Experience in creating a domestic staff recruitment agency. How to open an HR agency from scratch, where to start and how much you can earn. Advertising and customer acquisition

Versatility modern life stimulates a person to achieve a certain social level. Using the latest achievements of progress, it becomes possible to significantly improve the comfort of existence, bring more bright colors into everyday life and diversify leisure time, gain new meaning and your own life style.

Unfortunately, success today is associated with sufficient material security. In pursuit of building a career and getting rich, there is not enough time and energy left to solve everyday problems, raise children, organize household.

Therefore, hiring home assistants is rapidly gaining popularity. The domestic staff services industry is justifiably gaining momentum in development.

An agency for professional search and selection of personnel for family and home is a great business idea. The demand for these services is due to their main value - saving the client’s personal time, professional approach in the arrangement of life, impeccable housekeeping.


The successful activity of a domestic staff recruitment agency does not at all depend on the number of residents of a particular locality. The shortage of such services can be traced in all layers of society and the search for “your” client depends only on proper organization business.

Justification of the idea of ​​developing a business providing domestic staff services.

Latest Trends modern society demonstrate that he uses the services of governesses, housekeepers, nannies, drivers and other assistants great amount families. These specialists help people who are too busy professional activity, in solving everyday problems.

A specialized agency focused on searching and selecting the necessary domestic personnel helps satisfy the client’s need for qualified specialists.

The basic principle of the agency’s functioning, in a sense, copies the work of a standard employment office:
— search and selection of required specialists;
— constant expansion of our own database of job applicants;
— attracting potential clients by popularizing the services provided.

Simply put, a certain database is created about professionals who offer their services. On the other side are clients who want to use the services of a specialist.

In such a case, the agency presents itself as a kind of connecting link, carrying out two-way work, while pursuing the maximum satisfaction of the interests of applicants and potential employers. Clients pay the agency for services provided necessary personnel, and applicants pay for the employment service upon delivery.

Thus, the reputation and fees of an agency providing domestic staff services directly depend on the responsible approach of the agents to the performance of their duties, and can take on a very impressive appearance.

Registration of a domestic staff recruitment agency.

The proposed business is a type of business entrepreneurial activity. To start officially working in the services market, mandatory registration of a business is required in accordance with established norms and rules of law.

To legalize an agency for the selection of domestic staff, the easiest and sufficient way is to draw up the documents of an individual entrepreneur - individual entrepreneur. The advantage of this form of registration is the simplified form of document submission, the absence of mandatory authorized capital, statutory documents are not being developed, availability legal address not necessary.

The following can take advantage of the registration procedure for an individual entrepreneur:

  • - capable citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of 18 at the time of submitting documents;
  • - minors, if there is a court or guardianship decision on legal capacity, permission of parents (guardians), as well as those who have entered into a marriage union;
  • - stateless persons and nationals of other states, upon presentation of a document that identifies the owner with a mark of temporary residence or an issued residence permit.

Before submitting documents for state registration of individual entrepreneurs, it is recommended to decide on the future taxation system, OKVED codes, and register at the local employment center.

The latter is necessary for subsequent compensation of all material costs that the procedure for registering an individual entrepreneur will entail (state fees, notary services, production of seals, stamps, forms, etc.).

Rules state registration regulated Federal law dated 08.08.2001 N 129-FZ “On state registration legal entities and individual entrepreneurs."

The registration procedure is carried out by the tax inspectorate, which operates at the place of permanent residence of the applicant and is guided by the Regulations on the Federal Tax Service.

Registration of an individual entrepreneur is a simple but painstaking process. It is necessary to prepare a mandatory set of documents:

  • The initiator of individual entrepreneur registration fills out an application in accordance with the established form P21001 Appendix No. 18 “Application for state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur.” You only need to fill out sheet A, the second part of the application (sheet B) is filled out by a tax specialist. It must be laced, numbered, and the label “laced and numbered...” attached to the back side and signed by a notary. The application must contain an indication of OKVED codes classifying the further activities of the entrepreneur. When filling out this line of the application, you must use the current edition of the relevant collection. Subsequently, if such a need arises, it will be possible to make adjustments or additions to the nomenclature of codes.
  • Original passport and photocopies of pages with full name and registration on a single sheet.
  • Original identification code with a photocopy attached.
  • The original receipt confirming payment of the state fee is charged for registration of an individual entrepreneur. Details for paying the state duty must be requested from the relevant department of the tax service where the individual entrepreneur is registered.
  • Two copies of the application for the application of the simplified taxation system in form No. 26.2-1. The simplified tax system is optimal for conducting business activities providing services for the selection of domestic staff.
  • Additionally, depending on the type of activity, a police clearance certificate may be required.
  • Foreign citizens, as well as stateless persons, must submit identification documents confirming the right of temporary residence or an issued residence permit.
  • Minors are additionally required to prepare a notarized permission from their parents (adoptive parents, guardians) to conduct business activities, or a copy of the marriage certificate, or a copy of the decision of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities, or a copy of the court decision recognizing the registered person as fully capable

