Identification of key factors. Analysis of the organizational structure of the enterprise OJSC Rostelecom Organizational structure of PJSC Rostelecom

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1. Brief description of the enterprise

1.1 OJSC Rostelecom

2. Organization of production processes

2.1 Production and technological process of the enterprise

3. Description of workplaces and work performed at specific places of practice

3.1. Composition of linear structures of local communication networks

3.2. Comprehensive maintenance of linear structures used in hydraulic structures

3.3. Methods for finding and eliminating damage to cable lines

4. Health and safety status

5.Individual task

5.1. Service maintenance of DSP equipment

5.2. Installation of TPP cable using 3M technology

1. Characteristics of the enterprise

1.1 OJSC Rostelecom

OJSC Rostelecom is the largest telecommunications company in the Volga region, providing a range of telephony, cellular communications, Internet and data transmission, television and radio broadcasting services. The company unites 11 regions of the Volga Federal District. Installed capacity – 5.2 million telephone numbers. The number of users of broadband Internet access services is 928 thousand.

The process of merging 11 communications enterprises in the Volga region, completed in 2002, made it possible to create a single powerful company with a high level of capitalization, profitability and investment attractiveness, and enormous marketing potential.

For eight years, OJSC Rostelecom has successfully solved our main task - to unite people, provide them with reliable communications, using innovative technologies.

Today, the Russian communications industry is once again undergoing profound transformations driven by reform. And it is the experience, professionalism and high creative potential of the Rostelecom team that are the real prerequisites for successfully passing the integration stage and taking its rightful place as part of the new united telecommunications company.

OJSC Rostelecom is developing steadily, continuously increasing its production capacity and expanding the range of services provided. The company looks confidently into the future, strengthening its position in the domestic market of telecommunication services, actively developing and modernizing the telephone network based on the latest technologies.

2. Organization of production processes.

2.1 Production and technological process of the enterprise.

The production process is a set of interrelated labor and natural processes, as a result of which raw materials are transformed into finished products.

Depending on the nature and scale of the products being manufactured, production processes may be simple And complex. Products manufactured at machine-building enterprises, as a rule, consist of a large number of parts and assembly units. The parts have a variety of overall dimensions, complex geometric shapes, are processed with great precision, and require various materials for their manufacture. All this complicates the production process, which is divided into parts, and individual parts of this complex process are carried out by different workshops and production areas of the plant.

The production process includes both technological and non-technological processes.

Technological – processes as a result of which the shapes, sizes, properties of objects of labor change.

Non-technological – processes that do not lead to changes in these factors.

Based on the scale of production of homogeneous products, processes are distinguished:

massive – with a large scale of production of homogeneous products;

serial – with a wide range of constantly recurring types of products;

individual – with a constantly changing range of products, when a large proportion of processes are unique.

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1. General characteristics of OJSC Rostelecom

1.1 Missions, goals, objectives, main activities

1.2 History of the formation of OJSC Rostelecom

1.3 Range of services and competitiveness of OJSC Rostelecom

1.4 Economic indicators of OJSC Rostelecom

2. Analysis of legal and organizational documents of OJSC Rostelecom

2.1 Legal documents regulating the activities of the JSC

2.2 Organizational documents of OJSC Rostelecom and their characteristics

2.3 Conclusions about the presence or absence of any documents required for the organization

3. Analysis of the organizational management structure of OJSC Rostelecom

3.1 Block diagram of OJSC Rostelecom and its characteristics

3.2 Characteristics of the structural unit for work with personnel


List of used literature


Each company is a multi-level system consisting of many parts. For the successful existence of a company, it is important to know how well all these details are correctly interconnected and how they influence each other. The profit indicator allows you to evaluate the efficiency of the organization as a whole, which consists of the rational use of all organizational resources, including each employee.

To obtain a holistic picture of the company's functioning, a diagnostic of the management system is carried out. Assessment is an integral and most important element in the labor management structure of managerial personnel. It is a complex system that allows it to perform a regulatory function in relation to the activities of assessed managers at different levels.

