Master of gardening and landscape construction training. Military department. III. Characteristics of training by profession

The international activities of the University are carried out in the following areas:

  • training of foreign citizens in secondary vocational, higher and additional programs vocational education;
  • participation in bilateral and multilateral exchange programs for students, teaching and scientists; internships for teachers in leading educational and scientific centers of foreign countries;
  • participation in international educational projects in the field of secondary, higher, additional professional and pre-university education, including congresses, conferences, symposia, round tables and other events with organizations representing foreign educational institutions and organizations;
  • implementation of applied scientific research on orders from foreign scientific and educational organizations;
  • implementation innovative technologies training in accordance with international requirements;
  • formation of a modern training base for training specialists for the operation of foreign aviation technology and equipment.

Training for foreign citizens

On average, about 250-300 foreign students enter the University every year in all forms of study. The total number of foreign students is stable at the level of 1000-1100 people (the ratio of the number of foreign full-time and part-time students, as a rule, corresponds to the proportion 1:2), while the annual graduation rate of those who successfully complete the program higher education in all specialties and forms of training is about 100-150 people.

The geography of students studying at the University is extensive - currently citizens from more than 40 countries are studying at the university. The main contingent consists of representatives from the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States - these are citizens of Azerbaijan, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, and from far abroad countries - these are citizens of Algeria, Mongolia, Nigeria, Cameroon.

Those entering the University have the opportunity to enter either a budget-funded form of education, within the framework of international agreements and/or in the directions of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation, and under contracts with payment of the cost of training by individuals or legal entities. Citizens of Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, and Tajikistan study at budget places at the University. The university has an extensive network of foreign partners - customers educational services, with whom joint cooperation has been maintained for a long period of time.

For foreign citizens who do not have knowledge of the Russian language, the University organizes 10-month pre-university training courses. The training program includes intensive study of the Russian language, as well as training in natural science disciplines such as physics, chemistry, mathematics, computer science, and engineering graphics. Every year, 30-40 students are trained within the preparatory department. Based on the results of the training, students are issued a corresponding certificate.

University student from Angola Moniz Rodrigo Elias Baltazar,
Laureate of the “Student Spring 2016” competition, participant in vocal competitions.

In order to attract a wider range of students, the University has entered into a long-term agreement with the company RACUS on the recruitment of students to study in Russia. As part of the implementation of the presentation plan educational programs in foreign countries, extensive advertising campaign University at more than 200 representative events (exhibitions, seminars, conferences, open days) in 50 countries.

An attractive feature of our University for citizens from non-CIS countries is the possibility of a cross-cutting educational path through educational programs in the field of civil aviation: pre-university training, specialty (bachelor's) program, postgraduate studies in a wide range of specialties in demand by civil aviation. Since 2015, the University has also provided foreign citizens with the opportunity to study in master's programs.

Mobility of scientific and pedagogical workers and students

Academic mobility is a priority area of ​​international activity of the University. Academic mobility provides an opportunity for students, graduate students, teachers and young scientists to continue their education or gain scientific experience abroad by participating in short-term educational or research programs. The goal of developing academic mobility programs is to develop international cooperation, exchange experience with foreign partners, introduce new educational components into training programs, improve the qualifications of teaching staff, and educate a new generation of specialists prepared to work in a globalized world community. Academic exchanges are implemented in accordance with agreements between the University and partner universities, agreements with international companies, foundations and other organizations.

Simultaneously with the development of student internship programs at the university, significant attention is paid to the academic mobility of teaching staff and instructors. The main goal is the opportunity to familiarize university staff with new technologies, teaching methods, and in-depth study of modern aircraft and air traffic control facilities. University teachers and instructors regularly undergo internships at foreign centers and organizations for further use of the information received in the implementation of educational programs of the university.

The international cooperation

The university has an extensive network of partner organizations located both in the Commonwealth countries and in remote regions of the world - Europe, South America, Asia. Cooperation covers wide range issues related to the activities of the university - flight practice and simulator training, advanced training courses, joint scientific projects, internships for students and teaching staff.

University students at the event,
dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the independence of Turkmenistan.

Thanks to close contacts within the University, in 2015 alone, negotiations were received and held with more than 15 delegations with a total number of participants of about 130 people. In order to maintain high level competencies of university staff, the University regularly holds seminars, conferences, and round tables at which the most significant industry issues are discussed with the involvement of leading foreign industry experts.

Occupying a leading position in the field of training civil aviation specialists, foreign companies regularly contact the university to organize advanced training courses for personnel in various directions– retraining for aircraft type, testing in English, organization of transportation of dangerous goods. Every year, 20-50 specialists from foreign organizations undergo retraining at the university.