As a rule, registration of an individual entrepreneur is carried out within five to seven working days. Today, the tax service operates on the principle of the so-called “one window” and independently informs the pension fund and the statistics department about a registered individual entrepreneur. Therefore, within the agreed period, the tax authorities are issued:

  • Certificate of state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur (OGRNIP).
  • Extract from a single state register individual entrepreneurs (USRIP).
  • Notification of registration of individual entrepreneurs with the tax authority Form 2-3-Accounting.
  • Notification of registration of individual entrepreneurs with the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence.
  • Notification of assignment of statistics codes from Rosstat.

Rejection of registration of an individual entrepreneur may be caused by the provision of false information, a criminal record, bankruptcy less than a year ago, the presence of errors and omissions in the documents being filled out, an incomplete set of documents, or sending documents to the inappropriate registration authority.

Opening a bank account and subsequently providing information about it to the tax service, purchasing a seal for an individual entrepreneur and a cash register are not mandatory requirements.


Success in the development of any enterprise depends directly on a properly selected team of specialists. Qualifications and professional potential are fundamental factors when selecting candidates.

For the full-fledged operation of an agency engaged in the selection of domestic staff, it will be necessary to form a staff of employees: an administrator or office manager, a specialist (manager) in working with clients, a specialist (manager) in personnel selection, a psychologist, a system administrator.


A good administrator is an indispensable office worker. His responsibilities include receiving and forwarding telephone calls, coordinating the work of other employees, organizing order in office space, carrying out necessary purchases, organizing workplaces, and other management functions.

A candidate for the position of administrator must have a higher education, preferably experience in a similar field, knowledge of the operating features of office equipment and PCs. An office administrator must have the following personal qualities: ease and clarity of presentation of thoughts, sociability, pleasant appearance, ability to persuade, energy, responsibility, accuracy, organizational skills, etc.

Account Manager.

Mobilizing new clients and maintaining existing relationships determines the effectiveness of the agency as a whole. The task of finding, attracting and maintaining clients falls on the customer service specialist. Organizing a meeting, conducting negotiations, filling out an application for personnel selection, concluding contracts for the provision of services, forming a client base - this is not a complete list of the responsibilities of this employee.

Competence, politeness, tact, skill business communication, basic knowledge of psychology, the ability to make the right decisions allow a manager to achieve a certain level in professional growth. The manager is required to have higher education majoring in psychology, marketing or management.

Recruitment specialist.

The consideration of applicants for the vacancy of the specified specialist should be approached with particular seriousness. In this case, having practical skills in the recruitment industry is simply necessary. The employee will be required to competently search for the required candidate, conduct a comprehensive interview at the highest level, and fill the most sought-after vacancies with applicants.

The recruitment specialist (manager) creates and maintains a database consisting of detailed information of job applicants. In many ways, the positive reputation of an agency depends on the qualified and serious execution of its job responsibilities specialist responsible for quality personnel selection.

System Administrator.

To optimize work processes, the agency office is necessarily equipped with computer and office equipment. For timely maintenance, setup, maintenance of equipment, installation of various programs and office applications, creation and technical support of existing databases, server administration and many other maintenance tasks information systems and communications in the office, a staff member such as a system administrator comes to the rescue.

Its main task is to organize the uninterrupted functioning of all computer and related equipment, ensure the safe operation of information networks, and administer server systems.


At the initial stage of business development, this position may well remain vacant. Or use one-time jobs this specialist if necessary, conduct psychological training for the team, testing clients or applicants, etc.

In accordance with Labor Code individual entrepreneur When hiring a new employee, he is obliged to enter into a written employment agreement. If the agency starts labor activity– starts employment history.

If there is a previously issued employment record, a corresponding entry is made about the employee’s hiring. In this case, the entrepreneur additionally registers with pension fund, insurance authorities as an employer and policyholder. The individual entrepreneur pays the necessary contributions to the Social Insurance Fund and the Pension Fund, and also pays taxes on income individuals, i.e. employee.
To top it all off, the employer has the right to arrange health insurance for employees.


