Is it possible for little piglets to add salt to the mash? What to do if pigs are poisoned by table salt. Is it possible to give mushrooms to piglets?

Nowadays, boiled sausages have become very popular. They are prepared at a temperature of 80 degrees from minced meat, well salted. You can store such sausages for no more than three days. Semi-smoked and cooked-smoked sausages can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three weeks. The longest shelf life - up to one month - is for raw smoked sausages. But no matter what the deadline, you must follow the rules for storing food.

Basic rules for storing sausage

  1. If the sausage is “chapped” or a little dry, you need to put it in a bowl with cold milk for thirty minutes.
  2. If mold appears on the sausage, soak it in very salty water for a couple of minutes. After that, take it out and wipe it with a napkin.
  3. If the sausage has become slippery, rinse it in cold water and then fry it with the addition of vegetable oil.
  4. To prevent the cut end of the sausage from drying out, it is necessary to grease it with egg white or fat.
  5. If the sausage was purchased in advance, and you will only need to use it in a couple of weeks, then you need to do the following: take three tablespoons of salt and dilute them in half a liter of cold boiled water. Immerse the sausage in this solution for a few minutes, remove it, let it dry, wrap it in paper and place it in the refrigerator. After this procedure, the sausage will remain fresh with good taste for quite a long time.

If the sausage has changed color or smell, it should not be consumed under any circumstances. You can’t save it anymore, you just have to throw it away without a second thought! Otherwise, you risk getting severe food poisoning.

How to store raw smoked sausage

The history of raw smoked sausages goes back to Ancient Rome. In medieval Europe, many people smoked sausage; in Russia it appeared during the time of Peter the Great, thanks to the Germans. Recipes for making raw smoked sausages are varied; almost every nation has its own. For example, Vienna sausages, Italian mortadella, Spanish chorizo. Delicious gourmet sausages last a long time, but you need to know the rules for storing them and stick to them.

Storing raw smoked sausage with a stick

  1. It is not necessary to store a stick of raw smoked sausage in the refrigerator. It is enough to hang it in a room with a temperature of 10 to 15 degrees Celsius, which is well ventilated. And then the delicacy can be stored for up to three months. If you keep the sausage like this for any longer, it will dry out so much that it will turn into a stone weapon. You can return it to its original form only by wrapping it in damp linen cloth and putting it in the refrigerator. Such sausage, of course, can be chewed, although it will already lose its taste.
  2. Another way to soften very hard sausage is to steam it. To do this, you need to boil water in a saucepan, place a colander over it, put the sausage in it and keep it over steam for more than 20 minutes, then remove it and put it in the refrigerator while still warm.
  3. If you store raw smoked sausage in the refrigerator in the fruit compartment, it can last for almost a whole year. You can observe a whitish coating on the casing, but it can be easily removed by wiping the sausage stick with a rag soaked in vegetable oil.
  4. The already cut sausage stick should be wrapped in cling film on the cut and placed immediately in the refrigerator, then it will be preserved for a long time. Or you can put the sausage in a container.

Storing raw smoked sausage, cut into pieces

If the sausage is vacuum-packed, it can be stored without opening for a long time, in accordance with the periods indicated on the packaging. Sliced ​​raw smoked sausage can be wrapped in wax paper or stored in a plastic container for 5-7 days. You can also freeze slices of sausage by wrapping them in foil. This way the shelf life will last up to 4-6 months. Before use, the sausage must be thawed by keeping it in the refrigerator for 3 hours.

  • vegetable crops;
  • corn;
  • animal feed;
  • waste from meat and fish production;
  • scraps from a person's table.

However, if a certain feeding technology is not followed, then it will not be possible to obtain high-quality meat or lard products. A pig farmer must know what feed is suitable for animals and what the feeding standards are.

How can food be classified?

For keeping pigs at home, it is necessary to choose the optimal diet, as well as the appropriate norm for pets. Pigs have a single-chamber stomach, and therefore it is recommended to give them concentrates, because... Rough or juicy food will be less digestible.

Fattening pigs involves subsequently obtaining high-quality meat or lard products. Due to this, the food is divided into groups depending on the result.

The first group includes those types of feed that are recommended for obtaining meat of the highest quality:

  • barley grain, peas and millet;
  • juicy, represented by vegetable crops and root crops;
  • green mass;
  • roughage;
  • products from the production of dairy and meat products.

Thanks to these feeds, the lard will be more dense and grainy, the meat will significantly improve its performance, and the young piglets will begin to grow well.

The second group includes food, which is used much less frequently for fattening. This includes:

It is not forbidden to use the listed components in feeding, but they should not be more than ½ of the entire diet.

The third group is represented by feeds that have a negative impact on the final product:

  • oat grain;
  • cakes.

