Review of the best software systems in the field of freight transportation and logistics. Automation of transport logistics

Loginfo magazine

The role of logistics in management modern enterprise, whose activities are based on the principles of maximum economic efficiency, today it is difficult to overestimate. Logistics tools and methods are used in various areas of management: with their help, human, financial, information and material flows are managed. The entire complex complex of logistics for the movement of inventory items (logistics of purchases and sales, warehousing and inventories, transport and production logistics) can be combined into a single area of ​​logistics knowledge - Supply Chain Management (SCM).

In practice, using the DRM mechanism for an enterprise means optimizing the entire route of movement of goods and allows you to control every stage of the movement of goods, documents, information, taking into account all transactions between counterparties. This technology places high demands on the organization of interaction within the enterprise, between its divisions and with external companies, as well as on the level of information equipment of the enterprise. Therefore, the DRM system for most enterprises in our country is still a goal, on the way to which it is necessary to consistently improve all parts of the supply chain.

Optimization of the warehouse as the main link in the supply chain

For each company, depending on its specifics and needs, there is its own answer to the question of where exactly one should start debugging the DRM mechanism. According to the management theory of constraints, you should always start by looking for bottlenecks and how to optimally exploit them. In most cases, the bottleneck is primarily warehouse operations. Here we're talking about, first of all, about the implementation of a warehouse management system (WMS), which allows solving common starting tasks for many enterprises: creating prompt access to product information, ensuring high speed processes and reducing the number of errors when identifying goods, monitoring the work of personnel, etc.

In the future, after solving the problems at the basic level, the enterprise can take advantage of other WMS functionality, in particular dispatching the loading of personnel and equipment, monitoring warehouse productivity, calculating the packaging of transport order items and managing the shipping area in terms of routes, integration with robotic complexes of storage systems and movement of goods. The list of functionality of a powerful WMS is quite large. To significantly increase the speed of warehouse operations, as well as to minimize possible errors during their implementation, more and more enterprises are using automatic identification systems when implementing WMS - identification using linear or two-dimensional bar codes and radio frequency identification (RFID). When using barcoding, the information contained in bar codes applied to the product, its storage location, equipment, documentation forms, etc. is read using special devices - scanners or terminals. Warehouses currently most often use the most modern on-line method of collecting and processing data using radio terminals. Radio terminals have various modifications, each of which is the most optimal for a certain stage of the warehouse technical process. For example, the most familiar hand-held terminals fit most naturally into inspection or packaging procedures. They are good where large amounts of data processing or the use of material handling equipment is not required. For placement and selection procedures, mounted terminals are best suited - full-screen models with a large external keyboard, which are operated by drivers of stackers or self-propelled carts. And for an acceptance operation that requires input large quantity new data, carrying out product labeling, working with documents, ideally mobile workplace, equipped with a full-fledged computer with wireless communication With local network, radio scanner, printer, battery and paper tray.

You should pay attention to the common misconception that using terminals is impossible without barcoding. Actually this is not true. Organize a more efficient technical process using mobile devices It is possible without full barcoding. Of course, the presence of a barcode further simplifies the work of warehouse personnel and reduces the number of errors when performing operations, but this is not a fundamental condition for introducing an on-line way of working.

The difference between the even more “advanced” RFID technology and barcoding is the ability to identify moving objects from a relatively long distance. Identification is carried out by reading radio tags, and the latter do not necessarily have to be located in the visibility range of the reading device. Radio frequency identification greatly increases the speed of warehouse operations; however, its use is limited by high cost (for example, the cost of applying barcodes and radio tags differs significantly) and the lack of uniform global standards.

Although automatic identification has a number of undeniable advantages, in some cases, in order to organize uninterrupted and smooth operation of a warehouse, it will be enough for an enterprise to implement a WMS using visual identification, when all tasks for warehouse personnel are printed on paper. According to AXELOT practice, the use of “paper” technology is justified in the absence of excessive high requirements to the speed of operations, with tight automation deadlines and a relatively modest budget. So, for example, when implementing a WMS in a warehouse that is in the process of moving, the use of visual identification will be optimal both in terms of timing and functionality.

