What specialties does sports management prepare for? The role of a sports manager in the modern sports industry

Russian sports lacks professionals, but there are many young guys and girls in the country who dream of getting into the industry. Especially for them the leader International school sports management MIRBIS Maxim Belitsky tells how to choose the right education and what is needed to successfully work as a sports manager.


The most important thing a future sports manager needs is a love of sports, and this presupposes a certain level of erudition. Almost all people in this specialty are initially fans. If a person doesn’t have passion, he won’t stay in sports for long.

From the point of view of internal communications, the sports market is very difficult. In our country, this is far from a business, and therefore much is built on special, informal relationships. Organizations are often run by former athletes who live in their own frame of reference. It’s difficult for an ordinary person: knowledge of the basics of management and business relations, and indeed general education are not always in demand.

I would like more people with business education, fundamental knowledge in management, marketing, finance, law to come to sports... And, of course, languages ​​are important. In this case, it is much easier to grow, since information from foreign sources is available. There is practically no literature in Russia. The Russian International Olympic University publishes something, but these works are not very widespread. English-speaking countries are another matter: Great Britain, USA, Australia. An Australian textbook that I accidentally came across helped me build the structure of a sports marketing course for one of the business schools. In Russia you can find unique publications, for example, “Biletologiya” by Kirill Larin, but in general there is practically no original literature. Yes, and translated too. Once upon a time we published “Sports Marketing” by Professor Simon Chadwick and “Olympic Renaissance” by the former commercial director IOC Michael Payne, but they have long been unavailable anywhere. In addition, we do not have magazines, collections of research similar to those done in Germany, which are published by Sport Pro Media and other companies. Knowledge foreign languages, primarily English, opens up a completely different world for students.


A successful sports manager requires specific knowledge. Yes, there should be a reasonable proportion of general disciplines, but specialization is also needed from the very beginning. People need to be brought into the environment right away. Without this, those who have a passion for sports will quickly become bored. They want practice.

Those who went to retrain need to be given knowledge not only of sports specifics, but also of the system of relationships in the industry. The better he understands them, the greater his chances of avoiding mistakes in his work.

The basics of sports management and entrepreneurship are simply necessary for former athletes. Moreover, they must be taught especially carefully. After the end of his career, it is extremely difficult for an athlete to adjust to an ordinary life, because his entire career is preparation for performances, performances and recovery after them. Immediately starting to work as managers, they transfer the usual system of relationships and ultimately replace the very concept of management with it. This leads to incorrect results, often to financial failure. In addition, successful athletes, as a rule, have very strong and authoritative personalities. Their management style is specific. In addition, they often lack knowledge, although they have a lot of unique experience. Few former athletes have truly succeeded in management. Yes, you can remember the president of the Lokomotiv-Kuban basketball club Andrei Vedishchev and, of course, Vyacheslav Fetisov, who understands not only the game, but also politics, marketing, and business. However, in general it is rare to see an athlete at very high position, especially if we're talking about not about public organization like the Russian Hockey Federation.

Athletes in our country are brought into power because they are famous and successful. This often ends in failure. Unfortunately, we do not yet have special management or entrepreneurial programs for athletes finishing their careers.

The price of knowledge

In Russia there are training programs in sports management of all formats: first higher education(both bachelor's and master's degrees), second, professional retraining, advanced training, short-term courses.

You can, of course, get your first higher education in all sports universities: Moscow RGUFKSMIT and MIFKIS, St. Petersburg Lesgafta, Malakhovka near Moscow, Volga Academy in Kazan... A bachelor's degree takes the standard four years. You can enroll in all these universities on a budget, and the paid department costs from ₽72 thousand (MIFKIS) to ₽150 thousand per year (Lesgafta). Other educational institutions also train sports managers, especially those specializing in economics and management. But commercial places there are noticeably more expensive: in State University and Pleshka - ₽210 thousand per year, in the Academy National economy– ₽300 thousand, in Financial University under the Government of Russia - ₽350 thousand. There are no budget places at Synergy University, but paid education costs ₽160 thousand per year, and there are separate programs for martial arts and the fitness industry. You can go to a master's program not only at the listed universities, but also, for example, at MGIMO - in the specialty “Sports Diplomacy” (two years of study will cost ₽635 thousand).

There is a wide choice of short-term programs. There is a Sports Management Center at the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University. A 72-hour advanced training there costs ₽45 thousand, and a 260-hour retraining costs ₽170 thousand. Similar prices are at the Higher School of Economics, which trains personnel under a joint program with FIFA. A 10-month training in the specialty “Management in team sports” at the RMA business school will cost ₽180 thousand, but foreign ones are paid separately. Professional retraining program “International sports management“at MIRBIS it also costs ₽180 thousand, but for this money students are offered a 500-hour course. Its uniqueness is living distance learning through the webinar platform. Many programs lasting from 10 months to 2 years are offered by the Russian International Olympic University in Sochi. Their cost ranges from ₽73 thousand to ₽500 thousand.

The number of courses lasting several days is incalculable. They are conducted by the educational institutions listed above and many other organizations. Specific topics and conditions are limited only by the imagination of the organizers.


The problem not only with sports education, but also with business education in general in Russia is that it is very theoretical, and the heads of business schools also admit this. There is much more practice in America and Germany. I know this not only from sports, the same situation applies to engineers, scientists, and doctors. I advise our programs that want to adopt Western experience to look at Europe; America has gone much further from us, by 25–30 years. European examples are more lively and interesting for “reverse engineering” in Russia. At the same time, in our sports business education there are very few European examples, and if you don’t count England, there are none at all. Not everyone can invite German or French teachers - it’s expensive. But a way out of the situation must be sought in order to improve the quality of specialized education.

