Required quantity of products 8 letters. Product quality. Main factors influencing product quality

Required quality products

The first letter is "k"

Second letter "o"

Third letter "n"

The last letter is "I"

Answer for the question "Required product quality", 8 letters:

Alternative crossword questions for the word condition

and. French agreement, condition, deal. Contract conditions. Teacher lessons in private homes. he has the condition

The state to which it was necessary to bring the hero Yu. Nikulin in Operation "Game" ("Diamond Arm")

Condition of the contract or hire

Norm, condition for the product

The state to which it was necessary to bring the hero Yu. Nikulin in Operation "Game" ("Diamond Arm")

Temporary position of tutor, home teacher (obsolete)

Definition of the word condition in dictionaries

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova. The meaning of the word in the dictionary Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.
-i, f. (specialist.). The condition, norm, cut must correspond to the product or product. To reach condition, to bring (also translated: to full compliance with certain requirements; colloquial). adj. air-conditioned, oh, oh. Conditioned grain.

New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova. The meaning of the word in the dictionary New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.
and. Norm, standard that products, goods, etc. must comply with. outdated Condition of a contract or agreement. outdated Temporary stay somewhere as a home teacher, tutor.

Large legal dictionary Meaning of the word in the dictionary Big Legal Dictionary
norm, standard, quality, which, according to the terms of the contract, a particular product must comply with.

Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Dal Vladimir The meaning of the word in the dictionary Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Dal Vladimir
and. French agreement, condition, deal. Contract conditions. Teacher lessons in private homes. He has the condition.

Examples of the use of the word condition in literature.

It was an excellent flight, the engine engineers received comprehensive data to bring the de-icers to condition.

The day before, October 29, the windows in Professor Bohr's two-story apartment glowed long after midnight - on both floors the whole family was brought to condition decor competition work Nils.

He went, of course, far ahead of the various mokhoviks, valuevs and pigs, but did not reach condition its close relative - the porcini mushroom.

Looking at his frantic body movements, Verka thought, not without sarcasm, that such an intense load could adversely affect the physical conditions a newlywed who still had a stormy wedding night ahead.

And then the door banged: in came, sharp-nosed and thin, Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich Golitsyn, the supreme leader, the ringleader condition and other things.

A word of 8 letters, the first letter is “K”, the second letter is “O”, the third letter is “N”, the fourth letter is “D”, the fifth letter is “I”, the sixth letter is “C”, the seventh letter is “I”, the eighth letter is “I”, the word starting with the letter “K”, the last “I”. If you don’t know a word from a crossword or scanword, then our site will help you find the most difficult and unfamiliar words.

Guess the riddle:

Jail. There is a bypass river around the prison. 3 prisoners plan their escape at different times, without knowing about each other. The first convict escapes from prison, swims across the river, and is suddenly eaten by a shark. The 1st prisoner died. The 2nd escapes, swims across the river, suddenly the prison guards noticed him, quickly swam up on boats, stunned him, pulled him out by the hair and shot him while trying to escape. The 2nd prisoner also died. The 3rd prisoner escapes. Swims across the river, nothing stopped him, ran on and disappeared. The 3rd prisoner escaped. Question: where did I deceive you in three places? If you guess all three deceptions, I'll treat you to beer. Show answer>>

A. Schwarzenegger has it big, D. Chan has it small, Madonna doesn’t have it at all, and the Pope hasn’t used it for a long time.

Critical analysis of existing definitions

The fundamental definition of quality as a philosophical category given by Hegel in his Encyclopedia of Philosophical Sciences, says: “Quality is generally a direct certainty identical with being...”. “Thanks to its quality, something is what it is and, losing its quality, it ceases to be what it is...”. In other words, quality is the properties and characteristics inherent in an object that define the object as such and distinguish it from another. The loss of properties and characteristics leads to the disappearance of the object to which they belonged. So, for example, when water is heated, it loses its characteristics and ceases to be water, turning into steam, which has different, its own properties and characteristics (quality).

In accordance with one of the main provisions terminology on the formation and definition of terms, definition of a term in its applied meaning ( product quality), based on the hierarchical relationship between concepts, should not contradict the fundamental definition qualities as categories. For example, Webster's Dictionary defines the term quality as follows:


  • special and essential properties: the “nature” of a thing;
  • an integral feature: a “property” of a thing (strength like the quality of steel).

In violation of this provision of science, the terminology given in the definitions of the term quality in the applied meaning they do not correspond to the fundamental one, since quality in them is defined not only as a set of properties and characteristics objectively inherent in the product, but also as the satisfaction of needs (compliance with requirements). And as the authors of the mentioned terminology sources pointed out (D.S. Lotte and G.P. Melnikov), such a discrepancy will inevitably lead to confusion, which is what happened in this case with the term “product quality.”

The fact is that in science there is already a concept that means the ability of a product or service to meet the requirements (satisfy needs):

In other words, the ability of the quality of an object to satisfy needs is called not quality, but usefulness. This concept expresses not the properties of things themselves, but the relationships of people to these properties. A clear example of the concept of “utility” can be our attitude towards medicines, each of which, having its own quality (properties and characteristics), can be useful to one and useless or, moreover, harmful to another. In connection with the definitions of quality and utility accepted in science, the relationship between these concepts can be expressed by the following formula: utility = quality + satisfaction of needs. This understanding of quality and its relationship with utility can be seen in everyday life, when we say: “I don’t need such quality for nothing,” or vice versa: “This is quality!” Here we define our attitude not to quality in general, but to a certain level of quality, which is expressed in the words “this”, “this”.

