Standards for issuing PPE according to belts. Standards for the free issuance of personal protective equipment by profession. The most necessary regulations

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Not only employees of medical institutions have the opportunity to wear special clothing, which is issued free of charge in accordance with legal regulations.

At many enterprises, personnel must receive personal protective equipment that will protect not only from pollution, but also from the negative impact of production factors.

Let's figure out what PPE employees of enterprises are entitled to.

General aspects

Let's find out what is considered PPE and what legislative provisions in this case should be considered.

Basic moments

PPE is personal protective equipment that is used by workers to prevent or reduce the impact of harmful and hazardous factors in production.

Also used as protection against pollution. Necessary in cases where safety cannot be ensured by equipment designs, process organization, or collective means of protection.

Eat special requirements to the marking of personal protective equipment. They must meet the requirements and relevant standards.

The need for PPE for workers is stated in the following regulatory documents:

  1. In intersectoral rules on labor protection.
  2. V et al.

Certain standards have been established for the issuance of certified PPE to workers in each production area.

In order to find out what industry the specialty belongs to, you need to review the documents.

Management has the right to independently issue protective equipment in excess of the established standards if we're talking about about unfavorable conditions.

It can replace some PPE with others if protection is not compromised. But then such actions need to be coordinated with specialized committees.

In no case may personal protective equipment be issued below the norm.

Employers undertake to provide personal protective equipment free of charge, taking into account personal characteristics employee and legal norms.

The company can also register the issuance of PPE, according to which they are issued for a period of time.

The requirements for special clothing are as follows:

  1. According to health standards, it should not injure the skin or cause allergies.
  2. There must be no release of harmful substances.
  3. Clothing must comply with sanitary standards.
  4. A slight odor and a little are allowed chemical substance according to the toxicity scale.
  5. Overalls should protect from environmental factors.
  6. Clothing must fit the employee in size.
  7. PPE should be light, etc.

What does it include?

PPE is classified according to. There are 10 classes, and accordingly, several types, taking into account the design.

We are talking about:

Special protective clothing sheepskin coats, coats, short coats, capes, robes
Insulating clothing Wetsuit, spacesuit, pneumatic suit
Clothing that protects respiratory and hearing organs Pneumatic mask, respirator, pneumatic helmet, protective headphones, etc.
Protective equipment for hands, head, eyes, feet Foot wraps, knee pads, helmets, wristbands, etc.
Warning elements Protective belt, manipulator
Special designs Grounding, grounding
Protective dermatological preparations Cleaner and protective agent

Legal basis

When issuing specialized clothing, you should rely on the standards.

Standard industry standards for PPE have been established (as amended on December 17, 2001).

The provisions approved by:

  • dated December 9, 2014 No. 997n;
  • dated August 12, 2008 No. 416n;
  • dated June 22, 2009 No. 357n, etc.

Emerging nuances

According to inter-industry standards, workers have the right to receive specialized clothing of a certain type and quantity. PPE is provided only when performing work that is specified in the lists.

If employees combine several specialties, clothing is issued according to the standards in accordance with the combination of specialties.

Trainees, interns, and employees who are required to observe the performance of work may temporarily use special clothing. According to the climate zone, PPE is issued taking into account the climatic location.

Employers must comply with the norms of Order No. 777n and requirements. Otherwise, the liability provided for will apply.

For cultural workers

Provision is also made for the provision of PPE to cultural workers. This applies to:

  • film studio employees;
  • television and radio broadcasting organizations;
  • film copy factories;
  • film distribution;
  • cinematography;
  • organizations visual arts and so on.

Such personnel are issued uniforms until they are worn out. The kit may include:

  • robes;
  • overalls;
  • rubberized aprons;
  • gloves and boots
  • a pair of safety glasses;
  • waterproof raincoats;
  • high boots with fur;
  • a cap;
  • boots;
  • insulated jackets and trousers (according to climate zone);
  • dielectric galoshes and mittens.

The specific list of items issued will depend on the specialty and tasks performed in production.

