The scope of the resume should be. Summary: basic requirements. Sell ​​your job title and company

While checking and reviewing various resumes, I very often notice various shortcomings in the design of the resume. Such things lead to the fact that the resume is difficult to read, it is difficult and time-consuming to find the necessary information, and the eyes become blurry. In short, it’s like a children’s book without pictures.

In some way, this article will tell you about the basics of formatting any texts. You will also find here simple recipes and techniques for writing a beautiful resume.

Errors in resume formatting

Before I talk about how to properly format a resume, I want to describe a number of resume writing mistakes. All these mistakes will concern only the presentation of information, and not its meaning.

This is the first example of a resume design (data changed). The person wrote it himself and designed it in Word.

  • The first thing that catches your eye is the excessive number of font styles - bold, italic, underlined, small, large, uppercase, lowercase and a number of fonts with combined properties. This makes the text very difficult to read.
  • The second mistake is the lack of vertical indents. Information blocks stick to each other like parts of a snowman, almost crawling on top of each other. Such compactness of information reduces its readability.
  • The third minus is the partial lack of alignment and left indentation. For example, why not make the first and last name a separate line and center it? Why not move the contact details under the last name and align them to one side?
  • The fourth disadvantage is a mess of text about responsibilities. Why are the responsibilities written in one long, long line? It is more convenient to make them a list that will be easy to read.

Total: I gave you a real example of a resume of an intelligent person who simply did not think about how to beautifully design his resume.

Here is the second example of a resume design. Compared to the first one, it is more successful, but still has flaws.

  • If in the first example there was an abundance of fonts, here their lack is visible. One font is used and occasionally it is bold. For correct design resumes require a little more fonts and their styles - the main headings are larger (for example, work experience or full name), dates of places of work can also be formatted differently - this will make them stand out from the gray mass.
  • Incorrect emphasis when using bold fonts. The phrase “ functional responsibilities" It's better to highlight job titles. This makes the resume easier to read and makes the eye focus on the right things.
  • It is difficult to perceive work dates, positions and company names, because... everything is listed on one line. It will be clearer to separate this information into two lines - dates and company name on one line, position on the second. This will make it easier to read.
  • The description of responsibilities is a mess (and in one place a list is used - by chance?!?). It's more efficient to use lists.

This is also a real example of one resume I wrote. I have to work with these things all the time.

Good readability = easy scanning

Perhaps you have heard about in various ways reading. Simplifying somewhat, we can say that there are two types of reading:

  • Sequential (word by word, line by line).
  • Scanning (quickly scanning the text, stopping at interesting places).

As a rule, before reading any articles or materials, every person first scans them. This may take 1, 5 or 30 seconds. The time spent is not important, the important thing is that first we skim the text and only after that we begin to read it.

If you format your job resume correctly, you will make it much easier to scan and read. If you make the right accents, you can increase your chances of getting hired and speed up your job search.

Rules and requirements for resume formatting

First Where the design of a resume begins is the structure. The resume should include:

  • Your name and contact details.
  • Work experience (in reverse chronological order - last place from top).
  • Education (in reverse chronological order - most recent education on top).
  • Skills and knowledge

You write everything else in your resume at your own discretion. You may or may not indicate recommendations, additional information, courses and trainings, completed projects and other things.

Second The rule for designing a resume is one style for elements of the same type. If you have several places of work, then you design each one the same way. Proceed in the same way if you have several formations.

In this case, it is advisable to adhere to a uniform style throughout the entire resume. It will be strange if your work experience is written down inclined font, and education emphasized. A unified style also includes the same design of section headings (work experience, education, key skills, etc.). It is better to consider all this with an example.

Sample resume format

I don’t want to go far for examples or invent something, so let’s look at the usual uploading of a resume from (with the same success, you can take almost any employment site -,, and so on ).

  • The same font is used throughout - Arial. This is the same unified style that simplifies the perception of the text.
  • Full name in large font - it’s immediately clear who we’re talking about.
  • Explanations and section headings are in gray, faded color. It is not so important to highlight the names of sections clearly, because... what's inside those sections is much more important.
  • The name of the desired position is written large and in bold. It is important that it catches your eye. In general, the entire upper part of the resume highlights only two things: full name and desired position.
  • IN in this example the person does not indicate the desired salary. If I had pointed it out, it would also have been highlighted large and visible.