Diagnostics of a company's management system is a comprehensive study, analysis and assessment of the effectiveness of the functioning of both the system as a whole and the relationship of all its constituent parts. Based on its results, there is an understanding of the state of the company, where it is possible to improve efficiency, what projects need to be developed or revised... But the most important thing that diagnostics of the management system gives is an understanding of what direction should be worked in order to change the unsatisfactory state of affairs of the company .

Goals and objectives of practice

The educational practice of students is aimed at obtaining a practical understanding of the activities of enterprises and organizations, deepening theoretical knowledge, and developing the student’s ability to work with organization documents and find the necessary information in them.

Educational practice helps students consolidate their theoretical knowledge and accelerates their adaptation to practical activities.

1. Total xCharacteristics of OJSC Rostelecom

Open Joint Stock Company Rostelecom was registered on September 23, 1993 by the Moscow Registration Chamber.

The founder of the company is the State Committee of the Russian Federation for State Property Management. The number of personnel of the company as of December 31, 2012 was 22,376 people.

The company is registered at the address: St. Petersburg, st. Dostoevsky, 15. The General Director of OJSC Rostelecom is located in Moscow.

The main shareholder of Rostelecom is the state, which, through OJSC Svyazinvest, Rosimushchestvo and Vnesheconombank, controls more than 55% of the Company's ordinary shares.

In its current form, the Company has existed since April 2011, when the national long-distance operator Rostelecom was joined by interregional communication companies OJSC CenterTelecom, OJSC NWT, OJSC South Telecom, OJSC VolgaTelecom, OJSC Uralsvyazinform, OJSC Sibirtelecom ", OJSC Dalsvyaz and OJSC Dagsvyazinform.

Today Rostelecom owns a set of state licenses that allow it to provide a wide range of telecommunications services in all regions of the Russian Federation. The company has the largest transport communication network with a total length of about 500 thousand km and a unique access infrastructure (“last mile”) to millions of Russian households and corporations.

1.1 Missions, goals, assachi, main activities

According to the company's charter:

Article 3. Purpose and subject of the Company’s activities

3.1. The main goal of the Company is to make a profit.

3.2. The Company provides communication services in accordance with the licenses received, provides on a contractual basis the transmission of information via backbone and intra-zonal communication networks, leases (on a service basis) transmission lines, linear, group and network paths, voice-frequency channels, channels and means of audio and television broadcasting, data transmission channels, marketing and sales of services.

3.3. The company operates, acquires, leases, carries out design and survey work, performs the functions of a general developer, reconstructs and builds new communication lines, information transmission networks and switching facilities, television, radio communications and broadcasting facilities and other communication facilities on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad to satisfy consumers in various services of long-distance and international electrical communications, television, radio communications and broadcasting.

For its needs, the Company carries out design, survey and construction work related to the construction and reconstruction of housing, social and cultural facilities, warehouses, garages, transport communications and other infrastructure facilities.

3.4. The Company carries out the transportation of goods and passengers to ensure the operation of existing and new communication facilities under construction (urban, suburban, intra-republican, intra-regional, intra-regional, intercity, inter-republican (within the Russian Federation), inter-regional, interregional, intercity transportation).

3.5. Possessing general legal capacity, the Company has civil rights and performs the duties necessary to carry out any types of activities not prohibited by the federal laws of the Russian Federation.

3.6. In cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Company carries out certain types of activities on the basis of licenses obtained in the prescribed manner.

3.7. The Company provides equal access to consumers to its means and communication channels and, on a priority basis, provides communication channels and paths in the interests of defense, public administration, security and law enforcement of the country, including in emergency situations.

3.8. The Company, guided by current legislation, carries out foreign economic activities.

3.9. The Company protects state secrets, communications secrets and other secrets protected by law in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Company mission: “Formation and satisfaction of customer needs for telecommunications and information services, integration into the Global Information Society of the 21st century.”

