Material and technical resources - what are they? Classification of material and technical resources. Types of technologies and their characteristics

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Lecture material for technology lessons in grade 10 on the section:
Lecture No. 2 on the topic: “Modern technologies of material production.”
Goal: to form students’ understanding of technological culture and technology
its types; introduce technological structures, indicate the connections between technology and
science, technology and production; develop cognitive interest in science-intensive
technologies; contribute to the formation of a technological culture
To ensure its existence, society needs to satisfy its
needs for goods and services. Since most goods and almost all services
do not appear naturally; they must be produced artificially.
That's why, needed by society goods and services are obtained through people created
production systems.
Modern technologies and production systems include everything necessary for
production of products in artificial (supernatural) conditions. Examples of such
systems in the field of material production of goods can serve any
manufacturing and trading enterprise; in the sphere of production of intangible services –
school, institute, hospital, theater, museum, etc.
All terms production system interact to create
the required product (tangible or intangible). During this interaction
the production process is carried out.
If the production system is a collection of certain material elements, then
the production process is the process of interaction of these elements with the goal
product release.
Thus, the production process is a set of actions
means of production and human labor to transform raw materials (subjects of labor) into finished goods
commercial products.
The subject of labor (raw materials) in the strict sense is not part of any production
system or production process. Raw materials are what are processed during
production process, so it is outside the scope of the production system,
and production process.
The type, composition, and features of the production system depend entirely on the product being sold.
production process.
Production activities is the basis
existence, both of an individual and of society as a whole. It is impossible without production
talk not only about the development of society, but also about its simple existence.
The laws of the production process are as objective as the laws of physics,
chemistry, etc. Therefore, the objective side of the production process is not strictly connected with
called social formations and political movements. Also tough

economic relations,
It is also connected with types of economy (planned, market, etc.). After all, any society
Any economy needs to solve the problems of producing goods and services. Socially
economic formations and certain types of economies create different conditions for
production development, therefore ultimately have different results. But in order to
to know what conditions need to be created for the successful development of production, you should
identify and study its patterns.
The process of production of material goods begins only when the working
power is combined with the means of production (tools and objects of labor). In progress
production of material goods lines enter into the so-called production or
economic relations.
The study of social production,
management of these relationships is directly addressed by economic theory.
However, the production of consumer products itself, with its complex, specific
features, with its technology, process organization, technical and economic assessment
processes, political economy does not study.
To summarize the above, we emphasize once again that technology as a science, firstly,
has direct connections with technical and economic sciences, secondly,
has its own unique object of study (production, as objectively
the existing technological system, which has its own patterns of formation,
functioning and development).
And although technology as a science, studying production, does not concern public relations
people in production, she considers each individual process from the point of view
its specific essence: a person, a tool of labor, an object of labor.
Literally translated from Greek, the term “technology” means “the science of art,
Craftsmanship is perhaps the most important property person. This is what makes a person different and
stands out from the totality of other biological beings. To skill level
a person comes gradually, going through the stages of mastering knowledge, acquiring skills,
skills and, finally, mastery.
Craftsmanship is used by man and society in the creation of material and
intangible benefits Moreover, without skill it is simply impossible to create good. Together
However, the concept of “skill” is not identical to the concept of “the process of creating good”, which
traditionally called technology.
The fact is that, despite its enormous role, skill does not have physical strength,
someone or something must implement the program prescribed by the mastery
actions. Initially, this was done by the bearer of the skill himself – the man. These days, along with
human skill is realized by the means of production (machines, devices, mechanisms,
machines, etc.). Such purposeful activity of people in production
material and intangible goods is called living labor, and a similar
equipment activity - past labor. Mastery realized in labor
activity, together forms the process of processing raw materials into goods (goods).
Thus, the traditional identification of the process of manufacturing a product with
technology is wrong, since technology is the science of skill, but not of labor,
which is included in the process of manufacturing a product. Craftsmanship being intangible
by its nature, is not consumed in the production process, and labor (living and past) is
is spent. In addition, even from everyday ideas it is clear that the more
skill, the lower the labor costs. The economic role of skill is precisely
is to reduce labor costs.
In the scientific and educational literature there are many definitions of technology, including
which must be treated with caution, warning against mistakes.