Education staff

Let’s present a list of PPE in the form of a table, taking as an example some employees of educational institutions.

Drivers Suits; signal vests, gloves; boots, jackets According to Order 357n dated June 22, 2009
Library Managers Cotton robes According to
Warehouse managers Robes and gloves According to Order No. 777n dated September 1, 2010
Canteen Managers Robes, caps or headscarves, a pair of slippers According to
Laundry washing operators Special suits, aprons, gloves, galoshes In accordance with
Cooks Caps, robes/jackets, aprons, arm ruffles, a pair of slippers According to Order No. 308
As an auxiliary worker Cotton suits, mittens and boots, a pair of felt boots (if necessary) According to Order No. 541n
Teacher assistants Aprons that have a bib, robes, scarves, gloves, a pair of galoshes According to Decree No. 68 of December 29, 1997
Plumbers Suits, a pair of boots, several pairs of gloves and mittens, a gas mask By order No. 541n
To the watchmen Suits, leather boots, warm jacket, waterproof cotton raincoats By order No. 541n
Cleaners Robes, mittens, gloves and galoshes Same
Chemistry teachers, laboratory assistants, technology teachers Robes, special aprons, rubber gloves, a pair of safety glasses, respirators, a pair of leather slippers
Physics teachers A pair of dielectric gloves, dielectric mats, a tool that has insulating handles, voltage indicators According to the Decree of December 16, 1997 No. 63

Workers of housing and communal services (housing and communal services)

Housing and communal services workers receive PPE in accordance with the provisions established by Order No. 541n.

The need to issue special clothing to this category of personnel is due to the fact that they perform work that:

  • recognized as harmful or dangerous;
  • have special temperature conditions;
  • associated with pollution.


Bakelites, bandage workers, tram drivers, switch post attendants Aprons with bibs, mittens made of canvas or other material (taking into account the profession), a pair of dielectric galoshes and gloves. Additional equipment - warm jackets and trousers, felt boots, taking into account the climate zone. For some types of work, waterproof raincoats are required
Dispatchers Raincoats made from raincoats
Painters Oilcloth aprons, a pair of safety glasses, overalls, mittens, respirators
For railway construction machine operators Overalls, leather shoes, mittens, a pair of dielectric galoshes and gloves
For sump unit operators Suits, boots and mittens, waterproof raincoats, warm jackets and trousers
For saw and hacksaw carvers Aprons with bibs and mittens
Standard standards for issuing personal protective equipment to gas boiler house workers provide for the provision Protective suit against dirt and mechanical damage, warm jacket and boots (in winter)

Approximately the same list of PPE is issued to other workers. You can look in more detail in the Order approved at the legislative level.

In cross-cutting professions

For example, in the field of crop production and land reclamation, employees will be given:

  • protective suits;
  • mittens;
  • a pair of leather ankle boots;
  • a pair of safety glasses;
  • respirators;
  • warm jackets and trousers with waistbands;
  • aprons from cotton fabric or rubberized;
  • waterproof raincoats;
  • hats.

You can find out more about PPE by profession by re-reading the Order itself.

Irrigation and filtration field operator Suit, couple rubber boots, a dozen gloves and mittens
Rice farmer Suit, leather shoes, pair of rubber boots, gloves
To the gardener Suit, rubberized aprons with bibs, a pair of rubber boots, mittens. In some cases, respirators and a pair of safety glasses
To the tobacco grower Suit, leather shoes, mittens and respirators, gloves and a pair of safety glasses
Hop grower Suit, robe, cotton apron, leather shoes, mittens, hats, respirator
Beekeeper Suit, net or mosquito nets, gloves. In the Siberian region, anti-encephalitis suits
For fish farmers Fishing suits, water-repellent aprons, raincoats, mittens, gloves, a pair of rubber boots

Foremen must also receive special clothing and footwear, as well as other personal protective equipment in the same quantity as workers in this profession.

Workers of some professions must wear special clothing designed to protect their wearer and help him better perform his work functions. The employer, in cases specified by law, must provide his staff with such clothing free of charge. Neglect of this duty is a direct violation of the law.

