Activities with children dedicated to the holiday of May 9. Educational field "Reading fiction"

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Development for students in grades 5-11.

Purpose of the event: create conditions for the formation of a sense of pride in one’s Motherland, preserving the memory of the feat of our soldiers in the Great Patriotic War.


  • To develop students’ interest in the historical past of our country, military history Fatherland.
  • Propaganda of wartime songs and poems on military themes.
  • Counteract attempts to falsify the events of the Great Patriotic War 1941 – 1945

Decor: St. George ribbons, flowers, posters, presentation for poems with pictures of battles and battles, video presentation about the Great Patriotic War.

What is better: life, where the bonds of captivity,
Or death, where the Russian banners are,
To be heroes or slaves?

F. Glinka, from “War Song”

A soundtrack is playing in the hall. The growing rumble of planes can be heard.

Progress of the event

D: This year we are celebrating a significant date - the 72nd anniversary of the Victory of the peoples of our multinational Motherland in the Great Patriotic War, a victory that the country achieved at the cost of great feats and incredible losses.

M: This was a long-awaited and joyful event not only for the army that defeated the enemy, but also for all the people, the rear workers, who worked hard day and night to provide the soldiers with everything they needed.

D: Today we bow our heads to the memory of the millions of fallen defenders of the Fatherland, whose feat led to victory over the enemy.
Eternal glory to them! Everlasting memory!

M: Let's get in touch with the inner world of a man, a soldier-warrior. After all, first of all, this is someone’s father, son, brother, from whom the war took away the opportunity to live peacefully, study, work and be close to their loved ones.

D: The memory of generations is inextinguishable

And the memory of those whom we sacredly honor,
Come on people, let's stand for a moment.
And in sorrow we will stand and be silent.

Let's honor the memory with a minute of silence.

D: The hot June night was ending, the dawn of a new day was already rising - Sunday, June 22, 1941. And at this time, thousands of Nazi soldiers, many hundreds of planes and tanks crossed the border of our Motherland.


Sad willows leaned towards the pond,
The moon floats over the water.
There, at the border, I stood on duty
At night, a young fighter...
In the dark night he did not sleep, did not doze,
He guarded his native land, -
In the thicket of the forest he heard footsteps
And he lay down with a machine gun.
Black shadows grew in the fog,
The cloud in the sky is dark...
The first shell exploded in the distance -
Thus began the war.
The country woke up peacefully
On this June day,
Just turned around
There are lilacs in the parks.
Rejoicing in the sun and peace,
Moscow greeted the morning.
Suddenly they spread across the airwaves
Memorable words...
The voice is confidently stern
The country immediately recognized it.
In the morning on our doorstep
War broke out.

M: Destroying and destroying, mercilessly burning and killing everything in their path, the fascists moved on the territory of Russia towards its heart - Moscow.

Our people rose up to defend the Fatherland, and therefore the war was called Patriotic. Fathers, brothers, sons went to the front. In mortal combat with the enemy, Soviet soldiers' love for their native land and determination to defend their homeland to the last drop of blood were tempered and strengthened.


Everything was burning: flowers and maples,
The blade of grass was not alive.
There are dusty bushes around
The charred leaves rustled.
Look to the right - darling
The wheat is dying on the vine.
To the left - there is no end and edge
Expanses given over to fire.
The earth seemed to be to the limit
It was on fire.
And everything, withered, hummed:
“War be damned!”
We will not give up the endless blue fields
Where we have won and will win
We will not give up our beautiful Fatherland
We won't give it up!

D: War. A terrible, cruel time. A time of the most difficult trials, incredible strain of all the forces of the people fighting against a merciless enemy. But war is not only difficult, bloody battles, decisive battles. War is hard, exhausting, incessant work of people on the home front. In factories for the production of shells, weapons, clothing for the army. But the men were at the front, their places at the machines were taken by their wives and children, the elderly, those who could not go to the front. The main thing for them was work. They lived from hand to mouth, malnutrition, no rest, forgetting about themselves. “Everything for the front, everything for victory!” - the main slogan of those days.

M: Let's not forget. That during the war days the soldiers nicknamed the guards multi-barreled mortar “Katyusha” - a formidable weapon that the enemies were terrified of. And there was a song about this.

The choir sings. Song “Katyusha” Music - Matvey Blanter, lyrics - Mikhail Isakovsky.


