Tree pruning in overhead power line protection zones is a requirement of federal law. TTK. Cutting down clearings during the construction of power lines Clearing high-voltage lines of bushes

The instruction establishes the procedure for carrying out work on pruning trees near existing power lines with a voltage of 0.4-10 kV.


2.1. The overhead line route must be periodically cleared of undergrowth and trees and maintained in a fire-safe condition: the established width of the clearings must be maintained and trees must be pruned. Work on pruning trees located near existing power lines with a voltage of 0.4-10 kV must be coordinated with the owners of the plantings.

2.2. Tree pruning can be carried out both by personnel of electrical networks and personnel of other organizations hired for this work on the basis of an agreement concluded with them. In the latter case, the need to take technical measures to prevent people from coming under voltage is determined by the electrical network enterprise.

2.3. In the event that pruning work is carried out by an outside organization under a contract, using people and machinery belonging to the electrical networks, the latter are responsible for their good condition.


3.1. It is prohibited to clear the overhead line route without disconnecting the power line, if the distance between the overhead line wire and the tree (tree branches), taking into account their possible approach during cutting, will be less than for overhead line-0.4 kV -1m, overhead line-6-35kv - 2m.

3.2. It is allowed to clear the route of an overhead power line, the wires of which are in standardized dimensions relative to the ground, without disconnecting the overhead line, if the height of the trees to be cut down (cleared) does not exceed 4 m. In the case of clearing the overhead line route from trees over 4 m in height, use the requirements of paragraph 3.1 of these instructions.

3.3. Before tree felling begins workplace should be cleared. In winter, to quickly escape from a falling tree, two paths 5 to 6 m long should be laid in the snow in the direction opposite to the direction of the felling.

3.4. Before starting work, the work manager must warn all team members about the danger of approaching felled trees, ropes, etc., as well as overhead power lines.
3.5.Before cutting down trees, it is necessary to use guy wires to prevent them from falling onto the wires.
In cases where it is necessary to take measures to prevent felled trees from falling on the wires, and also if cutting off branches is associated with the possibility of them falling on the wires or with dangerous approach of people to live parts, work on clearing the route must be carried out along with disconnecting and grounding the line .

3.6. The sawyers must warn other members of the team about the impending fall of the tree being felled.
Leaning trees should be felled in the direction of their tilt.
If after sawing the tree does not fall, it should be forcibly felled using felling devices or a wedge driven into the cut.

3.7. Such trees should be felled with preliminary cutting.

3.8. First of all, rotten and burnt trees should be felled.
Separate groups of workers who clear the route should not approach one another at a distance of less than 50 m.
When a thunderstorm or storm approaches, or when there is strong wind (more than 10 m/sec), work on clearing the route must be stopped.


  • climb on chopped and sawn trees.
  • if a tree falls on the wires, approach it at a distance of less than 8 m before the voltage is removed from the overhead line.
  • stand on the side of the falling tree and on the opposite side.
  • fell trees without sawing or trimming, and also cut through trees.
  • leave a cut tree unfelled during a break in work or when moving to other trees, and also climb on it.
  • cut down rotten and dead trees.
  • group felling of trees with preliminary cutting and felling using the fall of one tree onto another.
  • felling trees during fog, ice, and also at dusk.

3.9. Tree branches can be trimmed in the following ways:

  • from the ground using secateurs and loppers, hacksaws;
  • from ladders;
  • using mechanisms to lift people.

3.10. Trimming tree branches should be carried out by a team of at least 2 people.

3.11. The cutting method is established by the person who issued the order, after inspecting the overhead line route on the eve of issuing the order. It is allowed to trim trees at the same time as repairing overhead lines, but in this case, the work order must indicate how to trim the trees.

3.12. If trees cannot be trimmed from the ground, climbing to heights is permitted using portable ladders or mechanisms for lifting people.