Let's analyze what legislative norms regulate the process of issuing free workwear, what nuances exist in this area depending on the profession.

What is workwear

At many enterprises, employees are required by internal regulations to wear uniforms, the purpose of which is to comply with corporate culture and unification appearance employees. Special clothing should be distinguished from uniforms.

Workwear refers to (PPE). It is not designed for distinction or identification, but primarily to ensure safety during work activities. Special clothing (“overalls”) is designed to prevent damage to the health of workers, if the characteristics of their profession can provoke this.

The main differences between workwear and branded clothing:

  • wearing branded clothing is not mandatory, and special clothing is provided unconditionally;
  • uniform regulations are introduced by internal regulations, the procedure for issuing and wearing special clothing is provided for by state legislation;
  • The employer can entrust the purchase of branded clothing to the employees, while purchasing and issuing special clothing to the staff is his direct responsibility;
  • the main function of branded clothing is demonstration, and that of special clothing is protective;
  • branded clothing is essentially a uniform, and special clothing is personal protective equipment.

Legislative framework regarding workwear

The state has provided quite a lot of nuances related to the wearing of potentially harmful and dangerous professions by workers special clothing. These norms are enshrined in various regulations, including:

  • for most professions from all industries - Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 997n dated December 9, 2014;
  • for professions where “signaling” workwear is required - Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development Russian Federation dated April 20, 2006 No. 297;
  • for professions where warm workwear is required - Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 1997 No. 70.

Intersectoral rules for supplying personnel with free protective clothing, footwear and other personal protective equipment, which also regulate its storage, care, replacement procedure, etc., were approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of June 1, 2009 No. 290n.

Additionally, provisions regarding workwear are given in Labor Code Russian Federation:

  • Art. 212 obliges the employer to purchase at its own expense and issue to staff the required protective clothing free of charge;
  • Art. 221 defines issuance standards.

About 70 specific documents approve industry-specific features of the use of necessary workwear: for workers in agriculture, water and forestry, coal and chemical industries, pharmaceuticals, metallurgy, road work, etc.

NOTE! The standards determine not only the type and quantity of protective clothing issued, but also the features of its operation.

Who is entitled to free workwear?

According to labor protection requirements, all employers hiring employees are required to provide their staff with personal protective equipment, including special clothing and footwear. However, such equipment is not required for representatives of every profession.

To whom, in what quantities and according to what procedure the employer must issue protective clothing is determined by the Intersectoral Rules.

The norms oblige workers whose work is associated with various unfavorable conditions to wear overalls:

  • negatively affecting people in terms of temperature;
  • associated with air and skin pollution;
  • causing some kind of damage to health.

Examples of professions that require special clothing: masons, plasterers, tilers, mechanics, diggers, etc. To know for sure whether special clothing is required, you need each workplace expose once every 5 years special certification– assessment of working conditions.

ATTENTION! The list of specific professions that are required to be provided with workwear is approved by the above-mentioned resolutions of the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Social Development of the Russian Federation.

Temporary workers

Employees who have started work for which special clothing is provided on a temporary basis must receive a set of “special clothing” in accordance with the current regulations, that is, on the same basis as permanent employees. These could be:

  • workers by;
  • replacing an absent employee;
  • undergoing practical training;
  • students and probationers;
  • contract workers from a third party organization;
  • those who frequently visit production areas (management, specialists, inspectors, etc.).

After the working time has expired, if, according to the standards for this workwear, its service life has not expired, it is returned to the organization in accordance with the usual regulations.

Cross-cutting professions

The standard standards provide for the specifics of the use of workwear in all economic sectors, or more precisely, in 195 basic professions that are found in almost any industry. For each of these professions, specific items that make up a set of workwear are given, and the period for wearing them is specified - 1 year or until natural wear and tear. It is permissible to double the norm simultaneously with the deadlines. That is, if, for example, an employee is entitled to two protective overalls per year, 4 overalls can be issued for a period of two years.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION! An enterprise has the right to adopt softer standards for workwear compared to standard ones, but it is impossible to reduce the standards adopted by law or tighten the operating conditions of PPE.

