Nodar and Garik Shonia. Archive "Grey Cardinal" of the Altai Territory came under the radar of law enforcement agencies First Vice-Governor Sergei Loktev may find himself at the center of a corruption scandal. “self” builds not only housing...

The property of the bankrupt Altaigrad, which was part of the Emerald Country holding, was sold at auction at a price almost one and a half times lower than the starting price - for 162.3 million rubles. 17 buildings and a plot of land in the historical part of Barnaul went to the Altai company “Match”, owned by the son of a well-known entrepreneur in Altai, Nodar Shoniy. The purchase has significant encumbrances; part of the real estate belongs to a monument of urban planning and architecture of federal significance - the Barnaul Silver Smelter. Experts do not rule out that the new owners may demolish some of the buildings for new development.

As part of the bankruptcy of Altaigrad LLC (part of the Emerald Country holding), a land plot of the Barnaul silver smelter and 17 buildings and structures located on it were sold. The lot included an industrial building, a school building, a vegetable storehouse, a workshop, a warehouse complex, an administrative building, etc. The total area of ​​real estate exceeds 13 thousand square meters. m, land plot - 75.3 thousand sq. m. m. Barnaul Silver Smelting Plant is located in the historical part of the city.

The buyer was Ryazan LLC Russian Credit. It offered to buy the lot, which had previously been unsuccessfully put up for auction several times, for 162.3 million rubles. The initial price of the property was 233.2 million rubles. As the bankruptcy trustee of the company, Sergei Rokhin, clarified to Kommersant, Russian Credit acted as an agent in the transaction: the property was acquired in favor of the Altai construction LLC"Match". The company is co-owned in equal shares by Vladislav Shonia and the trading company 5-Gamma LLC, owned by Vitaly Denisov. Vladislav Shonia is the son of the owner and general director of the Self construction company, Nodar Shonia. In 2015, the revenue of Self LLC amounted to 3.1 billion rubles. Altai media call Vitaly Denisov a business partner of the Rakshin family, who own the Maria-ra chain of food stores. Now Vitaly Denisov and Evgeny Rakshin are co-owners trading company LLC "Rassvet" in the Altai Territory.

According to Sergei Rokhin, “about half” of the buildings and structures sold are classified as historical monuments. In this regard, the property is burdened with the obligation to protect the immovable monument of history and culture. The new owner will have to ensure its safety, engage in its restoration and improvement, not allow the territory to be used for new construction, not make extensions, not carry out excavation work without special permission from the government agency, and also not use the monument and its territory for warehouses, production of flammable materials and unhindered admit representatives of the body for the protection of cultural heritage sites.

The website reports that the Barnaul silver smelting plant was founded in 1739 on the initiative of the industrialist Akinfiy Demidov, and in 1747 became the property of the royal family. The enterprise operated in the 18th–19th centuries. In 2006, the property of the enterprise was sold to Altaigrad. The company promised to create a historical and cultural center on this site. Regional media wrote that Altaigrad tried to obtain permission to build a shopping center with a multi-level parking lot on this territory, but was unsuccessful.

Analysts do not exclude that part of the acquired property, which does not represent historical value, may be demolished by the new owners for the construction of other buildings. “Let’s not think about such gloomy things as, for example, a fire that will destroy buildings that have encumbrances. Perhaps this real estate will be redeveloped and modern offices will be created in historical buildings,” believes Elena Ermolaeva, director of RID Analytics.

He spoke about the prospects and problems of development, the basic principles of activity and cooperation with the authorities CEO SELF LLC Nodar Viktorovich Shonia.

Nodar Viktorovich, a little about the history of your company, which today is one of the 10 largest enterprises in the construction industry in the Altai Territory.

The company was created in 1996 on the basis of the Sibkhimremont trust. By the way, we still employ specialists who worked at the trust. Yes, I started my own career path a foreman at Sibkhimremont. They didn’t even think about any development strategy in the 90s. They looked for any job to survive.

Today, unlike those years, we are not surviving, but developing. We have formed a portfolio of regional, municipal, and federal contracts. Currently, we are building facilities not only in the Altai Territory, but also in the Altai Republic, Novosibirsk and the Novosibirsk region. Since 2011, the region’s construction industry has revived, demand for housing has increased, which has allowed us to more actively develop construction sites. Today the company is building about 100 thousand square meters at a time. meters of housing, considering that just over 600 thousand square meters are built annually in the region. meters of housing. We can say with confidence that SELF’s volumes occupy a significant share in the construction market. Last year, about 20 thousand square meters were commissioned. meters, in this we plan to rent out 40-50 thousand square meters. meters. Today our company is able to perform almost all tasks of any complexity both in the field of civil and industrial construction.