The duration of training can be any. Good program with a focus on sports, it is possible to compose for higher education. Courses, second higher education, and retraining may also be useful. The main thing is that any employee, I believe, should have documentary evidence of their skills. Often this does not require much time. There are modular programs and certificates. For example, if you are a fan specialist, then welcome to the marketing module, which necessarily includes research, positioning and basics marketing communications. The main thing is not the deadline, but the construction of the process.

Studying curriculum, first of all, you should pay attention to marketing. This is basic science. She teaches the art of finding a consumer and building relationships with him. Marketing is customer-centric, which is what should drive any commercial sports organization. Many of our programs lack this component.

The basics of entrepreneurship should also be included in the educational process. Because the product we offer is often unique. A sports manager must be courageous, be able to analyze the market, find unmet needs and take into account past experiences, including negative ones. The image of the club, communications, holding events, communicating with suppliers, finding sponsors - you need to understand all this.

The wider and more varied the content in the marketing and, let’s say, commercial modules, the better.


The RMA program “Management in Team Sports” has made student internships, including foreign ones, its business card. It’s great that during training you can look at other people’s experiences, best practics alive. And as an element of commercialization, internships are a super idea. True, a duration of several days greatly limits the possibilities. After all, a real internship is when a person goes to one organization for at least a couple of weeks and goes through the entire cycle of preparation for a match, closely communicating with representatives of various departments. But I won’t criticize RMA, because I understand how difficult it is to come to an agreement with any club. Here you need either a lot of money, but then it will be unaffordable for students, or very good connections. The same German clubs, I know, can refuse such an idea, even with good payment, if they decide that they are not interested in the Russian market. They simply won't want to waste their time.

Russia and abroad

Studying in the West, of course, makes sense if a person knows languages. Best examples still in America. And what’s especially good is that at any university there are sports teams that operate as full-fledged clubs, with full stadiums, and aggressive marketing. They market themselves as commercial organizations. The focus on business in the States is generally unprecedented. This all affects education. But America is far and long, although I know people who studied there and were satisfied with the result.

European education is not so far behind Russian education; it also often lacks practice, but there are good and inexpensive programs there. Germany ranks first by a wide margin in terms of marketing and project success. This is logical because the German economy is the strongest in Europe and the number of cases for learning is endless. I’ll also mention France and, of course, Great Britain.

Russian education also has strengths. Firstly, it provides very good connections with both teachers and students. This is probably one of the greatest values ​​of a sports manager. Sometimes it happens that a rising star comes to study and then takes leadership position or creates his own agency and invites friends. There are many such examples. Networking is very important.

Education also provides a huge incentive to improve. Because it quenches the thirst of a person who wants to work in sports. People often accept lower wages, and are even willing to work for free, just to break into this industry. Not everyone succeeds, but studying provides a good opportunity to at least try.

I would like to highlight outstanding speakers and teachers. Almost all tops arrive. Our education has established excellent relationships with representatives of advanced Russian organizations. There are not many foreign managers, but this is due to financial capabilities. If you have a lot of foreign speakers in your program, then either it’s not a business, or it’s very expensive to study from you.


In the German companies where I worked - Triumph Media Group and Lagardère Sports Germany & Entertainment Germany - there is an intern institution, people are constantly recruited, the best remain. And this works everywhere. This is how graduates of various sports programs. However, I note that most of them received a master’s degree in sports management, coming from marketing and social sciences.

In principle, the Russian market is gradually turning towards education in the field of sports management. People open up new opportunities and gain confidence in their abilities. The fact that people take money everywhere only through connections is, rather, a myth. Yes, we need to keep this obstacle in mind, but it is not decisive. People with good skills always find their way. I myself, even without an education, got a job in sports without any acquaintances based on one desire. Later I got into a large European company literally from the street - I simply sold myself, having first hung up in the headhunter database. I pulled out a lucky ticket. I was incredibly lucky, and I tell all students: you have a chance. The main thing is passion. It's the most important. Well, at least knowledge of English.

Material from
Photo: RMA, RIOU, personal archive of Maxim Belitsky

Maxim Belitsky, head of the international school of sports management MIRBIS

What does a sports manager do?

Ordinary people sometimes confuse the concepts of “manager” and “agent”. If, for example, we talk about football, then a personal agent “places” athletes, that is, provides a lucrative contract and makes money on the transfer of athletes from one club to another. A sports manager has a broader scope of activity. He may work for a professional or amateur sports organization or engage in entrepreneurial activity, for example, invest in the development of private schools or tournaments, in the search and professional growth talented athletes who then fight for the title. That is, a sports manager is a person who helps any sports organization earn money, while receiving bonuses for Good work, or someone who invests money in sports and builds a business on it.

In Russia, the specificity is that a sports manager helps a club become attractive to any audience. He not only sells the athlete’s rights and achieves an adequate salary, but also contributes to the development of the sports organization as a whole. This could be a sponsorship manager, a marketing manager, a match manager, a financial manager, or a football academy manager who “raises” athletes and then sells them to larger clubs. In any case, this is a person who creates income opportunities.

Not every manager is athletic

You can obtain the profession of a sports manager in specialized educational institutions, where, in addition to basic knowledge, sports specifics are also taken into account. But it happens that a person with a legal, financial, sociological, marketing education or education in the field of classical management comes to sports if he is interested in it or already has experience in this field. Such people become sports managers who purposefully come to study at specialized programs.

At MIRBIS there are programs of the “International School of Sports Management”, where experts and teachers representing the world's leading sports markets offer very high-quality, practice-oriented knowledge. But they need to be adapted to the realities of the Russian market. Usually in such programs more attention is paid to the business course, that is, the management and entrepreneurial component. But they also talk about such narrow areas as marketing, sponsorship, events, commercial activity football academies, as well as entrepreneurship in sports. Students learn to build their own business.