If a position available at the enterprise is not on the standard list, and such an employee needs special clothing based on the results of workplace certification, then the rules for the “all-industry” list of professions should be followed.

The procedure for providing workers with special clothing

According to the Regulations on the Occupational Safety and Health System, abbreviated as SOUT, labor safety measures also include the provision of personnel with special clothing. The provision contains standard form, on the basis of which all the nuances of this procedure are clarified in internal regulations, taking into account industry specifics. The hierarchy of responsibility is important:

  • financial support for the purchase or production of workwear - employer level;
  • confirmation or adjustment of standards and procedures relating to workwear and personal protective equipment – ​​level of occupational safety specialist;
  • issuance, control of operation, replacement of protective equipment, including clothing, admission or non-admission to work of employees based on the presence or absence of PPE - the level of immediate superiors (foreman, site manager, foreman, etc.).

Let us clarify the procedure by which special clothing is provided:

  1. Fixation of regulations that do not contradict the standard ones in an internal regulatory act.
  2. Appointment of a person responsible for personal protective equipment (occupational safety officer).
  3. Development (you can use a standard one). The responsible person enters information about the issue into it, which the employee confirms with a signature.

IMPORTANT! Since clothing is the property of the organization, the employer not only provides it, but also organizes storage, cleanliness and repair. The employee, in turn, is obliged to return the workwear if he quits or moves to another job, as well as when replacing a worn-out set with a new one.

Responsibility for failure to use special clothing

If an employee has not received protective clothing at the expense of the employer, he has every right to refuse to fulfill labor functions without any sanctions from management. Moreover, the employer will be obliged to pay for forced downtime for an employee unprotected by special clothing. In turn, if an employee does not wear protective clothing or uses it (as well as other personal protective equipment) incorrectly, management has the right to refuse permission to work and impose a disciplinary sanction.

Specific standards and terms for providing workwear - federal, regional, industry and private - are given in separate documents.

If workers as a result labor responsibilities at any enterprise expose their health to negative and dangerous factors, then by law they need protective equipment (PPE).

According to Russian legislation, they are issued to the employee completely free of charge, and are the responsibility of managers various enterprises includes providing its employees with all necessary protective equipment.

Legislative framework for 2020

The employer’s obligation to provide its employee with free special clothing, footwear and personal protective equipment, as well as disinfectants, is enshrined in Article 221 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The document is valid in 2020 and should be used by employers when purchasing PPE. The standards contain all the necessary regulatory and reference materials for the issuance of protective equipment, adopted at different times by orders of the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Health and Social Development.

In total the document has 14 sections. First section dedicated to:

  1. Standards for issuing PPE to workers in cross-cutting professions in various sectors of the economy.
  2. The procedure for issuing warm clothes and shoes taking into account the climate.
  3. Distribution limits for signal clothing.

The remaining thirteen sections explain how to issue protective clothing and protective equipment for various professions that belong to the following sectors of the economy:

As for cross-cutting professions, the Ministry of Labor in its Letter No. 15-2/OGG-1049 dated March 16, 2016 suggests using the first section of this document in order to know who is entitled to what.

Standards for personal protective equipment are also enshrined in such documents:

  1. Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia No. 297 of April 20, 2006 “On approval of the Standard Standards for the free issuance of high-visibility signal clothing to employees of all sectors of the economy.” It specifies limits on the issuance of safety equipment for workers in the automobile, river, maritime transport, aviation, railway, mining, metallurgy, mines, construction and other areas of the Russian economy.
  2. Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 70 of December 31, 1997 on the Standards for the free issuance of warm clothing and footwear in certain climatic zones. In total, Russia has four zones and a special climate zone. Citizens in each of them, working in different sectors of the economy, are required by law to be given a certain amount of warm clothes every few years.

Procedure for providing workers with PPE

The rules governing the issuance of protective clothing and protective equipment to workers are reflected in Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia No. 290n dated June 1, 2009.