Participation in international educational and scientific programs

Since 2007, the university has successfully used the TRAINAIR methodology to train students in the field of additional professional education. For this purpose several training courses, created or adapted by TRAINAIR University. Based on the STP developed by university staff, about 300 air traffic control instructors from Russia, Mongolia and Tajikistan were trained to implement the RVSM system. The University participated in presentations at the 10th and 11th TRAINAIR World Symposiums and is currently considering continuing its participation at a new stage - TRAINAIRPLUS.

ICAO International Seminar on Systems
Aviation Safety Management (2007)

University staff take an active part in organizing international training courses and seminars. Thus, at the University in 2014, a seminar was held “Improving the processes of flight and technical operation Aircraft Diamond 40.42 NG" with representatives of the manufacturer of aircraft of this type, as well as the 41st Meeting of the Commanders Club dedicated to improvement regulatory framework Russian Federation in terms of improving aviation security.

The administration of the university is actively considering the issue of the University joining the European Association of Aeronautical and Aerospace Universities (PartnershipsofaEuropeanGroupof AeronauticsandSpaceUniversities, Pegasus), and is also working with the French University of Civil Aviation (ENAC), the goal of which is to resolve organizational issues to launch the “double degree” program.

In 2014, the University launched master's training for specialists in the field of civil aviation; among the incoming master's students there are, among other things, representatives of civil aviation from the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

In 2014, representatives of the university were also invited to participate in a meeting organized by the Eurasian Economic Commission on the issue of the phased formation of the so-called “Single Eurasian Sky”. One of the main directions of integration processes within the Customs Union and the Common Economic Space is the formation of a coordinated transport policy.

The University administration is actively working to conclude cooperation agreements aimed at implementing projects in the field of science and education with various foreign educational institutions.

Number of foreign citizens

Academic year




Foreign partners

– National aviation company “Uzbekistan Airways” (Uzbekistan);

– Department of Civil Aviation of Mongolia;

– Azerbaijan Airlines (AZAL);

– State National Service “Turkmenhowayollary” named after. Great Saparmurat Turkmenbashi (Turkmenistan);

Government agency"Center international programs» under the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Tajikistan;

– Khujand International Airport (Tajikistan).

– ENAC University (France, Toulouse)

Register of international agreements SPbSU GA

Name of company

Country city

Conclusion date

Goals of cooperation

1. National Aviation Academy (NAA)Azerbaijan, Baku

October, 2014

2. Kyrgyz Aviation College named after. I. AbdraimovaKyrgyzstan, Bishkek

scientific and educational activities

3. Beijing Transport UniversityChina, Beijing

November, 2015

scientific and educational activities

4. Zadar UniversityCroatia

October, 2016

scientific and educational activities

5. University of MostarBosnia and Herzegovina

scientific and educational activities

    The university cooperates with a number of foreign universities around the world:
  • Italy Rome),
  • Germany Berlin),
  • France (Nantes),
  • Estonia (Tartu),
  • Belarus (Vitebsk),
  • Uzbekistan (Samarkand),
  • Ukraine (Kharkov),
  • Kazakhstan (Almaty, Semipalatinsk)

Nord-Baltika NW - Russian project

    Under the program “Nord Baltic NW - Russian Project” for postgraduate education in the field of veterinary medicine, the academy cooperates with the following countries:
  • Scandinavian countries: The Norwegian school of veterinary science, The Swedish university of agricultural science, University of Helsinki, faculty of veterinary medicine
  • Baltics: Estonian agricultural university, Institute of veterinary medicine and animal sciences, Estonian university of life sciences, Latvia university of agricultural, Lithuanian veterinary academy
  • And also: Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Free University of Berlin, Experimental Institute of Animal Prevention of the Regions of Lazio and Tuscany (Italy) - scientific work, State Veterinary University of Nantes (France) - internship for undergraduate and graduate students.

University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (SPbGASU)

University of Architecture, Construction and Geodesy (Bulgaria, Sofia)

Students undergo geodetic practice in Bulgaria: lay theodolite tunnels, conduct reconnaissance (inspection of the area), field tracing, depict the terrain on the plan, etc.
An interesting cultural program is provided, which includes visits to the cities of Bulgaria (Varna, Plovdiv, Sofia).

Higher Technical School (Germany, Kaiserslautern)

Construction and architectural practice for students.

For students of construction specialties, an internship with a visit is organized construction projects, design and construction companies, new constructed objects (bridges, residential buildings, laboratories and others).
Master classes are organized for students of architectural specialties. Russian and German students are given a specific topic relating to the most current issues architecture. Over the course of five days, students jointly develop projects and then defend them during a test lesson.

In addition, during the internship, students of all directions can get acquainted with studying in Germany using the example of the Kaiserslautern Higher Technical School. Visits to museums, exhibitions, and walking tours are organized for them.

Languages ​​spoken: German, English.

