On the procedure for assigning academic titles. Documentation. Cloud magazine about science and technology

The Science Council under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Council), having examined the draft Regulations on the procedure for awarding academic titles, notes that the requirements given in it (especially regarding the professorial title) are unrealistic and not always justified. The council suggests:

To article 3 add the following sentence: “The conclusions of the Commission are adopted on the basis of a collegial decision of its relevant thematic Expert Council.”

Rationale: after the reassignment of the Higher Attestation Commission from Rosobrnadzor directly to the Ministry of Education and Science, it was created Expert advice for awarding academic titles. Since then, the title of history professor has been awarded to veterinarians and mathematicians and vice versa. This Council should be closed and issues of awarding titles should be returned to the jurisdiction of the same ECs that award academic degrees.

According to Article 8 –

  1. Paragraph (and) exclude. A compromise option: you can insert the phrase before paragraph (h): “performs at least one from points (h) and (i).” Rationale: such a number of textbooks is completely unnecessary. The global practice is to teach students using the best textbooks, rather than creating your own textbook for the course.
  2. If paragraph (i) is retained (as an alternative), supplement its text with the requirement “published in leading publishing houses.” Rationale: Otherwise, the value of the textbook may be negligible.
  3. Remove references to educational publications from point (h). Paragraph (h) should be formulated as follows: “Is the author (co-author) of at least 20 scientific papers, including patents for inventions and other intellectual property. At the same time, over the last 5 years, at least 5 peer-reviewed scientific papers must have been published in the scientific specialty specified in the attestation file of the applicant for an academic title. scientific publications"(hereinafter in the text). Justification: textbooks are already mentioned in paragraph (i), the value of educational publications is not confirmed in any way, the number “50” is probably a typo - the world’s leading scientists do not have so many scientific works (for example, in mathematics, Fields laureate S.K. Smirnov) .
  4. Remove item (e). Rationale: if the applicant has fulfilled other conditions for the title of professor, why does he need the formal title of associate professor?!
  5. Add a position leading researcher to point (b). Justification: this was the case in the old text and there is no need to change it. There are very few chief researchers and heads of labs; these positions are usually received towards the end of one’s career.
  6. IN point (d) remove the words “in the organization that nominated him for the award of a scientific title.” Rationale: the provision allows for the representation of a scientific organization (for example, a chief researcher), but there are no teaching positions in scientific organizations.
  7. IN point (g) reduce the number of defenses as a scientific supervisor or scientific consultant for employees educational organizations up to 2. Rationale: this was the old situation and there is no need to change it.

According to Article 9 –

  • Remove reference to educational publications from paragraph (e) in a manner similar to paragraph 8(h).
  • The number of scientific papers in paragraph (e) should be replaced by 10 (2 times less than 8(h)).
  • Remove “or conducts other activities” from the preamble. Rationale: the assistant professor is obliged to give lectures!

Will come into force on January 1, 2014. In accordance with it, academic titles can be awarded to those persons who are engaged in teaching or scientific activities. Very often, in order to satisfy the requirements set by the organization for employment and assignment of a title, work experience is required. In a situation where a graduate student does not have teaching experience, you should use the research experience and get a job of at least 0.5 times the salary. The length of service must be continuous; if it is interrupted, it is calculated based on the amount. There are two types of experience - teaching and the one obtained in graduate school. Pedagogical experience is required, another type of experience is recorded in work book and has no special meaning. The decision to assign can be made at a meeting in the organization where the title is assigned. The certification file is drawn up according to the forms of the Ministry of Education and Science. In order to receive the title of professor, you must meet the following criteria:

  • experience continuous operation at least 2 years in positions (professor, head of department, dean of the faculty, head or deputy head for (research, educational, educational and methodological) work of a branch or this organization, vice-rector, rector, chief researcher or head of scientific, or experimental - design department, etc. see paragraph 8, section c);
  • having scientific and pedagogical activity at least 10 years in organizations, including at least 5 years of teaching experience in the scientific specialty specified in the certification file;
  • training as a scientific supervisor or scientific consultant at least 3 (for employees of educational organizations) and at least 5 (for employees scientific organizations) persons who have been awarded academic degrees, and the topic of the dissertation of at least one of them corresponds to the scientific specialty specified in the certification file;
  • the presence of at least 50 published educational publications and scientific works (including co-authored ones), including patents for inventions and other intellectual property objects that are used in educational process. Moreover, over the past 5 years, at least 3 educational publications and at least 5 scientific papers must have been published in the scientific specialty indicated in the certification file of the applicant for an academic title. Scientific works must be published in peer-reviewed scientific publications, the requirements for which and the rules for compiling a list of which in the notification procedure are established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation;
  • the presence of a textbook (textbook), the author of which is an applicant for an academic title, or the presence of at least 3 textbooks ( teaching aids), co-authored by an applicant for an academic title, published over the past 10 years in the scientific specialty specified in the certification file.

In order to receive the title of associate professor, you must meet the following criteria:

  • continuous work experience of at least 2 years in the positions specified in subparagraph “c” of paragraph 10 of the Regulations;
  • carrying out teaching activities for at least 0.25 times the salary (including part-time work) educational programs higher education and (or) additional vocational education in the scientific specialty specified in the certification file, in the organization that nominated him for the award of an academic title;
  • having at least 5 years of scientific and teaching experience in organizations, including at least 3 years of teaching experience in the scientific specialty specified in the certification file;
  • the presence of at least 20 published educational publications and scientific works (including co-authorship), including patents for inventions and other intellectual property that are used in the educational process. Moreover, over the last 3 years, at least 2 educational publications and at least 3 scientific papers in the scientific specialty specified in the certification file must be published. Scientific works are published in peer-reviewed publications.

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