3.13. The ladders used must be tested and comply with the "Rules" safe work with tools and accessories"

3.14. Before climbing to a height, you must ensure that the ladder is securely installed. Climbing the stairs is permitted without tools for trimming tree branches. Having climbed the stairs to the pruning site, you need to secure yourself to the tree with a halyard of the fitter's belt. It is forbidden to attach yourself to the branch that is to be pruned. While the electrician is lifting and securing the tree, a second worker must stand below and support the ladder. After securing the electrician to the tree, the second one uses a rope to deliver the tool and move away from the work area to a safe distance.

3.15. The pruning worker is allowed to begin work only after making sure that there are no people nearby. During pruning, a worker standing below makes sure that no one approaches the tree.

3.16. After trimming is completed, the tool is first lowered to the ground using a rope, then a second worker approaches the ladder to support the ladder. After this, the worker is allowed to descend from the tree.

3.17. When using mechanisms when pruning trees, the movement of mechanisms in the security zone of overhead lines is allowed under the supervision of managers and specialists with group V. When passing under overhead lines, the lifting and retractable parts of the mechanisms must be in the transport position.

3.18. Installation and operation of mechanisms directly under live overhead power lines is prohibited. Install the mechanism on outriggers and move the working element from the transport position to working position must be the driver operating it. It is prohibited to involve other workers for this purpose.

3.19. Before starting to operate telescopic towers and hydraulic lifts, it is necessary to check the operation of the retractable and lifting parts. The test should be carried out in a safe place away from live parts.

3.20. When driving, installing and operating vehicles and mechanisms, the distance from access and retractable parts in any position to live parts that are energized should not be less than 1 m for overhead lines 0.4-10 kV.
When working in the security zone of overhead lines, vehicles and pneumatic-running mechanisms must be grounded.

3.21. When the mechanisms are operating, it is prohibited for people to remain under the basket of the telescopic tower (hydraulic lift).

3.22. When carrying out work from a telescopic tower (hydraulic lift), there must be a visual connection between the team member in the basket (cradle) and the driver. In the absence of such communication, there should be a member of the team near the tower, transmitting the command to the driver to raise or lower the basket (cradle).

3.23. You should work from a telescopic tower (hydraulic lift) while standing at the bottom of the basket (cradle), secured with a lanyard of a safety belt. While workers are working in the basket (cradle) of a telescopic tower (hydraulic lift), the operator should not leave the control panel.

3.24. If the mechanism comes into contact with live overhead line wires, the driver must take measures to quickly break the contact and move the moving part of the mechanism away from the overhead line wires to a distance of at least 1 m.

Today in Russia, hundreds of millions of hectares of land on which crop production can be successfully carried out are unsuitable for this type of useful human activity. These lands often border on forested areas. And, unfortunately, every year they are overgrown with bushes, overgrowth and skinny trees everywhere.

Such areas must be cleared not only for further use, but also for fire safety purposes. After all, forest fires are a national disaster. Therefore, to clear means to remove shoots, trunks, branches of trees and shrubs, as well as their underground foundation - roots, and everything completely, in order to avoid future “rebirth”.

Clearing areas of bushes

All kinds of equipment available today, with plows for uprooting, with mounted cutting tools, allow machine operators to cut off all the bushes, uproot the roots, rake and remove the resulting debris. As a rule, the mounted train of tractors and tractors includes a variety of cutters, uprooting plows, rail harrows and other agricultural processing equipment.

Particularly difficult is the area overgrown with bushes on peat bogs. Special equipment is used here, such as brush cutters and mulchers. They cut the bushes, chop them up, and chop the wood and stumps into chips. And all this garbage is placed with a special device into trenches made in advance in the peat bog, which are then buried.

This type of equipment can also be used in winter, with relatively little snow cover. A shrub caught in frost becomes more brittle and can be easily cut.

When clearing any plot of land from young forest and shrubs for its subsequent use in agricultural production, it is necessary to strictly remember that the humus, i.e., fertile layer of soil cannot be cut off. This organic matter is the best nutrition a plant can receive for its normal development.

And after uprooting, it is better to leave the bushes and trees in place for a while so that, after drying, the soil containing humus falls off. But there is another way to avoid damaging the fertile layer too much. When uprooting is carried out on “fat” chernozem, then tall bushes (2-3 meters) rescued from the soil must, if possible, be immersed again in the ground, to a depth of 30 centimeters, using single-hull plows specially designed for this purpose.