There were battles at sea and on land,
Shots were ringing all around,
Songs of "Katyusha" were heard
Near Moscow, beyond Kursk and Orel.
Raised the spirit of Soviet soldiers,
Sang a victory march, a battle march
And she buried her enemies in the grave
Under the great Kursk Bulge.
She did not lose heart at the fronts,
She sang loud songs,
Only then did Katyusha fall silent,
How the war ended with Victory!

D: Our people achieved victory at a high price. For almost 4 years - 1418 days and nights - the war raged. These were years of hardship, grief, and hard work. Cities and villages were devastated, fields were scorched, people's dreams and hopes were cut short. At the same time, these were years of courage and selfless love for the Motherland.

M: The Great Patriotic War... In the battles for the fatherland, everyone who could hold a weapon in their hands fought to the death and defended every inch of land.

Let's remember how it was... (video film)

D: The war left its mark on almost every family. Our country has lost more than 20 million of its sons and daughters. 1,710 cities and towns, over 70 thousand villages were in ruins. About 32 thousand industrial enterprises were blown up and destroyed.

M: How many graves of the Unknown Soldier are there in our country? A lot of. The soldiers died for our peaceful life, for the peaceful life of future generations. And our duty is to remember this, to prevent war and the grief it brings.

D: The last war was also terrible because the Nazis did not spare anyone: they killed children and women, burned entire villages, and tried to destroy the entire population of the country.

The floor is given to veterans of the Great Patriotic War (full name) (presentation of flowers)


It was in May, at dawn.
The battle began at the walls of the Reichstag.
I noticed a German girl
Our soldier on the dusty pavement.

She stood at the post, trembling,
There was fear in his blue eyes.
And pieces of whistling metal
Death and torment were sown all around.

Then he remembered how, saying goodbye in the summer
He kissed his daughter.
Maybe this girl's father
He shot his own daughter.

But then, in Berlin, under fire
A fighter crawled and shielded with his body
A girl in a short white dress
He carefully took it out of the fire.

And, stroking it with a gentle palm,
He lowered her to the ground.
They say that in the morning Marshal Konev
I reported this to Stalin.

How many children have their childhood restored?
Gave joy and spring
Privates of the Soviet Army
People who won the war!

And in Berlin, on a holiday,
Was erected to stand for centuries,
Monument to the Soviet Soldier
With a rescued girl in her arms.

He stands as a symbol of our glory,
Like a beacon shining in the darkness.
This is him, a soldier of my state,
Protects peace throughout the world.

M: May day of the forty-fifth... Acquaintances and strangers hugged each other, gave each other flowers, sang and danced right in the streets. It seemed that for the first time millions of adults and children raised their eyes to the sun, for the first time they enjoyed the colors, sounds, and smells of life.
It was a common holiday for all our people, all humanity and a holiday for every person.

Dance "A soldier walks through the city."

D: Yes, that May morning was filled with jubilation. But grief showed through. People acutely felt the loss of loved ones, acquaintances and strangers; those who died under fascist bullets and shells, torture in concentration camps, during the siege famine, in burned villages. The war killed them...

M: This is jubilation and this is sorrow. Time does not dull them. And you and I must pass on this memory of the most terrible war that affected every family from generation to generation.

D: Victory Day was, is and must remain the holiest holiday. After all, those who paid for it with their lives gave us the opportunity to live now, and we must remember this. Our memory must not go blind.


The war ended in victory,
Those years are behind us.
Medals and orders are burning
On many people's chests.
Who wears the military order
For exploits in battle,
And who - for the feat of labor
In your native land.
The people won
I didn’t give the country to the fascists,
Rebuilt the state
Led her to great glory.
Bow to you, soldiers,
For a blooming May,
For the dawn over the hut,
For the native land.
I bow, soldiers,
For your silence,
For the winged space -
Free country.


Even then we were not in the world,
When you came home with Victory,
Soldiers of May, glory to you forever
From the whole Earth, from the whole Earth!
Thank you, soldiers.

1st reader. For a life!

2nd reader. Here's to childhood!

3rd reader. Here's to spring!

4th reader. For silence!

5th reader. For a peaceful home!

6th reader. For the world we live in!

All. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Our event dedicated to Victory Day has come to an end. Thank you all for your attention!

All participants of the event congratulate the veterans of the Great Patriotic War on Victory Day! (The song “Victory Day” is played, lyrics by V. Kharitonov, music by D. Tukhmanov)

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  1. to form in students knowledge about the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, its defenders and exploits;
  2. promote the moral and patriotic education of schoolchildren;
  3. cultivate patriotic feelings, historical memory, respect for the older generation.


