On approval of the rules for the provision of paid veterinary services. Rules for the provision of veterinary services




According to the Law Russian Federation“On the Protection of Consumer Rights” (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1996, No. 3, Art. 140) The Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached Rules for the provision of paid veterinary services.

2. Recognize the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 9, 1994 N “On approval of the Rules for the provision of veterinary services” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1994, N 13, Art. 1521) as invalid.

Chairman of the Government

Russian Federation



Government Decree

Russian Federation


I. General provisions

1. These Rules have been developed in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” and the Law of the Russian Federation “On Veterinary Medicine” and regulate the relations that arise between consumers and providers when providing paid veterinary services.

The following basic concepts apply in these Rules:

“consumer” - a citizen who intends to order or orders, purchases or uses veterinary services exclusively for personal, family, household and other needs not related to the implementation of entrepreneurial activity;

“executor” is an organization, regardless of its legal form, as well as individual entrepreneur providing veterinary services to consumers compensation agreement.

2. Paid veterinary services include:

clinical, treatment and prophylactic, veterinary and sanitary, therapeutic, surgical, obstetric and gynecological, anti-epizootic measures, immunization (active, passive), disinfection, disinsection, deratization, deworming;

all types of laboratory research, conducting veterinary and sanitary examination of food raw materials and food products animal origin, food products of animal and plant origin of non-industrial production intended for sale in food markets, as well as low-quality and veterinarily dangerous food products of animal origin;

research and other veterinary activities related to the sale of breeding animals, with their participation in exhibitions and competitions;

determination of pregnancy and pregnancy of all types of animals, obtaining and transplantation of embryos and other activities related to the reproduction of animals, birds, fish, bees and their transportation;

the paragraph is no longer valid. - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 2014 N;

paragraph excluded. - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 25, 2003 N;

cremation, euthanasia and other veterinary services.

3. These Rules do not apply to the implementation of treatment and preventive measures for the prevention, diagnosis and elimination of diseases that are especially dangerous to humans and animals, as well as during the implementation of state veterinary supervision.

II. Information about paid veterinary services,

procedure for filling out contracts and paying for services

4. The Contractor is obliged to bring to the attention of the consumer the brand name (name) of the organization, its location ( legal address) and operating mode. The performer places the specified information on the sign.

5. The contractor - an individual entrepreneur must provide the consumer with information about state registration and the name of the body that registered it.

6. The contractor is obliged to provide the consumer with information in a clear and accessible form about the veterinary services provided (work performed). This information must be in a place convenient for viewing and must contain:

a list of the main types of paid veterinary services (work) and forms of their provision;

price lists for veterinary services;

the paragraph is no longer valid. - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 14, 2006 N 767;

drug samples, medicines and etc.;

veterinary products used in the provision of paid veterinary services;

samples standard contracts, receipts, tokens, receipts, coupons and other documents certifying the execution and payment of services (work);

information on benefits provided for certain categories of consumers (disabled people, participants of the Great Patriotic War etc.) in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

regulations on issues of veterinary care for animals;

information about the consumer rights protection authority;

information about the location (legal address) of the contractor and the location of the organization authorized to accept claims from consumers;

an indication of the specific person who will provide the veterinary service and information about him, if this is relevant based on the nature of the veterinary service.

III. The procedure for providing paid

veterinary services

7. Performer:

ensures the use of medicines and methods that exclude negative effects on animals during diagnosis, treatment and prevention, highly effective veterinary drugs and methods of veterinary treatment;

guarantees the safety of veterinary measures for the health and productivity of animals, the life and health of the consumer, as well as environment.

8. The consumer is obliged:

provide the contractor, at his request, with animals for inspection, immediately report all cases associated with a sudden death or simultaneous mass disease of animals, or their unusual behavior;

take measures to isolate animals suspected of illness before the arrival of the executor;

carry out the sale of meat, milk, meat and dairy products, eggs and other livestock products strictly after conducting a veterinary and sanitary examination and receiving the contractor’s conclusion on their suitability for use for food purposes;

deliver the corpses of dead animals, as well as products of backyard slaughter of livestock and poultry, unsuitable for human and animal food (confiscated goods), to veterinary and sanitary recycling plants or cattle burial grounds for destruction;

ensure appropriate maintenance and feeding of animals in accordance with zoohygienic requirements, as well as carrying out mandatory treatment and preventive measures within the time limits specified in the instructions, instructions, recommendations for keeping animals.

