Offices category d. Categories of business centers. New system of standards

In the last 10 years, a previously unimaginable number of shopping centers have been built. Each of them, trying to attract buyers and tenants, tries to stand out with its name, architecture, infrastructure, concept... The situation is almost the same with business centers.

As a result, attempts were made to somehow systematize various objects into classes and types. The article provides an opportunity to familiarize yourself with this classification.

Classification of business centers

Currently in Russia, there is no single approved classification of buildings that meet or fall under the standards of an office business center (business center). These can be either new buildings (built taking into account the specifics and characteristics approved exclusively in project documentation customer), and completely converted (restored, reconstructed) buildings that are of historical or architectural value for the city or already outdated administrative buildings (research institutes, buildings and workshops, factories and other government institutions removed from the city).

Thus, the right to classify new buildings is entirely the responsibility of its owners. The classification of buildings and administrative buildings built several years ago, converted into business centers, causes all sorts of controversy.

Of the most acceptable, we will consider the classification of business centers proposed by the Guild of Managers and Developers of Commercial and Industrial Real Estate (GUD).

In aggregate various characteristics Business centers are divided into categories: business center real estate assessment

“Class A” business center;

Business center "class B";

Business center "class C".

In this case, the following are not subject to classification:

objects in which no repair work has been carried out for more than 15 years;

objects that are both partially occupied by tenants and are in the process of reconstruction/redevelopment and have an unfinished appearance;

built-in office rooms.

It should be noted that “business center” and “office center” have identical names.


General classification

The most prestigious high-quality buildings, which are such by:


the status of tenants and the level of demand,

level of engineering maintenance and cleaning.

The buildings must be of superior construction/design, and equipped in accordance with the latest technological advances and comfort requirements. Buildings must be new or competitive with new construction and managed by professional management.

Buildings with an average or above average level of construction, equipment, location, and tenant status. The building infrastructure may not always satisfy tenants in terms of quantity and quality of services. Slight obsolescence of buildings is allowed.

Buildings with an average or lower level of construction, equipment, location and tenant status. As a rule, these are outdated or highly worn buildings, possibly functionally improved.

Characteristics are assessed in the following categories:

Location and accessibility

Building components and properties

Building management and level of service provided

And, if the business center by location belongs to class “A”, by the type and technical level of the building - to class “C”, by level management company- to class “B”, then the total class of the object will be “C”.

The classification of business centers in St. Petersburg is somewhat different from the classification adopted in Moscow.

V.A. Volnova
ROO certified real estate appraiser, certified real estate appraiser
according to the requirements of European standards,
Category I appraiser LLC "Sibirskiy appraiser" (Novosibirsk city),
winner of the “Golden PerROO” competition in the category “Best Real Estate Appraiser in the RoOO-2007”

Currently, the need to classify, organize or divide real estate into separate groups is felt very acutely by both real estate market analysts, realtors and appraisers.

Every day appraisers are faced with the need to prove to one of the interested parties between whom they are located - and this is the customer of the appraisal and the consumer of the report - that the expectations for the value of the object of one of them are too high or too optimistic, while the other is somewhat pessimistic. Sometimes, when assessing class C office space, the appraisal customer cites recently sold premises next door, located in a class B business center, as similar objects, and sincerely wonders why his property is undervalued. And only during the conversation, when the appraiser cites a number of characteristics of the object that affect the increase or decrease in the market value of an individual object, does understanding emerge between the parties.

Today, consumers of our services are also coming to some understanding that premises of the same purpose can vary significantly in cost, since they belong to different “weight categories,” that is, to different classes.
At the same time, all participants in the real estate market, be it sellers, buyers, consultants, operate with the same concepts, perhaps calling them differently, but implying the class of the property, which indicates that the issue is ripe and extremely relevant.
Today in Russia there are several attempts to develop a classification of real estate objects in various sectors of the real estate market. Among the most famous classifications office real estate the following can be mentioned:

  1. Classification of the chief analyst of the Russian Guild of Realtors G.M. Sternika (;
  2. Classification of the Moscow Research Forum 2003. (
  3. Classification of the Moscow Research Forum 2006. (
  4. Classification of the Volga Region Anti-Crisis Institute (Kazan) (

Among the available classifications of retail real estate are:

