Nordstrom, ticker: JWN - Nordstrom stock price chart. Legendary Nordstrom Service Nordstrom Company

One of the leading companies with an extensive network retail stores all over America. Today there are more than 200 stores in almost 30 states.

The company's first store opened in Seattle in 1901 and initially sold only shoes. Half a century later, in the 60s of the last century, the store expanded its range and began selling women's clothing. Then the range was replenished with men's and women's clothing, accessories and household goods.

The store's assortment is varied and aimed at customers with different income levels. Among the goods sold there are first-line brands and items at affordable prices.

A country: USA. Products sold in the store may be made in different countries, but in any case, all items presented are High Quality, defects and fakes are excluded.

Payment with Russian cards: possible. Any bank cards of international payment systems (Visa, MasterCard, AE) are accepted for payment.

Payment via PayPal: No.

Direct delivery to Russia: No. To make purchases in a store, you will have to use the services of an intermediary or a forwarding company, which will provide its address in America and forward the order to Russia.

Delivery costs and times in the USA: Free delivery within 3-5 business days.

Tax: When placing an order, a tax of 6.7% will be included in the price. Once the order has been shipped, when shipping to tax-exempt states, the cost of clothing and footwear tax will be deducted from the order price and the actual charge will be tax free. Tax may be levied on bags and other accessories.

Registration is only required for the first order; then the saved account data will be used. Registration should not be particularly difficult.

In field " First Name"You must indicate your name (in Latin letters, of course).

In the next two fields, enter and confirm the password. Please note that this site takes security quite seriously, so the password must contain letters and numbers, and the case of letters ( UPPER And lower) are also taken into account.

In field " ZIP / Postal code" enter the index from the delivery address, which will be provided by the intermediary or forwarder.

Next in the drop-down list " Gender"indicate your gender, check the box if you want to subscribe to the newsletter, and click on the button" Create an Account" - registration is completed! To the specified address Email You will receive confirmation of account creation. You can start shopping.

All products on the site are divided into categories:

  • products for women
  • products for men
  • products for teenagers
  • Products for children

Each section in turn is divided into clothing, shoes, accessories, designer collections, etc. In the section for women, skin care products, perfumes and cosmetics are separately highlighted, in the section for men - shaving products.

There is also a search by brand.

A separate section presents sales, household goods and products for various promotions.

For each product category, you can specify the selection criteria - by color, price, size, etc., specify a convenient format for displaying the product (product sorting order, number of products displayed on the page, etc.)

The store easily sends purchased goods to the addresses of intermediaries and forwarding companies.

Let's look at the purchase procedure using an example.

Let's say you decide to buy Women's Down Jacket. You must specify the desired color and size, after which we add the product to the cart using the " ADD TO SHOPPING BAG".

A window will appear showing the contents of the cart and prompting you to return to further product selection (" Continue Shopping") or proceed to payment (" Begin Checkout").

After proceeding to payment, you will again see the contents of your cart and a subtotal of the order cost (excluding tax and delivery method).

From this window you can also return to searching for additional products or go directly to payment.

When you proceed to payment, a window will appear asking you to register (if you have not already done so) or proceed to express payment, which will require you to confirm your email address and password.

On the next page you will need to enter your delivery address and bank card details.

If you have already made purchases, you will be asked to use the saved delivery address (you can edit it) or specify new address.

Filling in the address should also not cause problems. You must indicate your first name, last name, address, city, select a state from the list, indicate a postal code and telephone number.

You can also use saved bank card details or enter new ones:

You will need to enter your billing address, card type and number.

Please note that when entering your billing address, you can select Russia in the list of countries, so to avoid problems with the store security service, you must indicate your real billing address, under which you registered bank card.

The CVV/CVC verification code is not remembered and is entered every time you make a purchase.

Also at this stage you can specify the method of delivery of the goods.

In chapter " Order Summary"The full cost of your order will be shown, taking into account the selected delivery method and tax included.

As already noted, at this stage, tax is necessarily included in the cost of the order for the entire cost of the ordered goods. And when paying for goods, this exact amount will be blocked from your card first. However, then, if you purchased clothing or shoes and the item is shipped to a tax-exempt state, after the item is shipped, the amount will actually be charged WITHOUT tax, i.e. the tax will be refunded to your card. But you must keep in mind that the tax is not refundable on bags and other accessories.

After completing your order, click on the " SUBMIT ORDER". That's it, the order is done, congratulations on your purchase!

After placing your order, a confirmation will be sent to your mailbox.

The store does not provide additional information about sending an order; you can see the shipping data in your account.

Usually the goods are sent 2-3 days after placing the order.