IV. Receiving and processing orders for paid

veterinary services (work)

9. The Contractor accepts orders for paid veterinary services (work) corresponding to the profile of his activity.

10. Paid veterinary services are provided by the contractor on the basis of concluding an agreement, issuing a subscription service or issuing a token, coupon, cash receipt, receipts or other documents of the established form.

11. The contractor is obliged to promptly inform the consumer that compliance with the consumer’s instructions and other circumstances depending on the consumer may reduce the quality of the veterinary service provided or make it impossible to complete it on time.

12. If the consumer, despite timely and reasonable information by the contractor, does not replace unsuitable or substandard material within a reasonable time, does not change the instructions on the method of providing veterinary services, or does not eliminate other circumstances that may reduce the quality of the service provided, the contractor has the right to terminate the contract for the performance work (provision of services) and demand full compensation for losses.

13. Lost power. - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 25, 2003 N.

V. Procedure and forms of payment for services (work)

14. Forms of payment for the services provided are determined by agreement between the consumer and the provider.

15. A firm or approximate estimate may be drawn up for the provision of veterinary services provided for in the contract for the provision of services.

Drawing up such an estimate at the request of the consumer or contractor is mandatory.

The contractor does not have the right to demand an increase in the fixed estimate, and the consumer does not have the right to demand a decrease, including in the case when at the time of concluding the contract it was impossible to provide for the full volume of veterinary services to be provided or the expenses necessary for this.

The contractor has the right to demand an increase in the firm estimate if there is a significant increase in the cost of materials and equipment provided by the contractor, as well as services provided to him by third parties that could not be foreseen at the conclusion of the contract. If the consumer refuses to comply with this requirement, the contractor has the right to terminate the contract in court.

If, when providing paid veterinary services, there is a need to provide additional veterinary services and for this reason the approximate estimate is significantly exceeded, the contractor is obliged to promptly warn the consumer about this.

If the consumer does not agree to exceed the approximate estimate, he has the right to refuse to fulfill the contract. In this case, the contractor may require the consumer to pay the price for the veterinary service provided.

The contractor who fails to promptly warn the consumer about the need to exceed the approximate estimate is obliged to fulfill the contract, retaining the right to pay for veterinary services within the approximate estimate.

16. For non-compliance with or violation of these Rules, as well as the Laws of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” and “On Veterinary Medicine” or other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the performer and the consumer are liable, established by law Russian Federation.

cremation, euthanasia and other veterinary services.

3. These Rules do not apply to the implementation of treatment and preventive measures for the prevention, diagnosis and elimination of diseases that are especially dangerous to humans and animals, as well as during the implementation of state veterinary supervision.

II. Information about paid veterinary services, the procedure for filling out contracts and paying for services

4. The Contractor is obliged to bring to the attention of the consumer the company name (name) of the organization, its location (legal address) and operating hours. The contractor places the specified information on the sign.

5. The contractor - an individual entrepreneur must provide the consumer with information about state registration and the name of the body that registered him.

6. The contractor is obliged to provide the consumer with information in a clear and accessible form about the veterinary services provided (work performed). This information must be in a place convenient for viewing and must contain:

a list of the main types of paid veterinary services (work) and forms of their provision;

price lists for veterinary services;

samples of drugs, medicines, etc.;

veterinary products used in the provision of paid veterinary services;

samples of standard contracts, receipts, tokens, receipts, coupons and other documents certifying the execution and payment of services (work);

information about benefits provided for certain categories of consumers (disabled people, participants in the Great Patriotic War, etc.) in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

regulatory documents on veterinary care of animals;

information about the consumer rights protection authority;

information about the location (legal address) of the contractor and the location of the organization authorized to accept claims from consumers;

an indication of the specific person who will provide the veterinary service and information about him, if this is relevant based on the nature of the veterinary service.

III. The procedure for providing paid veterinary services

7. Performer:

ensures the use of medicines and methods that exclude negative effects on animals during diagnosis, treatment and prevention, highly effective veterinary drugs and methods of veterinary treatment;

guarantees the safety of veterinary measures for the health and productivity of animals, the life and health of the consumer, as well as the environment.