  1. Typology of retail real estate of the chief analyst of the Russian Guild of Realtors G.M. Sternik (
  2. Classification developed by the Urban Land Institute (USA) (
  3. Classification of the International Council of Shopping Centers International Council of Shopping Centers (
  4. Classification of shopping centers developed Russian Council Shopping Centers(RSTC) (

Options for a unified classification of warehouse real estate are offered to the market by its most active players - real estate and consulting companies. Among the available classifications of warehouses are:

  1. Classification developed by the International consulting company Knight Frank (
  2. Classification developed by the consulting company Swiss Realty Group (

Currently, market analysts have not reached a consensus on which classification is most acceptable and convenient. Available classifications often repeat each other and tend to expand the characteristics and factors by which a property should be classified into one class or another. At the same time, having examined the real estate market of even large cities in Russia, it can be noted that a number of factors that must be taken into account within the framework of existing classifications are either absent or participate only slightly in the formation of the market value of the property.

Thus, in the professional community, both logisticians and developers, analysts, appraisers, there is gradually an understanding that all the proposed classifications have a number of shortcomings, the main of which are redundancy and cumbersomeness, which are due to the lack of priorities of the listed parameters.

With a small number of factors significantly influencing market value object, in the existing classifications it is considered a large number of secondary characteristics that give a slight change in value, which is obvious to a professional appraiser.

At the same time, an ordinary seller or buyer of real estate may become overwhelmed by the number of factors and their understanding, or simply give up and not waste time and effort simply understanding the factors given, without being a professional architect or builder.

The specialists of the Siberian Appraiser company have set themselves the goal of developing brief, a capacious, understandable classification for appraisers, realtors, analysts and consumers of our services, which would include only those characteristics of objects that significantly affect the value of real estate. After all, it is the principle of materiality that is repeatedly repeated in the new Federal valuation standards.

The task was to develop a concise and understandable classification of objects of three market sectors: office, retail and warehouse objects in terms of real estate value, a classification intended to help appraisers in choosing objects of comparison when making market value calculations.

As a result of the work carried out, the concept of a brief classification of real estate appeared, as compact and easy to use as possible, adapted for appraisers. Factors influencing the cost are arranged in a classification in descending order of their influence on the cost of the object.

To determine the factors that most influence the value of an object, an expert method was used, the use of which is mentioned in the new Federal valuation standards, which included:

  • interviews with employees of real estate agencies and appraisal companies in the city of Novosibirsk;
  • agreement on the results of the survey;
  • identification of the main pricing factors that most influence the cost of the object.

The experts were specialists with many years of experience (more than 10 years) in real estate agencies and appraisal companies in the city of Novosibirsk. During the interview, each expert was asked relevant questions, and as a result of processing the experts' answers, five main factors were obtained that most influence the market value of the property.

Taking into account the task - obtaining a brief classification - each type of real estate was divided into 4 classes: A, B, C, D. Each class is assigned a certain point, based on a five-point system, as the class of the property decreases: class A - 5 points, class D - 2 points.

At the same time, intervals of points are determined for classifying an object to a particular class. By summing up the factor scores, we obtain a certain overall score for the object, which lies in a particular interval, determining the class of the object.

Below are brief classifications of three types of real estate: office, retail and warehouse premises.

Brief classification of office real estate

Office rooms




city ​​center; areas close to the center; local city centers;
on main highways and squares with convenient access

medium remote areas;
some distance from transport arteries, with convenient access

remote areas; outskirts;
inconvenient entrance

deep within the territory of an industrial enterprise and on the first floors of residential buildings


New construction;
high quality finish in excellent condition

service life 5-7 years,
high quality finish in excellent to good condition

obsolete office or reconstructed buildings for other purposes;
standard renovation, finishing in excellent or good condition

originally premises for other purposes; in satisfactory condition or in need of repair

room height of at least 3.3 m; auxiliary area no more than 10%

premises at least 3.0 m; auxiliary area no more than 20%

room height of at least 3.0 m;
corridor system;
various planning solutions within one building

placement in basements, semi-basements, in production buildings


underground parking or covered multi-level surface parking with a covered passage into the building

organized guarded parking with a sufficient number of spaces; Convenient access to the parking area

insufficient number of unguarded surface parking spaces; cramped conditions, inconvenient access