The company's slogan: “Uniting the world of people” contributed to the formation of a positive image of the company and the consolidation of its social mission in the public consciousness.

The management strategy provides for the company's organic entry into the Global Information Society and meeting customer needs for telecommunications and information services.

Company goals:

Global (national)

Increasing the scientific, production and economic potential of Russia, promoting its integration into the global information community.


Ensuring a leading position in the telecommunications market of the Ural region to create business infrastructure and develop the regional economy.


Increasing the company's income and capitalization, creating favorable conditions for attracting investments.


Creating conditions for the realization of the abilities of each employee of the company in accordance with its corporate culture.

Company objectives:

Revenue growth and increase in company capitalization.

Technical re-equipment and development of communication networks at all levels.

Construction of an economically sound tariff policy based on separate accounting of costs for the production of communication services, taking into account market orientation.

Increase in operating profit per line and per employee due to the gradual reduction of operating costs in the process of technical re-equipment.

Increasing the company's manageability.

1.2 Storyformation of OJSC Rostelecom

Until 1990, responsibility for the provision of communication services lay with the USSR Ministry of Communications. On June 26, 1990, the USSR Ministry of Communications created the state joint-stock company Sovtelecom, to which the rights to operate the USSR telecommunications network were transferred.

On December 17, 1991, a constituent agreement was signed on the creation of the international joint stock company Intertelecom on the basis of Sovtelecom.

On December 30, 1992, by order of the State Property Committee of Russia, the state enterprise Rostelecom was created, which included 20 state enterprises of long-distance and international communications, as well as Intertelecom communication equipment.

On August 27, 1993, the state communications enterprise Rostelecom was transformed into an open joint stock company for long-distance and international electrical communications Rostelecom. The company was registered on September 23, 1993.

In 1994, Rostelecom received a license to provide long-distance and international communication services. In the same year, Rostelecom was included in the Svyazinvest holding.

On October 18, 2006, Rostelecom received a quality certificate for its IP-MPLS network and became a backbone Internet provider.

In December 2006, Rostelecom and the Japanese telecommunications company KDDI, as part of the Transit Europe - Asia project, signed an agreement on the construction of the Nakhodka - Naoetsu line with a total capacity of 640 Gbit/s instead of the previous 560 Mbit/s.

Consolidation of interregional communication companies.

On May 29, 2009, the Government Commission on Transport and Communications adopted the concept of reforming the Svyazinvest holding on the basis of OJSC Rostelecom, and on October 20, the board of directors of OJSC Svyazinvest unanimously approved a plan for reorganizing the holding in the form of merging seven interregional communications companies with Rostelecom ( RTOs) - OJSC VolgaTelecom, OJSC Dalsvyaz, OJSC North-West Telecom, OJSC Sibirtelecom, OJSC Uralsvyazinform, OJSC CenterTelecom, OJSC South Telecom, as well as OJSC Dagsvyazinform.

By decree of the President of Russia dated March 27, 2012, it was decided to merge Svyazinvest into Rostelecom.

On October 1, 2013, OJSC Svyazinvest, as well as 20 other companies (directly or indirectly controlled by OJSC Rostelecom and/or OJSC Svyazinvest) were excluded from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in connection with their merger with OJSC Rostelecom.

1.3 Range of services and competitiveness of OJSC Rostelecom

The subject of activity is: provides local and long-distance telephone services, broadband Internet access (first place in Russia by the number of subscribers in 2011), digital television (second place in Russia by the number of subscribers in 2011), cellular communications, etc. According to the company, its services are used by more than 100 million residents of Russia.

Rostelecom is the executor of various government programs in the field of information technology: the creation and development of e-government infrastructure (including the Internet portal, telecommunications support for the electoral process (the functioning of the State Automated System “Elections”, the organization of a video surveillance system for elections). It has the largest backbone communication network in the country with a total length of about 500 thousand km.