Employers and hired workers you need to know that PPE is issued to employees for free. The employer is obliged not only to issue, but also to control the use of safety equipment at his enterprise.

All protective equipment, both domestic and imported, must be certified and have documents confirming compliance with the law.

The employer, meeting the wishes of the trade union and the work collective, can increase the provision of protective equipment at his enterprise, because the Model Standards provide only the mandatory amount of PPE.

The issuance of protective equipment is carried out strictly individually. The gender of the employee, his size and the nature of the work performed are taken into account.

Employees can check the provision of PPE for company employees Labor Inspectorate, Rostekhnadzor, Rospotrebnadzor, as well as the Prosecutor's Office.

The difficulties and prospects for ensuring worker safety are presented in this live broadcast.

Enterprises need to provide workers with special clothing, safety footwear and personal protective equipment, but the standards for issuing are different for each profession. How do organizations regulate this issue?

Requirements for providing workers with PPE

The worker carrying out labor activity, must be provided by everyone necessary means for protection from hazardous factors. First, you need to understand what factors of the labor process we are talking about:

  • harmful factors are factors, when exposed to substances harmful to health (industrial dust, excess gas content in the air and the presence of hazardous substances that a person inhales, electromagnetic radiation, physical overload, etc.);
  • hazardous factors are factors in the presence of which a worker may be injured (open moving parts of machine equipment that cannot be protected by a casing due to the conditions of the technical process).

If an employer has any doubts about what kind of workwear and PPE to issue to an employee, then you can always refer to the certification card; this document contains all the details, so that errors are excluded.

But in addition to SOUT, there are requirements at the legislative level:

  1. IN labor legislation it is written that the employer is obliged to provide the employee with special PPE and RPE clothing in accordance with the standards.
  2. The standards establish what special clothing is required for a certain category of workers and types of production.
  3. The requirements of documents developed at the state level can be recorded in local regulations for the enterprise and organization.

Under any circumstances, the requirements of regulations adopted at the legislative level must not be violated.

On the procedure for providing PPE

How is special clothing, safety footwear, PPE and RPE properly provided at enterprises? The support strategy is developed in a regulatory act, and the requirements of the Rules must be taken into account.

The issuance procedure is fully set out in the intersectoral Rules.

On standard standards for issuing PPE

For convenience, standard standards for issuing PPE have been developed. This document is used by experts when conducting a special assessment of working conditions. They consist of the following columns:

  • names of positions and professions;
  • list of personal protective equipment;
  • standards for issuance (once every 12 months or every 24 months, before wear, once a quarter, etc.);
  • information depending on climate zones and how much is supposed to be issued.

A number of items have notes with information about what is required additionally for certain purposes.

As a clear example, we can consider the following: a turner works on the machine equipment entrusted to him, that is, he is required to wear a cotton suit, boots or sandals, a headdress, and a protective screen. A turner cannot perform work wearing cotton knitted gloves, since he works with constantly moving open mechanisms, and gloves can get into the danger zone and the employee can get injured, but when cleaning chips, a worker cannot do without gloves, he will get hurt.

Then the note states that to clean the workplace it is necessary to provide the employee with gloves. Further, the same turner performs work on removing snow from roofs; therefore, he must be provided with warm special clothing, a safety harness, a helmet and other equipment.

That is, it turns out that the issuance of special clothing, PPE and RPE should be issued specifically to perform immediate tasks, as well as differentiated, based on what additional duties are assigned to the employee. This can be prescribed in standards, determined on the basis of workplaces by expert organizations, but they must be observed.

How is the accounting of workwear and personal protective equipment organized at an enterprise?

Although the availability and accounting of PPE is not the main goal of enterprises and organizations, it should be carefully maintained. Any inspection by government inspectors may test this issue.

If there is no efficiency when taking into account PPE, RPE and workwear, then the following questions may arise:

  • over time, unaccounted for reserves may be unclaimed in the future, since some RPE may lose their operational properties;
  • the required dimensions are not taken into account when purchasing, which ultimately leads to a shortage of the required dimensions;
  • there is no accounting for used workwear and its delivery to the warehouse;
  • no use according to standard standards issuance;
  • there is no way to clearly monitor the use of PPE by workers.

