Is it possible to send a paper letter to yourself? Do you write paper letters? Regular or custom

My hobby of writing paper letters is already three years old.. But when my friends find out about this, they look at me like I'm crazy. Indeed, why today, when there are social networks and instant messengers for every taste, write huge messages on paper, pack them in an envelope, send it to the post office and wait months for a response? Meanwhile, This method of communication has many advantages, which are not always obvious to mouse clickers.

Plus the first. Dating all over the world. Alone,sad and unclear, What to do on this rainy Sunday evening? Write a letter to a new interlocutor!There are special groups on VKontakte,in which people meet, exchange addresses and profiles. There you can expand your circle of friends,find friends from all over the world. Of course few people correspond by letters, living in the same city. They write mainly about, who lives far away. And this means that an experienced writer will have a lot of acquaintances all over the world, whom you can visit or invite them to your place. Here is my small collection of letters from different cities of Russia.

Plus the second one. P and sma connect. Strong and almost inseparable. Correspondence on social networks is a thing certainly convenient, but fragile: may be interrupted at any time. Fell asleep or got distracted by an important call => forgot to answer the message=> the conversation is overand it is unknown when it will be resumed,because no one likes to write first. With letters the story is different. Firstly , while creating a letter, a person is focused only on it, even if something distracts his attention, text will still be added(don’t leave it tattered in the middle). Secondly, It can take weeks to respond to emails. Calm, focused, taking your time . This is a dialoguewhich is carried out slowly and for a long time, but not interrupted. Thirdly, in letters people share something secret, on paper they are not shy about expressing that, that they wouldn't say out loud. This special trust binds people even more than daily meetings.

Plus the third. Regular writing practice is a great way to train your brain.. Ability to detail but clearly express your thoughts on paper, construct a phrase correctly, lead the conversation in the right direction - all this comes to avid letter lovers very quickly. Certainly , so as not to forget your native speech and not to lose the skill of writing coherent texts, you can just post on LiveJournal. But when you write a post on the Internet, you never know for whom. You write for yourself, and who will read it?, he will read . A letter always has an addressee.Here you already need to be attentive to your interlocutor, write about what worries you both, explain that, what may seem incomprehensible to him, ask relevant questions. Communication is constant hard work, and he needs to learn too. Letters are a very good helper in this matter.

Plus the fourth. Letters help you get to know a person much better, than messages . If you live in different cities, and we met recently eg on the Internet or during summer holidays, then correspondence in the traditional way is a great way to get to know a person better. Several factors are revealed here: handwriting, style of writing, topics, which the interlocutor touches on, his ability to carry on a conversation, his responsibility, patience and ability to wait. Usually, people in letters and in life are different. Sometimes strong. Just correspondence reveals a person’s inner world, helps to understand his soul a little, at least by indirect signs.

Plus the fifth. Well, here's the best part.Letters are also a great aesthetic pleasure.. It has its own special flavor. The joyful feeling of finding something in the mailbox, rustling of paper, surprises and gifts in an envelope. Stickers, postcards, newspaper and magazine clippings, tea, perfume samples, bookmarks, calendars, baubles, pendants, earrings - what don’t they send! For collectors, such correspondence becomes an opportunity to obtain valuable copies of stamps,magnets or posters with your favorite band. But letter design is a completely different story. There are even special shops for writing lovers,where are stamps sold?, stickers, special paper, beautiful tape, original envelopes. Creative individuals can express themselves to the fullest here. Here are some examples:

Paper correspondence also has its disadvantages. But there are much fewer of them than advantages. Actually, only two.

Minus the first. Post office. There’s no need to even explain anything here. Letters can take months, sometimes don't get there at all, may arrive opened (extremely rare), but still) At the post office you may be greeted by a life-long queue, and employees can be rude absolutely easily and naturally. Yes, it's unpleasant but personally it doesn't bother me, after all, the great pleasure of letters outshines a few terrible minutes at the post office.

Minus the second. Emails are not always answered.This is especially true in those cases, when you find an interesting profile with the words “Looking for new pen pals!”, you write a letter to a person, but the answer never comes...Mail, of course may not deliver, but not so often. It's even more unpleasant when a person with whom you have been communicating for a long time, suddenly interrupts correspondence without explanation. But this problem can be solved with the help of messages on social networks.And in the end, you can always find a new interlocutor.

The greatest luxury in the world is the luxury of human communication.. Get rich, as often as possible and use all opportunities for this. Have a nice week everyone!)

