general rules for implementing automation schemes



GOST 21.408 -

interstate standard

Official publication



The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 “Interstate system

standardization. Basic provisions", and GOST 1.2-2009 "System

interstate standardization. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for development, adoption, application, updating and cancellation"

Standard information

1 DESIGNED Open joint stock company- Association "Montazavtomatika"

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 “Construction”

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (IGS) (Protocol No. 44-2013 of November 14, 2013)

Short name of the country according to MK (ISO 3166) 004 -97

Country code according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Abbreviated name of the body government controlled construction



Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia


State Standard of the Republic of Belarus


Gosstandart of the Republic of Kazakhstan




Russian Federation



Taji "standard"



4 By order Federal agency on technical regulation and metrology dated December 17, 2013 No. 2293-st interstate standard GOST 21.408-2013 was put into effect as a national standard of the Russian Federation on January 1, 2015.

4 INSTEAD GOST 21.408-85

Information about changes to this standard is published in the annual information index “National Standards”, and the text of changes and amendments is published in the monthly information index “National Standards”. In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, the corresponding notice will be published in the monthly information index “National Standards”. Relevant information, notices and texts are also posted in information system common use- on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet.

© Standardinform, 2014

In the Russian Federation, this standard cannot be fully or partially reproduced, replicated and distributed as an official publication without permission from the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology


System of design documents for construction


System of design documents for construction.

Rules of industrial process automation working documentation execution

Date of introduction - 2015-01-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard establishes the composition and design rules working documentation automation systems of technological processes and engineering systems, buildings and structures (hereinafter referred to as automation systems) of designed construction projects for various purposes.

The requirements of this standard apply to the working documentation of the technical support of the automated process control system. developed according to GOST 34.201.

clever graphic. Feeding and dosing devices

GOST 2.795-80 Unified system of design documentation. Symbols are conventional graphic. Centrifuges

GOST 8.417-2002 State system ensuring uniformity of measurements. Units of quantities

GOST 8.586.5-2005 Interstate standard State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements Measuring the flow and quantity of liquids and gases using standard restrictive devices Part 5 Methodology for performing measurements GOST 21.101-97 * System of design documentation for construction. Basic requirements for design and working documentation

GOST 21.110-2012 System of design documentation for construction. Specification of equipment, products and materials

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet. or according to the annual information index “National Standards”, which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and according to issues of the monthly index “National Standards” for this year.

If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this standard you should be guided by the replacing (changed) standard. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference is made to it is applied in the part that does not affect this reference.

3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations

3.1 The following terms with corresponding definitions and abbreviations are used in this standard:

3.1.1 automated process control system; APCS: A set of software and hardware designed to automate the control of technological equipment at enterprises.

3.1.2 embedded structure: Part or assembly unit, permanently built into building structures (channel, angle, sleeve, pipe, plate with sleeves, boxes with sand seal, suspended ceiling structures, etc.). into equipment or communications (bosses, sleeves, fittings, pockets, expanders, flange connections, counter flanges, adapters, etc.).

3.1.3 monitoring, regulation and control circuit: A set of separate functionally related technical automation equipment that perform a specific task of monitoring, regulation, signaling, management, etc.

3.1.4 sampling device: A device (embedded structure) installed on process equipment or a pipeline and intended for supplying a controlled environment to instruments or measuring transducers or for installing instruments and transducers.

3.1.5 distributed control system: DCS: A process control system characterized by the construction of a distributed input/output system and decentralization of data processing.

3.1.6 automatic emergency protection system; ESD: A process control system, which, if the process goes beyond safe limits, carries out a set of measures to protect equipment and personnel.

3.1.7 pipe wiring: A set of pipes (pipe cables), connections, connections, protective devices and fittings.

3.1.8 technical means of automation: Technical means of automation include devices, regulators, functional blocks, actuators, regulating bodies (hereinafter referred to as devices), as well as electrical devices, switchboards, consoles, complexes and other automation means.

4 General provisions

4.1 Detailed documentation of automation systems is carried out in accordance with the requirements of this standard. GOST 21.101 and other related standards of the System of Design Documentation for Construction (SPDS) and Unified system design documentation (ESKD).

4.2 The working documentation of automation systems includes:

Working drawings intended for the installation of technical automation equipment (the main set of working drawings of automation systems). The brands of the main sets of working drawings are given in Appendix A;

Attached documents, including:

Questionnaires for devices and order cards for electrical devices, filled out according to forms and instructions from manufacturers or suppliers. Questionnaires and order cards are transferred to the customer according to a statement separately from the rest of the working documentation of automation systems (SA);

Specification of equipment, products and materials:

Sketch drawings common types non-standard automation tools;

Local estimate.

4.3 In the drawings, elements of automation systems are depicted in accordance with GOST 21.208; technological equipment, communications and building structures are depicted in a simplified manner - with a solid thin line.

5 Basic set of working drawings of automation systems

5.1 Composition of the main set of working drawings of automation systems

5.1.1 8 the composition of the main set of working drawings for automation systems of brand A... (hereinafter referred to as the main set) generally includes:

General data on working drawings;

Automation schemes;

Schematic (electrical, pneumatic) diagrams;

Diagrams (tables) of connections and connections of external wiring;

Drawings of equipment location and external wiring;

Drawings of automation equipment installations.

5.1.2 The composition of the documents being developed and their completeness for the automated process control system and its parts must be determined in the technical specifications for the creation of an automated system (subsystem).

5.1.3 Control objects (departments, systems, installations, units, devices) and related automation equipment that are not interconnected and have the same CA equipment. depicted on diagrams and layout plans once, explaining with text instructions.

5.1.4 The main set can be drawn up as independent documents, assigning them a basic designation, the brand of the main set and adding (through a dot) the serial number of the document (Arabic numerals).

It is allowed to assign designations to the documents included in the set in accordance with the coding system adopted by the organization.

Example - XXXX -XX - ATX1.1; XXXX -XX -ATX1.2, etc.

5.1.5 For objects with small volume installation work for automation, it is allowed to combine working drawings of automation of various technological processes and engineering systems into one main set. The combined main set is assigned the AK brand.

5.1.6 In the case of using instruments with radioisotope measurement methods, working drawings for their installation are separated into an independent main set.

5.1.7 Types, completeness and designation of documents when created automated systems- in accordance with GOST 34.201.

5.2 General information on working drawings

5.2.2 In addition to the data specified in GOST 21.101, include:

Table of initial data and calculation results of restriction devices (not supplied by industry) according to form 1*;

Form 1 - Initial data and results of calculations of restriction devices

End of form 1

‘ If the constriction devices are integral part automation systems supplied complete with equipment do not comply with the specified table.

Table of initial data and results of calculations by regulatory authorities in form 2*;

Form 2-Input data and results of calculations by regulatory authorities

List of embedded structures, primary devices (placed on technological, sanitary and other equipment and communications) in form 3. The list of embedded structures, primary devices and automation equipment includes:

Embedded structures intended for the installation of temperature measuring instruments, selective devices for pressure, level, composition and quality of a substance;

Primary instruments (volume and velocity meters, restriction devices, rotameters, sensors of flow meters and concentration meters);

Float and buoy sensors for level meters and level alarms;

Control valves.

* If regulatory bodies are an integral part of automation systems supplied complete with equipment, the specified table is not followed.

Form 3 - List of embedded structures, primary devices


2 Drawings of embedded structures and installation drawings of devices are included in the attached documents of working drawings of the corresponding brand in accordance with GOST 21.101.

List of embedded structures, devices and structures for laying pipe and electrical wiring and installation of technical automation equipment in Form 4. The list includes: embedded structures for installing cable structures and passages of pipe and electrical wiring through walls and ceilings, structures for installing instruments, actuators , switchboards, cable ducts, racks for pipe and electrical wiring, rooms for placing switchboards and control points, analyzing and other rooms for placing automation equipment, indicating the required climatic conditions.