Transportation management - minimizing transportation costs

Transportation management refers to both the management of a vehicle fleet (if the enterprise has one) and the process of transporting goods as a whole, regardless of the types of transport used. Optimization of transportation as another link in the supply management chain is designed to organize the exchange of information (in particular, current reports to assess the efficiency and quality of work performed) between company departments involved in the transportation process, to ensure efficient use Vehicle, control over their location and condition of cargo, etc. The growth in cargo flows and the need to improve the level of service makes the above optimization tasks increasingly relevant. Their solution seems possible by carrying out appropriate organizational measures in combination with the introduction of automated transportation management systems.

Automated transportation management systems have, among other things, such functionality as:

    registration and control of the fulfillment of needs for the transportation of goods arising on the basis of customer orders, orders to suppliers, invoices for internal movement;

    registration and control of execution of tasks for the transportation of goods;

    formation of flights to carry out the transportation of goods specified in various tasks and control of the execution of flights with tracking of the route of the vehicle;

    registration and control of the execution of requests for the allocation of vehicles to carry out scheduled flights;

    generation of analytical reporting documents that allow assessing key performance indicators of completed transportation by type of vehicle and analyzing accumulated statistical data

Additionally, as part of the functionality of transportation automation systems, the routes and location of the vehicle can be visualized on electronic maps, and the possibility of using GPS navigators can be implemented.

An automatic transportation management system is usually integrated with the purchasing and sales modules of a corporate information system, a WMS system and a fleet management system (if available).

The result of transportation optimization is an increase in the quality and accuracy of order fulfillment, a reduction in personnel costs, a reduction in the unit cost of transported cargo, a reduction in the number of idle runs, etc.

Supply automation is a necessity for large enterprises

Problems associated with performing the supply function are most often encountered by quite large enterprises with an extensive network of branches and subsidiaries. The main difficulty here is ensuring the consolidation of information about the needs for materials and equipment of all departments. In this case, there is a need to automate the supply process by introducing a specialized information system. In AXELOT practice, the most typical example of such a project is the automation of a logistics management system, which includes 400 workstations. This system covers 21 branches of the customer’s enterprise and 18 subsidiaries in a single information space, ensuring the precise implementation of a number of logistics tasks related to the collection and processing of the needs of these departments, interaction with suppliers, procurement planning and control of their execution, etc. Full cycle of automated business The process of consolidation, processing and execution of purchases includes enlarged four blocks of interrelated functionality:

Optimization of processes related to inventory management does not begin and is not limited to the automation of warehouse operations, transportation, supply, etc. Before installation automatic system It requires the creation of a well-thought-out scheme for managing certain logistics processes, carrying out certain organizational changes, which will be followed by an implementation project. However, the widespread use of automated supply chain management systems allows us to say that logistics is becoming modern in the full sense of the word, maximally meeting the current urgent needs of enterprises.

Daria Lyubovina, project manager

Automation of transport logistics is moving quite quickly. Germany is already testing unmanned trucks, and KamAZ plans to put them into operation on Russian roads in the near future.

However, in logistics, automation is not only futuristic technology. After all, there are already software solutions that significantly optimize work with transportation, make life easier for employees and help save money.

In this article we will talk about why automation of transport logistics is needed and what benefits it brings to the company.

What is the automation of transport logistics?

Most often, a comprehensive solution is used to automate transport logistics - for example, a transportation management system (TMS). She is a company and helps automate processes in two directions:

  • plan transportation;
  • track the fact of delivery.

Let's consider which logistics processes lend themselves best to automation.

Transportation planning

When the company receives orders, the logistician’s task is to process and distribute them correctly, as well as with a suitable fleet of vehicles. There are several factors here: geography, delivery time, specific transportation conditions (for example, for medicines or dangerous goods). This functionality is often included in TMS.