This food can be given until the animals gain a weight of 60 kg. The most optimal diet is prepared for pigs at the moment when there are 60 days left before being sent for meat. During this period, all feed included in the third group is removed, and their shortage is compensated for by the ingredients presented in the first group.

Basics of proper feeding

To obtain a healthy and strong livestock, young animals must receive adequate nutrition. What factors should the owner pay attention to first:

  • animals need balanced and varied feeding;
  • Each complex maintains a strict regime for distributing feed at a certain time;
  • all feed containers must be cleared of food residues;
  • animals should not be given low-quality, moldy, rotten or stale food;
  • It is recommended to grind the components that will go into food;
  • All exercise yards should be regularly inspected for inappropriate items that may cause indigestion or stomach injury.

All daily norms are calculated based on the following indicators:

  • age category of pigs;
  • gender;
  • physiological state;
  • seasonality.

With the onset of winter, the animals’ daily allowance is increased, and in summer time, on the contrary, they reduce. Pregnant and lactating sows should have a more nutritious diet, the same applies to breeding boars during the breeding season.

What you need to know about feeding types

In pig farming, several types of feeding can be distinguished; all of them are actively used both in private farms and in large complexes. These include:

  1. dry feeding;
  2. liquid;
  3. wet.

The first type includes dry food, which is specially designed for pig farming. They include all the necessary vitamin and mineral complexes. The advantage of choosing this type of feeding is that it saves time spent on serving animals. You just need to put the premixes in feed containers and pour clean water for the pigs. And if such feed is produced directly on the farm, then significant financial benefits are obtained.

Dry feeding has some advantages:

  • animals quickly gain weight;
  • there are no problems with the digestive system;
  • manure without ammonia odor;
  • The remaining food cannot turn sour and spoil.

With the liquid type of feed, it is made directly on the farm. Here we use curdled milk and liquid kitchen waste.

The third type involves the preparation of wet mash, mainly from the following components:

  • boiled potatoes;
  • green mass;
  • vegetable crops;
  • food waste;
  • cakes.

Wet feeding can be considered a more common diet that pigs prefer. But they have one significant drawback - they quickly sour, so every owner must clean the feeders.

If available on the farm large quantity green mass or other succulent feeds, the most advantageous is the liquid type of feeding. But the answer to the question of what to give pigs as food is given by each animal owner independently.

What do suckling piglets need?

The best food for this group of animals is milk, which they receive from sows. It is thanks to him that the young animals receive immunity and begin to grow and develop quickly. From the age of 14 days, piglets begin to require nutrients in larger quantities, which means they need to start complementary feeding. The following table will offer an approximate diet with the name of feed depending on the age of the young animals.

Animal age

Whole milk

Grain feed


Total (kg)

From the age of two months, special attention is paid to feeding young animals, because from 60 days the phase of active growth and weight gain begins. In order for piglets to grow healthy, it is necessary to adhere to proper feeding depending on the diet. The following table will provide information on feeding different age groups of young animals; depending on the season, the weight of the feed is given in grams.

60-90 days

60-90 days

Name of feed

Winter season

Summer season

Winter season



Fodder beet

Carrots, silage

Herbal meal

Leguminous herbs

Feed chalk


Fattening pigs

As soon as the young animals reach a weight of 50 kg, they are put into fattening, where special fattening is also used. It can be meat, lard or bacon. Depending on the direction of the farm, the desired type of feeding is chosen. The most popular is fattening meat. Here they try to get the maximum result so that one animal gains 0.85 kg per day. Preference is given to dry food, which has the highest nutritional value and fiber is eliminated or minimized.

Live weight



Herbal flour



Green mass


The last 2 columns are for summer period feeding

Data are given as percentages

Standards for boar producers

As mentioned above, the norm depends on the gender of the animal to a particular group. Boars must remain sexually active, which means they should not be emaciated or have excess fat. During the active breeding period, producers need a large amount of nutritious feed. Along with the onset of the rest period, the norm decreases by 10 or 20% - this figure depends on the weight of the animal.

The following table shows an approximate diet for a breeding boar weighing 250 kg during the breeding period.

Name of feed

Norm per day in kg

Concentrated feed

Corn silage

Herbal meal

Feed yeast

Minced fish

CCM, fresh return

Feed chalk

Table salt

How to feed sows

Here everything will depend on the live weight of the pig, age category and physiological state. Queens are divided into three groups and a diet is made up for each of them separately:

  • for single pigs;
  • pregnant;
  • nursing

It is important to know that for the first 84 days the queen does not need food with high energy value, but 30 days before farrowing the need for such food will begin to increase. Young sows must be provided with nutrients depending on their condition.

