We need people with accommodation for unusual work. How to make good money in a short time. Eyebrow tattoo and restoration artist in Singapore

Over the entire history of HeadHunter, more than 11 million vacancies have been published on its website! Summing up the 15th anniversary of the company, we decided to build a rating of unusual and interesting professions, which have ever been published on the site site.

After analyzing more than 11 million vacancies, the HeadHunter research service selected 15 unusual, rare and interesting professions for which employers have ever published vacancies.

For glass blowers 13 vacancies were published. A glassblower is a craftsman who creates products from heated glass mass using blowing and other techniques. The average salary offered in Russia was in the range of 30,000-60,000 rubles, depending on the region.

IT evangelist- a specialist professionally engaged in propaganda in the field information technologies. An IT evangelist promotes technologies and products by writing articles, blogging, conducting seminars and webinars, demonstrations and presentations, and conducting negotiations. There were four such vacancies in total. One of them in St. Petersburg indicated a salary of 90,000 rubles.

Quite an unusual profession Poster- a specialist who creates wigs, mustaches, beards and sideburns from natural and artificial hair. In Moscow, you can earn from 40,000 to 90,000 rubles in such a position.

Salary airplane cleaner in three available vacancies ranged from 16,000 to 20,000 rubles.

Fumelier- this is a cigar specialist.. The salary in one case was offered 30,000 rubles, in another - 45,000 rubles.

Cotton candy machine operator- seasonal profession. Mainly distributed in summer time. Until recently, it seemed outdated. But with the development and improvement of various parks and places of cultural recreation, it has recently reappeared on the market. In Moscow, such a position is now offered a salary of 30,000 to 50,000 rubles.

Golf cart driver- also an unusual profession for Russia, where golf is not as popular as, for example, in the USA. The responsibilities of such a specialist include meeting guests and delivering them around the golf club.

Ergonomics expert- a specialist dedicated to simplifying the work performed and achieving higher employee productivity. This profession is still new and rare on the labor market. A total of two vacancies were published for this position.

  • Mukosey- a worker engaged in sifting flour.
  • Golf Club Rubber .
  • Bicycle wheel spoker .
  • Director of Customer Experience- specialist involved in service quality management.

Instead of a conclusion. Of course, the list can be continued and list many interesting and rare professions, vacancies for which were not published on the website at all during the entire 15 years of the company’s existence. However, we limited ourselves to only those that were published on the HeadHunter website.

Basically, employers require specialists who understand the fields that are familiar to us all: economics, medicine, engineering, and the like. But in the world there are many other, most unusual and strange professions unknown to most people, which few have heard of, and certainly no one knows, where they teach professional ant catching, show a master class on removing the brain from the head of a slaughtered animal and explain how trading dreams correctly. We will tell you about these and many other strange types of work in the continuation of the article.

1. Ant catcher

The ant catcher must catch the best individuals in the anthill, which will subsequently serve for procreation on artificial ant farms.

2. Brain remover

The brain remover's place of work is a slaughterhouse. His job is to place the head of a slaughtered animal on the table and, after its skull is split open, remove the brain, which is then sent to restaurants.

3. Mattress tester

Who among us did not like to jump on the bed as a child? True, our parents scolded us for it back then, but Ruben Reynoso gets paid for it! A man works in a mattress factory and jumps on them as much as he wants.

4. An organizer who will help get your child together Kid `s camp

When going on vacation or another long trip, there's always the risk of forgetting something important, but for New Yorkers, that's no longer a problem. For less than a thousand dollars, an organizer will come to the American home and collect everything necessary for the children’s trip to summer camp.

5. People living in luxury apartments and getting paid for it

It’s hard to call this activity work: live in luxury apartments, enjoy life and get money for it - paradise, and that’s all! But these people are essentially nomads who only create the appearance of life in the house, maintaining ideal cleanliness and order. And when buyers are found for the house, the family must immediately move to another luxurious house.

Jumping off a cliff into the unknown - what could be scarier? What if they pay money for it? Red Bull cliff diving competitions are held all over the world, and to date, half of the competition has already taken place, in which extreme athletes from different countries took part, conquering a height of 27 meters.

