Olga Yurkovskaya biography psychologist. Olga Yurkovskaya: negative reviews about the trainings. Life under the sun

Reviews with rating: 33


In my opinion, Olga Yurkovskaya is a phenomenon. If you are not yet familiar with this author of courses and books, I highly recommend it. Olga has extensive practical experience and a good educational background. And most importantly, all this against the backdrop of amazing clarity of consciousness. There is no dependence on stereotypes, there is some kind of inner freedom and it is contagious. I watched almost everything on the YouTube channel and took one paid course on confidence and personal strength. The course consisted of video lessons, articles and homework. Standard set seminars, of which there are many. But I’m glad that I’m learning from this particular coach, she and I are on the same wavelength. I feel supported and see an example that I want to live up to. It's very motivating. And motivation is the key to success in any endeavor.


Well, who else continues to scour the Internet in search of a “magic pill” to wake up tomorrow rich and famous?)) I was just as naive) Yes, it seems like with your mind you all understand that until you change your settings, do what you did before I didn’t do it until you leave your comfort zone - there will be no result. But all the same, somewhere there is a glimmer of hope that if I go to this seminar, to this training, to this coach to work through it, something will magically collapse in my head, and money will fall on me in a continuous stream.
Yeah, I’m the same) I took “Money Thinking” with Yurkovskaya and, indeed, something clicked in my head) But not in the way I dreamed)) It’s just that now many mechanisms that work have become obvious to me, regardless of whether we know are we talking about them or not. So, now I KNOW. Which means it’s time to DO it, because I’ve already received my “magic kick-off”, thanks to Olga Yurkovskaya.


So much has happened in last years"guru" from psychology, that one gets the impression that the majority are scammers. Of course, you should never turn off your brain, but you want to trust the specialist you came to. I prefer the online format, it’s easier to choose a time without compromising own plans. Plus, I noticed that many psychologists deliberately stretch out the time they work with a client, trying to “warm up” financially for longer. Therefore, I was looking for a course from a good specialist with a clear time limit (but not an express one!), and with the possibility of feedback.
Olga Yurkovskaya somehow put me at ease right away. I probably felt something close to me in her - openness, sometimes even toughness, but at the same time always honest and straightforward. Presents information in a very structured manner, gives a lot practical tasks, you can ask questions, I always received a prompt answer. I chose courses about relationships with parents and money. I liked both) The monetary one was a lot of practice for me, I just couldn’t cope with such volumes, and the parental one was deeper, “to think about,” feel, carry within oneself. Now I want to buy more about children, I have no doubt that I will also learn a lot of useful things.
Who shouldn't go to Yurkovskaya's trainings? Someone who is used to only creating the appearance of activity is not ready for a large amount of serious work. It won't work with this coach. He’ll also “hit you” verbally, it won’t seem like much.
But if you are ready to work for results, there is an understanding that something needs to be done, but there are no specific tools, then O. Yurkovskaya is exactly the person you need.


Relationships with parents are a topic where rarely does everything go well. Unfortunately, I have serious problems in this area, so I was looking for a good psychologist online to work in a seminar format - receive a volume of information, comprehend, complete tasks, get answers to questions and feedback. It seems to me that attending face-to-face consultations is very time-consuming, and for me personally it is psychologically uncomfortable. I spent quite a long time on Yurkovskaya’s website, looked through all the free programs, made sure that I liked the coach’s personality, and only after that I decided to go to the paid program. Olga Yurkovskaya repeatedly talks about her own difficulties in relations with her parents, but I see this situation as sincerity and openness, and not “a shoemaker without boots.” It’s true, the slick, polished psychologists who try to imagine own life like a certain standard - flawless and ideal. But Olga is a living person, she herself goes through the path of harmonizing relationships with her parents, raising children, and it was this living and sincere experience that seemed most interesting to me. I received a lot of support from the girls in the chat. In general, there was a very welcoming atmosphere at the training, thanks to O. Yurkovskaya’s team for this.



I gave it two stars for good PR, unfortunately there is nothing else to give it for.
Our work with her ended as follows: I asked in a tactful manner whether it was possible to return the money if the courses I purchased did not suit me, to which I was accused of fraud.
I bought two courses “greater self-confidence” and a “basic course in money thinking”, while taking both courses in the middle I realized that I had learned nothing new, I couldn’t instill new skills either, almost all the information consists of the books that I read back in Institute and has long been outdated (my successes in life do not suit me). I began to wonder “who is the guru?”, perhaps I perceive something wrong? At the same time, you need to understand that I regularly undergo training on personal effectiveness, including the Universities of Sberbank, Volvo, Google, etc., and there is something to compare with. Financial statements I didn’t find, like, actually, the story legal entity. This worries me. Due to this, I stopped studying. Naturally, there is nowhere to file a claim. Question: scammer? For me personally, the answer is obvious.


If you don't complete tasks, you won't develop any skills. Skills and changes only come from regular training. Reading articles on swimming will not make you a champion. A running webinar will not help you run a marathon. Only those who have completed all tasks have results. And for those for whom “the information is not new”, there are no results, since learning new actions occurs only in the process of training.