Nowadays, few of us write paper letters, and if they do, sometimes they don’t know how to properly format their message. In this article I will talk about the basic rules of writing a letter.

So, the first and probably the most important rule is your handwriting. When writing a letter, try to be careful and ensure that what you write is legible. The content of your message depends on your personal relationship with the recipient, so you will find out what exactly to write about yourself. If you write using a computer and then send it by letter, then you should sign it by hand. You can also add a couple of phrases and sign it again.

Letters should be written with a pen, not a pencil, because... written in pencil can make it much more difficult to read.

Now let's move on directly to the design. Each letter must begin with a date, usually it is placed in the upper right corner, and you also need to remember that the recipient must respond to letters received within five days.

On any paper that is intended for sending, it is worth drawing margins of approximately 2 cm. Letters should begin with a greeting to the addressee, which should be placed in the middle of the line. If you are sending a long message, then it is worth numbering the pages; usually the numbering is placed at the top/bottom in the middle of the page, at the edge of the paper.

You should end your letter with good wishes and an expression of your attitude towards the recipient, followed by a signature. For example: “All the best to you. Best regards, Mikhail."

After the letter is written, we design the envelope.

Firstly, the paper on which the letter is written is folded inside with the message so that the text is not visible (if this cannot be avoided, then place the letter in a folded blank sheet of paper).

Secondly, the address should be written legibly so that postal workers do not have any difficulties. There is a certain order for writing an address:

  1. street name;
  2. house/apartment number;
  3. name of the locality, district, region;
  4. country name;
  5. index.

It is also worth writing your address so that if problems arise at the post office, they can return it to you and so that the recipient himself knows who the letter came from.

In conclusion, I would like to say a few words about postcards, they are intended for congratulations, a short message, but before sending this type of communication you should remember that your message is “open”, i.e. it can be read by any postal worker. Therefore, when sending, you should take this into account and not write about some personal things that do not require much attention; it is better to send such cards of an intimate nature in an envelope.

Happy correspondence!

“Dance, you have a letter!” - this phrase, familiar to most of us from childhood, seems hopelessly outdated. E-mail has become firmly established in everyday life; a significant part of the correspondence between friends and acquaintances is conducted on social networks. And cellular communications, with its widespread availability, did not benefit paper letters. Oddly enough, in the age of technological progress, postal correspondence is experiencing a renaissance - now it has become a hobby.

I learned that it is fashionable to correspond with friends from my fourteen-year-old daughter Polina when she asked for money to buy envelopes.

- Who will you write to in such quantities?- I was surprised.

- I am friends by correspondence with peers from Petrozavodsk, Kaliningrad, Kazan, Udmurtia and several other cities,- she answered. - And I’m thinking of expanding the geography of communication.

"Wow!- I thought. - And they also say that today’s youth are not interested in anything!”. And I began to understand the details of my daughter’s new hobby.

Polina learned about paper letters from the popular VKontakte network, where dozens of communities have been created for lovers of postal correspondence. Joining their ranks is as easy as shelling pears: you join one or several of these thematic groups, talk about yourself - say your age, briefly list your interests, write the purpose for which you are looking for new friends, and at the same time look through the profiles of other community members. Soon the newcomer begins to be bombarded with offers to exchange paper letters.

It is noteworthy that not only teenagers, but also adults, well-established people, communicate in the “old-fashioned” way. For example, Anna Senchenkova, an employee of the city museum of local lore, has long become a regular customer of Russian Post: currently she regularly corresponds with three interlocutors and is still waiting for news from three new acquaintances.

I could not understand what the phenomenon of paper letters of the 21st century is, when classmates, colleagues, and relatives can be easily reached through the World Wide Web. And then it dawned on me. The Internet does not unite, but only creates the illusion of presence. And, moreover, it gives rise to a monstrous loneliness of souls, despite the fact that both young people and people of advanced age want to be listened to, understood and accepted as they are.

Typing a message on your smartphone on the run or typing short phrases from your work computer during your lunch break, you cannot talk about what worries you, what you dream about, what you strive for. You can’t talk about your happiness or pain - the format is not the same. Computer phrases do not tolerate lyrics. Paper letters are a different matter: they are both written and read thoughtfully. They put their soul into them, so it’s impossible to be insincere - no stock phrases. And one more thing: a person whom you have never seen will not judge you for your mistakes, will not laugh at you, and will not pass on what he heard to third parties. Such, you know, psychological relief...