Berezniki regional communication center provides the following services: urban and rural telephone communications; Internet access via dial-up and dedicated methods, including optical access technology; communication standard GSM 900/1800; video communication; access to the public network through shared subscriber devices; organization of private virtual networks; connection of telecom operators to the public communications network; digital interactive television of a new generation; provision of network resources for use; additional services.

Local telephone service

Rostelecom is the dominant player in the local communications segment with a market share of 70% in terms of the number of subscribers. Local communication services from the Company are used by the majority of households in the country, small and medium-sized businesses, large corporations, state enterprises and institutions. The number of active subscriber lines exceeds 28 million installations.

Intrazone communication services

Historically, Rostelecom has a dominant position in the market for intra-zonal communication services.

As of end of 2011, 2012 and 2013 The Company's share of the intrazonal communication services market by revenue was 72%, 71% and 71%, respectively. The Company's main competitors in this market are MTS OJSC, Megafon OJSC and Beeline OJSC.

In the local and intra-zonal telephone communications market, the most serious competition for Rostelecom comes from mobile operators. Licensing features allow cellular operators to charge intra-zone calls at the price of local calls, which reduces the cost of cellular services, and the growing mobility of the population, together with the need to always stay in touch, contributes to an increase in the consumption of mobile communication services. However, for most

For Russians, the “home” telephone continues to remain in the category of necessary services, which, together with relatively cheap unlimited tariffs for local communications, supports the demand for local and intra-zonal telephony services.

Long-distance and international communications (long-distance/international)

As of December 31, 2011, in addition to Rostelecom, more than 40 operators received licenses to provide long-distance and international communication services. Of the operators that have received licenses to provide long-distance and international communication services, long-distance communication services (except for Rostelecom) are provided by seven operators - MTT OJSC, VimpelCom OJSC, TransTeleCom Company CJSC, Equant LLC, Arktel OJSC , Synterra CJSC, MTS OJSC. As of end of 2011, 2012 and 2013 The Company's share in the long-distance and international communication services market by revenue was 71%, 68% and 66%, respectively. Rostelecom's main competitors in the long-distance and international communication services market are MTS OJSC, Megafon OJSC, VimpelCom OJSC, MTT OJSC and TTK CJSC, as well as companies providing IP telephony services (Skype, etc.). d.).

1.4 Economic indicators of OJSC Rostelecom

Table 1.4.1

Rostelecom Key indicators 2012

Key indicators

in billion rubles

in billion rubles

Net profit

in billion rubles

in billion rubles

Capital and reserves

in billion rubles

Revenue growth

Number of lines

in million units

Licensing features allow mobile operators to charge intrazonal calls at the price of local calls, and it is easier for subscribers to make a mobile call than a long-distance call. Despite the fact that the number of lines is decreasing, the dynamics of net profit is growing. The Rostelecom company, in addition to wired communications, is also a mobile communications operator and a subscriber switching from one technology to another still leaves money with the company.

2. Rights analysiss and organizational documentscom OJSC Rostelecom

Organizational and legal documents implement the norms of administrative law and are the legal basis for the organization’s activities.

Organizational documents contain mandatory provisions.

Organizational and legal documents include:

Charter of the organization;

Regulations on the organization;

Collective agreement;

Regulations on structural divisions;


Structure and staffing levels;

Staffing table;

Job descriptions of employees;

Organizational and legal documents are drawn up on the organization’s general letterhead or a standard sheet of paper with all the necessary details included.

The date of organizational and legal documents is the date of approval.

Organizational documents are approved by the head of the organization or its structural unit or a higher organization. Approval is carried out either by affixing the approval stamp to the document itself, or by issuing another document.

The title of the text in organizational documents must be consistent with the name of the document type.

Organizational and legal documents have a complex text structure.

The establishing part of the text of organizational and legal documents is the “General Provisions” section, which indicates the grounds for development, the main purpose of the organizational document, the scope of its distribution, responsibility for violation of established rules and technologies.

Organizational and legal documents undergo the approval procedure established in the organization. Coordination is carried out with all interested departments and officials, with the legal service, which checks the compliance of this organizational document with current legislation.

