We need Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. How to make the most of your seasonal business: Father Frost and Snow Maiden. Additional income while hosting an event at home

Attachments: from 2 million rubles

Payback: from 1 year

Most adults have lost faith in Santa Claus, but when they have children, they want to surprise them so that this feeling of magic remains for many years. A lot of businesses open on New Year's holidays with a similar theme. You can open a reception room for Santa Claus, which will work all year round and bring in stable money, naturally with high demand on New Year's Eve. This is very kind, open business, which should be built only on honesty.

Business concept

It is important to give your child a reason to believe in miracles not only in winter, but also in summer!

Today, personalized video greetings for a child from Santa Claus are increasingly being created on New Year- this is a profitable business. You can go much further and open a larger business. Santa Claus's reception room is a children's cafe, where in winter you can gather a whole hall of children, hire a person to play the role of a bearded good fellow, who distributes gifts received in advance from parents for rhymes and songs. In spring and summer, the reception area will function as a themed cafe for children; birthday parties with animators and group celebrations are held there. The main influx of clients will be observed from mid-December to mid-January. These are the most “fishy” days, when you can hold up to 3-4 holidays a day.

Big cities need something like this; there will be impressive incomes there. In settlements of 50 to 100 thousand people, such an idea will work well only in winter; in other seasons it is possible to work at a disadvantage.

To have maximum income from this niche, you can connect school directors and kindergarten managers for a fee. Then there will be no end to customers!

What will be required for implementation?

To implement such a business, it is necessary to write down the entire concept and structure of the system on paper. If according to winter period there are no questions, then in the case of summer cafe you need to think through every detail. What kind of food will be served to children, drinks, interesting programs and entertainment, and all this should be related to the theme of Santa Claus.

It will be necessary to find a room and renovate it well; today this is very easy to do, because many cafes and restaurants are closing. When choosing a place for a reception, you need to look at the location: the closer to the center, the more clients will want to visit the establishment, but the costs of purchasing it will be higher.

The clients here are primarily children from 5 to 11 years old. Few of them have an Instagram profile or surf the Internet. Therefore, you need to think about advertising such a cafe, focusing on parents, or submit information to local TV, where it is not easy to get through.

So, at the start you need:

  • detailed business plan;
  • premises for a cafe;
  • ideas for advertising;

This is the foundation on which everything will be built.

Step-by-step launch instructions

The opening of any cafe or similar establishment is always associated with big amount nuances. Only by solving step-by-step tasks can you achieve maximum results, otherwise the full potential will not be revealed:

  1. Registration of individual entrepreneurs. Without legal permission to conduct activities, you will not be able to start in this niche.
  2. Search for premises. To open a small reception area, 70-100 square meters will be enough, there must be a kitchen, a bathroom and warehouse space. The hall itself has 6-8 tables. On New Year's holidays they are cleaned. There should be room for 10-15 children at the same time with their parents, because they are filming the holiday and taking pictures of their children. It’s very easy to search, they are often posted on avito similar advertisements. After purchasing the premises, it is necessary to make repairs. It is worth using bright colors and thematic paintings. Everything should be colorful and attract attention. The most money is spent on purchases and repairs. Change color tones with paintings, signs, lighting, etc. depending on the season.
  3. Equipment. Any cafe must be equipped with high-quality furniture, kitchen utensils, etc. There will be no questions with this, but thematic inventory must be creative, unique, and it is often made manually. This also includes costumes. For the New Year holidays you need a Santa Claus and Snow Maiden costume. If additional fairy-tale heroes(Lilliputians, people for the role of animals), then you also need to look for clothes for them.
  4. Staff. There will be 2-3 cooks working on a permanent basis (depending on the size of the reception area), 2 animators (magicians are possible), who will work in shifts, and an administrator, who is responsible for organizational issues(taking orders, receiving payments, helping with the celebration). On New Year's Eve, you can supplement the staff with new people: a woman for the role of the Snow Maiden, little people for the role of Lilliputians. Each member of the team must have charisma, attractiveness and the ability to work with children.
  5. Working on advertising. It is necessary to have a full-fledged resource on the Internet where potential clients can visit. The site should radiate lightness, magic, and a good atmosphere, so leave it to a professional. It should be aimed at parents with all the necessary information. It is highly recommended that you submit your advertisement to your local television station to run in the evening. Since children watch cartoons, your advertisement will easily catch their eye. It is likely that parents will not be able to refuse them this magical fairy tale.