no parking


extensive infrastructure for centralized provision of tenants with office equipment, communications and telecommunications, conference rooms, consumer services, food and recreation

insufficient infrastructure for business and leisure services, although there is a developed infrastructure in the immediate vicinity of the building

insufficient infrastructure for business and leisure services

lack of infrastructure

Class Interval

Brief classification of retail real estate

Retail premises




Location, transport accessibility

on main squares and highways, near the bus stop. public transport, with convenient access and access

on transport arteries, near the bus stop. public transport, with convenient access and access

on streets and squares, with not very convenient access

inside a microdistrict, yard

Finish quality

New construction;
high quality finish

recent construction, improved finishing

service life more than 20 years,
obsolete or reconstructed building for other purposes, standard renovation

former housing stock standard renovation


in great condition

in excellent or good condition

in good or fair condition

needs renovation


underground parking or multi-level surface parking with a covered passage into the building

organized surface parking with a sufficient number of spaces; Convenient access to the parking area

insufficient number of unguarded surface parking spaces

cramped conditions, inconvenient access

Availability of concept

single owner of the building, presence of “anchor tenants”, presence of a concept for positioning the building on the market

several large owners of the building, the presence of “anchor tenants”

several small building owners, presence of tenants of varying quality

lack of concept

Class Interval

Brief classification of warehouse real estate





Location, transport accessibility

good location, on main highways and transport arteries, in the industrial zone of the city or near the city (5-10 km), with convenient access

good, on the outskirts of the city, with some distance from transport arteries or with not very convenient access

with disadvantages in location, with inconvenient access

location deep within the territory of the industrial enterprise; inconvenient access through the checkpoint



fenced and 24-hour guarded, landscaped area; availability of parking and parking areas, railway line

fenced and 24-hour guarded, landscaped area or security along the perimeter of the territory; Availability of parking areas and parking areas

security along the perimeter of the territory; lack of space for parking and maneuvering heavy vehicles

outdated security system; tightness of the surrounding area

Structural and planning solutions

the height of the premises is at least 12 m, without columns or with a grid of columns at least 12x24 m

the height of the premises is at least 6 m, with a grid of columns of at least 6x12 m

the height of the premises is at least 4 m, or an insulated arch-type hangar

the building was not originally suitable for storage, basements, room height less than 4 m, unheated arched hangar, agricultural buildings


new construction, high quality finishes in excellent condition

built no earlier than 1990 or reconstructed in excellent or good condition

built before 1985 or reconstructed in good or satisfactory condition

old building, in satisfactory condition or in need of repair

Building systems

modern engineering systems ( temperature regime, ventilation, fire alarm, autonomous power plant, fire extinguishing, video surveillance); employee accounting and access control system

modern engineering systems (temperature control, ventilation, fire alarm, autonomous power plant, fire extinguishing, video surveillance)

outdated engineering systems (ventilation, fire alarm, heating, fire extinguishing)

outdated engineering systems, lack of some systems

Class Interval

As you can see, this brief classification is easy to use, reflects the quality of the available real estate, and allows you to easily and quickly navigate the assignment of real estate to a particular class.

Let's look at examples of using the given brief classifications.

Example 1 (office)

Premises in a former design institute in the city center:
location- in the city center - 5 points
state- outdated office building with standard finishes in excellent condition - 3 points
- corridor system, ceiling height 3.0m - 3 points
parking- insufficient number of unguarded parking spaces along the building - 3 points
infrastructure- insufficient in the presence of developed infrastructure surrounding the building - 4 points
total: 5+3+3+3+4 = 18 (class B)

Example 2 (trading)

Premises in a new shopping center on a busy highway:
location- on transport artery, near the bus stop public transport, with convenient access and access - 4 points
quality of finish- recent year of construction, improved finishing - 4 points
state- in excellent condition - 5 points
parking- organized guarded parking with a sufficient number of spaces; convenient access to the parking area access to the area - 4 points
building concept- single owner of the building, presence of “anchor tenants”, presence of a concept for positioning the building on the market - 5 points
total: 4+4+5+4+5 = 22 (class A)

Example 3 (warehouse)

Production workshop of the plant in an area of ​​medium distance:
location- location deep within the territory of the industrial enterprise; access through a checkpoint - 2 points
adjacent territory- security along the perimeter of the territory; lack of space for parking and maneuvering heavy vehicles - 3 points
constructive and planning solutions- the height of the premises is 12 m, with a grid of columns of at least 12x24 m - 5 points
state- built before 1985 in good condition - 3 points
engineering systems- outdated engineering systems, lack of some systems - 2 points
total: 2+3+5+3+2 = 15 (class C)

The given Brief Classification can be easily used by buyers and sellers of real estate, realtors, developers, market analysts, and, of course, appraisers, for whom it is adapted, when determining the class of the property being valued for the selection of comparison objects for sale and rental from the relevant real estate sector.