Krakow Polytechnic named after. Tadeusha Kosciuszki (Poland)

In Poland, construction practice is conducted for students of the Russian Federation with visits to various objects, construction sites, construction and design firms in Krakow.

During this time, students can further get acquainted with studying in Poland using the example of the Krakow Polytechnic. Tadeusz Kosciuszki.

An extensive cultural program is also provided: a visit to the former salt mines in Wieliczka, a trip to Zakopane (ski resort), walking tours of Krakow with a visit to the royal Wawel Castle.

Languages ​​of communication: English, Polish.

St. Petersburg University of Architecture and Civil Engineering also cooperates with Beijing University of Engineering and Architecture(China).

University of Granada (Spain)

Students choose 5 subjects in Spanish (a list can be obtained from the International Department) and take them during the semester. Re-crediting of courses is carried out subject to their passing in the examination session at the end of the main course of study.

    Registration for the program:
  • Autumn semester: until July 1
  • Spring semester: until November 1
  • Autumn semester: from October 1 to January 27 (exams from December 4 to February 17)
  • Spring semester: from February 19 to June 9 (exams from 11.06 to 07.06)

University of Zagreb (Croatia)

Exchange program with the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Zagreb

Students usually take classes in Croatian, but you can indicate in the application form and then attend (subject to availability) classes in other languages foreign languages(for example, English), or disciplines in Croatian.

    Registration for the semester exchange program:
  • Autumn semester: until May 1
    Short-term exchange program (1 month):
  • from October 1 to November 1
  • from April 1 to May 1

Participants: 3rd and 4th year NIUC students of all specialties.

Olomouc University (Czech Republic)

Exchange program with the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Olomouc.

Nevsky Institute students studying Czech can choose disciplines in Czech. If there are free places in groups, you can attend other disciplines (for example, English and other languages), as well as courses taught in English.

According to the agreement between NIUC and the Faculty of Philosophy of the OU, the exchange program takes place only in the spring semester from mid-February to May 30.

Short-term exchange program for 1 month: mid-March – mid-April.

Participants: 3rd and 4th year NIUC students of all specialties.

University of Oklahoma (USA)

Exchange program with the University of Oklahoma

Students choose 4 disciplines that are as close as possible to the course of study at NIUC.

    Registration for the program:
  • Autumn semester: until March 1
  • Spring semester: until September 20
    Duration of semesters (program implementation period):
  • Autumn semester: last week of August to last week of December
  • Spring semester: from the second week of January to the second week of May

Participants: 4th year NIUC students of all specialties (in rare cases - 3rd year students, 2nd semester).

University of Durham (UK)

Exchange program with Durham University
Department of Russian Language School modern languages and cultures

Students attend up to 6-7 subjects per week (the list is updated every year; you can choose courses directly at the Russian language department).

    Registration for the program:
  • Autumn semester: until May 1
  • Spring semester: until October 1
    Duration of semesters:
  • Autumn semester: from October 1 to December 20
  • Spring semester: 2nd week of January - mid-April

Participants: 3rd-4th year students of the National Research Nuclear University, majoring in Translation and Translation Studies.

University in Groningen (Holland)

Exchange program with Hanse University in Groningen (Holland)
School of Communications and Mass Media

    Registration for the program:
  • Autumn semester: until February 1
  • Spring semester: until September 15
    Duration of semesters:
  • Autumn semester: 1st Monday of September - end of January
  • Spring semester: 2nd Monday of February - mid-July

Participants: 3rd and 4th year students of the National Research Nuclear University, majoring in “Public Relations”

Medical Academy named after. I.I. Mechnikov (SPbSMA)

Magdeburg medical faculty named after Otto von Guericke, Germany

In 2009, an agreement was signed on the exchange of students at the undergraduate level.

Tubingen medical faculty named after Eberhard Karls, Germany

In 2010, a bilateral exchange of senior students is planned.

University of Genoa (Italy)

The exchange program has been in effect since 2006. Participants spend the spring semester in Italy, the fall semester in Russia. Duration: from one to three months. Students study at a partner university for one semester with transfer of study results. Teachers give lectures on individual courses. Working languages: English, Russian.

Participants: students and teachers of MIEP and the University of Genoa).

Eurasian National University named after. L.N. Gumileva (Kazakhstan, Astana)

The exchange program has been in effect since 2007. Duration: 1-2 weeks (short-term internships).

Participants: teachers and administration of MIEP and teachers and administration of the Eurasian National University.

"International Management"

A joint program with the Faculty of Business Administration of the Fulda University of Applied Sciences has been operating since 2009. Duration: one semester in Germany. Students are engaged in a comparative study of small and medium-sized businesses in two countries.

Participants: students and teachers of the Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Business Communications MIEP and Faculty of Business Administration of the Fulda University of Applied Sciences.