The effectiveness of the chemical method

Overgrown trees such as alder, willow, birch, and aspen can also be destroyed using chemicals: various esters or amine salts, which have herbicidal properties. At the same time, there should be no more than 25 percent of other herbicide-resistant trees in the treated area. Otherwise, such processing will not give the expected result.

If the overgrown area is small, chemical treatment is carried out using ground-based equipment. If the territory is large, densely overgrown, like an impenetrable thicket, occupying tens of hectares, then in this case it is better to use agricultural aviation for chemical processing.

The harvesting of trees and bushes after such treatment should be carried out only when the plantings, i.e., trunks and roots, are completely decomposed and become as if rotten under the influence of chemicals. Small trees and bushes are removed after about a year, taller ones (more than 5 meters) - after two to three years.

How to properly clear clearings

When driven by people economic activity Clearings are cut down in forests, especially in large forest areas. This is done, for example, in order to divide the forest into quarters, say, with sides of one kilometer each. In such a forest it is easier to navigate and study the topography of the area.

Clearings are needed for laying power lines, oil or gas pipelines. But more often they are necessary to clear the forest in this place from overgrown and old trees, which, when falling in a strong wind, can damage power line wires with trunks or branches, even an oil or gas pipeline located on the surface.

Therefore, to cut clearings and clear already laid paths, professional teams of qualified lumberjacks who have permission and permits to carry out such life-threatening work. And, of course, with the appropriate special equipment. Here, bulldozers with a shovel - a mounted blade in front - are traditionally used and used here, tractors, excavators, hydraulic lifts and mulchers, which are irreplaceable after felling for chopping wood.

The latter are usually used after sawing tree trunks, which are first felled, and their further processing into very fine wood waste. This woody debris is then thoroughly mixed with local soil. As a rule, all such equipment has caterpillar tracks, which facilitate unhindered movement in forest thickets and even swamps.

Features of clearing forests near power lines

When clearing overhead power lines from trees, truck-mounted cranes and aerial platforms are very convenient, as they can be used to trim and file interfering branches with brush cutters or a chainsaw. If you do not eliminate old, sometimes withered trees and bushes growing close to power lines, then if a fire occurs, there may be interruptions in the power supply to consumers or electrical injuries to people.

And for safety reasons, such preventive measures must be carried out before the onset of winter and even autumn, with its inclement weather and, sometimes, strong winds and rains. Clearings in large forested areas are now cleared in straight strips lining the sides of neighborhoods. The standard width of clearings is usually four meters, and they clearly demarcate forest areas.

But due to overgrown trees and shrubs, short circuits electrical wires. Sometimes, in approximately the same place, oil and gas pipelines pass. Therefore, when laying new power lines, the clearings are made wider.

Manual and even mechanized clearing can sometimes be very labor-intensive and expensive. And the roots remaining in the ground soon give rise to many new shoots. Therefore, today, in order to avoid such consequences, they often resort to chemical treatment of roots with herbicides, spraying them manually or using track-based sprayers. It's better to do this in the summer.

And these are the ones positive sides such processing:

  • firstly, it is a guarantee against frequent interruptions in power supply to industrial and domestic facilities;
  • secondly, it sharply reduces the number of forest fires that occur;
  • thirdly, it preserves the humus layer of the soil;
  • fourthly, it increases the duration of the time period between clearings to seven to eight years.

Safety precautions when clearing

This is especially true for clearing forest clearings over which there are high-voltage power lines. In this case, the distance between hanging electrical wires and tree crowns must be at least two meters. Then there is no need to de-energize the power lines. If the distance is shorter, be sure to turn off the overhead line.

The area where trees will be felled must be fenced and a warning posted. And the routes for the upcoming retreat after the completion of trimming and felling work must be cleared in advance.

When expanding power line clearings, first of all, old, dried, fire-damaged and diseased trees are felled. Moreover, the distance between adjacent teams engaged in logging, if there are several of them, must be within a radius of at least fifty meters.

If the parameters of weather conditions change, squally winds intensify, or an imminent hurricane is predicted, logging in the clearings should be stopped. Stop the work, immediately dispose of the wood waste in the soil, and remove other remains.

