Writing etc. Drawing up individual development plans. Who needs an individual plan?

Every person sooner or later asks himself the question: what is his true purpose? What must he achieve to know that his life was not in vain?

Of course, I understand that everyone is different, and everyone thinks about this differently. But still, for many, many people, my conclusions will coincide with their own reality.

Let me make a reservation right away that goals in life will constantly change. This is fine. You cannot plan your life until the very last day. Strictly speaking, everything in life usually changes much faster than we notice.

Therefore, you need a Goal not for your whole life, but at least for the next few years. Here are 15 questions that will help you find it.

1. What gives me energy?

Activities that bring you closer to your goal energize you. The same things that we don’t like take away our energy. Watch your body and mind. If you feel like you've been tired for years, then you need new life guidelines.

2. What worries me specifically?

Important and pleasant things can be skillfully combined. You just need to clearly understand what is important to you and what is important to your family, parents, friends or boss. The more things you do for yourself instead of for others, the happier you will be. And the easier it will be for you to overcome obstacles along the way.

3. What do I think about when I shower?

The time you take a shower can be the most enjoyable time of your entire day. This is normal because it happens to almost everyone. So, someday, think about what you usually think about when you do your morning routine. About a new project? About family? About travel?

You definitely need to think about all of this. And if anything, set priorities differently.

4. What things do people ask me about?

Do people ask your opinion on something? What could you talk about as an expert? The answer to this question tells you in what areas you could be useful to the world.

5. What do I talk about with my loved ones?

What do you talk about in your family? What stories do you tell your partner, and what topics do you usually talk about with your father? Are you sure that with most interlocutors you set the tone of the conversation?

6. What do I do in my free time from work, family and hobbies?

Your actions indicate your true priorities.

7. What have I been reading about lately?

Were these books or articles on the Internet? Professional or entertainment content? Answer this question and you will find out what you are really interested in.

8. What dreams do I have?

A dream is what happens in your subconscious. Look for meaning in dreams, but on your own, without esoteric wisdom.

9. When and under what circumstances have I felt most alive recently?

10. Do my interests and my abilities often coincide? What childhood fear do I still have to overcome?

11. What would I do if money had no meaning to me?

12. What would I do if I was absolutely, 100% not interested in what other people think about me?

Once you have a lot of money, your only limiter is public opinion. What would you do if there were no restrictions? If you were completely free and could do anything you wanted, what kind of life would you live?

13. What things matter to me?

What is the most important item in your diary? What things done will give you a deep sense of satisfaction? Surely these are things that move you towards a specific goal. What, haven’t realized it yet?

14. What skills could I mix together that would be interesting to other people?

How to find your own style and create your own ideal product? Mix together several of your key skills. Steve Jobs was a great businessman because he was able to combine two geniuses: mathematics and humanities, techie and advertiser, engineer and storyteller.

Do you remember the story about the baseball coach who successfully crossed sports and statistics? In general, find something to create a mix from - this will be the meaning of your work, and maybe even your life.

15. If you were given the opportunity to tell a little “About yourself”, but only in two sentences, what would they be?

I ask myself this question regularly. Once every few months, for many years now. I think your current self-identity is much more important than your personal history. Get rid of the burden of the past. Don't worry about the future - it will take care of itself. Think about who you are and what is important to you right now.

Good luck in your search for something called “life”!

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The quest to find purpose in life is almost as old as humanity. We want to demonstrate to ourselves and others that we actually have a purpose in life. Unfortunately, many of us waste our time by not questioning the purpose of life, which is no fun, especially when we have failed to discover the true meaning of our lives.

It's important to understand that your life purpose can have a lot to do with the actions that motivate, inspire, and fulfill you. This could be your career or something else that is not related to your professional life.

The True Purpose of Life

True goals are things that you really want to achieve and when you achieve them, you feel joy and true happiness. The true purpose of life should never be something that was predetermined by your friends or parents ( social creation conditions) and especially it should not be what others think you should do!

You will discover a true goal when you feel a burning desire that you really want to achieve it. And this desire will keep you excited to do anything to achieve your goal.