Profession for sports fans

The advantage of being a sports manager is that the beginning of a career is usually smooth - you can start growing by working in a team of a small club. Moreover, this ideal profession for true sports fans. Often those who come to work are the ones who play, who are fans, and who follow the results of matches. This is how your favorite thing becomes a profession, which means that work brings pleasure. I myself have no managerial, economic or marketing education, but my passion for sports brought me here, and I have been working successfully for 14 years. Being “in the field”, you feel the energy of the stands, see the drive on the court, and every day of work brings more and more positive emotions. This is probably one of the most emotional professions, and it can only be compared with show business.

Lack of work is the main disadvantage

When it comes to clubs and federations, the Russian sports industry is poorly structured, and graduates of sports universities can waste time trying to get a job. We have few sports organizations that are business-oriented, so all financial costs are covered not by the organization itself, but by the state, big business, regions, etc. On the one hand, this gives rise to unprofessionalism of sports managers. On the other hand, the opportunities for those who really know their business well and want to earn money in their area of ​​work in a sports organization or in own business. As a result, there is no creativity, no innovation, no forward movement. Sports often cannot compete for viewership with other forms of entertainment.

Connections are everything

Connections play a huge role in the career of any manager, and the more sociable a person is, the greater his chances of success. The more people you know, the more active your own “sales funnel” is. A sports manager must be in constant good shape; communication and networking are his main responsibilities. the manager improves his reputation and gains significance and attractiveness in the eyes of employees. With the help of personal agreements, he is able to reduce costs and attract new income.

As with any sales, a sports manager must also be able to convince his customers that his product is the best. And connections help him move up the career ladder. For example, in the German sports industry, managers constantly communicate with clients at matches, they get to know the spectators, obtaining information for analytical data and for optimizing operations. Through communication, they receive information, for example, that potential clients can purchase sponsorship packages or additional hospitality venues. The main rule is that there should be benefit in any communication.

The ideal sports manager

The main qualities that a sports manager must have are communication skills and assertiveness. Not only sociability is important, but also knowledge of languages ​​- at least English. A sports manager is a public figure, and here you need to be able to communicate with potential clients, and with his subordinates, with his superiors and other departments in the sports club. Analytical skills are also important - the ability to prepare information materials for other employees of a sports organization. The profession is very diverse and requires a lot of dedication, round-the-clock brain work, therefore it is very important for a sports manager.

Can an athlete become a manager?

As a rule, an entrepreneur who creates his own sports section hires a head coach or sports director who is responsible specifically for the sports component. At the same time, athletes themselves rarely become good sports managers. I believe that it is very difficult for them to switch to another activity after the end of their sports career, because they devoted most of their time to training and performances. At the same time, many sports organizations are managed by those who do not have necessary knowledge for project management. Because of which these organizations suffer financial disasters. This problem is typical not only for Russia, but also for foreign countries. Only a quarter of former athletes are capable of becoming sports managers.

But retraining is also possible: annual programs for advanced training, professional retraining and corporate programs aimed at people who already have basic education. Therefore, the former athlete for successful career a manager must first obtain a classical higher education not related to sports.

Sports manager is part of a big team

In team sports clubs there is a head coach, a coaching staff, as well as a selection department and a sports director who search for and attract players. The club also has a staff that deals with the rehabilitation of players, general physical training, nutrition - this is a self-sufficient structure within the sports organization. The next component of the system is the marketing and commercial structure. The match is sold as a product: tickets, merchandise, food, VIP services, sponsors, etc. In addition, there are administrative personnel who control all this - office managers, lawyers, financiers, security service, etc.

Together, we get a well-coordinated mechanism that generates funds, monetizes the passion of fans, attracts marketers, designers and places advertising.

In professional sports, a team is the basis of a profit-making system, because the better a team plays, the greater the interest of fans in it. Of course, due to various factors, a team cannot win constantly, but it must show development and play with dedication so that the fans can see it. After all, their passion is the main engine of the sports business. The task of a sports manager is to ensure that the fan’s mood does not depend on the result of the match. This requires the friendliness of the staff, an appropriate environment, a show and security measures.

Career in the Russian sports industry

Ideally, a manager’s career should begin with internships, but in our country, in sports organizations, unfortunately, they are carried out quite rarely. For example, in Germany, an internship lasts on average from 3 to 6 months, after which a person enters the first stage of a practical career. He understands what he will actually do. Those who come for internships have a chance to gain a foothold in this organization, and maybe make useful connections. Here it is important to communicate, carry out all instructions, use your imagination and try to analyze the situation and improve it. Of course, this will attract management's attention to the potential manager.

Everyone has a chance to get a good job, at least at the level of satisfying their primary ambitions. It happens that in sports organizations there are no managers; sometimes only one works in this capacity Executive Director who does everything at once. Here, a former graduate may be offered to attract commercial partners and work for free to gain experience and interest from the transaction. This path is common, but rather unreliable.

The first stage of professional success is working in a large club, a successful sports organization, which is visible - in such football clubs as Spartak, Zenit, Krasnodar, etc. The further stage of the career is receiving a solid income, that is, attracting large sponsorship companies, contracts. This is a job in commercial companies, in agencies, at World Cup stadiums, in organizing committees, for example, in the Russian branch of FIFA, which is currently preparing for the 2018 World Cup. And the peak of a career can be a functioning sports business or systematic earnings and development in a commercial sports organization. There is a widespread belief that in our sport, earnings are not an indicator of success. Another thing is the creation and development of a club that has existed for many years. This is already a huge achievement, since our sport is still far from business.


IN last years In Russia, there has been a significant increase in interest in sports - both professional and more mass physical education and health-improving movements. State and private business allocate large amounts of funds for the development of sports, but this does not always bring the expected results. As a result, some owners of sports clubs are forced to dissolve them due to unprofitability, and state leaders, together with a multi-million army of fans, are forced to lament and look for those to blame for yet another failure of Russian athletes at the Olympic Games, World or European Championships. In this regard, words are increasingly heard about the importance of competent sports management, since only professionals in this matter are able to effectively manage sports investments. For this reason, various sports organizations Interest in such specialists is growing more and more.