A special topic is the design of messages. Almost all lovers of postal correspondence accompany letters with small gifts, putting pleasant little things in the envelope like stickers, colored tape, pieces of lace - in a word, everything that may be useful to the interlocutor in the design of the next letter. And, of course, they paint envelopes or write on craft paper, trying to turn their message into a work of art, in order to make the reading process not only exciting, but also an aesthetic event.

How to find like-minded people?

If you want to write and receive paper letters, find like-minded people on the Internet! To do this, on the social networks “VKontakte” or “Odnoklassniki” in the “Groups” section, you need to enter “Paper letters” in the search bar, go to any of the proposed groups and first communicate with potential interlocutors in the virtual space, and only then make an agreement with people , which you like, about who will write first.

Letters... I personally carry letters to the post office

As it turned out, many connoisseurs of the epistolary genre make their own envelopes. But doesn’t the unusual design add problems for postmen when sorting and delivering correspondence? We talked about this with Fania Shakirova, the head of the post office on Kuznetsova Street.

- Fania Gadiyatovna, have you and your colleagues ever seen homemade envelopes?

- Of course, and quite often. Their senders - usually young people - approach the process of decorating envelopes very creatively: they make them themselves, using paper with various beautiful prints, or take ready-made envelopes and decorate them with paints or pencils. There are even envelopes with embroidery.

- Don’t such masterpieces make your work difficult?

- Certain difficulties arise if the envelope has a different shape than the standard one, if the address and index are written incorrectly or illegibly, and if the index is not on the front side in the lower left corner of the envelope, but somewhere else. In such cases, the sorting machine cannot determine to which locality the letter should be sent, and the delivery time for correspondence increases significantly.

Please remind me how to write the sender and recipient addresses correctly. At school we were taught that we need to go from big to small - from region to apartment number.

- Several years ago the rules changed - they were brought to world standards. Now the order is as follows: street, house number, apartment number and only then the name of the locality.

- How much does an envelope cost in Russia today?

- If you buy an envelope with a paid stamp at the post office, its price will be 21 rubles. The letter you send in this envelope should weigh no more than twenty grams. If there is excess weight, you will have to add additional stamps, otherwise the letter will be returned to the sender with a note indicating how much additional money must be paid. You can buy a stamp at the post office and stick it on yourself, or you can ask the cashier to do it.

If you are putting more than two double sheets of notebook paper into an envelope, it is best to weigh the letter before sending it.

- How to prepare correspondence for sending to near and far abroad?

- You need to purchase an envelope at any post office, stick stamps on it in accordance with the current tariff and be sure to write the address in Latin. If a person does not know how to write the address in Latin letters, operators will help him - they will make a literal translation of the text on the envelope.

- What are the most unusual letters you have ever held in your hands during your work?

“Just recently, before the New Year, a child dropped a letter into our department’s mailbox. A message to my mother was written on a simple album sheet: “Dear Mommy, take me away from the orphanage as soon as possible,” a drawing was drawn and a real Kopeysk address was given. But there was no envelope... Our postmen delivered the letter to the addressee - I myself bought an envelope for him. I hope mom read it.

Happy holiday to you!

It turns out that just recently, on January 23, the world community celebrated Handwriting Day. (National Handwriting Day), established on the initiative of the European Writing Instruments Association with the goal of reminding people of the uniqueness of handwriting, the need to practice it and the uniqueness of each person’s handwriting, reports the website

Hello, dear “Artek”

The Artek International Children's Center and Russian Post have announced the start of a children's letter competition, the winners of which will receive trips to Artek. Children aged 10 to 16 years inclusive are allowed to participate.

The task of the contestants is to write a letter by hand on the topic of why they want to relax in the famous Black Sea camp, and send it before April 18 of this year to the address: 298645, Republic of Crimea, town. Gurzuf, International Children's Center “Artek”, “Artek Post”, with the note: “Letter competition “I want to go to Artek”.

Regulations on the competition and full rules of participation are published on the website of the International Children's Center "Artek".

Letters must be sent in a postal envelope by registered mail with acknowledgment.

Helpful tips: where to start?

We asked Anna Senchenkova to give some advice to readers of Kopeysky Rabochiy on how to make the process of exchanging paper letters as interesting and comfortable as possible.