5.2.3 When preparing the main set of working drawings as separate documents, instead of the working drawings of the main set, the general data includes a list of documents in accordance with Form 2 GOST 21.101. and in each of the subsequent documents of the main set they provide statements of working drawings of the document in accordance with Form 1 GOST 21.101 and a link to general data.

5.2.4 The general instructions include:

Information about the special industrial safety characteristics of the designed facility;

Information about the classes and boundaries of explosive and fire hazardous areas in indoor and outdoor installations, about categories and groups of explosive mixtures.

5.3 Automation schemes

5.3.1 Automation schemes are developed as a whole for a technological (engineering) system or part of it - a technological line, a block of equipment, an installation or a unit.

The automation diagram can be combined with a connection diagram (installation diagram), made as part of the main set of the TX brand in accordance with GOST 21.401, or with diagrams of engineering systems - a fundamental technological diagram of automation.

5.3.2 The automation diagram shows:

Technological and engineering equipment and communications (pipelines, gas ducts, air ducts) of the automated object (hereinafter referred to as technological equipment);

Technical means of automation or control, regulation and control circuits;

Communication lines between individual technical automation equipment or circuits (if necessary). Communication lines between devices and control circuits and

control, including lines wireless communication depicted on the diagrams with the graphic symbols given in Table B.1 (Appendix B).

5.3.3 It is recommended to depict technological equipment on automation diagrams in accordance with the connection diagram adopted in the main TX brand kit or engineering system diagrams. At the same time, it is allowed to simplify images of technological equipment without showing on the diagram equipment, communications and their elements that are not equipped with technical automation equipment and do not affect the operation of automation systems.

5.3.4 Process equipment is depicted taking into account the requirements of the following standards:

Equipment - according to GOST 2.780. GOST 2.782. GOST 2.788, GOST 2.789, GOST 2.790, GOST 2.791. GOST 2.792. GOST 2.793, GOST 2.794, GOST 2.795;

Pipeline shut-off valves used in automation systems (not regulating) - in accordance with GOST 2.785.

Conventional graphic and letter designations of devices and monitoring and control circuits are adopted in accordance with GOST 21.208. Letter designations of measured quantities and functional characteristics of devices are indicated in the upper part of the conventional graphic designation.

5.3.5 Automation schemes are performed in two ways:

Expanded, in which the diagram shows the composition and location of technical means of automation of each monitoring and control circuit;

Simplified, in which the diagram shows the main functions of the monitoring and control circuits (without highlighting the individual technical automation equipment included in them and indicating the location).

5.3.6 Detailed method of executing automation schemes Process equipment is shown at the top of the diagram.

The conventional graphic designation of devices built into technological communications is shown in a break in the communication lines in accordance with Figure 1, and those installed on technological equipment (using embedded devices) are shown next to each other - in accordance with Figure 2. Conventional graphic designation of devices in accordance with GOST 21.208.

Figure 2 Other technical automation equipment is shown by graphic symbols in rectangles located at the bottom of the diagram. Each rectangle is assigned headings corresponding to the technical means shown in them.

The first is a rectangle that shows off-panel devices that are not structurally connected to the process equipment, with the heading “Local Devices”, below are rectangles that show switchboards and consoles, as well as, if necessary, complexes of technical means, for example, a controller panel, [ drawings V.Za, V.36 (Appendix B)], shield of the ESD system.

The headings of the rectangles intended to depict switchboards and consoles are taken in accordance with the names adopted in the general sketch drawings for complexes of technical equipment - in accordance with their entry in the specifications of equipment, products and materials. On the automation diagram, alphanumeric designations of devices are indicated at the bottom of the circle (square, rectangle) or on the right side of it, designations of electrical devices are indicated to the right of their conventional graphic designation.

In this case, designations of technical means are assigned according to the specifications of equipment, products and materials and are composed of a digital designation of the corresponding circuit and a letter designation (in capital letters) of each element included in the circuit (depending on the sequence of signal passage).

At large quantities devices, it is allowed to use designations in which the first character corresponds to the symbol of the measured value, subsequent characters - to the serial number of the circuit within the limits of the measured value.

Electrical devices included in the automation system (bells, sirens, warning lights, displays, electric motors, etc.) are shown graphically in the diagram

designations according to GOST 2.722. GOST 2.732, GOST 2.741 and assign them alphanumeric designations in accordance with GOST 2.710. Communication lines may be depicted with a break if they are long and/or if their location is complex. Locations of communication line breaks are numbered with Arabic numerals in the order of their location in a rectangle with the heading “Local devices”.

Intersection of communication lines with images of technological equipment is allowed. Intersection of communication lines with device designations is not allowed. On communication lines indicate the limiting (maximum or minimum) operating values ​​of measured (adjustable) quantities in accordance with GOST 8.417 or in scale units of the selected device. To indicate rarefaction (vacuum), place a minus sign in front of the value of the measured (regulated) quantities. For devices that are built directly into technological equipment and do not have communication lines with other devices, the limit values ​​​​of the quantities are indicated next to the designation of the devices. Process equipment may not be depicted on the diagram in cases where monitoring and control points in process shops are few (for example, in working documentation for dispatching). In this case, at the top of the diagram, instead of an image of the technological equipment, a table according to Figure 3 is given, in the columns of which the name of the equipment and communications is indicated.

Entrance to the hydrogenation shop_

Original product | Nitrogen

Figure 3 An example of implementing an automation scheme in an expanded manner is shown in Figure B.1 (Appendix B).

5.3.7 Simplified way of executing automation schemes An example of a simplified automation scheme is shown in Figure B.2 (Appendix B). In a simplified method of implementing automation schemes, monitoring and control circuits, as well as single devices, are drawn next to the image of process equipment and communications (or in their gap) according to Figures 1 and 2.

The table of circuits indicates the circuit numbers and the sheet number of the main set. which shows the composition of each circuit. A contour (regardless of the number of elements included in it) is depicted as a circle (rectangle) divided by a horizontal line. In the upper part of the circle, write a letter designation that defines the measured (adjustable) parameter and the functions performed by this circuit, in the lower part - the circuit number. For circuits of automatic control systems, in addition, the diagram shows actuators, control elements and a communication line connecting the circuits to the actuators.

The limiting operating values ​​of the measured (regulated) quantities are indicated next to the graphic designations of the circuits or in an additional column of the circuit table. The composition of each circuit must be shown in:

Principal (electrical, pneumatic) diagram of monitoring, regulation and control:

Connection diagram for external wiring. When it is difficult to show the full composition of circuit elements on automation diagrams, develop a block diagram of the circuit, an example of which is shown in Figure D.1 (Appendix D).

5.4 Circuit diagrams

5.4.1 Depending on the purpose and the automation equipment used, the following is developed:

Schematic electrical and pneumatic diagrams of control and regulation control loops;

Schematic diagrams of electrical and pneumatic power..

Schematic electrical circuits for monitoring and control include

main set when controlling them from switchboards and control panels of automation systems.

Schematic diagrams of control and regulation loops may not be developed if there are mutual connections between the devices and devices included in them. are simple and unambiguous and can be shown in other drawings of the main kit. Allowed

combining circuits of various functional purposes (for example, a power circuit with a control circuit) in compliance with the rules for implementing these circuits given below.

5.4.2 Electrical circuit diagrams are carried out in accordance with GOST 2.701 and GOST 2.702. On electrical diagrams it is allowed:

Do not indicate the designations of electrical equipment terminals if they are given in technical documentation on boards and consoles;

Do not include qualifying symbols in the designation of elements.

5.4.3 Schematic diagrams using combined automation equipment (pneumatic and electrical) are carried out in accordance with GOST 2.701.

5.4.4 On circuit diagrams data on technical equipment is recorded in the list of elements in accordance with GOST 2.701.

It is allowed to include equipment in the list of elements in groups according to their installation locations. These groups are assigned titles and indicated in the “Name” column, for example. “Apparatuses on site”, “Control panel”, etc.

5.4.5 Pneumatic circuit diagrams. Pneumatic diagrams of monitoring and control circuits show:

Devices included in the circuits:

Pneumatic command communication lines and pneumatic supply lines;

Power supply lines.