The store offers several methods of delivering goods across America:

  • standard free shipping(takes about 5 days, depending on the address)
  • delivery within two business days costs $15
  • next business day delivery for $25
  • next day delivery, even if it's a weekend, for $35.

Please keep in mind that the order can be divided into several parcels, which will be sent at different times and with different track numbers.

If your order has not yet been shipped, and for some reason you want to cancel your order, doing so is quite simple. You must contact support at [email protected], indicate the order number you want to cancel and explain the reason for cancellation. If the issue needs to be resolved urgently, you can also contact online support (LiveHelp) and try to cancel the order with the help of a consultant.

Please note that an order can only be canceled in full; partial cancellation of an order is not possible.

If the order is cancelled, the store's bank will return the money to your card within 3-4 business days, but the actual time frame for crediting money to your account depends on your bank and can be up to 30 days.

They will send you the documents necessary to return the goods.

Returned goods must be sent through the FiftyOne service (in our country its partner is FeDex).

It must be remembered that the costs of shipping goods by the store are not reimbursed. So if the item just doesn’t fit, it’s probably easier to try to sell it on the spot...

It is generally accepted that the engine of trade is advertising. Probably, the American company Nordstrom, which owns a network of more than 200 large clothing and footwear stores in the United States, could argue with this statement. For her, the engine of trade is service. The company collects and carefully preserves stories about its employees who did something extraordinary to delight the consumer. In fact, many regular Nordstrom shoppers can recall more than one time when they were pleasantly surprised by the level of service in these stores. Service is central to corporate culture Nordstrom. The buyer should be satisfied, then he will come to the store again, and then do it again and again. Therefore, as the company rightly believes, a good reputation, supported by constant daily actions, moves trade better than any advertising.

Pure gold

Many of us probably read Jack London's exciting stories about the gold rush in Alaska as children. But, probably, few people wondered: what will happen next when the heroes, having become rich in gold mines, return to civilization? Thirty-year-old Swedish immigrant John (Johan) Nordstrom, who earned $13 thousand in the Klondike (a very substantial amount at that time), answered this question simply. Returning in 1901 to Seattle, from which he had left for Alaska four years earlier, he married and, together with his companion and compatriot Karl Wallin, with whom he had become friends in the North, opened a small shoe store.

Business was going well, fortunately there were shoes at all times hot commodity, and Nordstrom and Wallin sold quality products and sought not so much to make money from customers, but to serve them well. The company gradually expanded; in the late 1920s, the second generation of the Nordstrom family came to manage it, and in 1971, the third. The number of stores increased; in 1963, the company, having acquired the Best Apparel store in Seattle, added women's and then men's clothing to its assortment. And by the early 1980s, Nordstrom, which operated more than 30 stores in six U.S. states, had become the third-largest specialty retailer in the then-fragmented U.S. retail market. The only chains larger than it were Saks Fifth Avenue and Lord & Taylor.

The period of the 80s of the twentieth century became a turning point for the American trade in ready-made clothing. From many small firms that owned, at best, a dozen or two stores, several large nationwide trading groups grew. And the fact that Nordstrom did not get lost in the general background and, even without practically participating in consolidation processes, strengthened its position in the American market, was explained primarily by the smart and thoughtful policy of its management.

Firstly, this company was controlled for almost its entire history by its founder John Nordstrom and his descendants (the children of the company's second co-founder, Carl Valin, showed no interest in family business and sold their shares to the Nordstroms). Today, for example, Nordstrom's policies are determined by five brothers and cousins ​​who occupy a number of senior positions in it, although they own about 25% of the shares.

Family management means first... To view the entire article you must

January 3rd, 2013

This retailer is described as a company that has chosen a high level of service as a differentiating idea and has managed in practice to provide its customers with high-quality service. The quality of service in the stores of this chain has become a kind of benchmark in the United States - the highest industry standard that can be guided by, but which is almost impossible to surpass. Today, in almost every more or less popular book on management, this company is cited as an example of a customer-oriented business.. There are legends about this company.

Nordstrom is a legend in the US retail business. The company has gone through the classic path of evolutionary transformation of a small business into a large one. Starting with a single shoe store more than 110 years ago, the company today has more than 240 retail outlets, including

  • department store chain Nordstrom for the sale of clothing and accessories operating in the premium segment;
  • network of stock storesNordstrom Rack(operating since 1973), through which collections that are unsold in regular Nordstrom stores are sold at discounted prices. Thanks to this discount network, the company was able to quickly update the assortment of its main stores and minimize its losses from markdowns of illiquid stock;
  • Nordstrom Direct, servicing customers through mail catalogues, through an online (launched 1998) with a 24/7 toll-free number and shipping to 44 countries worldwide.