Look for peers

A large number of pen pals is quite difficult, because you need to put a piece of your soul into each letter, otherwise communication loses its meaning. Therefore, to begin with, select one or two interlocutors. To exchange letters, I try to select people of their own age, plus or minus three years. Communication with peers is the most comfortable and natural.

First letter

Writing for the first time is incredibly difficult. One such letter can take several days to compose, because you need to be able to present yourself in an interesting way without getting bored, and set the tone for future communication, and find an interesting topic for conversation. I try to write as simply and naturally as possible, I never write drafts or cross out what I have written. The most important thing is sincerity and genuine interest in the addressee.

No offense!

Quite often it happened that my letters were not answered. There is nothing terrible in this, because in everyday communication it is also difficult for us to find friends or make good acquaintances from the hundreds of people around us. You should mentally thank the person who did not respond for the fact that he became another reason to speak out, pour out his soul and not return to this situation again. Under no circumstances should you blame yourself or look for any shortcomings in your writing style. This is life, this is society, and not all acts of communication in it are guaranteed to be successful.

Sharing pleasantries

The letters I receive are completely different. Both elegantly designed and written on a piece of paper from a notebook; and short, laconic, and huge revelations on several sheets. Sometimes in an envelope you can find a beautiful postcard, a tea bag, a wicker bracelet, an origami figurine and other cute gifts. I write my letters on aged paper with a fountain pen. By the way, if you try to age paper with coffee - dip a sheet of ordinary office “Snow Maiden” in a strong drink for a few seconds, and then quickly dry it with a hair dryer - then the letter acquires everyone’s favorite aroma and gives it additional expressiveness and emotionality.

Regular or custom?

The geography of my correspondence is Orenburg, the European part of our country, as well as Ukraine. Within Russia I send regular letters, but abroad it is better to send registered ones - then you can trace the path of the letter on the Russian Post website. Unfortunately, lately either my letters have not reached Ukraine, or I have not yet received the treasured envelope. The situation between our countries is difficult, I try to treat this with understanding. But letters from Russian regions arrive surprisingly quickly, within one to two weeks.

You don’t know what to do so that your letter does not remain banally blank, but is original and memorable, unlike any other? You want the recipient of your letter to pick it up and re-read it again and again. For this to happen, not only the internal content of the letter is important, but also the external one. Yes, the way the letter is formatted may determine the recipient’s disposition towards you. Let's talk about it.

How to make an old letter?

We will need old (preferably yellow) paper. To give it an “antique” look, the paper can be wrinkled and crumpled in your hands. The main thing is not to overdo it, because the text of the letter should remain on the paper, which it is also advisable to write in the spirit of antiquity and in the language of antiquity. Next, unfold the paper and lower it into a bath of strong tea leaves for a few minutes. Then we dry it. We burn the edges of our letter over a candle or lighter, thereby giving them an even more ancient look. For the same purpose, you can dip the paper in oil or drip it with wax. The result will be a mysterious pirate-adventure letter. Go for it, and your friends will appreciate your efforts.

As decorations you can use dry leaves, various and multi-colored threads, shells, small pebbles; coffee beans glued to dark paper look very good! In general, use whatever you have on hand or feet! These elements are easily glued with hot glue or some other adhesive!

Effective ways to age paper?

Method No. 1. Paper crumpling and dampening


  1. Crumple the paper. Take a piece of paper in your hands and crumple it into a ball. The tighter the ball you crumple, the more the paper wrinkles.
  2. Flatten the paper and spray it with water, tea or coffee. After you unroll the paper again, fill the spray bottle with your chosen liquid. Then spray with a spray bottle those areas of the paper that you want to tint or that you are going to further give the desired shape. Please note that the liquid you choose will affect the appearance of the paper. Water does not tint the paper, but simply allows further manipulations to be done with it. Tea gives the paper a light brown tint, while coffee gives it a darker color.
  3. Simulate different types of damage on paper. Now that the paper is damp, it will be easier for you to shape it into the desired shape. Try to tear the edges in places, tear out small semicircles along the edges with your fingernail, or simply create additional folds. Such damage will simulate the passage of time. The older the paper needs to be made, the more damage it should suffer. If you want to create darker and deeper folds in the paper, crumple it again when wet. Be careful not to accidentally tear the page in half.
  4. Flatten the paper to let it dry. Lay the paper out on a flat surface, such as a table or kitchen counter. The sheet should dry completely within a few hours. As an alternative method of drying the paper, you can use a hair dryer to speed up the process.