And this job seems like one of the most boring jobs in the world, and maybe it is. Dr. Thomas Curwen, 34, spends his working day carefully watching paint dry, watching its color and texture change. The doctor must guarantee that the paint is durable and will not peel off in the near future.

In Asian countries, people are accustomed to restraining themselves, so funerals are served by special mourners. Prices for the services of such personnel look approximately like this: crying - 1 coin; crying with howling - 3 coins; hysterical crying with howling and falling to your knees - 7 coins; sobbing with beating one's chest, tearing clothes and rolling on the ground - 20 coins. Before starting work, you must pass a test on your knowledge of traditions, the ability to cry dramatically and instantly calm down.

Perhaps one of the strangest professions is that of a scarecrow man. Nevertheless, the young man who completed his studies at the institute got this job. His job was to scare away local birds with an accordion and bell, and he was required to wear a bright orange coat. For this performance he was paid £250 a week.

A person in this profession comes up with sonorous names for clothes new collection. "Drops of Blood on Garibaldi", "Jawaharlav's Rice Pudding", "The Seduction of the Prince of Bohemia" and even "Hippie Boy, Take Me!" - this is his handiwork.

These people work in Antarctica and save poor birds who stare at airplanes and fall on their backs. After all, by their nature, penguins are not able to rise on their own.

A postal clerk dreams of becoming a great actor for one night. A businessman dreams of managing a multi-ton train. A psychiatrist dreams of meeting 20 girls from 20 different countries over 20 weekends. How to make their dreams come true? One of the Chicago companies is engaged in bringing to life any fantasies and desires of its clients. All you need to do is come to their office, tell them what you dream of, and pay the amount that the specialists will tell you. However, remember that the minimum cost to make your dream come true is $150,000.

A new service has also appeared in the Middle Kingdom... On the streets of Chinese cities you can now meet comrades who, for a fee of 4 cents, are ready to tell anyone where the nearest public toilet is. In their work books That’s how it’s written: “Civil servant - toilet guide”!

One of the large companies producing condoms has opened several new vacancies. The office is recruiting young people for the position of “Condom Testers”! An unlimited number of consumables are included in the tester's standard equipment. The person who best provides the office with useful information about the progress of the tests will receive a $1000 bonus!

Fortune cookies, popular throughout the feast, need regular and correct drafting these same predictions. Their author must certainly have good imagination, because prophecies must be clear, interesting, varied and unusual. At first glance, the work seems easy, but try to come up with at least a hundred similar predictions!

Basic consumables at this job - swimming trunks. They wear through at an alarming rate, because the main working weapon here is the buttocks. And Tom Lynch's buttocks are known all over the world wherever there are water parks. With his fifth point, he tested hundreds of slides, while recording his feelings in special forms.

Do you know what absolute pitch is? In Italy, for example, this is the ability to clearly perform the song “O sole mia” on Parmesan cheese. The factories where it is produced employ people with musical education. They tap the heads of cheese with a silver hammer to determine if it is ripe. And it matures for 3 years, producing new notes every day. The further you go, the louder the Parmesan.

Some pastry shops have so-called egg sniffers. They make sure the rancid ones chicken eggs were not used for the production of confectionery products.

You can honestly be happy for the British. An office has appeared in the country, promising citizens that they will not stand in queues. A specially trained “stander” will do this for them. The services are not cheap - almost 40 bucks per hour. If you consider that every Englishman stands in line for more than a year in his life, then the savings are obvious!

Tests the effectiveness of chewing gum by smelling the breath of people with bad teeth after eating garlic or alcohol. Good chewing gum should muffle all this.

At the annual marijuana festival in Amsterdam, weed producers compete in many categories: the most delicious marijuana, the most beautiful in color, the most fun, with the strongest effect... The winner is determined by judges who have to taste up to 30 varieties of weed a day. And while the winners are awarded for the most striking effect, they are trying to return the tasters from the “Land of Laughter”.

We found and asked representatives of the most unusual professions in Russia - how to get a job as a tit tester, who a “stringer” is, and what restaurant critics are paid for. The text contains links to open vacancies - hurry to respond.