These problems are automatically assigned to the occupational safety specialist.

How is workwear issued?

Organization of distribution of workwear

It is known that the same professions are found in different production sectors, but the standards for issuing are the same for all. It is important to correctly assess which PPE should be chosen for a particular employee.

When issuing workwear, certain rules should be followed, but if the employer additionally provides the employee with PPE, then he does not violate the requirements, but, on the contrary, increases the degree of protection. However, based on some criteria, it is necessary to understand in more detail whether legal requirements are being violated, otherwise the inspection authorities may also show interest in this circumstance.

If for some reason special clothing was purchased from a foreign manufacturer, then it should be checked for compliance with the requirements of Russian standards. In this case, certificates, declarations and other documents must be drawn up, the information in which must comply with the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor.

The timely issuance of PPE must be ensured by the employer in full compliance with the requirements of the regulatory framework. It is also necessary to organize points for the repair and washing of workwear and personal protective equipment at the enterprise.

To record the issue of special clothing to an employee, it is necessary to organize the work as follows:

  • create a special clothing issuance card for each employee;
  • keep records of the issuance of personal protective equipment against signature;
  • control the timely replacement of special clothing and personal protective equipment;
  • when issuing, be guided by the special assessment card for working conditions;
  • replace PPE that has expired ahead of schedule;
  • There must be certificates of conformity for workwear, footwear, PPE and RPE.

Control over the use and issuance of special clothing and personal protective equipment is assigned, as a rule, to an occupational safety engineer or another person appointed by order of the manager.

But in order not to get into trouble before the inspection authorities, the responsible employee is recommended to:

  1. Prepare a list of all working employees, and update it every month, this will make it easier to navigate who was issued what.
  2. Opposite the last name of each employee, you should indicate what exactly he is entitled to, that is, list all workwear and shoes, as well as PPE and RPE.
  3. Opposite each name of PPE it is necessary to indicate which GOST requirements apply to them.
  4. At least once a month, communicate with the supply manager to know the problem of missing personal protective equipment, how they are washed and repaired, and by what rules they are issued.
  5. When checking the issuance of personal protective equipment, you should pay attention to the presence of employee signatures, as well as the timing of issuance and compliance with the requirements of the certificates.
  6. It is also necessary to monitor the washing and repair of workwear.
  7. Monitor how workers use protective clothing when performing work.

The last point can be very difficult: it is not easy to oblige an employee to wear special clothing and PPE, since there are also opinions that not all special clothing is suitable for wearing. In this case, it is recommended to prepare a free form document stating that the employee does not wear PPE.

Initially, another measure of influence can be applied, namely: write a note about the non-use of PPE by the employee at the first stage of control, if he signs in the appropriate column, then part of the blame if an accident occurs due to non-use of PPE will be assigned to him, and if he refuses to sign, then drawing up the act will be the best solution.

An administrative document for the unit must appoint a person responsible for issuing, washing and repairing workwear, this will make it easier to monitor the implementation of this task.

If the employee is not provided with special clothing

Accident due to lack of PPE: consequences

If an employer skimps on the provision of special clothing and personal protective equipment, this may further adversely affect the activities of the enterprise. The following cases may occur:

  1. When conducting inspections, supervisory authorities impose administrative penalties. In any case, both legal and individual, namely a manager, a labor protection specialist or a household manager.
  2. If it happens, and it doesn’t matter to what degree of severity the consequences were attributed, then all documents relating to this employee are raised, including the card for issuing special clothing and PPE. Again, depending on the severity of the incident, both administrative and criminal penalties may be imposed.
  3. Inspectors also pay attention to the compliance of the issued workwear with the requirements of the certificates, as well as compliance with the deadlines for issuance and use by employees.

In this video, the engineer will talk about the protective properties of RPE, test methods and rules for selecting RPE in accordance with working conditions at the enterprise:

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