Public procurement manager qualification requirements for: Education of a public procurement specialist. Composition of professional competencies of a procurement specialist

Finding a job that suits you today is not easy. After all, she should not only help support herself and her family, but also allow her to realize herself as a professional in her field. And most applicants who want to get an official job expect to receive a full social package and the benefits associated with it. Among the available vacancies, the position of procurement specialist is often found. What do these types of employees do? In what enterprises is there a need for them? What responsibilities should this specialist perform? Is it necessary to get a full higher education Or is it enough to take the courses? Purchasing specialist is a popular vacancy these days. Therefore, further in the article we will consider the answers to the above questions.

Substance of the document

What is a job description of a specialist in a special internal document of a certain organization, which clearly and clearly sets out the basic requirements for the applicant for this position, describes the range of all his professional responsibilities, as well as official rights, the framework defining the degree of his responsibility for negligently performed work. Its presence is mandatory in any enterprise where there is a position of “purchasing specialist”. An employee's responsibilities must be properly defined in order for his function to be implemented in the company as expected. What is the latter?

Specialist functions

Despite the fact that the position in question appeared relatively recently, the professional standard “Procurement Specialist” is fully formed and contains strict requirements. After all, such employees were required before. For example, similar professional functions were performed by employees enrolled in the staff of enterprises and production organizations. Then this position had a different name: logistics engineer.

So, what does the job of “purchasing specialist” mean? To put it briefly, without revealing to the reader the numerous nuances of professional duties that reflect the characteristics of work activity and production of a particular company, then main task such an employee is to permanently provide the organization with any necessary materials or goods.

The general function, which is reflected by the professional standard “Procurement Specialist” (namely: providing the enterprise with inventory and material assets necessary for its adequate functioning), among other things, also includes quite a large number of indirect responsibilities, such as analyzing the actual relationship between the quality of products offered by suppliers and their market value.

Purpose and structure

It is the job description, as noted above, that is one of the two main documents (the second is the employment contract concluded with the employee), which determine what a procurement specialist must do in the course of his work. The formation of this document is the primary task of management, because, according to current legislation, an employee cannot perform any duties other than those that were clearly described in the contract that he concluded during the employment process. And this document, as a rule, makes a link in the specified place, calling for reference to the job description. That is why many experts pay so much attention to it.

What should the job description of the specialist in question look like? It is important that it be drawn up in accordance with the standards and forms that are accepted in this region. So, the document in question should be drawn up in such a way that it necessarily contains the following sections:

  • The first section is entirely devoted to data on the coordination and approval of the text of this document itself. To do this, everyone who took part in these processes must record this fact by putting their personal signatures with their transcripts, and also indicate the corresponding dates. As a rule, the coordination involves personnel, as well as the department directly to which a certain employee will belong.
  • In the next section it is necessary to list all current requirements for the candidate for the position in question. They should detail the required education, knowledge and practical skills, required work experience, as well as age and other characteristics that may be relevant to the specific position. In addition, a complete list of all documentation (including how internal acts companies and legislative acts national significance), which the new employee will need to carefully read. The section in question also describes the position of the position in the general staffing table, the procedure and conditions for hiring a candidate for the position, the mechanism for dismissing or replacing an employee during his short-term absence. It is important to indicate the new employee's immediate supervisor.
  • In the main section of the instructions in question, it is necessary to list everything that is expected of the employee in the course of his professional activity (all his job responsibilities, as well as rights). The more accurately the responsibilities of a specialist are described in the instructions, the greater the likelihood that the work will be performed correctly, which will benefit the enterprise. Rights are inextricably linked with responsibilities. These usually include: the right to decent working conditions; the right to receive the data necessary to perform their duties; the right to propose activities designed to improve the work process.
  • IN last section we are usually talking about what responsibility the employee will bear if he fulfills his professional responsibilities inappropriately.

Features of the document

What determines the responsibilities of a procurement specialist? 44-FZ, or Federal Law, which reflects current legal requirements. According to him, the document in question has much in common with the job description of a supply specialist. However, there are a number of differences that distinguish the position of “purchasing specialist”. The responsibilities of these two workers are not identical. It is especially important for employees and management to know these differences. large enterprises, which, as a rule, provide for the presence of these two positions.

