Equipment for the production of compost on an industrial scale. Premises and equipment for growing champignons. Room for growing champignon mushrooms

Removal, processing and disposal of waste from hazard classes 1 to 5

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If you care about the environment and have been thinking about starting an eco-friendly business, you should consider starting a compost company. Starting this type of activity is an excellent start to a pro-environmental company, which, by the way, can bring in quite a lot of income. Nowadays, everyone is looking for ways to save money and also help the environment.


The business idea presented in this article is not innovative at all, but previously opening this type of business was relevant only in rural areas. With the growing popularity of organic living, more and more people want to compost - if only for use in gardens to produce an environmentally friendly harvest. Their only problem is the lack of time and space to produce natural fertilizer themselves. Production lasts at least 6 months, and this time is associated with the activity of various types of bacteria. Of course, finding a suitable place for a pile of organic waste from which fertilizer is made can be difficult for the average garden owner. However, if you have a large plot of land that you can spend on building a composter, this business idea is perfect for you. However, before you start collecting organic waste, you need to have a solid business plan for your company. This plan will allow you to determine how much compost you will be able to produce, what containers you will use to store it, and how you will transport it to future clients.

This business idea will also require practical knowledge. During production, you need to ensure that the raw materials you sell are free from any harmful bacteria. Therefore, you need to regularly conduct research before selling it. The practice of producing organic fertilizers, which has been known for many years, may turn out to be a great idea for a pro-environmental business. From the very beginning, you need to immediately find your niche in the market, for example, offering only high quality organic raw materials. It is also worth investing in a professional web page that provides information about the uniqueness of the product you offer.

A day in the life of a compost business owner

The compost must be examined for bacterial content and then prepared for transport. If you do not have your own car, you need to contact transport company and conclude an agreement for further supplies of the product to customers. Sometimes there may not be enough space; you will definitely have to purchase additional containers. In addition, it is necessary to systematically add organic waste to new compost piles. Of course, you will spend part of your time promoting your business in the press, as well as on the Internet. If you have a website, you need to systematically check orders and ensure timely delivery to customers.

Client characteristics

Your customers will be gardeners looking for high quality compost to fertilize their organic gardens. Various intermediary companies that are able to place large orders.

What do we need to start compost production?

  • Business plan.
  • Marketing plan.
  • Space required to create compost.
  • Compost containers.
  • Organic material.
  • Contacts with the transport company.

Positive sides

  • A type of business that is relatively easy to start.
  • Low start-up costs.
  • The demand for organic compost will continue to grow.
  • Chance of receiving a grant for a pro-eco business.
  • The type of business is characterized by high flexibility.

Negative sides

  • The need to carefully consider the amount of space required.
  • Arranging transportation can be expensive unless you make favorable arrangements with the shipping company in advance.

Company EnviCont- a leading manufacturer of equipment and technologies for composting organic matter, including the organic fraction of solid waste. The company has dozens of contracts in Europe, Asia and Africa.

Processing flow chart
organic waste fraction

Organic waste processing:

Biomass preparation

Company EnviCont specializes not only in waste recycling technologies, but also offers wide range equipment for preparing waste for composting. The company EnviCont There is a series of biomass dryers with different capacities:

Anlage 400 Containerbausweise productivity 400 kg biomass / hour 4,500 t/a Anlage 6.000 productivity 6,000 kg biomass / hour 90,000 t/y Anlage 18.000 productivity 18.000 kg biomass / hour


From an environmental point of view, the disposal of organic waste is unacceptable for several reasons. Firstly, this is the loss of organic matter: with the annual removal of nutrients from a harvest of over 13 million tons, only 2.7 million tons are returned to the soil, which is 20% of the removal. Secondly, organic waste in a landfill is the main source of sanitary and epidemiological hazards and unpleasant odors.

A good alternative to landfilling is composting. The purpose of composting is to carry out degradation efficiently and as odorlessly as possible. organic material- as well as the transformation of organic matter into humic substances that are stable and accessible to plants. This is necessary in order to produce a high-quality product - quickly and at the lowest cost.