Most of the strange professions will never appear on the sites - there are other ways to find these employees. Can you, for example, imagine the vacancy “astronaut”? Or "ringer"? Or “literary Negro”? No offense to anyone here, “negro” means co-author/consultant/author of books. In general, they are looking for a second Dontsova to “produce” reading material on an industrial scale.

But the unusual still appears on the site, and we have conditionally divided such professions into 3 groups.


A profession disappears when the result of labor ceases to be in demand. Few people now want to stuff their deceased beloved cat or buy a deer head in a gift shop. Therefore, the vacancy for “taxidermist” appears once every six months or a year. But they are looking for such a master and are even ready to teach the craft from scratch.

The vacancy for a chimney sweep in 2018 also sounds unusual. However, representatives of these professions are still required, for example, and. But their fate depends on how long the old wooden housing stock will last and whether fireplaces will be popular in cottages.

But you can say goodbye to the “stenographers” already. On April 1, 2018, this profession was officially abolished - the need to record speech by hand was replaced by computers and voice recorders. So, alas, if you see it, it will only mean a specialist in fast typing.


The profession of a dog sitter has emerged recently, but has great prospects - a “nanny for dogs”, who takes care of the animal while the owners are away or at work. There are about 30 vacancies for dog sitters - by the way, the job is perfect for students and high school students.

Yulia, Moscow, 3 years experience as a dog sitter:

“You don’t have to be an experienced dog handler, but you do need to have a very good understanding of dog psychology. It’s okay if the dog doesn’t love you - it’s much worse if he began to prefer you to his owners.”

Screenwriter vacancies computer games or a narrative designer, all game exchanges are clogged. But the sphere of offline entertainment is still developing. And there you can find a vacancy and.

According to Egor Lukhnev, organizer of the intellectual and entertaining game BrainBarQuiz in Dubna, the work is not easy:

“It is not enough just to be an erudite person or to have experience in writing questions for university Brain Rings. Pub quizzes have a special specificity, and we are interested not only in people who are ready to constantly work on improving the wording of tasks, but also in good players.”

Narrowly themed

One of the symbols Soviet era– the famous “tea with an elephant”, ordinary black long tea. Today, tea testers, the creators of new passion fruit-birch blends, are responsible for the bacchanalia of varieties with all sorts of flavoring additives.

We didn’t invent anything, here’s the open one.

Ruslan, St. Petersburg, worked as a tester for a year:

“The beautiful words “tea sommelier” describe serious work with a number of requirements for employees. Unfortunately, I had to leave the profession due to a discovered allergy to some herbs.”

Stringers are different. More often, this word refers to freelance journalists who supply the hottest “yellow” content. However, this profession can no longer be called unusual - anyone with a phone with a camera can become a stringer.

But other stringers, specialists in tensioning strings on rackets, are a piece goods. in tennis clubs or large sports stores.

Dream jobs are the name given to a whole block of professions where the quality of services needs to be assessed. These include travel bloggers or.

Maksim, restaurant critic, St. Petersburg, 5 years of work experience:

“It’s somewhat similar to the work of a theater critic. It's hard to have fun when you have to simultaneously evaluate and think about how to write about it. And the food is not always to your taste.”

There are so many ways to travel the world without special costs from my side. One of the simplest is working abroad. We have found unusual and attractive vacancies for you: hugging huskies in Canada, getting a tattoo in Singapore or being a personal friend in Kirov

Manager of educational programs in Armenia

If you live in Moscow and don’t mind traveling to Armenia in order to launch interesting educational projects, this vacancy is for you.

Where: Moscow and Armenia

Responsibilities: creating a customer base, informing about programs, launching projects.

Salary: up to 200 thousand rubles.

Features: the employer requires 70% of the time to be in Moscow and 30% in Armenia.

Photo: shutterstock.com

Husky volunteer in Canada

Just think about these cute, blue-eyed puppies! Now imagine that by cuddling dogs and caring for them, you can still see Canada.

Where: Whitehorse, Yukon

When: three periods (from January 15 to April 15, from May 15 to July 15, from July 15 to October 15, 2016).

Responsibilities: love, hug, feed, water and care for loving dogs, office work, communication with tourists.

Salary: work for room and board.