During clearing work on clearings:

  • it is strictly forbidden to come close to the place where the felled tree is in close contact with the electrical conductive line, and the electricity in this area is not turned off;
  • a sawn or chopped tree must be felled; under no circumstances should it be left in a sawn state;
  • You should also not climb onto a sawn tree;
  • During fog, ice, and poor visibility at dusk, trees should not be cut down.

The advantage of innovation in clearing

When using modern equipment for clearing and latest technologies The time required for such work is reduced significantly. No harm caused environment. The risk of fire in forests and especially peat bogs in swamps is minimized, because such areas are covered with a firebreak during clearing.

The ecology of the area will undoubtedly improve after clearing overgrown forest areas and clearings. Since the old, diseased and sometimes dry fire-hazardous forest stand is being eliminated, impenetrable bushes and tall grass are being destroyed. The sanitary condition of forest lands is improving. The clearing route becomes well cleared of wood debris, which is immediately disposed of or taken away for household needs, for example, for heating.

If clearing of small forests and shrubs occurs within the boundaries of a populated area (city or district center), then the cleared area can be used for the construction of housing, industrial and administrative buildings, medical and educational institutions, stadiums, sports and playgrounds, or shopping facilities: supermarkets and markets.

Summary of what has been said

To maintain a healthy forest, it is necessary to timely carry out such agronomic practices as clearing trees and shrubs. And to use the most popular equipment today, such as mulchers. Our economic approach to natural resources will allow us to stroll through the beautiful forest with pleasure and freedom.



Main Production and Technical Directorate for Construction


All-Union Institute fordesignorganizations
energy construction

SUBJECT 5628 PLAN C.O. 1987















Collection K-6-6 consists of fifteen technological maps for cutting clearings for power lines for the following types of work:

Skidding device

Felling trees

Skidding of sticks and trees


Loading logs

Removal of whips

Bucking the whips


Clearing the route from logging residues

Summary of thin forest and shrub

Korchevka stumps

With the publication of this collection, standard technological maps K-6-5, issued before the introduction of new sentries, are canceled tariff rates according to the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Council of Ministers and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions.


1. Collection K-6-6 consists of technological maps for cutting down glades during the construction of power lines.

The maps serve as a guide for carrying out work on the route, as well as a guide for designing work.

With the release of these technological maps, the collection of standard technological maps K-6-5 is canceled.

2. Maps are designed for production on flat terrain in summer, in non-watered soils.

3. The maps cover the full cycle of work on clearing the overhead line route from trees and bushes, as well as uprooting stumps on separately designated sites for the construction of foundations. Cut-down commercial timber and firewood should be stacked outside the clearing boundaries, followed by removal of the logs by logging road trains. Branches and other logging residues are burned on site.

Transport operations for removing timber from the highway by road trains are discussed in the technological map K-6-6-15.

4. Before cutting down glades, the following preparatory work must be completed, not taken into account by these maps:

4.1. Logging tickets have been issued indicating the felling areas, felling volumes of industrial and firewood.

4.2. The boundaries of the clearing are marked in reality according to the project.

4.3. A technological scheme for cutting down a clearing has been established, with the determination of the general direction of felling and the choice of skidding paths and places for stacking wood, and the shapes and sizes of apiaries have been assigned, taking into account the safety of the work.

4.4. Work sites have been prepared for trimming branches, bucking and stacking wood, clearing them of stones and cutting down stumps flush with the ground, and the routes for removing wood have been determined.

4.5. Dangerous trees have been removed - rotten, dry-resistant, hanging trees, which pose a danger when cutting down a clearing. In machine felling, dangerous trees are cut down by a felling machine during the process of developing a clearing.

5. The technological sequence of the main work depends on the method of felling trees - by machine or manually.

5.1. Machine felling should be provided mainly in cutting areas with calm terrain and dense soils. Taxation and silvicultural characteristics, which determine the efficiency of using the machine, are also taken into account.