A favorable image is the key to successful promotion of a business project in the market of goods and services. The image of a domestic staff recruitment agency reflects the recognition and trust of clients, creates a certain impression in public circles, and ensures a strong position in the fierce competition in the market for the provision of domestic staff recruitment services.

Activities to create and improve the company’s image are a long-term, scrupulous and labor-intensive business process, consisting of a great many separate areas.

An office is a business tool.

To organize effective work of employees, conduct negotiations, make appointments and perform other functional tasks of the agency, you need your own office. The visual impression of the room is representative. It is beneficial to attract attention potential clients or partners to the company's activities is facilitated by a well-thought-out appearance office.

The organization of each employee’s workplace, observing the rules of ergonomics and personal space, should ensure the possibility of comfortable work professional responsibilities. Spaciousness, sufficient lighting of the room, proper placement of office equipment and necessary furniture significantly improves the overall atmosphere.

But the office serves not only as a place of work for agency employees, but also as the “face” of the company. Therefore, the arrangement of space should be organically combined with the main direction of activity. Every visitor to a domestic staffing agency should feel a cozy atmosphere, feel at ease and comfortable.

Alternatively, the office can be decorated in the style of a studio apartment or living room, complemented with fresh flowers and compositions, an indoor fountain, an aquarium or a bird cage. The possible waiting area should consist of a sufficient number of comfortable seating areas (sofas, armchairs), a coffee table with current press and brochures containing complete information about the activities and features of this company.

When choosing office space, you should pay special attention to the appearance of the building; you should not dwell on unkempt buildings, former factories, hospitals, etc. The territorial location of the agency should not cause difficulties in finding and traveling.

Agency name and corporate logo.

The validity of the saying about the relationship between the name of a ship and its sailing prospects has been repeatedly confirmed in practice. The most ordinary product under a resonant brand is sold more successfully than its higher-quality, but “nameless” analogues.

Choosing a suitable name for the agency will require a lot of work and ingenuity. First, you need to familiarize yourself with the names of competing companies already existing in the region, excluding possible duplications. The uniqueness and originality of the name will help you not to get lost in the crowd and will have a positive impact on the prospects for the development of your business.

The name should be concise, but at the same time carry a semantic load. Abstract and too short names are difficult to perceive and remember. Dictionaries, special vocabulary, and thesaurus will be useful for finding a couple of original options. It is unacceptable for a name to exist autonomously; it must evoke certain associations that are in some way related to the type of activity of the agency. In the future, a name invented today can become a highly paid brand.

A good name, like an expensive wine, requires aging. There is no need to rush to make a final decision; after a few days, frankly weak ideas are eliminated, leaving a truly worthwhile option. A worthy name always contributes to the prestige of a company.

With a logo, things follow approximately the same algorithm - monitoring of ideas, associations, ease of perception, information content, color scheme. This is a brand name that over time is forced to become quite recognizable, but not lose its relevance.

Development of a personal website for an agency.

Due to technological progress, a person solves many everyday tasks using Internet resources: paying bills, purchasing goods, making an appointment with a doctor, etc. Searching for a job or a necessary service in a specific city is no exception. Therefore, having a website will significantly save personal time and money on tedious searches and luring potential clients and applicants.

The website contains complete information about the types of services provided, available vacancies, principles of mutually beneficial cooperation, guarantees, costs, contacts, etc.

A business card is a miniature presentation of a business.

In modern business circles, having your own business card is considered a sign of good form. A well-designed business card has a representative appearance and fully reflects the business profile and image of the owner. One of the methods of effective advertising is the exchange of business cards - a special ritual aimed at attracting new clients and strengthening business relationships.

The advantage of this attribute business style is accessibility and maximum information content. The layout developed by specialists should elegantly combine the agency’s name, logo, attractive slogan, brief overview of the type of activity, and contacts.

To business card was not visually overloaded, you can use the option of two-sided placement of information.

Already in the process of full-fledged functioning of the agency for the selection of domestic staff business reputation consists of the professionalism of the specialists involved and the quality of the services provided.

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Marketing research of the social level, lifestyle of the population and the market for the provision of services in a particular locality will help determine the main areas of activity, namely, the most popular services and vacancies for home assistants.

To develop a business, a large-scale advertising program is required. Dissemination of information about the recruitment of candidates for the positions of home assistants by the new agency in specialized print media and free regional newspapers helps attract potential clients. In addition, you should independently study the available offers of job seekers and the demand for the required personnel.

Agency employees review candidates' resumes, make appointments, conduct interviews to double-check qualifications and professional skills, and check the accuracy of recommendations from previous places of employment.