- You are also building objects of the special economic zone of the tourist and recreational type “Turquoise Katun”?

Over the past twenty years, a project of such scale and complexity as the construction of utility networks at Biryuzovaya Katun, which was carried out by SELF LLC, has probably not been carried out by anyone in the Altai Territory. This year we are completing work on the contracts we signed back in 2009. For an entire five-year period, in extremely difficult conditions both in terms of landscape and logistics, we built life-support facilities for the tourist zone, without which its further development would have been simply impossible.

By the way, the development of the recreational zone is largely carried out with the participation of public investments attracted by the Regional Administration for the development of our region, which helped preserve the construction industry of the region during the years of crisis. After all, you need to understand that work construction complex just like a locomotive pulls production in other industries, loading their capacities with work. And then there were programs for the construction of housing for young families, the resettlement of dilapidated and dilapidated housing, the governor’s program “75x75”, “80x80” and many others. Many facilities are being built according to the regional targeted investment program. In general, there is scope for work for all Altai builders who can realize their plans. And this, in my opinion, is a great merit of the governor of the region, Alexander Bogdanovich Karlin.

- “SELF” builds not only housing...

Yes, indeed, we have a mixed portfolio of contracts, which includes both residential complex development projects and individual administrative buildings and social facilities. Last year, work was completed on the reconstruction of the school monument building as a memorial museum for M.T. Kalashnikov in the village. Kurya, Kurya district. Work is being completed at the facilities of the special economic zone in the Maiminsky district of the Altai Republic (“Altai Valley”) and in the Altai region of the Altai Territory (“Turquoise Katun”). Today, the administrative building “Cultural and leisure center “Pushkinsky” at Lenin Ave., 7 in Barnaul” is under construction. One of our latest projects is the Pioneer shopping and entertainment complex, which will implement modern achievements in construction technologies and European design.

I believe that we still have few worthy objects that we could proudly show to guests of the regional center, so we need to more actively develop the central part of Barnaul. The regional and city administrations are doing a lot in this direction and supporting public-private partnership projects. But this requires effective mechanisms for attracting private investment in the program for the resettlement of dilapidated and dilapidated housing. This would be to the benefit of the townspeople, it would solve social problems, contributed to the development of the construction industry, and, of course, formed a new look for the urban environment.

How acute, in your estimation, is the personnel problem in the region’s construction industry? How do you see ways to solve it?

Today, a resource center has been created on the basis of PU No. 16. But I think this school alone will not save us. After all, if construction volumes do not decrease, the need for qualified personnel will increase. Today you can’t build poorly - you won’t be able to be competitive. There are problems, there are difficulties. There are not enough masons, monolithic concrete workers and many other specialists. Shortage qualified personnel often creates an unhealthy atmosphere in the labor market, provokes certain categories of workers to unreasonably high demands on wages. We need normal competition in the labor market, when the employer can choose the employee, and not vice versa.

By the way, today the problem of professionalism of architects, designers, engineers, economists, accountants, etc. is no less acute. Unfortunately, the qualifications of many of them do not meet modern requirements. Unfortunately, there are no young designers, their new generation. Maybe, construction companies we need to worry about personnel training ourselves and pay attention to them from our student days. We need to encourage and interest future professionals, stimulate young specialists, and cultivate and train our own personnel. Competent HR strategy company allowed us to create our own team of high-level professionals who are able to ensure the process of organizing construction on top level. Thanks to a thoughtful approach to forming a highly qualified team, SELF embodies one of its main principles - to build high-quality, modern and in-demand housing at affordable prices.

Has it become more difficult lately to interact with banks and attract bank loans? Many builders complain...

The SELF company has a fairly decent loan portfolio. We work with banks such as Vozrozhdenie, Sberbank, VTB 24, Altaicapitalbank, etc. Today, the requirements and conditions of banks are becoming more stringent for borrowing enterprises. For example, we are actively working with Sberbank on project financing for the construction of real estate, both residential and commercial. This format of cooperation, when the bank directly controls the progress of construction, I must say, once again gives reason not to doubt all customers about meeting the deadlines and the quality of the work we perform.

- How do you see the prospects for the development of the SELF company in the coming years?