Method No. 2. Toning and baking paper


  1. Select and brew a toning liquid. To age the paper, you can use coffee to create a darker shade or tea to create a lighter shade. The strength of the brew also affects the color. When using coffee, a darker or lighter shade can be obtained by changing up or down the amount of ground coffee from which you will brew the toning liquid. With tea, the final color of the sheet of paper will depend on the length of time the tea is steeped in water. The more time passes, the darker the tea leaves will turn out, and briefly immersing the tea in water will create a very light shade of the tea leaves. Allow the liquid to cool before moving on to the next step.
  2. Place a sheet of paper on a baking sheet or baking tray. Make sure that the paper fits comfortably in the pan and does not protrude beyond its edges.
  3. Preheat oven to 90ºC. Preheating the oven to the specified level allows you to ensure a temperature suitable for baking the paper.
  4. Pour the toning liquid into the pan. Start pouring the liquid from the corner of the baking sheet, not onto the paper itself. Pour only enough liquid to cover the paper with a thin film. Don't worry about the liquid that gets under the sheet of paper, it will simply be absorbed into it from below.
  5. Use a foam brush to spread the coffee or tea over the sheet. Here you can use your creativity and create a special pattern on paper. If you want to tint the paper uniformly, simply spread the liquid evenly over it. If you want to achieve a certain pattern in tinting, distribute the liquid unevenly. To create more pronounced stains on the paper, you can sprinkle it with coffee particles, leaving them to stain the paper for a few minutes.
  6. Blot excess liquid with a paper towel. Make sure there is no excess liquid left on the paper or in the pan itself after this step. There is no need to wipe the paper dry, you just need to make sure that there are no wet puddles left on it.
  7. Make changes to the appearance of the paper. Before putting the baking sheet with paper in the oven, with a few touches you can make it look even older while it is still damp and easy to handle. Tear a thin, curved strip from the edge of the sheet. You can make holes in the paper with your fingernail, and stick the lumps that come off in other places on the sheet to create an imitation of the texture of parchment. Additionally, the paper can be pressed here and there with something like a fork to leave pressed impressions.
  8. Place the pan in the oven for 4-7 minutes. Ideally, you should place the baking sheet on the central racks of the oven. Keep an eye on the paper while baking. As soon as the edges of the paper begin to curl, the baking process can be considered complete. The time at which this happens depends on the specific oven.
  9. Remove the paper from the baking sheet and let it cool. Use oven mitts to remove pan from oven. Give the paper 10-15 minutes to cool before writing anything on it.

Method No. 3. Application of flame and heat


  1. Bring a piece of paper to the sink and hold it over it. This is important to do in case the paper catches fire. Then you can simply drop it into the sink and fill it with water. When using this method for aging paper, you can write the necessary information on it only after processing, so as not to accidentally lose some of the inscriptions due to severe scorching.
  2. Find a candle or lighter. There is no difference in the effectiveness of these fire sources. Just take what is more accessible to you. Avoid using butane lighters as their flame is too intense to get the job done.
  3. Bring the flame along the edges of the paper. At the same time, hold the paper itself 1-2.5 cm above the tip of the flame. Move the flame back and forth along the perimeter of the sheet borders. This will cause the paper to darken, as if it is many years old and has suffered from the effects of time and circumstances. Don't hold the flame in one place for too long. Do not hold the flame in one place for a long time, as this may cause the sheet of paper to catch fire. When you flame the perimeter of the sheet, do not bring the fire too close to your hands to avoid burns.
  4. Burn small spots on individual sections of the paper. If you want to damage the sheet more, you can even burn holes in it. Again, keep the paper about an inch above the flame, but this time stay in one spot. Monitor the stain as it turns brown and black. As soon as the stain reaches the desired color, remove the flame. If you want to burn holes in a piece of paper, leave it over the flame a little longer. The heat coming from the flame will eventually ignite and burn through the paper. Be prepared to quickly extinguish any fire that arises. If the leaf starts to burn faster than you can blow out the fire, drop it in the sink and fill it with water.

Method No. 4. Creating an aging effect using soil


  1. Dig a hole in your garden. The hole should be only as deep as the diameter of a tennis ball. There is no need to destroy your garden with unnecessary digging.
  2. Crumple the paper into a ball and place it in the hole. Lightly spray the paper with water, using no more than 60 ml of water. Before doing this, you can lightly rub the paper ball with soil. The soil will stain and smear the paper.
  3. Fill the hole with soil. Make sure that the wad of paper is completely hidden under the soil. Over time, the soil will damage and age the paper, so it should be buried with a fairly dense layer of soil.
  4. After 3-14 days, dig the paper out of the soil. The waiting time depends on how much the paper needs to be aged.