Thus, a base of job applicants is formed. Filling the database with a sufficient number of candidates of various specialties allows us to maximally satisfy the individual requirements of people in need of domestic staff services.

For each applicant, agency specialists register a in electronic format a separate card indicating:

  • — Full name of the applicant;
  • - age;
  • general characteristics personal data;
  • — information about education, qualifications, courses completed, etc.;
  • — data on work experience;
  • - the position for which he is applying;
  • - level of desired salary;
  • — possible work schedule;
  • - contacts;
  • - other.

Mandatory support of the electronic personal file with photocopies is required necessary documents, recommendations from previous places of work, color photos, a current certificate of medical examination, a certificate of no criminal record.

Anyone wishing to use the services of domestic staff must fill out an application to select the required specialist. The application displays the following data:

  • - FULL NAME;
  • — area of ​​residence;
  • - contacts;
  • — profile of required services;
  • — requirements for a job applicant;
  • - range of duties;
  • — requirements for performing the work;
  • - expected work schedule;
  • — possible remuneration;
  • — deadlines for completing the application.

From the moment the client submits an application, the HR specialist begins searching and selecting a candidate who best meets the customer’s requirements. Depending on the complexity of the order and the requirements put forward, the application can be processed from several hours to several days, after which a personal meeting between the applicant and the employer is agreed upon.

The meeting takes place at the agency’s office, people get to know each other, clarify possible nuances, and if mutual interest in cooperation is achieved, the duration is agreed upon probationary period. After the client confirms his readiness to hire a test subject, a tripartite agreement is drawn up, which describes all the working conditions, payment for services, contract duration, duties and responsibilities of the parties.

The agreement is drawn up in three copies - to the employee, the employer and the agency represented by the individual entrepreneur.


The active position of the domestic staff recruitment agency pursues the main goal of quickly and efficiently satisfying the wishes of its clients. There is no universal database of vacancies; it depends solely on the demand for the services of a particular specialist. The most popular remain:

  • - nannies;
  • - housekeepers;
  • - cooks;
  • - governesses;
  • - gardeners;
  • - managers;
  • - drivers;
  • - security guards;
  • - nurses;
  • - married couples.


The services of a professional nanny are aimed at comprehensive care and upbringing of the child. Based on the individual wishes of the parents and the age of the baby, all nannies can be classified:

1. Babysitter for babies. The candidate must have a medical education, baby massage skills, know the developmental features of a newborn, the rules of infant hygiene, have practical experience in preparing proper and healthy nutrition taking into account the state of health, and apply developmental methods fine motor skills, tactile perception of objects, organs of vision and hearing, perform exercises with the child to strengthen muscles and joints. The nanny's responsibilities include comprehensive care baby, regular walks, physical and psychological development, keeping the children's room and toys clean, caring for children's clothes.
2. Nanny-educator. Works with preschool and junior children school age. Has a pedagogical (musical) or medical education, and certain experience in the specialty. The responsibilities of a teacher include intellectual and physical development, spiritual education, assistance in preparing school assignments, organizing leisure activities, comprehensive care, first aid.
3. Governess. Designed to look after children aged three to four years. In addition to the duties performed by nannies, the governess is involved in the education of the child, helps in the development of his personality, develops logic, memory, speech culture, sense of taste, tact and aesthetics. At the discretion of the parents, the governess teaches languages ​​and helps in mastering musical instrument, fundamentals of choreography and painting.


The name speaks for itself - it ensures proper order and impeccable cleanliness of the home. The responsibilities of a housekeeper include general cleaning of all premises, washing dishes, washing clothes, ironing, caring for furniture, clothing, indoor plants, pets, as directed by the employer, putting personal belongings in order, purchasing the necessary supplies to perform duties, and performing a number of minor other duties. instructions.


The level of professionalism must be sufficient to provide the family with tasty, healthy and balanced nutrition. The cook independently purchases food, draws up and coordinates a weekly menu taking into account the taste preferences of all family members, prepares and serves dishes, controls the quality and freshness of products, keeps the kitchen clean, and organizes banquets.


Performs all work on growing plants in the garden and flower garden, mowing lawns, cleaning open areas, implementing ideas for landscape design, maintaining the working condition of garden equipment, and monitoring the functionality of communications.


The personal driver is responsible for the timely delivery of the car and the safe movement of family members around the city and beyond. In addition, the driver personally diagnoses the car and monitors the serviceability of all mechanisms and systems, and carries out business orders if necessary.