That is why, even before finalizing the job description, it is important to thoroughly understand the basic requirements for candidates. So, you need to know what the qualifications of a procurement specialist should be, as well as how to delimit the responsibilities of these employees.

Practice shows that the employee who is involved in purchasing has significantly more responsibilities than the one who is involved in supply. In the job hierarchy, the first position is listed significantly higher than the second. The salary level also differs in a similar way. That is why it would be logical that the requirements for a candidate for the position of “purchase specialist,” whose responsibilities are significantly more significant, should be much higher and stricter. This should be taken into account when drawing up a job description. A procurement specialist (or rather, a candidate for this position) can successfully write a resume only if he familiarizes himself with the standard requirements for the applicant in advance.

Likewise, the professional responsibilities of employees should also be clearly delineated. This will help to establish coordinated interaction both between the specialists themselves and between entire departments that are under their subordination.

Requirements for a purchasing specialist

The specifics of a particular profession determine a number of special requirements specific to a particular specialty that are presented to candidates for the position. And in the area under consideration there are also certain criteria. A procurement specialist is selected based on existing skills and knowledge. Thus, the candidate must:

  • have an analytical mind;
  • be able to make decisions even under constant stress and take full personal responsibility for their results;
  • be able to process large volumes of information and competently maintain current documentation;
  • have the skills to conduct business negotiations in order to achieve the desired result for the company;
  • clearly understand how customs work is organized and how transport companies operate;
  • be a confident user of a personal computer, as well as be able to use everything necessary to perform professional functions programs.

Among other things, any employer has the right to formulate other requirements that are necessary to ensure that the work is performed efficiently. A purchasing specialist is an important component of a company's success. For example, if a company is engaged foreign economic activity, then such an employee may be required to know foreign languages. Therefore, it is important to write your resume correctly. Purchasing specialist is a position that allows many to clearly realize their abilities. It's worth the risk.


Job responsibilities of a specialist public procurement will be discussed further, but now it is important to understand what rights he has.

  • Take the initiative to make a variety of proposals that could improve or facilitate the flow of the work process related solely to the performance of this employee’s functions.
  • Demand absolute assistance from your immediate superior in matters related to the implementation of the employee’s rights or responsibilities.
  • Require the company management to provide the department with all the necessary organizational and technical conditions, as well as the timely preparation and execution of working documents and reports that the employee needs to carry out his professional duties.
  • Establish relationships between the company's divisions and certain divisions of some third party organizations, which are necessary in order to quickly resolve emerging procurement issues, which invariably fall within the competence of the chief purchasing manager.


What does a leading procurement specialist include in his responsibilities?

  • Monitoring and ensuring the implementation of the procurement plan for each month.
  • Administrative responsibility for the disclosure of secret information, which internal company documents define as a corporate secret, and which is officially the property of a particular enterprise.
  • Personal compliance with all existing house rules, as well as compliance with discipline standards.
  • Carrying out procurement transactions, as well as concluding relevant contracts with various organizations or individuals, if necessary.
  • Compliance with fire safety requirements and safety regulations, in order not to cause any harm to the company’s employees or its material property.
  • Careful implementation of all received instructions, instructions, assignments, instructions, orders of the immediate superior, as well as general director companies.
  • Responsibility for causing or assisting in causing material damage, as well as direct damage business reputation companies.
  • Responsibility for neglecting one’s own official duties, which is determined by the current instructions, as well as the current legislative acts of the Russian Federation.

Working conditions

What does the job description of a procurement specialist say about what he must work according to? this employee? The employment regime of a person occupying the position in question in a company is determined by internal labor regulations drawn up specifically for an individual enterprise, as well as by an agreement concluded with new employees during the employment process. Among other things, these conditions include the need to periodically travel on business trips to perform official assignments.

Procedure for familiarizing yourself with the job description

Conclusion employment contract, which, in fact, marks the moment of employment, is the ideal time for the future employee to carefully study what is included in the procurement, that is, to familiarize himself with the job description. How to record the fact that the employee was provided with all the necessary information? There are several ways. Among them are the following:

  • personal signature (and its transcript), as well as the date, which indicate that the procurement specialist has already carefully studied his duties and is ready to confirm this; placed in a special magazine, which is specifically designed for these purposes;
  • a separate note stating that the employee is fully informed, which is certified by the personal signature of the individual employee directly under the text of the job description itself, intended for familiarization of each new candidate;
  • a similar mark, also certified by signature and date, which is placed under the text of an individual job description, personally prepared for an individual employee, which is subsequently attached to his personal file opened at the enterprise.