Features: flight and visa at your own expense.

Photo: tripsecrets.ru

Editor of a tourism portal about Finland

Have you had an insatiable love for Finland all your life? Do you know at least a few names of cities in this country? Can you pronounce the president's last name? We have found a vacancy where you will need all this.

Where: St. Petersburg and Finland

Responsibilities: development of publication strategy, supervision of authors, writing articles.

Requirements: residence in St. Petersburg, interest in the topic, travel to Finland, work in a similar position, good level of spoken English.

Salary: from 25 thousand rubles.

Photo: shutterstock.com

Back-end developer (РНР) in Cyprus

Most of the letters and words in this vacancy are incomprehensible to us, but for some reason we think that those who understand all the requirements and conditions are already halfway to success.

Where: Cyprus

Requirements: knowledge of PHP (OOP), writing server side for client-server applications, knowledge of SQL (MySQL / Postgre), understanding of REST API, VPN (client/server) and proxy servers, working with HTML5/JS/CSS, Linux administration server (nginx/php/sql).

Salary: 3000 euros.

Features: office in the center of Limassol, white salary, insurance, free lunches, paid flight.

Photo: shutterstock.com

Eyebrow tattoo and restoration artist in Singapore

Eyebrows are an important detail of any person's face. Well, think about what it would be like without them. Yes, that is why this position should be taken with all respect and seriousness.

Where: Singapore

Responsibilities: eyebrow tattooing, compiling a list of services, working with clients.

Requirements: experience with tattooing, average level in English.

Salary: $1200-3000.

Features: You need to pay for housing yourself.

Photo: odnako.su

Manager of a cinema center in Kamchatka

Here, of course, there is no filming, but the work is also quite interesting, judging by the list of responsibilities. The main thing is that you definitely won’t get bored.

Where: Kamchatka, Russia

Responsibilities: sales of the terminal bar, purchasing goods, selection of products, promotion, working with suppliers, concluding agreements with landlords, etc.

Requirements: intermediate or higher education in the field of marketing, advertising, cinema, public relations, PC use, creativity.

Salary: 35-37 thousand rubles.

Features: official design.

Photo: nsvet.ru

Nanny in Canada

If children give you positive emotions and not a nervous tic, you can try yourself as a nanny. There are, of course, older wards.

Where: Canada

Responsibilities: Caring for children, the elderly or disabled.

Requirements: under 50 years old, English or French at least Intermediate, international passport, non-smoking, non-pregnant, certificate, courses in caring for children or the elderly, the opportunity to work in Canada.

Salary: 10 Canadian dollars per hour.

Features: You will need to pay up to $3375 for the program.

Photo: shutterstock.com

Gynecologist in Libya

In this particular case, you won’t be able to quickly learn a profession, but suddenly you have a diploma from a medical school gathering dust on your shelf. Well, suddenly.

Where: Libya

Responsibilities: providing medical assistance.

Requirements: 3 years of experience as a doctor, basic English, PC knowledge, international passport, hard work.

Photo: lartdesoigner.com

Condensed milk production technologist in Baku

We think this specialty is a childhood dream. Any child with a sweet tooth wanted to cook condensed milk when he grew up.

Where: Baku, Azerbaijan

Responsibilities: control the technical process, quality of raw materials, maintaining documentation, drawing up recipes.

Requirements: experience in a similar position, higher education.

Salary: negotiable.

Photo: milk.kemtipp.ru

Personal friend in Kirov

We have never seen a more touching vacancy. It turns out that nowadays a friend is a job.

Where: Kirov, Russia

Responsibilities: supporting people.

Requirements: responsiveness, kindness, sociability, willingness to listen.

Salary: negotiable.

Photo: shutterstock.com

Gear cutter in Bashkortostan

Not to end on a whiny note, here's another tough vacancy for you. It seems to us that working on gear cutting machines is very masculine and even very Russian.

Where: Bashkortostan, Russia

Responsibilities: work on gear cutting machines - gear shaping and thread spline milling.

Requirements: experience in a similar position for at least 3 years, category 4-b.

Salary: $1140

Features: official employment, travel and accommodation at the expense of the company.

Photo: supercoolpics.com