Forecasting the volume and weight of an order that the warehouse will collect only the next day helps the logistician order transport and optimize delivery costs. The order that enters TMS contains information about the articles and the number of units of each article. TMS will help calculate the total volume and weight of the cargo in the car, and will also take into account the client’s requirements for the height of the product assembly and other specific conditions. In addition, TMS will tell the logistician which orders are more logical to combine into one vehicle, and which (due to their specific properties or temperature conditions) cannot be transported together.

If you apply automation, calculating the vehicle loading pattern, you can increase the level of vehicle utilization and protect yourself from both fines for exceeding the total permitted weight of cargo and from overloading on one of the vehicle axles. The greatest weight load falls on the second or third axles of the road train, where the overweight most often occurs, which threatens legal entities a fine of 500 thousand rubles. This fine will be received not only by the carrier, but also by the shipper.

At the stage of ordering transport, automation of transport logistics allows you to:

  • order a pass for the driver specified by the transport company in the system;
  • prepare documents in advance with the drivers’ data already specified;
  • prepare the goods for loading in the required sequence - so after the vehicle arrives, all that remains is to load it.

Automation of transport logistics is carried out not only by suppliers, but also by carriers. Many transport companies continue to write SMS messages to drivers with order details, and some send drivers on trips with special terminals or an application for mobile phone that help:

  • move along the optimal delivery route, which is adjusted depending on traffic congestion and changes in order details;
  • inform the dispatcher in real time about the passage of the route point, the time of arrival at the point, and also send photographs of defective goods and photographs of shipping documents, which are automatically included in the transportation history.

The TMS system can inform your consignees about the planned delivery time of the goods and that their order is already on the way, while indicating the details of the driver and the car that will bring the goods to them. The latest solutions (for example from Oracle) support self-learning and build routes taking into account different parameters: machine speed, duration of stops, time spent on loading, voids formed during product assembly.

Result tracking

When the transportation is completed, the logistician has quite a lot of paperwork to do. TMS allows you to automate some processes: for example, returning documents, preparing and receiving invoices, and so on.

Don’t forget about tracking transportation on the map by the dispatcher. The easiest way is to obtain data about the location of his SIM card: there are special modules for TMS that exchange information with data aggregators from operators without installing additional software on the driver’s phone. The driver only needs to give consent by sending “Yes” in the response message.

At the same time, this method is not highly accurate. To track more transportation details, you need to install special equipment in the car or a special application in the driver’s smartphone.

Automation is also great for analytics. By collecting data on several shipments, a logistician can evaluate what the company is doing right and what can be improved.

For example: statistics show that most often a company uses the services of a carrier with the lowest tariffs. At the same time, the on-time delivery rate () of this transport company is at the level of 80% - that is, every fifth cargo arrives late. In the future, this may have a negative impact on financial indicators companies, since the decline in profits will outpace savings.

What benefits does automation of transport logistics bring?

First of all, automation allows you to get rid of errors caused by human factor. Information about transportation is stored in TMS: contacts of responsible persons, data on fuel surcharges, and so on. Human errors often increase transportation costs. For example, an error in the tariff classification of cargo may result in having to pay for transportation twice.

Automation of transport logistics makes it possible to manage costs more flexibly and, as a result, reduce logistics costs. Tariff tracking transport companies in real time allows you to rely in calculations not on theoretical assumptions, but on current data. Moreover, some TMS automatically select the most profitable carrier.

TMS functionality will help improve the quality of customer service. Thanks to automatic cargo tracking, insurance accounting and tariff calculations, customers are always aware of how much transportation will cost and when the cargo will arrive at its destination. The costs of the system in the future will be much lower than the losses from a dissatisfied client.

Finally, a TMS allows you to store all your transportation data in one place. This makes it easier to monitor logistics processes, analyze data from various sources from different angles, identify errors in time and draw conclusions.