While pregnancy is occurring, the owner must monitor the animals so that they have average fatness. Exhaustion or obesity will negatively affect both the mother and future offspring.

Lactating sows need to be provided with a diet containing sufficient nutrients and, if necessary, increase the norm. If there is a lack of food, the time of feeding young animals can be significantly reduced, which will lead to starvation of piglets.

In the following table you can see the diet for pregnant sows depending on their weight:

Live weight

Hay meal, grass meal (kg)

Vegetables, beets, waste from root crops (kg)

Concentrated mixtures (kg)

Feed chalk (g)

How to feed adult pigs

Here the livestock breeder must remember that pigs will need different rations depending on seasonality. This is mainly due to the fact that some types of feed with the onset winter period become inaccessible.

In the summer, it is recommended to release adult livestock onto pastures so that the animals can find pasture for themselves. The use of pasture lands significantly reduces the costs of owners for purchasing feed in the summer. In addition to green mass, seasonal vegetable and fruit crops, plant tops, and peelings can be used for animal food. There is practically no hay available at this time.

With the onset of winter, hay supplements and a number of nutritional feed additives are introduced into the diet, which can compensate for the lack of green mass.

Every owner must remember that pigs are very voracious animals and can eat non-stop. But this is exactly what should not be allowed to prevent obesity and subsequent health problems.

The pig is a common farm animal. One of the reasons for this is its omnivorous nature. Thus, wild boars even feed on carrion and feast on insects and worms. That's why many people think that feeding pigs is an easy task. But in order to get not only an adult, but also tasty meat, you need to learn the basics of this matter.

To get quality meat, start with the right choice piglet for fattening. Selected according to the following criteria:

  • age - from 1 to 2 months, until this moment the young animals need mother's milk;
  • weight - 5–7 kg by the first month of life, by the second - 14–18 kg;
  • appearance - active, with soft, smooth stubble, shiny, mobile eyes;
  • snout, oral mucous membranes, skin - pink, tail - dry, clean, loop-shaped, hoof horn - clean, shiny;
  • exterior - long body, straight, wide back, strong bones, limbs - well set, heavy head, straight profile with a slight bend;
  • The appetite is normal, the piglet should grab the food and not suck.

Attention! A small head, sagging back and lower back, interception behind the shoulder blades, thin legs, an excessively snub nose are likely signs of poor development and health problems.

When choosing a pig breed, take into account the type of feed that is supposed to be used.

Important! Sick animals, especially those with Finnosis, tuberculosis, infectious or inflammatory diseases, are not allowed to fatten.

Principles of feeding pigs

When fattening pigs, various products are used. Their goal is to provide the animal with energy and nutrients - proteins, carbohydrates, fats.

All products are divided into three groups, which have different effects on the quality of the final product.

First groupSecond groupThird group
  • cereals - barley, peas, millet;
  • vegetables - root crops, melons;
  • herbs (fresh and hay) - nettle, alfalfa, clover;
  • meat and milk waste.
  • wheat and rye bran;
  • corn kernels;
  • buckwheat.
  • oats;
  • cake
  • These products have the best effect on the quality of meat and lard.The group has a bad influence on product quality.These feeds are given only for initial stage fattening

    Attention! Two months before slaughter, products belonging to the third group are completely removed from the diet, and the presence of the first is maximized.

    Concentrated feed

    This includes cereals, bran, legumes, and waste from grain processing. They are a source of energy, and legumes supply protein to the body.

    Barley is considered the most popular fattening crop. Its digestibility reaches 80%, it is readily eaten by pigs and has a positive effect on the taste of meat. From other crops they use:

    • oats - only in the early stages;
    • millet;
    • corn - given in combination with protein-containing feed;
    • peas are a source of protein, fed steamed;
    • meal and cakes (flaxseed, soybean, sunflower) - a source of vegetable fats, must be steamed before use for at least 4 hours;
    • bran - used to a limited extent due to the abundance of fiber.

    Such feeds are given crushed. This, in particular, improves the absorption of the product.

    Attention! Dry finely ground turf disrupts the functioning of the stomach and intestines, even leading to ulcers. Therefore, it is given only with table waste or juicy food. Grain feed is not boiled, as this destroys the active substances. Legumes must be cooked because they are poorly digestible raw.

    Juicy feed

    One of the most valuable crops is potatoes, the digestibility of which reaches 94%. It is fed with protein-containing feed - peas and other legumes, skim milk. First, the root vegetable is cooked until tender. Also give:

    • beets - table and sugar, always boiled;
    • carrots - added as a source of vitamins for suckling piglets;
    • pumpkin - useful for all age groups of pigs.