I have fully fulfilled my obligations to you: you received dozens of articles and videos with assignments on the stated topics in each of the courses. Thousands of other participants have completed the same tasks and received measurable results. You can study the reviews of those who not only read the materials, but also completed the tasks of my courses here and write to everyone on social networks and clarify the results:

I also have hundreds of articles and videos in the public domain, and you could understand in advance whether my teaching style suits you. Personally, no one accused you of fraud; you received an answer that I do not have refunds at all, since I do not want to encourage scammers. By law, digital goods cannot be exchanged or returned. Having bought a book on the same Litres, you will not return it if you did not like the ending. Before making a purchasing decision, you can always study what is freely available.

Information about the company Olga Yurkovskaya Consultancies – F.Z.E. is listed on the website in the contacts section, that is, it is simply dishonest on your part to write unfounded accusations.
License #15912 United Arab Emirates
You can check the validity of the license by number here:


Olga, I am an active Pilates trainer, I was able to bring myself from a state of disability to the level of participating in 6 marathons (among other achievements in life), I know what motivation is, and how skills are formed, and what it means to carry out the trainer’s commands without any questions. . Therefore, I don’t need to explain such basic things. Unfortunately, the information from your webinars did not give an idea about the courses to the extent necessary for me, yes, I regretted that I purchased them for wasted time and money and I think that I have the right to express my opinion, especially because I have What to compare with. And what suits thousands may not suit one.
All the best, Olga Yurkovskaya!


This is already a fact, any person, sooner or later, finds goals and meanings in life, so necessary for the complete and final self-realization of the individual. For most of us, this is success, career, love, wealth, power. However, when setting out on the path of choosing a particular role, at first everything really goes well: new impressions, acquaintances, opportunities, promotion, results in the right direction, but soon satiety sets in, and where then? To charity, to religion, to politics, to the countryside, to emigration?

The heroine of the February interview is the owner consulting company Consultancies F. Z. E., a psychologist with a sense of duty, free will, and an impeccable desire to help. Olga will tell you how a world of possibilities, full of life and meaning, opened up for her personally.

— Olga, tell us about your professional choice?

- Although I am a psychologist by profession, my main activity is selling courses - both webinars that I will conduct and ready-made video recordings of courses for self-study. I’m not quite like that... a classic psychologist who sits in his office from morning to evening and sees clients. I am an online teacher, my main job is to give lectures.

I am also a businesswoman, the owner of the consulting company Olga YurkovskayaConsultancies F. Z. E. Both of my jobs are interesting to me and develop me a lot. When I give lectures, I do not repeat them - they will be available to new students in recordings. Therefore, I am not in the position of ordinary teachers, forced to give the same lecture to many streams of students or conduct the same training every weekend.

Unlike regular teachers in real life, online allows you not to repeat yourself, but to prepare well for each lecture, read it once, so that later people buy this recording an infinite number of times. I'm grateful modern technologies and to the world for the fact that the Internet allows you to receive clients, even sitting in the smallest village. If you have access to the network, you have work and clients from all over the world.

I used to live in Minsk, by Minsk standards I earned good money, but this cannot be compared with the income of Western teachers and psychologists. I wanted to move to a more developed country with better attitude to business and with the opportunity to earn tens of times more. Therefore, I was choosing how and what I could do if I couldn’t meet clients in person, if we didn’t see each other. I chose online teaching.I'm very happy now with how it's working.I am a profession and my business.

I have a talent for explaining things simply

even the most difficult things

Perhaps due to the fact that I have three children, and since childhood I have become accustomed to talking to them as equals and explaining to them all the nuances of my professions. I can translate complex information into simple language and simple diagrams, make explanations accessible, and people can immediately act in the direction they need and solve problems.

Three and a half years ago, when I started working on the Internet and giving lectures, I started with the most popular and popular topic all over the world. This is my main course - about money. What prevents you from earning money? more money, what limiting beliefs and fears prevent people from becoming wealthy and prosperous, how to live without denying themselves anything, increasing salaries and business income.

And then mine professional activity was formed thanks to the requests of my clients and subscribers. People voiced to me their problems and tasks. Having collected several dozen similar questions, I did a course or a one-time webinar on this topic, if the topic could be presented in two to three hours, that is, I simply answered questions and helped solve subscribers’ problems. This is how I got the rest of my courses and seminars: about confidence, happiness, personal effectiveness, procrastination, friendship.

When my fellow psychologists saw that I was earning more than ten thousand dollars in net profit per month, and they were barely able to earn one thousand dollars online, the questions began about how I do it and how they can do it.

Now about a third of my courses are teaching how to get ahead in in social networks, through websites, through blogs, how to advertise services, how to sell well on the Internet. A third of the profits come from courses about money - both recorded and online The Great Money Course, the most popular, in demand and working. The rest of the courses and seminars are on such “immeasurable” topics as confidence, happiness, effectiveness, achieving goals, intuition, and so on.

Of course, when I am constantly looking for information to meet the needs of my clients, I check with scientific research, with the works of my colleagues, I formulate step by step the schemes that I use myself, without thinking, I try to convey to people new ways of solving their problems and tasks.

Now I have more than nine thousand clients - those who have bought my course or seminar at least once - and thousands of grateful reviews about how their lives have changed thanks to training with me. What really warms me in my profession and gives me strength to move on is the fact that people clearly improve their quality of life, relationships, and the amount of happiness in the world increases.