Financial calculations

Start-up capital

Any establishment is associated with large investments at the start, because you need to buy a lot, equip it, and resolve issues with documentation. At the start you need to spend money on:

  • opening an individual entrepreneur – 4,000 rubles;
  • purchase of a premises of 70-100 meters - from 1.6 million rubles;
  • cafe renovation – 250 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of equipment and necessary inventory - from 300 thousand rubles;
  • creation, promotion of a website - from 50 thousand rubles;
  • advertising – 50 thousand rubles;

Total minimum amount will amount to 2.25 million rubles. The figure may vary depending on the value of real estate in your city.

Monthly expenses

How much can you earn?

Income will vary each season. In winter, you need to focus on advertising and skim off the cream. During the month from mid-December to mid-January, 3 groups of 10-15 people will be recruited daily. The service will cost 1000 rubles for one child. In a month you can earn from 1 million rubles. This period is the most profitable, that is, the rest of the time, income will be approximately 400-450 thousand rubles. Net profit varies between 90,000-140,000 rubles. Speaking about such figures, we can conclude that the entire business will pay off within the first year of operation.

Risks and features

Among the risks, it is worth highlighting the complex work system; you need to combine cafes and holidays. The children's audience is subject to brands: a new cartoon has been released, the cafe design needs to be reformatted into the appropriate style. Thanks to such operations, it is possible to play with demand. There is not much competition, because the idea is unique. The situation in the country may pose a threat to business; the crisis will force the cost of services to decrease, and accordingly this will affect profits.

Bottom line

Few businesses are opened specifically for children, and in vain. After all, children are the flowers of life, we need to focus on their development and entertainment. And by showing magic on New Year's holidays, you can give them the habit of believing in miracles, which is something many adults lack. After all, a miracle exists, and Santa Claus and his reception will demonstrate this clearly!

*The article is over 8 years old. May contain outdated data

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The essence of the business is to provide the service of individual costumed greetings for the upcoming New Year with the participation of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

Santa Claus at home is a business idea that has been bringing good mood, a festive atmosphere and income for the organizers. No, of course, for example, in Ancient Rome there was no grandfather, and there was no frost, but there were traveling comedians and poets. They took orders, came to the poor man’s shack and the senator’s villa, gave gifts, sang songs and composed impromptu songs for local holidays - by the way, the New Year originated from there, and it was called Kaledy. Then the slaves could drink and have fun with their owners, and the children received surprises and gifts.

The essence of business

Unlike an agency for organizing holidays, this topic is purely highly specialized and seasonal, although no one will stop you from “jumping” to accompanying birthdays and anniversaries in the warmer months. Its advantages are simplicity in starting, absence of initial hard and large investments, flexibility in “switching”, today you supply Santa Claus, and tomorrow you supply dancers for a party. But what is the initial benefit of starting in winter?

A large number of free time and holidays in winter, huge demand for entertainment services, unoccupied market and the fact that large companies cannot satisfy one hundred percent of the demand. Santa Claus at home - code name, he goes to a corporate party, to a kindergarten, and to a gathering of autoquest enthusiasts, there is enough work at this time and you need to carefully plan everything in order to get maximum profit.

The main problem here is advertising and planning. It is necessary to start as early as possible, long before the series of winter holidays, in order to form a favorable opinion about the brand and service. Again, it’s better to start with animation and children’s matinees, and then smoothly “flow” into the Christmas tree and firecrackers. Personnel are easy to find among freelancers or theater workers, but for unusual scenario and intellectual property will have to go out of its way. In general, this is one of the most tolerant and democratic types of business in terms of initial investments - audio equipment and a car for its transportation, that, in principle, is all the expense items.