  • Field work dates are indicated in the left column. This is very visible and easy to perceive.
  • The company name and position are indicated quite large and catch the eye. This is the most important information, so emphasis is placed on it.
  • Non-essential information (city of work) written gray. Doesn't distract from the main thing.
  • Responsibilities are written relatively small and are presented in a list. It looks clear and is easy to read.

Similarly, you can consider other blocks of this summary, but I don’t see the point. Everything is similar and similar to the sections already discussed. Everything is done in the same style.

A simple way to format your resume correctly and beautifully

There is a very, very easy way to format your resume without even thinking about it. This is a two-step algorithm.

  • Step 1. Create an account for yourself on any employment site, enter information about yourself there, and then upload the finished document in Word format.
  • Step 2. Correct what you don't like about this document. As a rule, these are small adjustments (remove something, rearrange something, reduce/enlarge the font, remove the logo).

Modern Internet services have already resolved all registration issues for you. Use them and don't reinvent the wheel. And besides, the main thing is not the design, but the meaning of the words you write.

P.S. The above method of composing a resume applies only to chronological resumes - the most common in Russia and the CIS. Functional and other types cannot be done this way.

Let's be honest: a resume is not the most important thing when applying for a job. A person with unique experience and competencies will be invited for an interview, even if his resume is written on a napkin. It’s another matter if he doesn’t yet belong to the category of rare super-professionals. Then the chance to meet competitors in the fight for your dream job increases, and the quality of your resume comes to the fore.

In this article, we have collected tips for writing the perfect resume.

Photos, contacts, place of residence

A photo on your resume will always be a plus, even if the position does not involve communicating with people. A photo will personalize your resume: it will be easier to notice, and the response will be more difficult to miss or delete. But you need to choose a portrait for your resume critically: a bad photo can ruin everything. A professional portrait photo, business-like and neutral, is best.

In the contacts section, pay attention to the mailbox - it must correspond to your professional status. Address [email protected] will emphasize a non-business approach to work. And here [email protected]- already better.

Some applicants indicate their home address in their resume, down to a specific apartment. It is enough to indicate the city or the nearest metro station, for example, “Mytishchi” or “the village of Mansurovo in the Kursk region.”

Desired position and salary

It is not necessary to indicate your desired salary on your resume, but any employer will be happy if you do so. Universal advice in such a situation: write an amount 15–20% greater than what you earn now. This will give you the opportunity to bargain without compromising your own interests. We talked in more detail about how to determine the desired income in.

Check your expectations with the average salary in the market: look at vacancies, at statistics by region and professional field. A salary that is inflated by 40% or more will definitely scare off a recruiter. You can find out the average salary in the market for your city and your professional area in.

The exception is the resume of top managers. Executive salaries are calculated differently from company to company, and specific expectations can make it difficult to get a good deal.


If you are not a beginner specialist, then it is experience - main part summary. Therefore, this section should be approached with special care.

  1. The experience should appear seamless, that is, without long career breaks. If there were breaks, they should have an explanation: maternity leave, doing business, freelancing and so on. We talked more about how to write about gaps in experience in.
  2. The experience should appear stable: if you change jobs more than once a year, the employer will be wary of this. Changes in position within the same company are usually indicated in one block.
  3. Pay attention to the last three years of work: this is of primary interest to employers. ABOUT initial stages career and what happened more than 10 years ago can be told very briefly.
  4. If the company is unknown on the market, indicate its type of activity. Not just LLC “Horns and Hooves”, but “Black Sea branch of the Arbatov office for the procurement of horns and hooves.” The company's activities can be briefly described in the responsibilities block.
  5. In the headings, write generally accepted job titles in the market: for example, “ Commercial Director” instead of “Head of the Department for Coordination of Purchasing and Sales.” The same goes for the resume title. Often, applicants copy the last position into it, which is incorrect: the title should reflect the essence of the job, and not the entry in the employment record. For example, “project manager” seems more universal than “managing director of a business unit.” This will help employers find your resume faster.
  6. Never copy a list of responsibilities from job descriptions. Highlight the most important ones and write them down in clear language, without bureaucracy. For example, “optimization of business processes” instead of “implementation project activities on optimization of business processes." Five main tasks will be enough.
  7. In addition to your job responsibilities, be sure to include your specific accomplishments and performance results (for example, “developed corporate business process control standards with the IT department”).