It is worth understanding that complete automation of transport logistics is practically impossible; human input is still needed. Even the most complex and progressive TMS bring noticeable results only on the basis of high-quality statistics, which only a person can collect.

Moreover: there is no universal TMS that will benefit every company. Each sector has its own specifics, so any software solution it needs to be optimized for its needs - for example, the first stage of implementation consists of just this.

Is automation of transport logistics developed in your company? What solutions are you using? Share in the comments and subscribe to our blog to be the first to know about new articles.

The particular importance of properly functioning logistics during times of crisis

One of the most dynamically developing areas in terms of use information technologies is logistics. In essence, the logistics approach to processes means the desire to move inventory in the maximum possible volume in the minimum time, taking into account the various restrictions imposed. This approach is not always given due attention in an economy oversaturated with money and long-term projects, which, as a rule, contribute to inflated demand and somewhat weaken enterprises. The number of personnel and their salaries are growing, while the quality of movement of goods along the value-added chain leaves much to be desired. And only the most advanced enterprises - industry leaders who live every working day as if it were their last - are capable of " Peaceful time"prepare for possible troubles. It is in such enterprises that the right people work, who form and control the right logistics processes.

Rice. 1. Warehouse business processes

The less attention to logistics, the higher the company’s losses during the crisis

During a crisis, the struggle for each client intensifies. In a market overheated by credit, customers could line up to suppliers. Now that almost every business is carefully analyzing what is worth paying for and what is not, attention to detail and quality of service are turning from marketing slogans into everyday realities.

Did the warehouseman spend an unreasonably long time looking for goods in the warehouse? Tomorrow another supplier will ship this product to the same customer. Still found a product, but mistakenly shipped a similar one? In the best case, this product may be politely asked to be picked up on the same day and never delivered again.

If we count the total annual lost profit from customers who have left forever and, as a consequence, the practically non-renewable loss of market share, the situation very quickly ceases to be optimistic for the enterprise.

Automation of warehouse logistics is a way to reduce enterprise losses

Until the enterprise's losses exceed all conceivable limits, solving logistics problems using modern systems automation, as a rule, can be postponed “for later” due to the objective priority of marketing and sales, which are at the forefront of business. It should be noted that timely establishment of order in the relevant rear units is an equally important management and accounting task, especially during a crisis period. First of all, it makes sense to organize at least addressable space in the warehouse, thereby increasing the accuracy of accounting. Large penalties retail chains for erroneously delivered goods - not The best way maintaining the morale of the company’s personnel, especially during periods of increasing non-payments. It is in these difficult times that it makes sense to use information system, allowing for automatic selection of goods from storage areas in the warehouse. It is this process that takes up to 60% of the total time required to complete all warehouse operations.

Rice. 2. Organization of targeted storage in the warehouse

Automation of transport logistics - assistance in eliminating problem areas of cargo transportation

Downtime of your own and clients' transport in the area adjacent to the warehouse is another opportunity to lose clients forever. Can a single information space that allows managers, logisticians and dispatchers to take into account and optimally manage the delivery of goods from manufacturing, trading and forwarding enterprises be redundant for an enterprise? Instead of getting confused with complex spreadsheets, with the introduction of an automated transportation management system, it will be possible to get a current picture of order fulfillment to customers at any time “with a click.” And this is not to mention transportation planning and detailed analytics characteristic of systems of this level. Identifying deviations from established standards will help eliminate problem areas in cargo transportation.

Rice. 3. Functionality automated transport management system "1C-Logistics: Transport Management".

According to the report of the Minister of Transport and Communications I.E. Levitin, the cost road transport in Russia one and a half times higher than in developed countries foreign countries. The size of the transport component in the final cost of production reaches fifteen to twenty percent (15-20%) versus seven to eight percent (7-8%) in countries with developed economies. In most cases, the reduction in transportation costs as a result of optimization and automation of processes can amount to millions of rubles per year.