No sports organization can exist without management. In any physical education and sports organization, its employees interact with each other. Physical culture and sports as an object social management not only legitimate, but also necessary to consider as a certain set of physical education and sports organizations - sports schools, sports clubs, sports teams in sports (football, hockey, basketball, volleyball, etc.), stadiums, sports and fitness centers, sports federations and etc. It should be noted that in modern Russia Physical education and sports work is carried out by 100 thousand of various types of physical education and sports organizations, which employ more than 241.8 thousand specialists - coaches, teachers, teachers physical culture, instructors-methodologists and other categories of workers, as well as more than half a million workers and technical personnel. Product of them labor activity- these are physical education and sports services, that is, organized forms of physical exercise and sports, sports training and physical education programs, sports shows, etc. Thus, organization is a key concept in sports management.

For training in the profession of sports managers great amount universities and others educational institutions organize courses and classes aimed at teaching future managers how to organize a sports process. This profession is currently one of the most prestigious, because it brings huge income and is very much in demand in modern society.

The essence and principles of sports management

Sports management is theory and practice effective management organizations of physical culture and sports in modern market conditions.

Today in funds mass media More and more often the names of not only famous athletes and coaches appear, but also other, sometimes no less important, representatives of the sports world, on whose activities in modern sports a lot depends.

First of all, we are talking about general top managers (for example, Ruslan Olikhver - general manager of the volleyball club of the Russian men's team and the Moscow Dynamo); agents and speakers various directions activities of a particular club or team; sports scouts - a person involved in collecting information, observing, scouting and recruiting for his club (Anders Hedberg - NHL scout).

The responsibilities of these people include a huge amount of work - from searching for advertising sponsors and signing contracts with players to economic and everyday issues.

A modern sports organization has an internal structure based on the specific specifics of a particular sport.

Managers are divided into three main groups:

1. strategic level - these are the heads of sports schools, sports complexes, presidents of sports clubs and federations, etc.;

2. tactical level - heads of departments, independent departments, etc.;

3. executive level - coaches, team leaders, medical staff etc.

The sports success of a particular club, national team and individual athlete directly depends on the work of sports management. In addition, the specific financial income of a sports organization depends on the competence of sports management. And here the most important role is played by top-level managers - the top of sports management. Its ultimate success depends on how they can organize the work of the entire sports structure of the organization.

Sports managers, being the subject management activities, perform a number of unique functions in the organization. Three key ones stand out among them:

1. Decision making. Only professional manager determines the direction of development of the organization at one level or another, resolves all issues related to the distribution of resources, and also makes operational adjustments. He makes the final decision on hiring a particular employee and bears full responsibility for its consequences.

2. Information function. In this case, the sports manager accumulates information about the external and internal environment of the sports organization, disseminates it in the form of normative guidelines, and then explains to the staff both the immediate and long-term goals of the organization.

3. Function of the leader. A sports manager forms relationships inside and outside the controlled organization, motivates its members to achieve goals, coordinates their efforts and acts as an official representative of the organization when interacting with other organizations.

Without quality management in sports, private organizations simply cannot survive in the market conditions, and government agencies they simply will not be able to competently prepare athletes for major international competitions.

In this regard, we can highlight the following management problems in the sports industry and ways to solve them:

1. Lack of highly qualified personnel in this specialty.

"Management in the Sports Industry" is a completely new specialization. In Russia, this specialty can be obtained in no more than 10 universities. For example, in State University management in Moscow, it was opened in 2009. The first graduation of students from the specialization occurred in the year of the Sochi Olympics. It is no coincidence that the head of its Organizing Committee, Dmitry Chernyshenko, said: “By the start of the Games, 2 thousand high-quality managers should work in our structure, coordinating the activities of 20 thousand volunteers and 35 thousand technical employees. The problem is that such managers do not exist in the country, they are yet to come prepare."

To solve this problem, the following measures were taken:

· interaction, cooperation and networking with international partners;

· organizing practical training for students at major sports tournaments (World and European Championships, World Cup stages, etc.) during their studies;

· providing internships for students, including foreign ones;

· organization of advanced training courses and professional retraining of related specialties.

2. Lack of necessary programs, educational and methodological developments and manuals. In the recently introduced educational standard of the direction: 080200 "Management", specialization: "Management in the sports industry", small training time is allocated for professionally necessary management - out of 7344 hours of total theoretical training, only 100 (less than 1.4%).

The solution to this problem was to increase the volume of hours and information and modify and improve the pedagogical technology of the training course.

Sports management is one of the types of industry-specific management that deals with the management of physical education and sports organizations. In connection with this approach, organization is a key concept in sports management. From a management perspective, physical culture and sport are not only “expedient human motor activity”, not only a set of special means and methods for the directed development of people’s physical capacity, as stated in the theory of physical culture.

General and special management has one more characteristic property. Management is associated with the presence in the organization professional managers, who are called managers abroad. A sports manager is a specialist who, as a rule, occupies a leadership position in a physical education and sports organization and masters the art of scientific management.

The art of management is characterized by the peculiarities of the ability of a particular sports manager to apply generally accepted principles, methods and technology of management in his specific management activities. Let's summarize some results. Sports management is a special theory and practice of managing physical education and sports organizations in market conditions, it is one of the industry types of management, one of the industry areas of management activity in market conditions.

The object of sports management as an independent science is the totality of physical education and sports organizations in the country, the product of which is physical education and sports services.

The subject of sports management is management relations that develop in the process of interaction between the subject and the object of management within organizations of physical culture and sports and the interaction of these organizations with external environment in the process of production and distribution of physical education and sports services.

The task of sports management as academic discipline- providing a holistic view of the industry management system, the principles, patterns and technology of management in organizations in the physical culture and sports industry in modern market conditions in Russia.

Is sports management very different from other branches of management? At its core, a sports manager does the same things as a regular manager, that is, he organizes the process, but only with sports specifics. He deals with those organizational issues, which the athlete himself should not think about, should not be distracted by them from his training and preparation for competitions.