A purchasing specialist is a special employee of an enterprise who carries out and controls the process of supplying the company with the necessary products for its production activities goods, all kinds of materials, various raw materials. This employee is also involved in the preparation and verification of all reporting documentation that is related to his direct responsibilities. Among other things, the specialist in question must have developed analytical thinking and good communication skills in order to be able to correctly assess the profitability of the proposed transaction and competently negotiate with suppliers.

It is equally important to know in practice how exactly products should be tested for compliance with the stated quality criteria. Such a specialist must be able to operate a personal computer and have a high level of knowledge computer programs, which he will need in the course of performing his main job responsibilities; make important decisions in short time even under pressure and in conditions of constant stress, because the success of the entire enterprise directly depends on their effectiveness; process large amounts of information in a timely manner and draw appropriate conclusions; excellent at navigating current conditions functioning of customs, as well as in the peculiarities of the work of individual transport companies with whom he collaborates this organization. These employees must understand the basic intricacies of selection necessary materials, understand exactly how they should be transported, and also stored so that they do not lose their useful properties and presentation. It is also desirable, and sometimes prerequisite having some experience in procurement. Typically, active and energetic people are hired for this position. It is these candidates who have the chance that they will fill this vacancy.

If you're thinking about working as a procurement professional, it's important to first learn about the typical job description(a standard document that precisely defines the range of rights, duties and responsibilities of a particular employee). This will help you get acquainted with the upcoming working conditions and find out all its subtleties in advance. This way you can understand whether it is worth continuing your attempts to get a job or whether it is better to look for something else. If everything suits you, then you need to try to make sure that you also meet all the company’s requirements. To do this, you need to find out as much as possible about the organization itself, as well as about its business activity, production and sales volumes, and at the same time about the main technical features.

You should take the issue of your own employment extremely seriously. It is important to study in advance as much information as possible about the company you want to work for, as well as directly about the desired position. To do this, you need to carefully study the job description for the chosen specialty. The standard form of this document for most professions is freely available, so anyone can always familiarize themselves with it if necessary. The more seriously you are prepared, the higher your chances of getting what you want. And may your work give you only pleasant emotions!

Today, with the entry into force of the Law on the Contract System (Law No. 44-FZ), the field of government procurement has become very popular and is attracting more and more people. Among them there are those who are just choosing a specialization, there are people who, already having experience in another field behind them, are radically changing their profession, in the hope of achieving great results. Very often we choose a profession based on its external signs and attributes, based on stereotypes. When determining their future specialization, people fall into the trap of their ideas, which have nothing to do with reality. The situation with such a profession as a government procurement specialist is no different. The desirable personal qualities of a contract service employee have already been discussed in the article. The purpose of this article is to briefly talk about the features of the work and functionality of a contract manager in public procurement on the customer’s side.

Who is a contract manager?

The Law on the Contract System introduced the concept of a contract manager. Information and excitement regarding this topic in the media mass media and personal communication creates the impression that a contract manager is a highly paid position, work in government procurement is not difficult, very prestigious, and you can understand this topic quite quickly. How is everything really going?

Government procurement is a complex area

Such a profession as a contract manager is not even in the Qualification Directory of Positions. Therefore, the contract manager in work book there will be no entry with such a beautiful phrase. The position will be called whatever you like: specialist, accountant, engineer, lawyer, economist, but not contract manager. It is curious that at present the bulk of those employees who are involved in public procurement on the customer’s side are really people of related professions who have been given additional workload and extra headaches. At the same time, additional functionality is not always paid for.

Functionality of a contract manager

Despite the fact that government procurement itself has always existed, normative base on this topic has changed several times. Currently, Federal Law No. 44-FZ is in force, the requirements of which have seriously changed the functions, workload and necessary qualifications of contract managers on the customer’s side and relevant specialists on the suppliers’ side. The load has increased and very much.