Pulse communication lines supplying measured and controlled media to sensors, measuring instruments and regulators are not depicted on pneumatic diagrams. Devices (with the exception of actuators and regulatory bodies depicted according to GOST 21.208) are shown in the form of rectangles. This shows:

In circles located along the contour of the rectangle. - designations of input and output connections of devices (fittings) for connecting command lines of communication and power, installed in the technical documentation for the device, or on the corresponding diagram;

Inside the rectangle is the alphanumeric designation of the device. Designations of connecting fittings for the most common devices are given in Table 1.

Table 1

If the device has several connecting fittings for the same purpose, then a serial number is included in their designation separated by a hyphen.

Example - 2-1, 2-2, 2-3. The designation of a device consists of a letter designation corresponding to the functional purpose of the device and its serial number.

Example - RU1, RU2, F1, F2.

The letter designations of the most common devices and elements of pneumatic automation are adopted in accordance with Appendix D. Control stations and individual switching devices are performed in a simplified manner, in expanded form, in the selected operating position (manual, automatic, etc.) with an indication of the mode for which the elements of the switching devices are given.

Regulating bodies are shown on the pneumatic circuit diagrams in cases where they are common to the actuators. Communication lines are made of solid thin lines. Arrows indicate the direction of the pneumatic signal Schematic pneumatic power supply diagrams show:

Main and distribution manifolds;

Air duct networks from manifolds to pneumatic receivers;

Air pressure stabilizers and filters:

Control pressure gauges;

Shut-off valves;

Reserve and purge valves;

Air collectors (if necessary).

On basic pneumatic power supply diagrams, air ducts are not numbered and pneumatic receivers are not shown. At the same time, at the bottom of the diagram there is a table with characteristics of pneumatic receivers (positional designations in accordance with the automation scheme, types, compressed air consumption, installation locations). Graphic symbols used on power supply circuits, when

are measured according to the following standards:

Air filters........................................................ according to GOST 2.793;

Air pressure stabilizers.......................... according to GOST 2.785;

Shut-off valves, three-way taps............. according to GOST 2.785;

Control pressure gauges ................................... according to GOST 2.781;

Compressed air pipelines........................ according to GOST 2.784. The schematic diagrams of pneumatic supply indicate the diameters of the nominal bores of the manifold pipes and air pipeline branches to the pneumatic receivers. The pressure is indicated above the line depicting the manifold, and the compressed air flow is indicated below the line.

Examples of basic pneumatic circuits are shown in Figures E.1, E.2 (Appendix E). In the list of elements for pneumatic circuits, indicate:

In the column “Pos. designation" - designation of the device;

In the “Name” column - the name of the device and its type;

In the “Note” column - the designations of devices indicated on the automation diagrams.

An example of the list of elements is given in Table G.1 (Appendix G)

5.5 Functional diagrams of automated process control systems, block diagrams and others (in accordance with terms of reference for the development of automated process control systems)

GOST 21.408-93

UDC 691:002:006:354 Zh01


System of design documents for construction



System of design documents for construction.

Roles of industrial process automation working documentation execution

Date of introduction 1994-12-01


1 DEVELOPED by the State Design Institute "Proektmontazhavtomatika" and the Central Research and Design Experimental Institute for Methodology, Organization, Economics and Design Automation (TsNIIproekt)

INTRODUCED by the State Construction Committee of Russia

2 ADOPTED by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization and Technical Regulation in Construction on November 10, 1993

State name

Name of the state construction management body

The Republic of Azerbaijan

State Construction Committee of the Azerbaijan Republic

Republic of Armenia

State Architecture of the Republic of Armenia

Republic of Belarus

Gosstroy of the Republic of Belarus

The Republic of Kazakhstan

Ministry of Construction of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Republic of Kyrgyzstan

Gosstroy of the Kyrgyz Republic

Russian Federation

Gosstroy of Russia

The Republic of Tajikistan

State Construction Committee of the Republic of Tajikistan

Ministry of Construction and Architecture of Ukraine


4 ENTERED INTO EFFECT on December 1, 1994 as state standard Russian Federation by Decree of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated April 5, 1994 No. 18-26


This standard establishes the composition and rules for the preparation of working documentation for automation systems of technological processes and engineering systems (hereinafter referred to as automation systems) of designed construction projects for various purposes.

The requirements of this standard apply to the working documentation of the technical support of automated process control systems, developed in accordance with GOST 34.201.

The standard does not apply to working documentation of automation systems centralized management energy supply.

GOST 2.701-84 ESKD. Scheme. Types and types. General requirements to implementation

GOST 2.702-75 ESKD. Rules for executing electrical circuits

GOST 2.710-81 ESKD. Alphanumeric designations in electrical circuits

GOST 2.722-69 ESKD. Conditional graphic designations in schemes. Electrical machines

GOST 2.732-68 ESKD. Conditional graphic designations in schemes. Sources of light

GOST 2.741-68 ESKD. Conditional graphic designations in schemes. Acoustic devices

GOST 2.780-68 ESKD. Conditional graphic designations in schemes. Elements of hydraulic and pneumatic networks

GOST 2.781-68 ESKD. Conditional graphic designations in schemes. Hydraulic and pneumatic guiding and regulating devices, instrumentation

GOST 2.782-68 ESKD. Symbols are conventional graphic. Hydraulic and pneumatic pumps and motors

GOST 2.784-70 ESKD. Symbols are conventional graphic. Pipeline elements

GOST 2.785-70 ESKD. Symbols are conventional graphic. Pipeline fittings

GOST 2.788-74 ESKD. Symbols are conventional graphic. Evaporation devices

GOST 2.789-74 ESKD. Symbols are conventional graphic. Heat exchangers

GOST 2.790-74 ESKD. Symbols are conventional graphic. Column devices

GOST 2.791-74 ESKD. Symbols are conventional graphic. Settling tanks and filters

GOST 2.792-74 ESKD. Symbols are conventional graphic. Drying devices

GOST 2.793-79 ESKD. Symbols are conventional graphic. Elements and devices of machines and apparatus of chemical production. General designations

GOST 2.794-79 ESKD. Symbols are conventional graphic. Feeding and dosing devices

GOST 2.795-80 ESKD. Symbols are conventional graphic. Centrifuges

GOST 8.417-81 GSI. Units of physical quantities

GOST 21.101-93 SPDS. Basic requirements for working documentation

GOST 21.110-95 SPDS. Rules for fulfilling the specifications of equipment, products and materials

GOST 21.401-88 SPDS. Production technology. Basic requirements for working drawings

GOST 21.404-85 SPDS. Automation of technological processes. Symbols of devices and automation equipment in diagrams

GOST 21.614-88 SPDS. Conventional graphic images of electrical equipment and wiring on plans

GOST 34.201-89 Information technology. Set of standards for automated systems. Types, completeness and designation of documents when creating automated systems

GOST 14202-69 Pipelines industrial enterprises. Identification markings, warning signs and markings


3.1 Detailed documentation of automation systems is carried out in accordance with the requirements of this standard, GOST 21.101 and other interrelated standards of the System of Design Documentation for Construction (SPDS) and the Unified System of Design Documentation (ESKD).

3.2 The working documentation of automation systems includes:

Working drawings intended for the installation of technical automation equipment* (main sets of working drawings for automation systems of grades A..., given in Appendix A);

Sketch drawings of general types of non-standard automation equipment;

Specification of equipment, products and materials (hereinafter referred to as equipment specification).


* Technical automation equipment includes instruments, regulators, functional blocks, actuators, regulatory bodies (hereinafter referred to as instruments), as well as electrical devices, switchboards, consoles, complexes and other automation equipment

3.3 Simultaneously with the working documentation of the automation systems, technical documentation is developed for the manufacture and delivery of technical automation equipment to the construction site, including:

Questionnaires for devices;

Order cards for electrical devices;

Tables of connections and wiring in switchboards and consoles*;

Documentation for ordering complexes of centralized control and regulation equipment, telemechanics, computer technology, software and hardware complexes, microprocessor tools and controllers, pneumatic automation systems and installations, etc. (hereinafter referred to as complexes of technical means**).