  • Computer, projector.
  • Candles.
  • Drawings, photographs of relatives who took part in World War II.
  • Drawings with a peaceful theme.

I presenter - Today is an unusual day for us, we are standing on the threshold of the brightest, holiest holiday - the Day of Victory over Nazi Germany.

2 presenter.

Not burned by the forties,
With hearts rooted in silence, -
Of course, we look with different eyes,
For our big war.
We know from confusing, difficult stories,
About the bitter victorious path,
Therefore, at least our mind should
go through the road of suffering.

1 presenter.

And we have to figure it out ourselves
In the pain that the world has suffered.
Of course, we look with different eyes,
The same ones, full of tears.

2 presenter.

Again war, again blockade.
Or maybe we should forget about her?
I sometimes hear
No need,
There’s no need to reopen wounds”
Because it's true. That you're tired
We are from stories about war,
And we read about the blockade
There are quite enough poems.
And it may seem
You're right
And the words are convincing...
But even if it's true
This is true -
So that again on the earthly planet
That disaster did not happen again
We need,
So that our children
They remembered this
Like us!
I have no reason to worry
So that that war is not forgotten.
After all, this memory is our conscience.
We need it like strength...

2 presenter.

Look at the living
While they are alive...
Remember their scars and gray hair.
Their courage in those years was thunderous,
Saved a free country from slavery.

1 presenter.

Look at the living ones. They have met death,
And to this day they sometimes dream of death.
They are sad
They mourn at night
About those friends who sleep in damp ground.

1 presenter

War - there is no crueler word,
War - there is no sadder word,
War - there is no holier word,
In the melancholy and glory of these years,
And on our lips there is something else
It can’t be yet, and no.
The longest day of the year
With its cloudless weather
He gave us a common misfortune
For everything, for all 4 years.

(Music of the song “Get up, huge country.”)

2 presenter - June 22. This day will forever cast our memory back to 1941. And that means by May 9, 1945. There is a strong thread between the two dates. Without one there would be no other. More precisely, there simply could not be another. Because our people seemed to have done everything impossible.

1 presenter - 4 years, 1418 days, 34,000 hours, and more than 20 million dead people. If a minute of silence is declared for each of them, the country will be silent for 38 years.

2 presenter - These days, when nature comes to life, we acutely feel how beautiful life is. How dear she is to us! And we understand that for everything we have - life and holidays in our lives - we owe it to all those who fought, died, survived in those conditions when it seemed that it was impossible to survive.

(the song “Let’s Bow to Those Years” sounds). Participants come out with candles.

1 - Remember!
Through centuries, through years.
Remember about those who will never come again,
2 - Tech. Who went into battle for their homeland. He survived and won.
3 - Those who warmed with their breath during the cold nights of the siege.
4 - those who flew away with the smoke from the Buchenwald ovens.
5 - Those who at river crossings walked like a stone to the bottom.
6 - Those who disappeared for centuries nameless in fascist captivity.
7 - Those who were ready to give their hearts for victory.
8 - Those who fell under cars instead of pontoon bridges.

All together: Everyone who has gone into immortality. Remember!

2 presenter.

Hold back the moans in your throat,
Bitter moans.
In memory of the fallen,
Be worthy!
Eternally worthy!

1 presenter.

Once again a stingy tear guards the silence.
You dreamed about life when you went to war.
How many young people then did not return back,
Without having lived, without finishing, they lie under granite,
Looking into the eternal flame - a radiance of quiet sorrow...
Listen to the holy minute of silence.

(Minute of silence.)

2 presenter. - The Patriotic War is not only blood, suffering and death, but also the upsurge of the human spirit, the highest measure of courage, nobility of fidelity.

1 presenter.

A yellowed leaf is folded into a triangle,
It contains both a bitter summer and alarm signals.
It contains the sadness of retreat in that desperate year.
The autumn wind is breaking and the team is forward!
even death receded at least for a few days,
Where the soldiers' letters went their way.

2 presenter.

And with a bow, the last letters, full of strength,
The postman brought gifts from those killed in battle.


Well, mail! A whole kilogram!
A pile of letters, maybe there are some for you too?
From sisters, from brothers, from brides,
How many of them are from different places!
They are long-awaited, necessary,
There are happy ones, there are very sad ones.
How difficult it is to hand over those letters,
And sometimes it's scary to receive...
And everyone will find their addresses -
After all, somewhere they have been waiting for a long time.