How to Find Your Purpose in Life

Do you know how to discover your personal mission, the true purpose of life, or even the meaning of the universe (in case you're really ambitious!)? Well, first of all, you must erase all the ideas and thoughts that are appearing in your mind right now about your work, your short-term and long-term goals. These thoughts can simply be annoying, especially since these goals are mainly not related to true meaning of your life.

Free yourself from the false goals that society, friends or your parents have imposed on you in order to become independent from. Your true purpose in life can only be discovered when you focus on yourself!

Once you have freed yourself from false goals, you should focus on the question: “How to find the purpose of life?”

There are two different methods that should help you awaken your life goal. Discovering your life's ultimate purpose will give you an incredible boost in motivation and energy.

Finding Your Life Purpose: Method #1 – Brainstorming

1. Take a piece of paper, preferably a large one.
2. Write down your question: “What is the true purpose in my life?”
3. Write down everything that comes to your mind.
4. Write down related, similar or different thoughts and begin to develop them.
5. Start formulating topics for similar and related thoughts.
6. If you have a lot of topics, you can start to formulate goals for everyone.
7. Repeat steps 3-6 until you've truly run out of ideas and have nothing else to write about.
8. Sum up all your goals and let them become your true purpose in life.

This may take some time and many thoughts must be written down before you can finally distinguish between false goals and true goals in life. You need to be persistent in order to gain insight into the true meaning of your life.

Don't allow yourself to be distracted or interrupted while you are trying to find your purpose in life. This is the point where you need to show consistency and know that the rewards of this brainstorm will have an amazing impact in your life.

Determine Your Life Purpose: Method #2 – What Would You Do If...

If you encounter some problems using the first method, perhaps the second one is better for you:

Suppose your doctor told you that you have one year to live. What would you do this year?

1. You can take a piece of paper and write at the top in large letters: “What would I do if I only had one year left to live?”
2. Find answers to your question.
3. Summarize your answers and let them become your true purpose in life.

As in the first method, you should write down all the ideas and thoughts that appear in your head. Finding your life's purpose can be the hardest part, but it is absolutely necessary if you want to focus on fulfilling your life's true mission.


At the first stage, you will be required to define in writing the range of your key interests. Try to keep within the number “7+2”. An example could be: family, home, travel, etc.

Now try to identify and write down the things that are most important to you (life values). Try also not to go beyond “7+2”. Let it be personal development, career, welfare, independence, family and so on.

Determine and write down your current goals. Write down only the most significant ones: marry L., become the head of a department, get a third degree, renovate an apartment, improve your health, put it on the market New Product.

Evaluate all connections between values ​​(as one current target may facilitate or hinder the achievement of another). For example, renovating an apartment will have the most beneficial effect on your condition (minus the fungus in the walls, minus the decibels from noisy neighbors, more fresh air and so on). Bringing a new product to market could very well get you promoted to the marketing department. At the same time, appointing you as the head of the department will certainly affect the level of income, and, therefore, it will be easier to organize a wedding and apartment renovation. And so on.

Draw a table with your life values ​​at the top of the column names (remember, you wrote them down?), and your current goals at the side. The last vertical column is “total”. This is necessary so that you can set priorities and create a hierarchy. Rate (for example, on a scale of ten) the contribution of each current goal to your life values. So, for example, getting the position of head of a department will seriously move you towards achieving well-being (+8 in the table cell at the intersection of “Goals. Become a head of department” and “Life values. Well-being”), gaining independence (+6), personal development (+7 ). But renovating an apartment or marrying L. will not bring anything to your career (0), independence (0), will significantly worsen your well-being (0), but, perhaps, will help create a family. Evaluate the result obtained for each item (add all the numbers in the cells opposite each of the goals). The largest number will appear in the “Results” column opposite the highest priority goal. At this stage, evaluate the long-term nature of each goal. For example, becoming a department head and being one for as long as possible is a long-term goal. target, graduate from university in a few years – medium-term target, apartment renovation – target short-term.