8. The consumer is obliged:

provide the contractor, at his request, with animals for inspection, immediately report all cases associated with a sudden death or simultaneous mass disease of animals, or their unusual behavior;

take measures to isolate animals suspected of illness before the arrival of the executor;

carry out the sale of meat, milk, meat and dairy products, eggs and other livestock products strictly after conducting a veterinary and sanitary examination and receiving the contractor’s conclusion on their suitability for use for food purposes;

deliver the corpses of dead animals, as well as products of backyard slaughter of livestock and poultry, unsuitable for human and animal food (confiscated goods), to veterinary and sanitary recycling plants or cattle burial grounds for destruction;

ensure appropriate maintenance and feeding of animals in accordance with zoohygienic requirements, as well as carrying out mandatory treatment and preventive measures within the time limits specified in the instructions, instructions, recommendations for keeping animals.

IV. Receiving and processing orders for paid veterinary services

9. The Contractor accepts orders for paid veterinary services (work) corresponding to the profile of his activity.

10. Paid veterinary services are provided by the contractor on the basis of concluding an agreement, issuing a subscription service or issuing a token, coupon, cash receipt, receipt or other documents of the established form.

11. The contractor is obliged to promptly inform the consumer that compliance with the consumer’s instructions and other circumstances depending on the consumer may reduce the quality of the veterinary service provided or make it impossible to complete it on time.

12. If the consumer, despite timely and reasonable information by the contractor, does not replace unsuitable or substandard material within a reasonable time, does not change the instructions on the method of providing veterinary services, or does not eliminate other circumstances that may reduce the quality of the service provided, the contractor has the right to terminate the contract for the performance work (provision of services) and demand full compensation for losses.

V. Procedure and forms of payment for services (work)

14. Forms of payment for the services provided are determined by agreement between the consumer and the provider.

15. A firm or approximate estimate may be drawn up for the provision of veterinary services provided for in the contract for the provision of services.

Drawing up such an estimate at the request of the consumer or contractor is mandatory.

The contractor does not have the right to demand an increase in the fixed estimate, and the consumer does not have the right to demand a decrease, including in the case when at the time of concluding the contract it was impossible to provide for the full volume of veterinary services to be provided or the expenses necessary for this.

The contractor has the right to demand an increase in the firm estimate if there is a significant increase in the cost of materials and equipment provided by the contractor, as well as services provided to him by third parties that could not be foreseen at the conclusion of the contract. If the consumer refuses to comply with this requirement, the contractor has the right to terminate the contract in court.

If, when providing paid veterinary services, there is a need to provide additional veterinary services and for this reason the approximate estimate is significantly exceeded, the contractor is obliged to promptly warn the consumer about this.

If the consumer does not agree to exceed the approximate estimate, he has the right to refuse to fulfill the contract. In this case, the contractor may require the consumer to pay the price for the veterinary service provided.

The contractor who fails to promptly warn the consumer about the need to exceed the approximate estimate is obliged to fulfill the contract, retaining the right to pay for veterinary services within the approximate estimate.

16. For non-compliance with or violation of these Rules, as well as the laws of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” and “On Veterinary Medicine” or other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the performer and the consumer bear responsibility established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Government of the Russian Federation. Resolution of July 9, 1994 N 815
In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” (Vedomosti of the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation, 1992, No. 15, Art. 766), the Government of the Russian Federation decides to approve the attached Rules for the provision of veterinary services.
Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, V. Chernomyrdin.
Approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 9, 1994 N 815

I. General provisions

1. These Rules have been developed in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” and establish the procedure for the provision of veterinary services.

2. An enterprise, institution, organization providing veterinary services, a specialist in the field of veterinary medicine engaged in entrepreneurial activities (hereinafter referred to as the performer), when providing veterinary services to citizens - animal owners (hereinafter referred to as the consumer) are guided by the Laws of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights ", "On Veterinary Medicine", other veterinary and other legislation of the Russian Federation and constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

3. An enterprise, institution, or organization providing veterinary services is required to have a sign indicating the profile and forms of organization of their activities, a company name with information about the address and hours of operation.