Nordstrom owes much of its success to its long-standing tradition of high-quality service—its willingness to do literally anything for its customers.
Brand Promise:"Nordstrom" on the company's website reads as follows: "We adhere to the simple principle on which our company was founded: to earn the trust of our customers - one at a time."

The inscription on the envelope: "We thought about those whom we would like to see in our store
most of all, and we remembered your name"

Service is central to Nordstrom's corporate culture. This business card company, the alpha and omega of its business success.
The main principle which the company has been guided by for many years and which has allowed it to achieve success in the market can be formulated something like this: “Find out what your customers want and do everything to make sure your employees give it to them.”
Company motto:“The only difference between us and the store next door is how we serve the customer.”
Nordstrom likes to say that once you forget about profit and focus on service, the money will immediately come to you.

Client stories that have become legends

Those who have ever made a purchase at Nordstrom become ardent followers and missionaries, they begin to exchange stories with each other about “going to Nordstrom”, trying to outdo each other in the implausibility of these stories. Mythical stories and legends are spread about the company. Everyone is talking about amazing customer service.
The explanation is simple: the service here is truly unsurpassed.

At Nordstrom, employees treat every customer request as an opportunity to express themselves and build their company's reputation for excellent customer service. The company strongly encourages this behavior by promoting employees recognized for providing extraordinary services.

Many regular Nordstrom shoppers can recall more than one time when they were pleasantly surprised by the level of service in these stores.

There are already hundreds of customer stories about the stores of this retailer, and although today they can already be considered classics, they are worth remembering again because of their originality.

Legendis a story about a company, based on real events, which is often repeated and told by the company’s employees themselves, clients, as well as experts (management gurus) and serves to shape the company’s image. Legends allow you to create an exclusive image of a company and define its face. Legends are PR stunts that help keep an organization's core values ​​alive.

  • A store employee personally ironed a newly purchased shirt for a customer who needed it for an important meeting that same day.
  • In the winter, a store employee warmed up the engine of a customer's car while he finished shopping.
  • The saleswoman personally knitted a shawl for an elderly client who was afraid that a standard-length scarf would get stuck in the needles of her wheelchair.
  • An employee managed to deliver party outfits to an angry customer at the last minute.
  • One of the most famous stories occurred in Alaska, where Nordstrom (a rare case in the activities of a company that prefers organic growth) expanded, acquiring several stores and remodeling them to fit its format. One of the purchased stores used to sell car parts, and a client came to him and asked to reimburse him for the cost of car tires, which were clearly not new and even bald. The manager serving this customer, without hesitation or saying a word, took the customer's car tires, returned the money on the check, taking it out of his own pocket, and during his lunch break drove to the auto parts store, which had moved to another location, and there, Finally, I handed in the tires and received money for them. Thus, the buyer managed to receive compensation for low-quality car tires, despite the fact that Nordstrom does not sell tires.
  • A salesperson noticed a woman searching for something on the floor at Nordstrom. After talking with her, he learned that the day before she had lost a diamond earring here and now could not find it. The seller went to the cleaners, shook out all the garbage bags from the vacuum cleaners and, after a long search, finally found the lost earring, which was returned to the customer.
  • A client from Portland wanted to buy an Armani evening dress for his daughter's wedding. He ran around the whole city, raised half the state of Oregon, but found nothing. Out of despair, he looked into Nordstrom store, where he often shopped and was registered regular customer, knowing for sure that they do not sell such goods there. An employee of the store, who had helped him with purchases many times before, asked him to leave the dress measurements just in case, and the next day she called him on the phone and said that she had found a dress that could be picked up the next day. As it later turned out, the store employee found the desired dress in New York through her friends - store managers, and then, with the help of the same personal contacts, organized its urgent delivery across the country.
  • In one town, a man walked into a Nordstrom store looking for a tuxedo to wear to his daughter's wedding. As it turns out, Nordstrom didn't have tuxedos in their product line, and the customer was asking for same-day delivery. However, the seller took his measurements, took his phone number and promised to call back when the tuxedo of the appropriate size was delivered. After this, the seller contacted the designer's distributor in New York and arranged for urgent delivery of the tuxedo to the client. As a result, the tuxedo was delivered right on time.
  • The seller took longer to pack the goods than usual and, as compensation for the long wait, he paid the buyer a parking ticket.
  • The client was in a hurry, he was late for his plane, and he urgently needed to make a purchase. The store salesperson delivered the goods ordered by the customer over the phone directly to the airport.
  • Buyer department readyth men's clothing, after several visits, purchased a suit in one of the chain stores, to from He sat on it poorly. Eventually the buyer wrote a letter to the president of the corporation. The letter from the dissatisfied buyer was received by none other than the co-chairman of the board of directors of the corporation, John Nordstrom, who very soon sent a tailor to the buyer's office with a new suit for fitting.