Based on the innovative developments of a team of specialists in the field of agricultural engineering and process engineers, Kaeler Holding AG offers new solutions in the field of composting. Full adaptation to climatic and other local conditions, maximum environmental and economic efficiency guaranteed.

We supply any equipment for any order: from small farms to large compost production plants on an industrial scale.

Open composting

DOM-AERATION method - method of convective aeration of piles

Open composting is a technology for fermenting a compost mixture in open areas with a passive process. The technology consists of preparing a compost mixture on site, placing the mixture in piles on the field and storing them for 10 weeks. After 10 weeks, good quality compost is obtained. To achieve such a short composting period, convective aeration of the piles is used. The method consists in installing special air ducts when pouring the mixture into the pile. This allows you to speed up the fermentation process and achieve more complete decomposition without additional energy costs(no need to heat and blow air).

This means that the final product will have a higher content of humic and humic acids and better physical properties.

Advantages of the DOM-AERATION method:

  • Maximum profitability of a quasi-closed system
  • Production of hygienically clean and high quality compost
  • Aeration of raw materials without the use of external energy resources
  • No mixing required
  • A short time processing
  • There is no emission of gases, odors or infiltration from the product
  • High quality compost
  • Savings on transport, energy, administrative and personal costs

Container composting

The EnviCont C900S mobile or stationary bioreactor offers variable capacity, cost-effective and cost-effective processing of all suitable biodegradable materials.

Composting in EnviCont C900S occurs as a result of spontaneous processes that occur when raw materials enter certain conditions maintained in a bioreactor.

Decomposition process in EnviCont C900S is under full automatic control. During the process of decomposition, homogenization, mineralization and stabilization of the selected material, best quality The product is achieved in just 6-12 days (depending on the raw materials used). Bioreactor productivity approx. 800-1050 tons per year. To increase productivity, the reactor can be easily adapted to the required volume of waste. Thanks to the installation of a two-level filter system, odors are completely removed. The recycled material is placed in a separate tank. The bioreactor is designed to be plug & play and can be easily moved using any suitable vehicle with standard towing hook.

For immediate activation, only a suitable connection to a compatible electrical network, and, if necessary, to a water source. As a result of a successful design, EnviCont C900S very easy to use and requires little operating equipment. Bioreactors of various capacities are available.


Compost produced using company equipment EnviCont can be used:

  • In agriculture and municipal economy
  • In gardening
  • In landscaping
  • In botanical gardens
  • In recreational parks
  • IN farms
  • In agriculture
  • For reclamation of solid waste landfills
  • As fuel for pre-briquetting

Compost recycling

Company Kaeler Holding AG offers unique technologies for further processing of compost obtained using equipment EnviCont.

In addition to using compost as an effective organic fertilizer or creating soil based on it, it is cost-effective and effective way processing is manufacturing fuel briquettes and granules.

Fuel briquettes have high heat capacity and are easy to transport.

Compost granules are used as a fertilizer; due to a significant reduction in the specific surface area, the granules significantly increase the duration of the fertilizer.

Equipment for sorting solid waste

Company Kaeler Holding AG offers a wet vertical separation system for solid waste.

  • Ideal for separating organic and inorganic fractions:
    • metal
    • plastic
    • stones
    • and etc.
  • Capacity 5 t/h

Using compost as a fertilizer and preparing soils based on it

Recently, there has been some structuring of the spontaneous soil market; if just a few years ago the quality of the products offered left much to be desired, then recently regulations, which contributed to the establishment of strict requirements for product quality. Against this background, obtained using the company’s equipment EnviCont, biocompost and soil mixture based on it, will not only fully satisfy all established standards, but also be a high-quality and competitive product (the quality of the final product greatly depends on the composted material).