The services of this specialist are required to care for elderly, incapacitated or sick people. Responsibilities include monitoring and informing employers about the state of health, timely use of medications by the patient, assistance in hygiene procedures, accompaniment on walks, feeding and cooking, quartzing the patient’s room, ventilating the room, cleaning, changing linen, purchasing medicines and food.


The manager ensures the organization of the entire complex of housework, controls the performance of duties of other service personnel, and conducts financial statements on the cost of running a household.

Married couple.

Some clients express a desire to hire a married couple. Usually services married couple used by owners of country houses. With a large amount of housework, there is no need to hire several outsiders at once, who will spend some time building interpersonal relationships.

A family is already a well-coordinated team. All housekeeping responsibilities are conventionally divided into male and female. In this case, there is a conflict-free and rational distribution of housework. A woman does cleaning, ironing, laundry, caring for clothes, and looking after pets.

The man bears the responsibility for carrying out minor repairs, maintaining the surrounding area, landscaping the garden plot, etc.

The requirements for personnel are individual and vary in accordance with the wishes of the client.


The search and selection of domestic staff is mainly carried out with the aim of establishing long-term relationships between the customer of services and the direct performer. Clients appear who require one-time services, for example: a nanny for the evening, a gardener to trim trees, a carpenter for minor repairs, etc.

The agency has the ability to provide the client with an appropriate specialist high level. Payment for services is made based on the specialist’s total employment—actually man-hours worked.

Hourly work is also distinguished by professionals whose services are not required daily or for a full working day:

  • - hairdresser;
  • - massage therapist;
  • - trainer;
  • - manicurist;
  • - psychologist;
  • - Feng Shui specialist;
  • - stylist;
  • - tutor and others.

The task of a recruitment agency is to ensure that its candidates improve their professional skills. Conducting trainings, advanced training courses, educational seminars and lectures on your own is possible only with licensing of activities.

Care should be taken to establish contacts with institutions that will provide training opportunities on a commercial basis with the subsequent issuance of a supporting document.


Achieving the set goals in the field of service for the provision of domestic staff services is associated with gaining trust and recognition of the agency’s activities by an audience of potential clients.

First of all, it is necessary to create a friendly, comfortable atmosphere in the agency team. Each specialist must have an understanding of the specifics of the work performed by other employees and, if necessary, replace them at the workplace.

Personal initiative in the work of each employee, mutual respect and pursuit of a common goal strengthens interpersonal relationships, creating a favorable socio-psychological climate.

The prestige of the leader in the team is a guarantee of the prestige of the entire agency. The ability to competently build work processes and relationships in a team is transformed into successful business activities involving domestic staff.

Responsible and qualified performance of the duties of each specialist makes it possible to create a high-quality data bank. A holistic approach to personnel selection eliminates as much as possible the risks of offering the client an unscrupulous employee.

The agency guarantees for each proposed candidate. If the customer is dissatisfied with the quality of the home assistant’s work, the agency undertakes to replace him with another specialist as soon as possible or compensate for the costs.

Management provides personnel and job seekers with regular training to improve professionalism, improve skills, and acquire new work opportunities. There is constant personal growth, which contributes to the long-term development of the agency.

The agency operates under the principles of confidentiality and code of ethics. This affects not only information received in the office. Each specialist working in a family undertakes not to disseminate personal information about the employer, the level of his social status, or facts of his personal life. Relationships are built on the laws of honor and morality.

With absence unified system selection of the required specialist, each application is processed individually, taking into account all the customer’s requirements. An individual approach satisfies even the most high requirements client.

The agency does not interrupt its support of clients and applicants at the moment of signing the contract and receiving payment for the services provided. Related work is carried out throughout the actual period of provision of services. You can get qualified help, support or advice at any time. Acting as a liaison, the agency represents and protects the interests of both parties.

Agency employees are interested in high-quality provision of services, because... each client subsequently leaves feedback on the agency’s work and letters of recommendation for staff. A high percentage of positive reviews and recommendations indicates a correctly chosen business strategy.

Clients, turning to a domestic staff recruitment agency, entrust us with their most valuable assets: children, home, family. Conscientious attitude towards the responsibilities of the entire team of specialists, a sense of personal responsibility, correct determination of the motivation of candidates, diverse verification of the accuracy of information and personal qualities allow us to justify the highest degree of customer trust.

The style of a successful agency is open, transparent, sincere and strong relationships with clients, a predominantly individual approach, and always providing high-quality services.