* Perform if necessary

** Performed at customer's request

(full version of the document in the attached file)

GOST 21.408-93

UDC 691:002:006:354 Zh01


System of design documents for construction



System of design documents for construction.

Roles of industrial process automation working documentation execution

OKSTU 0021

Date of introduction 1994-12-01


1 DEVELOPED by the State Design Institute "Proektmontazhavtomatika" and the Central Research and Design Experimental Institute for Methodology, Organization, Economics and Design Automation (TsNIIproekt)

INTRODUCED by the State Construction Committee of Russia

2 ADOPTED by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization and Technical Regulation in Construction on November 10, 1993

State name

Name of the state construction management body

The Republic of Azerbaijan

State Construction Committee of the Azerbaijan Republic

Republic of Armenia

State Architecture of the Republic of Armenia

Republic of Belarus

Gosstroy of the Republic of Belarus

The Republic of Kazakhstan

Ministry of Construction of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Republic of Kyrgyzstan

Gosstroy of the Kyrgyz Republic

Russian Federation

Gosstroy of Russia

The Republic of Tajikistan

State Construction Committee of the Republic of Tajikistan


Ministry of Construction and Architecture of Ukraine


4 ENTERED INTO EFFECT on December 1, 1994 as a state standard of the Russian Federation by Decree of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated April 5, 1994 No. 18-26


This standard establishes the composition and rules for the preparation of working documentation for automation systems of technological processes and engineering systems (hereinafter referred to as automation systems) of designed construction projects for various purposes.

The requirements of this standard apply to the working documentation of the technical support of automated process control systems, developed in accordance with GOST 34.201.

The standard does not apply to working documentation for automation systems for centralized energy supply management.

This standard uses references to the following standards:

GOST 2.701-84 ESKD. Scheme. Types and types. General requirements for implementation

GOST 2.702-75 ESKD. Rules for executing electrical circuits

GOST 2.710-81 ESKD. Alphanumeric designations in electrical circuits

GOST 2.722-69 ESKD. Conditional graphic designations in schemes. Electrical machines

GOST 2.732-68 ESKD. Conditional graphic designations in schemes. Sources of light

GOST 2.741-68 ESKD. Conditional graphic designations in schemes. Acoustic devices

GOST 2.780-68 ESKD. Conditional graphic designations in schemes. Elements of hydraulic and pneumatic networks

GOST 2.781-68 ESKD. Conditional graphic designations in schemes. Hydraulic and pneumatic guiding and regulating devices, instrumentation

GOST 2.782-68 ESKD. Symbols are conventional graphic. Hydraulic and pneumatic pumps and motors

GOST 2.784-70 ESKD. Symbols are conventional graphic. Pipeline elements

GOST 2.785-70 ESKD. Symbols are conventional graphic. Pipeline fittings

GOST 2.788-74 ESKD. Symbols are conventional graphic. Evaporation devices

GOST 2.789-74 ESKD. Symbols are conventional graphic. Heat exchangers

GOST 2.790-74 ESKD. Symbols are conventional graphic. Column devices

GOST 2.791-74 ESKD. Symbols are conventional graphic. Settling tanks and filters

GOST 2.792-74 ESKD. Symbols are conventional graphic. Drying devices

GOST 2.793-79 ESKD. Symbols are conventional graphic. Elements and devices of machines and apparatus of chemical production. General designations

GOST 2.794-79 ESKD. Symbols are conventional graphic. Feeding and dosing devices

GOST 2.795-80 ESKD. Symbols are conventional graphic. Centrifuges

GOST 8.417-81 GSI. Units of physical quantities

GOST 21.101-93 SPDS. Basic requirements for working documentation

GOST 21.110-95 SPDS. Rules for fulfilling the specifications of equipment, products and materials

GOST 21.401-88 SPDS. Production technology. Basic requirements for working drawings

GOST 21.404-85 SPDS. Automation of technological processes. Symbols of devices and automation equipment in diagrams

GOST 21.614-88 SPDS. Conventional graphic images of electrical equipment and wiring on plans

GOST 34.201-89 Information technology. Set of standards for automated systems. Types, completeness and designation of documents when creating automated systems

GOST 14202-69 Pipelines of industrial enterprises. Identification markings, warning signs and markings


3.1 Detailed documentation of automation systems is carried out in accordance with the requirements of this standard, GOST 21.101 and other interrelated standards of the System of Design Documentation for Construction (SPDS) and the Unified System of Design Documentation (ESKD).

3.2 The working documentation of automation systems includes:

Working drawings intended for the installation of technical automation equipment* (main sets of working drawings for automation systems of grades A..., given in Appendix A);

Sketch drawings of general types of non-standard automation equipment;

Specification of equipment, products and materials (hereinafter referred to as equipment specification).


* Technical automation equipment includes instruments, regulators, functional blocks, actuators, regulatory bodies (hereinafter referred to as instruments), as well as electrical devices, switchboards, consoles, complexes and other automation equipment

3.3 Simultaneously with the working documentation of the automation systems, technical documentation is developed for the manufacture and delivery of technical automation equipment to the construction site, including:

Questionnaires for devices;

Order cards for electrical devices;

Tables of connections and wiring in switchboards and consoles*;

Documentation for ordering complexes of centralized control and regulation equipment, telemechanics, computer equipment, software and hardware systems, microprocessor tools and controllers, pneumatic automation systems and installations, etc. (hereinafter referred to as complexes of technical equipment**).


* Perform if necessary

** Performed at customer's request

3.4 In drawings and diagrams, elements of automation systems are depicted with a solid thick main line; technological equipment, communications and building structures are depicted in a simplified manner - with a solid thin line.


4.1 Composition of the main set of working drawings of automation systems

4.1.1 The main set of working drawings for automation systems of brand A... (hereinafter referred to as the main set) generally includes:

General data on working drawings;

Automation schemes;

Schematic diagrams (electrical, pneumatic);

Diagrams (tables) of connections and connections of external wiring;

Drawings of equipment location and external wiring;

Drawings of automation equipment installations.

4.1.2 Control objects (departments, systems, installations, units, devices) and related automation equipment that are not interconnected and have the same equipment with automation systems are depicted on diagrams and location plans once, explaining with text instructions.

4.1.3 The main set can be drawn up as independent documents, assigning them a basic designation, the brand of the main set and adding (through a dot) the serial number of the document (Arabic numerals).

Example - XXXX - XX - ATX1.1; XXXX - XX - ATX1.2, etc.

4.1.4 For objects with a small volume of installation work on automation, it is allowed to combine working drawings of automation of various technological processes and engineering systems into one main set, if their installation is carried out by one installation organization. The combined main set is assigned the AK brand.

4.1.5 In the case of using instruments with radioisotope measurement methods, working drawings for their installation are separated into an independent main set.

4.2 General data on working drawings

4.2.1 General data on working drawings (hereinafter referred to as general data) is carried out in accordance with GOST 21.101. In this case, a list of specifications is not prepared.

4.2.2 In addition to the data specified in GOST 21.101, include:

Table of initial data and calculation results of restriction devices (not supplied by industry) according to form 1*;

Table of initial data and results of calculations by regulatory authorities in form 2*;

List of embedded structures, primary devices (placed on technological, sanitary and other equipment and communications) according to Form 3.


* If restriction devices and control elements are an integral part of automation systems supplied complete with the equipment, the specified tables do not apply.

The list of embedded structures, primary instruments and automation equipment includes:

Embedded structures intended for the installation of temperature measuring instruments, selective devices for pressure, level, composition and quality of a substance;

Primary instruments (volume and velocity meters, orifices, rotameters, flowmeter and concentration meter sensors);

Float and buoy sensors for level meters and level alarms;

Control valves.

4.2.3 When preparing the main set as separate documents, the general data includes a list of documents in accordance with Form 2 GOST 21.101, and in each of the subsequent documents - a list of working drawings of the document in accordance with Form 1 GOST 21.101 and a link to the general data.