Areas of use soil mixtures based on biocompost:

  • landscaping
  • lawns
  • commercial soils and fertilizers
  • flower beds, flowerbeds
  • greenhouse farming
  • agro-industrial complex
  • gardening
  • technical soils

Processing biomass into diesel fuel:

Bioconverter MME OM1000

All rights reserved by MME Techology AG; distributor of Envicont Ltd with permission from MME Technology AG, representative in Russia and the CIS countries Kaeler Holding AG

The mobile and stationary installation MME OM1000 is designed to convert biomass and other organic residues and waste into liquid raw materials and fuel. The installation uses a method of depolymerization of organic substances in direct liquefaction processes.
TPT technology, developed by Siekmann and Meyer at MME Technology, is protected by patents worldwide. The system is designed to process any type of biomass, including crops grown for fuel, such as straw, grains, turnips, wood, wood waste, crop waste, paper, sewage sludge and other biological materials and waste.
The primary end product is a petroleum-like, high-performance synthetic diesel fuel (*1) that can be used in any diesel fueled vehicle. The product does not contain soot, so no soot particles are formed during combustion in the engine.
Thanks to its excellent utilization rate, the MME OM1000 is virtually unmatched among its competitors. In 5,000 hours, the installation allows you to produce about 5,000,000 liters of diesel fuel at a cost of about 0.35 euros.
The installation is “Plug and Play” and works independently of other systems. Thanks to its carefully thought-out design, the unit is easy to use and requires little maintenance.

Technical parameters and installation pointers:


~ 300 m2

Incoming materials

Biomass. Almost any type

Input material fraction size

~0.2 mm

Humidity of the incoming material fraction

approx.< 12%

Quantity of incoming material

(depending on the quality of the material)

approx. 1.000 - 2.000 kg/h

The resulting material at the output

Synthetic diesel fuel

(not taxed until 2015)

Quality of the received material

Shell V-Power (*1)

Quantity of material received (depends on incoming material)

~ 500 - 1.000 l/h


(depends on incoming material)

~ 5,000,000 l/year

Opening hours

min. about 5,000 per year

Network connection

Not required


Thermophysical transformation (TPT)

Rights to the method

The method is patented all over the world

Installation cost

~ 2.8 million euros plus premium

Peripheral cost

(depends on the actual project)

~ 0.3 - 1.0 million euros

Cost of the resulting product

~ 0.35 -0.40 euro/liter

Return on investment (depending on base)

~ 2 -2.5 years

Biohumus (vermicompost, worm compost) is an organic fertilizer for plants, a product of the natural processing of livestock manure and food waste by technological worms. This type of compost is one of the most effective means of increasing the fertility of agricultural soils, and its production is quite simple and requires minimal investment. At the same time, according to many entrepreneurs, this type of business is characterized by high profitability and quick payback.

The technology for producing vermicompost is really not complicated. To make vermicompost, you will need the following “components”: rotted cattle manure, hay or silage, rotted leaves, sawdust, food waste, technological worms (California and their various varieties, Vladimir). First you need to prepare a nutrient medium for the worms, which is rotten compost and manure. As a rule, it is not very convenient to keep a processed product on your own site. Therefore, it is better to negotiate with the supplier of this raw material to allow it to rest for some time.

Containers are prepared for the worms - large wooden boxes. At the next stage, the compost is placed in boxes. Moreover, if it includes fermented manure and other components (leaves, sawdust, food waste), then the compost must be thoroughly mixed. The compost layer is covered with a layer of dry grass on top, which will maintain the optimal level of humidity and temperature in the box. The ripening compost must be stirred periodically (every 2-3 days) so that it does not cake, and moistened with warm water so that the mass does not dry out. At the very beginning, while the fermentation process is taking place, the temperature inside the box reaches 50 degrees Celsius, but then it gradually decreases. Worms move into the boxes after the compost mass is completely prepared.

Experts advise not to launch all the worms at once, but to first test the mass on several dozen individuals. If everything goes well, then you can move in the rest. Within a couple of months, the worms become accustomed to their new environment, after which they begin to reproduce. The humidity of the compost should be 70-80%, and the pH level should not exceed 8. In winter, the temperature inside the boxes should be at least 19 degrees Celsius. You can raise the temperature by covering the compost with a layer of dry grass, moistening it with warm water and placing it in a heated room. The substrate must be loosened regularly and fed once every ten days. 3-4 months after the compost has been colonized by worms, a worm count is carried out, for which a sample is taken from an area of ​​10 by 10 cm. The number of worms in it is multiplied by 100. Excess worms can be sold to fish farms, directly to fishermen, poultry farms and bone meal producers. At the third stage, vermicompost and worms are collected. To collect humus, the substrate is sifted through a sieve with 2 mm mesh. The worms remaining in the sieve are placed in a separate box. You can do without sifting. It is enough not to feed the worms for several days, and then add the substrate to the surface of the compost. After a couple of days, the worms will rise to the surface where they can be collected. The collected humus is weighed and packaged in plastic bags.