The short classification was approved at the Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference of Appraisers " Actual problems and new developments in assessment. Information Support real estate market", which took place on May 29-30, 2008. in Novosibirsk.

At the Siberian Appraiser company, appraisers use this Brief Classification at the initial stage of appraisal, when they need to determine which class the appraised object belongs to in order to identify, as a first approximation, the price range of both the appraised object and its analogue.

I would like the funds mass media paid attention to this Brief classification, with the aim of covering in the press offers for the sale and rental of real estate with a focus on this classification, which would be useful to all participants in the real estate market.

IN international practice Several classifications of office real estate are used, however, the system developed by BOMA (Building Owners and Managers Accociation) is considered the most used. Business centers are classified according to categories “A”, “B” and “C”.

Office premises of class “A” are the most prestigious and of high quality; the characteristics of class “C”, in turn, are far from modern requirements. Assignment to a particular class is to a certain extent subjective and is made taking into account compliance with certain characteristics:

  1. Location.
  2. Building type.
  3. The novelty of the building.
  4. Building maintenance systems, security system.
  5. Solutions in the planning, decoration and construction of the building.
  6. Engineering systems, air conditioning and ventilation systems.
  7. Telecommunication systems.
  8. Parking.
  9. The building is equipped with elevators.
  10. Infrastructure.

In Russia, a unified classification of office premises has not yet been approved. There are many variations of systems used on the market, but they are all based on similar principles.

The most famous classifications are:

  1. Classification of the chief analyst of the Russian Guild of Realtors G.M. Stubble.
  2. Classifications of the Moscow Research Forum, developed in 2003 and updated in 2006 and 2013.
  3. Classification of the St. Petersburg Research Forum 2008

Many appraisal companies use a system similar to "ABC". In Russian realities, some companies add a special category “D”, which is due to the fact that many buildings belong to Soviet era, have not been reconstructed and do not even meet the requirements of category “C”.

In accordance with the tightening requirements at the Moscow Research Forum in 2006, the 2003 classification was changed. The new structure divides modern office buildings into three types: “A”, “B+” and “B-”. Buildings that do not meet the specified criteria are classified as classes “C” and below. In 2013, an important innovation was the “Certification” item, that is, the compliance of office centers with international energy efficiency standards: LEED and BREEAM.

The second classification system involves dividing class “A” into additional categories:"A1", "A2", "A3" and is more detailed. The companies Noble Gibbons and Colliers International use it in their practice. The division into subclasses “A+”, “A” and “A-” is similar.

Class "A"

Class A business centers, which are the optimal solution for office premises, are located in new complexes with competent planning, a high level of construction and finishing, automated life support systems, equipped with security, communications and communications systems. Such offices are mainly built in the city center or in prestigious areas with big amount transport interchanges.

The tenants of premises in high-class business centers are large companies and branches of foreign companies. Class “A” fully meets all the criteria of a modern building, which include:

  1. Availability of a central building management system.
  2. Availability of a modern fire safety system.
  3. The ceiling height is at least 2.7 m.
  4. High quality finishing materials common use and facade.
  5. The waiting time for elevators is no more than 30 seconds.
  6. The depth of the floor from the window to the “core” does not exceed 10 m.
  7. Availability of an effectively organized reception area, conference rooms, spacious food and recreation areas.
  8. Designer renovation.
  9. Multi-level ground or underground parking with an entrance to the business center.

For class “A”, division into subclasses is practiced: “A1”, “A2”, “A3”, which have no fundamental differences among themselves and are used to define the building in more detail.

Subclass "A1"

This subclass is characterized by:


It has less stringent requirements for the location of the building, and can also be a completely reconstructed building of relatively recent construction. Characteristics are close to class “A1”, but allow minor deviations according to secondary parameters.