Form 1 Initial data and results of calculations of restriction devices

Form 2 Initial data and results of calculations by regulatory authorities

Form 3 List of embedded structures, primary devices

4.3 Automation schemes

4.3.1 Automation schemes are developed as a whole for a technological (engineering) system or part of it - a technological line, a block of equipment, an installation or a unit.

The automation diagram can be combined with a connection diagram (installation diagram), made as part of the main kit of the TX brand in accordance with GOST 21.401, or with diagrams of engineering systems.

4.3.2 The automation diagram shows:

1) technological and engineering equipment and communications (pipelines, gas ducts, air ducts) of the automated object (hereinafter referred to as technological equipment);

2) technical means of automation or control, regulation and management circuits*;

3) communication lines between individual technical automation equipment or circuits (if necessary).


* A monitoring, regulation and control circuit is a set of separate functionally related devices that perform a specific task of monitoring, regulation, signaling, management, etc.

4.3.3 It is recommended to depict technological equipment on automation diagrams in accordance with the connection diagram adopted in the main TX brand kit or engineering system diagrams. At the same time, it is allowed to simplify images of technological equipment without showing on the diagram equipment, communications and their elements that are not equipped with technical automation equipment and do not affect the operation of automation systems.

4.3.4 In the absence of the TX brand in the main kit, the connection diagrams of the process equipment are depicted taking into account the requirements of the following standards:

Equipment - according to GOST 2.780, GOST 2.782, GOST 2.788, GOST 2.789, GOST 2.790, GOST 2.791, GOST 2.792, GOST 2.793, GOST 2.794, GOST 2.795;

Communications depending on the transported media in accordance with Appendix 3 of GOST 14202;

Pipeline shut-off valves used in automation systems (not regulating) - in accordance with GOST 2.785.

Conventional graphic and letter designations of devices and monitoring and control circuits are adopted in accordance with GOST 21.404. Letter designations of measured quantities and functional characteristics of devices are indicated in the upper part of the circle (oval).

Communication lines between devices and monitoring and control circuits are depicted in the diagrams as a solid thin line, regardless of the type of signals and the number of wires and pipes.

4.3.5 Automation schemes are performed in two ways:

1) expanded, in which the diagram shows the composition and location of the technical means of automation of each monitoring and control circuit.

2) simplified, in which the diagram shows the main functions of the monitoring and control circuits (without highlighting the individual technical automation equipment included in them and indicating the location).

4.3.6 Detailed method of executing automation schemes Process equipment is shown at the top of the diagram.

Devices built into technological communications are shown in broken lines, images of communications in accordance with Figure 1, those installed on technological equipment (using embedded devices) are shown side by side - in accordance with Figure 2.

Picture 1

Figure 2 Other technical automation equipment is shown by graphic symbols in rectangles located at the bottom of the diagram. Each rectangle is assigned headings corresponding to the technical means shown in them.

The first is a rectangle that shows off-panel devices that are not structurally connected to the process equipment, with the heading “Local devices”; below are rectangles that show switchboards and consoles, as well as complexes of technical equipment (if necessary).

The headings of the rectangles intended to depict switchboards and consoles are taken in accordance with the names adopted in the general sketch drawings, for complexes of technical equipment - in accordance with their entry in the equipment specifications. On the automation diagram, alphanumeric designations of devices are indicated at the bottom of the circle (oval) or on the right side of it, designations of electrical devices are indicated to the right of their conventional graphic designation.

In this case, designations of technical means are assigned according to the equipment specification and are composed of a digital designation of the corresponding circuit and a letter designation (in capital letters of the Russian alphabet) of each element included in the circuit (depending on the sequence of signal passage).

With a large number of devices, it is allowed to use designations in which the first character corresponds to the symbol of the measured value, subsequent characters - to the serial number of the circuit within the measured value.

Electrical devices included in the automation system (bells, sirens, signal lamps, displays, electric motors, etc.) are shown on the diagram with graphic symbols in accordance with GOST 2.722, GOST 2.732, GOST 2.741 and are assigned alphanumeric designations in accordance with GOST 2.710. Communication lines may be depicted with a break if they are long and/or if their location is complex. Locations of communication line breaks are numbered with Arabic numerals in the order of their location in a rectangle with the heading “Local devices”.

Intersection of communication lines with images of technological equipment is allowed. Intersection of communication lines with device designations is not allowed. On communication lines, indicate the limiting (maximum or minimum) operating values ​​of measured (adjustable) quantities in accordance with GOST 8.417 or in scale units of the selected device. To indicate rarefaction (vacuum), use a “minus”. For devices that are built directly into technological equipment and do not have communication lines with other devices, the limit values ​​​​of the quantities are indicated next to the designation of the devices. Process equipment may not be depicted on the diagram in cases where monitoring and control points in process shops are few (for example, in working documentation for dispatching). In this case, at the top of the diagram, instead of an image of the technological equipment, a table according to Figure 3 is given, in the columns of which the name of the equipment and communications is indicated.

Entrance to the hydrogenation workshop

Original product


Figure 3 An example of implementing an automation scheme in an expanded manner is given in Appendix B.

4.3.7 A simplified way to implement automation schemes In a simplified method of implementing automation schemes, monitoring and control circuits, as well as single devices, are drawn next to the image of process equipment and communications (or in their gap) according to Figures 1 and 2.

At the bottom of the diagram, it is recommended to provide a table of circuits in accordance with Appendix B. The table of circuits indicates the circuit numbers and the sheet number of the main kit, which shows the composition of each circuit. The contour (regardless of the number of elements included in it) is depicted as a circle (oval) divided by a horizontal line. A letter designation is written in the upper part of the circle, defining the measured (adjustable) parameter and the functions performed by this circuit; in the lower part - the circuit number. For circuits of automatic control systems, in addition, the diagram shows actuators, control elements and a communication line connecting the circuits to the actuators.

The limiting operating values ​​of the measured (regulated) quantities are indicated next to the graphic designations of the circuits or in an additional column of the circuit table. The composition of each circuit must be shown in:

Principal (electrical, pneumatic) diagram of monitoring, regulation and control;

Connection diagram for external wiring.

Example of a block diagram

Figure 4 When it is difficult to show the full composition of circuit elements on automation diagrams, develop a block diagram of the circuit, an example of which is shown in Figure 4. An example of implementing an automation scheme in a simplified way is given in Appendix B.

4.4 Schematic diagrams

4.4.1 Depending on the purpose and the automation equipment used, the following is developed:

Schematic electrical and pneumatic diagrams of control and regulation control loops;

Basic power supply diagrams.

Schematic electrical diagrams for controlling electric drives of equipment and pipeline fittings are included in the main kit when controlling them from switchboards and consoles of automation systems.

Schematic diagrams of control and regulation loops may not be developed if the mutual connections of the devices and devices included in them are simple and unambiguous and can be shown in other drawings of the main set. It is allowed to combine circuits of various functional purposes (for example, a power circuit with a control circuit) in compliance with the rules for implementing these circuits given below.

4.4.2 Electrical circuits are carried out in accordance with GOST 2.701 and GOST 2.702. On electrical diagrams it is allowed:

Do not provide designations of electrical equipment terminals if they are given in the technical documentation for switchboards and consoles;

Do not include qualifying symbols in the designation of elements.

4.4.3 Schemes using combined automation equipment (pneumatic and electrical) are carried out in accordance with GOST 2.701.

4.4.4 On circuit diagrams, data on technical equipment is recorded in the list of elements in accordance with GOST 2.701.

It is allowed to include equipment in the list of elements in groups according to their installation locations. These groups are assigned titles and indicated in the “Name” column.

Example - “On-site devices”, “Control panel”, etc.

4.4.5 Pneumatic diagrams of monitoring and control circuits show:

Devices included in the circuits;

Pneumatic command communication lines and pneumatic supply lines;

Power supply lines.