To organize the production of vermicompost, you will need a heated room to place boxes with compost and worms. Since the production cycle is year-round and continuous, production volumes can be quite large. Therefore, you will need a warehouse to store finished products. In addition, you will need to buy a packaging line with a dispenser for packaging humus into bags of 3-6 kg and 20-50 kg. Humus in bags of smaller volume can be sold through Retail Stores, and in larger bags - through wholesale companies. The cost of such a line is over 1 million rubles, but you can save on it and buy scales and a manual bag sealer instead (all together will cost about 5 thousand rubles). To keep worms you will need wooden boxes with a bottom made of strong boards or metal. In addition, you can purchase special vermicomposters. Irrigation systems (usually drip) are used to moisten the compost mass. The cost of the simplest such system is about 1-1.5 thousand rubles. Don’t forget about tools and work equipment: rake, shovel, sieve, buckets, etc.

You will also need to purchase worms, arrange constant supplies of manure, rotted leaves and food waste, develop packaging options, enter into sales agreements with partners, and arrange delivery of finished products to customers. Vermicompost can be sold directly to gardeners, gardening partnerships, gardening stores, poultry farms, meat and bone meal producers, and agricultural farms. Selling worms to fishermen and fish farms can often bring a profit comparable to the profit from the sale of humus itself. Thus, your product range may include vermicompost itself, concentrated liquid humus, biosoil (a mixture of vermicompost and earth in a certain proportion), and worms.

The costs of organizing such production include the purchase of equipment (about 45-50 thousand rubles without a packaging line), the purchase of raw materials (50 thousand rubles), equipment of the premises with stove heating (45 thousand rubles), registration and individual entrepreneur and other expenses. You can start a business with 150 thousand rubles, and then gradually expand production volumes using the profits received. The profitability of such a business is estimated at 40%. With a population of 100 thousand worms, the payback period will be up to six months, and total revenues will exceed 1 million rubles.

On the Internet you can find a lot of material both on the technology of vermicompost production itself and on calculations of profitability and payback. However, not all of them (especially the most rosy ones) correspond to reality. So, for example, if you are counting on good profits, then get by minimal investment will no longer be able to recoup them for short term. Firstly, preparing the raw materials for preparing the substrate takes quite a long time - about six months. Thus, if you have not found a supplier of finished raw materials with the required aging, then you will be able to start your business no earlier than in six months. Secondly, with large scale production, one shed heated by a stove is no longer sufficient. You will need a whole barn, which still needs to be prepared - make level floors for the beds (fill the floor with concrete), cover the windows with bricks so that the heat does not blow out of the room in winter, make a suspended ceiling as low as possible to retain heat, equip access roads, make renovation of interior premises, preparation of production and warehouses etc. In addition, the finished humus will need to be dried (for large production volumes, heated floors will be needed) and passed through a crushing apparatus.

To start a business, you can get by with 150 thousand rubles. However, the greater the production volume, the greater the investments. In particular, some suppliers of raw materials provide the following technological and economic calculation for the production of vermicompost per 1000 square meters. meters of heated area. In their opinion, initial costs do not exceed 500 thousand rubles, and by the end of the first year of work the entrepreneur will receive finished products worth 3 million rubles (250 tons of humus produced at 12 rubles per kilogram). The profit based on the results of the first year of operation will be, according to these calculations, 2.5 million rubles. In fact, investments at the initial stage will be much higher. It will be necessary to purchase land and premises (or at least rent them), carry out repairs and re-equipment of the production area, purchase and deliver 500 tons of manure, purchase worms, equipment, equipment for packaging, separation, and crushing of humus. In addition, you will need at least one tractor with a blade and a trailer, several workers for the production of humus and maintenance of equipment... Of course, all these expenses clearly will not fit into half a million. Moreover, according to a rough estimate, they will amount to at least 4.5-5 million rubles.