Avoid general phrases like “was the hardest working employee in the department” - this is an opinion that cannot be verified, so it is not of interest to the employer.

Sometimes applicants describe working in a particular company as if they were writing a chapter from their own biography: “Here I started my career from lower positions, diligently seeking promotion” or “At a quick glance, you might think that the work was easy for me, but in fact it was smooth vice versa". These examples are the standard for how not to describe an experience. A resume works if the employer takes a few seconds to understand the experience and understand that this candidate is worth a closer look. You can demonstrate your enthusiasm in your cover letter.


All educational courses listed on your resume must be related to professional activity. It is better to miss something than to add dubious certificates - for example, about massage courses - if this knowledge is not needed in your work.

It’s always better to talk about the thorny path to the top at an interview. Therefore, you can skip studying at a technical school or vocational school if you have a diploma higher education in the same area.

key skills

Many applicants completely ignore this section, but in vain: often this is where the recruiter looks after getting to know the candidate’s experience and education. Key skills are specific knowledge and skills related directly to work processes. For lawyers this could be " Arbitration courts" And " Corporate law", for logistics manager "Working with customs authorities" and "Incoterms", for a financier - "Statistical analysis" and "Budgeting", and so on.

When filling out this section, the site system will suggest the name of a particular skill, offering the shortest and most unified option - if possible, choose that one.

Avoid the obvious: don't say that you know Windows, Internet Explorer, or use email.

About me

Very often, applicants confuse skills with personal qualities and indicate something like “Responsibility” or “Punctuality” in the key skills section. We advise you to write about these qualities in the “About Me” section and avoid platitudes. Instead of “Responsibility” and “Punctuality,” write “I am conscientious in completing tasks” and “I always meet promised deadlines.” This will not change the essence, but the wording will attract more attention.

In some cases you can specify personal qualities, which are not directly related to the profession - this could be good physical shape or sporting achievements (“CCM in cross-country skiing”). This also applies to representatives of not the most obvious professions: for example, physical fitness is often important for sales managers, since they often have to travel to meetings and business trips.

The same applies to achievements in the intellectual sphere. If you are a city chess champion or won a programming Olympiad, this is interesting. If you're just into reading, then no. Add only what you can prove and what will help you get the desired position.

What do you need to do to write the perfect resume? There is no, and there cannot be, a correct answer to this question, because there are no perfect resumes - in each case an individual approach is needed.

However, if you at least briefly read before creating a resume on the site, then you already know the main thing. Don't like reading rules and instructions? This article will help you make the path to new job shorter.

Resume Rule #1: Clearly state your desired position.
The title of the desired position is one of the most important points on a resume. The fate of your resume depends on how clearly you formulate it.

Do not use options such as “any position”, “specialist”, etc., as these formulations will not give the employer an idea of ​​​​what you want. Employers won't waste their time thinking about what to offer you. A specific position is not specified - the resume will be sent to the trash.

Do not indicate several mutually exclusive positions in one resume at the same time, even if you are equally proficient in the functionality. Create several different resumes, each focusing on the experience and skills needed for each specific position you might be applying for. Yes, you will have to spend a little more time, but the result will not be long in coming!

When sending out your resume for vacancies, in the first line indicate only the title of the position from the vacancy advertisement you liked.

Professional resume rule #2: Decide on your salary in advance
In the “Income level” field, it is better to indicate what you are applying for. Avoid options like “RUB 19,991.” - this will not attract the employer’s attention, but, on the contrary, will cause misunderstanding.

Resume Writing Rule #3: Avoid Humor
A resume is a business document. When composing it, avoid . Make a joke later, but for now the information style will take you where top scores than even the most appropriate joke in this case.

Rule of a competent resume No. 4: be concise
Don’t make your resume look like an epic novel by placing there the texts of articles, publications, and your thoughts about the meaning of life. All this is unnecessary. The resume should fit on one page, maximum two. Excessive brevity will also not add credibility - a resume with the main fields not fully filled out and the words “I’ll tell you everything in person” will be immediately sent to the trash.

Resume Layout Rule #5: Remove Unnecessary Personal Information
In order to own safety do not include personal information in your resume - passport number, exact address of residence and registration, etc.