5.2. Manual felling turns out to be preferable in difficult conditions when developing small scattered cutting areas.

5.3. Depending on local conditions and the availability of construction machinery, it is recommended to carry out work using the following maps:


Card code

with manual felling

with machine felling

Felling trees with a gas-powered saw


Limbing with a gas-powered saw


Skidding of logs to the stacking area


Machine felling and skidding of trees to the work site


Machine pruning on the job site


Bucking logs into assortments with a gas-powered saw


Stacking of assortments


Summary of thin forest and shrub


Clearing the route from logging residues


Schemes for arranging links for each of the options are presented in Fig. And .

7. Technical and economic indicators in the maps are compiled based on the following provisions:

7.1. Clearing of clearings is carried out in flat conditions in summer.

7.2 The duration of the work shift is 8.2 hours.

7.3. The volume of wood obtained from I hectare of forest of varying density and size is adopted according to SNiP IV-2-82 Appendix, Volume 1. Table 1 - 4. To clarify the volume of wood obtained from felling forests, one should be guided by forest taxation data.

8. When linking maps to an object, it is necessary, depending on local conditions, to clarify individual technological operations, the scope of work and technical and economic indicators.

9. When carrying out work on cutting down glades, the safety rules given in the following regulatory materials must be strictly observed:

9.1. State standards. System of occupational safety standards GOST 12.3.015-78. Preparation works. Safety requirements.

9.2. Safety rules for electrical installation work at the facilities of the USSR Ministry of Energy. Moscow 1984

9.3. Rules for the design and safe operation of cranes. Moscow, 1983

9.4. Safety rules and industrial sanitation in logging, rafting and forestry. Timber industry, Moscow, 1981

9.5. Collection standard instructions on labor protection for forest industry workers. Timber industry 1981

10. When cutting down glades, you must comply with the safety requirements set out in these technological maps. Particular attention should be paid to the following:

10.1. Protect dangerous areas with prohibitory signs.

10.2. Provide the work site with fire-fighting equipment.

10.3. Do not carry out work during wind speeds exceeding 11 m/s, thunderstorms, snowfall, thick fog (visibility less than 50 m) and ice.

11. special Caution must be observed when cutting clearings near power lines. To ensure the safety of overhead lines, a security zone is established, within which special security measures must be observed. The security zone is installed on both sides of the line from the outermost wires, depending on the voltage of the overhead line at a distance, m

for overhead lines with voltage up to I kV

for overhead lines 1 - 20 kV

for overhead lines 35 kV

for 110 kV overhead line

for overhead lines 150, 220 kV

for overhead lines 330, 500 kV

for 750 kV overhead line

for 1150 kV overhead line

12. Operating logging machines directly under power lines is not permitted. If it is impossible to disconnect the overhead line and it is necessary to carry out work in the security zone, the following safety requirements must be observed:

The air distance from the lifting or sliding part of the machine, as well as from the load being lifted in any position, including at the greatest lift or reach, to the nearest live wire must be at least, m

for overhead lines 35 kV

for 110 kV overhead line

for overhead lines 150 kV

for overhead lines 220 kV

for VL 330

for 500 kV overhead line

for 750 kV overhead lines

It is not permitted to store materials or organize parking of cars in the security zone.

13. Special requirements for safety equipment related to special conditions of work (mountainous terrain, when passing overhead lines in the area of ​​underground utilities, etc.) must be specified in the work plan when linking technological maps to a specific object.

Rice. 0-1 Layout of links for manual tree felling.

Rice. 0-2 Layout of links for machine felling of trees.


The table does not take into account the works listed in maps K-6-6-3, K-6-6-7, K-6-6-9, K-6-6-11, K-6-6-12, K- 6-6-13.


1.1. Typical routing K-6-6-11 serves as a guide for clearing logging residues when cutting clearings for power lines.

1.2. The works covered by the map include:

1.2.1. Collection of logging residues.

1.2.2. Laying in shafts or heaps.


2.1. Before clearing the clearing, skidding of the logs from the route or stacking them outside the clearing must be completed.

2.2. Mechanized clearing of the clearing is carried out using a PSG-3 pick-up.

Technical characteristics of the pick-up

Working body type

Rake with independent tooth suspension

Working width, mm

Number of collecting teeth, pcs.