Pulse communication lines supplying measured and controlled media to sensors, measuring instruments and regulators are not depicted on pneumatic diagrams.

4.4.6 Devices (with the exception of actuators and control bodies depicted according to GOST 21.404) are shown in a simplified form as rectangles. This shows:

In the circles located along the contour of the rectangle - designations of the input and output connections of devices (fittings) for connecting command lines of communication and power, installed in the technical documentation for the device, or on the corresponding diagram;

Inside the rectangle is the alphanumeric designation of the device.

4.4.7 Designations of connecting fittings for the most common devices are given in Table 1.

Table 1

Connection designation




Input (variable)

To the switching relay of the compressed air supply control device


To the actuator

If the device has several connecting fittings for the same purpose, then a serial number is included in their designation separated by a hyphen.

Example - 2-1, 2-2, 2-3;

4.4.8 The designation of a device consists of a letter designation corresponding to the functional purpose of the device and its serial number.

Example - RU1, RU2, F1, F2.

The letter designations of the most common devices and elements of pneumatic automation are taken according to Table 2.

table 2




Secondary measuring device


Measuring mechanism showing


Self-recording measuring mechanism


Measuring device


Manual dial


Control station


Software master


Regulating device


Ratio adjusting device


Buttons for switching devices and control stations:

Manual remote control

Automatic control

Software regulation


Regulator enabled


Regulator disabled




Algebraic summation device


Advance device


Constant coefficient multiplying device


Signal limiting block


Pneumatic alarm


Pneumatic display


Switching relay


Control Panel


Actuating mechanism



Control pressure gauge


Air filter

Air pressure stabilizer (reducer)


Shut-off valve


Three way valve

4.4.9 Control stations and individual switching devices are performed in a simplified manner, in expanded form, in the selected operating position (manual, automatic, etc.) with an indication of the mode for which the elements of the switching devices are given.

Regulatory bodies are shown on the diagrams in cases where they are common to the actuators.

4.4.10 Communication lines on pneumatic circuits are made with solid thin lines, power lines - with dash-dotted thin lines. Arrows indicate the direction of the pneumatic signal. Compressed air supply lines, power supplies and air discharge to the atmosphere may be drawn according to Figure 5.

Figure 5

4.4.11 Pneumatic power supply diagrams show:

Main and distribution manifolds;

Air duct networks from manifolds to pneumatic receivers;

Air pressure stabilizers and filters;

Control pressure gauges;

Shut-off valves;

Reserve and purge valves;

Air collectors (if necessary).

On power supply diagrams, air ducts are not numbered and pneumatic receivers are not shown. At the same time, at the bottom of the diagram there is a table with characteristics of pneumatic receivers (positional designations in accordance with the automation scheme, types, compressed air consumption, installation locations).

4.4.12 Graphic symbols used on power supply circuits are accepted according to the following standards:

4.4.13 The pneumatic supply diagrams indicate the diameters of the nominal bores of the manifold pipes and air pipeline branches to the pneumatic receivers. The pressure is indicated above the line depicting the manifold, and the compressed air flow is indicated below the line.

4.4.14 In the list of elements for pneumatic circuits, indicate:

In the column "Pos. designation" - designation of the device according to 4.4.8;

In the "Name" column - the name of the device and its type;

In the "Note" column - the designations of devices indicated on the automation diagrams.

An example of the list of elements is shown in Figure 6.

Pos. designation




Devices in place

D1, D2

Pneumatic rotameter RP-16 ZHUZ


44b, 45a


Flange control valve






Pneumatic control device



showing PKP.2


Pneumatic proportional-integral regulating device




Figure 6

4.4.15 Examples of the implementation of basic pneumatic diagrams are given in Appendices D and E.

4.5 Diagrams (tables) of connections and external wiring connections

4.5.1 General requirements Connections and connections of external wiring are shown in the form of diagrams or tables. Connection diagrams and connections are, as a rule, carried out separately for each automated unit, the installation of which is carried out independently of the others. In this case, the name of the circuit additionally indicates the name of the block.

Example - Pump block. Connection diagram for external wiring. It is recommended that in connection diagrams of external wiring, electrical wiring connections are shown to devices installed directly on process equipment and communications, as well as to single off-panel (local) devices.

If the volume of electrical wiring connected to technical automation equipment is small, these connections can be shown on the connection diagram without completing the connection diagram. It is recommended to provide electrical wiring connections to group installations of devices, switchboards and consoles, and complexes of technical equipment on separate connection diagrams. Technical means for which electrical wiring connections are shown on the diagrams are depicted in simplified external outlines or in the form of rectangles, in which:

Input elements (for example, pressure seals, seals) - along the contour of the rectangle are shown with conventional graphic symbols in accordance with GOST 2.702;

Input and output elements are shown in the form of circles (for round plug connectors) or rectangles (for example, for assemblies and clamp blocks and other elements of the corresponding shape). The designations (of off-panel devices), serial number and type (of junction boxes) indicate above the shelf the leader line, below the shelf - the designation and/or number of the installation sheet (Figure 7)

Figure 7

For other technical means, their name is indicated inside the rectangle, as well as:

Sheet number (document designation) of the installation drawing (for group installation);

Designation of a general view sketch drawing (for switchboards and consoles). The designation of cable cores and wires on diagrams and tables of connections and connections is taken in accordance with the electrical circuit diagrams.

4.5.2 Rules for executing connection diagrams for external wiring In the general case, the connection diagram shows:

Primary instruments and actuators installed directly on process equipment and communications;

Off-panel devices and group installations of devices;

Panels, consoles, complexes of technical equipment;

External electrical and pipe wiring between all technical automation equipment;

This manual (RM) contains guidelines on the design of automation schemes and block diagrams of monitoring and control loops included in the working documentation of automation systems (SA) according to the recommendations of GOST 21.408 and RM 4-59. These recommendations are also applicable when developing the indicated schemes at the “project (detailed draft)” stage, as well as for automation schemes and block diagrams of monitoring and control loops when developing technical support documentation for automated process control systems (APCS) in accordance with GOST 34.201. When developing the RM, the requirements and recommendations of standards approved after the release of GOST 21.408 were also taken into account. Recommendations of the manual for the development of CA of objects that are subject to the requirements of SNiP 3.05.07 and GOST 21.408. (For an updated list of objects, see RM 4-59, Appendix 2). For other objects, this manual is used to the extent that it does not contradict special requirements regulatory documents to create a CA for these objects




P specific to GOST 21.408-93




Date of introduction 09/01/96

This manual (RM) contains methodological recommendations for the design of automation circuits and block diagrams of monitoring and control loops included in the working documentation of automation systems (SA) according to the recommendations of GOST 21.408 and RM4-59. These recommendations are also applicable when developing the indicated schemes at the “project (detailed draft)” stage, as well as automation schemes and block diagrams of monitoring and control loops when developing technical support documentation for automated process control systems (APCS) according to GOST 34.201. When developing the RM, the requirements and recommendations of standards approved after the release of GOST 21.408 were also taken into account.

The recommendations of the manual are used in the development of CA of objects that are subject to the requirements of SNiP 3.05.07 and GOST 21.408. (For an updated list of objects, see RM4-59, Appendix 2). For other objects, this manual is applied to the extent that it does not contradict the special requirements of regulatory documents for the creation of CA for these objects.


1.1. The automation scheme is the main technical document that defines the structure (hierarchy) of monitoring and control points, the functions of monitoring and control systems of the automated object, equipping the automation with technical means: instruments and automation equipment, switchboards, consoles, computer equipment, etc.

Automation schemes include the “working documentation” stage in the main set of working documentation grade A... according to GOST 21.408. Based on them, the rest of the documentation for this stage is developed.

When developing diagrams using CAD tools, you should follow the recommendations of clause 3.1.13 RM4-59.

1.8. All examples of automation schemes given in this RM cannot serve as samples for determining the scope of automation of technological processes and the composition of monitoring and control loops. They are given only to illustrate methods for designing diagrams and cannot serve as reference data.