    Food waste

    Fattening pigs allows for the use of food waste. It can be:

    • fresh remains of uneaten food by humans;
    • bread crumbs:
    • waste from cutting animals and fish;
    • vegetables - raw, boiled;
    • cleaning root vegetables and fruits.

    Attention! A few weeks before slaughter, fish waste is excluded from the diet, as it gives the meat an unpleasant taste.

    All food waste is collected in clean containers and given as is.

    You can also give:

    • acorns - from 2 kg per day per individual;
    • edible mushrooms, boiled or dried, as part of mash (source of protein).

    Green feed

    Nettle occupies a huge place in pig nutrition. This is an affordable multivitamin food that is found in the wild - forests, parks, plantings, alder forests. It is easy to prepare nettles for the winter by drying the young shoots. The norm for an adult animal per day is 300 g.

    Attention! The grass must be freshly cut, because already 6 hours after chopping, the amount of nutrients in it is halved. The herb can cause intoxication if it is brewed and left in water to cool.

    Another valuable crop is rapeseed, a storehouse of proteins and fats. Its cake increases the growth rate of pigs by 4%, and the profitability of production by 3.4% compared to its sunflower counterpart. The crop is superior to soybean in terms of phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and copper content.

    Also applicable:

    1. “Zelenka” is crushed leaves and grass of clover, alfalfa, peas, quinoa, nettle, beet tops, vetch, and oats. These products are rich in protein, vitamin compounds, and minerals.
    2. Combined silage is a winter analogue of greens. It is prepared from fresh grass, vegetable waste, root crops (30–50% each), chaff, hay (grass) flour and carrots (10% each).
    3. Dry young grass and hay ground into flour.

    Animal feed

    Healthy foods of animal origin include:

    1. Milk. Only suckers receive it in its pure form; adults are given buttermilk, skim milk, and whey.
    2. Fish and meat are a source of protein. Fish is excluded from the diet 1.5-2 months before slaughter, so as not to spoil the taste of pork.

    Attention! Before feeding, the fish must be boiled.


    IN last years scientists talk about the benefits of aromatic and flavoring additives. These drugs irritate the receptors, improve the secretion of gastric juice and digestion.

    Taste buds are activated by:

    • aromatic oils - citrus fruits (orange, lemon, tangerine), seasonings of cinnamon, bay, garlic, mint, onion, caraway, dill, sage and other plants;
    • products that contain these oils - mint, anise seeds, vanilla, waste from the processing of cocoa beans.

    Pigs prefer sweets. To please them taste buds, sugar (2.5%) and ground dried beets are added to the food (up to 5% of the feed). They prefer sour to alkaline taste. To create it, various acids of organic and inorganic origin are used - acetic, lactic (0.4%). Bitterness comes from mustard seeds (0.15%) or calcium chloride (0.4%) ground into powder.

    Alternating sweet, sour, and bitter helps maintain normal appetite and improves the absorption of nutrients, reducing feed consumption.

    Citric acid is one of the necessary additives. Once in the body, the substance performs several functions:

    • slightly reduces the likelihood of infection;
    • normalizes pH value;
    • improves food digestion;
    • normalizes microflora.

    Enrichment of feed with this organic compound allows increasing live weight gain by 9-17%. The optimal concentration is 1%.

    Antibiotics are added to feed in small doses. This reduces the incidence rate and also increases the average daily weight gain by 15%.

    After consultation with a veterinarian, Terravit-40, Biovit-20, BKV, BVK and others are used to stimulate growth.

    Feeding mode

    Feeding can be rationed, limited, or non-rationed.

    At normalized mode Weanlings and growing piglets are given food three times a day, unless otherwise specified by the rules of technology. The same applies to fattening pigs, but they are offered regular feed twice and roughage once.

    Important! With rationed feeding, the farmer has to monitor the appetite of the herd, and based on this, calculate the next portion.

    Irregular mode Suitable for piglets that have just been weaned from the sow. This is explained by the rapid growth and development of the body, which requires more nutrients and energy than at other ages. Piglets are given constant access to feeders filled with food.

    Limited mode used in fattening for meat, when they want to minimize the fat content in the carcass. Then they use insufficient feeding or replace regular food with rough or less nutritious food.

    Phase feeding

    When fattening, single- and multi-phase feeding techniques are used.

    Single-phase feeding is the simplest, but at the same time the worst method, since it does not take into account the peculiarities of the development of the herd. The method consists of gradually transferring piglets to a diet for fattening pigs. As a result, the body is oversaturated with protein and a lot of phosphorus and nitrogen are released. Another disadvantage of the method is its high cost.