4. A specialist in the field of veterinary medicine, engaged in entrepreneurial activity, providing veterinary services, must provide the consumer with information about registration and the name of the body that registered him, a license to provide this type of service (work), their content and other necessary information.

5. The consumer has the right:

  • contact the contractor for the provision of medical and preventive care to animals, registration of certificates for the sale of animals, products and raw materials of animal origin, as well as other types of veterinary services;
  • when purchasing animals (including birds, fur-bearing animals, fish and bees), require a veterinary certificate of the established form from the seller.

6. The consumer is obliged:

  • provide the contractor with animals for examination at his request, immediately report all cases of sudden death or simultaneous mass disease of animals or their unusual behavior;
  • take measures to isolate animals suspected of illness before the arrival of the executor; carry out the sale of meat, milk, meat and dairy products, eggs and other livestock products strictly after conducting a veterinary and sanitary examination and receiving the contractor’s conclusion on their suitability for use for food purposes;
  • deliver the corpses of dead animals, as well as products of backyard slaughter of livestock and poultry, unsuitable for human and animal food (confiscated goods), to veterinary and sanitary recycling plants or cattle burial grounds for their destruction;
  • ensure appropriate maintenance and feeding of animals in accordance with zoohygienic requirements, as well as carrying out mandatory treatment and preventive measures within the time limits specified in the instructions, instructions, recommendations for keeping animals.

7. The contractor is obliged to provide the consumer with information in a clear and accessible form about the veterinary services provided (work performed). Information about the veterinary services provided must be in a convenient place for viewing and must be kept:

  • list of main types of veterinary services (work) and forms of their provision;
  • price lists or prices for services provided;
  • a license to provide this type of service;
  • samples of standard contracts, receipts, tokens, receipts, coupons and other documents certifying the execution and payment of services (work);
  • information about benefits provided for certain categories of consumers;
  • regulatory documents of local administration bodies on veterinary care of animals;
  • information about the consumer rights protection authority of the local administration.

II. Receiving and processing orders for services (work)

8. The Contractor accepts orders for services (works) corresponding to the profile of its activities.

9. Services are provided by the contractor on the basis of concluding an agreement, issuing a subscription service or by issuing a token, coupon, cash receipt, receipt or other documents of the established form.

10. The contractor is obliged to promptly warn the consumer about possible complications and the procedure for accepting preventive measures, as well as other circumstances beyond the control of the contractor that threaten the quality of the service provided to the consumer (work performed).

11. If the consumer, despite a timely and reasonable warning from the contractor, does not take preventive measures or does not change the circumstances that threaten the quality of the services, the contractor has the right to terminate the contract and demand compensation for losses caused to him.

12. If the contractor did not promptly warn the consumer about circumstances complicating the performance of services (works), and did not indicate this in a document of the established form, he is responsible for the proper performance of services (works).

III. Provision of services (performance of work)

13. The Contractor provides:

14. The form of payment for the service provided is determined by agreement between the consumer and the provider.



dated September 25, 2003 N 596)

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1996, No. 3, Art. 140), the Government of the Russian Federation decides:
1. Approve the attached Rules for the provision of paid veterinary services.
2. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 9, 1994 No. 815 “On approval of the Rules for the provision of veterinary services” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1994, No. 13, Art. 1521) shall be declared invalid.

Chairman of the Government
Russian Federation

Government Decree
Russian Federation
dated August 6, 1998 N 898


(as amended by Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 16, 2001 N 295,
dated September 25, 2003 N 596)

I. General provisions

1. These Rules have been developed in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” and the Law of the Russian Federation “On Veterinary Medicine” and regulate the relations that arise between consumers and providers when providing paid veterinary services.
The following basic concepts apply in these Rules:
“consumer” - a citizen who intends to order or orders, purchases or uses veterinary services exclusively for personal, family, household and other needs not related to business activities;
“executor” is an organization, regardless of its legal form, as well as an individual entrepreneur, providing veterinary services to consumers under a paid contract.
(Clause 1 as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 25, 2003 N 596)
2. Paid veterinary services include:
clinical, treatment and prophylactic, veterinary and sanitary, therapeutic, surgical, obstetric and gynecological, anti-epizootic measures, immunization (active, passive), disinfection, disinsection, deratization, deworming;