Can be assigned to a completely reconstructed building 20-30 years old. Relatively inefficient layouts and inferior central air conditioning systems are acceptable.

There may be some deterioration in relation to the “A2” subclass, for example, the location of the office center is not in the central, but in a more remote but prestigious area.


Economy class offices, as class B office space is often called., often have no fundamental differences from a class “A” office. Unlike class “A”, which refers to representative premises, commercial real estate of class “B” refers to work premises. Large companies locate personnel other than top management in such offices. Tenants are small organizations and companies.

Such premises are characterized by:


Class “C” offices are predominantly located in Soviet-era buildings repurposed for office needs: research institutes, institutes, and plant managements.

A building of this type is often characterized by a complete lack of central air conditioning, unprofessional management, and lack of equipped parking.

The renovation was carried out using cheap materials, but there are problems with electrical voltage and infrastructure. Main characteristics of class “C” office premises:

  1. Location on the outskirts of the city, inconvenient access to the building.
  2. Service life exceeds 10 years.
  3. Standard renovation, corridor system.
  4. Outdated design, inefficient layout.


Properties classified as class “D” do not meet the requirements modern facility office real estate. Offices of this class are characterized by outdated engineering solutions, wooden floors, and lack of life support services. Located outside the city, in converted warehouses and production premises, in residential buildings.

Class “D” is characterized by:

  1. The condition of the building requires major repairs.
  2. Corridor system, location in basements and semi-basements, lack of quality planning.
  3. The parking is spontaneous and unguarded.
  4. Lack of building maintenance and management infrastructure.

Range of real estate prices for offices

Office real estate prices depend on many factors, the main ones being distance from the center and compliance with one or another category. The average rental rate for a class A office in 2018 in Moscow is RUB 25,500. per sq.m. per year, a “B+” class office can be rented for an average of 16,000 rubles/sq.m. per year, and sq.m. in a class “B-” office it will cost 14,500 rubles. in year. Rent for an office in the lower category is, on average, 9,000 rubles/sq.m. in year.

The need for a correct assessment determines the importance of using and constantly updating the most convenient and complete classification for all market participants. Clear criteria provide a clear picture of what the tenant is willing to pay money for, and what choices and options the landlord is willing to provide.

In Russia, the classification of office premises was adopted in 2006; it was created according to the Western model and involves dividing all office facilities into three categories: “A” (elite class), “B” (business class) and “C” (economy). -Class).

Class A offices

The most prestigious office premises belonging to class “A” are executive class offices.

Their fundamental differences:

  • modern office center building (not older than 8 years);
  • expensive interior decoration that meets the highest European standards, high ceilings, raised floors;
  • the presence of modern, convenient elevators in sufficient quantities;
  • presence of a central automated system ventilation and air conditioning;
  • availability of centralized fire and security alarm systems;
  • convenient location (center, transport accessibility);
  • enhanced security, including guarded parking, video surveillance, face control;
  • professional management;
  • high prices(rental rates are above $1000, cost per square meter is at least $9 thousand).

An example of class “A” offices in Moscow would be premises in the Four Winds Plaza business centers in the city center on Bolshaya Gruzinskaya Street, Aquamarine-2 on Ozerkovskaya Embankment, Citydel Business Center in the Basmanny District, Midland Plaza on Arbat, Gazoil Plaza in Cheryomushki.

Market analysis commercial real estate shows that class “A” offices have about 15% of the demand in this market segment, but they make up more than 71% of the new space commissioned in Moscow in 2007 and the demand for them is gradually growing.

“B” class offices

Class “B” office space is the golden mean; they are mostly in demand by tenants and are the most attractive for buyers of commercial real estate in Moscow at present.

A Class B office is also a high-quality space. Moreover, taking into account the peculiarities of the commercial real estate market, it is customary to distinguish from this class those premises that have more high level, and label them as “B+” class offices. Class “B” and “B+” offices must have:

  • high-quality repairs;
  • open floor plan;
  • modern elevators;
  • modern fire alarm, ventilation and air conditioning systems;
  • isolated bathrooms;
  • separate parking;
  • 24-hour security;
  • catering for employees and visitors;
  • fiber optic communications, separate telephone lines.