In terms of validity period, organizational and legal documents are of unlimited duration and are valid until they are canceled or replaced by new ones.

A feature of organizational and legal documents is the ability to make changes and additions to them in cases where there is no need to rework the entire document.

2.1 Legal documents regulating the activities of JSC ROstelecom" and their characteristics

Legal documents - laws, legislative acts, decrees, constructive letters that are developed by the government or a line ministry. OJSC Rostelecom operates on the basis of:

1. regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, including: Federal Law “On Compulsory Social Insurance against Industrial Accidents and Occupational Diseases”, Federal Law “On Communications” (Appendix 4), Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Occupational Safety and Health in the Russian Federation” , decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, etc.;

2. local regulations of the Company and amendments to them related to the activities of the department;

3. collective agreement of OJSC Rostelecom (Appendix 6), Code of Corporate Culture of the Company;


On the peculiarities of investigation of industrial accidents;

On carrying out work to certify workplaces for working conditions at OJSC Rostelecom;

On the system of material incentives for employees of OJSC Rostelecom based on work results (Appendix 12)

Licenses also belong to legal documents. A license is a permission to have a right, or the right to perform certain actions, which can be certified (confirmed) by a document of the same name. Rostelecom has more than 160 licenses (Appendix 2).

2.2 Organizational documents of OJSC Rostelecomand their charactersstick

Organizational documents- documents that are developed within the organization by the head.

Charter- a legal act that defines the order of formation, the competence of the organization, its functions, tasks, and work procedure. This is the main organizational document in the activities of institutions, organizations and enterprises of various organizational and legal forms of ownership. It regulates the relationship of this organization with other organizations, with individuals, rights and obligations in the area corresponding to the areas of its activities (Appendix 5).

Regulations on the organization- a legal act that defines the status of an organization, its tasks and functions, rights, responsibilities, and procedures. Based on the regulations, state and municipal non-profit organizations operate, performing their functions at the expense of the budget.

Branches of commercial and non-profit organizations, their branches and representative offices also operate on the basis of the provisions.

Individual - these are provisions for all departments, workshops, management units included in the organizational structure of enterprise management.

Standard ones are provisions on main production workshops and structural divisions.

Regulations on the installation site for communication services.

The installation site for communication services (hereinafter referred to as the Site) is a structural subdivision of the linear workshop/linear technical workshop (hereinafter referred to as the Workshop)/ (name) of the city/interdistrict center for technical operation of telecommunications (hereinafter referred to as CTET) of the regional communications center (hereinafter referred to as RUS) (name ) branch (hereinafter referred to as the Branch) of OJSC Rostelecom (hereinafter referred to as the Company).

the corresponding certificate.

1.8. In its activities, the Site is guided by:

1.8.1. The current legislation of the Russian Federation;

1.8.2. Regulatory, administrative and methodological documents of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation;

1.8.3. Charter of the Company;

1.8.4. By decisions of the Board of Directors and the Management Board of the Company;

1.8.5. The administrative and methodological documents of the Company;

1.8.6. Regulations on the Branch;

1.8.7. Technical regulatory legal acts, other guidance materials regulating the performance of work;

1.8.8. Regulations on the Site.

2. Main tasks

2.1. Carrying out installation work on organizing a subscriber line and connecting all types of services provided by the Company on the territory of subscribers of individuals and legal entities;

2.2. On-site technical support upon customer requests.

Collective agreement.

A collective agreement is a legal act regulating social and labor relations in an organization and concluded by employees and the employer represented by their representatives (Part 1 of Article 40 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). According to Part 2 of Art. 29 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the interests of employees when conducting collective negotiations, concluding or amending a collective agreement, and monitoring its implementation are represented by the primary trade union organization or other representatives elected by employees. At the same time, according to Part 3 of Art. 36 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, persons representing the interests of employers, as well as organizations or bodies created or financed by employers, executive authorities, local governments, political parties, do not have the right to conduct collective negotiations and conclude collective agreements on behalf of employees (Appendix 6)

Rules for the protection of communication lines and structures of the Russian Federation

1. Rules for the protection of communication lines and structures of the Russian Federation are introduced to ensure the safety of existing cable, radio relay and overhead communication lines and radio lines, as well as communication structures, damage to which disrupts the normal operation of the interconnected communication network of the Russian Federation, damages the interests of citizens, the production activities of economic entities subjects, defense capability and security of the Russian Federation.