We will continue to participate in social programs, the governor’s “80x80” program. Today we are working on the concept of a number of large projects that we plan to implement within the framework of public-private partnerships. Moreover, as investors, we are ready to co-finance housing construction in different ways. social programs, for example, the resettlement of dilapidated and dilapidated housing according to Federal Law-185.

- How would you, Nodar Viktorovich, characterize the relationship between the construction industry of the region and the regional government?

The implementation of a large number of targeted regional and federal programs related to the construction of various facilities, including infrastructure, in our region is carried out largely thanks to the governor of the region. Thus, the authorities do not ignore independent existence construction industry Altai Territory, highlighting serious financial resources for its development and our region as a whole.

On December 10, the CEO of SELF received an award for winning the “Development” category of our “Manager of the Year” survey rating, and exactly a week later, on December 17, Nodar Shonia became a speaker of our “School of Success” project. He told the guests of the evening about how difficult it was for him to start his own business, how his company experienced crises and about high-profile projects.

Oleg Bogdanov

The beginning of the way

Nodar Shonia,

I was born in 1965 in Abkhazia. In 1982 I graduated from school, and as the eldest son, I was sent to study in Russia. I went to where my relatives were already - to Barnaul. He entered the Polytechnic Institute and studied with a degree in Industrial and Civil Engineering. During his studies, he worked as a laboratory assistant at the Department of Building Structures. This school helped me a lot in my future career.

After graduation, I was assigned to the repair, construction and installation department at the chemical fiber plant. We served all major factories in the Altai Territory. I started as a foreman, then in 1992 I was elected head of the department. And times were difficult, wages were not paid, and the enterprises on which we depended began to close. I had to enter the market, look for other niches in the construction industry, and find orders.

In 1996, a turning point occurred when the tax office came to us for the first time with an on-site audit. After this, the chief accountant reported that we had been charged a large amount for collection. I don’t remember exactly how much, but these were completely unaffordable numbers for us, which was one of the reasons for the sad outcome - bankruptcy.

Oleg Bogdanov

Surfing the crises

Nodar Shonia,

In the same 1996, we created a new enterprise - SELF. Why this name? From English it can be translated as “to oneself.” But no, I didn’t have any “me” ambitions or anything like that. It just happened that way.

We started with contract work. I had to work actively to get volumes. We depend on them, but they just don’t come. We need to look for them and include all the possibilities and resources for this.

In 1998 we experienced the first crisis. We had never encountered this kind of situation before and we had no ready-made solutions on how to act in such circumstances. After analyzing the state of affairs, I realized that it is possible to save the enterprise and get out of the crisis only by increasing the volume of construction.

In 2002, banks began to actively offer loans. But we relied primarily on our own strength. However, at some point it became clear that the formation big business impossible without attracting investment loans. And our industry has its own characteristics - there are many risks and unforeseen circumstances. Some believe that Building bussiness- one of the most cost-effective. But it must be taken into account that the implementation of development projects lasts for more than one year and in the end it happens that after the completion of the project the builder does not receive the profit he expected.

In any crisis, bankers stop lending to builders. Sometimes they don’t even make contact. This happened to us in 2008. Then I had to negotiate directly with the chairman of the board of one of the banks, because, as a rule, financial institutions provide resources not to a legal entity, but to a specific person if they trust him.

We were able to find an understanding, and as a result, SELF was able to plan its work for six months. I didn’t stop or freeze anything, I only extended the deadlines for some projects, which became the basis for post-crisis growth.

Then the understanding came that one’s own investment projects could not be carried out without a comparable contract portfolio. This is a kind of safety net, thanks to which you can not stop your projects in an unstable situation.

In my opinion, the current crisis is the most difficult and incomprehensible. In 2008, entrepreneurs in Russia had the opportunity to access foreign investment. Therefore, the situation was less painful for business. Now everything is more complicated. But you shouldn’t give up. We need to work twice as hard, fight other problems and find new approaches to solving them.

Oleg Bogdanov

About landmark projects

Nodar Shonia,

We constantly participate in social projects where others are reluctant to participate due to low profitability. We built museums of Kalashnikov, Titov, Shukshin and others. Recently, we have begun to participate more actively in such projects. Thus, we commissioned the Pushkinsky cultural and business center, and are now building a perinatal center.

The Turquoise Katun project has become a landmark project for us. Over the past 30 years, there have been no similar undertakings in the region in terms of such an impressive volume of construction of engineering infrastructure. Here we gained good experience.