My company employs more than twenty people. These are mostly freelancers who perform specific services for which I pay an agreed amount. When I need to manage employees on a daily basis, solve emerging work problems, plan future business development, do new projects - this fulfills me as a person and increases my impact on the world through business scaling.

- What motivates and inspires you? Can you share your success story?

- Feedback really inspires and motivates me. For example, when I read that a client significantly improved her relationship with her mother literally after listening to ten hours of video recordings of the course “How to build new relationships with parents? How to go from resentment to love?”, this makes me happy. Before this, the woman had been going to a psychologist for five years, spent a huge amount, but still had grievances against her mother, but then she took a course for a month, did the assignments, and the relationship with her mother became warm and sincere. This inspires us to create new courses to have such an impact on people's happiness.

my success story is simple and boring

Firstly, you need to study a lot and not leave every bit of knowledge acquired as a dead weight of information, but immediately apply it in practice, see how it works. Learn again, draw conclusions about what worked and what didn’t, apply it in daily practice - and professionalism will gradually develop.

I am now forty-two years old, I have been studying psychology since I was fifteen. That is, I have been reading professional literature for twenty-seven years, and the most interesting thing is that I earned my first money in psychology while still a schoolgirl. I went to a circle at the university, where we were offered to test schoolchildren and process the results. According to someone else’s documents from a student I knew, I worked as an interviewer, conducted these tests in school classes, and already at the age of 15-16 I was paid a remuneration equal to two of my mother’s salaries.

Then I went into business coaching and consulting. For many years, psychology remained more of an auxiliary profession for me, because in Minsk you earn more money in business and business consulting than by working as a psychologist. But on the other hand, being a business coach and not understanding psychology is absurd.

All these years I have studied a lot: I received two higher education-retraining courses in Moscow and Minsk, and attended more than two hundred face-to-face live seminars, trainings and advanced training courses. Plus I've read hundreds professional books, I also studied a lot online. So that I can now so easily answer questions online not from everyday thinking, but based on proven scientific base, had to invest thousands of hours in study. Unfortunately, most of our psychologists receive a simple education and are engaged in gags that have no scientific basis, so they have practically no results, their consultations often turn out to be useless.

So the first part of my success story is a lot of self-study for over ten years straight, with thousands of hours and tens of thousands of dollars invested into it.

The second part of the success story is to work, and to work without stopping at any one technique, one technique or one type of problem, but all the time looking for, trying new things, trying out different methods and ways of working, so that from the integration of these areas it turns out your own unique tool that is most effective in your hands.

Now, for example, I can give a person more in one consultation than the same person received in the previous six months from other psychologists. Finally, my more than twenty years of experience in learning and using these tools has been integrated into a powerful intuition and understanding of what to use in a situation with this particular person, in order to give him the result in one, maximum two Skype sessions that will quickly lead him to a solution Problems.

My clients write that they never expected this, that they came with a problem, but left with an action plan: a month has passed, the plan has been fulfilled, everything in life has become good, and now they are coming to study courses on business, promotion, because the problem that was preventing them from moving forward has already been solved. There is energy, strength, desires, plans, dreams - all that remains is to work to fulfill them. That, in general, is the whole success story.

I am very passionate about my work, I study with great pleasure, I don’t do unnecessary fuss, I perform only effective, necessary actions. I delegated everything that I don’t like to do to my employees - they do it for money. My work almost always pleases and satisfies me, since there is no unpleasant part or routine in it.

— Olga, how did you come to the realization that psychology is your calling?

The main thing is to give clients the result they need, that is, not just entertain them, as most psychologists do: the person spoke out, dropped his emotions, and real life nothing changed. It is necessary to orient students to ensure that every piece of new knowledge is immediately implemented in real life. Any of my clients not only listens about relationships with people or about raising children, but immediately applies it and looks at the result, applies it again, looks at the result, and it becomes a habit.

Clients clearly see that a few weeks after the initially set goal, it has either already been realized, or they have made significant progress, but before that they could have been dreaming for years, but nothing worked out. It is clear that clients come again and again to learn how to solve other problems and situations in other areas.

For example, by increasing income after “Great monetary exchange rate", the client realizes that she lacks confidence in her new position, and she takes"The Great Confidence Course."When she realizes that she would like to be more effective, she takes a course on efficiency, raising children, relationships with her mother, etc.

Little by little, over the course of two or three years, in every area of ​​his life, a person can build that ideal picture that previously seemed impossible and unattainable. And thanks to this I make money. Mostly sales are in Russian rubles, and in 2017 I had sales worth 51 million Russian rubles or 800 thousand dollars. This is the approximate turnover of my business.

A third went to expenses, salaries of employees, freelancers, and advertising. Net profit is about half a million dollars. I believe that this is an excellent result for Runet, but you need to understand that this is not the result of a psychologist who conducts individual consultations, but the result of a business selling course recordings.

— What could you tell us about self-realization in the family and the role of men in your life?

At the moment, I am officially divorced, I have three teenagers, 11, 13 and 15 years old. We have an excellent relationship with their father, and we have agreed on joint custody. The children live with him part of the time, and these days I can pay more attention to work. Since I myself earn well and can always hire a housekeeper or pay for any services, I do not set myself the goal of getting married urgently.