2. These Rules are binding on all individuals and legal entities, regardless of their location, departmental affiliation and forms of ownership.

3. Enterprises, institutions and organizations (hereinafter referred to as enterprises), owners of departmental and other communication networks included in the interconnected communication network of the Russian Federation, on the basis of these Rules, norms and rules of technical operation in force on public communication networks, develop operating procedures , security, repair of communication lines and structures on their networks.

Internal labor regulations

The work schedule of the organization is determined by the Rules

internal regulations (Appendix 11)

Staffing table- a document establishing the official and numerical composition of the enterprise, indicating the wage fund. The staffing table is drawn up on enterprise letterhead, indicating a list of positions, information on the number of staff units, official salaries, allowances and monthly payroll.

Structure and staffing - an organizational document that indicates all structural divisions of the enterprise, positions introduced at the enterprise and the number of staff units for each position. This document is drawn up on the enterprise letterhead, signed by the deputy head of the enterprise, agreed upon with the chief accountant, and approved by the head of the enterprise. Changes to the “structure and staffing levels” are made by order of the head of the enterprise.

The Berezniki regional telecommunications center of OJSC Rostelecom is guided by the following provisions and documents:

Internal labor regulations of OJSC Rostelecom;

On labor protection when servicing communication lines;

On the procedure for performing work with increased danger;

On the procedure for performing work at heights;

To organize safe welding work in high-risk areas;

On the organization of working time recording at OJSC Rostelecom;

2.3 Conclusions about the presence or absence of any documents required for the organization

Having analyzed the quantity and composition of documentation from which the installation site of Rostelecom OJSC is based in its work, we can conclude: at the installation site of Rostelecom OJSC there are sufficient appropriate documents available to carry out the work.

3. Aorganizational structure analysisManagement levels of OJSC Rostelecom

Any organizational system is divided into two subsystems: a material support subsystem, which processes the resources at its disposal into goods and services, and a management subsystem, whose task is to manage and control the activities of the organizational system. The latter is called the control system, which has its own structure that provides conditions for a rational division of labor and mutual cooperation. Within this structure, employee-managers have their own tasks and areas of responsibility. At the same time, they enter into relationships of leadership-subordination, control, and cooperation. These structures reflect and ensure the division of labor within which the enterprise management process is carried out.

In a broad sense, the manager's task is to choose a structure that best meets the goals and objectives of the organization, as well as the internal and external factors affecting it. The “best” structure is one that allows you to effectively interact with the external environment, efficiently and effectively distribute and direct the efforts of employees and satisfy customer needs and achieve organizational goals. Therefore, this topic is relevant.

3.1 block diagram of JSC "Rostelecom" and its characteristics

The organizational management structure of the branch of OJSC Rostelecom can be classified as built according to a linear-functional diagram (Appendix 1).

To analyze the effectiveness of the organizational structure of the branch management, it is necessary to give a brief description of all its constituent units.

Branch director: organizes all the work of the enterprise and bears full responsibility for its condition and activities to the state and OJSC Rostelecom. The director represents the enterprise in all institutions and organizations, manages the property of the enterprise, concludes contracts, issues orders for the enterprise, in accordance with labor legislation, hires and dismisses workers, applies incentive measures and imposes penalties on employees of the enterprise, opens bank accounts for the enterprise, conducts operational work management of the branch, is engaged in planning, coordinating the work of all departments and services of the branch, makes decisions on the current activities of the branch.