In all cases of development of schemes for part of the technical equipment, the possibility of subsequent application of these schemes in other sets of working documentation is assessed and (if necessary) they are issued according to the recommendations of PM4-59, clause 2.12.

2.2. The automation diagram shows:

1) diagram technological process automation object - equipment and communications of the automated object (TOE);

2) automation systems - control circuits, automatic regulation and control and the technical means included in them. In this case, the monitoring, regulation and control circuit is understood as a set of separate functionally related or independent devices and other technical means that perform a specific task of monitoring, regulation, signaling, management, etc.;

3) communication lines between individual technical automation equipment in circuits or between circuits (if necessary);

4) necessary explanations (tables of symbols, applicability; links to diagrams and drawings of adjacent taxiway sets, applicability of repeating elements of the diagram, etc.

2.3. Control systems for electric drives of equipment that do not have a connection with the control circuits and automatic regulation of the physical and chemical parameters of the technical equipment are, as a rule, not shown on automation diagrams.

2.4. Automation schemes are performed in two ways:

1) expanded, in which the diagram shows the composition and location of technical means of automation of each monitoring and control circuit;

2) simplified, in which the diagram shows the main functions of the monitoring and control circuits (without highlighting the individual technical automation equipment included in them and indicating the location).

depict on the diagram the equipment and communications that are equipped with automation equipment for one circuit (or interconnected circuits), but the image of which in the technological (engineering) working documentation is given in different diagrams and drawings or in different basic sets.

Example: for a TOU boiler installation, it is recommended to provide a thermal diagram of the installation in accordance with GOST 21.606 and depict on it: air ducts and gas ducts based on equipment location drawings, as well as gas pipelines according to the drawings of the main set of the GSV brand (according to GOST 21.609);

simplify the depiction of equipment by not showing on the diagram the equipment (entirely or its individual parts), communications and their elements that are not equipped with technical automation equipment and do not affect the operation of the automation system.

Example: condensate drains, noise suppressors in plumbing systems, mud drains, safety devices.

Equipment - according to GOST 2.790, GOST 2.791, GOST 2.792, GOST 2.793, GOST 2.794, GOST 2.795, GOST 21.205;

Communications depending on the transported media in accordance with Appendix 3 of GOST 14202;

Intersections of pipeline communications - according to GOST 21.206;

Pipeline shut-off valves used in automation systems (not regulating) - in accordance with GOST 21.205.

If necessary, images of views, sections and sections of equipment are performed in accordance with GOST 2.305, shading - in accordance with GOST 2.306.

2.5.3. Next to the image of the technological equipment, explanatory inscriptions should be given (either the name of the equipment or their positions, if any on the technological diagram).

Picture 1

2.8. Control objects of the same type (departments, systems, installations, units, devices), not connected with each other and having the same equipment with automation systems, the technical automation equipment related to them are depicted on the diagrams once.

Explanations are provided on the diagrams.

Example. “The diagram was drawn up for unit 1; for units 2 - 5 the schemes are similar.”

When executing an automation scheme on several sheets or when developing automation schemes for parts of technological systems, appropriate references are given on interconnected diagrams (or subsequent sheets).

Example. “For the compressor automation diagram, see 16315-AXT-015” or “For the reactor automation diagram, see sheet 2.”

2.9. On the automation diagram (on the first sheet, if the diagram is made on several sheets), an explanation is given on the basis of which document it was developed.

Example. “The automation scheme was developed based on the 34652-TX scheme ... “VNIIVProekt”.

symbols technological communications;

symbols of devices and automation equipment that are not possible to depict according to current standards;

alphanumeric abbreviations adopted for the symbols of individual blocks or devices (or the functions they perform) of aggregated complexes, computers, remote control sets (points), etc.;

reserve letter designations used to designate controlled quantities or functional characteristics of devices missing in GOST 21.404.

Note. The use of the letter N to designate starting equipment in accordance with GOST 21.404 may not be specified.

Figure 3

3.1.4. The remaining technical means of automation are shown by graphic symbols in rectangles located at the bottom of the diagram (below the TOU image). Each rectangle is assigned headings according to the recommendations below.

The first is a rectangle that shows off-panel devices that are not structurally connected to the process equipment with the heading “Local Devices”; below are rectangles that show switchboards and consoles, as well as complexes of technical equipment (if necessary).

The headings of the rectangles intended to depict switchboards and consoles are indicated in accordance with the names adopted in the general sketch drawings, for complexes of technical equipment - in accordance with their entry in the equipment specifications.

The devices used for control (regulation) are of the same type, the controlled parameters have different values; In this case, all devices should be shown on the panel. Explanations are given about the communication lines connecting instruments and automation equipment with the controlled object (without the technological equipment shown). Example. "From reactors 2 - 3"(drawing ).

(controlled parameters have the same values)

Rice. 4

An example of an automation scheme for similar technological objects with devices installed on a common panel (controlled parameters have different values)

Rice. 5

3.1.7. When using a multipoint device to monitor any parameter in several devices of the same type, the diagram shows only one technological device and one sensor, and near the device the communication lines from the remaining sensors are shown (Figure).

An example of an image on the automation diagram of temperature measurement in several similar devices using a multipoint device

Rice. 6

An example of an automation scheme using the pneumatic complex “Nominal”

Rice. 7

An example of an automation scheme using an electronic computer (the technological part of the diagram is not shown)

Example. TI - telemetering, TS - telesignaling, TU - telecontrol, etc.

All accepted symbols must be deciphered on the diagram.

blockings with a small volume (no more than 3 - 4) should be shown in the form of communication lines between contact devices of devices and equipment drives (or between interconnected drives) in case of their unambiguous impact;

in case of multi-mode control of electric drives with a large number of interdependencies - do not depict interlocks between different equipment, the switching on and off of which is carried out according to different interdependencies in the same mode or in different modes according to several (more than 3 - 4) parameters or with a complex combination of switching on and off interconnected equipment. In this case, instructions are given on the designations of the electrical circuit diagrams, in which they reflect all the interlocks and modes;

display on the field the automation diagram (or its subsequent sheets) diagrams (tables) of blocking dependencies;

depict control systems according to the rules for depicting aggregated complexes, computers, and telemechanics (see paragraphs; ).

3.1.11. When the image of a shield or a set of technical means is located on only one sheet, the rectangle of the shield on the right is closed by a line. If it is necessary to depict them on subsequent sheets of one diagram or subsequent automation diagrams, the images of these rectangles are not closed on the right side. An appropriate inscription is made in this place.

Example: When placing the image of a shield on three sheets, the inscription is made on the first sheet: “Sheet 2”, on the second sheet - “Sheet 3”, on the third sheet the shield rectangle is closed with a line.

Similar inscriptions are made on interconnected automation circuits that have common control points. In this case, instead of the sheet number, write the designation of the subsequent circuit. The name of the shield, located on the left on sheets 2 and 3 or subsequent diagrams, is done in the same way as on sheet 1.

3.1.12. When developing complex multi-level automation systems in working documentation using various equipment at each level (for example, project-based complexes for local information and control systems at the lower or middle management level and PCs at the upper) it is recommended to additionally develop structural diagrams of the complex of technical means (CTS). The content of the structural CTS diagram is accepted according to RD 50-34.698, an example of the diagram is given in the appendix.

3.1.13. During development design and estimate documentation automation systems for objects designed using units or blocks of aggregated equipment, the following instructions must be additionally taken into account: Instruments and automation equipment located on the equipment block are depicted on the block diagram (automation diagram, combined diagram with the block equipment). Communication lines from devices on the block are displayed on the image of the contour (border) of the block.