The principles of management in physical culture and sports represent the basic rules, regulations and norms of behavior that guide governing bodies and individual managers in the process of implementing management influence. The principles of sports management can be characterized as the initial guiding rules, requirements and standards of behavior that should guide managers of physical education and sports organizations to ensure effective management.

Modern sports management is characterized by the following essential principles:

1. The principle of scientific validity of management provides that all management actions should be carried out on the basis of application scientific approaches and methods. The scientific principle presupposes the study, deep knowledge and use of objective patterns and progressive trends in the development of physical culture and sports in specific historical conditions and the application of the acquired knowledge to ensure optimal management in physical culture and sports organizations.

Every manager and specialist of a physical culture and sports organization must study and correctly apply in practice when deciding management tasks generally accepted principles, methods and technology of sports management, master the art of scientific management.

2. The principle of consistency in managing the development of physical culture and sports determines the need to consider the physical culture and sports organization as an integral social system, consisting of a number of links and interacting with the external environment. In the work of a sports manager, the principle of consistency means a comprehensive study of management decisions made, analysis of all possible options their implementation, coordination of the efforts of the entire team of performers. This principle also presupposes a close link between the solution of socio-pedagogical problems of sports management and financial, material and technical resources.

3. The principle of the optimal combination of centralization and decentralization in management. The problem of combining centralization and decentralization in sports management is the problem of distribution of powers for making specific decisions at each level of the management hierarchy: federal - subject of the Federation - municipality- primary care (sports club, youth sports school, etc.). The best option An approach should be considered when decisions related to the field of physical culture and sports in general are centralized, and decisions related to the management of a particular physical culture and sports organization are decentralized.

Decentralization means the transfer of decision-making rights to the constituent entities of the Federation and other organizations located at lower hierarchical levels of management. The principle of combining centralization and decentralization in management presupposes the need for skillful use of unity of command and collegiality.

Making collective decisions is much slower than making individual ones. A type of collegiality is collective decision-making.

Collective decisions are usually made by a majority of votes, for example, at a meeting of shareholders. The role of management here comes down to preparing and justifying decisions proposed for discussion and adoption on a collective basis.

4. The principle of material and moral incentives in sports management. IN modern management Physical culture and sports widely use material and moral incentives to intensify the work activity of employees of physical culture and sports organizations and highly qualified athletes. This principle finds concrete expression in differentiation wages employees of sports organizations and professional athletes, payment of prizes to athletes and coaches for successful performance at major sports competitions. Along with material incentives in sports, moral incentives also remain important in the form of awarding sports titles and awarding prizes to both individual athletes and winning teams of various competitions.

5. The principle of optimization (efficiency) of management means achieving the set goal as possible short term and at the lowest cost of labor, financial resources and material resources. Optimization involves the use in management of a wide range of methods and tools to substantiate management decisions, management on the basis of good, reliable scientific information.

6. The principle of combining rights, duties and responsibilities. Based on this principle, managers usually carry out their communications one level up or down from their level. Each subordinate must perform the tasks assigned to him and periodically report for their implementation. Each position in the management hierarchy is endowed with specific rights granted to it, and the manager occupying the corresponding position bears full responsibility for the tasks assigned to him and performs certain functions. No manager can delegate the task of implementing a decision without bypassing a direct subordinate.

6. Democratization of management involves, along with unity of command, the formation of collective and collegial leadership bodies in sports organizations, for example, plenums and presidiums of sports federations, FSO, collegiums of sports committees, etc.

7. The principle of combining sectoral and territorial management follows from Art. 72 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation on being under the joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and its constituent entities Russian Federation issues of physical culture and sports.

8. The principle of legal protection of management decisions provides for reliance in management on existing legislation, legal support for management activities, and consistency of management decisions with existing regulatory legal acts.

9. The principle of taking into account the sporting interests of the population when organizing physical education and sports activities for the population. This is due to the fact that those involved in physical exercise and sports constitute one of the main objects of management, and the population is a potential object of sports management, one of the goals of which is to involve the population in physical education and sports activities. Successful solution of this problem requires systematic study by physical culture and sports organizations of the sports interests of various social and age groups of the population, especially youth.

10. Principle state support development of physical culture and sports. Is one of the priority principles social policy democratic Russia. The Russian Constitution establishes that in the Russian Federation “activities that contribute to the strengthening of human health and the development of physical culture and sports are encouraged.” This principle was fully embodied in the Law “On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation,” which established that the state ensures the development of physical culture and sports in the country and supports the physical education, Olympic and Paralympic movements.

Management in physical culture and sports has a number of varieties, namely:

Strategic management is a management activity consisting of choosing the scope and system of actions to achieve the long-term goals of a physical culture and sports organization, taking into account constantly changing environmental conditions;

Program (project) management is the activity of managing not permanent, but temporary objects, which are individual programs, projects, etc. or a combination of them;

Organizational management is a management activity based on general organizational principles, aimed at implementing such a basic management function as the “organization” function;

Personnel management is a management activity that includes a set of activities aimed at the optimal formation of the workforce of a physical culture and sports organization and the fullest use of its abilities in the production process;

Innovation management is the activity of managing innovation processes in a physical education and sports organization;

Risk management is the activity of assessing and managing risks that may arise in the work of a physical culture and sports organization;

Financial management is a type of activity aimed at managing the financial and economic functioning of a physical education and sports organization.

In addition, there is a whole system of functions for the management of sports organizations.

Functions in sports management are relatively independent, specialized types of management activities that are isolated in the process of division of labor, which express the directions or stages of the targeted influence of the subject of management on the managed object. Functions occupy one of the central places in the theory and practice of sports management, as they reveal its essence and the content of industry management activities. There are general and specific or sectoral management functions.