In the standards, due to the discrepancy between the applied and fundamental definitions of the term “quality,” a substitution of concepts occurred: instead of defining the quality of a product, a definition of its usefulness was given. Moreover, the above definitions not only cause confusion in understanding the essence of product quality, but also conceal a real logic bomb. Formally, according to logic, it follows from such definitions: if quality is the degree of compliance of characteristics with requirements, then products that do not meet our requirements do not have quality. But in nature there are no things without quality, without any properties and characteristics.

Then what is quality? Objectively inherent properties and characteristics of the product, or also the satisfaction of our requirements, that is, our subjective assessment of these properties, our sensations and feelings? And what about quality when some products satisfy us, but others do not? Agreeing with the definitions of quality given in the standards, we will have to admit that the same item at the same time may have quality or not have it at all, depending on consumer satisfaction. This is clearly shown as follows.

Product quality and usefulness

As a result, quality becomes a completely vague concept. There is also a contradiction with common sense here, because if a product exists, then it has very specific characteristics, regardless of satisfying someone’s needs. The fact is that quality, taken by itself, without context, is a neutral concept. It does not characterize a thing from either a bad or a good side. We are talking about bad (low) or good (high) quality. A positive or negative attitude towards product quality is manifested among consumers and depends on the level of quality of this product, on what properties and characteristics it has. Shakespeare spoke very clearly about this in Hamlet: “... things in themselves are neither good nor bad, but only in our assessment.” The erroneous connection between quality and satisfaction of needs made in the standards is understandable and is explained by the fact that in the definition of the term product quality, it was important for manufacturers to emphasize that the quality meets the requirements of customers or sales markets. But then compliance with requirements (satisfaction of needs) had to be associated not with the essence of quality, but with its level, or a set of required characteristics. In this case, the applied definition of quality would correspond to the fundamental one, as formulated in the last of the above definitions.

Main factors influencing product quality

  • level of quality requirements (consumers, progress, competitors);
  • availability of capital suppliers, labor resources, materials, energy, services;
  • current legislation in the field of quality and the work of government bodies.

Internal factors of the enterprise:

  • Material base of the enterprise (finance, equipment, infrastructure);
  • Personnel (qualifications and motivation);
  • Project quality (design excellence);
  • Quality of execution (use of advanced technologies);

The basis of competitiveness is product quality. American scientist Deming The first of his 14 key management principles was considered constancy of purpose - continuous improvement of products to achieve its competitiveness. He said that improving the quality of products causes a positive chain reaction: losses due to defects are reduced, and therefore reduced production costs and labor productivity increases (the volume of suitable products produced), and thanks to better quality and low prices, the share of the enterprise’s products in sales markets increases and, as a result, the position of the enterprise is strengthened.

In the guiding document of the USSR State Standard " Guidelines according to the assessment of the technical level and quality of industrial products RD 50-149-79" were named as the first of the components of product competitiveness technical level the product and the level of quality of its manufacture, characterizing the degree of use of the latest world scientific and technical achievements in the development of design and manufacturing technology.

In addition to the basis for the competitiveness of manufactured products, quality is also a determining factor at the stage of creating an enterprise, when it does not yet produce products. To organize own enterprise, for example, a shirt sewing studio or a chair making workshop, you need to take out a loan from a bank. To do this, you need to draw up a business plan that is convincing to the bank, which will justify your ability to repay the loan. Therefore, you will definitely have to decide on quality: what and for whom you are going to make chairs or sew shirts to ensure their sale in the market. The quality of future products also determines what materials and equipment will need to be purchased, and, therefore, the amount of the required loan also depends. Therefore, we can confidently say:

A business is born and lives by its quality and dies when it becomes unnecessary.

see also


  1. GOST 15467-79 Product quality management. Basic concepts. Terms and Definitions. Standards Publishing House, 1979
  2. International standards. "Product Quality Management". ISO 9000-9004, ISO 8402. - M.: Standards Publishing House, 1988.
  3. International standard ISO 9000:2005 (GOST R ISO 9000:2005). Quality management systems. Fundamentals and vocabulary.
  4. Ogvozdin V. Yu. “Quality management. Fundamentals of theory and practice": Tutorial, 6th edition, M., Ed. “Business and Service”, 2009, 304 p.
  5. Hegel. Encyclopedia of Philosophical Sciences. - M., 1974. § 90.
  6. Lotte D. S. Fundamentals of constructing scientific and technical terminology. Questions of theory and methodology. - M.: Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1961.
  7. Melnikov G.P. Fundamentals of terminology. - M.: Publishing house. Peoples' Friendship University, 1991.
  8. Merriam-Webster, Quality
  9. McConnell Campbell R., Brew Stanley L. Economics: Principles, problems and politics: In 2 volumes / Transl. from English - M.: Republic, 1992. 2nd ed. T. 2.