An office is not necessary; all issues can be resolved by telephone or electronically. At first, you can limit yourself to just one sales manager; ideally, the business can be run entirely by the owner of the individual entrepreneur.
Advertising should be more visual; a radio campaign will not work here; ideally, these should be specialized advertising magazines, a website and flyers, with a discount system. And also appear at various events, hold children's matinees in orphanages and charity performances - rumors spread like ripples on the water, this is exactly what is needed in this segment.

Several general business principles Santa Claus on call

1 Never stop - change the program, add a fire show and life-size puppets to Santa Claus, use pyrotechnics and various new programs.

2 Separate gift sets and “service packages”, but the acting work itself should not be divided - the child may receive less chocolates and gifts, but no less attention.

3 Work with the whole family - give an unplanned gift from the company, light candles, give the hostess a flower. These gestures are not very expensive, but they are memorable and attract people for a long time.

4 A camera, a camera and the ability to handle technology will add clients and income to your team. Depending on the order, you can also hire assistants - students or puppet theater actors make excellent bunnies and snowflakes.

5 Try to structure and generalize your customer base - congratulate them on holidays, send musical cards and provide feedback.

6 Having a good Snow Maiden triples orders.

Inviting actors to perform costumed congratulations has been in demand for several years among parents who want to congratulate their child on various occasions. The most common service of this kind these days is an invitation Father Frost and Snow Maiden at home, for the matinee in kindergarten, to primary school children at school. Actors are invited not only to children, but also to adults, for example, to corporate celebrations in offices and restaurants. Most actors charge at least 1000 rubles per hour performances, so creative individuals are looking forward to the holiday, trying to get a large number of orders and, naturally, profit from them.

How to organize everything correctly

To properly organize such an activity, you need to take care of all the points in advance. The main advantage of this is that almost anyone can start engaging in this activity without large financial investments. Beginning entrepreneurs are recommended to purchase or sew holiday costumes, as well as select the necessary props and sound equipment. It is not necessary to rent an expensive premises; it is enough to conduct all business from home if you have a telephone and the Internet.

How to make people know about you?

In order for you or your employees to be invited to this or that event, you need to take care of effective advertising. It is necessary to start disseminating information as early as possible before planned holidays and vacations, preferably a month or two. Advertising can be given both visual and audio. Suitable options for this would be radio, television or newspapers and magazines.

The most economical way to express yourself- This means printing information about the services provided and prices on bright leaflets and independently distributing them on the street, in schools, kindergartens and other public institutions. There is no cost at all for advertising on free classifieds sites on the Internet. Advertising must be short and memorable.

At an early stage, you can start doing this activity yourself, after which you can expand and create your own agency to provide holiday services. Most of the people who can be attracted to engage in such creative activities are students, theater club workers, and simply talented unemployed people. The entrepreneur only needs to organize them, provide them with orders and provide them with income in a timely manner. For large agencies, it is imperative to have working transport for the rapid movement of actors to the venues for celebrations and congratulations, as well as transportation of equipment, such as sound equipment and other equipment.

Scenarios for the holiday

As experience shows, the most difficult thing for beginners in this work is scenarios for holding a holiday. To solve this problem, you can use the scripts offered by special sites and forums, just modify them a little to suit yourself and accompany them with a variety of music. If you come up with your own original script for each event and different age groups, it will be even better.
No matter what envious people say, feel free to start this activity, there is always a great demand in the holiday services market, so even a beginner will quickly find a profitable job. Discounts and promotions, additional services for video and photography, small presents and gifts will help you stand out from the crowd of competitors, gather a client base and provide a good income.

Current ideas for making money

Both parents and children always look forward to the New Year. Adults want some life changes, tired of the problems that happened in the past year, but the kids are waiting for gifts.

To make this night unforgettable for the whole family, you can order the service Father Frost and Snow Maiden to your home.

Most mothers and fathers use actors so that children continue to believe in these fairy-tale characters who brought gifts.

Father Frost and Snow Maiden delivered to your home: what is the essence of business?