I don’t see much point in formalizing a new marriage, because I have such a lifestyle that I wouldn’t want to rely too much on my husband’s opinion. I have been living in the Emirates since 2015, before that I traveled to many countries as a tourist. I travel intensively, and I have four months of vacation a year, which I spend in other countries, so I can hardly imagine that a husband, who officially believes that he has the right to communicate with his wife, would calmly react to my such long trips .

Official marriage is unlikely to improve my life in any way. If a poorly wealthy woman needs a husband in order to simply survive and raise children (she lacks her own resources), then for a woman successful in business, formalizing the marriage can result in losses in the event of a divorce. It’s safer to just meet, otherwise in the event of a divorce there will be problems with the division of my property at my current earnings. And if we all live together, conflicts between my teenagers and a man who is stranger to them will probably begin... Therefore, now I am not striving for marriage, I prefer to communicate informally.

We go to all sorts of places with our children. interesting places: For example, New Year we met on the yacht, then went to see a replay of the laser show, which was included in the Guinness Book of Records, went to Cirque du Soleil to see Avatar, and so on. I spend a lot of time with my children; work often comes second.

My children are almost adults, Katya enteredhigh school in the USA, she will go to study in September, she will be almost sixteen years old. Nastya, the middle thirteen-year-old daughter, is also preparing for admission now, and my son Kostya is eleven years old.

Teenagers no longer need a mother as such, they are independent, they move around any city in the world on their own, in any country they can easily order lunch at a restaurant, pay, or go shopping for the things they need. Children fly on planes themselves; from the age of twelve, my girls do without any accompaniment at all.

They are well versed in any airport in the world. Katya, for example, last summer flew to the USA for a summer language camp, refused to let me pay for an escort, and had a great flight with a transfer. The children speak English well, can ask and negotiate without any problems and do not require any worries.

My family at the moment is my three beloved children.

*photos provided from the family archive.

Belarusians are ready to challenge the right (or better yet, the obligation!) to be an ideal woman until the keys on the keyboard turn to dust.

A clear confirmation of this is the discussion that flared up in the comments to the post that successful women do not worry about hair styling, makeup and manicure, and can come to the office in low-heeled shoes.

The author of that same scandalous post spoke about why you shouldn’t “take care of yourself” so diligently Olga Yurkovskaya, psychologist, author, business consultant with an MBA degree.

Psychologist Olga Yurkovskaya

Why do the “wrong” wives of the rich and famous cause so much indignation among Slavic women? Where does the phrase “Oh, well, with her money, I could look better…” come from?

I think this is simple envy. Often Slavic women have inappropriately high self-esteem. They don’t think that by world standards they have a poor education and a narrow outlook. And such specialists are usually terrible - they know how to do little except criticize others.

And they have many reasons to hate others. Even if the ladies do not voice their complaints out loud, the interlocutor can easily read them. None of them will become the wife of a successful man - he will simply not be interested in seeing such a narrow-minded wife next to him.

Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan

It’s impossible to understand “what’s wrong with me,” so I have to assert myself, devaluing women who are “more fortunate.” And talk about how “nondescript” Priscilla Chan is - “As soon as Zuckerberg paid attention to this? I’m a beauty in my own right, but she could try at least a little to match her husband.” But Priscilla has no desire to become like dolls with silicone inside.

Previously, if the count had suddenly decided to marry a cook, he would have been refused admission in all decent houses. It seems that times have changed, but such misalliances are still rare. Everyone wants to see an equal next to them, including intellectually. Harvard graduates marry Stanford graduates, not graduates of some provincial pedagogical institute.

“Slavic women often have inappropriately high self-esteem”

In your opinion, at what point did Europe move away from the “mom is beautiful, dad is smart” pattern? And when will Belarusians understand that she no longer works?

This scheme is a fiction. She had never worked this way. If we take a peasant family, then the wife plowed along with her husband full daylight hours. The woman could not afford not to work. If we take the aristocracy, then the woman’s task was to run a secular salon and help her husband advance in his career.

After women received equal rights with men and began working in the office, it became clear: to earn respect in society, you need to succeed professionally.

In Belarus, and for that matter, in the USSR, the scheme was also not used. The woman did not have the opportunity to sit at home - otherwise she would officially be considered a parasite.

The idea that a woman can not work, but receive money for nothing, arose in the 90s. Salaries have become meager, some have not seen them at all - many enterprises have not paid their employees for months. It turned out that men involved in commerce or banditry can earn more in an hour than an honest factory worker can earn in a month. As a result, kept women appeared. The media imposed the image of “intergirls” on girls.

At that time, the principle of narrow-minded ladies was formed: “The main thing in life is to find a man who will provide for you”. And so those women who were actively guided by him were ultimately left with nothing. A classic story: a husband exchanges one 40-year-old wife for two 20-year-olds. And the abandoned spouse has neither profession nor work experience. It’s also good if the apartment is registered in her name and not in her mother-in-law’s name.

« After women received equal rights with men, it became clear: in order to earn respect in society, it is necessary to succeed professionally»

At what point do our girls begin to believe that beautiful marigolds guarantee happy life? Perhaps at school, when on September 1 the girls are told how prettier they are, and the boys are told how wiser they are?