Rule good resume#6: Assess whether you need links to your social media profiles
It is not always worthwhile to include a link to your VKontakte or other page in your resume. in social networks- . If social networks do not characterize you as a professional, while looking for a job, you should even think about limiting the ability to view your pages in the visibility settings, leaving access only to friends and loved ones. And in general, you should not describe the details of your personal life, including intimate life, in your resume. Avoid information that is not relevant.

Sample Resume Rule #7: Check Your Resume for Spelling Errors
The resume should not contain grammatical errors or typos - such CVs make an extremely negative impression on the employer. By the way, our website has a spell check function.

Rule for posting a resume No. 8: check the accuracy and relevance of the information
When writing your resume, be honest. Knowledge of specific programs, the presence of certain skills - . If necessary, you will need to confirm the information you provide with documents or relevant examples.

Resume Rule #9: Supplement your resume with a recent photo
. But if you decide to accompany the document with a photograph, remember that it must meet a number of requirements. The photo should show only one person - you, and your face should be clearly visible. Remember: resumes with photographs depicting the applicant without clothes (partially or completely) will not be accepted for consideration!

How to write a resume correctly to interest an employer?

A resume is the first thing you need to prepare before starting your job search.

What is a resume

The term “resume” comes from a French phrase that translates to the flow of life. The Latin term is sometimes used curriculum vitae or CV, which means the same thing. In Soviet times, the term “” was more used.

The concept of a resume is understood as a document that reflects the education, work experience, and skills of a person applying for a position. It should indicate any information that relates to the position of interest, as well as the contact information of the applicant.

Today these terms are used for different life stories, which must be taken into account when choosing finished sample for preparation when applying for a job.

  • Compilation of an autobiography is still required when applying for employment in government agencies.
  • CV is written by applicants for high positions in scientific or medical institutions, is distinguished by a broad and detailed account of life, contains a list of publications, scientific works, and personal achievements.
  • Other cases involve writing a resume indicating information for a specific position.

The document introducing the employee to the future employer may take different forms.

    There are different types of resumes:
  • universal (professional);
  • chronological-functional;
  • chronological (retrospective);
  • functional;
  • academic;
  • targeted.

Picking up ready-made examples When filling out a resume to apply for a job, you must take these features into account. Thus, in the universal version, all information is indicated in logical blocks and described in detail. This form is recommended for use by those who have an impressive track record and have something to brag about professionally.

If a person is just starting out on a career path, when there is nothing special to describe, it is necessary to use a functional resume. In this case, all work experience and training are also indicated in chronological order, but the emphasis is on education, skills, and knowledge. This example of writing a resume for applying for a job is also suitable for those who have had a long break in work and who are planning to change the direction of their professional activity.

For those who have worked in one field for a long time and plan to continue to develop in it, a retrospective resume is suitable, in which all work experience can be presented in chronological order. The functional one consistently reveals the achievements of the applicant, and the combination of these two types of resume gives a functional-chronological one.

As a rule, when writing a resume for a job and searching for a suitable option, applicants come across a sample of a targeted resume. It contains information related exclusively to the position that the applicant wants to occupy.

Academic resumes are written by job seekers who are looking for teaching jobs. Titles, awards, scientific achievements and publications occupy a significant place in it.

The structure of a resume may differ in different countries.

Today, job search sites provide resume samples and special forms, templates, after filling which you can receive a ready-made document containing the information about the applicant that the employer needs. In addition, special companies and recruiting agencies help in writing a resume.

Recently, video resumes have become popular - a short video where the candidate himself talks about what is usually stated in the resume.

Has your employer given you irregular working hours? The main thing is that your rights as an employee are not violated: .

Probation when applying for a job. Is it good or bad? He talks about the benefits of testing.

Requirements for compiling characteristics for employees various professions look .

Basic writing rules

There are spoken and unspoken rules for resumes. The first includes the formalities that go into drawing up the document, the second includes the nuances that the employer or HR specialist pays attention to when studying the document.

For example, it is not recommended to write lies on your resume. If there is any information that puts you in an unfavorable light, it is better not to mention it, but to focus on your achievements. But you shouldn’t twist the facts and tell lies.

Information must be presented in simple language, avoiding passive forms, concentrating on positive information.

The resume should briefly and clearly present only that information that relates specifically to the position of interest and can characterize the applicant from the best side.

When drafting a document, please note that any sample that you can view will have a clear structure. It should take no more than two pages, so you should try to present the information succinctly.

