.

Application of MBS

The most common areas of application of the material are electrical engineering, construction, and mechanical engineering. Often MBS acts as a base when installing pumping and other equipment in order to prevent unwanted vibration effects. The classification of rubber is divided into two main types: according to density and resistance to environments with aggressive manifestations.

MBS 30 rubber is called technical rubber. Its constant characteristic is a thickness of 30 mm. This material is used as a raw material for the manufacture of a wide variety of rubber parts. The parts themselves are subsequently used as seals in fixed-type joints, as well as in the role of various gaskets, floorings and other things.

The main area of ​​application for thirty-millimeter rubber is metal surfaces. It is their contact, in order to avoid the friction process, that is prevented by MBS 30. Since such compounds are mainly found in various types of equipment, rubber is also recognized as technical. That is, these products are not intended for use in other areas, for example, in medicine or food.

Material characteristics

Crude oil-resistant rubber is a mass of one of the categories of rubber compounds that has not been converted into any specific form. The material is provided to clients for the purpose of its further independent formation. Products of the required configuration, size and other parameters can be made from raw rubber.

Molded products made from MBS are capable of working in conditions of interaction with fuel and oils. Range operating temperature raw rubber - from -30 to +100 degrees Celsius. By definition, this material is a rubber compound that can be converted into rubber after undergoing a vulcanization process.

Oil-resistant rubber is a material resistant to technical oils. It is used to make cuffs, seals, diaphragms and other similar products. As a rule, such rubber is produced in the form of sheets with a thickness of 6 to 12 mm. The advantages of this material include: no sulfur content, resistance to oils and the ability to resist swelling.

Complement wide range The advantages of oil-resistant rubber are such characteristics as resistance to oxidation and high temperature, high rate electrical resistance and chemical resistance. The material can function properly in the temperature range from -60 to +230 degrees Celsius.

Oil-resistant rubber for transformers, otherwise called oil-resistant silicone, is used as seals for transformers. The material is made primarily from nitrile butadiene rubber. The form of such rubber is sheets, the thickness of which ranges from 6 to 12 mm. In transformers, covers, bushings and flanges are sealed using this material.

The principle of manufacturing seals is the cutting method, when certain sections are cut out or cut out of the material. Such cuttings are joined using an adhesive connector. Transformer rubber can be of two types: ozone-freeze-resistant and universal oil-heat-freeze-resistant.

The geometric form of execution is divided into cords, strips, sheets and rolls. The surface of the technical material must be smooth, only minor inclusions and gas bubbles are allowed.

Roll rubber MBS brand used for the manufacture of seals for various connected parts. Sheet rubber also serves as a material for damping vibrations from operating machines, engines, etc. The material can be used as flooring in industries where there are heavy metal structures.

Technical characteristics of MBS rubber sheets

MBS rubber technical plate (oil-gasoline-resistant) GOST 7338-90 is used for the manufacture of rubber products used to seal fixed joints operating under pressure up to 0.1 MPa, to prevent friction between metal surfaces, to absorb single shock loads, as well as in as gaskets, decking and other sealing joints. Working environment - various mineral and synthetic oils, petroleum products, as well as indoor air, containers, and vessels; nitrogen, inert gases at a pressure of 0.05 to 0.4 MPa or fresh, sea, industrial, waste water without organic solvents and lubricants; a solution of salts with a concentration up to the saturation limit; acids, alkalis with a concentration of no more than 20% at a pressure from 0.05 to 10.0 MPa. Temperature from -45 to +80 *C. Supplied in rolls up to 5 meters long and 0.75m...1.6m wide. With a thickness of 16mm. - dimensions of the technical plate are about 0.7 m x 0.7 m. or 1.0m. x 1.0m.

The silicone plate can be used in much wider temperature ranges than TMKShch and MBS - from -65 to +300°C.

Rubber is a material that is obtained through the process of vulcanization of natural or synthetic rubber. It is used for the manufacture of tires for wheeled vehicles, seals, conveyor belts and many other products used in medicine, everyday life, etc. In particular, one of the products of rubber processing is sheet rubber (technical plate).

Types of rubber sheets

The fundamental document for sheet rubber manufacturers is GOST 7338-90. This document applies to rubber plates, which are intended for the production of parts used to seal fixed joints, preventing friction between the surfaces of parts made of metal. In addition, parts made of this type of rubber must withstand shock loads that can occur in machines and mechanisms operating in various industries and construction. The same documents define the types of rubber and the operating conditions for which they are intended. Thus, oil-resistant rubber has three degrees of hardness, and can operate at temperatures from -40 to +90 degrees Celsius. It must remain operational in environments containing fats, oils, emulsions, inert gases and steam.

GOST determines that, depending on the scope of application and operating conditions, three main types of technical sheet rubber are produced.

  • heat-frost-acid-shallow-resistant (TMKShch);
  • oil resistant MS;
  • oil and petrol resistant MBS.