Clearance between teeth, mm

Working height of teeth, mm

Tooth lift height

Angle of tooth entry into the soil, degrees

Device for raising and lowering teeth


Pick-up weight (without tractor), kg

Distance from the collecting teeth to the edge of the tractor tracks, mm

2.3. The movement diagram of the pick-up is shown in Fig. .

1 - Forest; 2 - Main drag; 3 - Branch shafts; 4 - Cleared area; 5 - Branch picker PSG-3; 6 - Uncleared area

Rice. 11-1. Scheme of operation of the branch picker

2.4. Technological sequence when clearing clearings from logging residues:

2.4.1. Use a chainsaw to cut all thick branches and dead wood into lengths of 2 to 4 meters.

2.4.2. Place the pick-up at the beginning of the collection strip.

2.4.3. Lower the pick-up teeth and, moving in straight shuttle strokes, collect logging residues and dead wood.

2.4.4. At the end of the collection line, raise the pick-up teeth and, moving further, leave the collected branches in place.

2.4.5. Make a U-turn at the border of the clearing and continue further collection of logging residues.

2.4.6. Place the collected branches in shafts 1.5 - 2 m wide and 0.8 - 1.2 m high.

2.5. Place the shafts from the collected logging residues mainly on the trails and borders of the clearing at a distance of 15 - 20 m from each other, with the outermost shafts being laid at a distance of at least 15 m from the border of the clearing, and the ends of the shafts at a distance of at least 10 m from the forest wall.

2.6. The logging residues collected in heaps must be burned within the permitted period.

2.7. When clearing the clearing, it is necessary to comply with the safety requirements set out in the materials listed in paragraph. Indicators

Unit change

Headland diameter 200 m. Wood reserve per 1 hectare more than 120 m3

Labor intensity


Operation of mechanisms


Number of units




Productivity per shift



4.1. Requirement for machines, equipment, tools, fixtures and materials (per link)

The list does not include brigade equipment provided for by the table of small-scale mechanization equipment.

4.2. Requirement for operating materials

Destruction of bushes, clearing of places common use, fields, gardens from wild vegetation is an urgent need, which is required by both private homeowners and large farms. Timely cutting down dead trees, destroying bushes, thickets of wild plants are one of the conditions for carrying out economic activities near populated areas or agricultural lands.

Sooner or later, dry branches of trees and bushes break under the weight of fallen snow or a slight squall wind, which leads to the breakdown of power lines, causing damage to small buildings, cars and even people. It is advisable to carry out landscaping of the territory in a timely manner also because in bad weather conditions (blizzard, snowfall, rain, etc.), when a breakdown or break in the line has already occurred, it will be much more difficult to access equipment than on a sunny fine day. In addition, the estimate for cutting down bushes and emergency trees will already include the possible risk percentage of specialists.

We carry out a full cycle of work to prepare the site for clearing, cutting down wild shrubs and offer a simple and understandable algorithm of actions:

1. visiting the site to conduct reconnaissance of the work site, the extent of necessary intervention, measurements of the area for felling from the DKR. Here the most important thing is to determine the boundaries of land plots and differentiated assessment of the volume of expected work to clear wild vegetation.

2.preparing a plan and estimates of work for clearing areas of DKR, shrubs, and trees subject to clear sanitary felling.

3. concluding contracts for export and disposal of logging residues from agricultural lands and cut down shrubs.

4. Carrying out the work itself to clear areas of wild vegetation.

5.subsequent monitoring and maintenance of cleared areas of self-reproducing forests, shrubs and trees. These types of work include quarterly visits for the purpose of photo documentation of the work site, filing of self-growing shrubs, trees and, most importantly, herbicide treatment.

The price for clearing wild forests, self-reproducing forests, and wild shrubs ranges from 150,000 rubles per hectare.

The cost of a visit to assess the scope of work, topography the work site, and draw up a work estimate ranges from 15,000 to 40,000 rubles per 1 hectare. The price directly depends on the price of topographic work carried out by related organizations.

For questions regarding the destruction of DKR, please contact our email: [email protected]