The text is written in one font, usually Times New Roman, but Arial is acceptable. Font size is 12 point throughout the text. A smaller font can be used if the resume is sent electronically; in printed form, small font is difficult to read. The document must be formatted strictly, the sections are structured and separated from each other.

Headings are underlined or bold. It is necessary to maintain 2 cm indents from the edge of the paper on all sides except the left, on this side there should be 2.5 cm. Before sending your resume to the employer, proofread it carefully and check the grammar. If the document is printed, the paper should be white and of good quality.

A ready-made resume for a job may be non-standard, but this is suitable in special cases, for example, when a candidate of a creative profession is looking for a corresponding creative position. Then the creative approach of the future employee to self-presentation can be assessed.

In other cases, accountants, engineers, salespeople and others should refrain from taking liberties.

The document must be drawn up in Russian. You can write it in English if the applicant is applying for a position in foreign company or a foreign language is one of the employer’s requirements. But in the latter case, it is better to prepare a separate sample resume for a job in a foreign language so that the employer can view it in different languages.

Step-by-step guide to compiling

Now let's look in detail at how to write a resume, what sections it should contain and how to fill them out correctly.


The document must begin with the title “Resume”, as well as the name of the applicant. Indicating your name in bold at the very beginning will help you quickly and easily find your document among others in the future.


There are many tips on how to write a sample resume for a job, but many examples contain an indication of the purpose of drawing up the document - applying for a position as a salesperson, manager, accountant, etc.

It is also advisable to indicate in this column other positions for which the applicant agrees to work. The fact is that by indicating one specialization, you automatically deprive yourself of the opportunity to take another, since your resume will not be at hand at the right time.

Applicant details

Any competent resume for a job, a sample of which can be downloaded, contains this point. It must contain information about your date of birth, address, contact phone number, e-mail and marital status.


This point should be given special attention to those applicants who cannot boast of extensive work experience. Education must be indicated with specific dates, placing them in chronological but reverse order: from the most recent to the very first. If there additional education, courses, they also need to be indicated.

If you download a sample resume for a job, please note that high school education is indicated only if it was a specialized school or if you graduated with honors. But it is mandatory to indicate secondary specialized education.

If your college education is somehow related to the position you are interested in, it is advisable to indicate the department that graduated you. A young specialist can celebrate his achievements at competitions, olympiads, competitions, etc.

Scientific and other publications, own developments, inventions, and awards are also indicated here.


The next point in the question of how to correctly write a resume for a job is an indication of work experience, a sample of which can be found in any example found on the Internet. Typically, university graduates cannot boast of extensive work experience; in this case, they focus on education. But if it exists, especially if it is impressive, it must be indicated in chronological order, starting with the last place of work. First, the period of work is indicated, then the name of the organization and position.

Practice and internship are taken into account along with regular work. Moreover, some internships carry even more weight than the entire accumulated work experience.

The question may arise: how to write a resume for a job when there is too much work experience and the usual sample simply does not fit it into the recommended two pages of text? In such cases, it is advised to focus only on the last 3-5 places of work. However, if you have little experience in total, it is better to indicate all of it.

Job responsibilities

Sometimes this item is not allocated in a separate column, but is indicated in the previous one. But if the vacancy is rare, you held other positions at your previous place of work, it is worth highlighting this information in a separate column.


Many people are interested in how to write a resume correctly to interest an employer. The achievements clause helps a lot with this. It should indicate all the achievements in other places of work that you can be proud of. They will become the main markers for the employer to evaluate the candidate. By the way, it is advisable to describe them using the correct wording. Thus, all proposals must have a completed form: reduced costs, introduced technology, increased sales. In this case, it is advisable to indicate specific numbers.

Additional Information

Some resumes, examples of which can be found on the Internet, provide additional information about yourself, a sample of which can be seen below. In this section you need to reveal your strengths, skills and knowledge that help you better perform your professional responsibilities.

There is no need to praise yourself too much, just state the facts.

Personal qualities

Many people often have problems with this point. How to correctly fill out a resume for a job in order to show yourself as an example of a specialist in your field, but not go too far? In this case, you need to start from the position for which you are applying. Think about what qualities an employee needs to cope well with their responsibilities, and how pronounced they are in you. Write those that show up best in this section.

This is an optional item in the resume, but its presence will make the document more persuasive. It is not necessary to provide a list of references. It is enough to indicate that there are people ready to confirm the skills you claim. But it's worth having it. Make a list of companies where you have worked and their contact persons. Check in advance whether they are willing to make such recommendations. It is recommended to go to the interview with this list.