There may be gloomy weather
It will seem to you that there are not enough lines,
What am I to you for a whole six months
And I couldn’t write half a page...
Don't trust the weather and frustration
And at least drop the postcard in the box...
We hurry to the Berlin motorway.
And we write letters without leaving the reservation.

Hello folder!
I dreamed about you again
Only this time not in war.
I was even a little surprised -
How old you were in the dream.
The same - the same, well, the same,
We haven't seen each other for two days.
You ran in, kissed your mom,
And then he kissed me.
I brought you those two fragments
What I recently found at the gate,
And he said to you: And soon there will be a Christmas tree!
You will come to us for New Year?
I said yes, and woke up immediately.
How did this happen? I don't understand.
He touched the wall carefully.
He looked at the darkness in surprise.
It's so dark - you can't see anything,
There are already circles in the eyes from this darkness!
How offended I was,
That you and I suddenly broke up.
Dad, you will come back safe!
Will the war ever end?
My darling, my dear.
You know, New Year is really coming soon!
Of course, I congratulate you.
And I wish you not to get sick at all.
I wish you - I wish you
Defeat the fascists quickly!
So that they don’t destroy our land,
So that you can live as before,
So that they don't bother me anymore,
Hug you, love you.
So that over all such a huge world.
Day and night there was a cheerful light...
Bow to the soldiers and commanders,
Say hi to them from me!
Wish them every luck,
Let them go at the Germans as one.
I am writing to you and almost crying,
It's such a joy...
Your son.


I don't want thunder
Gun cannonade.
Heard your child, yours, and yours
I don’t want Leningrad to starve.
He touched them with a merciless hand.
I don't want the bunkers to be exposed,
Like a cancerous tumor of the Earth,
I don't want them to come to life again
And someone's life was taken from the planet.
Let people raise a million palms,
And they will protect the beautiful face of the sun.
From the burning ashes and from the Khatyn pain,
Forever, forever, not just for a moment.
I don't want the thunder of cannonade,
Heard your child, yours and yours,
Let the world explode with screams
“No, don’t!”
We need a son, not dead, but alive.

1 presenter The war was a difficult ordeal not only for adults. Not only adults, but also children stood up to defend the Fatherland. 20 thousand pioneers received the medal “For the Defense of Moscow”, 15 thousand 249 young Leningraders were awarded the medal “For the Defense of Leningrad”.

2leading During the war, young heroes died the death of the brave. Their names remained forever in the memory of the people. They were posthumously awarded medals and orders, and some of them, along with adults, were awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. Streets, ships, and schools are named after them.


Devoted children to the Russian land,
You have become immortal on the planet.
Towards the sun with clean hands
You raised the banner of our victory.

(the song “Zhenya” sounds).

1 presenter.

On the ninth day of jubilant May.
When silence fell on the ground,
The news rushed from edge to edge.
The world has won! The war is over!

2 presenter.

Today the holiday enters every home.
And joy comes with him to people
We congratulate everyone on the great day,
Happy day of our glory.

All together: Happy Victory Day!

1 presenter.

Let children everywhere watch the dawn
A clear, calm smile.
Let's say it all together

2 presenter - No! - predatory wars.


I'll draw a bright sun
I'll paint a blue sky.
I'll draw a light in the window.
I will draw ears of bread.
We will draw autumn leaves, a school, a stream, restless friends.
And we’ll cross it out with our common brush.

All: Shots, explosions, fire and war!

Raise the pictures above
So that everyone can see them,
So that everyone can hear today,
The voice of young citizens of the Earth.


  1. Degtyareva O.V. I saw it with my own eyes. //Read, study, play. – 2004. - No. 12.
  2. Nekrasova N.N. Scenarios for events about the Second World War. // Classroom teacher. – 2004. - № 8.
  3. Ryazanov G.L. Recent history. – M., 1989
  4. Strizhova N.Z. Why did you, war, steal their childhood from the boys? // Read, study, play. – 2005. - No. 12.
  5. Tereshko L.V. Buchenwald alarm. // Read, study, play. – 2004. - No. 12.
  6. Fomin A. For the sake of life on Earth. – M., 1970
  7. Chuikov V.V., Ryabov V.S. The Great Patriotic War. – M., 1987

Internet materials

  1. – Prisoners of Salaspils
  2. – Chronicle of glory
  3. – Conveyor of Death

Scenario for the May 9 holiday “To the feat of the people to live for centuries”

Goals and objectives:

To form in students knowledge about the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, its defenders and exploits;

To foster patriotic feelings, historical memory, respect for the older generation;

Awaken a sense of pride for your people.