The TMKShch rubber plate remains operational in environments such as aqueous, acidic, alkaline and gas. It can be used, depending on the degree of hardness, from -45 to +90 degrees Celsius.

Oil-gasoline-resistant (MBR) sheet rubber can operate in oily or in environments in which hydrocarbon fuels are present. The operating temperature range is from -30 to +80 degrees Celsius.

Several other types of rubber are produced in sheet form:

  • vacuum;
  • silicone;
  • spongy.

White vacuum rubber brand 7889 is distinguished by the following parameters - it is immune to the effects high pressure and temperatures, have high elasticity and at the same time it successfully resists compression. Vacuum rubber, in addition to sheet versions, can be supplied to the consumer in the form of sleeves, cords, etc.
Vacuum rubber also includes colored vulcanized sheet rubber. By the way, different colors do not carry any meaning. Such rubber is produced solely for aesthetic reasons.
Silicone sheet rubber is a material that is produced using high molecular weight substances, which include silicon and some organic substances. By appearance it is indistinguishable from that produced from ordinary rubber. But her chemical formula allows it to operate in a temperature range from -50 to +480 degrees Celsius. If the ambient temperature is no more than +100 degrees, then we can say that parts made of this type of rubber will work forever. By the way, working in such extreme conditions for a long time does not affect its operational workshops.

Spongy (porous) rubber is essentially foamed rubber that can be molded into sheets, etc. The industry produces several brands of these products, which differ from each other in density and areas of application. By the way, porous rubber is often used for creativity.

Food grade sheet rubber is produced in accordance with the requirements of GOST 17133-83. Products made from this material are used to make seals that come into contact with food substances.
The technical plate can be supplied to the customer in the form of plates of a certain size or in the form of rolls.

As already noted, the main technical parameters of sheet rubber are regulated in GOST 7338-90. By the way, in some documents you can find references to GOST 7339-65, which is no longer valid.

In particular, it determines that the finished product has the following dimensions:

    Sheets width from 250 to 1350, length from 250 to 1000 mm.
    Rolls width range from 250 to 1750, length can reach 10,000 mm.
    The thickness of the technical plate ranges from 1 to 60 mm.
    The specific gravity of the technical plate varies within 1000 g per 1 cubic meter. dm.

The technical characteristics of the vacuum plate are supplemented with the following parameters:

    The dimensions of the technical plates, mostly square in shape, are 500x500, 600x600, 700x700, etc.
    It must remain operational at temperatures from -8 to +70 degrees Celsius.

The vacuum plate is produced in accordance with the requirements of TU 38105116-81.
Special transformer materials are also produced in the form of sheets or rolls. It is used in the production of transformers and other devices used in electrical engineering. Technical requirements are defined in GOST 12855.

Designation of sheet rubber

In order for consumers of products of this class to be able to easily navigate the nomenclature of rubber goods, a procedure for designating finished products has been determined. For example, the entry plate 2N-1-TMKShch-S-5 means that in front of the customer there is an unmolded (N) sheet of rubber (1) plate of the second class, medium hardness (C). TMKShch – plate grade. The last number indicates the thickness of the sheet.

Scope of application of sheet rubber

Technical plates produced in accordance with the requirements of GOS 7338-90 have found their application in various industries - mechanical engineering, aviation, machine tools, food, nuclear, etc. Products made from this material are used in the production of products used in healthcare, sports, etc.

Most often, sheet rubber is used for the production of insulating and sealing gaskets. In addition, it is used in shock-absorbing devices, etc.

Advantages and disadvantages of technical plates

Like any product, a technical plate has a number of advantages and disadvantages. The undoubted advantages include the fact that it is a heat-resistant product. As noted above, the maximum operating temperature range is from – 40/30 to +80 degrees Celsius, that is, frost resistance is also its advantage. Heat-resistant silicone rubber can withstand temperatures up to +400 degrees. The elasticity of sheet rubber allows it to be used in various moving mechanisms, for example, as protective covers. The technical plate has high wear resistance and this allows it to be used as blades on bulldozers. To do this, use a plate of the TMKShch brand.

For a number of years now, many media have literally hammered into the heads of consumers the idea that if a manufacturer strictly complies with GOST requirements, then it produces products High Quality. But is it?
As noted above, GOST 7338-90 is a fundamental document that should guide manufacturers of relevant rubber goods. To manufacture parts that will work under certain conditions, the material is selected based on the following criteria:
  • temperature regime;
  • presence of aggressive environments;
  • characteristics of physical impacts during the operation of rubber goods.

That is, how long and effectively the rubber goods will work depends on the correct choice of the brand of the base material. Meanwhile, most of the manufacturers who are guided by the requirements of the mentioned GOST find themselves in an ambivalent position.
The thing is that certain standards therein do not allow the production of truly effective materials. Part of the reason is that the consumer has a strong opinion that the technical plate, in its parameters, can exceed the requirements defined in GOST 7338-90.