How to decorate a letter of recognition for loved ones?

Romance and sentimentality are largely a woman's lot. Whatever they can come up with to express their feelings. Here are some tips:

Paint your lips with your favorite lipstick, take a piece of paper on which you will write your letter of recognition, think about who it is intended for and... draw, in the sense of kiss, as you want. It can be around the perimeter, it can be diagonally, it can be in the shape of a heart, in general, as your imagination will tell you. Or you can first “kiss” line by line, and then enter the text of the letter into each kiss. Well, shall we try?

Using all your cosmetic gadgets (hair and nail polish, mascara wand, pencils, eyeliners), you can create a unique masterpiece. Paint the letter sheet with varnish, spray with colored hairspray or glitter. Draw flowers, hearts and everything else that girls like to draw. Letters or paper can have a pleasant smell if you lightly perfume them with eau de toilette. This will give the letter additional romance.

Letter of declaration of love from a guy to a girl

To be honest, guys are more restrained in their emotions, although there are romantic natures among them. It is for them that our following tips (but all guys should read this, because what kind of girl wouldn’t be pleased to receive something original and romantic from her beloved):

Take a sheet of paper and in the background, dimly write affectionate words (or the name of your girlfriend or whatever you like), preferably in color and in large letters. This is the background on which you will then write the main text with a pen. This way you will end up with a double letter.

If you have serious intentions, then you can convey them in a not entirely serious way, namely, trace your palm on a sheet of paper, or smear it with paint and make an imprint on the sheet. Now the hand is ready, all that remains is to add the heart. You can draw it on the palm of your hand and you will have a visual, wordless marriage proposal. Of course, to make it more specific, you can add written text, but we think everything will be clear without it.

Letter to a friend

What will you need?

  • White sheet of paper (or envelope);
  • gray pencil;
  • pen with ink;
  • acrylic paints;
  • metallic paints.

Sequence of actions

Step 1: Print the Template

If you want, but don’t know, how to beautifully design a letter on a non-standard size envelope, our advice is to enlarge or reduce the template accordingly in one of the graphic editors.

Step 2: Transfer the template onto paper or envelope

Place the template in the envelope with the front side facing the front of the envelope. If you have a light box, or better yet a clear glass table, place the envelope on them. You can also hold it in a sunny window, or maybe your envelope is so thin that you can see the template design without any tools. It all depends on the paper! Next, using a gray pencil, carefully transfer the design from the template to the front side of the envelope. To do this, carefully trace all the lines over the envelope with a pencil. If you feel confident enough, you can skip this step and draw directly on top of the template with a pen and ink. But if this is your first time, it is better to use a pencil first, otherwise you will have to redo your work many times.

Step 3: Make the necessary inscriptions

Step 4: Ink

Once you are done with the gray pencil, take an ink pen and start tracing the text. Remember, you don't really need a calligraphy pen. Use any old pen with nice ink, a simple rollerball, etc. Next, simply draw lines along the contour. Once you trace the design, you will see that the pattern elements can be extended to the end of the envelope by extending the lines. A beautiful DIY letter design is ready!

  • The most common way to decorate a letter is to color it. Draw a beautiful frame, for example, in the form of roses growing along the edges of the letter. Make drawings to illustrate your text. Or paint over the entire sheet and make an unusual background.
  • Instead of pens, you can buy pen and ink in stores. They are not expensive, but they convey the atmosphere perfectly. Or maybe you still have ink fountain pens from your grandmothers? Or are there real goose feathers that can be sharpened for such a thing? Even just with a gel pen, but with beautiful, elegant handwriting, laconic vignettes and curls, you can perfectly convey the atmosphere.
  • To decorate your letter, try spritzing it with glitter hairspray. After this, it will have an unusual but attractive shiny appearance. The main thing is that it is appropriate.
  • Collage will make your letter unforgettable. Attach photo reports about the latest events in your life or just photos together with the recipient. The photographs do not necessarily have to be taken by you, perhaps they will just be beautiful pictures in the theme.
  • You can include a herbarium in the letter. Place dried leaves or flowers that you like.
  • Give the letter an unusual shape. Cut out patterns, inside or along the edges. Make it triangular or round. Or let the letter be folded and the text unfold gradually. You can look for interesting solutions for the letter shape among the various origami folding options.