In addition, class “B+” offices are close in properties to class “A” and are characterized by a convenient location, transport accessibility and secure parking, the use of materials High Quality when finishing the building and premises, modern building security using video surveillance systems, unified management building.

Examples of class “B” commercial real estate are the offices of the business centers “Tushino”, “Meridian” in the left bank district, “9 acres” in Cheryomushki, “Magistral” in the Khoroshovsky district, “Cascade” in Maryina Roshcha, “Start” in the Basmanny district .

Class “B+” can be seen in the office centers “Derbenevskaya Plaza” in the south of Moscow, “Beautiful House” in the Otradnoe district, “Academichesky” in the southwest, “Old Arbat” in the center of Moscow, etc. Rental rates for such premises are quite high, and purchasing them is profitable investment money, which causes a constant increase in demand in this market segment.

Offices "C" class

Class C office space is one of the most affordable on the commercial real estate market. These administrative spaces are in consistently low demand; their advantage - low rental rates - is appreciated by small companies that are just beginning to develop.

Class “C” offices are most often located in old, repurposed buildings or buildings of existing enterprises and have:

  • redecorating;
  • elevator (if the building has more than 3 floors);
  • cabinet or mixed layout;
  • passive ventilation system;
  • wooden windows;
  • low quality of additional services: catering, security, parking, etc.

It makes sense to use class “C” premises as back offices, branches where clients are not invited, but where certain intra-company activities take place: for example, dispatchers work, accounting is located, etc. Examples of such premises include offices in a business center on the Academician Tupolev embankment, in the building of a business center on Alekseevskaya, as well as numerous areas leased by factories, shops, and educational institutions.

Currently, the need to classify, organize or divide real estate into separate groups is felt very acutely by both real estate market analysts, realtors and appraisers.

Every day appraisers are faced with the need to prove to one of the interested parties between whom they are located - and this is the customer of the appraisal and the consumer of the report - that the expectations for the value of the object of one of them are too high or too optimistic, while the other is somewhat pessimistic. Sometimes, when assessing class C office space, the appraisal customer cites recently sold premises next door, located in a class B business center, as similar objects, and sincerely wonders why his property is undervalued.

Currently, market analysts have not reached a consensus on which classification is most acceptable and convenient. Available classifications often repeat each other and tend to expand the characteristics and factors by which a property should be classified into one class or another. At the same time, having examined the real estate market of even large cities in Russia, it can be noted that a number of factors that must be taken into account within the framework of existing classifications are either absent or participate only slightly in the formation of the market value of the property.

Thus, in the professional community, both logisticians and developers, analysts, appraisers, there is gradually an understanding that all proposed classifications have a number of disadvantages, the main of which are redundancy and cumbersomeness, which are due to the lack of priorities of the listed parameters. http://estimator72.rf/01_Pages/06_Demo.php?ans=1&num=17

With a small number of factors that significantly influence the market value of an object, the existing classifications consider a large number of secondary characteristics that give a slight change in value, which is obvious to a professional appraiser.

Classification of office buildings

Class A Office Building: Must meet or exceed a minimum of 16 of the following 20 standard criteria:

1. High quality standard finishes, modern building engineering systems including BMS (Building Management System);

2. Professional management building;

3. Good location of the building within the boundaries of the office district, convenient access and transport links;

4. Air conditioning system: at least 2-pipe, or its equivalent;

5. Suspended ceilings;

6. Height from floor to suspended ceiling on average 3.30 m;

7. Efficient open floor plan (structure with load-bearing columns);

8. Three-section box for electrical, telephone and computer cables, or a raised floor (or the possibility of installing it);

9. Modern, high-quality windows, their rational arrangement;

10. Modern high-speed elevators with a waiting period of no more than 30 seconds;

11. Underground parking;

12. High-quality materials used in the decoration of common areas;

13. The ratio of parking spaces (ground and underground) is at least 1 space per 100 sq.m. rentable area of ​​the building;

14. Loss factor (ratio of used and rented space) no more than 12%;

15. High-quality telecommunications service provider in the building;

16. Two independent power supplies or an uninterruptible power supply; (the power supply power for the tenant’s low-voltage networks must be at least 50 W per 1 sq.m. of useful area 20 W, additionally allocated for lighting);

17. Permissible load on interfloor ceilings: 400-450 kg per 1 sq.m.;

18. Modern systems security and access control to the building;

19. Cafeteria/canteen for employees and other amenities;

20. The depth of the floor from window to window is no more than 18-20 meters.

Class B office building: must meet at least 10 of the 20 criteria given.