The head of the Bereznikovsky interdistrict TsET (telecommunications technical operation workshop) (he is also the first deputy director of the branch) oversees the following issues: operation of lines, work of TUSM (technical units of union highways), occupational health and safety at the enterprise, patent and invention work, metrology issues (compliance with standards).

Deputy Director for Emergency Situations - carries out work on the preparation and implementation of programs to provide communication channels in the interests of defense, public administration, security and law and order of the country in emergency situations.

Deputy Director for Capital Construction and Repair. Subordinate to him are: the capital construction department, the design department, and the repair group.

Chief accountant: resolves accounting issues, is responsible, together with the director, for the correctness of the data provided to the tax office and accounting department of OJSC Rostelecom.

Also directly subordinate to the director are: the security department, the human resources department, the marketing service, the real estate management department, and the transport group.

3.2 Characteristics of the structural substructurepersonnel departments

Like any organization, the Company faces from time to time such a problem as the need for personnel. When recruiting personnel, the positive and negative experience that the organization has acquired in solving such a problem as creating a well-coordinated team is taken into account.

Responsibility for the selection of employees and the final decision to accept a particular candidate falls entirely on the shoulders of the manager. The HR manager is responsible for the process itself.

Recently joined the HR department

Only two specialists work:

Head of HR Department;

HR Manager;

Tasks and functions of the department.

Selection, placement and training of personnel.

Preparation of materials for presenting personnel for incentives.

Preparation of materials on bringing employees to material and disciplinary liability.

Creation of a reserve of personnel for promotion to managerial and financially responsible positions.

Informing employees within the enterprise about available vacancies, using the media to place advertisements for hiring employees.

Registration of hiring, transfer and dismissal of employees in accordance with labor legislation, regulations, instructions and orders of the head of the enterprise.

Issuance of certificates of work at the enterprise, position held and salary.

Analysis of staff turnover.

Personnel accounting.

Issuing certificates of current and past work activities of employees.

Receiving, filling out, storing and issuing work books, etc.

Procedure for hiring employees

A candidate for a vacant position on the staff of a branch undergoes assessment interviews (interviews) in the personnel department and with the heads of structural divisions (line managers).

When hiring an Employee, the Employer is obliged to:

Familiarize the Employee, against signature, with the Rules, other local regulations of the Employer directly related to the Employee’s work activity, and the Collective Agreement;

Familiarize the Employee with the assigned work, conditions and remuneration, work and rest schedule and explain the rights and responsibilities in accordance with the job description and regulations of the department in which the Employee will carry out his activities;

Instruct on workplace safety rules, fire safety and labor protection.

Procedure for dismissal of Employees

Termination of an employment contract can only take place on the grounds provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

At the initiative of the Employer, the employment contract may be terminated on the grounds provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, in compliance with the procedure and guarantees established by labor legislation and the Collective Agreement of the Employer.

Employees have the right to terminate an employment contract by notifying the Employer in writing no later than two weeks in advance, unless a different warning period for certain categories of Employees is established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation or other federal laws.

By agreement between the Employee and the Employer, the employment contract may be terminated before the expiration of the notice period for dismissal.

In cases provided for by labor legislation, the Employer is obliged to terminate the employment contract within the period specified in the Employee’s application.

Material incentives take place on the basis of the Regulations “On the system of material incentives for employees of OJSC Rostelecom based on work results” (Appendix 9).

Advanced training at the enterprise occurs regularly outside of production at the Perm Training Center and upon completion a document of a certain sample is issued (Appendix 8).

competitiveness assortment legal staff


Many employees of the Rostelecom OJSC organization are “collectivists” and this is an important quality that must be preserved in employees by holding collective events that would further strengthen the team.

Based on the results of the analysis of the organizational structure of OJSC Rostelecom, we can say that the activities of the board are aimed at ensuring the efficient operation of the company, promptly making the most objective decisions in the interests of the company and its shareholders, as well as conscientious, timely and effective execution of decisions of the general meeting of shareholders and the board of directors companies.