Original do-it-yourself envelopes

Envelopes can be simple, gift, vary in shape and size, may not have decorations or be intricately decorated. In order to make a paper envelope, you and your child will need a little time, materials for work and imagination.

Beautiful square envelope with rounded edges


  • Take a sheet of paper with equal sides
  • leave a square in the middle
  • Using a compass and scissors, we form four rounded labels from the side parts
  • bend all the labels towards the center
  • It will make a very beautiful envelope.

Heart envelope

This is a very simple way. You don’t need to glue such an envelope, but simply carefully smooth its folds so that it does not open. But when the recipient opens the envelope, he will see a heart. You don’t even have to put anything inside such an envelope, but simply write nice words inside your heart.


  • So, you will need to cut out a heart from paper.
  • To make it even and symmetrical, you need to fold the sheet in half and cut along the contour of one half.
  • When you open the sheet, you will get a neat heart.
  • This is important. Turn the heart face towards the table.
  • Bend its sides.
  • Fold the top and bottom remaining sides towards the middle.
  • The envelope is ready.

Envelope for money and how to decorate it

Naturally, the envelope in which you are supposed to invest money should look very beautiful. You can create such a masterpiece at home. It will take a minimum of materials and time, but the result of the work will be amazing.


  1. Draw a template for the future envelope on paper and cut it out.
  2. Small rectangular elements are slightly beveled towards the center.
  3. Mark all fold lines and assemble the structure.
  4. Mark the places where you need to make holes for the tape and pierce them with a hole punch.
  5. Decorate the workpiece with silk ribbons and rhinestones.
  6. Pass satin ribbon through the holes.

With the development of postal services on the Internet and accessible services from cellular operators, paper postcards and letters in envelopes are no longer sent as often as 10-15 years ago. But in some cases it is impossible to do without sending it in a regular postal envelope. How to send a letter via Russian Post so that the correspondence is guaranteed to reach the addressee?

What can you send in a postal envelope?

To begin with, it is worth determining what exactly can be sent in an envelope for letters, and for what you will need to use, for example, a parcel. What can you send by letter by Russian Post?

In addition to postcards and letters, you can put almost any paper or cardboard correspondence in an envelope: personal documents (passport, diploma, work book, certificates, etc.), paper (cardboard) crafts and products, photographs, etc. The main thing is that the weight of one letter did not exceed the established norm - 100 g (for letters to another country - no more than two kilograms). The exception to this rule is money and bank cards - postal workers themselves do not recommend putting them in envelopes.

The question often arises: is it possible to enclose small objects in a paper letter? For example, jewelry, keychains, flat magnets, badges? Postal employees answer this question in the negative. The reason is simple - when stamping an envelope or when sending/removing it through a mailbox, the envelope may tear due to the bulky item inside.

However, senders who have had some success sending small items in letters claim that such attachments can be transported as long as the items cannot be clearly felt in the envelope. This is achieved by simply wrapping the object in cardboard, several layers of tape or thick paper.

How to send a simple letter

Depending on the type of sending, letters can be registered, simple, express, letters with declared value or with notification. The step-by-step procedure for sending them is approximately the same, with the exception of some features. Using the example of a simple postal item, let's look at how to send a letter via Russian Post:

  • Any letter is sent from the nearest Russian Post office, the address of which can be found on the official website of this organization. A simple letter, in addition, can be dropped into a street mailbox.
  • To send, you need to purchase an envelope in accordance with the size of the attachment. The smallest is 114 x 162 mm or 110 x 220 mm (euro), the largest is 229 x 324 mm.

  • The envelope should be filled out in legible handwriting in any color of ink except red, yellow and green. Various crossing-outs, stains or corrections on the envelope are not allowed.
  • In the upper left corner, in a special field, fill in information about the sender:
    - in the line “From” the full name or name of the sending organization is indicated;
    - in the “From” lines, enter the sender’s address data in the following order:
  • street;
  • house number;
  • building number (if any);
  • apartment number (office or office number);
  • settlement (full geographical name);
  • district (if it is present in the address);
  • name of the region of the Russian Federation (region, territory, etc.);
  • name of the country of departure (only for sending abroad);

    In the lower window, fill in 6 digits corresponding to the sender's post office index.