Multimedia equipment, screen, computer, sound equipment;

Tools and materials:

Film "Holy War";

Video “Children of War”;

Photos of veterans;


(The soundtrack of a waltz sounds. A dancing girl appears on the stage, and a boy with a flower approaches the front stage, looks at the dance, approaches the girl, silently gives the flower, both freeze. The soundtrack becomes quieter, a voice sounds behind the stage.

Disturbing music sounds and the howl of sirens and the roar of explosions are heard, the girl clings to the boy, both look around with alarm, a voice is behind the scene.

The music gives way to the introduction of the song “Get up, huge country.”

Men in black appear, separate the lovers, dress the young man in a military uniform and a cap, the girl sees him off).

Teacher. Good afternoon We are pleased to welcome everyone to today's celebration!

May 9 is an unusual holiday. Any holiday is, first of all, joy, fun, laughter. The joy of today's holiday is intertwined with grief, laughter with tears.

The Great Patriotic War... How many lives it took, how much misfortune it brought to the Soviet people...

Child performance

People slept, putting it off until the morning

All your worries and affairs.

In a bright house, quiet and cozy,

The little girl was sleeping.

There are toys on the bed, on the table,

Outside the window there is a large green garden,

Where are the apple and pear trees in spring?

Put on festive attire.

The sky floated in bright, starry points,

The sky was also waiting for the day,

And no one knew that that night

At dawn the war began.

Presenter 2. Our people achieved victory at a high price. The war claimed almost 27 million Soviet lives. But the Soviet Union not only survived such a brutal war, but also defeated fascism because the war was a nationwide one. Everyone rose up to defend the Motherland: men, women, old people, young people, all nations and nationalities of the country. Unprecedented resilience and heroism on the battlefields, the courageous struggle of partisans and underground fighters behind the front line, almost round-the-clock tireless work in the rear - this is how this victory was won.

The guys' story about our village during the war

Presenter 2. Four years - is it a lot or a little? Who, if not a soldier, should know about this? What helped you survive without becoming hardened in heart? Probably the letters that told them that they were loved were waiting. “Wait for me and I will return” - these words of Konstantin Simonov became a symbol of that time. These letters warmed the soul, giving the soldiers’ hearts the light of love and warmth.

Reading the poem by K. Simonov “Wait for me - and I will return”

Teacher. During the Great Patriotic War, over 11 thousand soldiers of all nationalities were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. This award was received for accomplishment of a feat and outstanding achievements during hostilities.

Presenter 2. Most of all, of course, during the war it was the children who suffered the most, the small, the weak, the defenseless. The war took away their childhood. They showed so much courage and heroism, standing on par with adults to defend our country. Children took part in battles, fought both in partisan detachments and behind enemy lines.

Teacher. The life of captured Soviet children who were captured by the Germans was terrible. Katya Susanina is a 15-year-old girl who died in German captivity. Before she died, she wrote a letter to her dad. The letter did not reach my father. But it was published in the newspaper and millions of Soviet people read the girl’s letter with tears.

Letter from Katya Susanina

March 12, Liozno, 1943.

Dear, good dad!

I am writing you a letter from German captivity.

A few words about my mother. When you return, don't look for your mother. The Germans shot her. When they asked about you, the officer beat her in the face with a whip, my mother could not stand it and proudly said, these are her last words: “You will not intimidate me with a beating. I’m sure that my husband will come back and throw you, vile invaders, out of here!” And the officer shot mom in the mouth...

Dad, I turned 15 today, and if you met me now, you wouldn’t recognize your daughter. I became very thin, my eyes were sunken, my pigtails were cut bald, my hands were dry and looked like a rake. When I cough, blood comes out of my mouth - my lungs are knocked out. Do you remember, dad, two years ago, when I turned 13? How good my name day was! You, dad, then told me: “Grow up, daughter, to great joy!” The gramophone played, my friends wished me a happy birthday, and we sang our favorite pioneer song.

And now, dad, when I look at myself in the mirror - my dress is torn, in shreds, my number is on my neck, like a criminal’s, I’m as thin as a skeleton - and salty tears flow from my eyes. What good is it that I turned 15 years old? Nobody needs me. Here many people are not needed by anyone. They wander hungry, hunted by shepherds. Every day they are taken away and killed.