revolutionary element of development
Analysis of the evolution of the concept of “technology” shows that its modern content
extremely diverse. We offer definitions that can be formulated with
the positions of the above-mentioned material elements of the production system and
subject of labor.
From the perspective of the subject of work: technology is the science of the skill of changing the properties of an object
labor into the consumer properties of the product.
From the perspective of means of production and human workers: technology is the science of craftsmanship
the use of labor (living and past) in the process of manufacturing goods.
In a more generalized form: technology is a science that answers the question: how (with what
degree of skill) to produce a particular product.
Thus, the theory and practice of modern production allow us to assert that
technology as a science studies (analyzes):
1) the essence (content) of the production processes of various consumer products;
2) mutual internal connections (interdependence) of these processes;
3) patterns of development of these processes based on the achieved level
productive forces and human knowledge about the world around him.
Technology is the core, the basis that links together natural, technical
and economic sciences.
Technology is the most mobile
productive forces of society and production relations.
The reason for the development of technology is the predominance of the needs of society over the opportunity
their satisfaction with existing means of production.
The source of technology development is the achievements of science, which is currently being merged
with production, becomes the direct productive force of society.
The product manufacturing process integrates (concentrates) information from many
areas of knowledge. To produce, for example, a material product, you need
knowledge about raw materials and means of production (area technical sciences- Materials Science,
theory of machines and mechanisms, strength of materials, etc.), are necessary
appropriate organization of production, its supply, control, analysis, etc.
(field of economic sciences). In addition, all production is based on labor
activities of people, therefore, knowledge about the labor process is necessary, and most
the main thing is how to interest a person in active work (the area of ​​public
sciences). If we are engaged in the production of spiritual goods, then we additionally need
knowledge from the field of humanities.
Thus, almost the entire sphere of modern scientific research was covered.
knowledge. And this is natural, since the basis of the existence of society is
production. Therefore, all the knowledge that a person receives during his life, he
uses in future professional and social activities. Different kinds
professional activity person are reduced to the role of performer of one or another
In addition, the manufacturing process of any product is based on the use
natural processes (physical, chemical, biological, informational and
etc.), proceeding according to their own laws. A person “spies” them from nature or from
with the help of science, he cognizes these objective processes and uses them artificially
created production conditions. Therefore, effectiveness (productivity)
technological process he can increase only within the limits that allow
nature, its laws, and not through one’s own, subjective volitional decision.
Technology is the skill of using natural processes to
production process of artificial production of goods. At the same time

technology is not limited to the sciences of natural processes (physics, chemistry, biology and
the whole set of actions of the modern production process on the most important
functional characteristics can be divided into two groups.
One group of actions directly transforms the subject of labor into a product. This
a set of actions is traditionally called production technology.
Another action group is designed to create conditions for successful functioning
first group of actions. This includes: production management, supply, accounting,
control, analysis, sales, everything that forms microeconomics or economics of production.
Thus, technology and economics are two elements of production
process. Technology is the main part of production that directly solves the problem
product release. Economics is an auxiliary part of the production process,
performing the functions of managing and providing the technology with everything necessary.
Thus, changes in the field of production economics make it possible to increase
production efficiency, but only up to the limit imposed by capabilities
existing technology.
Only changes in technology lead to unlimited increases in efficiency
production process. On this basis, it can be argued that technology is
the main link in the production process. In it lies the source of social growth
welfare. No economy can ensure the production of competitive
products based on outdated, low-productivity technology. Economic success
directly related to the level of knowledge about production technology, as well as to their skillful
Technology and economics as sciences have objects of study that correspond to their
functions in the production process. Technology studies the processes of direct
manufacturing of products, economics - processes that need to be carried out for
successful implementation of production technology. Thus, technology and economics
how sciences solve a common problem of production, have a common object
study (production), but they study it from different angles.
Purpose of study modern technologies is to find ways to reduce
labor costs ( production costs) by improvement or development
technologies. This goal is well illustrated by the following quote from D.I. Mendeleev:
“The business of chemistry, for example, is to study the production of iron from its ores or other natural substances,
where it is contained, and the business of technology is to study the most profitable methods for that, to choose from
possibilities most applicable in terms of profitability to the given conditions of time and place,
to give the product the greatest “cheapness” with the desired properties and forms.”
The “cheapness” of a product is determined precisely by production labor costs.
The fact that the purpose of studying technology is to reduce labor costs indicates
about the close proximity between economic activity and technology, since through
the development of the latter solves the most important task of increasing production profitability,
and, ultimately, the task of improving the well-being of society.
To provide a clearer picture of the fundamental differences and relationships between
labor costs and technology, consider the chain of needs into which they
intertwined. Thus, society’s need for supernatural goods and services causes
the need for skill in their creation, i.e. in technology. Only after this for
Implementation of technology creates a need for labor. The presence of labor without skill
is meaningless, since any amount of it will not lead to obtaining the result according to
due to the lack of a means to achieve the result.