To produce technical plates that must meet the requirements of this mentioned document, it is enough to use cheap raw materials from the category of synthetic rubbers, namely styrene butadiene rubber, isoprene rubber, etc. As a result of this approach, the TMKShch plate can only work in 20% solutions of acids and alkalis and this is clearly not enough .

But the development of technology has led to a number of modern materials, for example, silicone rubbers have nothing to do with GOST 7338-90.
To overcome outdated GOST requirements, many enterprises in this industry are engaged in independent development and serial production of sheet rubber, which in its characteristics exceeds the standards of GOST 7338-90. This type of product includes the so-called branded rubber. For example, B-14. It is used to create oil and petrol resistant products that exceed standard ones in terms of parameters and cost. The factories manufacture these products on the basis of the specifications developed by them.
Of course, one cannot say that rubber-technical products that are produced on the basis of this normative document, are of low quality.

Most likely, the time has come to radically change the content of this document and enable manufacturers to calmly produce products that meet the technological requirements of our time.

Oil and petrol resistant rubber- high-quality rubber products, designated by the abbreviation MBS. This material is suitable for use in various environments. It is used in any premises, containers and vessels, also in environments with inert gases. Often such rubber is used in the energy sector if the main medium is oil..

Transformer rubber (oil-resistant rubber) is made from nitrile butadiene rubber (SKN-26, SKN-18) in the form of sheets with a thickness of 6 to 12 mm. Oil-resistant rubber is used for sealing covers, bushings, flanges of oil power transformers .

Purpose oil resistant rubber MBS– sealing connections that are not intended to be moving elements. This rubber can also be used as a gasket. Gaskets eliminate the possibility of friction between metal surfaces and withstand single impact loads well.

Sealing gaskets and rings for transformers are made from technical oil and petrol resistant rubber (MBR) by casting into special molds. It is recommended to cut rubber sheets up to 6 mm thick using punch knives.

Oil-resistant rubber for transformers is manufactured in 2 types:

  • UM – universal oil-heat-freeze-resistant version
  • OM – ozone-freeze-resistant

Nominal geometric parameters of products made of oil-resistant rubber

Product type Length, mm Width, mm Thickness, mm Diameter, mm
Sheet 150-1000 250-800 2-25
Roll 800-5000 200-1200 2-25
Band 1000-20000 10-40 4-16
Cord 1000-20000 8

Technical performance rubber in media
and operating conditions GOST 12855-77

Quality control

The surface of technical rubber must be smooth. The following are not allowed on the main surface and sections of the product: inclusions and gas bubbles of more than 0.5 mm for plates up to 5 mm thick; 0.75 mm – for thicknesses 5-10 mm, 1.0 for thicknesses 10-20 mm; 1.5 mm for plates thicker than 20 mm. The total area of ​​air bubbles should not exceed 10 cm2. per 1 sq.m. products.

Folds formed during the bandaging process of the product should not exceed 4 mm in width, 100 mm in length and be greater than the tolerance range for the thickness of the roll in depth. Acceptable delamination along the edges and ends of the roll or plate is up to 5 mm in length and 1 mm in width.

Physical and mechanical properties

Parameter name Type of technical plate
Density, g/cm3 1,2-1,4
Shore hardness, A 55-70 70-80
Change in mass when the product is kept for 24 hours in SZhR-2 oil at a temperature of 100°C, % -3…+5 Not regulated
Tensile strength, MPa 6,4 7,8
Relative extension, % 200 160
Relative residual deformation under compressive force in air for 24 hours at temperature:
+ 50°C (initial deformation 20%);
+ 100°C (initial deformation 30%)

Frost resistance coefficient for elastic recovery after compressive deformations, not less than:
at -45°C
at -50°C



Each rubber product must be marked with indelible paint. Markings include:

  • trademark
  • symbol
  • date of issue indicating quarter and year
  • STK stamp

Transportation and storage

Transformer plates should be stored in closed warehouses at the following temperature conditions:

  • from 0 to +25°C – normal storage mode, duration - within the guaranteed storage period
  • from +25 to +35°C – no more than 80 days
  • from +35 to +40°C – no more than 15 days

If technical plates were stored in subzero temperatures, before use they should be kept for 3 hours at a temperature of 50°C, or for 24 hours at a temperature of 15°C. During storage, rubber products must be protected from direct sunlight, oil, gasoline, kerosene, their vapors, acids, alkalis, gases, as well as other substances capable of destroying rubber.

Transformer rubber sheets can be transported by all types of transport. When transporting in closed containers, the products may not be packaged.
If transformer plates are transported at temperatures below -30°C, the products should be reliably protected from impact loads and deformations. You can unpack technical plates after exposure to negative temperatures only after they have been kept for a day at a temperature from 0°C to +25°C.

NPO "EnergoKomplekt" will also help deliver transformer oil-resistant rubber to any point in Russia, as well as neighboring countries by road or rail.

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