Yes, dad, and I am a slave of a German baron, I work for the German Charlain as a laundress, I wash clothes, wash floors. I work a lot, but I eat twice a day in a trough with “Rose” and “Clara” - that’s the name of the owner’s pigs. The baron ordered so. “Russ was and will be a pig,” he said. I'm very afraid of "Clara". This is a big and greedy pig. She almost bit off my finger once when I was taking potatoes out of the trough.

I live in a woodshed: I can’t go into the room. One time, Yuzefa’s Polish maid gave me a piece of bread, and the mistress saw and beat Yuzefa on the head and back for a long time with a whip.

Twice I ran away from my owners, but their janitor found me. Then the baron himself tore off my dress and kicked me. I was losing consciousness. Then they poured a bucket of water on me and threw me into the basement.

Today I learned the news: Yuzefa said that the gentlemen were leaving for Germany with a large batch of male and female slaves from the Vitebsk region. Now they take me with them. No, I will not go to this thrice-damned Germany! I decided it was better to die on my native side than to be trampled into the damned German soil. Only death will save me from a cruel beating.

I’ll put the letter away for extradition (inaudible)

I don’t want to suffer anymore as a slave to the damned, cruel Germans who didn’t let me live!..

I bequeath, dad: avenge mom and me. Goodbye, good daddy, I'm leaving to die.

Your daughter Katya Susanina...

My heart believes: the letter will arrive.

Video "Children of War"

Teacher. Look carefully at the screen. This is a monument to the Soviet soldier who saved a German girl, which was erected in Germany.


It was at dawn in May,

The battle rumbled near the walls of the Reichstag.

I noticed a German girl

Our soldier on the dusty pavement.

She stood at the post, trembling,

The child's mouth was twisted in fear,

And pieces of whistling metal

Death and torment were sown around...

Then he remembered how, saying goodbye, in the summer

He kissed his daughter

Maybe this girl's father

His own daughter was shot...

But now, in Berlin, under fire,

The fighter crawled and, shielding him with his body,

A girl in a short white dress

He carefully took it out of the fire.

How many children have their childhood restored?

Gave joy and spring

Privates of the Soviet Army,

People who won the war!

And in Berlin on a holiday

Was erected to stand for centuries,

Monument to the Soviet soldier

With a rescued girl in her arms.

He stands as a symbol of our glory,

Like a beacon shining in the darkness.

This is him - a soldier of my state -

Protects peace throughout the world!

Action "Immortal Regiment"

Teacher: We did not experience the sorrows and hardships of the war, but it entered our hearts from our great-grandfathers, grandfathers and fathers.

Presenter 2: And we know the price of our happy childhood, the price of peace on earth.

Teacher: Many of us only have photographs of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers and their names.

Presenter 2: We strive to be worthy of their Memory.

The guys talk about their relatives who participated in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

Promotion "St. George's Ribbon"

Teacher: For several years now, residents of our country have been participating in the “St. George’s Ribbon” campaign, and on the eve of the Great Victory Day we will attach St. George’s ribbons to our chests.

Presenter 2: The colors of the ribbon are black and orange - meaning “smoke and flame” and are a sign of the soldier’s personal valor on the battlefield.

A child's story about the St. George's ribbon.

A long time ago, when you and I were not in the world, this magic ribbon appeared. Strong and brave people have always worn it on their chests. They were military. At all times they defended their country from enemies who wanted to conquer. The soldiers did not spare their strength, health and their lives for victory. Military units were awarded such ribbons, they were attached to banners, silver trumpets, and many orders and medals were worn on the St. George ribbon.

Presenter 2: 72 years have passed since the end of the terrible days of the war. We live with you now under a peaceful sky, play, study, create. We promise to preserve the memory of the exploits of our ancestors.

What is Victory Day?

This is the morning parade:

Tanks and missiles are coming,

A line of soldiers is marching.

What is Victory Day?

This is a festive fireworks display:

Fireworks fly into the sky

Scattering here and there.

What is Victory Day?

These are songs at the table,

These are speeches and conversations,

This is my grandfather's album.

These are fruits and sweets,

These are the smells of spring.

What is Victory Day?

This means no war!

Song “Let there always be sunshine” (last verse and chorus).

During the chorus, children come out with balloons and sing together.

Presenter 2. We once again congratulate you on the wonderful holiday of May 9th. We remember, we are proud, we thank...

Even if we don’t know that war at all,

I wouldn't know forever what it is.

But we will preserve the memory of the heroes

And we will live worthy of heroes!