The role of technology in social production has recently been increasing.
This is primarily due to the lag of technology and economics from demands
practices: the increasing threat of economic crisis, lack of planetary
scale of energy, food, depletion of natural resources.
The procedure for classifying technologies involves identifying distinctive features or
characteristics, however, it is equally important to add something in common that allows us to call processes
obtaining tangible and intangible products by technology in the broad sense
words (technology in general).
What properties and features are constant for all types of technologies?
As noted,
technologies are characterized by their abundance and great
variety. However, there are features or characteristics that make all the various processes
obtaining products by technology. Let us highlight what is common in different technologies
species, and what distinguishes them.
Let's start with the general. The creators and implementers of any technology are people. They
design technologies in accordance with the principles and laws of human
activities, so to speak, “for oneself.” As is known, the patterns of activity
Psychology studies humans. She highlights the basic principles of activity:
– activity is the process of consistently obtaining the required result;
– activity always has a goal and motives;
– activity is built from elementary basic actions, combined into
formation of different hierarchies.
Man transfers the listed principles of activity into technology. This forms
"human" in technology. In this way, all technologies are similar to each other. That's why we're here
We are dealing with the common, recurring thing that exists in technologies of various kinds.
Since every technological process is based on a natural process,
which has its own objective laws, its own logic, content and
the sequence of technological actions (stages) is predetermined by these
laws and logic. It is individual, specific, special in
technologies, which distinguishes them from each other.
Considering technology as an object of study, there are two sides to it:
objective and subjective.
Accordingly, they distinguish:
– practical technology, that is, embodied in a certain technique, structure and
organization of production;
– scientific and theoretical technologies – studying, knowing, analyzing,
summarizing practical technology and defining its main directions
It is quite obvious that scientific technology is directly related to practical technology, and
from scientific - theoretical technology. On the other hand, subjective technology is
reflection, generalization of practical, i.e. objective technology.
Let us characterize the practical technology in more detail.
Practical technology is a set of processes proven by experience or
actions to create a certain type of use value.
This technology objectively exists, since it can be described, presented,
depicted, photographed, etc.
It is described, depicted and presented so that any person can master it,
able to read relevant information.
This information usually reflects the actual process of creating use value,
real production and human interaction with nature and society.

To the main tasks of practical technology in the field of material production
– finding and implementing means of intensifying technological processes;
– control of technological modes;
– study of the impact on product quality of the state of means of production, changes
production conditions and other factors;
– preparing production for the release of new goods or goods of improved quality.
The most common classification of practical technology by type
use values.
Based on this, we distinguish:
– material technology or technology of material production, i.e.
production of material goods;
– intangible (social) technology, that is, technology in the field of education,
science, healthcare, etc.
What are the specific differences between material and intangible (social)
The overwhelming majority of material technology is machine technology, i.e.
a set of technological actions is carried out mainly with the help of machines,
technical devices and devices. Machines act as intermediaries
placed between the person - the performer of the technology, and the subject of labor. Man
the performer puts them into action, and the intermediary machines carry out the totality
required technological influences on the subject of labor. Application more
a productive machine will increase the productivity of human labor (living labor).
What distinguishes social technology from material technology is, first of all, the product. He is
intangible and, as a rule, is presented in the form of a service (teacher’s work, game
actor, etc.). In social technology there is no intermediary machine that sets
approximate functional uniqueness of living labor. There's a man here
the performer and the human consumer of the service interact. This is why social
technologies are distinguished by the high role of the human performer.
Scientific technology studies and generalizes the experience of creating use values.
The subject of its study is the processes of interaction between means of labor, objects of labor and
environment while creating the whole variety of use values.
In the field of, for example, material production, its tasks are:
– study of the patterns of processes of transformation of objects of labor into
products or goods;
– finding new, progressive ways of influencing objects of labor, their
experimental, experimental verification;
– development of measures to ensure environmental cleanliness new technology;
– feasibility study of new technological processes;
– selection and design of the most effective and safe technology practice, its
industrial development.
Theoretical technology studies the dialectics of technology and the possibility of using
laws of development of nature and society for the transformation of material and spiritual
human world.
The subject of her research is the processes of development of cognitive and transformative activity
person, its individual areas or spheres.
The main objectives of this technology:
– knowledge of the laws (or patterns) of human interaction with nature;
– knowledge of the laws of social relations in the production process;