    Depending on the age of the pigs, the body's needs change. So, as they gain weight, they eat more, but they need less protein. Multiphase feeding assumes that by the end of fattening the amount of nutrients is reduced, the release of phosphorus and nitrogen is reduced by 20%. The two-phase method involves changing feed when the weight reaches 70 kg, the three-phase method - at 30–60, 60–90, 90 and more.

    Types of pig feeding

    When fattening, two types of pig feeding are used - dry and liquid. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

    Dry feeding of pigs

    This feeding method is used by about 75% of pig farms in the world due to obvious advantages:

    • food balance;
    • stability in terms of sanitary and hygienic indicators;
    • optimal thermal-humidity treatment, increasing the availability of nutrients by up to 20%.

    Do you want to know what is included in commercial pig feed? Read about the characteristics of feed for pigs of different age groups. How to prepare pork feed at home?

    However, this method also has disadvantages:

    • the risk of gastrointestinal diseases that require treatment increases;
    • up to 25% of animals, especially young ones, constantly move between feeders and drinkers, disturbing the peace of their fellows, this also creates food losses of up to 9%;
    • increased pollution of farms with ash particles of feed, which increases the incidence of lung diseases, including among farm workers.

    For this feeding use:

    • complete feed;
    • crushed grain mixtures with the addition of premixes, bran, cake.

    Attention! With the dry type of fattening, animals must be provided with plenty of water to drink.

    Feed is distributed 2-3 times a day. More detailed information information about the use of food is located on the manufacturer's packaging.

    This type of feeding is most common in Ireland, as well as Germany, Denmark, Holland, and is also being adopted in Finland. This has many advantages:

    • elimination of waste and secondary products from the food and microbiological industries, which reduces the consumption of cereals and reduces the cost of pork;
    • greater compliance with the biological needs of the livestock;
    • the ability to gradually change your diet;
    • precise dosage of ingredients, adjustment of the recipe depending on the needs of the herd;
    • the ability not to install drinking bowls;
    • consumption is reduced by 10% compared to dry food, growth increases by 6%;
    • the volume of excrement decreases;
    • the possibility of fermentation, which improves the biochemical composition of the mixture.

    But there are a number of disadvantages here too. These include:

    • short term storage;
    • it is necessary to control the sanitary condition of the feeders;
    • an increase in humidity in the pigsty, which negatively affects the well-being of animals, especially in winter;
    • the need to control the humidity of the mash: with a large amount of liquid in them, the feed mass accelerates the flow through the gastrointestinal tract for 8–10 hours, which reduces the digestion of dietary fiber and the absorption of calcium, phosphorus, iron, deteriorates the function of the digestive glands, and other problems are observed.

    Each period of feeding piglets depends on the development and functioning of the digestive tract. When the suckling period ends, the stomach begins to produce hydrochloric acid, which allows you to expand the range of food products.

    In general, the period up to 6 months is divided:

    • milk - up to 2 months;
    • growing - up to 4 months;
    • fattening

    Milk period

    Piglets are introduced to some foods from the moment their teeth begin to emerge (this happens on the fifth day after birth). The diet gradually includes:

    • toasted corn kernels;
    • barley;
    • peas;
    • wheat.

    If the sow's milk has disappeared, the animal can be switched to cow milk. Skim milk is used in feeding: 100–150 g per day before weaning, and 700–1000 g after.

    Vitamin and mineral supplements that are useful include:

    • crushed feed chalk;
    • charcoal;
    • chopped beets, carrots;
    • iron salts, which are in red clay;
    • turf.

    From the second month, the diet includes porridge with milk and dairy products. The consistency of the feed is made mushy.

    Important! There should always be plenty of clean water in the drinking bowl; replacement should be done 6–8 times a day.

    Supplementary feeding

    By two months, piglets gain weight of 16–20 kg, at four months - from 40 kg. At this age, the diet is replenished big amount products from the adult diet, but the changes are minor.

    The farmer's task during this period is to get more meat.

    On the first day after weaning, the indicated dosages are strictly observed in feeding, food is divided into small portions.

    Weaner diet

    Name of feed, grams2–3 months3–4 months
    Potato500 0 800 0
    Concentrated mixtures900 1000 1000 1200
    Chalk stern20 0 20 0
    Carrots, combined silage250 1500 500 2000
    Return1000 1000 1000 1000
    Sugar beet1500 0 2000 0
    Salt10 10 15 15
    Legume grass0 1500 0 200
    Herbal meal100 0 200 0

    In the first weeks, infusions of yarrow and wormwood are useful, which promote better appetite.

    With a dry type of feeding, piglets receive plenty of feed. In this case, it is especially necessary to provide them with access to clean water.

    Pig fattening technologies

    The feeding method depends on what product the farmer wants to get - meat, bacon, lard.