On the eve of the May 9 holiday, our school hosted events dedicated to the 72nd anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

From May 2 to 5, an exhibition of children's drawings dedicated to the Great Patriotic War “Echoes of a Distant War - Memory of Burning Years” is being held.

On May 3 and 4, from grades 1 to 11, school activists held a lesson in courage on the topic “Let’s bow to those great years,” where students were told about the events of the war and were shown video clips dedicated to the victory in the Great Patriotic War. Episodes from military everyday life could not leave children indifferent.

A living memory of the war... It does not fade, does not fade over the years. But is memory ever alive? A person can die twice. There, on the battlefield, when a bullet catches up with him. And the second time - in people's memory. Dying the second time is worse. The second time a person must live! After all, they did everything they could. Modern youth should know and remember all this so that the memory of the Heroes of the Great Patriotic War does not fade. It was for this purpose that, as part of preparations for the celebration of the Great Victory, the “Immortal Regiment” event was held at the school.

During the action, the children went out into the school yard. In the hands of the children were portraits of their great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers. Participants in the “Immortal Regiment” campaign spoke about the exploits of their relatives in the Great Patriotic War.

Holiday script for older children preschool age, dedicated to the Day Victory.

“These days the glory does not cease.”

Characters:children senior group, educators, music worker, physical fitness instructor.

Attributes: posters about the Second World War, Victory flag, flags, flowers, music.

Progress of the event.

Leading: Victory Day has arrived! May 9 is a bright and joyful holiday. 72 years ago on this day the war ended. We remember with gratitude our warriors, defenders who defended the world in a fierce battle. We owe it to all the soldiers and veterans who are not with us that we now live under a peaceful sky. Eternal glory to them!

1 child. The festive flag is raised to the skies,

Enters the square, Ninth of May.

The city is dressed in full dress,

Even the sun has a solemn color.

2nd child. This holy, heroic holiday.

Great-grandfather and great-grandson share equally.

The whole country wants to embrace the warriors,

With pride, looking at their orders.

3 child. Victory Day is a holiday

It's fireworks in the evening

Lots of flags at the parade

People sing joyfully!

4 child. Great-grandfathers, soldiers of Victory,

Cast in bronze, sung in songs!

Glory to the dead! Glory to the living!

To all commanders and all privates!

Leading : May 9 is not just a joyful and happy holiday, it is the day of the end of the war, which lasted for 4 whole years. (One thousand four hundred and eighteen days and nights...) And it began on a beautiful summer morning, June 22, 1941, when many people were peacefully going about their normal business.

Re-enactment of the beginning of the war by children of the senior group.

Children live to the tune of "Rio - Rita" peaceful life, jumping rope, boys playing with airplanes, girls throwing a ball.

Suddenly, explosions of flying bombs are heard, the children are distracted from the game and look up (at the sky) with frightened eyes, covering their heads.

Levitan begins to talk about the beginning of the war, the children disperse to both sides. (A recording of Levitan’s message about the beginning of the Second World War plays.)

Leading: On June 22, 1941, at exactly 4 o'clock, Hitler's troops attacked our Motherland. They bombed cities and landed from planes, shot at them with tanks and cannons. All the people, old and young, rose to defend the country.

“Slavyanka’s Farewell” plays in the background.

Scene “Seeing off to the front.”

2 girls and 1 boy come out.

Boy : Don't cry, little sister,

Mom, don't cry

I will return with Victory

To our native land!

The boy leaves, hugging the girls, and stands near the red scarf. The girls cry, wave, and leave.

A couple comes out - a boy and a girl.

Boy: A brave warrior takes cities,

I will always be brave and fearless!

(They say goodbye, the boy goes to the second red scarf).

Two couples come out.

1 Boy : We have tanks and machine guns,

We have guns and planes!

2 Boy: We will fearlessly destroy our enemies,

To free the fatherland!

The boys say goodbye to the girls and leave with red scarves.

Dance composition “Scarlet Sunsets” (performed by children of the older group).

Many went to the front straight from school. The war scattered young guys - some to become anti-aircraft gunners, some to become telephone operators, some to become scouts...

Dramatization of S. Mikhalkov’s poem “We are warriors too”

(Children are distributed throughout the hall, put on costume elements, and take the necessary attributes).

1 child. Signalman(sitting on a chair, headphones on his head, microphone or phone in his hands)

Hello, "Jupiter"? I am “Diamond”

I can hardly hear you at all

We occupied the village with a fight,

And how are you? Hello! Hello!