The functionality of a procurement specialist is a very important issue and not fully understood by many (including managers who grew up in the legal chaos of the 1990s). Partially the answer can be found in Part 4 of Article 38 of the Federal Law of April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs” (hereinafter referred to as the Law on the Contract System). Below is a long quote from the original source for those interested:

Article 38. Contract service

1. Customers whose total annual procurement volume exceeds one hundred million rubles create contract services (at the same time, the creation of a special structural unit is optional).

2. If the total annual volume of purchases of the customer does not exceed one hundred million rubles and the customer does not have contract service, the customer appoints an official responsible for the implementation of a purchase or several purchases, including the execution of each contract (hereinafter referred to as the contract manager).

3. The contract service operates in accordance with the regulations (regulations) developed and approved on the basis standard provision(regulations) approved federal body executive power to regulate the contract system in the field of procurement.

4. The contract service and the contract manager perform the following functions and powers:

1) develop a procurement plan, prepare changes for inclusion in the procurement plan, place them in a single information system procurement plan and changes made to it;

2) develop a schedule, prepare changes for inclusion in the schedule, place the schedule and changes made to it in a unified information system;

3) carry out the preparation and placement in a unified information system of notices of procurement, procurement documentation and draft contracts, preparation and sending of invitations to participate in the determination of suppliers (contractors, performers) in closed ways;

4) ensure the implementation of procurement, including the conclusion of contracts;

5) participate in the consideration of cases on appealing the results of identifying suppliers (contractors, performers) and prepare materials for carrying out claim work;

6) organize, if necessary, at the procurement planning stage, consultations with suppliers (contractors, performers) and participate in such consultations in order to determine the status competitive environment in the relevant markets for goods, works, services, determining the best technologies and other solutions to meet state and municipal needs;

7) exercise other powers provided for by this Federal law.

5. When centralizing procurement in accordance with Part 1 of Article 26 of this Federal Law, the contract service, the contract manager exercise the powers provided for by this Federal Law and not transferred to the relevant authorized body, authorized institution, which exercise the powers to identify suppliers (contractors, performers). In this case, the contract service and the contract manager bear responsibility within the limits of the powers they exercise.

6. Contract service employees and contract managers must have higher education or additional professional education in the field of procurement.

What is hidden behind the general formulations? Quite a lot of mandatory routine work. Preparation of documents, collection of information, interaction with employees, consultations with suppliers, posting information on the Internet, possible visits to regulatory authorities and courts and other concerns.

It should be noted that government procurement can be formally divided into three large blocks:

  1. Planning
  2. Procurement
  3. Conclusion, execution, modification, termination of the contract.

This is a very rough, but nevertheless fundamental division of the Contract System Law. There are other areas, such as monitoring, audit, control, but this either indirectly relates to these three blocks, or is not directly related to the Customer.

The work of a contract manager for each institution has specifics. Let's start with the fact that to understand the differences, it is better to roughly divide customers into three categories - large, medium and small and consider them separately.

A purchasing manager (also known as a supplier) is a specialist who purchases goods from suppliers on the most favorable terms for his company. This profession is still relatively young, and therefore there is a shortage of good specialists with necessary knowledge and skills. Many companies opening a vacancy for a purchasing manager give preference to young specialists, as they quickly assimilate new information and adapt to changes in the modern market.

The profession of a purchasing manager is most suitable for people with an analytical mind, high level communication skills and experience in trade or logistics.

Places of work

The position of purchasing manager is in demand in various trading and manufacturing companies.

Responsibilities of a Purchasing Manager

The functions of a purchasing manager may differ significantly from one organization to another. Much depends on what products the company sells, whether their consumption can be predicted in advance, and also on how easy it is to find suitable suppliers.

And yet, you can get an idea of ​​what a purchasing manager does by studying his main job responsibilities:

  • Monitoring the availability of goods in the warehouse and timely replenishment of stocks.
  • Selection of the best suppliers and price offers.
  • Negotiating with suppliers.
  • Monitoring the movement of goods and the timing of shipment of goods.
  • Product quality control.

Sometimes the responsibilities of a supply manager include maintaining supporting documentation, as well as working with customs and foreign suppliers.