    Meat fattening

    Pigs weighing 60–130 kg, with well-developed hams and a rounded body are considered meat. Their back fat is 1.5–4 cm thick in the area of ​​6–7 ribs. The weight of young animals is from 15–16 kg.

    Fattening is carried out in two phases:

    • preliminary - 3–5.5 months
    • final - before weaning.

    Pigs fattened for meat need a large amount of proteins:

    • 2–4 months - from 129 g per feed unit;
    • 5 months - from 110 g;
    • by the end of fattening - 90–110 g.

    With protein deficiency, obesity begins and growth slows down.

    Sufficient daily intake of amino acids and minerals should be ensured.

    Sources of proteins and amino acids are flour from meat, bones, and fish. Depending on the age of the individual, the following dosages are used:

    • meat flour - 100–300 g;
    • meat and bone - 100–250 g;
    • fish - 100–200 g.

    Feeder yeast contributes to weight gain in pigs by 15% - 200–700 g per day, while feed consumption is reduced to 11%.

    Feeding is carried out 2-3 times daily depending on the size of the portions.

    Feed given to pigs must have a digestibility coefficient of at least 80%. Potatoes play a special role (94%).

    Basic food in the cold season:

    • potato;
    • combined silo;
    • sugar beet;
    • silage corn.

    During the warm season, the share of potatoes is reduced due to the use of young greens of corn, peas, seradella, alfalfa and others.

    Bacon fattening

    For bacon, pigs are selected that produce a product that is more tender and less fatty than boars. Preferably cultivated breeds or crosses. Fattening begins at three months (during this period the weight is about 30 kg). The final stage is 6–7 months with a weight of 90–100 kg. A less intensive program is not suitable because it results in poor quality bacon.

    Late-ripening breeds, boars that have not undergone castration, and individuals that are severely retarded in development are not suitable for such fattening. There should be no damage to the surface of the skin.

    Feeding standards are strictly observed to prevent excessive formation of lard.

    The fattening period is divided into two stages.

    First stage (until the piglet is 5 months old)

    By the end of the period, the weight of the individual reaches at least 57 kg.

    Feed mixtures include:

    • grass, legume cake, in winter - legume grass hay;
    • grains and waste from their processing.

    With combined feeding, the share of concentrates in the overall nutritional value reaches:

    • with root vegetables - 70%;
    • with potatoes - from 42 to 65%.

    Concentrates are offered in the form of a mixture:

    • barley - 45%;
    • pulses - 20%;
    • oats, corn - 15% each;
    • cake - 5%.

    There are 120 g of protein per kilogram of this mixture.

    The share of animal feed is at least 7% nutritional value. Of great importance is skim milk, which is given up to 2.5 kg per day.

    Second stage (up to 7 months)

    By the end of this period, the weight of the pig increases to 95 kilograms or more.

    At this stage, they reduce to 5% or completely stop giving meat flour, fish, oatmeal, soybeans, and grain shells. Improves the quality of bacon:

    • barley;
    • millet;
    • peas;
    • Vika.

    Approximate composition of the mixture:

    • pulses - 20%;
    • fine wheat bran - 10%;
    • barley - 70%.

    The mixture contains 100g of protein. Up to 30% of grains are produced with yeast.

    Important! The pigs are limited in their mobility and only released into pens for short periods of time.

    Video - Yeasting feed

    Fattening for lard

    For this purpose, they take pigs 2–2.5 years old, in which the meat does not grow. Any breed is suitable for this. Boars must be castrated.

    In the diet, the share of carbohydrate foods is from 50%, there are a lot of juicy ingredients, and towards the final stage of fattening the share of concentrates is increased. The following is included in the diet:

    • roots;
    • beet tops;
    • melons;
    • food and vegetable waste;
    • nettle, etc.

    This method is less expensive because it does not require a large amount of protein food.

    The fattening period is divided into three stages.

    First stage

    By the end the weight reaches 150–200 kg.

    Second phase

    By the end, the weight reaches 210–260 kg.

    in winterIn summer
    Food waste6 kgFood waste1.2 kg
    Concentrates4.9 kgConcentrates6 kg
    Beets, potatoes6 kgBeet4.5 kg
    Salt70 gSalt60 g
    Herbal meal1.5 kgGreenery6 kg
    Chalk20 gChalk40 g

    Third stage

    in winterIn summer
    Concentrates5.2 kgConcentrates5.5 kg
    Food waste3 kgFood waste1.5 kg
    Potatoes, beets9 kgPotatoes, greens9 kg
    Herbal meal1.5 kgBeet5.5 kg
    Salt75 gSalt55 g
    Chalk40 gChalk30 g

    Prohibited Products

    Expired products should not be in the diet of pets if the farmer wants to raise a healthy herd and make a profit from his activities.