General functions of management. The emergence of sports management functions is an objective process. Management of physical culture and sports can be considered as a process of successively changing, logically following each other actions, which are of a repeating, cyclical nature. Such actions of the subject of management, corresponding to successively changing stages management cycle, are called general management functions. They include: planning, organization, motivation, control and coordination (Fig. 1).


General functions, revealing the technology of social management, are universal, as they characterize any management process, regardless of its industry specifics and the size of the managed organization. The functions identified on the basis of time cyclicity are called general (basic) management functions. The relationship between these functions can be represented by a pie chart showing the content of any management process (Fig. 8). The arrows in the diagram show that the movement of the managerial influence of the subject of management from the stage of his decision-making to the controlled object is possible only by performing work related to organizing the process and motivating workers. In order to receive feedback from the managed object about the changes that have occurred in it due to management influence, it is necessary to take into account and control these changes. At the center of the diagram is the coordination function, which ensures the coordination and interaction of all other functions.

Thus, the general functions of sports management are isolated in the process social division labor specialized types of activities expressing the directions or stages of the targeted influence of the subject of management on the managed object.

Planning is a stage of management activity, the content of which is to determine the goals of the organization for the coming period and the resources necessary for this (material, financial, labor, information). Planning from the point of view of technology is a system of technical and economic calculations, presented in the form of tables, graphs and models that determine the ways to achieve the goal. The result of planning is a plan. The plan includes: the goals and objectives of the organization for the coming period, activities, a set of necessary resources with their distribution according to goals and objectives, responsible executors and deadlines for the implementation of planned activities. There are strategic and operational planning. basis strategic planning is to draw up forecasts showing possible directions for the development of the object.

In promising and current plans physical education and sports organizations determine the markets of potential consumers of their services, establish specific goals, objectives and targets for the provision of physical education and sports services and achieving results, determine the labor, financial, material resources etc. Planning as a function of sports management also includes the development of targeted comprehensive programs, business plans, calendar plans for competitions and sporting events, plans organizational work etc.

Organization is the second function of management. Its task is to form the structure of the organization, as well as to provide it with everything necessary for normal operation - personnel, premises, in cash, materials, equipment, etc.

Motivation is a stage of management that involves the creation of incentives and sanctions, material and moral interest in order to activate the personnel of sports organizations to work effectively. In sports management, motivation also includes, in our opinion, activities aimed at activating the population’s interest in playing various sports and physical exercises, and in consuming physical education and sports services.

Control and accounting is a stage of management, the task of which is to assess the quality of implementation of decisions made, quantitative assessment of the results of the work of a physical culture and sports organization, as well as operational accounting of the work carried out in the organization.

Coordination is a stage of the management process that ensures its continuity and uninterrupted operation. The main task of coordination is to achieve consistency in the work of all parts of the organization by establishing rational connections between them, as well as with the public.

Specific functions of sports management. Functions distinguished by the content of the controlled impact on the controlled object are usually called specific (specific or industry-specific) management functions. Specific (industry) functions of sports management reveal the content of management in the field of physical culture and sports as a special socio-pedagogical system. Let us take as an example the system of specific functions of Moskomsport. The regulations on the Committee of Physical Culture and Sports of the Moscow Government indicate that Moskomsport, in accordance with the tasks assigned to it, performs the following functions:

· develops city programs in the field of physical culture and sports;

· develops draft laws and other regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow regulating relations in the field of physical culture and sports, makes them and other proposals on issues related to the jurisdiction of Moskomsport for consideration of the relevant government agencies and officials, prepares opinions on draft regulations of other city executive authorities in the field of physical culture and sports;

· takes part in the development of the draft law of the city of Moscow on the budget of the city of Moscow, exercises control over the use of budget funds administered by Moskomsport budgetary institutions;

· carries out the functions of the manager of budgetary funds of the city of Moscow, established by budget legislation and the departmental classification of budget expenditures of the city of Moscow;

· performs the functions of a customer for the development and implementation of city programs in the field of physical culture and sports;

· approves calendar plan city ​​mass sports events, shows, competitions, conducts city competitions, educational and training camps, develops and approves regulations on holding city physical culture and sports events;

· takes part in the established order in the creation, reorganization and liquidation of state (municipal) unitary enterprises, institutions, organizations with the participation of the city of Moscow, exercises control over the financial and economic activity enterprises and institutions under the jurisdiction of Moskomsport;

· organizes legal support and provides methodological guidance on issues within the competence of Moskomsport;

· exercises, within its competence, control over compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow in the field of physical culture and sports;

· participates in the development of mobilization measures in the manner established by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow;

· ensures the development and implementation of measures to train and improve the skills of workers for the municipal economy in the field of physical culture and sports;

· interacts with the media on issues within the jurisdiction of Moskomsport, informs residents of the city of Moscow about the most important areas of Moskomsport’s activities;

· cooperates with federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, commercial, non-profit organizations, citizens on the activities of Moskomsport;

· carries out international cooperation in the field of physical culture and sports;

· performs other functions in accordance with regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow.

Concept and types of management decisions in physical culture and sports

Managers and staff of sports organizations in the management process have to accept a large number of decisions, the quality of which determines the effectiveness of the activities of physical culture and sports organizations. Accepted management decisions relate to various aspects of the activities of physical culture and sports organizations, and coaches, teachers and other specialists actively participate in their preparation.

The effectiveness of any physical education and sports organization depends on the correctness and timeliness of decision-making. Therefore, it is important that every specialist in physical culture and sports acquire theoretical knowledge and skills in developing management decisions.

A management decision in sports management is a creative act of a management subject (individual or group), which determines the program of activity of a physical culture and sports organization to effectively resolve an urgent problem.

In order for management to be real and not represent orders that cannot be carried out, decisions should be made on the basis of knowledge of the objective laws of the functioning of physical culture and sports in modern market conditions, subject to certain technology.