Requirements for a purchasing manager

Main requirements for a purchasing manager:

  • Higher education.
  • Ability to negotiate.
  • Ability to work with huge volumes of information.
  • Understanding of the entire supply chain.
  • Knowledge of civil and commercial law.
  • Ability to work with purchase and sale agreements.
  • Knowledge of pricing methods and strategies.
  • PC knowledge.

Additional requirements for a purchasing manager:

  • Knowledge in English(in case of cooperation with foreign companies).
  • Knowledge of customs work.

Resume sample

How to become a purchasing manager

There is no specialized education for a purchasing manager. As a rule, the employing company requires a higher education close to its field of activity (technical, construction, etc.). At the same time, there are many specialized courses, seminars and trainings, the attendance of which is highly desirable. They allow you to better navigate the profession and make a specialist stand out from colleagues who ignore these events.

Purchasing manager salary

The salary of a purchasing manager varies from 30 to 100 thousand rubles per month. Salary this specialist largely depends on his work experience and the availability of the goods with which he works, so sometimes salaries are found above the specified range. The average salary of a purchasing manager is 65 thousand rubles per month.

The issue of mandatory receipt of specialized education for contract managers and contract service employees has arisen since the advent of the contract system.

This was due to several reasons:

  • firstly, this is the understanding that it is extremely difficult to master such a large amount of information, systematize it and learn to apply it in practice on your own;
  • secondly, this is the text of the law, which in terms of educational requirements is interpreted differently in practice.

Without delving into discussions about the advisability of taking courses on the law on public procurement, we will consider the requirements of Law No. for the training of specialists and the reasons for their discrepancies.

Requirements of Law No. 44-FZ for the level of qualifications of workers

Reading the text of Law No. 44-FZ, it is quite difficult to imagine a person who does not have special training and at the same time successfully carries out the duties of a contract manager. It's no secret that the Law on the Contract System is one of the most complex and has many nuances, features and bottlenecks.

Even qualified lawyers often find it difficult to understand certain cases of its application, let alone workers who do not have special training. In the regions, not every institution has its own lawyer, and the responsibilities of the contract manager in most cases are assigned to the deputy manager for economic affairs.

However, the principle of professionalism prescribed in the law obliges customers to take measures to maintain and improve the level of qualifications and professional education, including through advanced training or professional retraining in the field of procurement.

Based on the above, we can conclude that the legislator does not directly oblige the customer to receive any additional education, but he is obliged to have and maintain the necessary level of knowledge and professional skills in the field of procurement, which is extremely difficult to acquire on his own.

Requirements of Law No. 44-FZ for the level of education of contract managers

In addition to the principle of professionalism, the law on the contract system contains certain and, at first glance, fairly clear requirements for the level of education of contract managers and contract service workers. Thus, in accordance with Part 6, contract service employees and contract managers must have higher education or additional professional education in the field of procurement.

As practice shows, the content of Part 6 of Article 38 is not at all unambiguous and gives rise to a lot of controversy regarding what kind of education is sufficient to fulfill the requirements of the law. In this case, we are talking specifically about the formal implementation of its norms, and not about the quality acquisition, availability and application of knowledge and skills in practice.

Is it enough to have any higher education (without taking into account the profile) or is it necessary to have a higher education in the field of public procurement, which simply does not exist in our country today? Oddly enough, this question arises even among qualified lawyers, despite the fact that the law contains very specific requirements in this regard. Often, customers, managers and control bodies have the opinion that it is mandatory to have additional education in the field of procurement.


We should not forget that any legislative acts should be read and understood literally, without fantasizing or going into lengthy discussions. Law No. 44-FZ, despite the presence of gaps and bottlenecks, is a comprehensive document describing the requirements and norms of the contract system.

According to the law, from January 1, 2017, contract service employees and contract managers will have to have one of the following education levels:

  • higher education (without taking into account the profile);
  • additional professional education in the field of procurement.

The law does not directly require any additional education, much less the presence of a document confirming it. However, there are certain requirements for the level of training of employees in the field of procurement, the availability of knowledge and skills. It is extremely difficult to obtain them on your own, since the contract system today is one of the most complex mechanisms of our country’s economy.

Contract manager since January 1, 2017has the right to exercise labor activity subject to new educational requirements. At the same time, it is necessary to understand when the introduction of his position is required, and when the law does not oblige to hire such an employee.