Class C office building: meets less than 8 of the 20 criteria given.

Today in Russia there are several attempts to develop a classification of real estate objects in various sectors of the real estate market. One of the most famous classifications of office real estate can be called Classification of the Moscow Research Forum 2003. ( Appendix A, table 1). Each type of real estate is divided into 4 classes: A, B, C, D.

Office real estate in the West is classified into three classes - A, B, C. In Russia and the CIS, two more classes can be added to these three classes - D, E. The process of assigning a building a particular class requires a thorough analysis of all its parameters and characteristics. You should also take into account the fact that the boundaries between classes in most cases may not be clear. In this case, additional signs + and - are added after the letter designation. Next, let's look at the main differences between these classes.

Class "A" offices

Class "A" offices are the most prestigious office premises, located in new office complexes and business centers in the city center. These office premises have the highest level of service: “smart” buildings, providing for complete optimization and automation of all life support systems, a developed infrastructure for centralized provision of office equipment to tenants, fiber optic communication, reception, conference rooms, consumer services and recreation facilities. All this is kept in impeccable condition.

Such offices are provided with their own security, management and maintenance services and guarded underground parking lots. This class of office space involves a modern open office layout, expensive office decoration, suspended ceilings and much more. A classic version of a Class A office is considered a business park, built on the outskirts or outside the city, near convenient transport interchanges, an airport or a railway station and is characterized by low-rise buildings, which makes it possible to do without elevators (this makes construction and maintenance cheaper). The remoteness is compensated by the proximity to nature.

Additional bonuses of such offices are organized delivery employees from the city or from the nearest metro station to the complex, as well as a large number of parking spaces. Abroad, where business parks have long ceased to be exotic, preference is given to office options with original modern architecture, landscape design and additional preferences for tenants. The norm for this office format is the presence of large recreational areas with parks, walking alleys, artificial lakes and reservoirs.

Class "B" offices

Class "B" offices are office premises with almost the same characteristics as Class "A" offices. Class B offices can be located in new or newly reconstructed buildings that have the necessary engineering communications, often located not in the very center of the city, but not in the outskirts either. Class B offices have practically the same characteristics as Class A offices, but are not as prestigious, and also have a narrower range of services offered. Therefore, they are sometimes called “budget offices” or “economy class offices.” These offices may not have central air conditioning. These offices are not so prestigious and the range of services offered is not so wide - parking, for example, is most often located in the open air.

This class of offices also includes class “A” offices after 5-7 years of operation, old mansions located in the city center that have been reconstructed and converted into office space. offrent.rureview/type/

Class "C" offices

Class "C" offices are office premises, constructed or restored buildings, usually located outside the city center, usually rented from research institutes or manufacturing enterprise. Sometimes they are called "Soviet". The last renovation in such office premises may have been done more than 10 years ago using materials available at that time, or made using cheap materials; the façade of the building is often unrepaired and looks unpresentable.

In such an office space there is usually no modern communication, central air conditioning, the ventilation system is ordinary, and the toilet is in the corridor. Such buildings are characterized by all the “charms” of the office method of organizing work - a corridor system, difficulties with air conditioning (complete lack of central air conditioning), inconvenient access and lack of civilized parking. These are mainly newly opened office buildings, located not in the city center, but at the intersection of transport routes, near metro stations and main radial highways. Office class "C" assumes a fairly modest range of services: telephone, Internet access possible.

This category also includes high-quality office premises in administrative, institute and industrial buildings, offices that, according to the characteristics of the building, correspond to class B, but with disadvantages. Such buildings are quite impressive, have some business services, and a shared parking lot.

Class "D" offices

Class "D" offices - office premises in buildings with outdated utilities, wooden floors, lack of specialized services life support. As a rule, such office premises require major renovation.

Class "E" offices

Class "E" offices are office premises in buildings that are not suitable for office space and require reconstruction. These can be basements and semi-basements converted into offices, apartments in residential buildings, sometimes with a separate entrance and parking for 2-4 cars. Provided they have a good location, European-class renovations, and are equipped with high-quality furniture and office equipment, such offices may well compete with higher-class offices.