Also, you should not trust rumors about the 300% profitability of the vermicompost production business. The real costs of running such production activities is from 1.5 million rubles per year. The main expense items are heating, raw materials, electricity, wage workers. The real profitability is no more than 100%. And then, this is true only when productivity increases to 350-400 tons of vermicompost per year. However, with such production volumes, another question arises - how to organize sales of these products and, no less important, at what price. In the capital, for example, humus is sold in stores at a price of 25 rubles per kilogram, but for the regions often even 10 rubles per kilogram may be too much at a high price. There is another problem - low awareness of farmers, summer residents, gardeners and gardeners about the benefits of vermicompost. This type of organic fertilizer, despite its high efficiency and safety, has not yet become widespread in our country. Yours potential buyers often they don’t even know what it is. In addition, technologies for growing many common crops have not yet been adapted to the use of vermicompost. All this significantly complicates the organization of sales of vermicompost in large volumes.

However, despite all the above difficulties, the vermicompost production business deserves attention. It is most profitable to do it in conjunction with your existing business in the field Agriculture(for example, a farm for raising cattle, breeding rabbits, poultry, etc.).

Everything has an essence, which includes the purpose of this essence and the mechanism for its reproduction. Without essence there can be nothing. The success of any activity is determined primarily by the extent to which it contains a mechanism for demonstrating the essence of this activity. The development of new computers, the creation of compost production for champignons, the knowledge of the universe, absolutely any activity is doomed to an inferior result without understanding the essence of what is happening.

Compost for champignons. Reality.

Based on many years of communication with mushroom growers, studying various printed publications (which were available to me), articles from the Internet, messages on the forum of my website, questions from letters, and even one doctoral dissertation, we can safely conclude that, unfortunately, when working with technology When preparing compost for champignons, the dominant approach is based solely on the search for some ready-made solutions, copying both individual elements and entire technologies. There is also a search for secret secrets, thanks to which it will be possible to obtain ideal compost without going into details. Most trips to other production facilities, especially foreign ones, and participation in seminars, pursue precisely this goal. The situation is aggravated by blind faith in the printed word, even if the printed source contains unacceptable information about the preparation of compost from the economic and technological sides.

Various figures and organizations operating under the banner of mushroom farming are so far powerless to radically change the situation, unless, of course, they are faced with such a task in principle.

All this has led to the fact that the production of compost for champignons has been elevated to the rank of something supernatural, associated with very high costs and with the obligatory participation of representatives of foreign mushroom business. As a logical result, the only real commercial production of compost in Russia and complete capitulation to the supply of champignons from abroad.

Purpose of this article - to try to at least to some extent remove the pressure of moral and psychological pressure from the topic of compost preparation, to convey to mushroom growers, both established ones and to everyone simply interested in this topic, that preparing good compost is quite possible in economic, technical and technological aspects productions of any level. At the same time, I am aware that my knowledge about compost is very modest, but, nevertheless, its volume allows me to hope that the goal will be achieved at least to some extent.

Where to start when deciding to compost? Probably all the same from the beginning - understanding what compost is? There is a very good proverb: “Everything new is well forgotten old.” One of the “old” languages ​​available on the Internet is Latin. I typed the word compost into the translator from Latin in various variants, and a lot of interesting information came out. compose, form, complex, order, fold, definite, build - This is not a complete list of issued words. That is, in other words, we can say that compost is organic matter containing a complex, ordered substance. And composting is the process of creating this substance. Now all that remains is to understand by what principle, from what and under what conditions this complex, ordered substance is created.

To understand this and determine the conditions and principles of this process, it is necessary to know what makes compost compost, and what is this complex, ordered substance? The answer to this question is in almost every print publication that mentions compost for champignons. This is a nitrogen-enriched lignin-humus complex, or in a simplified version - humus. This is a complex, ordered substance created during the composting process. The higher the percentage of this complex in the organic mass obtained as a result of composting, the more rights this mass has to be called compost.

The importance of humus for nature and humanity cannot be overestimated. The mere fact that humus is the basis of soil fertility (in which it is formed through the natural process of composting) makes it an invaluable creation of nature. As for champignons, they appreciated this creation long before humanity. For hundreds and hundreds of thousands of years, humus has been the main food of champignon mycelium.