The main business goal of OJSC Rostelecom is to increase shareholder value by increasing revenue and profitability, as well as to increase market share in Russia and in the cities where branches are located through the use of the main competitive advantages of the OJSC Rostelecom trademark.

In general, the climate in the organization is favorable; a spirit of unity and harmony reigns in the team

List of used literature

1. Charter of the Open Joint Stock Company of Intercity and International Electrical Communications “Rostelecom”

2. Collective agreement of OJSC Rostelecom.

3. Regulation No. 30/201 dated 02/10/2012. about the Berezniki regional communication center.

4. “Fundamentals of Management” Michael Mescon, Michael Albert, Franklin Khedouri General edition and introductory article by Doctor of Economic Sciences L.I. Evenko. Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow. Publishing house "DELO" 1997

5. “Control Theory” V.I. Korobko

6. Electronic resource:

7. Electronic resource:

8. Electronic resource:

9. Electronic resource:

10. Electronic resource:

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Brief description of the enterprise OJSC Rostelecom

The company was founded on September 23, 1993 in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation No. 1531-1 “On the privatization of state and municipal enterprises in the Russian Federation” dated July 3, 1991 and with the State Program for the Privatization of State and Municipal Enterprises of the Russian Federation for 1992, approved by a resolution of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation No. 2980-1 dated July 11, 1992.

The founder of the Company is the State Committee of the Russian Federation for State Property Management.

The Company is registered in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities under number 1027700198767, the Company is assigned a taxpayer identification number 7707049388. The list of activities carried out is determined by the Charter of the Company.

The Company includes: Corporate center, macro-regional branches, representative office and regional branches.

Macro-regional branches are separate divisions of the Company, located outside the location of the Company and performing part of the Company’s functions, including representative ones, in the coverage area of ​​the Macro-regional branch.

Regional branches are separate divisions of the Company, located outside the location of the Company and performing part of the Company’s functions, including representative ones, in the area of ​​operation of the regional branch.

The representative office is a separate division of the Company, located outside the location of the Company, representing the interests of the Company and their protection. For the purposes of this provision, the corresponding macro-regional branch and regional branches together constitute a macro-region.

The representative office, macro-regional branches and regional branches of the Company (hereinafter referred to as separate structural divisions) operate on the basis of the Charter of the Company, Regulations on Macro-regional/regional branches, Regulations (temporary regulations) on the representative office. Directors of Separate structural divisions act on the basis of powers of attorney issued to them.

Relations between the Corporate Center and the Separate structural divisions of the Company are built on the basis of administrative subordination.

OJSC Rostelecom is the main national long-distance operator in Russia and the only company that has its own extensive network of high-quality digital channels and paths throughout Russia. Rostelecom will provide you with high-quality long-distance communications with any region of the Russian Federation, and international communications with any country in the world.

The Company in its organizational and legal form is an open joint stock company. The company was created for an unlimited period of activity.

The legal status of the Company, the procedure for its activities, reorganization and liquidation, as well as the rights and obligations of the Company's shareholders are determined by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law "On Joint Stock Companies", other Federal laws, other legal acts of the Russian Federation adopted by the relevant government bodies within their powers, as well as this Charter.

Company objectives:

  • · the most complete satisfaction of customer needs for communication services;
  • · introduction of advanced service principles;
  • · comprehensive development based on modern technologies;
  • · increasing the level of profitability and capitalization of the company.

The main strategic goal of Rostelecom is the creation, development and improvement of a unified transport telecommunications environment both within Russia and abroad to ensure the transmission of information flows from regional telecom operators, central and regional television and radio broadcasting companies, and government bodies.

The Company uses unified forms of accounting for primary accounting documentation approved by the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation.

When registering financial and business transactions for which unified forms are not provided, independently developed forms of primary accounting documents are used, containing the mandatory details established by the Federal Law “On Accounting” dated December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ.

The right to sign primary accounting documents, the rules and procedures for organizing document flow, the document flow schedule, and the technology for processing primary accounting documents are regulated by internal organizational and administrative documents, which are developed independently by structural divisions.