all types of laboratory research, conducting veterinary and sanitary examination of food raw materials and food products of animal origin, food products of animal and plant origin of non-industrial production intended for sale in food markets, as well as low-quality and veterinarily dangerous food products of animal origin;
(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 16, 2001 N 295)
research and other veterinary activities related to the sale of breeding animals, with their participation in exhibitions and competitions;
(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 25, 2003 N 596)
determination of pregnancy and pregnancy of all types of animals, obtaining and transplantation of embryos and other activities related to the reproduction of animals, birds, fish, bees and their transportation;
registration and issuance of veterinary documents (veterinary passage certificates, certificates, certificates, passports, registration certificates, etc.);
consultations (recommendations, advice) on diagnostics, treatment, prevention of diseases of all types of animals and technology for their maintenance;
paragraph excluded. - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 25, 2003 N 596;
cremation, euthanasia and other veterinary services.
3. De

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(Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1996, No. 3, Art. 140) The Government of the Russian Federation decides: 1. Approve the attached Rules for the provision of paid veterinary services.2. Recognize the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 9, 1994 N 815 “On approval of the Rules for the provision of veterinary services” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1994, N 13, Art. 1521) as invalid.Chairman of the GovernmentRussian Federation S. Kiriyenko __________________________ APPROVED Government resolutionRussian Federationdated August 6, 1998 N 898 RULES provision of paid veterinary services(As amended by the resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federationdated April 16, 2001 N 295; dated September 25, 2003 N 596;dated December 14, 2006 N 767; dated December 27, 2014 N 1577)I. General provisions1. These Rules have been developed in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” and the Law of the Russian Federation “On Veterinary Medicine” and regulate the relations that arise between consumers and providers when providing paid veterinary services.The following basic concepts apply in these Rules:“consumer” - a citizen who intends to order or orders, purchases or uses veterinary services exclusively for personal, family, household and other needs not related to business activities;“executor” is an organization, regardless of its legal form, as well as an individual entrepreneur, providing veterinary services to consumers under a paid contract.dated September 25, 2003 N 596)2. Paid veterinary services include:clinical, treatment and prophylactic, veterinary and sanitary, therapeutic, surgical, obstetric and gynecological, anti-epizootic measures, immunization (active, passive), disinfection, disinsection, deratization, deworming; (As amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 16, 2001 N 295)all types of laboratory research, conducting veterinary and sanitary examination of food raw materials and food products of animal origin, food products of animal and plant origin of non-industrial production intended for sale in food markets, as well as low-quality and veterinarily dangerous food products of animal origin;dated April 16, 2001 N 295)research and other veterinary activities related to the sale of breeding animals, with their participation in exhibitions and competitions; dated September 25, 2003 N 596)determination of pregnancy and pregnancy of all types of animals, obtaining and transplantation of embryos and other activities related to the reproduction of animals, birds, fish, bees and their transportation;dated December 27, 2014 N 1577)consultations (recommendations, advice) on diagnostics, treatment, prevention of diseases of all types of animals and technology for their maintenance;paragraph; (Excluded - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 25, 2003 N 596)cremation, euthanasia and other veterinary services.3. These Rules do not apply to the implementation of therapeutic and preventive measures for the prevention, diagnosis and elimination of diseases that are especially dangerous to humans and animals, as well as in the implementation of state veterinary supervision.(As amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 25, 2003 N 596)II. Information about paid veterinary services, procedurefilling out contracts and paying for services4. The Contractor is obliged to bring to the attention of the consumer the company name (name) of the organization, its location (legal address) and operating hours. The contractor places the specified information on the sign. (As amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 25, 2003 N 596)5. The contractor - an individual entrepreneur must provide the consumer with information about state registration and the name of the body that registered him.