One of the key problems arising in the process of cargo transportation is the ineffective use of models and types of vehicles due to the lack of algorithms for their selection, taking into account the maximum use of lifting characteristics. An undoubted benefit from the implementation of a transportation automation system is control of the transport load factor when completing flights.

Another lever for reducing transport costs is tracking quantitative and technological transportation efficiency factors (KPIs). The automated system calculates each of them and provides all the necessary information to responsible employees to make balanced and timely decisions. management decisions.

To reduce transportation costs and speed up operations, zoning of delivery addresses and additional filtering of transportation tasks by delivery zones when bundling flights are also used. This allows you to avoid unjustifiably inflated vehicle mileage due to the lack of optimal routing algorithms. The result is significant savings in fuel and lubricants, which will not hurt at all during a crisis.

Implemented an automated warehouse management system - reduced personnel costs

When there is less money in the market as a whole, they immediately begin to diligently count it at every enterprise - in almost all areas of work, the struggle to minimize costs begins. At Russian warehouse complexes the fund wages can reach 30% - 60% (or even more) of the total costs of operating a warehouse. But as soon as the site starts working automated system warehouse management, from 30% to 50% of warehouse personnel become redundant (data based on the results of AXELOT projects). This personnel can be safely redirected to other vacant areas of work that meet the qualification requirements. But the remaining storekeepers will not have to frantically rush around the warehouse in search of lost goods somewhere. The savings from releasing warehouse personnel per year are easy to calculate, and in many cases they exceed the total cost of the automation project warehouse logistics, including the cost of services, software and necessary radio equipment to support barcoding technology.

Rice. 4. Excerpt from an example of calculating the payback of a warehouse automation project based on "1C-Logistics: Warehouse Management"

An automated control system allows you to increase the speed of warehouse operation and optimize the storage area

Time, one of the key logistics parameters, becomes even more valuable during a crisis. If a warehouse doesn't ship quickly enough due to poor logistics, it results in unmet demand. What yesterday the company's client was ready to buy immediately, today can turn into stale goods for a fairly long period. And you will need to pay the supplier for this product, thereby increasing the inventory unnecessarily. As a result, instead of increasing turnover and profits, there is a freeze warehouse stocks and rising costs. These individual costs for each enterprise can also be calculated for a period and sooner or later you can come to the conclusion that it would have been better not to cause losses in the first place. Operating any warehouse complex costs money. These costs can be easily recalculated per unit of area and per unit of time, that is, how much does an hour of warehouse operation or storage of goods in an area of ​​1 square meter cost the company? m. From the above example it follows that the operation of automated placement of goods, releasing 500 of 4000 sq. m. m of warehouse, leads to savings of about 2 million rubles per year. This is a lot of money even in non-crisis times.

Rice. 5. Automated selection of goods in the "1C-Logistics: Warehouse Management 3.0" system

Additional income for the enterprise from the provision of safekeeping services is another result of warehouse automation

In many cases, warehouse space is not used efficiently. But even if this is not the case, during periods of crisis the demand for certain product groups. At the same time, the shortage of warehouse space in large cities still persists. As soon as the warehouse automation system “squeezes out” the maximum from storage space, the opportunity immediately arises to diversify the business and use the freed-up warehouse volume to provide secure storage services (much more financially interesting than regular rent) to other enterprises. The same personnel are involved in the same territory, and instead of costs there is income. In this case, the main functions of the warehouse automation system are complemented by so-called billing for calculating services provided. This means that almost every warehouse operation can be systematically charged, and this makes it possible to transparently and reasonably provide services to depositors on a commercial basis.