– study of possibilities and conditions practical application known laws or
– development and forecasting of the main directions of development of technological
The content of goals and objectives may vary depending on the specifics of the activity
human (in the field of material production, science, art, etc.).
theoretical technology must reveal theoretical
patterns of development at a certain level of organization of the material world,
productive forces and human society, as well as predict the main
directions of this development.
By distinguishing practical, scientific and theoretical technologies into separate areas of knowledge,
one cannot say nothing about their dialectical unity.
Practical technology based on natural processes has both
objective (internal) and subjective (external) laws and patterns
Practical technology arose on the basis of natural, objectively existing outside
depending on human consciousness processes, which means it is just as objective
a reality that has its own laws of development.
However, human technology (homotechnology) is different from natural processes
the fact that a person logically organized the sequence of processes of influencing
nature to meet needs.
Therefore, in relation to natural technological processes are
mediated, conquered from nature, controlled.
On the other hand, the pace of development of practical technology is determined not only
successes in natural sciences, technical and social sciences, but also depend on
economic conditions of production, internal and foreign policy states,
cultural development, etc.
In this sense, it can be argued that technology is closely related to external factors:
economic, social, political, environmental.
Thus, knowledge of objective and subjective patterns of development
practical technology is the subject of study of theoretical technology.
Scientific technology is designed to develop new technologies based on
analysis and study of practical technology and generalization of theoretical data
The difference between theoretical and scientific technology is that the first abstracts from
specific properties of use values ​​and labor itself, and the second - from general
technology development processes.
On modern stage development social production scientific and theoretical
technologies that emerged from the practical have become isolated as completely independent areas
Let's consider another type of technology classification according to the most important
functional sign.
Within the production process, basic or core technologies are distinguished,
which are traditionally called production technology, and auxiliary ones, which
traditionally called production economics.
All types economic activity unthinkable without skill, i.e. technologies. At
this technology economic types activities always produce intangible
benefits in the form of: transported cargo (supply), sales of a product, accounting for raw materials, etc.
Modern technologies
In the twentieth century, especially from the second half, a number of new


The program is implemented at the rate of 2 hours per week in grades 5-7, 1 hour in 8th grade, in 9th grade through the variable part curriculum and extracurricular activities.

This also implies significant extracurricular activity of students. This decision is due to the tasks of developing educational independence, a high degree of orientation towards the individual needs and interests of the student, and an orientation towards the peculiarities of age as a period of various “irresponsible” trials.

Forms of extracurricular activities within the subject area “Technology” are project activities students, excursions, homework and short courses additional education(or master classes, no more than 17 hours), allowing you to master a specific material or information technology necessary for the manufacture of a product in the student’s project, relevant at the time of taking the course.

First block includes content that allows students to be introduced into the context of modern material and information technologies, showing the technological evolution of humanity, its patterns, technological trends in the coming decades.

Second block content allows the student to gain experience of personalized action in the framework of the application and development of technological solutions, studying and monitoring the evolution of needs.

The content of block 2 is organized in such a way as to form universal educational actions of students, primarily regulatory ones (work according to instructions, situation analysis, setting goals and objectives, planning activities and resources, planning and implementing ongoing monitoring of activities, assessing the result and product of activity) and communicative ( written communication, public speaking, productive group interaction).

The basic educational technologies that ensure work with the content of block 2 are technologies of project activities.

Block 2 is implemented in the following organizational forms: theoretical training and formation information basis project activities - within the framework of lesson activities; practical work in modeling and design environments - as part of lesson activities; project activities within classroom and extracurricular activities.

Third block content provides the student with information about professional activities in the context of modern production technologies; manufacturing industries of a particular region, regional labor markets; laws that govern development labor resources modern society, and also allows you to create situations in which the student gets the opportunity to socially and professionally test and experience making and justifying their own decisions.

The content of block 3 is organized in such a way as to allow the formation of universal educational actions for students, primarily personal (assessing internal resources, making responsible decisions, planning one’s own promotion) and educational (information processing: analysis and forecasting, extracting information from primary sources), includes general issues planning vocational education and professional career, analysis of the territorial labor market, as well as individual programs educational travel and a wide range of short-term courses designed to become a test situation for students in certain types of activities and / or in operating with certain objects of influence.

BLOCK 1. Modern material, information and humanitarian technologies and prospects for their development

Needs and technologies. Needs. Hierarchy of needs. Social needs. Needs and goals. Development of needs and development of technologies. Advertising. Principles of advertising organization. Ways of advertising to influence the consumer and his needs. Concept of technology. Life cycle of technology. Material technologies, information technologies, social technologies.