The agency receives an application from an employer to select a nanny, driver, etc., and employees begin calling candidates in their database, talking about the conditions of the proposed work. If the conditions are suitable, the candidate and employer are invited to an interview in the office. If both parties like each other, the employee can go on a trial working day, then a contract is concluded for a period of six months to a year.

What are the disadvantages of domestic staff recruitment agencies?

  • Payment for agency services is 50-100% of the first salary of hired personnel
  • In most cases, you need to go to the agency’s office, choose a time for this, and more often you need to go to several agencies, since they do not have a single personnel base. In the case of working with the Domestikus database, you, bypassing the manager at the agency, find a candidate who meets your formal requirements (work schedule, place of residence, experience and responsibilities) and organize the meeting yourself.
  • The agency does not bear any legal responsibility for the person who comes to your home. You can verify this by asking the agency to add a liability clause to the standard contract. So, if one fine day your “beautiful nanny” disappears in an unknown direction, taking a mink coat or diamonds, no one will compensate you for the damage. The only thing you have the right to demand in case of dissatisfaction with the hired servant is to provide a replacement free of charge and within a short time.
  • No matter how much agencies talk about the exclusivity of working specifically with your order, the company must offer competitive prices, one, and take care of the profit margin, two. It is clear that the more candidates are shown to you when they come to the office, the greater the likelihood of concluding an agreement. In a word, a conveyor selection method. Meetings with candidates are scheduled at best with an interval of 15-20 minutes, and at worst they sit in the corridor and go to the meeting room with the employer in the general queue. In practice, candidates are shown in descending order of “professional suitability”, and the latter are even offered “at random”.
We personally visited about a dozen agencies to see how they work. Each of them had approximately the same picture. The fact that they are not directly searching for your request is evidenced by the fact that after your first visit to the office, not a single agency called back within two weeks offering new candidates. That is, a request was received from the employer - a selection was made from the current database - everyone was invited to the office - an agreement was concluded.
If no one comes up from the first meeting, they forget about the client. Knowing this principle, be sure that in an attempt to convince you to hire their candidate, the agency managers will put the maximum possible psychological pressure on you. This is evidenced by the fact that most agencies have a full-time vacancy for a psychologist. We are absolutely independent and impartial.

And, of course, only a small number of agencies have a good electronic database of candidates, where the information is structured and easy to understand. With us, all resumes are filled out to the same standard, which speeds up the selection and comparison of applicants suitable for a specific vacancy.

Housekeepers, governesses, drivers, tutors - these specialists are becoming increasingly in demand today. Where to look for such people? How can you be sure of their professionalism?

These questions interest many job seekers. That is why the question of how to open a recruitment agency is becoming increasingly relevant. After all, this can become a really interesting and profitable business.

What is such an agency? Basic operating principles

If you are interested in how to open a recruitment agency, then you are probably wondering how exactly such enterprises work. It's actually quite simple. The clients of such agencies are employers - people who are looking for a particular specialist.

Since in most cases the company offers domestic staff services, clients are accordingly looking for nannies, governesses, tutors, gardeners, cleaners, cooks, etc. For example, if both parents are busy with work, then they need a person who will look after the child or keep the house clean, from time to time pamper yourself with delicious home-cooked dishes.

Of course, you don’t want to take anyone into your home - employers want to hire only really good people who you can trust. The agency is an intermediary between the employer and a specialist in a particular field.

Where does the profit come from?

In fact, a domestic staffing firm can be a profitable business. This business doesn't require much starting capital, but its development requires a lot of time and effort. So where does the money come from?

Many agencies charge employers a small bonus for finding the perfect employee. In addition, money is paid by those people who are looking for work. Here you can already choose the system yourself. In some companies, employees pay a certain amount immediately after registration, and the agency guarantees them decent employment.

Some enterprises take 50–100% of the first salary of a hired specialist. On the other hand, you can charge a small monthly fee for having an employee or employer in your database. In any case, on initial stages It is best to establish a convenient and understandable payment scheme.

How to open a recruitment agency? Package of official documents

Of course, such activity is considered entrepreneurial. How to open a recruitment agency? First you need to register with the tax service.

In this case best option- is to register as an individual entrepreneur. This will give you some additional benefits, such as a simplified accounting system, fewer required documents, etc. It is worth noting that individual entrepreneurship usually opens five or seven days after submitting the necessary documents.

Where to rent office space and how to arrange it?

If you are interested in how to open a domestic staffing agency, you should know that you will need to have your own office. Of course, it doesn't have to be big. However, remember that the decor and atmosphere of your office will demonstrate the solidity and quality of your company's work - this is what clients will pay attention to first of all.