Working as Father Frost and Snow Maiden on call is a profitable seasonal business.

On New Year's Day, you can decorate any fairy-tale character for your home, but it is often customary to order the services of actors to perform precisely these roles.

This process is simple and can be done even by beginners in the field of entrepreneurship.

For detailed instructions on how to do everything correctly, read the website of the Federal Tax Service: https://www.nalog.ru/rn77/ip/interest/reg_ip/petition

After completing the paperwork, you will receive an individual entrepreneur certificate, which will protect your business from tax problems and fines.

Scenario for Father Frost and Snow Maiden at home

In general, the entire script for the actors' work is scheduled for 15-20 minutes.

This time is quite enough to fill the house with a fairytale mood, communicate with the kids and give a gift that the parents bought in advance.

To prevent the kids from being frightened by new guests, the Snow Maiden enters the room first.

She wins over the little ones by addressing them by name in a soft, calm voice (possibly in poetic form).

After this, with the permission of the parents fairy tale character asks to take her to the New Year tree.

After which he says that Santa Claus is rushing to them for the holiday with gifts, but he got a little lost, and in order for grandfather to find his way, he should be called loudly.

After the children start calling Santa Claus, a second actor appears in the room. Next, gifts are presented for a poem told by the child or a song sung.

After this, Frost and Snegurka leave for the next challenge, and the children sit happy near the Christmas tree and unpack their gifts.

In order for the program to be interesting for children and adults, the actors must begin to draw up their script in the fall, because it is necessary to choose not only outfits, but also to work out scenes with memorized poems, songs, and New Year's rhymes.

Additional income while hosting an event at home

Parents can be invited to film the entire process of the event on a video camera from the moment the Snow Maiden arrives or capture in a photo the moment fairy-tale characters present gifts.

It is not necessary to invite a professional photographer for this. Their prices are already quite high, and on New Year’s days - even more so!

A friend of one of the actors can act as a cameraman, who will be happy to earn extra money during the winter holidays. Of course, this person should also be dressed in a festive style.

How do Father Frost and Snow Maiden prepare before an event at home?

Before coming to your home for a holiday, it is important to clarify some information with your parents:

  1. Are kids ready for the arrival of fairy-tale characters?
  2. Has the performance of Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden been postponed?

Please note: You must be extremely careful when giving gifts to Santa Claus.
After all, if children see that mom or dad are putting their desired toy in the bag, then the holiday will be ruined and the atmosphere of magic will dissipate.
The transfer of money for work is also discussed in advance, so that the daughter or son does not witness how dad gives money to the Snow Maiden.

Advertising for business “Father Frost and Snow Maiden” for home

Therefore, you should not hesitate with this process. Start running business advertising in November:

  • Need to print bright posters with the provided service “Father Frost and Snow Maiden at home” and post them at bus stops or other crowded places.
  • Indeed, in the modern world, people are accustomed to looking for the necessary information not in newspapers, but in.

  • If the business budget allows, order the development of holiday leaflets for distribution in crowded places potential clients and distribution to mailboxes/thematic establishments (kindergartens, schools, children's clothing stores, etc.).

You can take orders for an event at home, and store costumes and props there. Thanks to this, the entrepreneur saves significantly on office rent.

But keep in mind: one day clients will want to meet in person before the holiday. Where will you take them?

When accepting an order, you must enter the following information in the notebook:

  • date of celebration for children;
  • desired time of arrival of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden at home;
  • the number of children in the family and their names.

A good example of such PR is in this video:

Many people, starting to master this business, believe that they will not be able to compete with professional agencies. But in reality, companies are physically unable to visit everyone’s home...

...On the eve of the New Year it arrives great amount orders specifically for these fairy-tale characters.

In addition, large agencies have corresponding prices, so you can lure many clients simply with a more loyal price.

You should not doubt this direction of earning money, but it is better to start the process of creating costumes, studying poems, songs and begin to the launch of the seasonal business “Father Frost and Snow Maiden at home”».

If you put in the effort, the phone will soon ring with your first order.

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