Rice. 6. One of the report forms for a secure storage warehouse, created in "1C-Logistics: Warehouse Management"

Logistics automation solutions: "1C-Logistics: Warehouse Management" and "1C-Logistics: Transportation Management"

I would like to draw your attention to distinctive features joint solutions of the company "1C" and the company AXELOT "1C-Logistics: Warehouse Management" and "1C-Logistics: Transportation Management". Working in the mass market initially presupposes the maximum possible accessibility for the consumer and the alienability of the software product and related services. Most of the code for these software products, related to the logic of warehouse processes, is open to modification. In practice, this means that in the vast majority of cases, enterprises can implement the purchased software on our own. This requires at least one smart logistician and one competent specialist in the field of automation on a technology platform

Automation of transport logistics and optimization of logistics with ABM Rinkai TMS can significantly reduce costs: up to 10% costs per 1 km of delivery, up to 12% overruns, up to 15% total transport costs. The ABM Rinkai transport logistics automation program is designed for daily route planning, monitoring execution and analyzing transport efficiency.

Almost every business has a transport link, therefore, reducing the cost of its maintenance is of interest to managers in any country in the world. Modern programs for automating transport logistics are not tied to the country or location of the company and can be used by any company, anywhere in the world.

Description of the transport logistics automation program

ABM Rinkai TMS- a cloud solution for planning optimal routes for all orders entered into the system, which allows you to significantly reduce transport and time costs. To use Rinkai, you only need Internet access. When planning routes, the system creates several route options from which you can choose the most suitable one, based on the company’s priorities (price, time, length, etc.). .

ABM Rinkai TMS systems

Watch a video of how the system for optimizing and automating transport logistics works

ABM Cloud experts conduct monthly open demos of the system. Here are some questions from participants regarding specific features and functions ABM Rinkai TMS systems

Does the system include a map of each region for route planning?

Yes, the system includes two types of maps: TomTom and OpenStreetMap. For example, for the CIS countries, OpenStreetMap maps are better used, because they are more detailed and allow you to independently set your own markers, roads, close some parts of the territory, etc.

Is the program designed for intercity or are payments within the city possible?

The system does not distinguish between routes within and outside the city. The main thing is that the route that is being optimized begins and ends at the same point, i.e. so that the car returns to where the route started.

Can we use this program to automate transport logistics for courier delivery?

Yes, you can use it. Moreover, if you have obligations to customers to deliver exactly at the agreed time, the system will plan routes taking into account delivery time windows. You will get the greatest effects if the route has more than 7-10 delivery points that need to be planned in the optimal way.

Can we track the location of a vehicle in real time?

Yes, you can. Through a GPS service or Android application that transmits coordinates. In real time, you can see the planned route on the map, track which route has already passed and where the car is currently located.

Can the client see how long it will take for the car to arrive, taking into account the GPS coordinates of the vehicle’s location and the route plan?

Yes maybe. This is implemented by sending an SMS notification or email to the client. The message indicates the time of arrival of the car. For individual clients (the most important or by other criteria), you can set up individual access to your database (via login/password), and the client will be able to independently track the arrival of the car.

If a vehicle is delayed, is there an automatic mechanism to notify the logistician of the order failure?

This can be tracked online by watching the movement map of all cars. Problem areas will turn red.

Does the program take into account truck entry restrictions?

Yes, you can customize your own road map for each type of transport (cars or trucks, bridge heights, etc.).

Is it possible to export to 1C for automatic generation of route sheets? What about importing orders from 1C?

Yes it is possible. There are various integration options for exporting and importing data, both directly from accounting, tracking and other systems, and through exchange files (downloading/uploading data).

Does the program need to be installed on a computer or is access possible via an Internet browser?

Rinkai is a cloud solution and does not require installation on a computer. Login to the system is carried out through a web browser with a username/password from anywhere where there is Internet access.

We wish you the best routes!
Find out how to optimize and automate the logistics of your enterprise

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Communication with the driver

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Integrated automation: programs for transport companies

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Transport automation system ANTOR

The range of IT solutions from the ANTOR Group of Companies includes tools for optimizing planning processes, transportation management, synchronizing the work of the delivery service team, monitoring execution and profitability analysis. Automation of a transport company gives business new opportunities:

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