The location of the office is not so important here, but it is best to choose it somewhere in a busy part of the city, for example, in central region or in the business center. On the other hand, if you do not have such an opportunity, then the office can be located somewhere on the periphery - in this case, you will need to spend more time and invest in advertising.

As for the office itself, it should be bright, clean, and demonstrate success, responsibility and professionalism. There is no need for any sophisticated decorations - minimalism will be in place.

It is advisable that the office have at least three separate rooms. In the hallway, for example, you can place a secretary's desk, place several comfortable chairs or sofas - this is where clients will be greeted. In addition, interview rooms are needed, as well as space for working staff.

Naturally, you will need to purchase computer equipment, including printer and scanner. Storing customer data in a computer system is much easier.

Selection of permanent employees

Of course, if you open a small agency, then at first you can do all the work yourself. However, this takes time. And as the company develops, you will need assistants, because the domestic staff recruitment agency must work smoothly.

To begin with, you need a secretary who will answer calls, meet clients, create a schedule and monitor it. In addition, you need to hire a HR specialist. He will conduct interviews with job applicants, help them fill out forms, check backgrounds, etc.

It is quite possible that conversations with employers will also require an additional employee who can figure out what exactly the client needs. Don’t forget that someone will have to do the accounting, be responsible for advertising, conduct a regular search for new applicants, etc.

Some experts advise hiring a full-time psychologist who can assess some of the qualities of people, job seekers, as well as the characteristics and desires of clients offering a particular position. In any case, all employees of your company should be sociable, pleasant, unobtrusive, and diplomatic. Leadership qualities, the ability to express thoughts clearly and clearly, as well as persuasion, will also not hurt.

Where to find professional job seekers?

Of course, the selection of domestic staff is an extremely responsible matter, which must be approached seriously. After all, employers turn to you for help, completely relying on your opinion. You must provide them with professional employees who can be trusted.

  • Personnel decides everything
  • Specification
  • Stages of business organization
  • Payback period

A recruitment agency is a specific business that does not require large start-up capital. It is not difficult to organize such a business; it is much more difficult to turn it into a successful enterprise, with an impressive client base and a stable income. In this article we will tell readers of the site https://site/ how to open recruitment agency from scratch, providing step by step instructions with advice.

Personnel decides everything

Important for a recruitment agency business qualities organizer, his acumen and determination are greater than the amount of investment. Opening a recruitment organization will cost a penny, but it may remain a penny enterprise that has no chance of becoming a serious business. To avoid failure, you need to know some nuances and go step by step from creating a working concept to its implementation.

Serious companies and large enterprises highly value qualified specialists. There is a real hunt for them abroad. Promising young people come to the attention of corporations already at the college stage. They are monitored by recruitment agencies. There is also an active fight against the “burnt-out employee effect,” which indicates the high cost of professional skills in the labor market.

Attention! The Russian labor market offers employment specialists a paradoxical situation. On the one hand, there is a high unemployment rate, on the other, there is a high demand for qualified personnel. This is especially true for large cities. Opening a recruitment agency in a city where there are no sources of income other than the public sector is a waste of time and money.

Accordingly, the basic principles of operation of the personnel center:

  1. Look for large clients and customers.
  2. Immediately open an active and effective hunt for talented or at least capable specialists.
  3. Strive to expand business. This does not imply opening branches; the development of the service will be relevant here - effective selection personnel that meet customer requirements in the shortest possible time, which will attract new clients and leave competing agencies behind.

The success and fastest possible payback period for a business directly depend on the work of the company’s employees. Therefore, special attention should be paid to personnel selection.

It is worth noting that, despite total unemployment in the country, there is a shortage of highly qualified specialists. Large enterprises are fighting in every possible way for qualified personnel and are ready to pay high salaries employees who meet all their requirements. However, finding truly responsible and trained people is not easy.

Not every entrepreneur understands human psychology and knows how to select wide-profile specialists, in connection with this, there is an urgent need for the existence of recruitment agencies. Therefore, in this publication, we will talk about how to open a recruitment agency from scratch and make it popular.

Why are recruitment agencies needed?

There are quite a few profitable ideas business, one of them is opening a recruitment agency.

What is it and what is its purpose?

The recruitment agency is engaged in the selection and training of personnel for factories, private enterprises and companies of various specializations and directions.

The main goal of the agency is to save time and money for managers large enterprises and firms, provide them with qualified staff who meet all the requirements.

It would seem much easier to hire a person who will form a staff, conduct interviews and hire good shots. But the fact is that not everyone has the skill of selecting and training personnel; this is a delicate matter that cannot be entrusted to just anyone. It is worth noting that about 80% of business success directly depends on the work of employees. Therefore, it is an unaffordable luxury to be irresponsible in the formation of staff.