Or even earlier, when mothers encourage their daughters to paint their nails and put on their mother’s lipstick at the age of three in order to “be beautiful”?

Girls are now scrolling through the stars’ Instagrams. They also watch films where a billionaire falls in love with an ordinary girl and creates a personal paradise for her. They begin to believe that a pretty face is the surest path to happiness.

But in real life, it’s good if one girl out of a thousand is lucky. It’s not often that an uneducated and unachieved young lady manages to organize such a misalliance marriage for herself. And again the question arises of how quickly this millionaire will get bored with her.

And the remaining 999 girls will have to be content with a man of their own circle. And they will also have to go to work. But since they don’t like to work, don’t want to and don’t know how, they can only dream of a prince who will ring the doorbell and offer his hand and heart.

- The main advice you gave to your daughters...

I told them about the importance of quality education. The type of people who will surround them largely depends on the university - equals communicate with equals.

A good university is the foundation on which their career will be built. Therefore, my girls are determined to enter the top universities in the world.

We also discussed the fact that it doesn’t matter to a man what a woman is wearing and whether she has war paint or rhinestones on her nails. It is important to him how he feels next to this woman. Most smart and successful modern men are sapiosexuals - they consider intelligence the most attractive thing in a lady.

“A good university is the foundation on which their career will be built”

Why do successful women not worry about their nails, but those who work for $200 a month are ready to jump up at 5 am to do the “perfect” hair and makeup?

Because she understands: she is paid money for specific knowledge and skills. If she is not an actress, singer, model - that is, does not monetize her appearance - there is no point in wasting time on putting on a show.

She realizes that her value to clients and employers depends on her intelligence, not her appearance. And the time invested in hair styling and makeup does not bring any profit. If she spends it on professional development, she will increase her income. She devotes to self-care exactly as much as is necessary to keep her skin, hair, teeth, and nails healthy.

The poor woman, instead of making a plan to increase her own income, hangs out on Instagram. In other people's photographs, she sees the work of a whole team of specialists - stylists, makeup artists, hairdressers (and sometimes even surgeons). And how Ellochka the Ogre believes that if she manages to repeat what she saw, she will easily beat Priscilla Chan. Therefore, he remains not a very good employee, but is terrified of losing his job. It’s a pathetic sight when people try to cover up bad skin due to poor nutrition and chronic lack of sleep with cosmetics.

- Why are ladies who “put on makeup exclusively for themselves” being disingenuous?

If a woman doesn’t run out of bed to the mirror to put on her makeup on a day off, when she’s not going to leave the house at all, it means she’s not doing it for herself on weekdays.

“Even in my youth, I realized that a woman’s energy, her liveliness, and ability to carry on a conversation are much more important to men.”

- The Belarusian media often write “happy stories” about the marriage of our girls with foreigners...

Getting married is not a disaster, as long as you don’t end up married. Such marriages rarely last. The first love and the pleasure of having an enthusiastic wife look into her mouth passes. The Belarusian wife also gradually begins to express dissatisfaction - she does not know a foreign language, she cannot integrate into society, her husband’s friends look at her as a second-class citizen, because professional field she did not realize herself. And she begins to voice complaints to her husband, who is not entertaining enough.

Naturally, a foreign spouse is annoyed by the fact that an eternally dissatisfied wife is waiting for him at home. He was accustomed to a model of relationships where a woman, equally with a man, cares about the well-being of the family.

A foreign husband expects his wife to learn the language, find a job, help him pay the mortgage and create Pension Fund. If a girl understands and accepts the rules of the game, then the family has a chance to survive. If not, then you then read in the media a pitiful story about how our compatriot’s husband in Germany or France sued her children and left her with nothing. And this, in principle, is logical - how to leave them to a mother who has neither work nor housing?

For those who consider marriage to a foreigner a panacea, I advise you to think about this: life expectancy is now long, and there are no guarantees that you will be able to sit on someone else’s neck for several decades.

You also grew up in Belarus - was it hard to get rid of the million “shoulds” that Belarusians try to live up to?

I didn’t have these “shoulds”. Even in my youth, I realized that a woman’s energy, her liveliness, and ability to carry on a conversation are much more important to men. Most men won’t even notice the manicure, makeup, or hairstyle. But they will notice that the woman’s eyes are burning.

For example, I didn’t even spend time learning how to put on makeup.

“When a woman understands how her every action or inaction will come back to haunt her in the long run, she has a chance for a better future.”

What advice would you give to women who actually suffer from running to the office in 10-centimeter heels, but cannot afford to “lose face”?

Think about how she is going to build her career in the next 5-10 years, what knowledge and skills she needs for this - perhaps it makes sense to move into a fundamentally new profession.

Most likely, she will come to the conclusion that the height of the stiletto heels has no effect on the amount of money she earns. He will begin to take care of his health and switch to heels of 3-4 centimeters, and will direct his energies to developing.

- Where to start working on yourself?

Walk away from discussions with people you will likely never even meet. Every time, ask yourself the question: “How will this action affect where I will be in 10 years and how much I will earn?” Then most actions will become optional pleasures.