In terms of form, management decisions on physical culture and sports are made in a variety of forms. Therefore, let us clarify the meaning of the names and the content of the most frequently made management decisions in physical culture and sports.

Order - normative legal act, issued solely by the head of a physical culture and sports organization or his deputy, acting on the basis of unity of command in order to resolve basic and operational tasks.

An order is a legal act issued by the head of an organization, mainly a collegial management body, in order to resolve operational issues. As a rule, it has a limited validity period and concerns a narrow circle of officials.

Resolution - normative act, adopted collegiately by the board of a sports club, the board of a sports committee, the presidium of a sports federation or the council of the DFSO. The resolution represents target solution actual problem indicating the goal, paths and resources, setting deadlines, performers and organizing control over implementation.

A plan is a set of tasks united by a common goal that must be completed in a certain order, sequence and within a specified time frame.

The plan is the result of planning, the main tool for coordinating the efforts of the organization’s personnel to achieve its goals.

The target program is a normative targeted document containing a comprehensive set of interrelated tasks, the implementation of which ensures the effective achievement of the goals set by the organization within the established time frame. The targeted comprehensive program includes measures of a programmatic, methodological, organizational and socio-economic nature,

A business plan is a document that provides a comprehensive description of the main aspects of the planned future of a sports organization, analyzes the problems arising in achieving the goal and determines financial resources necessary to solve them.

In recent years, management decisions in the form of various contracts, agreements, etc. have become widespread in the field of physical culture and sports.

In order to understand the multitude of different management decisions, it is customary to classify them.

Classification of solutions. Management decisions on physical culture and sports can be grouped according to several criteria.

1. The decision is made by any subject (body) of management, a collegial body or an individual manager. According to the subjects and hierarchical levels of management that determine the scale of action of management decisions, they are divided into decisions: state bodies of general competence; decisions of the State Sports Committee of the Russian Federation and sports committees as state bodies of special competence; decisions of departmental and local authorities government controlled; and finally, public decisions; associations and commercial organizations physical education and sports orientation.

2. By control objects: for whom is it intended? this decision- sports committee, sports federation, sports club, sports facility, sports school, etc.

3. According to the form of existence, decisions can be oral or written. The latter, in turn, are divided into decrees, orders, instructions, instructional and methodological documents, laws, presidential decrees, state educational standards, programs, plans, regulations, contracts, etc.

4. According to the organization of making management decisions, they are divided into individual, collegial and collective.

5. In terms of social significance, some decisions are initial, defining, for example, the “Law on Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation”, others are derivative.

6. Based on the time of action, decisions can be divided into operational and long-term, strategic. Operational decisions are more common in the work of leaders of grassroots organizations. Strategic decisions are made mainly federal authorities management.

7. Decisions are divided according to the volume and focus of the content.

Some management decisions contain a general concept for the development of physical culture and sports in general in the country, others are more specific and relate to one or more physical culture and sports organizations.

Management decisions must be made within the framework of the powers, rights and responsibilities of the sports director existing with the subject of management. Various types of management decisions determine and different ways their development and adoption, sources and content of information used, as well as features of the implementation of decisions made. sports manager management decision

Typical structure of a management decision. With all the variety of management decisions on physical culture and sports in the form of their construction, there are some common features, i.e. it is legitimate to talk about their typical structure.

Decisions in physical culture and sports most often structurally consist of four parts: 1) the name of the decision and the name of the body that adopted it; 2) content; 3) signatures of the manager and 4) attachments to the decision.

The operative part contains a list of prescribed actions, ways, methods and resources required for this. Responsible executors of activities, deadlines for implementation and persons providing control are indicated.

The text of the operative part must be presented in an imperative form. The operative part is divided into paragraphs, each paragraph is numbered with Arabic numerals. The paragraph must begin with an indication of the executive action expressed by a verb in the indefinite form. Both physical education organizations in general and their structural units. The last paragraph of the operative part indicates the persons who are entrusted with control over the implementation of decisions.

Orders, resolutions and other management decisions taken are signed by the head of a physical education organization or his deputy.

Appendices to the decision usually include an action plan, instructional and methodological materials, tables of social and pedagogical standards, etc.

In order for management decisions to be effective, they must satisfy a number of requirements: be comprehensively justified and timely, set realistic goals and deadlines; be based on complete and reliable information; do not contradict previously adopted documents, be consistent with them; be characterized by completeness of content, coverage all issues of the problem; cover the object and subject of management, as well as the interaction between them; do not contradict the current legislation, but rely on it; be within the framework of the competence, rights and powers established for the management body.

Sports management is closely related to the main factors of the rents of a market economy - forms of ownership, a free pricing system, competition, the right of free choice for both the sports entrepreneur and consumers of services, the dependence of the entrepreneur’s income on the results of his work and the situation in the market for physical education and sports services, and etc. The inclusion of physical culture and sports in the system of market relations determines the corresponding features of the management of this branch of the service sector.

The market economy promotes the development of entrepreneurship in the field of physical culture and sports, an increase in the number of owners of physical culture and sports organizations, an increase in the diversity of their organizational and legal forms, expanding the range and improving the quality of physical culture and sports services provided to the population.

It should be noted the features of the functioning of physical culture and sports in market conditions. Since there are several of them, it is worth highlighting the main ones:

Transformation of physical culture and sports into the service sector as a specific set of social and pedagogical forms of activity carried out for the purpose of physical education of the population;

Decentralization of management of the physical culture and sports industry;

Increased diversity of organizational and legal forms of physical education and sports organizations;

Legal consolidation of the official status of professional sports and its development in Russia;

Ever increasing economic importance physical culture and sports, developing mainly on the basis of commercial self-financing;

The emergence of competition between physical education and sports organizations and free pricing for physical education and sports services.

In market conditions, the role of physical culture and sports in self-affirmation and self-realization of the individual as the most important social value, in meeting people’s needs for physical improvement, and in the rational use of free time is significantly increasing.