History of technology development. Sources of technology development: evolution of needs, practical experience, scientific knowledge, technologization of scientific ideas. Development of technologies and problems of anthropogenic impact on environment. Technologies and the world economy. Patterns of technological development.

Technological process, its parameters, raw materials, resources, result. Types of resources. Ways to obtain resources. Substitutability of resources. Limited resources. Conditions for the implementation of the technological process. Side effects of the implementation of the technological process. Technology in the context of production.

Technological system as a means to satisfy basic and social human needs. Inputs and outputs of the technological system. Management in technological systems. Feedback. Development of technological systems and consistent transfer of management and control functions from humans to the technological system. Robotics. Systems automatic control. Programming the operation of devices.

Production technologies. Industrial technologies. Agricultural technologies.

Technologies for construction, repair and maintenance of buildings and structures.

Production, transformation, distribution, accumulation and transmission of energy as technology. Energy use: mechanical, electrical, thermal, hydraulic. Energy conversion machines. Energy storage devices. Devices for energy transmission. Loss of energy. Consequences of energy loss for the economy and environment. Ways to reduce energy losses. Alternative sources energy.

Automation of production. Production technologies of automated production.

Materials that changed the world. Technologies for obtaining materials. Modern materials: multifunctional materials, renewable materials (biomaterials), plastics and ceramics as an alternative to metals, new prospects for the use of metals, porous metals. Technologies for producing and processing materials with specified properties (hardening, alloys, surface treatment (bombardment, etc.), powder metallurgy, composite materials, synthesis technologies. Biotechnologies.

Specifics of social technologies. Technologies for working with public opinion. Social media as technology. Services sector technologies.

Modern industrial technology receiving food.

Modern information technologies. Needs for the movement of people and goods, consumer functions of transport. Types of transport, history of transport development. Impact of transport on the environment. Transport safety. Transport logistics. Regulation of traffic flows

Nanotechnology: new principles for obtaining materials and products with desired properties. Electronics (photonics). Quantum computers. Development of multifunctional IT tools. Medical technologies. Testing drugs. Local drug delivery. Personalized vaccine. Genetic engineering as a technology for eliminating undesirable inherited traits. Creation of genetic tests. Creation of organs and organisms with an artificial genetic program.

Management in modern production. The role of metrology in modern production. Innovative enterprises. Technology transfer.

Monitoring the media and Internet resources on the formation, promotion and implementation of new technologies serving a particular group of needs or related to a particular technological strategy

Technologies in the sphere of everyday life.

Ecology of housing. Housing maintenance technologies. Interaction with housing and communal services. Storage of food and non-food products.

Energy supply for our home. Electrical appliances. Appliances and its development. Lighting and illumination, illumination standards depending on the purpose of the room. Heating and heat losses. Energy saving at home. Electrical safety at home and home ecology.

Methods of food processing and consumer qualities of food.

>> Information technology

About a person who knows how to use computer to work with texts, images, sounds or for new information they say that he is proficient in information technology.

Technology is a method of processing materials to obtain finished products. Using this or that technology, we perform operations on materials and as a result we obtain a finished product. In this case, we can use different tools.

Review examples of material technologies on page 4. What tools are used in these technologies? Can the result of applying technology become a material?


Based on the pictures on page 4, build possible chains “material - operation - result”. If necessary, add the missing link yourself.

How do you think?

What is the general word for what we receive and transmit in the form text, speech, sounds, drawings, photographs, videos ?

When we

read a book, say something to someone,
listen to the radio, write a note,
watch a movie, give a photo,
watching nature
listening to someone
we receive... we transmit...

Why is information technology called “information”?
How are material and information technologies similar and different?
What of what you see around you can be considered the result of the use of information technology? What are the starting materials used in them?

Mastery of information technologies, that is, methods of processing information, is a requirement today for workers in many professions. The main tool of information technology is . With the help of a computer, people of different professions solve two main problems:

1. Creation and modification of texts, images, sounds, videos.

2. Full or partial transfer to computers of the actions that a person performs (when controlling airplanes and ships, when making decisions, when developing new technology, when managing the work of plants and factories, and so on).

In order to transfer as much of their work as possible to the computer, people have to create accurate descriptions of the objects around them, their actions and reasoning. To record such descriptions it is convenient to use diagrams and tables. You can learn this from the textbook “Computer Science in Games and Problems.”

Test yourself.

Correct the mistakes.