As you know, we also conduct our own projects. Construction sites We mainly prepare for them ourselves - we spend money on purchasing plots and are engaged in resettlement. For example, here is one of the latest projects: we bought a territory in the city center. It used to be an industrial enterprise, heated by fuel oil and spoiling not only the environment, but also appearance cities. Now on this site we are preparing to build a modern residential complex of 55 thousand square meters. meters with a three-story underground parking. The number of places on it corresponds to the number of apartments in the house. Maximum term The completion date is 2019, the actual completion date is 2018.

IN next year we will launch the Pioneer shopping center. A year or two ago I would not have started such a project. But there was no turning back. And the concept of a shopping center in the city center is very successful, and even in the current situation it will allow us to be competitive. People are already waiting for Lenta to open. And this should happen in April.

Once upon a time, on the site of the Pioneer shopping center there was a concrete mortar plant, workshops and warehouses of enterprises. They did not fit into the appearance of the city and spoiled the environmental situation. There were barracks next to them. We put this area in order, resettled the residents and, we hope, gave impetus to the development of the surrounding area.

We understood that the road and utility infrastructure was no longer up to standard. As a result, to our satisfaction and the joy of the city residents, we receive an updated Pioneer Street. Where everything was filled with tents, today you can see a good four-lane road and a landscaped area.

The sore point of the interchange at the intersection of Lenin Avenue and Pioneer Street is still the “bottleneck” on the bridge. As far as we know, the city administration has an understanding of how to increase throughput this section of Lenin Avenue.

I see the development of this microdistrict not only in the opening shopping center"Pioneer", but also in residential development. We have already built the first five-six-story building in the New Market area. I would like to see modern and comfortable residential buildings appear between Pioneer and Profintern streets instead of dilapidated and dilapidated houses.

Oleg Bogdanov

Answers on questions

— Are you involved in low-rise construction?

— We have production facilities where we develop and prepare for implementation projects in this area. Now we have set the task to develop 3-4 samples of compact houses. Nowadays, buyers have no need for large cottages, but we see prospects in the segment of inexpensive and prefabricated houses.

— What is important to you when constructing residential complexes?

— Previously, when starting construction, we relied heavily on architectural solutions. But practice has shown that this is not entirely correct. Architects often stand up for beauty, but for the buyer, what is primarily important is the internal planning solutions and the design of the building. Therefore, now we start any project based on the needs of the buyer. And today he needs open plans. Sometimes legal provisions do not allow us to fully satisfy customer requirements, but we are moving in this direction.

— Have you ever had any difficult moments in business?

— Every entrepreneur has them. And immediately “advisers” and “prompts” appear from the outside, who supposedly know how and what to do. Sometimes they say: “We need to go bankrupt, that’s all.” In 1996, we did not have any special obligations, and I could take such a step. And in a similar situation in 1998, I imagined: what would I say to the banks, equity holders - everyone who trusted me? It was difficult mentally then. We at the company thought a lot about which path to take, and went through the options. Fortunately, there were people who were able to provide real help.

So, we were helped by the participation of the respected Vladimir Pesotsky (former head of the Altai branch of Sberbank - Ed.), who then believed in me and provided very serious support. And we did not choose bankruptcy, but decided to go to the end. Time has shown that this was correct. Probably, whoever survives a crisis is worth something.

— Are our builders ready to replace, for example, the Turks at construction sites? And in general, how effective are they?

— Our builders work no worse than the Turks or any other foreigners. It’s just that customers are ready to pay completely different money to Turks or Spaniards. Because they can afford both normal equipment and high salaries. We are simply in unequal conditions.

— Do you have a favorite building in Barnaul?

— First of all, I would mention the Pioneer shopping center. This is a modern building with a double facade, using natural ceramics and generally having a very aesthetic appearance. We understood that this would not increase our profits and that aesthetics would not be a decisive factor for potential tenants. But we really want to please people.

— How do you relax from work?

— I have a social burden: I head the Altai Boxing Federation, and this takes a lot of time. In my free time from work and family, I play football, volleyball or tennis. In winter I go to warmer climes. For example, I fly to China every year, combining vacation with treatment. And, of course, to their homeland, Abkhazia. An active lifestyle helps me always be in good shape.