About the technology of compost preparation. The choice is yours.

As part of my work, I have repeatedly had the opportunity to participate or be present when mushroom growers discuss issues of compost preparation technology. Unfortunately, quite often there were situations when this communication was reminiscent of the story of four blind men who met an elephant and felt it. Each is a different part of this elephant's body. Trunk, tail, belly and leg. Then these blind men argued for a long time about what an elephant is. In relation to mushroom growing, we can say that we often judge the composting process as a whole, having pieces “in hand” technological process, which we spied somewhere, heard, read, received as a “main military secret” at a seminar or from various “experts” from the Internet. At the same time, we spend money, effort, and time trying to obtain high-yielding compost using technology created on the basis of this set of technological “scraps.” We get a similar result when we try to use this information already in an existing production facility.

I agree, even the smallest moment of the technological process of preparing compost in any production is of interest for understanding the essence of this process. But, only in real time, and only in conjunction with production and a specific batch of compost where this moment took place. Without all this, individual technological aspects often create a misconception about the essence of what is actually happening. Naturally, compost preparation technology based on this approach, as a rule, presents many unpleasant surprises in the future.

My approach to developing technology for preparing compost when creating a new enterprise, is based on the selection of an option that allows for the highest quality performance key points the essence (principles) of composting, in optimal combination with the conditions for creating an enterprise. The conditions include: types and quality of available raw materials, volumes of future production, technical, construction, energy and financial capabilities of the Customer, climatic conditions at the location of the production being created, acceptable cost of production, maximum potential yield of future compost and other nuances that arise in the course of work . Wherein technology should be as simple and cheap as possible, as far as possible without loss of yield. The compost formula should have a minimum of ingredients. The amount of work with compost, especially manual labor, is kept to a minimum. The selection of technology is determined only by the effectiveness of its use, in combination with economic feasibility, and not by the prestige of manufacturing companies. Control points for the quality of work done and the progress of the composting process should be understandable for any level of education of compost production employees. To obtain information, use the simplest available tests. The composting period should be as short as possible, which results in significant savings in the area of ​​the compost workshop, increases the yield of compost per ton of straw, and of course the compost should have the highest potential yield.

A prerequisite is participation in the development process of representatives of the future team. Such collaboration has a very positive effect on the process of introducing the adopted technology into production.

Nature in the compost shop.

Despite all the apparent complexity of the process of forming a nitrogen-enriched lignin-humus complex, that is, humus, the essence of the process can be expressed quite simply and understandably for most people planning to compost. Let's start with the fact that in nature this process generally occurs without the participation of man with his science, technology and other achievements. Moreover, as soon as man intervenes in this process, the reserves of humus in nature, accumulated over hundreds of thousands of years, are rapidly coming to an end, foreshadowing a global catastrophe. But this is a separate topic for discussion.

Let's return to the process of humus formation in nature. The point is very simple: o Organic residues are broken down into their components, and from these building blocks intermediate materials are built, from which humus is ultimately formed.

In nature, this all happens very slowly, most likely due to the fact that the conditions necessary for the processes of humus formation to occur are not always available, and are often far from optimal. The availability and optimal conditions are at least seasonal in nature, and also depending on natural accidents.

With such a speed of the humus formation process, compost production would be very difficult to make economically efficient. But, if we provide favorable, controlled conditions for the processes of each stage of the formation of a nitrogen-enriched lignin-humus complex for the entire time actually necessary for this, then solving this problem will radically change the situation. This technology reduces the composting process to several days, regardless of the production status, the complexity of the equipment used (including when completely manual labor), and even (!) without the presence of foreign representatives of mushroom growing. At the same time, we have the opportunity to significantly simplify the technology, and as a result, reduce its cost. The cost, yield and quality of mushrooms grown on compost prepared using this technology make it possible to adequately survive not only the “invasion” of Polish and Chinese mushrooms, but even the not always clear pricing policy some domestic manufacturers.

To be continued...

In the continuation of this article, I will present my perception of the main fundamental points of compost preparation technology.