Such schemes can be developed both in the design documentation of the unit, and provided in the main sets of working drawings of the corresponding technical specifications of technological or engineering brands, and also developed in the form of a task (part of a task) for the manufacture of the block. The blocks on the TOU automation diagram are depicted in the form of a rectangle, to which lines are connected, indicating the technological communications connected to the block (Figure). Inside the rectangle there are inscriptions indicating the name and type of the block, as well as the designation of the automation scheme from the design documentation of the block or the block diagram from the technological (engineering) documentation. The rectangle outline shows the numbers (designations) of communication lines from devices installed on the unit. The location of the communication line numbers in the rectangle must correspond to their location on the block diagrams. These lines are connected to images of instruments and automation equipment located at control points. The block automation diagram is made in the form of a fragment of a technological diagram showing the instruments and automation equipment installed on the block. The rules for depicting technological equipment and communications, as well as instruments and automation equipment, are adopted according to this RM. It is recommended that communication lines from devices included in the blocks to devices and automation equipment installed outside the block be placed on one or two base lines located (if possible) below the process equipment. The ends of the communication lines are marked with serial numbers from left to right, starting with the number 1.

An example of an automation scheme using aggregated equipment units

3.2.6. Communication lines must clearly display the functional connections of devices (elements) from the beginning of the signal (impact) to the end. If it is necessary to indicate the direction of signal transmission on communication lines, arrows can be skewed.

An example of the automation diagram of the intersection of communication lines with and without connection to each other

Rice. 10

3.2.7. For complex objects with a large number of instruments and automation equipment used, when the depiction of continuous communication lines makes it difficult to read the diagram, it is allowed to depict them with a break (address method of depicting communication lines). Locations of communication line breaks are numbered in Arabic numerals in the order of their location in a rectangle with the heading “Local devices” or “Shield...” (Figure).

A combined implementation of communication lines is allowed: continuous lines and the address method for those sections of circuits where drawing continuous lines is difficult.

3.2.10. Extension lines with shelves, used to record on them a brief explanation of the functions performed by the equipment, are depicted as shown in the diagram (see Appendix).

Example image of communication line breaks

Rice. eleven

3.2.11. At the ends of communication lines passing from one sheet of the diagram to another sheet or diagram, indicate the sheet number or designation of the diagram where the continuation of these lines is shown. Such explanations are given on each of the interconnected sheets or diagrams (see figure) .

3.3. Position designations of instruments, automation equipment and electrical devices.

3.3.1. Positional designations of devices and automation equipment should, as a rule, consist of two parts: a digital designation assigned to the monitoring and control circuit, and a letter designation (in capital letters of the Russian alphabet) assigned to each individual element included in the circuit in alphabetical order depending on the sequence signal passage (from the device for receiving information to the devices influencing the controlled process).

1) instruments for monitoring and regulation (temperature, pressure and vacuum, flow, quantity, level, composition and quality of the substance);

2) other instruments, regulators, complete devices.

3.3.6. Circuits consisting of several sensors and one secondary device are assigned a position designation containing a general digital designation and several letter designations. In this case, identical sensors should be assigned the same letter designations, different ones - different ones. The secondary device is assigned the following letter designation.

3.3.7. The procedure for assigning position designations to devices and automation equipment in monitoring and control loops operating in conjunction with the technical means of the control computer complex (UCC) is adopted in accordance with the above paragraphs.

3.3.8. It is recommended that local devices of the same types and characteristics be assigned the same designations regardless of their installation location.

3.3.9. Identical circuits and their elements installed on the same type of equipment are assigned the same positional designations. Identical circuits and their elements installed on different types of equipment are assigned different positional designations.

To connect automation schemes with fundamental electrical diagrams, on which the output device of instruments and automation equipment is assigned positional designations in accordance with GOST 2.710 and PM4-105, the positional designations of devices according to the specifications of equipment, products and materials are indicated in the “Note” column of the list of elements of the corresponding circuit diagram.


4.1. In a simplified method of executing automation schemes, monitoring and control circuits, as well as single devices, are applied to them; they are applied next to the image of technological equipment and communications (or in their gap) according to the drawings and. The composition of the technical means of the circuit is given in other sheets (documents) of the main kit.

At the bottom of the diagram, it is recommended to provide a table of circuits in accordance with the application. The table of circuits indicates the circuit numbers and the sheet number (document designation) of the main set, which shows the composition of each circuit.

4.2. The contour (regardless of the number of elements included in it) is depicted as a circle (oval) divided by a horizontal line. A letter designation is written in the upper part of the circle, defining the measured (adjustable) parameter and the functions performed by this circuit; in the lower part - the circuit number. For circuits of automatic control systems, in addition, the diagram shows actuators, control elements and a communication line connecting the circuit to the actuators.

The limiting operating values ​​of the measured (regulated) quantities are indicated next to the graphic designations of the circuits or in an additional column of the circuit table.

4.3. The composition of each circuit should be given as follows:

Principal (electrical, pneumatic) diagram of monitoring, regulation and control;

Connection diagram for external wiring.

4.4. When it is difficult to show the complete composition of the circuit elements in the indicated diagrams, a structural diagram of the circuit is developed, an example of which is shown in the figure.

4.5. An example of implementing an automation scheme in a simplified way is given in the Appendix.

An example of the composition of the level measurement, control and signaling circuit on the block diagram of the CTS

Rice. 12

4.6. Depending on the scope of automation, the circuit table can be located either on a free field of the automation diagram (Appendix), or on subsequent sheets of the A4 diagram (Figure).

Single devices are not included in the table. Contours that have the same composition, which can be depicted on one document, are entered into the table once. At the same time, in the column “Circuit number” the designations of these circuits are listed.

In this case, the following rules should be observed:

1) the scheme is carried out in compliance general rules according to the image of devices, wiring, etc. according to RM4-6 hours. III;

2) devices installed on switchboards, consoles, complexes are depicted using installation symbols by analogy with the image of local devices;

3) for wiring combined into main streams, connections to junction boxes, switchboards, etc. shown conditionally (without terminal clamps). Their actual connection is displayed on general scheme connections of external wiring, where they show the structure of combining wiring from individual circuits into flows. An example of the composition of the flow measurement circuit on the external wiring connection diagram is shown in the figure (the type of junction box, position 4, and cable, position 5, is not indicated, since these data are shown on the general connection diagram of external wiring).

An example of a circuit table located on subsequent sheets of the automation diagram

Circuit No.

Circuit No.

Design document designation

Limit value of the measured (regulated) quantity






...m 3 /h






...m 3 /h





















... MPa






... MPa



... MPa



... MPa



... MPa



...m 3 /h



...m 3 /h

Rice. 13

An example of the composition of the flow measurement loop on the external wiring diagram

Pos. designation





Seamless steel pipe


Shut-off valve B-501 d y = 10 mm



Control cable KVVG 5 ´ 1,0


Junction box


Control cable

1) the main inscription on documents is made according to Form 3 GOST 21.101;

2) re-use documents are given names by type:

Temperature ATS circuit.

Electrical circuit diagram;

Flow measurement circuit.

Connection diagram of external wiring;

Level measurement and signaling circuit.

Structural diagram of the CTS;

3) re-use documents are recorded in the list of reference and attached documents in accordance with GOST 21.101 (in the section “Attached documents”);

4) if there is re-use of variable data in documents (positions and types of devices, designations of elements and circuits, markings, types and lengths of wiring, etc.), they are presented in the table of applicability of circuits (Figure).

4.14. Circuit applicability tables are developed independently text documents subject to the following rules:

1) the name of the tables must consist of the name of the diagram of the corresponding circuit (item) and the words: “Applicability table”;

1) graphical representation of the composition of the circuit and its connections;

2) the form of the applicability table;

3) the main inscription in accordance with GOST 21.101 (form 1), on which it is recommended to fill out columns 4, 7, 8.

The form must be made on tracing paper using an electrographic method that ensures good, clear copies.

The development of contour diagrams in this case comes down to filling out the applicability table with the necessary variable data and the remaining blank columns of the title block.

An example of the implementation of the applicability table for the flow measurement circuit diagram

Pos. aperture

Pos. differential pressure gauge

Valve type









B-501; d y = 10

Pipe 14 ´ 2

GOST 8734-75

KRVG 5 ´ 1

GOST 1508-78
















14nzh 19p

d y = 10

Pipe 14 ´ 2


GOST 9941-81

KRVG 5 ´ 1

GOST 1508-781