Oleg Bogdanov

Opinion of a meeting participant

Yulia Kazitsyna,
sales specialist at Vimpelcom (Beeline brand):

Beeline has been cooperating with SELF for more than five years. And this partnership has several facets: the provision of fixed communications in commercial real estate (for example, in the pending opening of the Pioneer shopping center) and services mobile communications for company employees. Versatility is a sign of constant development. And this quality is inherent not only to the company, but also to its leader, Nodar Viktorovich Shonia.


Nodar Shonia became the 25th speaker of the School of Success project.

On December 10, the CEO of SELF received an award for winning the “Development” category of our “Manager of the Year” survey rating, and exactly a week later, on December 17, Nodar Shonia became a speaker of our “School of Success” project. He told the guests of the evening about how difficult it was for him to start his own business, how his company experienced crises and about high-profile projects.

Oleg Bogdanov

The beginning of the way

Nodar Shonia,

I was born in 1965 in Abkhazia. In 1982 I graduated from school, and as the eldest son, I was sent to study in Russia. I went to where my relatives were already - to Barnaul. He entered the Polytechnic Institute and studied with a degree in Industrial and Civil Engineering. During his studies, he worked as a laboratory assistant at the Department of Building Structures. This school helped me a lot in my future career.

After graduation, I was assigned to the repair, construction and installation department at the chemical fiber plant. We served all major factories in the Altai Territory. I started as a foreman, then in 1992 I was elected head of the department. And times were difficult, wages were not paid, and the enterprises on which we depended began to close. I had to enter the market, look for other niches in the construction industry, and find orders.

In 1996, a turning point occurred when the tax office came to us for the first time with an on-site audit. After this, the chief accountant reported that we had been charged a large amount for collection. I don’t remember exactly how much, but these were completely unaffordable numbers for us, which was one of the reasons for the sad outcome - bankruptcy.

Oleg Bogdanov

Surfing the crises

Nodar Shonia,

In the same 1996, we created a new enterprise - SELF. Why this name? From English it can be translated as “to oneself.” But no, I didn’t have any “me” ambitions or anything like that. It just happened that way.

We started with contract work. I had to work actively to get volumes. We depend on them, but they just don’t come. We need to look for them and include all the possibilities and resources for this.

In 1998 we experienced the first crisis. We had never encountered this kind of situation before and we had no ready-made solutions on how to act in such circumstances. After analyzing the state of affairs, I realized that it is possible to save the enterprise and get out of the crisis only by increasing the volume of construction.

In 2002, banks began to actively offer loans. But we relied primarily on our own strength. However, at some point it became clear that the formation of a large business was impossible without attracting investment loans. And our industry has its own characteristics - there are many risks and unforeseen circumstances. Some believe that the construction business is one of the most profitable. But it must be taken into account that the implementation of development projects lasts for more than one year and in the end it happens that after the completion of the project the builder does not receive the profit he expected.

In any crisis, bankers stop lending to builders. Sometimes they don’t even make contact. This happened to us in 2008. Then I had to negotiate directly with the chairman of the board of one of the banks, because, as a rule, financial institutions provide resources not to a legal entity, but to a specific person if they trust him.

We were able to find an understanding, and as a result, SELF was able to plan its work for six months. I didn’t stop or freeze anything, I only extended the deadlines for some projects, which became the basis for post-crisis growth.

Then the understanding came that one’s own investment projects could not be carried out without a comparable contract portfolio. This is a kind of safety net, thanks to which you can not stop your projects in an unstable situation.

In my opinion, the current crisis is the most difficult and incomprehensible. In 2008, entrepreneurs in Russia had the opportunity to access foreign investment. Therefore, the situation was less painful for business. Now everything is more complicated. But you shouldn’t give up. We need to work twice as hard, fight other problems and find new approaches to solving them.

Oleg Bogdanov

About landmark projects

Nodar Shonia,

We constantly participate in social projects where others are reluctant to participate due to low profitability. We built museums of Kalashnikov, Titov, Shukshin and others. Recently, we have begun to participate more actively in such projects. Thus, we commissioned the Pushkinsky cultural and business center, and are now building a perinatal center.

The Turquoise Katun project has become a landmark project for us. Over the past 30 years, there have been no similar undertakings in the region in terms of such an impressive volume of construction of engineering infrastructure. Here we gained good experience.

As you know, we also conduct our own projects. We mainly prepare construction sites for them ourselves - we spend money on purchasing plots and are engaged in resettlement. For example, here is one of the latest projects: we bought a territory in the city center. It used to be an industrial enterprise, heated by fuel oil and spoiling not only the environment, but also the appearance of the city. Now on this site we are preparing to build a modern residential complex of 55 thousand square meters. meters with a three-story underground parking. The number of places on it corresponds to the number of apartments in the house. The maximum completion date for the project is 2019, the actual deadline is 2018.