What else can you include in your resume: practical advice

Even taking into account all of the above, applicants still do not always understand how to correctly fill out a resume for a job; they are looking for an example that matches their situation in order to create a similar one. In this case, it is worth paying attention to some practical advice, which are provided by recruiting agencies and job search sites.

It is also important to understand that such a document is drawn up not so much to describe you as an applicant, but for a specific position. It is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the company’s business, its specifics, and corporate requirements. Therefore, it is advisable to prepare a separate resume for each new interview, but never come without it.

Practical tips for writing a resume are described in detail in this video:

What not to write

The question of how to correctly create a resume for a job includes not only a sample of a correctly composed document, but also recommendations on what should not be included in it. Thus, it is strictly not recommended to provide false information. This was mentioned above, but it is worth emphasizing again, since many inexperienced applicants have a desire to add some merit to themselves in order to get a good place. In fact, any lie always comes to light. And this will be worse than if you immediately admit that you do not possess certain skills.

In this article I will tell you how to write a resume correctly in 2019 specific examples. Resume samples can be downloaded in Word and easily edited.

Hello, dear friends! Alexander Berezhnov is in touch.

As you already understood from the title, today we will talk about getting a job, namely competently writing a resume. There is a lot of literature on this subject on the Internet, but I did not find clear and understandable instructions. Therefore, I offer my instructions, compiled according to an accessible and simple algorithm.

Be sure to read the article to the end - the finale is waiting for you to download!

1. What is a resume and what is it for?

If you still don’t quite understand what a resume is, I suggest giving it a definition:

Summary- This brief self-presentation in writing of your professional skills, achievements and personal qualities that you plan to successfully implement at your future place of work in order to receive compensation for them (for example, in the form of money or another type of compensation)

In the past, I myself had to write a resume when applying for a job. After all, without this, no employer will even know about you and your professional skills.

I remember when I first sat down to write my resume, it took me a lot of time to compose it correctly and format it according to all standards. And since I like to understand everything thoroughly, I studied the issue of correct spelling very deeply. To do this, I talked with professional specialists on personnel and studied a large number of articles on the topic.

Now I know how to write a resume correctly and will gladly share it with you.

I am sharing with you samples of my resumes, which I wrote for myself personally:

(you can download them completely free)

Thanks to my ability to write professional resumes, I never had any difficulty getting a job. Therefore my knowledge is reinforced practical experience and are not dry academic theory.

So what is the secret to writing a good resume? Read about it below.

2. How to write a resume correctly - 10 simple steps

Before we move on to the steps, I want you to remember 3 main rules for successful resume writing:

Rule #1. Write the truth, but not the whole truth

Emphasize your strengths and don't mention your weaknesses too much. You will be asked about them at the interview, be prepared for this.

Rule #2. Stick to a clear structure

The resume is written on 1-2 sheets, no more. Therefore, try to briefly and succinctly present all the necessary information, even if there is a lot of it.

Take care of careful formatting of the resume text and its structured presentation. Because no one likes to read gobbledygook.

Rule #3. Be optimistic and cheerful

Positive people attract success. In your case, a new job.

So, let's move on to the structure of writing a resume.

Step 1. Resume Title

Here you must write the word “Resume” itself and indicate for whom it was compiled.

All this is written on one line.

For example: Resume of Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich

Then your potential employer will immediately understand who owns the resume. For example, you previously called a company you are interested in to find out if they still have this vacancy open. You were given a positive response and asked to send your resume.

At the end of the first step, your resume will look like this:

Step 2. Purpose of the resume

It is important to remember that your resume must have a purpose. It is correct to formulate it as follows (phrase):

The purpose of the resume is to apply for an accountant position

Since at this moment you are called that - an applicant, that is, a person job seeker, potentially claiming it.

At the end of the second step, your resume will look like this:

Step 3. Applicant and his data

In this paragraph you must write the following:

  • date of birth;
  • address;
  • contact number;
  • e-mail;
  • Family status.

At the end of step three, your resume should look like this:

Step 4. Education

If you have several entities, then write them in order.