Look for new options for studying, think about what will allow you to ensure a decent old age, so that later you do not live on a miserable Belarusian pension, but, following the example of Western pensioners, travel around the world and do not save on medical care. Everything didn’t fall from the sky for them either - they worked for the future all their lives.

When a woman realizes how any of her actions or inactions will come back to haunt her in the long run, she has a chance for a better future.

VELVET: Yulia Vasilyuk

Olga was born in Minsk. Her family did not live well - her parents worked at a factory. At the age of 14, our heroine became interested in psychology, read everything there was in libraries on this topic, and then took evening psychology classes for students at the Belarusian State University.

Olga Yurkovskaya: “I became so seriously interested in psychology that at the age of 15-16 I began conducting paid research on schoolchildren in projects of the Belarusian Psychoanalytic Society. My first salary was 2 times more than my mother's. She had 200 rubles, and I had 400. But most of all I liked the fact that respected adults, other people’s teachers called me “you” and by my first name and patronymic.”

After the birth of her first daughter, Olga went to study as a psychologist, but then returned to business and chose the field of business consulting. Olga was ready to learn anything to raise a happy child. Now she has three children from her first marriage: the girls are 14 and 12 years old, and her son is 10. Joint custody, popular in Europe, has been established with her ex-husband: in the winter the children live with their mother in the United Arab Emirates, part of the year with their father in Belarus, and in the summer - They go on interesting trips and health camps.

Life under the sun

Actually, the desire to travel freely became the incentive for Olga to go into the information business.

Olga Yurkovskaya: “I was a successful business consultant in Minsk, but clients want to see such a specialist in person. I realized that I needed to reorient myself, and I chose for myself the direction of working with personal growth of people. I had a good place to start. Firstly, several higher education, MBA degree and 20 years of experience in real business. I went to speak at a conference in Moscow and was known in the Russian psychological community as a business coach. Secondly, I was already a recognizable author: I had published the book “Smart Marketing,” plus my articles about homeschooling were actively copied on social networks, and on Facebook I had 3,000 friends and subscribers. That is, I was not a “girl from the street.” Thirdly, I had experience conducting non-profit webinars - specifically on the topic of homeschooling, because many parents were interested in my experience, and it was easier for me to gather them all and give information at once.”

Olga conducted her first commercial webinar in September 2014 on the topic of money thinking and earned $5 thousand in 1.5 months!

Olga Yurkovskaya: “I didn’t have any paid advertising. I paid $250 for the site and wrote articles for it myself. I could not pay this money, but then it would take me a month to fill out the site, not a couple of days. There were no other costs. That is, my first project paid off immediately.”

Image is everything!

Next, for a year and a half, Olga created content: articles, video tutorials. All this can now be found for free on the Internet. Our heroine’s approach is simple: if she gives so many useful things for free, then what about paid trainings? We must go!

Olga Yurkovskaya: “The main mistake of newcomers in the information business is that the person is unknown to anyone. There are thousands of people like him around. It happens that a newbie pays to make a copy of someone else’s landing page or website, and gets people there for a fee. It's good if it breaks even. But he wastes time, effort, and quickly burns out. If your “gurus” teach you to do this, then either they do not understand this scheme, or they are deliberately deceiving. Understand that people don't want to pay a clown or a newbie. Therefore, the task of a beginner is to create his own image. Stand out from the gray mass so that you are recognized as a person with certain characteristics, as a bearer of certain qualities and ideas. You need to gradually gain an audience, attract people, and make yourself known. If you start broadcasting a stereotyped false image, then this clownery will not gather around you those who will love the real you. The people you attract will quickly become disappointed and fall off.

Olga believes: in order to get something from the world, you must first give it something. In terms of information business, at least write 50 useful articles and shoot 50 videos. Therefore, the first year should be devoted to content marketing and self-PR.

Our heroine emphasizes that correct thinking is the key to success: “There are people who believe that the world is a terrible and dangerous place that lacks resources. Therefore, they try to dodge and snatch something at someone else’s expense. Or you can live in a paradigm of abundance. Here's an example: you came to the market. In one tent they bullied you and made you feel rude, and even gave you rotten fruit. In another, they gave a compliment, gave a little more fruit and full change. Next time you will go to the second seller, and you will also recommend him to your friends. The same thing works in the information business: clients see that there is no deception here, and they go to those who provide benefits for free. And this mindset of “life in abundance” is something that aspiring entrepreneurs need to develop.”

Ministry of Happiness

It was not by chance that Olga chose United Arab Emirates country to live in.

Olga Yurkovskaya: “There are two correct psychological states. Firstly, relaxation and gratitude for what you have now. In the Emirates, people are grateful, regardless of their social status, and do not complain or whine. They are doing well in life right now. And this condition is spread throughout the country. Secondly, a state of trust in the future. The locals are firmly convinced that tomorrow they will live even better and Allah will personally take care of it. This is exactly the psychological state that I tried to achieve through various trainings. But when I lived in the post-Soviet space, the slightest conflict would knock me out of it. And here this state is automatic. There is even a Ministry of Happiness here, which, by the way, is headed by a young girl a little over 20 years old. That’s why I fell in love with this country and I want my children to learn this attitude towards the present and future here.