The next stage no longer belongs to setting goals, but to planning their achievement. Here you will need to evaluate all the necessary resources to achieve each goal. For example, in order to become a department head, you must: higher education, experience, experience of successful work in the area of ​​specialization of the department, friendly relations with N.N.. Now you should evaluate your existing resources, as well as what is missing to achieve the goal. You should consider

The life stories of people who remain in the memory of generations, or at least in the memory of a kind, differ from the lives of everyone else in that these people left something behind. They left a mark. This means that their souls have provided themselves with a reliable channel of energy supply from their descendants who remember them. The ancients knew this well, who always strived not for wealth, but for fame.

The reason why people managed to gain a foothold in history is quite simple - they all had a purpose in life. Large enough to go beyond the usual human horizons. And it was the process of realizing this goal that provided them with spiritual immortality. But I must warn you that the goal of life is not a cheap pleasure, it is only for those who are sufficiently developed, courageous and ambitious.

Why do you need a goal in life?

Before you begin searching for your purpose in life, you need to understand why you actually need this purpose. Usually no one seriously bothers themselves with this question, getting off with abstract expressions about “fullness of life”, “finding meaning”, “getting pleasure”, etc. But in fact, understanding the importance and necessity of setting a Big Goal in life clears the process of finding it from any a kind of husk and alien, imposed ideas.

Your goal in life is your tool for development. This is the best (and in fact the only) way to transform you from who you are now (and how you don’t always and don’t really like yourself) into the person you really would like to be. Strong, free, whole, wise, successful, rich, popular, happy, etc. And you will definitely become like that, because it is impossible to achieve your goal without becoming such a person.

The main question is to clearly and clearly understand what exactly you want to become, since everything in this world has its price. You cannot be rich and not bear the responsibilities and risks associated with your wealth. You cannot be strong and avoid competition with those who want to test your strength. You cannot be free and bend under public opinion, following other people’s ideas, decisions, principles, philosophies.

Rules for setting goals

Before you begin to clarify and formulate your life purpose, you need to understand the criteria that it must meet so that it becomes a guiding star, and not a petty dream or abstract fantasy. And these criteria are as follows.

Firstly, a goal in life should be lifelong. Only then can this goal be considered Big. After all, if you set a goal for yourself and achieved it in a few years, then this goal is small. “Big” means that the goal goes beyond your personal interests and affects many other people. For example, becoming the most famous singer (director, cook, writer, blogger, etc.), discovering a cure for cancer (although it has already been discovered, but is not openly advertised) or changing the essence of the institution of marriage in a particular culture

Secondly, the goal must be specific. In other words, you must clearly understand (and desire) what real and clearly defined results, representing very definite changes in reality, you want to receive. 100 million views on your videos? Billion? Performing at a concert with 3 million spectators? Number 1 in the ranking of the most authoritative publications? Over a million citations?

The unconscious always focuses on a specific picture. Simply because the unconscious generally focuses mainly on pictures. And if instead of specific characteristics you have a set of abstract wishes, then your goal will not be realized. Because you simply didn't want to take responsibility for her.

Third, the goal must be adequate. Hegel, being the greatest mind, could allow, in response to the remark that his theory does not agree with the facts, to say: “So much the worse for the facts.” In your case, such a trick will not work. A person has access to many things, but not everything. Walking through walls, flying into the past, establishing real democracy in Russia, flying through the air with the power of thought, finding an ideal wife/ideal husband - this is all from the realm of fantasy, not reality. An adequate goal corresponds to physical and social laws.

Fourthly, the target must be visible. In other words, you must see before your eyes the reality that will come when the goal is achieved. See as if you are watching a movie about your life. For example, seeing a song you wrote played by the most popular band, or seeing a book you wrote downloaded over two million times. It’s even better if you can, even at a minimal level, experience the effects that this goal will generate when embodied - to rejoice when you see your song being played.

Fifthly, the goal should be focused on the development of life. That is, the positive results of achieving the goal must be global, and the negative ones - if they cannot be avoided -
local. If your goal leads to the fact that you receive local bonuses, and as a result other people become dumber and become even more infantile (global negative effect), then instead of real development you will get troubles in your life.

Only based on these rules is it possible to set yourself working goal, which will be synchronized both with your true desires, values ​​and needs, and with the interests of the higher order systems of which you are a part.