For example:

Moscow State University, 2005-2010,

Speciality: accountant (bachelor)

Moscow State University, 2007-2013,

Speciality: translator in the field of professional communication (bachelor's degree)

On at this stage Your resume should look like this:

Step 5. Work experience

Please note that the “work experience” column is written in the resume starting from your most recent place of work, if it is not the only one, and begins from the period spent in this position.

For example:

Job title: chief accountant's assistant;

Job title: accountant

Now we have already written half of the resume, it should look like this:

Step 6. Job Responsibilities

This item in the resume is not always required if the vacancy for which you are applying is quite common, and you held a similar position at your previous place of work.

Sometimes this point can be included in the previous one by writing your own job responsibilities immediately after the post.

Step 7. Achievements at previous jobs

The “Achievements” item is one of the most important in a resume! It is much more important than education and even work experience.

Your potential employer wants to know what exactly they will pay you for wages. Therefore, it is very important to mention when writing a resume all significant achievements at previous jobs. At the same time, please note that it is correct to write in words that are so-called “markers” for personnel service employees reviewing your resume.

For example, the correct way to write:

  • increased sales volumes by 30 percent in 6 months;
  • developed and implemented new technology into production;
  • reduced equipment maintenance costs by 40%.

It is incorrect to write:

  • worked to increase sales;
  • took part in a project to create a new technology;
  • reduced equipment costs.

As you can see, it is also important to write specific numbers, since they very clearly reflect the essence of your achievements.

Now your resume looks something like this:

Step 8: Additional Information

Here you need to describe your strengths, professional knowledge and skills that will directly help you perform the tasks assigned to you better and more efficiently at your new place of work.

Usually the following is written here:

  1. Proficiency in computers and special programs. This is relevant for office workers and employees whose direct work is related to the PC. For example, for designers, accountants, programmers, office managers.
  2. Knowledge of foreign languages. If your future work involves reading, translating or communicating in a foreign language and you speak it to a certain extent, be sure to write about it. For example: English spoken.
  3. Availability of a car and driving skills. If your work involves business travel and you often have to drive a car, for example, while working sales representative, then you should indicate the presence of your car, as well as the category of driver’s license and experience.

Thus, in additional information along with computer skills and foreign language write: you have a personal car, category B, 5 years of experience.

Step 9. Personal qualities

There is no need to describe too many qualities here, especially if they are not relevant to your future job. You may be a kind and sympathetic person who loves children and respects your friends, but a potential employer will not be interested in reading about your “heartiness” and rich inner world.

For example, if you are applying for the position of an accountant, then it would be good to write here: composure, attentiveness, punctuality, efficiency, mathematical mind, ability to analyze.

If you are applying for a more creative profession, say, a designer or creator, then you should indicate here: a developed creative imagination, a sense of style, an unconventional view of a problem, healthy perfectionism.

It will be very cool if at the end of your resume you mention your full name. and positions of your former managers, and also indicate their contact numbers so that your potential employer or his representative can verify your professionalism by receiving feedback about you from your former immediate managers.

Even if your potential employer does not call your previous managers, the very fact of having contacts for recommendations will significantly increase his trust in you.

At the very end of your resume, you must indicate when you are ready to start work, and here you can also indicate your desired salary level.

The final look of your resume:

Congratulations! Your resume is 100% ready!

To find your dream job, you need to post your resume on Internet portals. A very convenient and simple site for finding a job is JOB.RU. Here you can very quickly and today receive your first call from an employer.

Finally, I will provide several sample resumes that can be slightly adjusted and immediately used to send to your potential employer.

3. 2019 resume samples for all occasions - 50 ready-made resumes!

Friends, I have a big gift for you - 50 ready-made resumes for the most common professions! All resume samples are very competently and professionally compiled by me personally and you can download them in Word completely free of charge. This is very convenient, now you don’t need to search for them on the Internet on different sites, since everything is in one place.

Enjoy it for your health! :)

And also you can use online service Simpledoc to . This service allows you to immediately send your resume to an employer or print it out.

Ready-made resume samples for downloading (.doc):

TOP 3 most downloaded resumes:

List of ready-made resumes for downloading:

  • (doc, 44 Kb)
  • (doc, 45 Kb)
  • (doc, 43 Kb)
  • (doc, 43 Kb)
  • (doc, 45 Kb)
  • (doc, 43 Kb)
  • (doc, 47 Kb)
  • (doc, 44 Kb)
  • (doc, 46 Kb)
  • (doc, 45 Kb)
  • (doc, 45 Kb)