2nd child. Nurse(bandages a wounded man sitting on a chair, he groans)

Why are you roaring like a bear?

It’s a trifle to be patient,

And your wound is so light,

Which will heal for sure!

3 child. Sailor (looks into the distance through binoculars)

There's a plane on the horizon!

Full speed ahead!

Get ready for battle, crew!

Set aside - our fighter!

Two pilots look at a map.

1st pilot:

The infantry is here, and the tanks are here,

Seven minutes to fly to the target!

2nd pilot:

The battle order is clear,

The enemy will not leave us!

6 child. Scout(walks near the central wall, holding a machine gun)

So I climbed into the attic.

Perhaps the enemy is hiding here?

We are cleaning the house behind the house...

All together: We will find the enemy everywhere!

Leading : On cold autumn evenings, in moments of calm between battles, the soldiers rested, sitting by the fire, mending their clothes, cleaning their guns, remembering peaceful days, singing songs. The soldiers remembered their wives, beloved girls, sisters, mothers. They remembered how good, cozy, warm it was with them at home. They knew that they were waiting for them from the war, they believed that they would return alive and with VICTORY! And this always made my soul warmer. With what joy there was every news from home.

The child unfolds the piece of paper and “reads”

This little yellow leaf

the wind will carry away my song,

To help you in battle.

Remember, the girl believes and waits

And your love and your victory!

Leading: The poems are simple, naive, but how much hope and love they contain! Such letters were necessary for the soldier. It is no coincidence that the girl Katyusha from the song that everyone now knows, both adults and children, became a symbol of fidelity and hope. This song turned out to be dear to everyone. And during the days of the war, the soldiers nicknamed the formidable artillery weapon “Katyusha”, which the enemies were terrified of.

Children sing the song "Katyusha".

Leading : Heavy fighting was going on very close to Moscow, and there was a short respite before the battle. In rare hours of rest, soldiers wrote letters to their family and loved ones.

Leading: Now we live in peacetime, but the memory of the soldiers is eternal. Many families still keep letters from the front. These letters are triangle letters. They were sent without envelopes or stamps. What do you think the soldiers wrote home about? Of course, they wrote about the war, about missing their families, about fighting for happiness and a peaceful sky for all people.

A boy comes out, sits down on the rubble, and unfolds a letter folded into a triangle.

Hello, dear Maxim! Hello, my beloved son!

I am writing from the front line, tomorrow morning there will be another battle!

We will drive out the fascists, take care, son, mother,

Forget sadness and sadness, I will return with victory!

I will finally hug you

Goodbye. Your father.

Four children come out and read a letter from the front.

1 child

My dear, family! Night. The candle flame is flickering.

This is not the first time I remember. How do you sleep on a warm stove.

2 child

In our little old hut. That is lost in the deep forests,

I remember a field, a river. Again and again I remember you.

3 child

My dear brothers and sisters! Tomorrow I'm going into battle again

For our Fatherland, for Russia. That I got into a lot of trouble.

4 child

I will gather my courage and strength. I will beat the Germans without mercy.

So that nothing threatens you. So that you can study and live!

Leading: In the vastness of our Motherland, after the war, there were many mass graves, on which there were always fresh flowers. This is an irreparable loss, a great price to pay for victory, for peace on our land. These flowers are a sign of deepest gratitude to those who defended our Motherland in battles and died for it. And the fire that always burns, as a symbol of the eternal memory of those killed in this terrible war.

Let us bow to all the glorious commanders and fighters,

Let us bow to both the dead and the living

Let's honor the memory of the victims with a minute of silence


Leading: People did not lose faith in victory even in the most difficult times. “The enemy will be defeated! Victory will be ours! “- these words sounded everywhere. Our soldiers fought bravely in battles. Finally the enemy was broken! The soldiers liberated not only our Fatherland, but also many European countries from fascist invaders. They reached Berlin and hoisted a red flag on the Reichstag. The country rejoiced! Every year on Victory Day there is always a Victory Parade in the main square of the city.

Children of the older group perform the “Cossack” dance.

Leading: We once again congratulate everyone on the Great Victory Day. We wish you health, long life and, of course, peaceful skies above your head.

Child. Let there never be war!

Trouble will not touch us anymore!

On Victory Day all songs are sung,

Fireworks sparkle in honor of the Victory!

All participants stand in a semicircle and sing the song “Sunny Circle”.

To the song Victory Day, children organized an people from the hall.