Common mistakes

The goal is not yours. It often happens that under the influence of parents, or another authority, or trying to “prove to them all,” a person sets himself a goal that he really does not need. And upon achieving which he does not receive satisfaction. For example, he receives unnecessary education. Or gets a job that he doesn't like. Or starts a family “to make the parents happy.” He buys a car “to be like everyone else’s.” He builds a house “to be respected and envied.” And so on.

A lot of time and vital energy is spent on achieving such goals. The very process of achieving them develops a person weakly or not at all. And as a result, the person becomes even more unhappy than he was before.

The goal is far-fetched. Or, in other words, the goal comes from the mind, and not from the soul (true desires or aspirations). For example, you decided to become a billionaire, fly to Mars or create “USSR 2.0”. I don’t argue that the goals are ambitious, but far from reality and can easily be classified as erotic fantasies. The reason for this is infantilism. After all, as a child, the child believed that he could “do everything”; all he had to do was snap his finger and voila! his fantasy came true. This is what usually happens on a computer screen. But in real (adult) life such a trick will not work.

A goal is a project to which you are ready to completely devote yourself and your life (not necessarily 100%, but so that all areas of your life are formed through the prism of the goal). A serious project, and not just another (albeit difficult) mission in computer game, which you go through in breaks between entertainment and household chores.

Error in priorities. The man wanted freedom, but for some reason he understood it in such a way that for this he needed a lot of money. As a result, in achieving his financial goal, he lost even more freedom and became a hostage to the schemes, circumstances and interest groups he created, which left him with only one opportunity to get out of this game - feet first.

The goal requires sacrificing personal interests. There is a category of people who are ready to sacrifice everything they have in order to achieve a goal from which they will gain absolutely nothing. These people are fanatics. And any fanatic is a paranoid, fixated on some “fixed idea.” It is clear that a paranoid person can get his way, that it is difficult to call his life happy and fulfilling.

Your goal should ignite you. That is, you must feel a strong and deep need to move towards this goal at all costs, no matter what happens in your life. If this feeling is not there, then you have made one of the above mistakes or set the wrong goal.

How not to “miss” your goal

There are many ways to clarify your life purpose.

You can spend 55 minutes writing on a piece of paper the first thing that comes to mind in response to the question “What do I want to achieve in life?” Then, at some point, the understanding “here she is!” will “flare up” in your head! My goal!". Or it won’t “flare up.”

You can write down what you consider to be your goal every day for 7 days, and on the eighth day, review all your notes, highlight the TOP 10 and remove from it those goals for which you are not going to do anything in the coming weeks. And from what remains is to choose your Main life goal.

Every night before going to bed, you can read out loud or silently the question “What is my purpose in life?” and wait for the unconscious in a dream to give the answer to the question you are looking for. And in the morning, write down everything that happened at night, analyze it, and based on this, formulate your goal.

But there is one small problem that none of those who write about finding their goal writes about. I suspect they just don't know about it. The fact is that in all civilized people (with the exception of those brought up in an aristocratic environment), the power instinct is completely blocked in the process of cultural socialization. It is also the instinct of creative self-realization. Thanks to this instinct, ambitious goals are set and achieved.

And since your power instinct is blocked almost 100% (this is done so that you are a manageable and useful “normal” member of society), then between your goal in life and you there is an invisible, but practically insurmountable barrier. An obstacle that can prevent you from seeing your goal. And even if you see it, you will not be able to begin implementation due to the fact that fears and doubts will be stronger than the energy of your blocked instinct of power-creativity.

There is a way out of this situation. You need to unblock your desire for creative transformation of the world (i.e. power instinct) by at least 1%. Then enormous energy will be released, which is now spent 24 hours a day, 365 days a year on maintaining unconscious prohibitions. And you will use this energy (10 times higher than your current energy level) to achieve your goal, which, moreover, you will be able to clearly and clearly see and feel.

I invite you to go through the unlocking of your power instinct and the process of finding your life purpose within . This is the most reliable way and an excellent opportunity to draw a clear line between the life you live now and the life you will begin after completing the program. The initial (introductory) consultation is free.

So enough of the aimless life. It's time to truly develop!