    Prohibited products include:

    Attention! Processed products from castor beans and cotton contain gossypol, a dangerous alkaloid. Before these herbs are fed to animals, they must be treated with high temperatures or alkali.

    The feeder is filled with as much food as the pet can eat. The remains are thrown away to prevent poisoning from sour products.

    Fattening a pig at home is not easy, but it is possible. However, before you decide on an undertaking, it is worth calculating the potential costs and trying to optimize them. Only then will cultivation bring both pleasure from the process and benefits from the sold raw materials.

    Domestic pigs live on every continent except Antarctica. This happened, of course, not without human participation. In nature, there are about 22 genera of pigs, 5 of which are modern.


    People who decide to raise this animal should be sufficiently aware of the standards of their feeding, maintenance and care. Pigs, unlike other living ungulates, are omnivores. They are very picky eaters. For them, filling their stomach is important. This very often causes toxemia.

    Probable Causes

    However, the human factor can often have a negative impact. Salt poisoning in pigs occurs for several reasons:

    • the use of feed mixture for cattle containing a large percentage of sodium chloride;
    • feeding leftover food (salted fish, pickles, feta cheese, meat, poorly prepared feed mixture).

    The dose that will cause death in a piglet is 3.7 grams of salt per kilogram of live weight. The lethal dose for an adult is 2 kg.

    Signs of toxemia

    Such poisoning of pigs is the most dangerous of all possible. Poisoning in pigs resulting in death occurs with a frequency ranging from 0% to 100%. Salt poisoning is especially dangerous for piglets. Their symptoms appear very quickly and are acute.


    Salt toxemia is the result of a change in ion balance. Prevalence of Na and K cations, which have a monovalent charge, over Ca and Mg, which have a divalent charge. As a result, overexcitation of the central nervous system occurs. The basis of the toxic effect is sodium ions. Excessive amounts of them have a suppressive effect on ATP synthesis, as well as oxidation processes in tissues.

    Moreover, excess sodium and loss of potassium by cells leads to disruption of the metabolic process, pulmonary edema, oxygen starvation of tissues and organs, and death from asphyxia (suffocation).

    Clinical signs

    Symptoms will begin to appear within half an hour. Among them are the following:

    • strong thirst;
    • salivation;
    • sudden refusal of food;
    • dilated pupils;
    • vomit;
    • increased heart rate;
    • redness or cyanosis of the skin.

    Acute intoxication is characterized by symptoms that complement the main manifestations:

    Sometimes, due to the desire to move forward, the animal rests its head against the wall.

    Most often, intoxication in pigs occurs in an acute form and lasts from one to two days.

    Once the pulse rate slows down, it is no longer possible to cure the animal.

    Symptoms develop rapidly in the acute form. Therefore, urgent help is needed. Otherwise, by 3-4 days the animal may not exist.

    Step-by-step help and treatment

    If you observe all the symptoms of toxemia in an animal after eating food, then your pig has been poisoned. You need to take urgent measures to prevent complications.

    Call the veterinarian immediately. Before his arrival, they perform gastric lavage and provide frequent but small drinks.

    In severe cases, you should not give water, because this will only poison the piglet more.

    The signs of toxemia and steps to help are similar for both adults and juveniles.

    Veterinarian help

    Intramuscularly inject calcium gluconate

    Further actions to eliminate pig poisoning and treatment are carried out veterinarian. In many cases, for the treatment of poisoned pigs, it gives good result intramuscular injection of calcium gluconate. Number of injections and dosage medicinal product varies depending on the severity of toxemia, and ranges from 1 to 5 ampoules of 10 milliliters 4-5 times a day at regular intervals.

    A 1% solution of triammon phosphate is also prescribed. The dosage is determined in the amount of 0.4 g/kg of live body weight.

    To prevent disorder after the administration of oil laxatives, the animal is advised to administer a 10% sodium chloride solution, mucous decoctions and drink plenty of fluids.

    In order to stimulate appetite, hydrochloric acid is prescribed in moderate dosage.

    No specific methods have been developed to treat poisoning in piglets. Therefore, in particularly severe forms, the animal is simply slaughtered.


    In the diet of piglets, after they have been poisoned by table salt, the latter should not be present for some time; feed mixtures containing sodium chloride, the percentage of which exceeds 0.5%, should not be allowed. Salt must be introduced gradually: boars - 40-50 grams daily, pregnant sows - 30-40 grams, suckling sows - 40-50 grams.

    It is very important to determine how many grams of salt to introduce into the diet of piglets daily.

    So, for young animals three months old - 10-15 grams. Five-month-old piglets are administered 15-20 grams daily. Seven-month-olds - 20-30 grams, and nine-month-olds - 30-40 grams.