Contract service and manager according to laws No. 44-FZ, No. 223-FZ

In the sphere of providing state and municipal needs through procurement necessary for the activities of public bodies or other structures, there are more mandatory rules than in trade relations between citizens and organizations. So, in accordance with Art. 38 of the Law “On the Contract System...” dated 04/05/2013 No. 44-FZ, state and municipal bodies or government agencies carrying out procurement, acting as customers, are obliged to create a special service or transfer to an official the functions of creating a plan and procurement schedule , drawing up and publishing notices and invitations, making purchases, etc.

There are 2 possible solutions to this issue:

  1. If there is a large amount of funds allocated to meet the needs of public bodies, a contract service is created. As the basis for its activities, the customer is based on the standard regulations, approved. by order of the Ministry of Economic Development dated October 29, 2013 No. 631, develops its own regulations or regulations on the activities of the structural unit.
  2. If the amount of costs for the year does not reach 100 million rubles, and the specified service has not been created and is not planned, the customer can transfer its powers and functions to an official - a contract manager.

At the same time, as the Ministry of Economic Development explained in paragraph 2 of the appendix to the letter “On sending responses...” dated September 30, 2014 No. D28i-1889, the number of managers is not limited. The customer is not prohibited from appointing 2, 3 or more persons as contract managers without combining them into a single service, however, each of such employees must meet the established requirements for appointment.

IMPORTANT!Cin accordance with the provisions of the law “On the procurement of goods...” dated July 18, 2011 No. 223-FZ, for large acquisitions by individual organizations, for example autonomous institutions, state corporations, etc., do not require either a service or a manager, although the law also does not contain a ban on their activities in this case.

Don't know your rights?

How to name the position in the context of the qualification directory - contract manager or procurement specialist?

When introducing the position of manager, difficulties may arise with its correct name. Thus, in accordance with the response of the Ministry of Economic Development (clause 2 of the appendix to letter No. D28i-1889), the functions of a contract manager are assigned to the employee in the manner prescribed Labor Code. The assignment of additional functions to an employee that constitute the work of a contract manager can be qualified as a change in the current provisions of the employment contract (Article 72 of the Labor Code). It is usually drawn up additional agreement, while the worker’s position is called as before.

The issue of introducing a separate manager position is more complicated. Since the customer is public authorities or state-owned enterprises, then under Art. 144 of the Labor Code for remuneration, the provisions of unified tariff and qualification reference books for work or managerial positions, and professional standards are taken into account. As of the end of 2017, the manager’s professional standard is still in the process of development (this was also indicated by the Ministry of Economic Development in paragraph 4 of the appendix to letter No. D28i-1889). At the same time, by order of the Ministry of Labor dated September 10, 2015 No. 625n, the standard of a specialist in the field of procurement for public needs was approved, and by order of the same department dated September 10, 2015 No. 626n, an expert in this field was approved.

Both standards specify that a worker performing procurement or consulting functions may be referred to as:

  • procurement specialist/consultant;
  • contract workers;
  • contract manager.

Accordingly, when introducing a separate position, the choice of name remains at the discretion of the customer. Registration for work is carried out by concluding a new employment contract with the employee.

What are the requirements for a manager in 2017-2018?

Any person cannot be appointed as a contract manager. The transfer of functions to an employee will be legal only if he (all of the following conditions must be met simultaneously):

  1. Included in the number of employees of the customer organization (letter of the Ministry of Economic Development “On persons who may be ..." dated January 31, 2014 No. OG-D28-834).
  2. Received additional professional or higher education in the field of procurement. This requirement has been applied since 2017 in accordance with Art. 38 and 112 of Law No. 44-FZ, previously professional or additional professional education was sufficient.
  3. Does not allow a conflict of interest, i.e. does not have a close relationship with the supplier, beneficiary or other counterparty (clause 3 of the review judicial practice, approved Presidium of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on September 28, 2016).

Let's summarize. To purchase goods, receive services or perform work in order to meet the needs of the state or municipality, on the basis of Law No. 44-FZ, a special service is created or its powers are transferred to one or more employees. In this case, transfer is possible only in relation to those workers who meet the established criteria, i.e., have the required level of education, work for the customer and act exclusively in his interests.