(As amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 25, 2003 N 596)6. The contractor is obliged to provide the consumer with information in a clear and accessible form about the veterinary services provided (work performed). This information must be in a place convenient for viewing and must contain:a list of the main types of paid veterinary services (work) and forms of their provision;price lists for veterinary services; (As amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 25, 2003 N 596)paragraph; (Repealed - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 14, 2006 N 767)samples of drugs, medicines, etc.;veterinary products used in the provision of paid veterinary services;samples of standard contracts, receipts, tokens, receipts, coupons and other documents certifying the execution and payment of services (work);information about benefits provided for certain categories of consumers (disabled people, participants in the Great Patriotic War, etc.) in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;regulatory documents on veterinary care of animals;information about the consumer rights protection authority;information about the location (legal address) of the contractor and the location of the organization authorized to accept claims from consumers.an indication of the specific person who will provide the veterinary service and information about him, if this is relevant based on the nature of the veterinary service. (Added - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 25, 2003 N 596)III. The procedure for providing paid veterinary services 7. Performer: ensures the use of medicines and methods that exclude negative effects on animals during diagnosis, treatment and prevention, highly effective veterinary drugs and methods of veterinary treatment;guarantees the safety of veterinary measures for the health and productivity of animals, the life and health of the consumer, as well as the environment.8. The consumer is obliged:provide the contractor, at his request, with animals for inspection, immediately report all cases associated with a sudden death or simultaneous mass disease of animals, or their unusual behavior;take measures to isolate animals suspected of illness before the arrival of the executor;carry out the sale of meat, milk, meat and dairy products, eggs and other livestock products strictly after conducting a veterinary and sanitary examination and receiving the contractor’s conclusion on their suitability for use for food purposes;deliver the corpses of dead animals, as well as products of backyard slaughter of livestock and poultry, unsuitable for human and animal food (confiscated goods), to veterinary and sanitary recycling plants or cattle burial grounds for destruction;ensure appropriate maintenance and feeding of animals in accordance with zoohygienic requirements, as well as carrying out mandatory treatment and preventive measures within the time limits specified in the instructions, instructions, recommendations for keeping animals.IV. Receiving and processing orders for paid veterinary services(works) 9. The Contractor accepts orders for paid veterinary services (work) corresponding to the profile of his activity.10. Paid veterinary services are provided by the contractor on the basis of concluding an agreement, issuing a subscription service or issuing a token, coupon, cash receipt, receipt or other documents of the established form.11. The contractor is obliged to promptly inform the consumer that compliance with the consumer’s instructions and other circumstances depending on the consumer may reduce the quality of the veterinary service provided or make it impossible to complete it on time. (As amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 25, 2003 N 596)12. If the consumer, despite timely and reasonable information by the contractor, does not replace unsuitable or substandard material within a reasonable time, does not change the instructions on the method of providing veterinary services, or does not eliminate other circumstances that may reduce the quality of the service provided, the contractor has the right to terminate the contract for the performance work (provision of services) and demand full compensation for losses.(As amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 25, 2003 N 596) 13. (Repealed - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 25, 2003 N 596)V. Procedure and forms of payment for services (work)14. Forms of payment for the services provided are determined by agreement between the consumer and the provider. (As amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 25, 2003 N 596)15. A firm or approximate estimate may be drawn up for the provision of veterinary services provided for in the contract for the provision of services.Drawing up such an estimate at the request of the consumer or contractor is mandatory.The contractor does not have the right to demand an increase in the fixed estimate, and the consumer does not have the right to demand a decrease, including in the case when at the time of concluding the contract it was impossible to provide for the full volume of veterinary services to be provided or the expenses necessary for this.The contractor has the right to demand an increase in the firm estimate if there is a significant increase in the cost of materials and equipment provided by the contractor, as well as services provided to him by third parties that could not be foreseen at the conclusion of the contract. If the consumer refuses to comply with this requirement, the contractor has the right to terminate the contract in court.If, when providing paid veterinary services, there is a need to provide additional veterinary services and for this reason the approximate estimate is significantly exceeded, the contractor is obliged to promptly warn the consumer about this.If the consumer does not agree to exceed the approximate estimate, he has the right to refuse to fulfill the contract. In this case, the contractor may require the consumer to pay the price for the veterinary service provided.The contractor who fails to promptly warn the consumer about the need to exceed the approximate estimate is obliged to fulfill the contract, retaining the right to pay for veterinary services within the approximate estimate.. (As amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 25, 2003 N 596)16. For non-compliance with or violation of these Rules, as well as the laws of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” and “On Veterinary Medicine” or other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the performer and the consumer bear responsibility established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. _____________