    In addition, for preventive purposes, it is necessary to regularly check water supply and drinking water systems.

    Poltava resident Anatoly Movchan, 48 years old, sold a pig weighing 345 kg for meat. The animal reached this weight in more than two years thanks to special food.

    “If you feed a pig correctly, it can weigh 200 kilograms in a year,” says Movchan. — I’ve been professionally raising pigs at home for several years. People line up to buy piglets from me.

    Anatoly breeds Welsh and Poltava meat pigs. Feeds food similar to popcorn. It is produced by installing an extruder. This is equipment for producing high-quality feed from grain processing waste, low-quality and even rotten grain. The technology is based on the processing of feed grain and grain waste using the method extrusion- processing at temperatures elevated to 140°C and periodically varying pressure of 50 atmospheres.

    - The grain then becomes like popcorn or corn sticks. Heat treatment kills fungi and pests that can cause disease in pigs, says Movchan.

    An extruder made in Krivoy Rog or Cherkasy costs 5 thousand UAH. Can process 90 kg in an hour

    “The animal needs to be given 50 grams of salt every day,” advises Anatoly. “It’s a misconception that pigs don’t need salt.” I also give them grass and pulp - grated “canned” beets. One kilogram of pulp costs me four kopecks. If you preserve it correctly, you can save it until next season.

    49-year-old Vasily Lutsenko from the village of Keibalivka, Piryatinsky district, came to Poltava to the market to buy two piglets. Month-old 10-kilogram animals are sold here for 120-150 hryvnia.

    — I want to buy thoroughbreds. Because our locals have already died out, they don’t grow well, they often get sick,” says Lutsenko. — I wanted to buy piglets of a new red-belted breed. I called the agricultural enterprise "Agroecology" in the village of Mikhailiki, Shishatsky district. They were bred there. The livestock specialist said that pigs that weigh more than 150 kg have tasteless meat. The chefs there rejected it. They said it didn't smell like meat. That's why these animals were bred. I want to buy some other breed.

    The biggest return on pigs. Chickens come in second place

    Lutsenko has been raising pigs at home for 5 years. He kept 15-20 heads in the barn at a time. Now only a sow with six Poltava meat breed piglets remains.

    Alexey Kirilenko, 59 years old, from the village of Gozhuly, Poltava region, sells German breed piglets at the Central Market. There are four month-old piglets in the trunk of a Daewoo Lanos. He asks for 130-140 UAH for them.

    “Pig farming is a very profitable business,” says Kirilenko. — We started raising piglets only a year ago. This is the first time I have taken them out for sale. In general, the greatest return is in agriculture from pigs. Chickens come in second place.

    52-year-old pensioner Viktor Khizhnyak from the village of Kuntsevo, Novosanzharsky district, has been keeping Vietnamese pot-bellied herbivorous pigs on his farm for three years. I gave up the regular big ones.

    Adult dwarf animals of black color are up to 70 cm high. Boars weigh up to 100 kg, and pigs - 55-60. They gain this weight already at six months of age.

    “They are not picky about food and grow quickly,” says Khizhnyak about the benefits. — In two years, a pig gives five farrows of six to eight pigs each time. They can mate as early as six months of age.

    Victor Khizhnyak has 12 Vietnamese pigs at home. The man breeds them for meat and for sale. A three-month-old pig costs 300 UAH. For a six-month survey pig he asks for 550 UAH.

    Vietnamese pigs are very neat, easy to train, and run fast. They eat grass and grow quickly. They live about 20 years. Can be white, black, white-black, even blue colors. These animals are fed grass, raw vegetables, and in winter - hay and straw. An adult animal needs about 200-300 g of solid feed - grain or seedings - per day. On the food that an ordinary large pig eats, you can raise 5-6 Vietnamese pigs.

    — Pigs are walking around my garden. They don’t undermine anything, they don’t rake young potatoes out of the bushes. “They’re just grazing for themselves,” says Khizhnyak.

    The director of the Pig Breeding Institute eats 50 grams of lard daily

    “You need to eat lard every day,” says the director of the Poltava Institute of Pig Breeding 70-year-old Valentin Rybalko. — It removes radionuclides from the human body. I eat 50-70 grams of lard every day. The healthiest thing is fresh lard, white, for ten days after the slaughter of the animal. And it’s better to eat domestic lard, because abroad pigs are fed with added growth stimulants.
    The Institute of Pig Breeding in Poltava is the only specialized research institution in Ukraine that deals with the development of problems in the theory and practice of pig breeding. Four of the six domestic pig breeds were bred in Poltava - Mirgorod, Poltava and Ukrainian meat, red-belted.