Women are treated with respect in the Emirates. For example, if I come to a government agency and stand in line, employees will come up to me and help me solve the problem: “Let the men stand in line, but the women shouldn’t.” Eldest daughter She was traveling on the bus and got seasick. A man got out with her at the bus stop, bought her water and a Snickers, made sure she was okay, and went about his business. There is a very low crime rate here. Let me give you an example of a “flagrant” crime. Not long ago, a local hooligan slapped a skimpily dressed British tourist on the bottom. They searched for him using video cameras and found him. He was facing 10 years in prison, but his relatives brought a certificate that he had schizophrenia. The bully was sent for compulsory treatment. How do you like this story? No one will hurt my girls here. It’s nice to live in such a country.”

  1. First create a name for yourself. Writing articles, producing video tutorials, communicating with audiences on forums and social networks - all these are the building blocks that make up a beautiful and cozy home of your expertise. The more useful content you create, the faster you will form a personal brand.
  2. What kind of public image do you want? Personal brand should be bright, memorable and consistent with your personality. He must attract target audience(TA). For example, my target audience is smart, educated women 30-45 years old with an above-average income. But school teachers are definitely not. So when I call teachers “underpaid losers,” it immediately alienates the wrong people from me. And my potential clients It wouldn’t even occur to them to be offended by my statements - they know for sure that these words are not about them.
  3. You need to know your target audience exactly. The easiest way to determine it is to look at who is already buying from you. If there are no sales yet, then think about what you were like 1-3 years ago. It's easiest to work with clients who are similar to you, as you were recently.
  4. Create a portrait of your clients (you will get 2-3 groups). Are they men or women? What age? What is their marital status? Where do they live? How do they make money? And how many? Are there children? What do they want from life, what do they dream about? What are their main problems, difficulties and pains? How do they spend their free time, how do they have fun? What sites, groups and public pages do they visit most often? What have they already done to solve their problem that you want to help them with? Why didn't this help?
  5. Live the day the way a character from your target audience lives. You'll be surprised at how much more deeply you feel about your audience.

Olga Yurkovskaya: “I wish you, first of all, to benefit people and do what you love, getting a buzz from it, and only then think about the competent monetization of your business. Then you will succeed!”

Information business of Olga Yurkovskaya in facts and figures

Start of the project

September 2014. The site cost $250. Clients were attracted through social networks, no paid advertising.


The first course immediately recouped the costs and brought in 5 thousand dollars in 1.5 months of sales.


Olga created content and did self-PR for 1.5 years before paying for advertising.


Since May 2016, Olga has earned an income from the sale of courses of 2 million rubles per month. Approximately 30-40% goes to advertising and salaries, leaving a net profit of about 20 thousand dollars per month.

Popularity on the Internet

Now Olga has 14.3 thousand subscribers and friends on

Original on the website zhazhda.biz

Olga was born in Minsk. Her family did not live well - her parents worked at a factory. At the age of 14, our heroine became interested in psychology, read everything there was in libraries on this topic, and then took evening psychology classes for students at the Belarusian State University.

Olga Yurkovskaya: “I became so seriously interested in psychology that at the age of 15-16 I began conducting paid research on schoolchildren in projects of the Belarusian Psychoanalytic Society. My first salary was 2 times more than my mother's. She had 200 rubles, and I had 400. But most of all I liked the fact that respected adults, other people’s teachers called me “you” and by my first name and patronymic.”

After the birth of her first daughter, Olga went to study as a psychologist, but then returned to business and chose the field of business consulting. Olga was ready to learn anything to raise a happy child. Now she has three children from her first marriage: the girls are 14 and 12 years old, and her son is 10. Joint custody, popular in Europe, has been established with her ex-husband: in the winter, the children live with their mother in the United Arab Emirates, part of the year with their father in Belarus, and in the summer - They go on interesting trips and health camps.

Life under the sun

Actually, the desire to travel freely became the incentive for Olga to go into the information business.

Olga Yurkovskaya: “I was a successful business consultant in Minsk, but clients want to see such a specialist in person. I realized that I needed to reorient myself, and I chose for myself the direction of working with people’s personal growth. I had a good place to start. Firstly, several higher educations, an MBA degree and 20 years of experience in real business. I went to speak at a conference in Moscow and was known in the Russian psychological community as a business coach. Secondly, I was already a recognizable author: I had published the book “Smart Marketing,” plus my articles about homeschooling were actively copied on social networks, and on Facebook I had 3,000 friends and subscribers. That is, I was not a “girl from the street.” Thirdly, I had experience conducting non-profit webinars - specifically on the topic of homeschooling, because many parents were interested in my experience, and it was easier for me to gather them all and give information at once.”

Olga conducted her first commercial webinar in September 2014 on the topic of money thinking and earned $5 thousand in 1.5 months!

Olga Yurkovskaya: “I didn’t have any paid advertising. I paid $250 for the site and wrote articles for it myself. I could not pay this money, but then it would take me a month to fill out the site, not a couple of days. There were no other costs. That is, my first project paid off immediately.”

Image is everything!

Next, for a year and a half, Olga created content: articles, video tutorials. All this can now be found for free on the Internet. Our heroine’s approach is simple: if she gives so many useful things for free, then what about paid trainings? We must go!