27.09.2016 04.07.2018

Program 38.03.02 – Management

The cost of training is fixed for the entire period of study.

Entrance exams:

1. Russian language;
2. Mathematics;
3. Social studies.

The program provides professional training for modern sports managers. Bachelor's degree prepares specialists high level who will have in-depth knowledge of economics and international management. The course of study combines all the best world skills. Our Faculty works closely with sports organizations: the Sports Federation, leagues, fitness clubs and other organizations responsible for the improvement and development of sports.

Goals and objectives of the program

RANEPA carries out vocational training modern sports managers who have excellent economic and management education. Our teachers are true professionals who have tremendous teaching skills. Specialists who have completed a bachelor's degree course have wide range knowledge and skills in the sports management field, well supported by practical skills.

Also, after completing the course, our applicants are required to familiarize themselves with all international educational standards in the field of sports. After leaving the Institute literally on the first day, our newly minted specialists can immediately begin fulfilling their professional obligations both in the field of sports event management and in the fitness industry.

Our teachers

Our teaching staff consists exclusively of professionals and experts in the sports industry, and not only at the Russian, but also at the international level. These are exclusively professionals with extensive experience in all areas of sports activity. Moreover, each of them received not only professional training in Russian institutions, but also abroad, in particular, the USA and Europe. And besides this, each of them is a direct participant in the creation of a serious sports organization in our country.

Sergey Altukhov, Deputy Director of the Center for Sports Management of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Ph.D.

The question that we put in the title requires a fairly specific and meaningful answer. In the context of the commercialization of the sports economy, the emergence of the sports industry as economic category It is sports managers who solve the main problems of creating an infrastructure that meets generally accepted world and European standards. There is a popular stereotype that sports managers are those who “trade players.” It's not like that at all. So who are sports managers?

In management theory, there is no single definition of the term “manager”. There are many definitions. All proposed definitions are based on an understanding of the essence of management. The word "management" in its original sense meant the ability to break and manage horses. The basis is the English verb "to manage", which comes from the Latin "manus" (hand). If you follow the logic, then “management” literally means “leading people.”

IN modern science“management” refers to the process of directing or managing an employee, work group, team, organization, or several organizations operating in a market economy. Management in sports is an independent type professional activity aimed at achieving goals and implementing assigned tasks within the framework of the activities of a sports organization that operates in market conditions through the rational use of material, labor and information resources. In other words, management in sports is the theory and practice (knowledge, abilities, skills) of effective management of organizations in the sports industry (clubs, federations, leagues, associations, etc.) and organizations intersectoral complexes enterprises - sports industry, sports medicine, sports education.

A manager's performance is judged not by what he does, but by how he motivates and organizes the work of other people. A manager is a hired manager. Sergei Kushchenko, Kirill Fastovsky, Arsene Wenger and Steve Yzerman are also hired managers.

Management activity is one of the most important factors in the functioning and development of sports. Historically, in our country it so happened that sports management was carried out by coaches, instructors, and methodologists. They often combined the educational and training work of a coach with the processes of managing a club, sports society, sports federation, although they job descriptions did not provide for their performance of such duties.

Management in sports, as a special type of professional activity of managers in the sports industry, arises as a result of the division and cooperation of their labor. As we have already noted, the reason for the emergence of sports managers was the market economy, which presented special requirements to managers in conditions of economic and sports competition.

Classification of management levels and educational levels

A sports organization has a certain internal structure based on the specifics of a particular sport. This structure includes departments, divisions, groups, and teams. In other words, in a sports organization there are different kinds management activities. Along with them, a structure of relationships and subordination appears. This means that managers come at different levels, and they solve different problems.

National Qualifications Frameworks clearly demonstrates the requirements qualification level management to educational level

Level 9- heads of the Russian Olympic Committee, organizing committees of the World, European, Olympic Games, professional sports associations

Level 8 - heads of the Sports Training Centers for Russian national teams, sports facilities, national sports federations, professional sports leagues and clubs, sports societies, sports facilities, organizing committees of sports and entertainment events

Level 7- heads of sports federations, clubs, functional divisions of sports organizations (departments, directorates, departments, groups), members of complex scientific groups

Level 6- heads of sports education institutions, heads of mass sports work at the place of residence, place of work

Educational levels

AS - graduate schoolM - master's degreeB - bachelor's degree SPO - secondary vocational education

Sports manager functionality

What do sports managers do? The main functions of managers in sports can be represented as follows:

Sports managers work in the governing bodies of the Olympic movement at various levels.

Sports managers are involved in managing sporting events: championships of the city, region, republic, country, World and European Championships, Olympic Games.

Sports managers manage their own sports business projects, commercial tournaments, sports festivals, and mass competitions.

Sports managers are involved in organizing a team, recruiting personnel and athletes, developing ticket programs and various strategies for the organization, working with fans and with stakeholders in the external environment.

The market is characterized by uncertainty of the situation and entrepreneurial risk. They require managers to be independent and responsible for their decisions. The professionalism of a sports manager is manifested in knowledge of the technology of managing an organization and the laws of the market, in the ability to organize coordinated work of a team and predict the development of the organization.

Generalization of experience in training sports managers at universities and market demand on specialists of this profile shows that everything more Sports industry organizations need managers with a specific set of skills. Here are the main ones:

Knowledge of modern computer technologies and programs;

Proficiency in English;

Ability to formulate an organization’s information policy;

Organizing the work of the organization’s office and forming a team;

Knowledge of basic marketing and management strategies;

Knowledge of competition regulations and provisions for the subsequent organization of sporting events;

So far, we have to state with regret that the market mechanism of supply and demand for sports management specialists in our country has not yet been formed. Implementation adds optimism professional standards workers in the sports industry and procedures for mandatory certification of specialists. This will allow, on the one hand, to conduct an inventory of management personnel in the industry, and on the other, to identify the priorities of management specialties in the general list of sports management positions.