It has been proven by many experiments that it is much more profitable to entrust the selection and training of personnel to a recruitment agency than to pay for the work of an employee who will be involved in this matter.

Where to start opening a recruitment agency? As in any other field of activity, opening a recruitment agency should start with choosing a direction.

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Types of recruitment agencies

Recruiting agencies

These agencies search for workers for factories, enterprises, companies of various specializations and directions. The purpose of such organizations is that they receive a certain percentage for the employment of each citizen. The services of recruiting agencies are entirely paid for by the employer, thus this organization is an intermediary between the employer and the person seeking income. To attract as many employees as possible, you should convince them of the correct choice and advisability of contacting your agency. To do this, it is necessary to short time find the candidate the necessary job that meets his wishes, while taking into account the stated requirements of the employer.

Narrow-profile recruitment agencies

These organizations specialize in a specific area. Their task is to constantly select and train employees who meet the stated requirements. It's not easy to do this this work She is very responsible and therefore paid quite well. As a rule, such agencies take money from employers, who, in turn, guarantee employees who meet all the criteria. Most often, such agencies specialize in the selection of domestic staff to work in private homes and hotels.


These are agencies that recruit highly qualified and already trained employees with work experience. Most often, these organizations are engaged in luring workers from one organization to another. The cost of services from such an agency is very high, but it is worth it. Large entrepreneurs spare no expense in paying for high-quality work and forming a highly qualified staff of workers.

International recruitment agencies

These organizations are engaged in the employment of workers abroad in reputable companies and firms. For such an agency to exist, you will need to obtain a license. In turn, you guarantee the employee official employment and job security, and he pays for the agency’s services. Today it is quite difficult to find a job abroad on your own; many scammers only defraud people of money. And the existence of international agencies is an opportunity to get a good position abroad. Therefore, there are quite a lot of people who want to use the services of international employment agencies.

How to open your own recruitment agency?

Having understood the types of agencies that offer recruitment services, you can start opening your own recruitment agency.

Business registration

To get started, you must register with the tax office. First of all, choose the most suitable form of activity. You can register as a sole proprietor or as a limited liability company.

After registration and receipt of all permits for activity, it is necessary to rent an office, make repairs there and equip a place for employees. Next, you can get to work.

Database creation

Scheme of work of recruitment agencies

The work of recruitment agencies seems simple and easy only in appearance, but in fact it is a lot of work. To succeed in the recruitment business, you need to clearly understand and follow the work flow of a recruitment agency. Let's talk about this in more detail.

The activity of a recruitment agency consists of several stages:

  • Search for a customer. At this stage, you collect all information about the employer, company, conditions of employment, vacant positions. Next, you need to enter into cooperation agreements with firms, factories, and large companies that require employees.
  • Search for employees. At this stage, you already have the necessary information about current positions and vacant positions; you need to select personnel that meet the customer’s requirements. To do this, you need to create a questionnaire to search for employees. The application must include as much as possible detailed information, documented.

About the candidate you should know:

  • Personal data (name, surname, place of residence);
  • Education, which is confirmed by a diploma of the appropriate type;
  • Work experience confirmed by documents (work book with records, recommendations from previous employers);
  • Age and family background;
  • Additional information at your discretion.

How to find candidates?

There are several options for finding employees:

  1. Advertisements in the media. Job advertisements are submitted to newspapers, magazines, television and radio advertising is ordered;
  2. Direct search for candidates from students who have graduated from the institute. Your agency can establish cooperation with senior educational institutions, and thus obtain trained employees that meet customer requirements;
  3. Searching for employees via the Internet. By using social networks and forums, you can find qualified workers and offer them mutually beneficial cooperation.

After creating a database of clients and employers, employees of the recruitment agency conduct interviews during which they determine the capabilities of job seekers and offer them possible option and help you find a job in your desired position. Some recruitment agencies also provide training for workers, for an additional fee, of course.

Profit from a recruitment agency

Naturally, such organizations were not created and, moreover, did not work for free. The profit of a recruitment agency directly depends on its specialization and the number of prisoners employment contracts. It is worth noting that this type of business does not guarantee you a stable and passive income. In this field of activity, more than anywhere else, everything depends on the well-coordinated work of the team and the authority of the agency. Earn money good feedback It’s not easy, but you can lose your authority in a moment. Therefore, in order to stay in the midst of such large quantity competitors, you need to work hard all year round.