Olga Yurkovskaya: “The main mistake of newcomers in the information business is that the person is unknown to anyone. There are thousands of people like him around. It happens that a newbie pays to make a copy of someone else’s landing page or website, and gets people there for a fee. It's good if it breaks even. But he wastes time, effort, and quickly burns out. If your “gurus” teach you to do this, then either they do not understand this scheme, or they are deliberately deceiving. Understand that people don't want to pay a clown or a newbie. Therefore, the task of a beginner is to create his own image. Stand out from the gray mass so that you are recognized as a person with certain characteristics, as a bearer of certain qualities and ideas. You need to gradually gain an audience, attract people, and make yourself known. If you start broadcasting a stereotyped false image, then this clownery will not gather around you those who will love the real you. The people you attract will quickly become disappointed and fall off.

Olga believes: in order to get something from the world, you must first give it something. In terms of information business, at least write 50 useful articles and shoot 50 videos. Therefore, the first year should be devoted to content marketing and self-PR.

Our heroine emphasizes that correct thinking is the key to success: “There are people who believe that the world is a terrible and dangerous place that lacks resources. Therefore, they try to dodge and snatch something at someone else’s expense. Or you can live in a paradigm of abundance. Here's an example: you came to the market. In one tent they bullied you and made you feel rude, and even gave you rotten fruit. In another, they gave a compliment, gave a little more fruit and full change. Next time you will go to the second seller, and you will also recommend him to your friends. The same thing works in the information business: clients see that there is no deception here, and they go to those who provide benefits for free. And this mindset of “life in abundance” is something that aspiring entrepreneurs need to develop.”

Ministry of Happiness

It was no coincidence that Olga chose the United Arab Emirates as her country of residence.

Olga Yurkovskaya: “There are two correct psychological states. Firstly, relaxation and gratitude for what you have now. In the Emirates, people are grateful, regardless of their social status, and do not complain or whine. They are doing well in life right now. And this condition is spread throughout the country. Secondly, a state of trust in the future. The locals are firmly convinced that tomorrow they will live even better and Allah will personally take care of it. This is exactly the psychological state that I tried to achieve through various trainings. But when I lived in the post-Soviet space, the slightest conflict would knock me out of it. And here this state is automatic. There is even a Ministry of Happiness here, which, by the way, is headed by a young girl a little over 20 years old. That’s why I fell in love with this country and I want my children to learn this attitude towards the present and future here.

Women are treated with respect in the Emirates. For example, if I come to a government agency and stand in line, employees will come up to me and help me solve the problem: “Let the men stand in line, but the women shouldn’t.” The eldest daughter was traveling on the bus and got seasick. A man got out with her at the bus stop, bought her water and a Snickers, made sure she was okay, and went about his business. There is a very low crime rate here. Let me give you an example of a “flagrant” crime. Not long ago, a local hooligan slapped a skimpily dressed British tourist on the bottom. They searched for him using video cameras and found him. He was facing 10 years in prison, but his relatives brought a certificate that he had schizophrenia. The bully was sent for compulsory treatment. How do you like this story? No one will hurt my girls here. It’s nice to live in such a country.”

  1. First create a name for yourself. Writing articles, making video tutorials, communicating with audiences on forums and social networks - all these are the building blocks that make up a beautiful and cozy home of your expertise. The more useful content you create, the faster you will form a personal brand.

  2. What kind of public image do you want? Your personal brand should be vibrant, memorable and consistent with your personality. It must attract the target audience (TA). For example, my target audience is smart, educated women 30-45 years old with an above-average income. But school teachers are definitely not. So when I call teachers “underpaid losers,” it immediately alienates the wrong people from me. And it wouldn’t even occur to my potential clients to be offended by my statements - they know for sure that these words are not about them.

  3. You need to know your target audience exactly. The easiest way to determine it is to look at who is already buying from you. If there are no sales yet, then think about what you were like 1-3 years ago. It's easiest to work with clients who are similar to you, as you were recently.

  4. Create a portrait of your clients (you will get 2-3 groups). Are they men or women? What age? What is their marital status? Where do they live? How do they make money? And how many? Are there children? What do they want from life, what do they dream about? What are their main problems, difficulties and pains? How do they spend their free time, how do they have fun? What sites, groups and public pages do they visit most often? What have they already done to solve their problem that you want to help them with? Why didn't this help?

  5. Live the day the way a character from your target audience lives. You'll be surprised at how much more deeply you feel about your audience.

Olga Yurkovskaya: “I wish you, first of all, to benefit people and do what you love, getting a buzz from it, and only then think about the competent monetization of your business. Then you will succeed!”

Information business of Olga Yurkovskaya in facts and figures

Start of the project

September 2014. The site cost $250. Clients were attracted through social networks, no paid advertising.


The first course immediately recouped the costs and brought in 5 thousand dollars in 1.5 months of sales.


Olga created content and did self-PR for 1.5 years before paying for advertising.


Since May 2016, Olga has earned an income from the sale of courses of 2 million rubles per month. Approximately 30-40% goes to advertising and salaries, leaving a net profit of about 20 thousand dollars per month.

Popularity on the Internet

Now Olga has 14.3 thousand subscribers and friends on