Next year we will launch the Pioneer shopping center. A year or two ago I would not have started such a project. But there was no turning back. And the concept of a shopping center in the city center is very successful, and even in the current situation it will allow us to be competitive. People are already waiting for Lenta to open. And this should happen in April.

Once upon a time, on the site of the Pioneer shopping center there was a concrete mortar plant, workshops and warehouses of enterprises. They did not fit into the appearance of the city and spoiled the environmental situation. There were barracks next to them. We put this area in order, resettled the residents and, we hope, gave impetus to the development of the surrounding area.

We understood that the road and utility infrastructure was no longer up to standard. As a result, to our satisfaction and the joy of the city residents, we receive an updated Pioneer Street. Where everything was filled with tents, today you can see a good four-lane road and a landscaped area.

The sore point of the interchange at the intersection of Lenin Avenue and Pioneer Street is still the “bottleneck” on the bridge. As far as we know, the city administration has an understanding of how to increase the capacity of this section of Lenin Avenue.

I see the development of this microdistrict not only in the opening of the Pioneer shopping center, but also in residential development. We have already built the first five-six-story building in the New Market area. I would like to see modern and comfortable residential buildings appear between Pioneer and Profintern streets instead of dilapidated and dilapidated houses.

Oleg Bogdanov

Answers on questions

— Are you involved in low-rise construction?

— We have production facilities where we develop and prepare for implementation projects in this area. Now we have set the task to develop 3-4 samples of compact houses. Nowadays, buyers have no need for large cottages, but we see prospects in the segment of inexpensive and prefabricated houses.

— What is important to you when constructing residential complexes?

— Previously, when starting construction, we relied heavily on architectural solutions. But practice has shown that this is not entirely correct. Architects often stand up for beauty, but for the buyer, what is primarily important is the internal planning solutions and the design of the building. Therefore, now we start any project based on the needs of the buyer. And today he needs open plans. Sometimes legal provisions do not allow us to fully satisfy customer requirements, but we are moving in this direction.

— Have you ever had any difficult moments in business?

— Every entrepreneur has them. And immediately “advisers” and “prompts” appear from the outside, who supposedly know how and what to do. Sometimes they say: “We need to go bankrupt, that’s all.” In 1996, we did not have any special obligations, and I could take such a step. And in a similar situation in 1998, I imagined: what would I say to the banks, equity holders - everyone who trusted me? It was difficult mentally then. We at the company thought a lot about which path to take, and went through the options. Fortunately, there were people who were able to provide real help.

So, we were helped by the participation of the respected Vladimir Pesotsky (former head of the Altai branch of Sberbank - Ed.), who then believed in me and provided very serious support. And we did not choose bankruptcy, but decided to go to the end. Time has shown that this was correct. Probably, whoever survives a crisis is worth something.

— Are our builders ready to replace, for example, the Turks at construction sites? And in general, how effective are they?

— Our builders work no worse than the Turks or any other foreigners. It’s just that customers are ready to pay completely different money to Turks or Spaniards. Because they can afford both normal equipment and high salaries. We are simply in unequal conditions.

— Do you have a favorite building in Barnaul?

— First of all, I would mention the Pioneer shopping center. This is a modern building with a double facade, using natural ceramics and generally having a very aesthetic appearance. We understood that this would not increase our profits and that aesthetics would not be a decisive factor for potential tenants. But we really want to please people.

— How do you relax from work?

— I have a social burden: I head the Altai Boxing Federation, and this takes a lot of time. In my free time from work and family, I play football, volleyball or tennis. In winter I travel to warm regions. For example, I fly to China every year, combining vacation with treatment. And, of course, to their homeland, Abkhazia. An active lifestyle helps me always be in good shape.

Oleg Bogdanov

Opinion of a meeting participant

Yulia Kazitsyna,
sales specialist at Vimpelcom (Beeline brand):

Beeline has been cooperating with SELF for more than five years. And this partnership has several facets: the provision of fixed-line communications in commercial real estate (for example, in the pending opening of the Pioneer shopping center) and mobile communications services for company employees. Versatility is a sign of constant development. And this quality is inherent not only to the company, but also to its leader, Nodar Viktorovich Shonia.


Nodar Shonia became the 25th speaker of the School of Success project.