  • In the same order, information about the recipient of the letter is entered into the lines of the field located in the lower right corner of the envelope.
  • In the field for the digital index (lower left corner), the recipient's post office index is entered along the contour.
  • After filling out all the required fields, an attachment (letter, postcard, etc.) is placed inside the envelope and the envelope is sealed.

A simple letter, the weight of which does not exceed 20 g, is sent in a postal envelope without additional payment or additional stamps. However, if the weight of the item is greater or the letter is expected to be delivered outside the country, then before sending the letter via Russian Post, you should contact the operator, who will weigh the letter and affix stamps in accordance with the price of the item.

How to send a registered letter

How does such a message differ from a simple letter? How to send a registered letter via Russian Post? The service for sending registered letters is intended for sending important documentation, official correspondence (requests, claims, notifications, complaints, etc.). Registered letters have a number of advantages compared to sending a simple message:

  • When sent, a registered letter is assigned an individual track number (indicated at the top of the check issued to the sender). Using it, it is possible to track the delivery of the message through the Internet service “Tracking of items” on the PR website.
  • This type of shipment is delivered personally to the addressee against signature after presentation of the passport. This is indisputable evidence that the sender sent the letter in a timely manner, and the recipient is familiar with the contents of the message.

Sending registered letters is a more reliable, but also more expensive way of delivering correspondence. How to send a letter via Russian Post if you need to use the “Registered Letter” service? After completing the steps described above, the sender must contact the postal operator, say that he needs to send a registered letter, and pay the cost of this service. The postal employee will weigh the envelope, register the letter with a tracking number, and attach a barcode and stamps in accordance with the cost of the item.

Notice: what is it for and how to fill it out correctly

Registered letters with notification are a service that allows the sender to find out the exact date of delivery of the letter to the recipient. This is an official document, which in some cases can also serve as proof of the fact that correspondence was sent on time. To use this service, you must fill out the form and inform the operator that a registered letter is sent with a notification.

It is filled out on a special postal form F-119. All information is on both sides in a field indicating: “Those circled with a bold line are filled in by the sender.” The filling procedure is as follows:

  1. In the field indicating “Notification must be returned to the address”, the data of the sender of the letter is entered in the same sequence as on the envelope. Marks are placed in the “Letter” and “Registered” boxes.
  2. The recipient's information is entered into the field on the back of the form in the same order as on the envelope. Marks are placed in the “Letter” and “Registered” boxes.
  3. The notification is glued by the operator directly to the envelope, and after delivering the registered letter to the recipient, the form is removed by the postman and sent to the sender.

Letter with a description of the attachment

It is recommended to order a letter of value (also known as a letter of declared value) to send particularly valuable attachments: originals of personal documents, securities, real estate documentation, etc. This type of postal item is supplemented by a description of the attachment indicating the amount at which the sender estimates the contents of the envelope.

This type of forwarding is considered one of the most reliable, since a valuable letter is necessarily assigned a registration number, which means it can be tracked on its way to the addressee. In addition, if the letter is suddenly lost, the sender receives compensation from the post office in the amount of the declared value.

How to send a registered letter via Russian Post if it needs to be supplemented with an inventory of the attachment with a declared value? In addition to purchasing and filling out the envelope (there is no need to seal the letter), the sender will need to contact the post office operator to make an inventory:

  • It is filled out by the sender in duplicate on special forms f-107. The inventory must contain a detailed list of all papers sent in the letter, indicating their estimated value.
  • The mail operator checks the contents of the attachment with the compiled list.
  • Each copy is signed by the operator who accepted it and the sender.
  • One copy is handed over to the sender, the second is placed in an envelope along with the papers being sent.

How much does it cost to send a letter via Russian Post if it is a letter with declared value? In addition to the cost of sending a registered letter, the sender will need to pay insurance fees in the amount of 4% of the amount of its declared value. It is worth noting that in the event of its loss, the paid insurance fee will not be reimbursed to the sender.

Cost of a letter

Mailing is the cheapest method of postal delivery. Today, the client has the opportunity to find out in advance how much it costs to send a letter via Russian Post. This can be done through the official website of Russian Post, using the Postal Calculator service.

For example, to find out how much it costs to send a registered letter by Russian Post, you need to enter information about the settlements of the sender and recipient into the interactive fields of the calculator, indicate the weight of the letter, the delivery method, and also check the box next to “Registered” in the “Additional Services” section. . After this, the service will automatically calculate the cost of sending.