Father and Son: John Nordstrom co-chairman of the board of directors of the corporationAnd
Blake Nordstrom
President and Director, Nordstrom, Inc.

  • After the suit was altered taking into account all the client's wishes, the purchase was delivered to the buyer free of charge.
  • The store clerk stopped the customer and asked if her shoes were purchased from their store. Having received an affirmative answer, the seller insisted that the shoes be replaced immediately, since “their quality is clearly not that good.” high level what it should be."
  • Sellers will arrange delivery of shoes or dresses the right size from another store directly to the buyer's home.
  • A man whose wife had just died called one of the chain stores. He wanted to know how much debt he owed on his bills. He was told that the debt was $1,000 and asked why he was interested in the status of his account. The man spoke, and a few days later he received a letter from the store saying that his wife was a wonderful customer and he could consider his bills paid in full. But that's not all. On the day of the funeral, the store sent flowers.
  • A man came to the store to change the shirts he had bought. He bought them in another store, but in Nordstrom branded packaging. "Everything is fine!" - said the seller of the men's shirts department. “We’ll change them, and in the meantime you can choose something else.”
  • The 7-year-old son of one of the clients came home one day and said that tomorrow he had to participate in a school play wearing black trousers and a white shirt. Actually, he was warned in advance, but he forgot to tell his parents about it. The boy did not have such trousers, and the time had already passed eight o’clock. The boy was very upset and very worried because he did not want to let down the participants in the performance and look stupid without appropriate clothes. The client himself was out of town at the time, and his wife could not leave home because she was caring for small children. What to do? The wife immediately called Nordstrom and told them about the problem. The saleswoman promised to pick up three pairs of matching trousers from the children's clothing department and deliver them to the client in the evening on his way home. We agreed that the wife would return the extra pairs later, when she could. The client's home was thirty minutes north of the San Diego store. At about half past nine - the boy was already fast asleep - the saleswoman brought the client the right size trousers. The next morning, when the boy woke up, three pairs of brand new trousers were waiting for him. One couple sat on it just fine. The child, completely happy and contented, went to school for his performance, confident that his mother could work miracles. When the wife brought the two remaining pairs to the store, she talked with the saleswoman, and it turned out that she lived thirty minutes south of the store. She drove thirty minutes to deliver the order and then spent another hour getting home. This woman stayed late not only to meet the customers' expectations, but also to please them.
  • On the eve of Mother's Day, the host of the morning show on Las Vegas radio station Lite 100.5 called the Nordstrom store in her mother's town and asked for a gift of her choice to be delivered. At the same time, the presenter complained that she was late with the order and that it would not arrive at the right time. “No problem,” the seller replied, “I live not far from your mother and will drop off a gift for her on the way home.” After this, in one of the morning broadcasts, the host of the morning program said: “From now on, I only shop at Nordstorm stores.” And all of Las Vegas heard it.

Stories like this, told by customers, are excellent advertising, transmitted by word of mouth and attractingMore and more new customers are coming to the chain stores. In addition, with The "bald tire" case was featured on the front pages of several newspapers, including the Wall Street Journal, USA Today and the New York Times. It is mentioned in many books, and probably hundreds of speakers have given this example in speeches to thousands of people around the world. How much does such advertising cost? Is it possible to name the price of such PR?

To be fair, it is worth noting that the company itself never advertises its own “good deeds” at all, and does not use them for marketing purposes, preferring that only customers talk about them.
But at the same time, the company collects and carefully preserves stories about the “heroic” deeds of its employees who did something extraordinary to please Customers.
Every business day for sellers Nordstrom starts with a small meeting where they are asked to talk about how they and their colleagues interacted with customers the day before and what they did for them. Salespeople who do the most for customers are rewarded and their stories are featured on the company website.
Letters of gratitude from satisfied customers are first publicly read by the Store Director. If the letter contains gratitude to a specific employee, then the Store Director congratulates the employee to the applause of his colleagues.
After Thanksgiving letters enlarged and inserted into frames that decorate office corridors in the manner of photographs.
In addition, Nordstrom employees themselves write heroic stories about each other, which, along with customer reviews and letters in which the employees themselves express gratitude to customers, are taken into account in the competition to see which store will receive a monthly prize for the best service.