A computer is a tool, which means it can be used to measure the width of a room, reach a shelf, hammer a nail, or smooth out a crumpled piece of paper.

Goryachev A.V., Computer Science and ICT (My computer tool). Textbook for 3rd grade students. - M: Balass, 2010. - 80 p., ill. - Part 1

Lesson content lesson notes supporting frame lesson presentation acceleration methods interactive technologies Practice tasks and exercises self-test workshops, trainings, cases, quests homework discussion questions rhetorical questions from students Illustrations audio, video clips and multimedia photographs, pictures, graphics, tables, diagrams, humor, anecdotes, jokes, comics, parables, sayings, crosswords, quotes Add-ons abstracts articles tricks for the curious cribs textbooks basic and additional dictionary of terms other Improving textbooks and lessonscorrecting errors in the textbook updating a fragment in a textbook, elements of innovation in the lesson, replacing outdated knowledge with new ones Only for teachers perfect lessons calendar plan for a year guidelines discussion programs Integrated Lessons

Every enterprise uses in its work different kinds resources. They are necessary for the uninterrupted production of goods. Let us further consider what falls into the category of material and technical resources.


The following types of resources exist:

Material and technical resources of the organization

They consist of objects of labor that are used in auxiliary and main production. The main characteristic by which material and technical resources are classified is their origin. For example, non-metals and wood products are used in production. The latter are obtained during forest processing. Non-metals are created in chemical industries. Another criterion by which material and technical resources are classified is their purpose. For example, raw materials can be used to manufacture components, semi-finished products, and final products.


There are specific properties that material and technical resources have. These are, in particular, such characteristics as thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity, heat capacity, hardness, viscosity, and density. Other properties are:

Enlarged division

Classification of material and technical resources depending on their purpose is carried out into the following groups:

  1. Raw materials. It is used in the production of energy and other material resources.
  2. Semi-finished products. They are processed.
  3. Materials. They are used in auxiliary and main industries.
  4. Accessories. They are used to create the final product.
  5. Finished products. It meets the needs of consumers.

Raw materials

It provides resources involved in further production. Raw materials form the basis of the finished product or semi-finished product. It is divided into several categories. First of all, industrial raw materials are allocated. It can be artificial and mineral. The first includes synthetic resins, leather substitutes, and various detergents. Minerals include uranium, peat, coal, oil, natural gas; mining chemical - agronomic ores used in the production of fertilizers, barite, from which white paints are obtained, fluorspar for metallurgy and the chemical industry, sulfur; technical - mica, graphite, diamonds; construction materials - clay, sand, stone, etc. Agricultural raw materials are of no small importance in production. It is divided into resources:

  1. Vegetable. These include industrial and grain crops.
  2. Animals. They are milk, meat, wool, raw hides, eggs.

In addition, raw materials from the fishing and forestry industries are used in production.


They act as the basis for semi-finished products, components, consumer products and industrial purposes. Materials are divided into auxiliary and basic. The latter include those types that are directly included in the composition of finished products. Auxiliary material and technical resources are objects that are not included in the created product, but without them its production is impossible. These categories are divided into classes, types, groups, subgroups, and subclasses. The enlarged classification is carried out into the following categories: non-metals and metals, gaseous, solid, liquid, bulk.

Semi-finished products

They are very important for production. The use of semi-finished products allows the enterprise to save on the creation of raw materials for products. These objects are processed before being turned into finished products. There are two types of semi-finished products. The first includes partially manufactured products at the enterprise, transferred from one department to another. The organization receives the second category of semi-finished products from another company. These objects can undergo either one-time processing or multi-operational processing according to special schemes.


They are finished elements of the final product. Like semi-finished products, they are transferred from one enterprise to another. Components are used for assembling finished products, repairs, packaging, etc.

Final products

It consists of consumer and industrial goods. Products are sold to intermediate or end users. Individual consumer goods can be reusable or durable, everyday or special demand, pre-selected.

Recyclable materials

Secondary material and technical resources are the remains of semi-finished products, components and other objects formed during the production process. Recyclable materials completely or partially lose their original properties. Secondary materials can be generated during the write-off of parts, dismantling of units, machines, assemblies and other fixed assets.


One of the most important areas of management is the management of material and technical resources. At the same time, an integral element of this activity is the analysis of the efficiency of fixed assets. All other things being equal, the production volume will be higher, the better the enterprise is provided with material and technical resources. The enterprise must organize control over the consumption of raw materials. Analysis of logistics, financial resources allows us to identify the most promising areas of their application.