Internship program in the field social work

The exchange program together with the Faculty of Social Work of the Fulda University of Applied Sciences has been operating since 2009. Duration: one semester (August-December) in Germany. Students study at a partner university with their learning results transferred. Teachers give lectures on individual courses. Working language: English.

Participants: students and teachers of the Faculty of Psychology, MIEP and the Faculty of Social Work, University of Applied Sciences, Fulda

Internship program for designers

Short-term internships in Florence (Italy) together with the Russian Academy of Arts have been operating since 2010. Duration: from one to three months.

Participants: students of the Faculty of DiPI MIEP.

Northwestern Correspondence Technical University (NWTU)

Cooperation of North-West Technical University with universities in Scandinavia and the Baltic states

In accordance with the concluded agreements, NWTU students undergo short-term (1-2 weeks) educational internships, semester-long training in their specialty, and also undertake study tours.

  • Northwestern correspondence Technical University,
  • University of Eastern Finland,
  • North-Karelia university of applied sciences (Polytechnic), Joensuu, Finland (North-Karelia university of applied sciences),
  • Kajaani university of applied sciences (Polytechnic), Finland
  • Electrical Engineering Gymnasium NTI Gothenburg, Sweden,
  • Maritime Academy of Szczecin, Poland
  • West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin, Poland (West Pomeranian university of technology),
  • Estonian university of life sciences.

    Over the past year, within the framework of existing international treaties, groups and individual students and graduate students underwent internships:
  • in Germany (Dusseldorf, Ruhr University, Koch-Technik company),
  • in France (GEM Mining School, Alès),
  • in Lithuania (Klaipeda).

In 2010, new agreements on academic and scientific cooperation were concluded with universities and institutes in Korea, China, Denmark, Norway and with the French company Air Liquid.

Russian State Pedagogical University
named after A. I. Herzen (Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen)

In accordance with the concluded agreements, students of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen undergo short-term (1-2 weeks) educational internships, semester-long training in various specialties, and also undergo teaching internships.

    Foreign partner universities:
  • Brussels Institute of Translators High school Brussels (Brussels, Belgium),
  • Average comprehensive school at the Russian Embassy in Hungary (Budapest, Hungary),
  • University of Potsdam (Potsdam, Germany),
  • University of Oldenburg (Oldenburg, Germany),
  • University of Konstanz (Germany),
  • University named after Humboldt (Berlin, Germany),
  • National University Gongju (Gongju, Korea),
  • Chung-Ang University (Seoul, Korea),
  • Kimyung University (Daegu, Korea),
  • Kookmin University (Seoul, Korea),
  • Kyungpook University (Daegu, Korea),
  • Geological Survey of Norway (Trondheim, Norway),
  • University of Rzeszow (Rzeszow, Poland),
  • University of Opole (Opole, Poland),
  • University of Zielona Gora (Zielona Gora, Poland),
  • University of Northern Iowa (Cedar Falls, USA),
  • University of Joensuu (Joensuu, Finland),
  • University of Jyvaskyla (Jyvaskyla, Finland),
  • University of Turku (Turku, Finland),
  • University of Lapland (Rovaniemi, Finland),
  • University of Oulu (Oulu, Finland),
  • Finnish-Russian Society for the Study social security and health care at universities of applied sciences (Finland),
  • University Paris IV-Sorbonne (Paris, France),
  • Secondary school at the Russian Embassy in the Czech Republic (Prague, Czech Republic),
  • University of Geneva (Geneva, Switzerland),
  • Kansai Gai-dai University (Osaka, Japan).

University of Low Temperature and Food Technologies (SPbGUNiPT)

Russian-Finnish program “First”

As part of the student exchange program, university students study at foreign universities and conduct research on their graduation topics qualification works, and also undergo annual training in Finland under an academic cooperation agreement, etc.

  • Universities of Applied Sciences in Lahti and Oulu (Finland)
  • Oulu Vocational Institute
  • Agricultural University of Nanjing (PRC)

The university practices short-term training of students in higher educational institutions Denmark, China, Poland, Finland, Germany, Sweden and other countries; participation in international student conferences and summer schools.

Polytechnic University (SPbSPU)

SPbSPU implements a whole range of academic exchange programs. The duration of these programs is 3–4 months (semester) and they are conducted between the Polytechnic University and its partner universities (between faculties and departments of universities).

A student can find out about the availability of such programs and the possibility of participating in them in the Academic Mobility Department of St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University or in the Resource Center for Providing International Scientific and Educational Activities of St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University, which advises students on international educational programs.

Internships at universities in Finland.

Students of the Polytechnic University undergo a 4-month internship at universities in Finland. Teachers from partner universities give lectures to students in Russian and Finnish.

  • SPbSPU,
  • University of Tampere,
  • Saimaa University of Applied Sciences,
  • Kymenlaakso University of Applied Sciences,
  • Haag-Helia University of Applied Sciences.

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